swagger: '2.0' info: title: MilMove Prime API version: 0.0.1 license: name: MIT url: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT contact: email: milmove-developers@caci.com description: > The Prime API is a RESTful API that enables the Prime contractor to request information about upcoming moves, update the details and status of those moves, and make payment requests. It uses Mutual TLS for authentication procedures. All endpoints are located at `/prime/v1/`. basePath: /prime/v1 schemes: - http tags: - name: moveTaskOrder description: > The **moveTaskOrder** represents a military move that has been sent to a contractor. It contains all the information about shipments, including service items, estimated weights, actual weights, requested and scheduled move dates, etc. - name: mtoShipment description: > A shipment is some (or all) of a customer's belongings picked up in one location and delivered to another location. All of the items in a shipment are weighed and transported as a discrete unit. One move may include multiple shipments. An **mtoShipment**, in particular, is a shipment that belongs to a [moveTaskOrder](#tag/moveTaskOrder). The weights for all of the shipments in a move are combined and compared to the customer's weight allowance. If the sum of the shipments is greater, the customer is liable for paying excess weight cost. Both the customer and the contractor should keep this potential cost in mind when planning a move and the shipments within it. - name: mtoServiceItem description: > A service item is a service that the contractor can bill for. For example, if the movers pack and/or unpack a customer's belongings, those are billable services (packing and unpacking). All **mtoServiceItems** must be approved by the TOO before payment can be requested. There are three types of service items: accessorial, MTO-level, and standard. **WIP:** Add an external link to an article that explains the different types of service items in more detail. - name: paymentRequest description: > The contractor submits a **paymentRequest** to the TIO for approval in order to be reimbursed for 1 or more **mtoServiceItems** on a **moveTaskOrder**. A service item can be on multiple payment requests if necessary. Proof of service documentation may be uploaded for each **mtoServiceItem** in a **paymentRequest** after the payment request is created via the endpoint [createUpload](#operation/createUpload). All weight entered should be in *pounds* and no other unit of measurement. x-tagGroups: - name: Endpoints tags: - moveTaskOrder - mtoShipment - mtoServiceItem - paymentRequest paths: /moves: get: summary: listMoves description: > Gets all moves that have been reviewed and approved by the TOO. The `since` parameter can be used to filter this list down to only the moves that have been updated since the provided timestamp. A move will be considered updated if the `updatedAt` timestamp on the move or on its orders, shipments, service items, or payment requests, is later than the provided date and time. **WIP**: Include what causes moves to leave this list. Currently, once the `availableToPrimeAt` timestamp has been set, that move will always appear in this list. operationId: listMoves tags: - moveTaskOrder produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: since type: string format: date-time description: >- Only return moves updated since this time. Formatted like "2021-07-23T18:30:47.116Z" responses: '200': description: >- Successfully retrieved moves. A successful fetch might still return zero moves. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ListMoves' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /move-task-orders/{moveID}: get: summary: getMoveTaskOrder description: > ### Functionality This endpoint gets an individual MoveTaskOrder by ID. It will provide information about the Customer and any associated MTOShipments, MTOServiceItems and PaymentRequests. operationId: getMoveTaskOrder tags: - moveTaskOrder produces: - application/json parameters: - description: UUID or MoveCode of move task order to use. in: path name: moveID required: true type: string responses: '200': description: Successfully retrieve an individual move task order. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MoveTaskOrder' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /move-task-orders/{moveTaskOrderID}/excess-weight-record: post: summary: createExcessWeightRecord description: > Uploads an excess weight record, which is a document that proves that the movers or contractors have counseled the customer about their excess weight. Excess weight counseling should occur after the sum of the shipments for the customer's move crosses the excess weight alert threshold. operationId: createExcessWeightRecord tags: - moveTaskOrder consumes: - multipart/form-data produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: moveTaskOrderID description: UUID of the move being updated. required: true format: uuid type: string - in: formData name: file type: file description: The file to upload. required: true responses: '201': description: Successfully uploaded the excess weight record file. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ExcessWeightRecord' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /move-task-orders/{moveTaskOrderID}/post-counseling-info: parameters: - description: ID of move task order to use. in: path name: moveTaskOrderID required: true type: string patch: summary: updateMTOPostCounselingInformation description: > ### Functionality This endpoint **updates** the MoveTaskOrder to indicate that the Prime has completed Counseling. This update uses the moveTaskOrderID provided in the path, updates the move status and marks child elements of the move to indicate the update. No body object is expected for this request. **For Full/Partial PPMs**: This action is required so that the customer can start uploading their proof of service docs. **For other move types**: This action is required for auditing reasons so that we have a record of when the Prime counseled the customer. operationId: updateMTOPostCounselingInformation consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json tags: - moveTaskOrder parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/ifMatch' responses: '200': description: >- Successfully updated move task order with post counseling information. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MoveTaskOrder' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '412': $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments: post: summary: createMTOShipment description: | _[Deprecated: this endpoint was deprecated on August 5th, 2024]_ Please use the new endpoint at `/prime/v3/createMTOShipment` instead. operationId: createMTOShipment tags: - mtoShipment deprecated: true responses: '410': description: >- This endpoint is deprecated. Please use `/prime/v3/createMTOShipment` instead. /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}: patch: summary: updateMTOShipment description: | _[Deprecated: this endpoint was deprecated on August 5th, 2024]_ Please use the new endpoint at `/prime/v3/updateMTOShipment` instead. operationId: updateMTOShipment tags: - mtoShipment deprecated: true parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment being updated. required: true type: string format: uuid responses: '410': description: >- This endpoint is deprecated. Please use `/prime/v3/updateMTOShipment` instead. delete: summary: deleteMTOShipment description: > ### Functionality This endpoint deletes an individual shipment by ID. ### Errors * The mtoShipment should be associated with an MTO that is available to prime. * The mtoShipment must be a PPM shipment. * Counseling should not have already been completed for the associated MTO. operationId: deleteMTOShipment tags: - mtoShipment produces: - application/json parameters: - description: UUID of the shipment to be deleted in: path name: mtoShipmentID required: true format: uuid type: string responses: '204': description: Successfully deleted the MTO shipment. '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/addresses/{addressID}: put: summary: updateMTOShipmentAddress description: > ### Functionality This endpoint is used to **update** the pickup, secondary, and destination addresses on an MTO Shipment. mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/shipment-address-updates is for updating a delivery address. The address details completely replace the original, except for the UUID. Therefore a complete address should be sent in the request. When a destination address on a shipment is updated, the destination SIT service items address ID will also be updated so that shipment and service item final destinations match. This endpoint **cannot create** an address. To create an address on an MTO shipment, the caller must use [updateMTOShipment](#operation/updateMTOShipment) as the parent shipment has to be updated with the appropriate link to the address. ### Errors The address must be associated with the mtoShipment passed in the url. In other words, it should be listed as pickupAddress, destinationAddress, secondaryPickupAddress or secondaryDeliveryAddress on the mtoShipment provided. If it is not, caller will receive a **Conflict** Error. The mtoShipment should be associated with an MTO that is available to prime. If the caller requests an update to an address, and the shipment is not on an available MTO, the caller will receive a **NotFound** Error. operationId: updateMTOShipmentAddress tags: - mtoShipment consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment associated with the address required: true format: uuid type: string - in: path name: addressID description: UUID of the address being updated required: true format: uuid type: string - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' - $ref: '#/parameters/ifMatch' responses: '200': description: Successfully updated the address. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '412': $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/shipment-address-updates: post: summary: updateShipmentDestinationAddress description: > ### Functionality This endpoint is used so the Prime can request an **update** for the destination address on an MTO Shipment, after the destination address has already been approved. This endpoint and operation only supports the following shipment types: - HHG - NTSR For HHG shipments, if automatically approved or TOO approves, this will update the final destination address values for destination SIT service items to be the same as the changed destination address that was approved. Address updates will be automatically approved unless they change: - The service area - Mileage bracket for direct delivery - the address and the distance between the old and new address is > 50 - Domestic Short Haul to Domestic Line Haul or vice versa - Shipments that start and end in one ZIP3 use Short Haul pricing - Shipments that start and end in different ZIP3s use Line Haul pricing For those, changes will require TOO approval. operationId: updateShipmentDestinationAddress tags: - mtoShipment consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment associated with the address required: true format: uuid type: string - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateShipmentDestinationAddress' - in: header name: If-Match type: string required: true description: > Needs to be the eTag of the mtoShipment. Optimistic locking is implemented via the `If-Match` header. If the ETag header does not match the value of the resource on the server, the server rejects the change with a `412 Precondition Failed` error. responses: '201': description: Successfully created the address update request. