
Contributors to this project include:

Daniel C. Owens

Dardo Sordi

Chuck Bearden

Jonathan Robie

Patrick Durusau

Stephen Hughes (aka Στέφανος)

David Statezni

Bram vandenHeuvel

Drew Curley

Chapel Presson

Todd L. Price




The need of a new Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament will hardly be questioned. Thayer's monumental work, deservedly the standard for more than thirty years past, and, supplemented by later literature, still likely to remain a standard of reference for some time to come, was rather too bulky to serve as a table companion to the New Testament for the average man. A smaller book, which would lend itself more readily to constant reference, has been a real and growing want for the student.

This want has been enhanced by the progress of lexical study during the last quarter century. The study of vernacular texts, which in recent years received a new impetus through the discovery of vast numbers of non-literary papyri, chiefly in Egypt, has removed all doubt as to the category to which the language of the New Testament belongs. It is now abundantly clear that the diction of the apostolic writers is not a peculiar isolated idiom, characteristic of Jewish Hellenists, but simply the common speech of the Greek-speaking world at the time when the New Testament books were written.

While the statement just made has come to be a commonplace, it has not been so for long. There has arisen, therefore, the need not only of the collection and arrangement in convenient form (a need which is now being supplied for the advanced scholar in Moulton and Milligan's Vocabulary of the Greek Testament) of the results of pioneer study in the papyri, but also of a systematic revision, in the light of recent research, of many of the views regarding the diction and vocabulary of the New Testament which were commonly accepted thirty or even twenty years ago.

The considerations therefore —so well set forth by Dr. Moulton in his Prolegomena— which call for an entirely new grammar of the New Testament, apply also to the work of the Lexicographer. And the materials for his work —still steadily accumulating— have been liberally furnished by the special studies of Deissmann and Thumb in Germany and Moulton and Milligan in Great Britain and have also found their way into the more recent commentaries.

The new impulse given to the study of the Septuagint by the publication of the Oxford Concordance by Hatch and Redpath, the Cambridge Manual Edition of the Septuagint and its accompanying Introduction by Dr. Swete, together with the Grammar of Mr. Thackeray, has also had its influence on New Testament studies. While Dr. Abbott's cautionEssays, 67ff. as to the possibility of exaggerating the influence of the Septuagint still holds good, the evidence of the papyri has brought about a growing sense of its value to the student of the New Testament. More reference therefore has been made, it is believed, in this Lexicon to the usage of the Septuagint than in any previous work of the same kind, so that even where there may not appear to be any special significance in the Old Testament usage with respect to a particular word, the student will always have an idea of the extent and character of the use which was made of it in that version which was the most familiar form of the Old Testament to the writers of the New.

The books mentioned in the list which follows are, out of a larger number to which I would register here a general acknowledgement of indebtedness, those which appeared to be, on the whole, the more accessible and useful to the average reader. Among the Lexicons, an almost equal debt is owed to Liddell and Scott and to Thayer. The classification of meanings in the latter, a characteristic excellence, often defies improvement, while Preuschen, though on the whole adding little to the work of his predecessors, is often helpful in this same particular. Not a few suggestions of fresh treatment have come from Fr. Zorell, S.J., whose scholarly work is quite modern and remarkably free from the ecclesiastical bias which one might have expected to find in it.

Of the commentaries, besides those available to Thayer, the most helpful for lexical purposes have been those of Hort, Swete and Mayor in Macmillan's Series, also the International Critical Commentaries, especially the more recent issues. Some of Bishop Lightfoot's best lexical work is to be found in his posthumous Notes on Epistles of St. Paul, while Dr. Field's Notes on the Translation of the New Testament, contain a wealth of learning and sound judgment such as would be hard to parallel within the limits of a single volume.

On points of grammar, references are mainly made to Dr. Moulton's Prolegomena and the English Translation of Blass, as the most recent and convenient of first-rate authorities.

A brief treatment is given of the more important synonyms, in the belief that while classical distinctions cannot always be pressed in late and colloquial usage, it is an advantage to know something of the distinctive features of synonymous words as traceable in their etymology and literary history.

For the text of the New Testament the standard adopted is that of Moulton and Geden's Concordance,A Concordance to the Greek Testament, by Rev. W. F. Moulton, M.A., D.D., and Rev. A. S. Geden, M.A. Second Edition. T. & T. Clark, 1899. which, as the latest and best work of its kind, is likely to remain the recognised authority for many years to come. The Greek text followed therefore is that of Westcott and Hort, with which are compared the texts of the Eighth Edition of Tischendorf and of the English Revisers, the marginal readings of each being included. From the Textus Receptus as such, no reading which modern editors have rejected is as a rule recorded, except in cases where a word would otherwise be dropped from the vocabulary of the New Testament. Sometimes, also, reference is made to a reading of the Receptus to which some particular interest is attached.

