import os, cmd, sys, glob, os.path, shutil, zipfile, tarfile, gzip, urllib2, traceback, getpass try: import ui except ImportError: print "Continuing without UI module (possibly not running on iPad)" #Option to install required modules as a subdirectory of the module #or install in the user site-packages folder. LOCAL_SITE_PACKAGES=True # Credits # # The python code here was written by pudquick@github # # License # # This code is released under a standard MIT license. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # You can skip over reading this class, if you like. # It's an implementation of mine of the bash parser in pure python # This has advantages over shlex, glob, and shlex->glob in that it expects # the strings to represent files from the start. #Modified by transistor1 (svrusso1 - at - gmail - dot - com): # - Integrate minimal pipista functionality # - pdown - PyPi download # - psrch - PyPi search # - Minimal Git functionality # - git init - Initialize git repo # - git add - Stage one or more files # - git commit - Commit staged files # - git clone - clone a public repo (no auth) # - git push - push commits via web # - git modified - see which files are currently modified # - git log - doesn't currently work # - untgz - a convenience wrapper to untar and ungzip at the same time # - Also ripped @mark_tully's wget - thanks Mark! # - Simple Python sub-shell by typing 'shell', 'python', or '!' # - Running a file directly doesn't work (e.g. 'python'), though I tried # - Single-line commands only PIPISTA_URL='' DULWICH_URL='' GITTLE_URL='' FUNKY_URL='' MIMER_URL='' if LOCAL_SITE_PACKAGES: module_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'local-packages') else: import site module_dir = site.USER_SITE class BetterParser: def __init__(self): self.env_vars = {"$HOME": os.path.expanduser('~')} def parse(self, instr): instr = instr.rstrip('\r\n\t ') # Handle all three steps of parsing: # 1: Quoting # 2: Expansion (vars, ~, and glob.glob) # 3: Splitting if (not instr): return [] parse_array = [[],[]] parse_state = 0 # Stage 1: Process quotes last_block = [] for i,c in enumerate(instr): if (parse_state == 0): # Base state, look for quotes that haven't been escaped if (c == '\\'): # Switch to special mode to escape the next character last_block.append(i) parse_state += 3 elif (c == '"'): # Start double quoting last_block.append(i) parse_state = 1 elif (c == "'"): # Start single quoting last_block.append(i) parse_state = 2 else: parse_array[0].append(c) parse_array[1].append(0) elif (parse_state == 1): if (c not in '$\\"'): parse_array[0].append(c) parse_array[1].append(1) elif (c == '$'): parse_array[0].append(c) parse_array[1].append(0) elif (c == '\\'): last_block.append(i) parse_state += 3 else: last_block.pop() parse_state = 0 elif (parse_state == 2): if (c != "'"): parse_array[0].append(c) parse_array[1].append(1) else: last_block.pop() parse_state = 0 elif (3 <= parse_state <= 4): last_block.pop() parse_array[0].append(c) parse_array[1].append(parse_state + 0) parse_state -= 3 if (1 <= parse_state <= 2): raise SyntaxError("Unbalanced quotes at char %s: %s <--" % (last_block[-1],instr[:(last_block[-1]+1)])) elif (parse_state == 3): raise SyntaxError("Unfinished backslash escape at char %s: %s <--" % (last_block[-1],instr[:(last_block[-1]+1)])) elif (parse_state == 4): raise SyntaxError("Unfinished backslash escape within double quotes at char %s: %s <--" % (last_block[-1],instr[:(last_block[-1]+1)])) # State 1.5: Rebuild the parse array, evaluating escaped characters temp_array = [[],[]] escapes = {'t': '\t', 'r': '\r', 'n': '\n'} for i,c in enumerate(parse_array[0]): if (3 <= parse_array[1][i] <= 4): temp_array[0].append(escapes.get(c,c)) temp_array[1].append(1) else: temp_array[0].append(c) temp_array[1].append(parse_array[1][i] + 0) parse_array = temp_array # Stage 2: Perform expansions for i,c in enumerate(parse_array[0]): if ((c == '$') and (parse_array[1][i] == 0)): # Unquoted $ detected remainder = ''.join(parse_array[0][i:]) for var_name in self.env_vars.keys(): if remainder.startswith(var_name): # Found a variable that needs to be replaced # Blow out the variable name for j in range(i,len(var_name)+i): parse_array[0][j] = '' parse_array[1][j] = -1 # Insert the new value parse_array[0][i] = self.env_vars[var_name] parse_array[1][i] = 2 elif ((c == '~') and (parse_array[1][i] == 0)): # Unquoted ~ detected, make sure it's