# FlowIDE Add first-class Flow support to Sublime Text! FlowIDE provides autocomplete, diagnostics, type hints, and jump-to-definition for the [Flow](http://flowtype.org/) static type checker for JS. FlowIDE provides the majority of Flow-related features implemented in Facebook's [Nuclide](http://nuclide.io/). ## Requirements You'll need Sublime Text build `3070` or greater (tooltip support). Neither FlowIDE nor Flow support Windows. ## Usage Install with Package Control! FlowIDE features only activate on files with the `// @flow` or `/* @flow */` declarations. It automatically determines the root directory and `.flowconfig` of the file you're currently working on. FlowIDE works out-of-the-box if the `flow` binary is in your `PATH` (note that your shell `PATH` may be different from your Python `PATH`). To fit your needs, you can change the following settings: - `flow_path` (string): the path to your `flow` binary. - `use_npm_flow` (boolean): if true, uses the binary from the npm `flow-bin` package in the `node_modules` of your current file's root directory. Using `flow-bin`'s binary will slow down editing features because it is wrapped in a Node script and starts an interpreter on each run. - `omit_function_parameters`: (boolean) if true, omits the function parameters when autocompleting flow-typed functions. - `show_coverage`: (boolean) if true, show coverage underlines and status bar text. - `show_sublime_autocomplete_suggestions`: (boolean) if true, combines the autocomplete suggestions for Flow and Sublime's default suggestions ### Diagnostics and Autocomplete Just works! Autocomplete generates snippets with parameter names when pressing `Enter`. ### Coverage The status bar shows how many lines of each file are uncovered, and even underlines the lines missing coverage. ### Type Hints Press `Command+Option+T` (`Control+Alt+T`) to view the type of the variable or function underneath your cursor. ### Jump-to-Definition Press `Command+Option+J` (`Control+Alt+J`) to jump to the definition of the variable, function, or type underneath your cursor.