The asterisks and daggers in the margin follow, with the kind permission of the publishers and Mr. Geden, the notation of the Concordance. There is, however, the one difference, that whereas in Moulton and Geden the time limit marked by the dagger is the beginning of the Christian era, it seemed better for the purpose of the Lexicon to include in the category of "late Greek" all words found only in Greek writers after the time of Aristotle.See below, p. xvi.

It remains to express in general terms my grateful acknowledgement to colleagues and friends in McGill University with its affiliated Theological Colleges and in my own Alma Mater, the University of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, as well as to many English friends, in Cambridge and elsewhere, who have given me valued advice and encouragement.

All these will pardon me if I single out for special mention the one name of Dr. J. H. Moulton, the genial master-crafts- man of that science to which I have sought in a humble way to contribute what I could. At the beginning of my undertaking he took me in, a stranger, and gave me ungrudgingly of his counsel and direction, and also my first introduction to the publishers through whom the appearance of the work under the best possible auspices was assured.

To the manifold assistance I have had from fellow-workers, both by word of mouth and through the printed page I would fain attribute most of the value which this modest effort may possess. For its deficiencies I am alone responsible, and I can only hope that in spite of them this book may sustain the note sounded in the last word in the alphabetical order of the New Testament Vocabulary —ὠφέλιμος— and may serve in a small way to the more faithful and intelligent study of the Book of the New Covenant of our Lord and Saviour in the language in which it was written.

The foregoing paragraphs were written early in 1917, when, with the last sheets of the Lexicon, they were sent overseas for publication. The manuscript has thus been inaccessible for revision, whence the absence of any reference to much valuable material that has appeared, both in books and in periodicals, during the last four years, including the second volume of the Grammar of Dr. Moulton, whose tragic death as a victim of the ruthless warfare of the submarines was reported a few days after the earlier part of this Preface was written. The student is recommended to supplement the grammatical references in the body of the Lexicon by consulting the Index to Vol. II. of Dr. Moulton's Grammar.

I take this opportunity of adding to the acknowledgements already made my thanks to Professors A. R. Gordon and S. B. Slack of McGill University and to the Rev. R. K. Naylor, sometime classical tutor at McGill, for their kindness in proof-reading, to the publishers for their generous enterprise at a time of unprecedented difficulty in the production of books, and to the compositors and readers of the Aberdeen University Press for their painstaking and accurate performance of a difficult task.



September, 1921.


I. GENERAL. absol. = absolute. acc. = accusative. act. = active. ad fin. = ad finem. adj. = adjective. adv. = adverb. al. = alibi (elsewhere). aor. = aorist. Apocr. = Apocrypha. App. = Appendix. Aram. = Aramaic. Att. = Attic. bibl. = biblical. bis = twice. c. = cum (with). cf. = confer (compare). cl. = classics, classical. cogn. = cognate. compar. = comparative. contr. = contracted. dat. = dative. e.g. = exempli gratia (for instance). eccl. = ecclesiastical. esp. = especially. ex. = example. exc. = except. f. = and following (verse). ff. = and following (verses). fig. = figurative. freq. = frequent. fut. = future. gen. = genitive. Gk. = Greek. Heb. = Hebrew. i.e. = id est. ib. = in the same place. id. = the same. impers. = impersonal. impf. = imperfect. impv. = imperative. in l. = in loco. indic. = indicative. inf. = infinitive. infr. = infra. Ion. = Ionic. l.c. = loco citato. m. = masculine. metaph. = metaphorically. meton. = metonymy. MGr. = Modern Greek. n. = note, neuter. neg. = negative. nom. = nominative. om. = omit, omits. opp. = opposed to. optat. = optative. pass. = passive. pers. = person. pf. = perfect. plpf. = pluperfect. prep. = preposition. prop. = properly. ptcp. = participle. q.v. = quod vide. rei = of the thing. s. = sub. s.v. = sub voce. se. = scilicet (that is). seq. = sequente (followed by). subjc. = subjunctive. subst. = substantive. superl. = superlative. supr. = supra. syn. = synonym. Targ. = Targum. V. = vide. vb. = verb. v.l. = variant reading. v.s. = vide sub.

= Equivalent to, equals.

< Derived from or related to.