dir-ish if ((i == 0) and (len(parse_array[0]) == 1)): # Tilde by itself parse_array[0][i] = self.env_vars.get('$HOME', '/') parse_array[1][i] = 2 elif ((i == 0) and ((parse_array[0][i+1] == '/') or ((parse_array[0][i+1] == ' ') and (parse_array[1][i+1] == 0)))): # Tilde at start, followed by slash or non-escaped space parse_array[0][i] = self.env_vars.get('$HOME', '/') parse_array[1][i] = 2 elif ((len(parse_array[0]) == (i+1)) and ((parse_array[0][i-1] == ' ') and (parse_array[1][i-1] == 0))): # Tilde at end, preceded by a non-escaped space parse_array[0][i] = self.env_vars.get('$HOME', '/') parse_array[1][i] = 2 elif (((parse_array[0][i-1] == ' ') and (parse_array[1][i-1] == 0)) and ((parse_array[0][i+1] == '/') or ((parse_array[0][i+1] == ' ') and (parse_array[1][i+1] == 0)))): # Tilde not at start or end, preceded by a non-escaped space and followed by slash or non-escaped space parse_array[0][i] = self.env_vars.get('$HOME', '/') parse_array[1][i] = 2 # Stage 2.5: Rebuild the parse array, finalizing expansions temp_array = [[],[]] for i,c in enumerate(parse_array[0]): if (parse_array[1][i] == 2): for d in c: temp_array[0].append(d) temp_array[1].append(1) elif (parse_array[1][i] >= 0): temp_array[0].append(c) temp_array[1].append(parse_array[1][i] + 0) parse_array = temp_array # Stage 2.7: Wildcard globbing temp_groups = [[],[]] split_mode = 0 for i,c in enumerate(parse_array[0]): # Pre-split into words based on non-escaped whitespace if (not ((c in ' \t\n\r') and (parse_array[1][i] == 0))): if (split_mode == 0): split_mode = 1 temp_groups[0].append([c]) temp_groups[1].append([0 + parse_array[1][i]]) else: temp_groups[0][-1].append(c) temp_groups[1][-1].append(parse_array[1][i]) else: split_mode = 0 temp_groups[0].append([c]) temp_groups[1].append([0 + parse_array[1][i]]) temp_array = [[],[]] seen_first = False not_whitespace = False for i,chunk in enumerate(temp_groups[0]): # Iterate through words looking for unescaped glob characters glob_chunk = False for j,c in enumerate(chunk): if ((c in '*[]?') and (temp_groups[1][i][j] == 0)): # Found a chunk with unescaped glob character, but it's not the first chunk if (seen_first): glob_chunk = True if (not seen_first): if (not ((c in ' \t\n\r') and (temp_groups[1][i][j] == 0))): not_whitespace = True if (not_whitespace): seen_first = True not_whitespace = False if (glob_chunk): # Found a glob containing chunk glob_str = ''.join(chunk) matches = glob.glob(glob_str) if (matches): for match in matches: for c in match: temp_array[0].append(c) temp_array[1].append(1) temp_array[0].append(' ') temp_array[1].append(0) _ = temp_array[0].pop() _ = temp_array[1].pop() else: for j,c in enumerate(chunk): temp_array[0].append(c) temp_array[1].append(temp_groups[1][i][j]) else: for j,c in enumerate(chunk): temp_array[0].append(c) temp_array[1].append(temp_groups[1][i][j]) parse_array = temp_array # Stage 2.9: Rebuild the parse array, escaping remaining non-whitespace temp_array = [[],[]] for i,c in enumerate(parse_array[0]): if ((c not in ' \t\n\r') and (parse_array[1][i] == 0)): temp_array[0].append(c) temp_array[1].append(1) else: temp_array[0].append(c) temp_array[1].append(parse_array[1][i] + 0) parse_array = temp_array # Stage 3: Splitting split_mode = 0 final_value = [] for i,c in enumerate(parse_array[0]): if (parse_array[1][i] == 1): if (split_mode == 0): split_mode = 1 final_value.append('' + c) else: final_value[-1] += c else: split_mode = 0 return final_value class PyShell(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): #super(PyShell, self).__init__() cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.did_quit = False self.exec_globals = globals() self.exec_locals = {} def do_quit(self, NoParams=None): """exit shell""" self.did_quit = True def emptyline(self): pass def precmd(self,line): if not line.startswith('quit'): if line: try: exec(line,self.exec_globals,self.exec_locals) except SyntaxError as e: print 'Syntax Error: {0}'.format(e) except ImportError as e: print 'Import Error: {0}'.format(e) except NameError as e: print 'Name Error: {0}'.format(e) except: print 'Error: {0}'.format(sys.exc_value) return '\n' else: return cmd.Cmd.precmd(self,line) def postcmd(self,stop,line): return self.did_quit class Shell(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self._bash = BetterParser() self._bash.env_vars['$HOME'] = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents') self.did_quit = False def bash(self, argstr): try: return self._bash.parse('. ' + argstr)[1:] except SyntaxError, e: print "Syntax Error: %s" % e return None def pprint(self, path): if (path.startswith(self._bash.env_vars['$HOME'])): return '~' + path.split(self._bash.env_vars['$HOME'],1)[-1] return path #WGet clone by Mark Tully - def do_wget(self,line): """WGet clone wget: usage "wget URL [optional output filename]" """ args=self.bash(line) if len(args)<1 or len(args)>2: print 'wget: usage "wget URL [optional output filename]"' else: self.wget(args) def wget(self, args): import urllib2,contextlib url=args[0] dst=args[1] if len(args)>1 else os.path.basename(url.split('?',1)[0]) print 'Downloading to "%s"'%dst try: total=0 with contextlib.closing(urllib2.urlopen(url)) as c: with open(dst,'wb') as f: while True:*1024) if data=='': break f.write(data) total+=len(data) print 'downloaded %d bytes'%total except Exception as e: print 'wget: error',e def do_git(self,line): """Very basic Git commands: init, stage, commit, clone, modified, branch""" from gittle import Gittle #TODO: These git functions all follow the same pattern. #Refactor these so they only contain their unique logic #TODO: If there is no ~/.gitconfig file, set up the username and password self.git_user = None self.git_email = None def git_init(args): if len(args) == 1: Gittle.init(args[0]) else: print command_help['init'] def git_status(args): if len(args) == 0: repo = Gittle('.') status = porcelain.status(repo.repo) print status #repo.diff_working() #repo.diff(diff_type='changes') #print repo.modified_files.intersection(repo.added_files) #repo.tracked_files.intersection(repo.added_files) #print repo.added_files else: print command_help['git_staged'] def git_remote(args): '''List remote repos''' if len(args) == 0: repo = Gittle('.') for key, value in repo.remotes.items(): print key, value else: print command_help['remote'] def git_add(args): if len(args) > 0: repo = Gittle('.') repo.stage(args) else: print command_help['add'] def git_rm(args): if len(args) > 0: repo = Gittle('.') repo.rm(args) else: print command_help['rm'] def git_branch(args): if len(args) == 0: repo = Gittle('.') active = repo.active_branch for key, value in repo.branches.items(): print ('* ' if key == active else '') + key, value else: print command_help['branch'] def git_commit(args): if len(args) == 3: try: repo = Gittle('.') print repo.commit(name=args[1],email=args[2],message=args[0]) except: print 'Error: {0}'.format(sys.exc_value) else: print command_help['commit'] def git_clone(args): if len(args) > 0: url = args[0] #def clone(source, target=None, bare=False, checkout=None, config=None, opener=None, outstream=sys.stdout): repo = Gittle.clone(args[0], args[1] if len(args)>1 else '.', bare=False) #porcelain.clone(url, target='.') #repo = Gittle('.') #Set the origin config = repo.repo.get_config() config.set(('remote','origin'),'url',url) config.write_to_path() else: print command_help['clone'] def git_pull(args): if len(args) <= 1: repo = Gittle('.') url = args[0] if len(args)==1 else repo.remotes.get('origin','') if url: repo.pull(origin_uri=url) else: print 'No pull URL.' else: print command_help['git pull'] def git_push(args): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='git push' , usage='git push [http(s)://] [-u username[:password]]' , description="Push to a remote repository") parser.add_argument('url', type=str, nargs='?', help='URL to push to') parser.add_argument('-u', metavar='username[:password]', type=str, required=False, help='username[:password]') result = parser.parse_args(args) user, sep, pw = result.u.partition(':') if result.u else (None,None,None) repo = Gittle('.') #Try to get the remote origin if not result.url: result.url = repo.remotes.get('origin','') branch_name = os.path.join('refs','heads', repo.active_branch) #'refs/heads/%s' % repo.active_branch print "Attempting to push to: {0}, branch: {1}".format(result.url, branch_name) if user: if not pw: pw = getpass.getpass('Enter password for {0}: '.format(user)) opener = auth_urllib2_opener(None, result.url, user, pw) print porcelain.push(repo.repo, result.url, branch_name, opener=opener) else: print porcelain.push(repo.repo, result.url, branch_name) def git_modified(args): repo = Gittle('.') for mod_file in repo.modified_files: print mod_file def git_log(args): if len(args) <= 1: try: porcelain.log(max_entries=int(args[0]) if