*unimpaired.txt* Pairs of handy bracket mappings Author: Tim Pope License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|) This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. INTRODUCTION *unimpaired* This plugin provides several pairs of bracket maps. NEXT AND PREVIOUS *unimpaired-next* The following maps all correspond to normal mode commands. If a count is given, it becomes an argument to the command. A mnemonic for the "a" commands is "args" and for the "q" commands is "quickfix". *[a* |:previous| *]a* |:next| *[A* |:first| *]A* |:last| *[b* |:bprevious| *]b* |:bnext| *[B* |:bfirst| *]B* |:blast| *[l* |:lprevious| *]l* |:lnext| *[L* |:lfirst| *]L* |:llast| *[* |:lpfile| *]* |:lnfile| *[q* |:cprevious| *]q* |:cnext| *[Q* |:cfirst| *]Q* |:clast| *[* |:cpfile| (Note that only works in a terminal if you disable *]* |:cnfile| flow control: stty -ixon) *[t* |:tprevious| *]t* |:tnext| *[T* |:tfirst| *]T* |:tlast| *[* |:ptprevious| *]* |:ptnext| *[f* [f Go to the file preceding the current one alphabetically in the current file's directory. In the quickfix window, equivalent to |:colder|. *]f* ]f Go to the file succeeding the current one alphabetically in the current file's directory. In the quickfix window, equivalent to |:cnewer|. *[n* [n Go to the previous SCM conflict marker or diff/patch hunk. Try d[n inside a conflict. *]n* ]n Go to the next SCM conflict marker or diff/patch hunk. Try d]n inside a conflict. LINE OPERATIONS *unimpaired-lines* *[* [ Add [count] blank lines above the cursor. *]* ] Add [count] blank lines below the cursor. *[e* *v_[e* [e Exchange the current line with [count] lines above it. *]e* *v_]e* ]e Exchange the current line with [count] lines below it. OPTION TOGGLING *unimpaired-toggling* On Off Toggle Option *[ob* *]ob* *yob* 'background' (dark is off, light is on) *[oc* *]oc* *yoc* 'cursorline' *[od* *]od* *yod* 'diff' (actually |:diffthis| / |:diffoff|) *[oh* *]oh* *yoh* 'hlsearch' *[oi* *]oi* *yoi* 'ignorecase' *[ol* *]ol* *yol* 'list' *[on* *]on* *yon* 'number' *[or* *]or* *yor* 'relativenumber' *[os* *]os* *yos* 'spell' *[ot* *]ot* *yot* 'colorcolumn' ("+1" or last used value) *[ou* *]ou* *you* 'cursorcolumn' *[ov* *]ov* *yov* 'virtualedit' *[ow* *]ow* *yow* 'wrap' *[ox* *]ox* *yox* 'cursorline' 'cursorcolumn' (x as in crosshairs) The mnemonic for y is that if you tilt it a bit it looks like a switch. *s* *=s* Alternative prefixes for on/off/toggle: s, =s. PASTING *unimpaired-pasting* These are experimental: *>p* Paste after linewise, increasing indent. *>P* Paste before linewise, increasing indent. * => <foo bar="baz"> {Visual}[x *]x* *]xx* *v_]x* ]x{motion} XML decode. HTML entities are handled as well. ]xx {Visual}]x *[u* *[uu* *v_[u* [u{motion} URL encode. [uu foo bar => foo%20bar {Visual}[u *]u* *]uu* *v_]u* ]u{motion} URL decode. ]uu {Visual}]u *[y* *[yy* *v_[y* *[C* *[CC* *v_[C* [y{motion} C String encode. Backslash escape control [yy characters, quotation marks, and backslashes. {Visual}[y [C{motion} [CC {Visual}[C *]y* *]yy* *v_]y* *]C* *]CC* *v_]C* ]y{motion} C String decode. ]yy {Visual}]y ]C{motion} ]CC {Visual}]C vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: