function InstallTrajTracker() % InstallTrajTracker() - Download and install the TrajTracker toolbox % fprintf('\n'); fprintf(' TrajTracker toolbox installation\n'); fprintf(' ================================\n'); if is_already_installed() return; end fprintf('Please enter the directory under which you plan to store all your TrajTracker results.\n'); fprintf('Each data directory in TrajTracker is defined by its location relatively to this base directory.\n'); root_path = ''; ok = false; while ~ok root_path = input('Root data path (default = /): ', 's'); if isempty(root_path) root_path = '/'; end if exist(root_path, 'dir') ok = true; else fprintf('This directory does not exist\n'); end end toolbox_filename = 'TrajTrackerAnalyze.mltbx'; toolbox_url = ['' toolbox_filename]; local_filename = [tempdir '/' toolbox_filename]; fprintf('Downloading latest version of TrajTracker...\n'); websave(local_filename, toolbox_url); fprintf('Done.\n\n'); fprintf('Installing toolbox...\n'); toolbox = matlab.addons.toolbox.installToolbox(local_filename, true); fprintf('%s version %s was installed\n\n', toolbox.Name, toolbox.Version); ttrk_dir = get_toolbox_dir(); fprintf('The TrajTracker toolbox was installed in %s\n', ttrk_dir); create_root_path_func(ttrk_dir, root_path); fprintf('\n\nSuccessfully installed TrajTracker\n'); fprintf('\nFor more information, visit us at\n'); %------------------------------------------------------------------ function installed = is_already_installed() installed = false; for tbx = matlab.addons.toolbox.installedToolboxes() if strcmp(tbx.Name, 'TrajTracker Analyze') fprintf('TrajTracker Analyze version %s is already installed.\n', tbx.Version); answer = ''; while ~ismember(answer, {'U', 'C'}) answer = upper(input('Do you want to (U)install it or (C)ancel? ', 's')); end if answer == 'U' % Uninstall matlab.addons.toolbox.uninstallToolbox(tbx); fprintf('The previous version was uninstalled\n\n\n'); break; else % Cancel installed = true; end end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function d = get_toolbox_dir() d = fileparts(which('NLExperimentData')); if isempty(d) error('The installation seems to have succeeded but I could not locate the installation directory'); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function create_root_path_func(directory, root_path) fprintf('Creating a TrajTrackerDataPath.m file...\n'); func_text = join('', {'function p = TrajTrackerDataPath()\n', ... sprintf(' p = ''%s''\n', root_path), ... 'end\n' }); try fh = fopen([directory '/TrajTrackerDataPath.m'], 'w'); fprintf(fh, func_text); fclose(fh); catch e fprintf('\n\n\n\nTHE INSTALLATION ACTUALLY SUCCEEDED!\n\n\n\n'); fprintf('The toolbox was installed, but I could not create the TrajTrackerDataPath.m file in %s', directory); fprintf('Create this file yourself, and paste the following code in it:\n%s\n\n', func_text); rethrow(e); end end end