len(args)==1 else None) except ValueError: print command_help['log'] else: print command_help['log'] # def switch_branch(self, branch_name, tracking=None, create=None): def git_checkout(args): if len(args) == 1: repo = Gittle('.') repo.clean_working() #repo.checkout('refs/heads/{0}'.format(args[0])) repo.switch_branch('{0}'.format(args[0])) else: print command_help['checkout'] def git_help(args): print 'help:' for key, value in command_help.items(): print value #TODO: Alphabetize commands = { 'init': git_init ,'add': git_add ,'rm': git_rm ,'commit': git_commit ,'clone': git_clone ,'modified': git_modified ,'log': git_log ,'push': git_push ,'pull': git_pull ,'branch': git_branch ,'checkout': git_checkout ,'remote': git_remote ,'status': git_status ,'help': git_help } command_help = { 'init': 'git init - initialize a new Git repository' ,'add': 'git add .. [file2] .. - stage one or more files' ,'rm': 'git rm .. [file2] .. - git rm one or more files' ,'commit': 'git commit - commit staged files' ,'clone': 'git clone [path] - clone a remote repository' ,'modified': 'git modified - show what files have been modified' ,'log': 'git log [number of changes to show] - show a full log of changes' ,'push': 'git push [http(s)://] [-u username[:password]] - push changes back to remote' ,'pull': 'git pull [http(s)://] - pull changes from a remote repository' ,'checkout': 'git checkout - check out a particular branch in the Git tree' ,'branch': 'git branch - show branches' ,'status': 'git status - show status of files (staged, unstaged, untracked)' ,'help': 'git help' } #git_init.__repr__ = "git init abc" args = self.bash(line) try: #Call the command and pass args cmd = commands.get(args[0] if len(args) > 0 else 'help','help') cmd(args[1:]) except: #import traceback #traceback.print_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback) #traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_traceback) print 'Error: {0}'.format(sys.exc_value) def do_untgz(self, file): """Helper to run both ungzip and untar on a file""" result = self.do_ungzip(file, gunzip=True) if result: self.do_untar(result) if os.path.isfile(result): self.do_rm(result) def do_shell(self, args): """Python shell""" self.do_python(args) def do_python(self,line): """Python shell""" args = self.bash(line) #Save the old path, in case user messes with it in shell with _save_context(): sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) if len(args)==0: print 'Entering Python shell' p = PyShell() p.prompt = '>>> ' p.cmdloop() else: #Run the program and pass any args. try: tmpg = globals() tmpl = locals() sys.argv = args[:] execfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),args[0]), tmpg, tmpl) except: print 'Error: {0}'.format(sys.exc_value) def do_pdown(self, modulename): """Download a module from pypi""" try: pipista.pypi_download(modulename) except pipista.PyPiError: print 'Module {0} not found.'.format(modulename) def do_psrch(self, search_term): """Search PyPi for a module""" try: results = pipista.pypi_search(search_term) #print self.pprint( '{0}'.format(result) ) print '** Number of results for "{0}" from PyPi: {1}'.format(search_term, len(results)) for i in xrange(len(results)): print '\t** Result {0} of {1}'.format(i + 1, len(results)) for key, value in results[i].items(): print '\t\t{0}: {1}'.format(key, value) except pipista.PyPiError: print 'Couldn\'t find {0}'.format(search_term) def do_pwd(self, line): """return working directory name""" print self.pprint(os.getcwd()) def do_cd(self, line): """change the current directory to DIR""" args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif args and len(args) == 1: try: os.chdir(args[0]) except Exception: print "cd: %s: No such directory" % line elif len(args) > 1: print "cd: Too many arguments" else: os.chdir(self._bash.env_vars['$HOME']) def sizeof_fmt(self, num): for x in ['bytes','KB','MB','GB']: if num < 1024.0: if (x == 'bytes'): return "%s %s" % (num, x) else: return "%3.1f %s" % (num, x) num /= 1024.0 return "%3.1f%s" % (num, 'TB') def do_mkdir(self, line): """make a directory""" args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif (len(args) == 1): target = args[0] if os.path.exists(target): print "mkdir: %s: File exists" % line else: try: os.mkdir(target) except Exception: print "mkdir: %s: Unable to create" % line else: print "mkdir: Usage: mkdir directory_name" def do_mv(self, line): """move files