II. BIBLICAL.(a) BOOKSSeptuagint. Ge = Genesis. Ex = Exodus. Le = Leviticus. Nu = Numbers. De = Deuteronomy. Jos = Joshua. Jg = Judges. Ru = Ruth. I, II Ki = I, II Kings (E.V., Samuel). III, IV Ki = III, IV Kings (E.V., I, II Kings). I, II Ch = I, II Chronicles. II Es = II Esdras (E.V., Ezra). Ne = Nehemiah. Es = Esther. Jb = Job. Ps = Psalms. Pr = Proverbs. Ec = Ecclesiastes. Ca = Canticles. Is = Isaiah. Je = Jeremiah. La = Lamentations. Ez = Ezekiel. Da = Daniel. Ho = Hosea. Jl = Joel. Am = Amos. Ob = Obadiah. Jh = Jonah. Mi = Micah. Na = Nahum. Hb = Habakkuk. Ze = Zephaniah. Hg = Haggai. Za = Zachariah. Ma = Malachi. I Es = I Esdras. To = Tobit. Jth = Judith. Wi = Wisdom. Si = Sirach. Ba = Baruch. Da Su = Susannah. Da Bel = Bel and the Dragon Pr Ma = Prayer of Manasseh I-IV Mac = I-IV Maccabees.

New Testament. Mt = St. Matthew. Mk = St. Mark. Lk = St. Luke. Jo = St. John. Ac = Acts. Ro = Romans. I, II Co = I, II Corinthians Ga = Galatians. Eph = Ephesians. Phl = Philippians. Col = Colossians. I, II Th = I, II Thessalonians. I, II Ti = I, II Timothy. Tit = Titus. Phm = Philemon. He = Hebrews. Ja = James. I, II Pe = I, II Peter. I-III Jo = I-III John. Ju = Jude. Re = Revelation.

(b) VERSIONS AND EDITIONS. Al. = anon, version quoted by Origen. Aq. = Aquila. AV = Authorized version. B = Beza. E = Elzevir. EV = English version (A.V. and R.V.). Gr. Ven. = Graecus Venetus. L = Lachmann. LXX = Septuagint. R (in LXX refs.) = Sixtine Ed. of LXX (1587). Rec. = Received Text. RV = Revised Veision. R, txt., mg. = R.V. text, margin. Sm. = Symmachus. T = Tischendorf. Th. = Theodotion. Tr. = Tregelles. Vg. = Vulgate. WH = Westcott and Hort.

III. ANCIENT WITNESSES (i/, ii/, etc. = 1st, 2nd century, etc.) Ael. = Aelian, ii/A.D. Æsch. = Æschylus, v/B.C. Æschin. = Æschines, iv/B.C. Anth. = Anthology. Antonin. = M. Aurel. Antoninus, ii/A.D. Apoll. Rhod. = Apollonius Rhodius, ii/B.C. Arist. = Aristotle, iv/B.C. Aristoph. = Aristophanes, v/B.C. Ath. = Athanasius, iv/A.D. CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Græcarum. Dio Cass. = Dio Cassius, ii/A.D. Diod. = Diodorus Siculus, i/B.C. Diog. Laert. = Diogenes Laertius, ii/A.D. Dion. H. = Dionysius of Halicarnassus, i/B.C. Diosc. = Dioscorides, i-ii/A.D. Eur. = Euripides, v/B.C. Eustath. = Eustathius, xii/A.D. FlJ = Flavius Josephus, i/A.D. Greg. Naz. = Gregory of Nazianzus, iv/A.D. Hdt. = Herodotus, v/B.C. Heliod. = Heliodorus, iv/A.D. Herm. = Hermas, ii/A.D. Hes. = Hesiod, ix/B.C.? Hipp. = Hippocrates, v/B.C. Hom. = Homer, ix/B.C.? Inscr. = Inscriptions. Luc. = Lucian, ii/A.D. Lys. = Lysias, v/B.C. Menand. = Menander, iv/B.C. π. = Papyri. Paus. = Pausanias, ii/A.D. Phalar. = Phalaris, Spurius Epp.? Philo. = Philo Judæus, i/A.D. Pind. = Pindar, v/B.C. Plat. = Plato, v-iv/B.C. Plut. = Plutarch, ii/A.D. Polyb. = Polybius, ii/B.C. Socr., HE = Socrates, Hist. Eccl., v/A.D. Soph. = Sophocles, v/B.O. Strab. = Strabo, i/B.C. Test. Zeb. = Testimony of Zebedee, ii/A.D. Theogn. = Theognis, vi/B.C. Theophr. = Theophrastus, iv/B.C. Thuc. = Thucydides, v/B.C. Xen. = Xenophon, v-iv/B.C.