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ShipmentAddressUpdate' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '412': $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/agents: post: summary: createMTOAgent description: > ### Functionality This endpoint is used to **create** and add agents for an existing MTO Shipment. Only the fields being modified need to be sent in the request body. ### Errors The agent must always have a name and at least one method of contact (either `email` or `phone`). The agent must be associated with the MTO shipment passed in the url. The shipment should be associated with an MTO that is available to the Pime. If the caller requests a new agent, and the shipment is not on an available MTO, the caller will receive a **NotFound** response. operationId: createMTOAgent tags: - mtoShipment consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment associated with the agent required: true format: uuid type: string - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgent' responses: '200': description: Successfully added the agent. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/agents/{agentID}: put: summary: updateMTOAgent description: > ### Functionality This endpoint is used to **update** the agents for an MTO Shipment. Only the fields being modified need to be sent in the request body. ### Errors: The agent must always have a name and at least one method of contact (either `email` or `phone`). The agent must be associated with the MTO shipment passed in the url. The shipment should be associated with an MTO that is available to the Prime. If the caller requests an update to an agent, and the shipment is not on an available MTO, the caller will receive a **NotFound** response. operationId: updateMTOAgent tags: - mtoShipment consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment associated with the agent required: true format: uuid type: string - in: path name: agentID description: UUID of the agent being updated required: true format: uuid type: string - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgent' - $ref: '#/parameters/ifMatch' responses: '200': description: Successfully updated the agent. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgent' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '412': $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/reweighs/{reweighID}: patch: summary: updateReweigh description: > ### Functionality This endpoint can be used to update a reweigh with a new weight or to provide the reason why a reweigh did not occur. Only one of weight or verificationReason should be sent in the request body. A reweigh is the second recorded weight for a shipment, as validated by certified weight tickets. Applies to one shipment. A reweigh can be triggered automatically, or requested by the customer or transportation office. Not all shipments are reweighed, so not all shipments will have a reweigh weight. operationId: updateReweigh tags: - mtoShipment consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment associated with the reweigh required: true format: uuid type: string - in: path name: reweighID description: UUID of the reweigh being updated required: true format: uuid type: string - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateReweigh' - $ref: '#/parameters/ifMatch' responses: '200': description: Successfully updated the reweigh. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Reweigh' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '412': $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/sit-extensions: post: summary: createSITExtension description: > ### Functionality This endpoint creates a storage in transit (SIT) extension request for a shipment. A SIT extension request is a request an increase in the shipment day allowance for the number of days a shipment is allowed to be in SIT. The total SIT day allowance includes time spent in both origin and destination SIT. operationId: createSITExtension tags: - mtoShipment consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment associated with the agent required: true format: uuid type: string - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CreateSITExtension' responses: '201': description: Successfully created the sit extension request. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SITExtension' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-shipments/{mtoShipmentID}/status: patch: summary: updateMTOShipmentStatus description: > ### Functionality This endpoint should be used by the Prime to confirm the cancellation of a shipment. It allows the shipment status to be changed to "CANCELED." Currently, the Prime cannot update the shipment to any other status. operationId: updateMTOShipmentStatus tags: - mtoShipment consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoShipmentID description: UUID of the shipment associated with the agent required: true format: uuid type: string - $ref: '#/parameters/ifMatch' - in: body name: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateMTOShipmentStatus' responses: '200': description: Successfully updated the shipment's status. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOShipment' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '412': $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-service-items: post: summary: createMTOServiceItem description: > Creates one or more MTOServiceItems. Not all service items may be created, please see details below. This endpoint supports different body definitions. In the modelType field below, select the modelType corresponding to the service item you wish to create and the documentation will update with the new definition. Upon creation these items are associated with a Move Task Order and an MTO Shipment. The request must include UUIDs for the MTO and MTO Shipment connected to this service item. Some service item types require additional service items to be autogenerated when added - all created service items, autogenerated included, will be returned in the response. To update a service item, please use [updateMTOServiceItem](#operation/updateMTOServiceItem) endpoint. --- **`MTOServiceItemOriginSIT`** MTOServiceItemOriginSIT is a subtype of MTOServiceItem. This model type describes a domestic origin SIT service item. Items can be created using this model type with the following codes: **DOFSIT** **1st day origin SIT service item**. When a DOFSIT is requested, the API will auto-create the following group of service items: * DOFSIT - Domestic origin 1st day SIT * DOASIT - Domestic origin Additional day SIT * DOPSIT - Domestic origin SIT pickup * DOSFSC - Domestic origin SIT fuel surcharge **DOASIT** **Addt'l days origin SIT service item**. This represents an additional day of storage for the same item. Additional DOASIT service items can be created and added to an existing shipment that **includes a DOFSIT service item**. --- **`MTOServiceItemDestSIT`** MTOServiceItemDestSIT is a subtype of MTOServiceItem. This model type describes a domestic destination SIT service item. Items can be created using this model type with the following codes: **DDFSIT** **1st day destination SIT service item**. These additional fields are optional for creating a DDFSIT: * `firstAvailableDeliveryDate1` * string * First available date that Prime can deliver SIT service item. * firstAvailableDeliveryDate1, dateOfContact1, and timeMilitary1 are required together * `dateOfContact1` * string * Date of attempted contact by the prime corresponding to `timeMilitary1` * dateOfContact1, timeMilitary1, and firstAvailableDeliveryDate1 are required together * `timeMilitary1` * string\d{4}Z * Time of attempted contact corresponding to `dateOfContact1`, in military format. * timeMilitary1, dateOfContact1, and firstAvailableDeliveryDate1 are required together * `firstAvailableDeliveryDate2` * string * Second available date that Prime can deliver SIT service item. * firstAvailableDeliveryDate2, dateOfContact2, and timeMilitary2 are required together * `dateOfContact2` * string * Date of attempted contact delivery by the prime corresponding to `timeMilitary2` * dateOfContact2, timeMilitary2, and firstAvailableDeliveryDate2 are required together * `timeMilitary2` * string\d{4}Z * Time of attempted contact corresponding to `dateOfContact2`, in military format. * timeMilitary2, dateOfContact2, and firstAvailableDeliveryDate2 are required together When a DDFSIT is requested, the API will auto-create the following group of service items: * DDFSIT - Domestic destination 1st day SIT * DDASIT - Domestic destination Additional day SIT * DDDSIT - Domestic destination SIT delivery * DDSFSC - Domestic destination SIT fuel surcharge **NOTE** When providing the `sitEntryDate` value in the payload, please ensure that the date is not BEFORE `firstAvailableDeliveryDate1` or `firstAvailableDeliveryDate2`. If it is, you will receive an error response. **DDASIT** **Addt'l days destination SIT service item**. This represents an additional day of storage for the same item. Additional DDASIT service items can be created and added to an existing shipment that **includes a DDFSIT service item**. operationId: createMTOServiceItem tags: - mtoServiceItem consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' responses: '200': description: Successfully created an MTO service item. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-service-items/{mtoServiceItemID}: patch: summary: updateMTOServiceItem description: > Updates MTOServiceItems after creation. Not all service items or fields may be updated, please see details below. This endpoint supports different body definitions. In the modelType field below, select the modelType corresponding to the service item you wish to update and the documentation will update with the new definition. * Addresses: To update a destination service item's SIT destination final address, update the shipment destination address. For approved shipments, please use [updateShipmentDestinationAddress](#mtoShipment/updateShipmentDestinationAddress). For shipments not yet approved, please use [updateMTOShipmentAddress](#mtoShipment/updateMTOShipmentAddress). * SIT Service Items: Take note that when updating `sitCustomerContacted`, `sitDepartureDate`, or `sitRequestedDelivery`, we want those to be updated on `DOASIT` (for origin SIT) and `DDASIT` (for destination SIT). If updating those values in other service items, the office users will not have as much attention to those values. To create a service item, please use [createMTOServiceItem](#mtoServiceItem/createMTOServiceItem)) endpoint. * Resubmitting rejected SIT service items: This endpoint will handle the logic of changing the status of rejected SIT service items from REJECTED to SUBMITTED. Please provide the `requestedApprovalsRequestedStatus: true` when resubmitting as this will give attention to the TOO to review the resubmitted SIT service item. Another note, `updateReason` must have a different value than the current `reason` value on the service item. If this value is not updated, then an error will be sent back. The following SIT service items can be resubmitted following a rejection: - DDASIT - DDDSIT - DDFSIT - DOASIT - DOPSIT - DOFSIT - DDSFSC - DOSFSC At a MINIMUM, the payload for resubmitting a rejected SIT service item must look like this: ```json { "reServiceCode": "DDFSIT", "updateReason": "A reason that differs from the previous reason", "modelType": "UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT", "requestApprovalsRequestedStatus": true } ``` operationId: updateMTOServiceItem tags: - mtoServiceItem consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateMTOServiceItem' required: true - in: path name: mtoServiceItemID type: string description: UUID of service item to update. required: true - $ref: '#/parameters/ifMatch' responses: '200': description: Successfully updated the MTO service item. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '412': $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /mto-service-items/{mtoServiceItemID}/uploads: post: summary: createServiceRequestDocumentUpload description: | ### Functionality This endpoint **uploads** a Service Request document for a ServiceItem. The ServiceItem should already exist. ServiceItems are created with the [createMTOServiceItem](#operation/createMTOServiceItem) endpoint. operationId: createServiceRequestDocumentUpload tags: - mtoServiceItem consumes: - multipart/form-data produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: mtoServiceItemID type: string description: UUID of the service item to use. required: true - in: formData name: file type: file description: The file to upload. required: true responses: '201': description: Successfully created upload of digital file. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UploadWithOmissions' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /payment-requests: post: summary: createPaymentRequest description: > Creates a new instance of a paymentRequest and is assigned the status `PENDING`. A move task order can have multiple payment requests, and a final payment request can be marked using boolean `isFinal`. If a `PENDING` payment request is recalculated, a new payment request is created and the original request is marked with the status `DEPRECATED`. **NOTE**: In order to create a payment request for most service items, the shipment *must* be updated with the `PrimeActualWeight` value via [updateMTOShipment](#operation/updateMTOShipment). **FSC - Fuel Surcharge** service items require `ActualPickupDate` to be updated on the shipment. A service item can be on several payment requests in the case of partial payment requests and payments. In the request, if no params are necessary, then just the `serviceItem` `id` is required. For example: ```json { "isFinal": false, "moveTaskOrderID": "uuid", "serviceItems": [ { "id": "uuid", }, { "id": "uuid", "params": [ { "key": "Service Item Parameter Name", "value": "Service Item Parameter Value" } ] } ], "pointOfContact": "string" } ``` SIT Service Items & Accepted Payment Request Parameters: --- If `WeightBilled` is not provided then the full shipment weight (`PrimeActualWeight`) will be considered in the calculation. **NOTE**: Diversions have a unique calcuation for payment requests without a `WeightBilled` parameter. If you created a payment request for a diversion and `WeightBilled` is not provided, then the following will be used in the calculation: - The lowest shipment weight (`PrimeActualWeight`) found in the diverted shipment chain. - The lowest reweigh weight found in the diverted shipment chain. The diverted shipment chain is created by referencing the `diversion` boolean, `divertedFromShipmentId` UUID, and matching destination to pickup addresses. If the chain cannot be established it will fall back to the `PrimeActualWeight` of the current shipment. This is utilized because diverted shipments are all one single shipment, but going to different locations. The lowest weight found is the true shipment weight, and thus we search the chain of shipments for the lowest weight found. **DOFSIT - Domestic origin 1st day SIT** ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" } ] ``` **DOASIT - Domestic origin add'l SIT** *(SITPaymentRequestStart & SITPaymentRequestEnd are **REQUIRED**)* *To create a paymentRequest for this service item, the `SITPaymentRequestStart` and `SITPaymentRequestEnd` dates must not overlap previously requested SIT dates.* ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" }, { "key": "SITPaymentRequestStart", "value": "date" }, { "key": "SITPaymentRequestEnd", "value": "date" } ] ``` **DOPSIT - Domestic origin SIT pickup** ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" } ] ``` **DOSHUT - Domestic origin shuttle service** ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" } ] ``` **DDFSIT - Domestic destination 1st day SIT** ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" } ] ``` **DDASIT - Domestic destination add'l SIT** *(SITPaymentRequestStart & SITPaymentRequestEnd are **REQUIRED**)* *To create a paymentRequest for this service item, the `SITPaymentRequestStart` and `SITPaymentRequestEnd` dates must not overlap previously requested SIT dates.* ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" }, { "key": "SITPaymentRequestStart", "value": "date" }, { "key": "SITPaymentRequestEnd", "value": "date" } ] ``` **DDDSIT - Domestic destination SIT delivery** *To create a paymentRequest for this service item, it must first have a final address set via [updateMTOServiceItem](#operation/updateMTOServiceItem).* ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" } ] ``` **DDSHUT - Domestic destination shuttle service** ```json "params": [ { "key": "WeightBilled", "value": "integer" } ] ``` --- operationId: createPaymentRequest tags: - paymentRequest consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CreatePaymentRequest' responses: '201': description: Successfully created a paymentRequest object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentRequest' '400': description: Request payload is invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClientError' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '409': $ref: '#/responses/Conflict' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /payment-requests/{paymentRequestID}/uploads: post: summary: createUpload description: > ### Functionality This endpoint **uploads** a Proof of Service document for a PaymentRequest. The PaymentRequest should already exist. Optional key of **isWeightTicket** indicates if the document is a weight ticket or not. This will be used for partial and full deliveries and makes it easier for the Task Invoicing Officers to locate and review service item documents. If left empty, it will assume it is NOT a weight ticket. The formdata in the body of the POST request that is sent should look like this if it IS a weight ticket being attached to an existing payment request: ```json { "file": "filePath", "isWeightTicket": true } ``` If the proof of service doc is NOT a weight ticket, it will look like this - or you can leave it empty: ```json { "file": "filePath", "isWeightTicket": false } ``` ```json { "file": "filePath", } ``` PaymentRequests are created with the [createPaymentRequest](#operation/createPaymentRequest) endpoint. operationId: createUpload tags: - paymentRequest consumes: - multipart/form-data produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: paymentRequestID type: string description: UUID of payment request to use. required: true - in: formData name: file type: file description: The file to upload. required: true - in: formData name: isWeightTicket type: boolean description: Indicates whether the file is a weight ticket. responses: '201': description: Successfully created upload of digital file. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UploadWithOmissions' '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '401': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' /moves/{locator}/documents: get: summary: Downloads move order as a PDF description: > ### Functionality This endpoint downloads all uploaded move order documentations into one download file by locator. ### Errors * The move must be in need counseling state. * The move client's origin duty location must not currently have gov counseling. operationId: downloadMoveOrder tags: - moveTaskOrder produces: - application/pdf parameters: - in: path type: string name: locator description: the locator code for move order to be downloaded required: true - in: query name: type type: string description: upload type required: false default: ALL enum: - ALL - ORDERS - AMENDMENTS responses: '200': headers: Content-Disposition: type: string description: File name to download description: Move Order PDF schema: format: binary type: file '400': $ref: '#/responses/InvalidRequest' '403': $ref: '#/responses/PermissionDenied' '404': $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' '422': $ref: '#/responses/UnprocessableEntity' '500': $ref: '#/responses/ServerError' definitions: Amendments: description: | Metadata outlining number of amendments for given order. type: object properties: total: description: The total count of amendments. type: integer availableSince: description: The total count of amendments available since specified time. type: integer required: - total - availableSince CreateMTOShipment: type: object properties: moveTaskOrderID: description: The ID of the move this new shipment is for. example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string requestedPickupDate: description: > The customer's preferred pickup date. Other dates, such as required delivery date and (outside MilMove) the pack date, are derived from this date. format: date type: string x-nullable: true primeEstimatedWeight: description: > The estimated weight of this shipment, determined by the movers during the pre-move survey. This value **can only be updated once.** If there was an issue with estimating the weight and a mistake was made, the Prime contractor will need to contact the TOO to change it. type: integer example: 4500 minimum: 1 x-nullable: true customerRemarks: description: > The customer can use the customer remarks field to inform the services counselor and the movers about any special circumstances for this shipment. Typical examples: * bulky or fragile items, * weapons, * access info for their address. Customer enters this information during onboarding. Optional field. type: string example: handle with care x-nullable: true agents: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgents' mtoServiceItems: description: A list of service items connected to this shipment. type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' pickupAddress: description: The address where the movers should pick up this shipment. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' destinationAddress: description: Where the movers should deliver this shipment. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' shipmentType: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOShipmentType' diversion: description: > This value indicates whether or not this shipment is part of a diversion. If yes, the shipment can be either the starting or ending segment of the diversion. type: boolean pointOfContact: type: string description: > Email or ID of the person who will be contacted in the event of questions or concerns about this update. May be the person performing the update, or someone else working with the Prime contractor. counselorRemarks: type: string example: counselor approved x-nullable: true ppmShipment: $ref: '#/definitions/CreatePPMShipment' required: - moveTaskOrderID - shipmentType CreatePPMShipment: description: >- Creation object containing the `PPM` shipmentType specific data, not used for other shipment types. type: object properties: expectedDepartureDate: description: | Date the customer expects to begin moving from their origin. format: date type: string pickupAddress: description: The address of the origin location where goods are being moved from. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' destinationAddress: description: >- The address of the destination location where goods are being delivered to. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' sitExpected: description: > Captures whether some or all of the PPM shipment will require temporary storage at the origin or destination. Must be set to `true` when providing `sitLocation`, `sitEstimatedWeight`, `sitEstimatedEntryDate`, and `sitEstimatedDepartureDate` values to calculate the `sitEstimatedCost`. type: boolean sitLocation: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/SITLocationType' - x-nullable: true sitEstimatedWeight: description: The estimated weight of the goods being put into storage in pounds. type: integer example: 2000 x-nullable: true sitEstimatedEntryDate: description: The date that goods will first enter the storage location. format: date type: string x-nullable: true sitEstimatedDepartureDate: description: The date that goods will exit the storage location. format: date type: string x-nullable: true estimatedWeight: description: The estimated weight of the PPM shipment goods being moved in pounds. type: integer example: 4200 hasProGear: description: > Indicates whether PPM shipment has pro gear for themselves or their spouse. type: boolean proGearWeight: description: >- The estimated weight of the pro-gear being moved belonging to the service member in pounds. type: integer x-nullable: true spouseProGearWeight: description: >- The estimated weight of the pro-gear being moved belonging to a spouse in pounds. type: integer x-nullable: true required: - expectedDepartureDate - sitExpected - estimatedWeight - hasProGear CreatePaymentRequest: type: object properties: isFinal: default: false type: boolean moveTaskOrderID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string serviceItems: type: array minItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceItem' pointOfContact: type: string description: Email or id of a contact person for this update. required: - moveTaskOrderID - serviceItems CreateSITExtension: description: >- CreateSITExtension contains the fields required for the prime to create a SIT Extension request. type: object properties: requestReason: type: string enum: - SERIOUS_ILLNESS_MEMBER - SERIOUS_ILLNESS_DEPENDENT - IMPENDING_ASSIGNEMENT - DIRECTED_TEMPORARY_DUTY - NONAVAILABILITY_OF_CIVILIAN_HOUSING - AWAITING_COMPLETION_OF_RESIDENCE - OTHER contractorRemarks: type: string example: We need SIT additional days. The customer has not found a house yet. requestedDays: type: integer example: 30 minimum: 1 required: - requestReason - contractorRemarks - requestedDays Error: properties: title: type: string detail: type: string instance: type: string format: uuid required: - title - detail type: object ListMove: description: > An abbreviated definition for a move, without all the nested information (shipments, service items, etc). Used to fetch a list of moves more efficiently. type: object properties: id: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string moveCode: type: string example: HYXFJF readOnly: true createdAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true orderID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string referenceId: example: 1001-3456 type: string availableToPrimeAt: format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true readOnly: true approvedAt: format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true readOnly: true updatedAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true ppmType: type: string enum: - FULL - PARTIAL eTag: type: string readOnly: true amendments: $ref: '#/definitions/Amendments' ListMoves: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ListMove' MoveTaskOrder: type: object required: - mtoShipments - mtoServiceItems - paymentRequests properties: id: example: a502b4f1-b9c4-4faf-8bdd-68292501bf26 format: uuid type: string moveCode: type: string example: HYXFJF readOnly: true createdAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true orderID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string order: $ref: '#/definitions/Order' referenceId: example: 1001-3456 type: string availableToPrimeAt: format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true readOnly: true approvedAt: format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true readOnly: true updatedAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true primeCounselingCompletedAt: format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true readOnly: true paymentRequests: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentRequests' mtoServiceItems: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' mtoShipments: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOShipmentsWithoutServiceObjects' ppmType: type: string enum: - PARTIAL - FULL ppmEstimatedWeight: type: integer excessWeightQualifiedAt: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true excessWeightAcknowledgedAt: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true excessWeightUploadId: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true eTag: type: string readOnly: true MTOServiceItemBasic: description: Describes a basic service item subtype of a MTOServiceItem. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' - type: object properties: reServiceCode: $ref: '#/definitions/ReServiceCode' required: - reServiceCode MTOServiceItemDestSIT: description: >- Describes a domestic destination SIT service item. Subtype of a MTOServiceItem. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' - type: object properties: reServiceCode: type: string description: Service code allowed for this model type. enum: - DDFSIT - DDASIT dateOfContact1: format: date type: string description: >- Date of attempted contact by the prime corresponding to `timeMilitary1`. x-nullable: true dateOfContact2: format: date type: string description: >- Date of attempted contact by the prime corresponding to `timeMilitary2`. x-nullable: true timeMilitary1: type: string example: 1400Z description: >- Time of attempted contact corresponding to `dateOfContact1`, in military format. pattern: \d{4}Z x-nullable: true timeMilitary2: type: string example: 1400Z description: >- Time of attempted contact corresponding to `dateOfContact2`, in military format. pattern: \d{4}Z x-nullable: true firstAvailableDeliveryDate1: format: date type: string description: First available date that Prime can deliver SIT service item. x-nullable: true firstAvailableDeliveryDate2: format: date type: string description: Second available date that Prime can deliver SIT service item. x-nullable: true sitEntryDate: format: date type: string description: Entry date for the SIT sitDepartureDate: format: date type: string description: >- Departure date for SIT. This is the end date of the SIT at either origin or destination. This is optional as it can be updated using the UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT modelType at a later date. x-nullable: true sitDestinationFinalAddress: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' reason: type: string description: | The reason item has been placed in SIT. x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false sitRequestedDelivery: format: date type: string description: Date when the customer has requested delivery out of SIT. x-nullable: true sitCustomerContacted: format: date type: string description: >- Date when the customer contacted the prime for a delivery out of SIT. x-nullable: true required: - reServiceCode - sitEntryDate - reason MTOServiceItemDomesticCrating: description: >- Describes a domestic crating/uncrating service item subtype of a MTOServiceItem. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' - type: object properties: reServiceCode: type: string description: >- A unique code for the service item. Indicates if the service is for crating (DCRT) or uncrating (DUCRT). enum: - DCRT - DUCRT item: description: The dimensions of the item being crated. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItemDimension' crate: description: The dimensions for the crate the item will be shipped in. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItemDimension' description: type: string example: Decorated horse head to be crated. description: A description of the item being crated. reason: type: string example: Storage items need to be picked up description: > The contractor's explanation for why an item needed to be crated or uncrated. Used by the TOO while deciding to approve or reject the service item. x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false standaloneCrate: type: boolean x-nullable: true required: - reServiceCode - item - crate - description MTOServiceItemOriginSIT: description: Describes a domestic origin SIT service item. Subtype of a MTOServiceItem. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' - type: object properties: reServiceCode: type: string description: Service code allowed for this model type. enum: - DOFSIT - DOASIT reason: type: string example: Storage items need to be picked up description: Explanation of why Prime is picking up SIT item. sitPostalCode: type: string format: zip example: '90210' pattern: ^(\d{5}([\-]\d{4})?)$ sitEntryDate: format: date type: string description: Entry date for the SIT sitDepartureDate: format: date type: string x-nullable: true description: >- Departure date for SIT. This is the end date of the SIT at either origin or destination. This is optional as it can be updated using the UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT modelType at a later date. sitHHGActualOrigin: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' sitHHGOriginalOrigin: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' requestApprovalsRequestedStatus: type: boolean sitRequestedDelivery: format: date type: string description: Date when the customer has requested delivery out of SIT. x-nullable: true sitCustomerContacted: format: date type: string description: >- Date when the customer contacted the prime for a delivery out of SIT. x-nullable: true required: - reServiceCode - reason - sitPostalCode - sitEntryDate MTOServiceItemShuttle: description: Describes a shuttle service item. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' - type: object properties: reServiceCode: type: string description: > A unique code for the service item. Indicates if shuttling is requested for the shipment origin (`DOSHUT`) or destination (`DDSHUT`). enum: - DOSHUT - DDSHUT reason: type: string example: Storage items need to be picked up. description: > The contractor's explanation for why a shuttle service is requested. Used by the TOO while deciding to approve or reject the service item. estimatedWeight: type: integer example: 4200 description: >- An estimate of how much weight from a shipment will be included in the shuttling service. x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false actualWeight: type: integer example: 4000 description: >- A record of the actual weight that was shuttled. Provided by the movers, based on weight tickets. x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false required: - reason - reServiceCode MTOShipment: type: object properties: mtoServiceItems: description: A list of service items connected to this shipment. items: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItem' type: array readOnly: true allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/MTOShipmentWithoutServiceItems' UpdateShipmentDestinationAddress: description: >- UpdateShipmentDestinationAddress contains the fields required for the prime to request an update for the destination address on an MTO Shipment. type: object properties: newAddress: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' contractorRemarks: type: string example: >- Customer reached out to me this week and let me know they want to move somewhere else. description: >- This is the remark the Prime has entered, which would be the reason there is an address change. required: - contractorRemarks - newAddress ServiceItem: properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 params: type: array description: > This should be populated for the following service items: * DOASIT(Domestic origin Additional day SIT) * DDASIT(Domestic destination Additional day SIT) Both take in the following param keys: * `SITPaymentRequestStart` * `SITPaymentRequestEnd` The value of each is a date string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" (e.g. "2023-01-15") items: properties: key: type: string example: Service Item Parameter Name value: type: string example: Service Item Parameter Value type: object eTag: type: string readOnly: true type: object UpdateMTOServiceItem: description: >- UpdateMTOServiceItem describes a base type of a service item. Polymorphic type. Both Move Task Orders and MTO Shipments will have MTO Service Items. type: object discriminator: modelType properties: id: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string description: ID of the service item. Must match path. modelType: $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateMTOServiceItemModelType' required: - modelType UpdateMTOServiceItemModelType: description: > Using this list, choose the correct modelType in the dropdown, corresponding to the service item type. * DDDSIT - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DDFSIT - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DDASIT - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DOPSIT - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DOASIT - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DOFSIT - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DOSFSC - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DDSFSC - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT * DDSHUT - UpdateMTOServiceItemShuttle * DOSHUT - UpdateMTOServiceItemShuttle The documentation will then update with the supported fields. type: string enum: - UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT - UpdateMTOServiceItemShuttle UpdateMTOServiceItemShuttle: description: > Subtype used to provide the estimated weight and actual weight for shuttle. This is not creating a new service item but rather updating an existing service item. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateMTOServiceItem' - type: object properties: actualWeight: type: integer example: 4000 description: >- Provided by the movers, based on weight tickets. Relevant for shuttling (DDSHUT & DOSHUT) service items. x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false estimatedWeight: type: integer example: 4200 description: >- An estimate of how much weight from a shipment will be included in a shuttling (DDSHUT & DOSHUT) service item. x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false reServiceCode: type: string description: Service code allowed for this model type. enum: - DDSHUT - DOSHUT UpdateMTOServiceItemSIT: description: > Subtype used to provide the departure date for origin or destination SIT. This is not creating a new service item but rather updating an existing service item. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateMTOServiceItem' - type: object properties: reServiceCode: type: string description: Service code allowed for this model type. enum: - DDDSIT - DDASIT - DDFSIT - DDSFSC - DOPSIT - DOASIT - DOFSIT - DOSFSC sitDepartureDate: format: date type: string description: >- Departure date for SIT. This is the end date of the SIT at either origin or destination. sitDestinationFinalAddress: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' dateOfContact1: format: date type: string description: >- Date of attempted contact by the prime corresponding to 'timeMilitary1'. x-nullable: true timeMilitary1: type: string example: 1400Z description: >- Time of attempted contact by the prime corresponding to 'dateOfContact1', in military format. pattern: \d{4}Z x-nullable: true firstAvailableDeliveryDate1: format: date type: string description: First available date that Prime can deliver SIT service item. x-nullable: true dateOfContact2: format: date type: string description: >- Date of attempted contact by the prime corresponding to 'timeMilitary2'. x-nullable: true timeMilitary2: type: string example: 1400Z description: >- Time of attempted contact by the prime corresponding to 'dateOfContact2', in military format. pattern: \d{4}Z x-nullable: true firstAvailableDeliveryDate2: format: date type: string description: Second available date that Prime can deliver SIT service item. x-nullable: true sitRequestedDelivery: format: date type: string description: Date when the customer has requested delivery out of SIT. x-nullable: true sitCustomerContacted: format: date type: string description: >- Date when the customer contacted the prime for a delivery out of SIT. x-nullable: true updateReason: type: string description: Reason for updating service item. x-nullable: true sitPostalCode: type: string format: zip example: '90210' pattern: ^(\d{5}([\-]\d{4})?)$ x-nullable: true sitEntryDate: format: date type: string description: Entry date for the SIT. x-nullable: true requestApprovalsRequestedStatus: description: Indicates if "Approvals Requested" status is being requested. type: boolean x-nullable: true UpdateMTOShipment: properties: actualProGearWeight: description: The actual weight of any pro gear shipped during a move. type: integer example: 4500 minimum: 1 x-nullable: true actualSpouseProGearWeight: description: The actual weight of any pro gear shipped during a move. type: integer example: 4500 minimum: 1 x-nullable: true scheduledPickupDate: description: >- The date the Prime contractor scheduled to pick up this shipment after consultation with the customer. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true actualPickupDate: description: >- The date when the Prime contractor actually picked up the shipment. Updated after-the-fact. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true firstAvailableDeliveryDate: description: > The date the Prime provides to the customer as the first possible delivery date so that they can plan their travel accordingly. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true scheduledDeliveryDate: description: >- The date the Prime contractor scheduled to deliver this shipment after consultation with the customer. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true actualDeliveryDate: description: >- The date when the Prime contractor actually delivered the shipment. Updated after-the-fact. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true primeEstimatedWeight: description: > The estimated weight of this shipment, determined by the movers during the pre-move survey. This value **can only be updated once.** If there was an issue with estimating the weight and a mistake was made, the Prime contracter will need to contact the TOO to change it. type: integer example: 4500 minimum: 1 x-nullable: true primeActualWeight: description: >- The actual weight of the shipment, provided after the Prime packs, picks up, and weighs a customer's shipment. type: integer example: 4500 minimum: 1 x-nullable: true ntsRecordedWeight: description: >- The previously recorded weight for the NTS Shipment. Used for NTS Release to know what the previous primeActualWeight or billable weight was. type: integer example: 4500 x-nullable: true x-formatting: weight pickupAddress: description: > The address where the movers should pick up this shipment, entered by the customer during onboarding when they enter shipment details. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' destinationAddress: description: > Where the movers should deliver this shipment. Often provided by the customer when they enter shipment details during onboarding, if they know their new address already. May be blank when entered by the customer, required when entered by the Prime. May not represent the true final destination due to the shipment being diverted or placed in SIT. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' destinationType: $ref: '#/definitions/DestinationType' secondaryPickupAddress: description: >- A second pickup address for this shipment, if the customer entered one. An optional field. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' secondaryDeliveryAddress: description: >- A second delivery address for this shipment, if the customer entered one. An optional field. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' storageFacility: allOf: - x-nullable: true - $ref: '#/definitions/StorageFacility' shipmentType: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOShipmentType' diversion: description: > This value indicates whether or not this shipment is part of a diversion. If yes, the shipment can be either the starting or ending segment of the diversion. type: boolean pointOfContact: type: string description: > Email or ID of the person who will be contacted in the event of questions or concerns about this update. May be the person performing the update, or someone else working with the Prime contractor. counselorRemarks: type: string example: counselor approved x-nullable: true ppmShipment: $ref: '#/definitions/UpdatePPMShipment' UpdatePPMShipment: description: The PPM specific fields of the shipment with values being changed type: object properties: expectedDepartureDate: description: | Date the customer expects to begin moving from their origin. format: date type: string x-nullable: true sitExpected: description: > Captures whether some or all of the PPM shipment will require temporary storage at the origin or destination. Must be set to `true` when providing `sitLocation`, `sitEstimatedWeight`, `sitEstimatedEntryDate`, and `sitEstimatedDepartureDate` values to calculate the `sitEstimatedCost`. type: boolean x-nullable: true sitLocation: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/SITLocationType' - x-nullable: true sitEstimatedWeight: description: The estimated weight of the goods being put into storage. type: integer example: 2000 x-nullable: true sitEstimatedEntryDate: description: The date that goods will first enter the storage location. format: date type: string x-nullable: true sitEstimatedDepartureDate: description: The date that goods will exit the storage location. format: date type: string x-nullable: true estimatedWeight: description: The estimated weight of the PPM shipment goods being moved. type: integer example: 4200 x-nullable: true hasProGear: description: > Indicates whether PPM shipment has pro gear for themselves or their spouse. type: boolean x-nullable: true proGearWeight: description: >- The estimated weight of the pro-gear being moved belonging to the service member. type: integer x-nullable: true spouseProGearWeight: description: >- The estimated weight of the pro-gear being moved belonging to a spouse. type: integer x-nullable: true UpdateMTOShipmentStatus: description: >- Contains the statuses available to the Prime when updating the state of a shipment. type: object properties: status: type: string enum: - CANCELED UpdateReweigh: description: Contains the fields available to the Prime when updating a reweigh record. type: object properties: weight: description: The total reweighed weight for the shipment in pounds. example: 2000 minimum: 1 type: integer x-formatting: weight x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false verificationReason: description: >- In lieu of a document being uploaded indicating why a reweigh did not occur. example: >- The reweigh was not performed because the shipment was already delivered type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false ClientError: type: object properties: title: type: string detail: type: string instance: type: string format: uuid required: - title - detail - instance Address: description: A postal address type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 streetAddress1: type: string example: 123 Main Ave title: Street address 1 streetAddress2: type: string example: Apartment 9000 x-nullable: true title: Street address 2 streetAddress3: type: string example: Montmârtre x-nullable: true title: Address Line 3 city: type: string example: Anytown title: City eTag: type: string readOnly: true state: title: State type: string x-display-value: AL: AL AK: AK AR: AR AZ: AZ CA: CA CO: CO CT: CT DC: DC DE: DE FL: FL GA: GA HI: HI IA: IA ID: ID IL: IL IN: IN KS: KS KY: KY LA: LA MA: MA MD: MD ME: ME MI: MI MN: MN MO: MO MS: MS MT: MT NC: NC ND: ND NE: NE NH: NH NJ: NJ NM: NM NV: NV NY: NY OH: OH OK: OK OR: OR PA: PA RI: RI SC: SC SD: SD TN: TN TX: TX UT: UT VA: VA VT: VT WA: WA WI: WI WV: WV WY: WY enum: - AL - AK - AR - AZ - CA - CO - CT - DC - DE - FL - GA - HI - IA - ID - IL - IN - KS - KY - LA - MA - MD - ME - MI - MN - MO - MS - MT - NC - ND - NE - NH - NJ - NM - NV - NY - OH - OK - OR - PA - RI - SC - SD - TN - TX - UT - VA - VT - WA - WI - WV - WY postalCode: type: string format: zip title: ZIP example: '90210' pattern: ^(\d{5}([\-]\d{4})?)$ country: type: string title: Country x-nullable: true example: USA default: USA county: type: string title: County x-nullable: true example: LOS ANGELES required: - streetAddress1 - city - state - postalCode Customer: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 dodID: type: string emplid: type: string userID: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 currentAddress: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' firstName: type: string example: Vanya lastName: type: string example: Petrovna branch: type: string example: COAST_GUARD phone: type: string format: telephone email: type: string format: x-email pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$ example: fake@example.com eTag: type: string readOnly: true Entitlements: type: object properties: id: example: 571008b1-b0de-454d-b843-d71be9f02c04 format: uuid type: string authorizedWeight: example: 2000 type: integer x-formatting: weight x-nullable: true dependentsAuthorized: example: true type: boolean x-nullable: true gunSafe: type: boolean example: false nonTemporaryStorage: example: false type: boolean x-nullable: true privatelyOwnedVehicle: example: false type: boolean x-nullable: true proGearWeight: example: 2000 type: integer x-formatting: weight proGearWeightSpouse: example: 500 type: integer x-formatting: weight requiredMedicalEquipmentWeight: example: 500 type: integer x-formatting: weight organizationalClothingAndIndividualEquipment: type: boolean example: false storageInTransit: example: 90 type: integer totalWeight: example: 500 type: integer x-formatting: weight totalDependents: example: 2 type: integer eTag: type: string readOnly: true DutyLocation: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 name: type: string example: Fort Bragg North Station addressID: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 address: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' eTag: type: string readOnly: true OrdersType: type: string title: Orders type enum: - PERMANENT_CHANGE_OF_STATION - LOCAL_MOVE - RETIREMENT - SEPARATION - WOUNDED_WARRIOR - BLUEBARK - SAFETY x-display-value: PERMANENT_CHANGE_OF_STATION: Permanent Change Of Station LOCAL_MOVE: Local Move RETIREMENT: Retirement SEPARATION: Separation WOUNDED_WARRIOR: Wounded Warrior BLUEBARK: BLUEBARK SAFETY: Safety Order: type: object required: - orderNumber - rank - linesOfAccounting properties: id: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string customer: $ref: '#/definitions/Customer' customerID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string entitlement: $ref: '#/definitions/Entitlements' destinationDutyLocation: $ref: '#/definitions/DutyLocation' destinationDutyLocationGBLOC: type: string example: KKFA originDutyLocation: $ref: '#/definitions/DutyLocation' originDutyLocationGBLOC: type: string example: KKFA rank: type: string example: E_5 reportByDate: type: string format: date ordersType: $ref: '#/definitions/OrdersType' orderNumber: type: string linesOfAccounting: type: string eTag: type: string readOnly: true PaymentRequestStatus: type: string enum: - PENDING - REVIEWED - REVIEWED_AND_ALL_SERVICE_ITEMS_REJECTED - SENT_TO_GEX - TPPS_RECEIVED - PAID - EDI_ERROR - DEPRECATED title: Payment Request Status UploadWithOmissions: description: An uploaded file. type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 url: type: string format: uri example: https://uploads.domain.test/dir/c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 filename: type: string example: filename.pdf contentType: type: string format: mime-type example: application/pdf bytes: type: integer rotation: type: integer status: type: string enum: - INFECTED - CLEAN - PROCESSING createdAt: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true updatedAt: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true required: - filename - contentType - bytes ProofOfServiceDoc: type: object properties: uploads: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/UploadWithOmissions' ProofOfServiceDocs: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ProofOfServiceDoc' PaymentServiceItemStatus: type: string enum: - REQUESTED - APPROVED - DENIED - SENT_TO_GEX - PAID - EDI_ERROR title: Payment Service Item Status ServiceItemParamName: type: string enum: - ActualPickupDate - ContractCode - ContractYearName - CubicFeetBilled - CubicFeetCrating - DimensionHeight - DimensionLength - DimensionWidth - DistanceZip - DistanceZipSITDest - DistanceZipSITOrigin - EIAFuelPrice - EscalationCompounded - FSCMultiplier - FSCPriceDifferenceInCents - FSCWeightBasedDistanceMultiplier - IsPeak - MarketDest - MarketOrigin - MTOAvailableToPrimeAt - NTSPackingFactor - NumberDaysSIT - PriceAreaDest - PriceAreaIntlDest - PriceAreaIntlOrigin - PriceAreaOrigin - PriceRateOrFactor - PSI_LinehaulDom - PSI_LinehaulDomPrice - PSI_LinehaulShort - PSI_LinehaulShortPrice - PSI_PriceDomDest - PSI_PriceDomDestPrice - PSI_PriceDomOrigin - PSI_PriceDomOriginPrice - PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlCO - PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlCOPrice - PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOC - PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOCPrice - PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOO - PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOOPrice - RateAreaNonStdDest - RateAreaNonStdOrigin - ReferenceDate - RequestedPickupDate - ServiceAreaDest - ServiceAreaOrigin - ServicesScheduleDest - ServicesScheduleOrigin - SITPaymentRequestEnd - SITPaymentRequestStart - SITScheduleDest - SITScheduleOrigin - SITServiceAreaDest - SITServiceAreaOrigin - WeightAdjusted - WeightBilled - WeightEstimated - WeightOriginal - WeightReweigh - ZipDestAddress - ZipPickupAddress - ZipSITDestHHGFinalAddress - ZipSITDestHHGOriginalAddress - ZipSITOriginHHGActualAddress - ZipSITOriginHHGOriginalAddress - StandaloneCrate - StandaloneCrateCap - UncappedRequestTotal - LockedPriceCents ServiceItemParamType: type: string enum: - STRING - DATE - INTEGER - DECIMAL - TIMESTAMP - PaymentServiceItemUUID - BOOLEAN ServiceItemParamOrigin: type: string enum: - PRIME - SYSTEM - PRICER - PAYMENT_REQUEST PaymentServiceItemParam: type: object properties: id: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid readOnly: true type: string paymentServiceItemID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string key: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceItemParamName' value: example: '3025' type: string type: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceItemParamType' origin: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceItemParamOrigin' eTag: type: string readOnly: true PaymentServiceItemParams: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentServiceItemParam' PaymentServiceItem: type: object properties: id: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid readOnly: true type: string paymentRequestID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string mtoServiceItemID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string status: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentServiceItemStatus' priceCents: type: integer format: cents title: Price of the service item in cents x-nullable: true rejectionReason: example: documentation was incomplete type: string x-nullable: true referenceID: example: 1234-5678-c56a4180 readOnly: true format: string paymentServiceItemParams: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentServiceItemParams' eTag: type: string readOnly: true PaymentServiceItems: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentServiceItem' PaymentRequest: type: object properties: id: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid readOnly: true type: string isFinal: default: false type: boolean moveTaskOrderID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string rejectionReason: example: documentation was incomplete type: string x-nullable: true status: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentRequestStatus' paymentRequestNumber: example: 1234-5678-1 readOnly: true type: string recalculationOfPaymentRequestID: example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 format: uuid type: string readOnly: true x-nullable: true proofOfServiceDocs: $ref: '#/definitions/ProofOfServiceDocs' paymentServiceItems: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentServiceItems' eTag: type: string readOnly: true PaymentRequests: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentRequest' MTOServiceItemStatus: description: >- The status of a service item, indicating where it is in the TOO's approval process. type: string readOnly: true enum: - SUBMITTED - APPROVED - REJECTED MTOServiceItemModelType: description: > Describes all model sub-types for a MTOServiceItem model. Using this list, choose the correct modelType in the dropdown, corresponding to the service item type. * DOFSIT, DOASIT - MTOServiceItemOriginSIT * DDFSIT, DDASIT - MTOServiceItemDestSIT * DOSHUT, DDSHUT - MTOServiceItemShuttle * DCRT, DUCRT - MTOServiceItemDomesticCrating The documentation will then update with the supported fields. type: string enum: - MTOServiceItemBasic - MTOServiceItemOriginSIT - MTOServiceItemDestSIT - MTOServiceItemShuttle - MTOServiceItemDomesticCrating ServiceRequestDocument: properties: uploads: items: $ref: '#/definitions/UploadWithOmissions' type: array type: object ServiceRequestDocuments: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRequestDocument' type: array MTOServiceItem: description: MTOServiceItem describes a base type of a service item. Polymorphic type. type: object discriminator: modelType properties: id: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string description: The ID of the service item. readOnly: true moveTaskOrderID: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string description: The ID of the move for this service item. mtoShipmentID: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string description: The ID of the shipment this service is for, if any. Optional. reServiceName: type: string readOnly: true description: The full descriptive name of the service. status: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItemStatus' rejectionReason: example: item was too heavy type: string x-nullable: true readOnly: true description: The reason why this service item was rejected by the TOO. modelType: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOServiceItemModelType' serviceRequestDocuments: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRequestDocuments' eTag: type: string readOnly: true description: >- A hash unique to this service item that should be used as the "If-Match" header for any updates. lockedPriceCents: type: integer format: cents x-nullable: true required: - modelType - moveTaskOrderID MTOAgentType: title: Agent Type description: > The type for this agent. `RELEASING` means they have authority on pickup, `RECEIVING` means they can receive the shipment on delivery. type: string example: RELEASING_AGENT enum: - RELEASING_AGENT - RECEIVING_AGENT MTOAgent: properties: id: description: The ID of the agent. example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid readOnly: true type: string mtoShipmentID: description: The ID of the shipment this agent is permitted to release/receive. example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string readOnly: true createdAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true updatedAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true firstName: type: string x-nullable: true lastName: type: string x-nullable: true email: type: string format: x-email pattern: ^([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})?$ x-nullable: true phone: type: string format: telephone pattern: ^([2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{4})?