and directories""" args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif (not (len(args) >= 2)): print "mv: Usage: mv src [..] dest" else: dest = args[-1] files = args[0:-1] if (len(files) > 1): # Moving multiple files, destination must be an existing directory. if (not os.path.isdir(dest)): print "cp: %s: No such directory" % self.pprint(dest) else: full_dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest)) + '/' for filef in files: full_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filef)) file_name = os.path.basename(full_file) new_name = os.path.join(full_dest,file_name) if (not os.path.exists(full_file)): print "! Error: Skipped, missing -", self.pprint(filef) continue try: os.rename(full_file,new_name) except Exception: print "mv: %s: Unable to move" % self.pprint(filef) else: # Moving a single file to a (pre-existing) directory or a file filef = files[0] full_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filef)) file_name = os.path.basename(full_file) full_dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest)) if (os.path.isdir(full_dest)): if (os.path.exists(full_file)): try: os.rename(full_file, full_dest + '/' + file_name) except: print "mv: %s: Unable to move" % self.pprint(filef) else: print "mv: %s: No such file" % self.pprint(filef) else: if (os.path.exists(full_file)): try: os.rename(full_file, full_dest) except: print "mv: %s: Unable to move" % self.pprint(filef) else: print "mv: %s: No such file" % self.pprint(filef) def do_cp(self, line): """copy files and directories""" args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif (not (len(args) >= 2)): print "cp: Usage: cp src [..] dest" else: if len(args) > 2: files = args[:-1] dest = args[-1] else: files = args[:1] dest = args[-1] if (len(files) > 1): # Copying multiple files, destination must be an existing directory. if (not os.path.isdir(dest)): print "cp: %s: No such directory" % self.pprint(dest) else: full_dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest)) + '/' for filef in files: full_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filef)) file_name = os.path.basename(full_file) new_name = os.path.join(full_dest,file_name) if (not os.path.exists(full_file)): print "! Error: Skipped, missing -", self.pprint(filef) continue try: if (os.path.isdir(full_file)): shutil.copytree(full_file,new_name) else: shutil.copy(full_file,new_name) except Exception: print "cp: %s: Unable to copy" % self.pprint(filef) else: # Copying a single file to a (pre-existing) directory or a file filef = files[0] full_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filef)) file_name = os.path.basename(full_file) full_dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest)) new_name = os.path.join(full_dest,file_name) if (os.path.isdir(full_dest)): # Destination is a directory already if (os.path.exists(full_file)): try: if (os.path.isdir(full_file)): shutil.copytree(full_file,new_name) else: shutil.copy(full_file,new_name) except: print "cp: %s: Unable to copy" % self.pprint(filef) else: print "cp: %s: No such file" % self.pprint(filef) elif (os.path.exists(full_dest)): # Destination is a file if (os.path.exists(full_file)): try: shutil.copy(full_file,full_dest) except: print "cp: %s: Unable to copy" % self.pprint(filef) else: print "cp: %s: No such file" % self.pprint(filef) else: if (os.path.isdir(full_file)): # Source is a directory, destination should become a directory try: shutil.copytree(full_file,full_dest) except: print "cp: %s: Unable to copy" % self.pprint(filef) else: # Source is a file, destination should become a file try: shutil.copy(full_file,full_dest) except: print "cp: %s: Unable to copy" % self.pprint(filef) def do_rm(self, line): """remove one or more files/directories""" args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif (len(args) < 1): print "rm: Usage: rm file_or_dir [...]" else: for filef in args: full_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filef)) if not os.path.exists(filef): print "! Skipping: Not found -", self.pprint(filef) continue if (os.path.isdir(full_file)): try: shutil.rmtree(full_file, True) if (os.path.exists(full_file)): print "rm: %s: Unable to remove" % self.pprint(filef) except Exception: print "rm: %s: Unable to remove" % self.pprint(filef) else: try: os.remove(full_file) except Exception: print "rm: %s: Unable to remove" % self.pprint(filef) def do_cat(self, line): """print