*rake.txt* It's like rails.vim without the rails Author: Tim Pope License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|) This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. INTRODUCTION *rake* This plugin is designed to let you use your favorite rails.vim commands in a plain old Ruby project. Projects are detected by searching for a Rakefile up the directory hierarchy. Projects without a Rakefile will also be detected if they sit inside the gem path, making this plugin ideal for "gem open" or "bundle open". COMMANDS *rake-commands* *rake-:Rake* :Rake [task] Invoke |:make| followed by |:cwindow| with rake as the 'makeprg'. Uses `bin/rake` if available. *rake-:Cd* *rake-:Rcd* :Cd [directory] |:cd| relative to the project. *rake-:Lcd* *rake-:Rlcd* :Lcd [directory] |:lcd| relative to the project. *rake-:A* *rake-:R* :A [file] With no argument, edits the "alternate" file (the test for an implementation file and vice versa). With an argument, edit that file, relative to the Gem's root. *rake-:AS* *rake-:RS* :AS [file] Like |:A|, but horizontally split. *rake-:AV* *rake-:RV* :AV [file] Like |:A|, but vertically split. *rake-:AT* *rake-:RT* :AT [file] Like |:A|, but use a new tab. *rake-:AD* *rake-:RD* :AD {file} Like |:A|, but :read the file in. *rake-:Elib* *rake-:Rlib* :Elib [file] Edit a Ruby file under lib/, or Gemfile if no argument is given. Variants exist for :Slib (|:split|), :Vlib (|:vsplit|), :Tlib (|:tabedit|), and :Dlib (|:read|). *rake-:Etest* *rake-:Rtest* :Etest [file] Edit a test file under test/ or a spec file under spec/. Defaults to the test helper or spec helper. Has the same variants as |:Elib|. *rake-:Espec* *rake-:Rspec* :Espec [file] Edit a spec file under spec/ or a test file under test/. Defaults to the spec helper or test helper. Has the same variants as |:Elib|. The only difference between this command and |:Etest| is which gets precedence when both files exist. *rake-:Etask* *rake-:Rtask* :Etask [file] Edit a .rake file under rakelib/, or Rakefile if no argument is given. Has the same variants as |:Elib|. *rake-:Ctags* *rake-:Rtags* :Ctags Removed without replacement. *g:rake_legacy* Set g:rake_legacy to 1 to enable the old, legacy R command variants. This option will eventually be removed. *rake-ruby-c-extensions* This plugin supports Ruby C extension files usually located under ext/. For those C files 'path' is enhanced with correct Ruby include directory. With this you can use |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-I| completion and |[i|, |[d| families of mappings and commands on all the macros and functions provided by ruby.h header file. ABOUT *rake-about* Grab the latest version or report a bug on GitHub: http://github.com/tpope/vim-rake vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: