--- title: "691: 2023-05-11" date: 2023-05-11T06:06:29-07:00 tags: [] contests: ["2023-05-relay-mode"] words: ["ethic","group","broad","brown","broom"] openers: ["ethic"] middlers: ["group","broad","brown"] puzzles: [691] hashes: ["AAAAAACCAACCCAACCCAACCCCCXXXXX"] shifts: ["hywxw"] state: { "boardState": [ "ethic", "group", "broad", "brown", "broom", "" ], "evaluations": [ [ "absent", "absent", "absent", "absent", "absent" ], [ "absent", "correct", "correct", "absent", "absent" ], [ "correct", "correct", "correct", "absent", "absent" ], [ "correct", "correct", "correct", "absent", "absent" ], [ "correct", "correct", "correct", "correct", "correct" ], null ], "rowIndex": 5, "solution": "broom", "gameStatus": "WIN", "lastPlayedTs": 1683810389296, "lastCompletedTs": 1683810389296, "hardMode": true, "settings": { "hardMode": true, "darkMode": true, "colorblindMode": false }, "gameId": 1476, "dayOffset": 691, "timestamp": 1683810389 } stats: { "currentStreak": 28, "maxStreak": 28, "guesses": { "1": 0, "2": 1, "3": 9, "4": 11, "5": 8, "6": 0, "fail": 0 }, "winPercentage": 100, "gamesPlayed": 29, "gamesWon": 29, "averageGuesses": 4, "isOnStreak": true, "hasPlayed": true } --- flirting with failure but got lucky to end it. felt like there were still plenty of options