file""" args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif (len(args) != 1): print "cat: Usage: cat file" else: target = args[0] if (not os.path.exists(target)): print "cat: %s: No such file" % line elif (os.path.isdir(target)): print "cat: %s: Is a directory" % line else: try: contents = "" with open(target, 'r') as f: contents = print contents print "" except Exception: print "cat: %s: Unable to access" % line def do_ls(self, line): """list directory contents""" files = self.bash(line) if files is None: return elif (not files): files = ['.'] files_for_path = dict() for filef in files: full_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filef)) file_name = os.path.basename(full_file) dir_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(full_file)) if (not os.path.exists(full_file)): print "! Error: Skipped, missing -", self.pprint(filef) continue if (os.path.isdir(full_file)): # Need to add this as a key and all the files contained inside it _dirs = files_for_path.get(full_file, set()) for new_file in os.listdir(full_file): _dirs.add(os.path.normpath(full_file) + '/' + os.path.normpath(new_file)) files_for_path[full_file] = _dirs else: _dirs = files_for_path.get(dir_name, set()) _dirs.add(full_file) files_for_path[dir_name] = _dirs # Iterate over the paths, in alphabetical order: paths = sorted(files_for_path.keys()) cwd = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd()) in_cwd = False if (cwd in paths): # Move cwd to the front, mark that it's present paths.remove(cwd) paths = [cwd] + paths in_cwd = True for i,path in enumerate(paths): if (i > 0): print "\n" + self.pprint(path) + "/:" elif (not in_cwd): print self.pprint(path) + "/:" for filef in sorted(list(files_for_path[path])): full_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filef)) file_name = os.path.basename(full_file) if (os.path.isdir(full_file)): print file_name + "/" else: try: print file_name + (" (%s)" % (self.sizeof_fmt(os.stat(full_file).st_size))) except OSError: print file_name + " (OSError)" def do_unzip(self, line): """unzip a zip archive""" # filename with optional destination args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif not (1 <= len(args) <= 2): print "unzip: Usage: unzip file [destination]" else: filename = os.path.abspath(args[0]) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print "unzip: %s: No such file" % args[0] else: # PK magic marker check f = open(filename) try: pk_check = except Exception: pk_check = '' finally: f.close() if pk_check != 'PK': print "unzip: %s: does not appear to be a zip file" % args[0] else: if (os.path.basename(filename).lower().endswith('.zip')): altpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] else: altpath = os.path.basename(filename) + '_unzipped' altpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), altpath) location = (args[1:2] or [altpath])[0] if (os.path.exists(location)) and not (os.path.isdir(location)): print "unzip: %s: destination is not a directory" % location return elif not os.path.exists(location): os.makedirs(location) zipfp = open(filename, 'rb') try: zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfp) # check for a leading directory common to all files and remove it dirnames = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(x), '') for x in zipf.namelist()] common_dir = os.path.commonprefix(dirnames or ['/']) # Check to make sure there aren't 2 or more sub directories with the same prefix if not common_dir.endswith('/'): common_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(common_dir), '') for name in zipf.namelist(): data = fn = name if common_dir: if fn.startswith(common_dir): fn = fn.split(common_dir, 1)[-1] elif fn.startswith('/' + common_dir): fn = fn.split('/' + common_dir, 1)[-1] fn = fn.lstrip('/') fn = os.path.join(location, fn) dirf = os.path.dirname(fn) if not os.path.exists(dirf): os.makedirs(dirf) if fn.endswith('/'): # A directory if not os.path.exists(fn): os.makedirs(fn) else: fp = open(fn, 'wb') try: fp.write(data) finally: fp.close() except Exception: zipfp.close() print "unzip: %s: zip file is corrupt" % args[0] return finally: zipfp.close() def do_untar(self, line): """untar a tar archive""" # filename with optional destination args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif not (1 <= len(args) <= 2): print "untar: Usage: untar file [destination]" else: filename = os.path.abspath(args[0]) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print "untar: %s: No such file" % args[0] else: # 'ustar' magic marker check f = open(filename) try: ustar_check = except Exception: ustar_check = '' finally: f.close() if ustar_check != 'ustar': print "untar: %s: does not appear to be a tar file" % args[0] else: if (os.path.basename(filename).lower().endswith('.tar')): altpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] else: altpath = os.path.basename(filename) + '_untarred' altpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), altpath) location = (args[1:2] or [altpath])[0] if (os.path.exists(location)) and not (os.path.isdir(location)): print "untar: %s: destination is not a directory" % location return elif not os.path.exists(location): os.makedirs(location) try: tar =, 'r') # check for a leading directory common to all files and remove it dirnames = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, '') for x in tar.getmembers() if != 'pax_global_header'] common_dir = os.path.commonprefix(dirnames or ['/']) if not common_dir.endswith('/'): common_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(common_dir), '') for member in tar.getmembers(): fn = if fn == 'pax_global_header': continue if common_dir: if fn.startswith(common_dir): fn = fn.split(common_dir, 1)[-1] elif fn.startswith('/' + common_dir): fn = fn.split('/' + common_dir, 1)[-1] fn = fn.lstrip('/') fn = os.path.join(location, fn) dirf = os.path.dirname(fn) if member.isdir(): # A directory if not os.path.exists(fn): os.makedirs(fn) elif member.issym(): # skip symlinks continue else: try: fp = tar.extractfile(member) except (KeyError, AttributeError): # invalid member, not necessarily a bad tar file continue if not os.path.exists(dirf): os.makedirs(dirf) with open(fn, 'wb') as destfp: shutil.copyfileobj(fp, destfp) fp.close() except Exception: tar.close() print "untar: %s: tar file is corrupt" % args[0] return finally: tar.close() def do_ungzip(self, line, gunzip=False): """ungzip a gzip archive""" # filename with optional output filename fname = 'ungzip' if gunzip: fname = 'gunzip' args = self.bash(line) if args is None: return elif not (1 <= len(args) <= 2): print "%s: Usage: %s file [outfile]" % (fname, fname) else: filename = os.path.abspath(args[0]) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print "%s: %s: No such file" % (fname,args[0]) else: # '\x1f\x8b\x08' magic marker check f = open(filename, 'rb') try: gz_check = except Exception: gz_check = '' finally: f.close() if gz_check != '\x1f\x8b\x08': print "%s: %s: does not appear to be a gzip file" % (fname,args[0]) else: if (os.path.basename(filename).lower().endswith('.gz') or os.path.basename(filename).lower().endswith('.gzip')): altpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] elif os.path.basename(filename).lower().endswith('.tgz'): altpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + '.tar' else: altpath = os.path.basename(filename) + '_ungzipped' altpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), altpath) location = (args[1:2] or [altpath])[0] if os.path.exists(location): print "%s: %s: destination already exists" % (fname,os.path.basename(location)) return dirf = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(location))) try: if not os.path.exists(dirf): os.makedirs(dirf) with open(location, 'wb') as outfile: with, 'rb') as gzfile: outfile.write( return location except Exception: print "%s: %s: gzip file is corrupt" % (fname, args[0]) def do_gunzip(self, line): """ungzip a gzip archive""" self.do_ungzip(line, gunzip=True) def do_touch(self, line): """touch a file, either creating it or modifying the modified date""" args = self.bash(line) if len(args) == 1: with open(args[0],'ab+') as f: pass else: print "Couldn't touch file" def do_quit(self,line): """exit shell""" self.did_quit = True def do_q(self,line): """exit shell""" self.did_quit = True def do_exit(self,line): """exit shell""" self.did_quit = True def do_logout(self,line): """exit shell""" self.did_quit = True def do_logoff(self,line): """exit shell""" self.did_quit = True def postcmd(self,stop,line): return self.did_quit def emptyline(self): pass def onecmd(self, line): try: cmd.Cmd.onecmd(self, line) except: print "Unhandled Exception:" traceback.print_exc() def precmd(self,line): #check if last char is tab, in which case, autocompl #If last char is two tabs, nuke last argument while line.endswith(' '): if