$ x-nullable: true agentType: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgentType' eTag: type: string readOnly: true type: object MTOAgents: description: > A list of the agents for a shipment. Agents are the people who the Prime contractor recognize as permitted to release (in the case of pickup) or receive (on delivery) a shipment. items: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgent' type: array maxItems: 2 SITExtension: type: object description: >- A storage in transit (SIT) Extension is a request for an increase in the billable number of days a shipment is allowed to be in SIT. properties: id: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string mtoShipmentID: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string requestReason: type: string enum: - SERIOUS_ILLNESS_MEMBER - SERIOUS_ILLNESS_DEPENDENT - IMPENDING_ASSIGNEMENT - DIRECTED_TEMPORARY_DUTY - NONAVAILABILITY_OF_CIVILIAN_HOUSING - AWAITING_COMPLETION_OF_RESIDENCE - OTHER contractorRemarks: example: We need SIT additional days. The customer has not found a house yet. type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false requestedDays: type: integer example: 30 status: enum: - PENDING - APPROVED - DENIED approvedDays: type: integer example: 30 x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false decisionDate: format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false officeRemarks: type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false createdAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true updatedAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true eTag: type: string readOnly: true SITExtensions: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SITExtension' ReweighRequester: type: string enum: - CUSTOMER - PRIME - SYSTEM - TOO Reweigh: description: >- A reweigh is when a shipment is weighed for a second time due to the request of a customer, the contractor, system or TOO. properties: id: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string requestedAt: format: date-time type: string requestedBy: $ref: '#/definitions/ReweighRequester' verificationProvidedAt: format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false verificationReason: example: >- The reweigh was not performed due to some justification provided by the Prime type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false weight: example: 2000 type: integer x-formatting: weight x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false shipmentID: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string createdAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true updatedAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true eTag: type: string readOnly: true DestinationType: type: string title: Destination Type example: OTHER_THAN_AUTHORIZED x-nullable: true enum: - HOME_OF_RECORD - HOME_OF_SELECTION - PLACE_ENTERED_ACTIVE_DUTY - OTHER_THAN_AUTHORIZED StorageFacility: description: The Storage Facility information for the shipment type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 facilityName: type: string address: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' lotNumber: type: string x-nullable: true phone: type: string format: telephone pattern: ^[2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{4}$ x-nullable: true email: type: string format: x-email pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$ x-nullable: true eTag: type: string readOnly: true MTOShipmentType: title: Shipment Type description: | The type of shipment. * `HHG` = Household goods move * `HHG_INTO_NTS_DOMESTIC` = HHG into Non-temporary storage (NTS) * `HHG_OUTOF_NTS_DOMESTIC` = HHG out of Non-temporary storage (NTS Release) * `PPM` = Personally Procured Move also known as Do It Yourself (DITY) * `BOAT_HAUL_AWAY` = Boat shipment that requires additional equipment to haul it to it's destination * `BOAT_TOW_AWAY` = Boat shipment that has a road-worthy trailer * `MOBILE_HOME` = Mobile Home shipment that a customer may move. type: string example: HHG enum: - BOAT_HAUL_AWAY - BOAT_TOW_AWAY - HHG - HHG_INTO_NTS_DOMESTIC - HHG_OUTOF_NTS_DOMESTIC - INTERNATIONAL_HHG - INTERNATIONAL_UB - MOBILE_HOME - PPM x-display-value: HHG: Household goods move (HHG) HHG_INTO_NTS_DOMESTIC: HHG into Non-temporary storage (NTS) HHG_OUTOF_NTS_DOMESTIC: HHG out of Non-temporary storage (NTS Release) PPM: Personally Procured Move also known as Do It Yourself (DITY) BOAT_HAUL_AWAY: >- Boat shipment that requires additional equipment to haul it to it's destination BOAT_TOW_AWAY: Boat shipment that has a road-worthy trailer PPMShipmentStatus: description: | Status of the PPM Shipment: * **DRAFT**: The customer has created the PPM shipment but has not yet submitted their move for counseling. * **SUBMITTED**: The shipment belongs to a move that has been submitted by the customer or has been created by a Service Counselor or Prime Contractor for a submitted move. * **WAITING_ON_CUSTOMER**: The PPM shipment has been approved and the customer may now provide their actual move closeout information and documentation required to get paid. * **NEEDS_ADVANCE_APPROVAL**: The shipment was counseled by the Prime Contractor and approved but an advance was requested so will need further financial approval from the government. * **NEEDS_CLOSEOUT**: The customer has provided their closeout weight tickets, receipts, and expenses and certified it for the Service Counselor to approve, exclude or reject. * **CLOSEOUT_COMPLETE**: The Service Counselor has reviewed all of the customer's PPM closeout documentation and authorizes the customer can download and submit their finalized SSW packet. type: string readOnly: true enum: - DRAFT - SUBMITTED - WAITING_ON_CUSTOMER - NEEDS_ADVANCE_APPROVAL - NEEDS_CLOSEOUT - CLOSEOUT_COMPLETE - CANCELED SITLocationType: description: The list of SIT location types. type: string enum: - ORIGIN - DESTINATION PPMShipment: description: >- A personally procured move is a type of shipment that a service member moves themselves. x-nullable: true properties: id: description: The primary unique identifier of this PPM shipment example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string readOnly: true shipmentId: description: The id of the parent MTOShipment record example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string readOnly: true createdAt: description: The timestamp of when the PPM shipment was created (UTC) format: date-time type: string readOnly: true updatedAt: description: The timestamp of when a property of this object was last updated (UTC) format: date-time type: string readOnly: true status: $ref: '#/definitions/PPMShipmentStatus' expectedDepartureDate: description: | Date the customer expects to begin moving from their origin. format: date type: string actualMoveDate: description: The actual start date of when the PPM shipment left the origin. format: date type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false submittedAt: description: >- The timestamp of when the customer submitted their PPM documentation to the counselor for review. format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false reviewedAt: description: >- The timestamp of when the Service Counselor has reviewed all of the closeout documents. format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false approvedAt: description: >- The timestamp of when the shipment was approved and the service member can begin their move. format: date-time type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false actualPickupPostalCode: description: > The actual postal code where the PPM shipment started. To be filled once the customer has moved the shipment. format: zip type: string title: ZIP example: '90210' pattern: ^(\d{5})$ x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false actualDestinationPostalCode: description: > The actual postal code where the PPM shipment ended. To be filled once the customer has moved the shipment. format: zip type: string title: ZIP example: '90210' pattern: ^(\d{5})$ x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false sitExpected: description: > Captures whether some or all of the PPM shipment will require temporary storage at the origin or destination. Must be set to `true` when providing `sitLocation`, `sitEstimatedWeight`, `sitEstimatedEntryDate`, and `sitEstimatedDepartureDate` values to calculate the `sitEstimatedCost`. type: boolean estimatedWeight: description: The estimated weight of the PPM shipment goods being moved in pounds. type: integer example: 4200 x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false hasProGear: description: > Indicates whether PPM shipment has pro gear for themselves or their spouse. type: boolean x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false proGearWeight: description: >- The estimated weight of the pro-gear being moved belonging to the service member in pounds. type: integer x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false spouseProGearWeight: description: >- The estimated weight of the pro-gear being moved belonging to a spouse in pounds. type: integer x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false estimatedIncentive: description: >- The estimated amount the government will pay the service member to move their belongings based on the moving date, locations, and shipment weight. type: integer format: cents x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false hasRequestedAdvance: description: | Indicates whether an advance has been requested for the PPM shipment. type: boolean x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false advanceAmountRequested: description: > The amount requested as an advance by the service member, up to a maximum percentage of the estimated incentive. type: integer format: cents x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false hasReceivedAdvance: description: | Indicates whether an advance was received for the PPM shipment. type: boolean x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false advanceAmountReceived: description: | The amount received for an advance, or null if no advance is received. type: integer format: cents x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false sitLocation: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/SITLocationType' - x-nullable: true - x-omitempty: false sitEstimatedWeight: description: The estimated weight of the goods being put into storage in pounds. type: integer example: 2000 x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false sitEstimatedEntryDate: description: The date that goods will first enter the storage location. format: date type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false sitEstimatedDepartureDate: description: The date that goods will exit the storage location. format: date type: string x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false sitEstimatedCost: description: >- The estimated amount that the government will pay the service member to put their goods into storage. This estimated storage cost is separate from the estimated incentive. type: integer format: cents x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false eTag: description: >- A hash unique to this shipment that should be used as the "If-Match" header for any updates. type: string readOnly: true required: - id - shipmentId - createdAt - status - expectedDepartureDate - sitExpected - eTag ShipmentAddressUpdateStatus: type: string title: Status readOnly: true x-display-value: REQUESTED: REQUESTED REJECTED: REJECTED APPROVED: APPROVED enum: - REQUESTED - REJECTED - APPROVED ShipmentAddressUpdate: description: > This represents a destination address change request made by the Prime that is either auto-approved or requires review if the pricing criteria has changed. If criteria has changed, then it must be approved or rejected by a TOO. type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 readOnly: true contractorRemarks: type: string example: This is a contractor remark title: Contractor Remarks description: The reason there is an address change. readOnly: true officeRemarks: type: string example: This is an office remark title: Office Remarks x-nullable: true description: The TOO comment on approval or rejection. status: $ref: '#/definitions/ShipmentAddressUpdateStatus' shipmentID: type: string format: uuid example: c56a4180-65aa-42ec-a945-5fd21dec0538 readOnly: true originalAddress: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' newAddress: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' sitOriginalAddress: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' oldSitDistanceBetween: description: >- The distance between the original SIT address and the previous/old destination address of shipment example: 50 minimum: 0 type: integer newSitDistanceBetween: description: >- The distance between the original SIT address and requested new destination address of shipment example: 88 minimum: 0 type: integer required: - id - status - shipmentID - originalAddress - newAddress - contractorRemarks MTOShipmentWithoutServiceItems: type: object properties: id: description: The ID of the shipment. example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string readOnly: true moveTaskOrderID: description: The ID of the move for this shipment. example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string readOnly: true approvedDate: description: >- The date when the Task Ordering Officer first approved this shipment for the move. format: date type: string readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true requestedPickupDate: description: > The date the customer selects during onboarding as their preferred pickup date. Other dates, such as required delivery date and (outside MilMove) the pack date, are derived from this date. format: date type: string readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true requestedDeliveryDate: description: The customer's preferred delivery date. format: date type: string readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true scheduledPickupDate: description: >- The date the Prime contractor scheduled to pick up this shipment after consultation with the customer. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true actualPickupDate: description: >- The date when the Prime contractor actually picked up the shipment. Updated after-the-fact. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true firstAvailableDeliveryDate: description: > The date the Prime provides to the customer as the first possible delivery date so that they can plan their travel accordingly. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true requiredDeliveryDate: description: > The latest date by which the Prime can deliver a customer's shipment without violating the contract. This is calculated based on weight, distance, and the scheduled pickup date. It cannot be modified. format: date type: string readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true scheduledDeliveryDate: description: >- The date the Prime contractor scheduled to deliver this shipment after consultation with the customer. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true actualDeliveryDate: description: >- The date when the Prime contractor actually delivered the shipment. Updated after-the-fact. format: date type: string x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true primeEstimatedWeight: description: > The estimated weight of this shipment, determined by the movers during the pre-move survey. This value **can only be updated once.** If there was an issue with estimating the weight and a mistake was made, the Prime contracter will need to contact the TOO to change it. type: integer example: 4500 minimum: 1 x-nullable: true primeEstimatedWeightRecordedDate: description: >- The date when the Prime contractor recorded the shipment's estimated weight. format: date type: string readOnly: true x-omitempty: false x-nullable: true primeActualWeight: description: >- The actual weight of the shipment, provided after the Prime packs, picks up, and weighs a customer's shipment. type: integer example: 4500 minimum: 1 x-nullable: true ntsRecordedWeight: description: >- The previously recorded weight for the NTS Shipment. Used for NTS Release to know what the previous primeActualWeight or billable weight was. type: integer example: 4500 x-nullable: true x-formatting: weight customerRemarks: description: > The customer can use the customer remarks field to inform the services counselor and the movers about any special circumstances for this shipment. Typical examples: * bulky or fragile items, * weapons, * access info for their address. Customer enters this information during onboarding. Optional field. type: string example: handle with care x-nullable: true readOnly: true counselorRemarks: description: > The counselor can use the counselor remarks field to inform the movers about any special circumstances for this shipment. Typical examples: * bulky or fragile items, * weapons, * access info for their address. Counselors enters this information when creating or editing an MTO Shipment. Optional field. type: string example: handle with care x-nullable: true readOnly: true actualProGearWeight: description: | The actual weight of any pro gear being shipped. type: integer x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false actualSpouseProGearWeight: description: | The actual weight of any spouse pro gear being shipped. type: integer x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false agents: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOAgents' sitExtensions: $ref: '#/definitions/SITExtensions' reweigh: $ref: '#/definitions/Reweigh' pickupAddress: description: > The address where the movers should pick up this shipment, entered by the customer during onboarding when they enter shipment details. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' destinationAddress: description: > Where the movers should deliver this shipment. Often provided by the customer when they enter shipment details during onboarding, if they know their new address already. May be blank when entered by the customer, required when entered by the Prime. May not represent the true final destination due to the shipment being diverted or placed in SIT. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' destinationType: $ref: '#/definitions/DestinationType' secondaryPickupAddress: description: >- A second pickup address for this shipment, if the customer entered one. An optional field. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' secondaryDeliveryAddress: description: >- A second delivery address for this shipment, if the customer entered one. An optional field. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Address' storageFacility: allOf: - x-nullable: true - $ref: '#/definitions/StorageFacility' shipmentType: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOShipmentType' diversion: description: > This value indicates whether or not this shipment is part of a diversion. If yes, the shipment can be either the starting or ending segment of the diversion. type: boolean diversionReason: description: > The reason the TOO provided when requesting a diversion for this shipment. type: string x-nullable: true readOnly: true status: description: > The status of a shipment, indicating where it is in the TOO's approval process. Can only be updated by the contractor in special circumstances. type: string readOnly: true enum: - SUBMITTED - APPROVED - REJECTED - CANCELLATION_REQUESTED - CANCELED - DIVERSION_REQUESTED ppmShipment: $ref: '#/definitions/PPMShipment' deliveryAddressUpdate: $ref: '#/definitions/ShipmentAddressUpdate' eTag: description: >- A hash unique to this shipment that should be used as the "If-Match" header for any updates. type: string readOnly: true createdAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true updatedAt: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true pointOfContact: type: string description: > Email or ID of the person who will be contacted in the event of questions or concerns about this update. May be the person performing the update, or someone else working with the Prime contractor. originSitAuthEndDate: format: date type: string description: The SIT authorized end date for origin SIT. x-nullable: true destinationSitAuthEndDate: format: date type: string description: The SIT authorized end date for destination SIT. x-nullable: true MTOShipmentsWithoutServiceObjects: description: A list of shipments without their associated service items. items: $ref: '#/definitions/MTOShipmentWithoutServiceItems' type: array ExcessWeightRecord: description: >- A document uploaded by the movers proving that the customer has been counseled about excess weight. allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/UploadWithOmissions' - type: object properties: moveId: description: The UUID of the move this excess weight record belongs to. type: string format: uuid example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 moveExcessWeightQualifiedAt: description: > The date and time when the sum of all the move's shipments met the excess weight qualification threshold. The system monitors these weights and will update this field automatically. type: string format: date-time readOnly: true x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false moveExcessWeightAcknowledgedAt: description: > The date and time when the TOO acknowledged the excess weight alert, either by dismissing the risk or updating the max billable weight. This will occur after the excess weight record has been uploaded. type: string format: date-time readOnly: true x-nullable: true x-omitempty: false required: - moveId ValidationError: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ClientError' - type: object properties: invalidFields: type: object additionalProperties: description: List of errors for the field type: array items: type: string required: - invalidFields ReServiceCode: type: string description: > This is the full list of service items that can be found on a shipment. Not all service items may be requested by the Prime, but may be returned in a response. Documentation of all the service items will be provided. enum: - CS - DBHF - DBTF - DCRT - DDASIT - DDDSIT - DDFSIT - DDP - DDSHUT - DLH - DMHF - DNPK - DOASIT - DOFSIT - DOP - DOPSIT - DOSHUT - DPK - DSH - DUCRT - DUPK - FSC - IBHF - IBTF - ICOLH - ICOUB - ICRT - ICRTSA - IDASIT - IDDSIT - IDFSIT - IDSHUT - IHPK - IHUPK - INPK - IOASIT - IOCLH - IOCUB - IOFSIT - IOOLH - IOOUB - IOPSIT - IOSHUT - IUBPK - IUBUPK - IUCRT - MS - NSTH - NSTUB MTOServiceItemDimension: description: >- The dimensions for either the item or the crate associated with a crating service item. type: object properties: id: example: 1f2270c7-7166-40ae-981e-b200ebdf3054 format: uuid type: string length: description: Length in thousandth inches. 1000 thou = 1 inch. example: 1000 type: integer format: int32 width: description: Width in thousandth inches. 1000 thou = 1 inch. example: 1000 type: integer format: int32 height: description: Height in thousandth inches. 1000 thou = 1 inch. example: 1000 type: integer format: int32 required: - length - width - height responses: InvalidRequest: description: The request payload is invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClientError' ServerError: description: A server error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' NotImplemented: description: The requested feature is still in development. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' PreconditionFailed: description: >- Precondition failed, likely due to a stale eTag (If-Match). Fetch the request again to get the updated eTag value. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClientError' PermissionDenied: description: The request was denied. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClientError' NotFound: description: The requested resource wasn't found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClientError' UnprocessableEntity: description: The request was unprocessable, likely due to bad input from the requester. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidationError' Conflict: description: >- The request could not be processed because of conflict in the current state of the resource. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClientError' parameters: ifMatch: in: header name: If-Match type: string required: true description: > Optimistic locking is implemented via the `If-Match` header. If the ETag header does not match the value of the resource on the server, the server rejects the change with a `412 Precondition Failed` error.