line.endswith(' '): newline=' '.join([s.replace(' ',"' '") for s in self._bash.parse(line)[:-1]]) else: newline=_tabcompl(line,self._bash) line=newline+raw_input('+++' + newline) print '>' + line return line def _tabcompl(line,bash): """complete partial line""" args=bash.parse(line) filef=args[-1] full_file = os.path.relpath(filef) file_name = os.path.basename(filef) dir_name = os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(filef))) files = os.listdir(dir_name) matchingfiles = [f for f in files if f.startswith(file_name)] table=ui.TableView() listsource=ui.ListDataSource(matchingfiles) listsource.font=('',10) listsource.action=_tapaction table.data_source=listsource table.delegate=listsource table.width=300 table.height=300 table.row_height=15 table.present('popover') if len(matchingfiles) > 1: table.wait_modal() else: table.close() #now, replace last arg with the match. if len(matchingfiles) > 0: args[-1]=os.path.join(dir_name,matchingfiles[table.selected_row[1]]) else: args[-1]='' #no match... just kill arg newline=' '.join([s.replace(' ',"' '") for s in args]) return newline def _tapaction(sender): sender.tableview.close() def _global_import(modulename): module = __import__(modulename,globals(),locals()) globals()[modulename]=module def _import_optional(modulename, url, filename, after_extracted, shellfuncs): """import optional modules, downloading if possible. Disable shell functionality if the module can't be loaded.""" try: #os.chdir('~') _global_import(modulename) except: print 'Requires {0} ... attempting to download.'.format(modulename) s = Shell() #s.do_cd('~') s.do_mkdir('.shellista_tmp') s.do_cd('.shellista_tmp') s.do_wget("{0} {1}".format(url, filename)) after_extracted(s, os.getcwd(), modulename) s.do_cd('..') s.do_rm('.shellista_tmp') try: _global_import(modulename) except: print 'Error importing {0}, continuing without.'.format(modulename) for f in shellfuncs: #Delete commands that we can't get dependencies for1 exec('del Shell.{0}'.format(f), globals(), locals()) def _extract_generic(shell, path, modulename): shell.do_untgz('{0}.tar.gz'.format(modulename)) shell.do_mv('{0}/*/{0} {1}/'.format(modulename, module_dir)) def _extract_pipista(shell, path, modulename): shell.do_mv(' {0}'.format(module_dir)) def _shellista_setup(): #make sure site-packages is in the path. If shellista is #in a subfolder of ~, it will create a site-packages subfolder #so shellista can be installed anywhere. if not os.path.exists(module_dir): os.mkdir(module_dir) if not module_dir in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, module_dir + '/') _import_optional('pipista', PIPISTA_URL, '', _extract_pipista, ['do_psrch','do_pdown']) _import_optional('dulwich', DULWICH_URL, 'dulwich.tar.gz', _extract_generic, []) _import_optional('funky', FUNKY_URL, 'funky.tar.gz', _extract_generic, []) _import_optional('mimer', MIMER_URL, 'mimer.tar.gz', _extract_generic, []) _import_optional('gittle', GITTLE_URL, 'gittle.tar.gz', _extract_generic, ['do_git']) _shellista_setup() if globals().get('dulwich'): from dulwich.client import default_user_agent_string from dulwich import porcelain import contextlib @contextlib.contextmanager def _save_context(): sys._argv = sys.argv[:] sys._path = sys.path[:] yield sys.argv = sys._argv sys.path = sys._path #Urllib2 opener for dulwich def auth_urllib2_opener(config, top_level_url, username, password): if config is not None: proxy_server = config.get("http", "proxy") else: proxy_server = None # create a password manager password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() # Add the username and password. # If we knew the realm, we could use it instead of None. #top_level_url = "" password_mgr.add_password(None, top_level_url, username, password) handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr) handlers = [handler] if proxy_server is not None: handlers.append(urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": proxy_server})) opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) if config is not None: user_agent = config.get("http", "useragent") else: user_agent = None if user_agent is None: user_agent = default_user_agent_string() opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', user_agent)] return opener def main(): #from gittle import Gittle #Gittle.push_to = push_to shell = Shell() shell.prompt = '> ' shell.cmdloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()