IV. MODERN WITNESSES. Abbott, Essays = Essays chiefly on the Original Texts of the Old and New Testaments, by T. K. Abbott. Longmans, 1891. Abbott, JG = Johannine Grammar, by E. A. Abbott. London, 1906. Abbott, JV = Johannine Vocabulary, by the same. London, 1905. AR = St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, by J. Armitage Robinson. Second Edition. Macmillan, 1909. BDB = A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, by Brown, Driver, and Briggs. Oxford, 1906. Blass, Gosp. = Philology of the Gospels, by F. Blass. Macmillan, 1898. Blass, Gr. = Grammar of N.T. Greek, by F. Blass, tr. by H. St. J. Thackeray. Macmillan, 1898. Boisacq = Dictionnaire Etymologique de la langue Grecque, par Emile Boisacq. Paris, 1907-1914. Burton = New Testament Moods and Tenses, by E. de W. Burton. Third Edition. Univ. Chicago, 1898. CGT = Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges. Charles, APOT = Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, by R. H. Charles. Oxford, 1913. CR = Classical Review. London, 1887 ff. Cremer = Biblico-Theological Lexicon of N.T. Greek, by H. Cremer. Third English Edition, with Supplement. T. & T. Clark, 1886. Dalman, Gt. = Grammatik des jüdish-palästinischen Aramäish, by G. Dalman. Leipzig, 1894. Dalman, Words = The Words of Jesus, by G. Dalman. English Edition. T. & T. Clark, 1902. DAC = Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, edited by J. Hastings. Vol. I. Scribners, 1915. DB = Dictionary of the Bible, edited by J. Hastings. 5 vols. (i-iv, ext. = extra vol.). Scribners, 1898-1904. DB 1-vol. = Dictionary of the Bible (in one volume), by J. Hastings. Schribners, 1909. DCG = Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, edited by J. Hastings. 2 vols. Scribners, 1907-08. Deiss., BS = Bible Studies, by G. A. Deissmann. Second English Edition, including Bibelstudien and Neue Bibelstudien, tr. by A. Grieve. T. & T. Clark, 1909. Deiss., LAE = Light from the Ancient East, by A. Deissmann, tr. by L. R. M. Strachan. Second Edition. Hodder, 1908. EB = Encyclopaedia Biblica. 4 vols. London, 1899-1903. Edwards, Lex. = An English-Greek Lexicon, by G. M. Edwards. Camb., 1912. EGT = Expositor's Greek Testament. Ellic. = Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles, by C. J. Ellicott. Andover, 1860-65. Enc. Brit. = Encyclopaedia Britannica. Eleventh Edition. Camb. Univ. Press, 1910. Exp. Times = The Expository Times, edited by J. Hastings. T. & T. Clark, 1890 ff. Field, Notes = Notes on the Translation of the N.T., by F. Field, Camb., 1899. Gifford, Inc. = The Incarnation, by E. Gifford. Hodder, 1897. Grimm-Thayer = A Greek-English Lexicon of the N.T., being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti, tr. by J. H. Thayer. New York, 1897. Hatch, Essays = Essays in Biblical Greek, by Edwin Hatch. Oxford. 1889. Hort = Commentaries on the Greek Text of the Epistle of St. James (1:1-4:7); The First Epistle of St. Peter (1:1-2:17'); and the Apocalypse of St. John (1-3), by F. J. A. Hort. Macmilian, 1898-1909. ICC = International Critical Commentary. Scribners. Interp. Comm. = Interpreter's Commentary. N.Y., Barnes & Co. Jannaris = A Historical Greek Grammar, by A. N. Jannaris. Macmilian, 1897. JThS = Journal of Theological Studies. London, 1899 ff. Kennedy, Sources = Sources of N.T. Greek, by H. A. A. Kennedy. T. & T. Clark, 1895. Kühner3 = Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, by R. Kühner. Third Edition, by F. Blass and B. Gerth, 4 vols., 1890-1904. Lft. = Commentaries on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians (1892); Philippians (Third Edition, 1873); and Colossians and Philemon (1892), by J. B. Lightfoot. Macmilian. Also Apostolic Fathers, by the same. 5 vols. Macmilian, 1890. Lft., Notes = Notes on Epistles of St. Paul, by J. B. Lightfoot. Macmilian, 1895. LS = A Greek-English Lexicon, by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott. Seventh Edition. Harper, 1889. Mayor = Commentaries on the Epistle of St. James (Third Edition, 1910), and the Epistle of St. Jude and the Second Epistle of St. Peter. Macmilian, 1907. Mayser = Grammatik der gr. Papyri aus der Ptolemäerzeit, by E. Mayser. Leipzig, 1906. M'Neile = The Gospel according to St. Matthew, by A. H. M'Neile. Macmillan, 1915. Meyer = Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the N.T., by H. A. W. Meyer. Eng. tr., T. & T. Clark, 1883. Milligan, Selections = Selections from the Greek Papyri, by G. Milligan. Cambridge, 1910. MM (xi-xxv) = Lexical Notes from the Papyri, by J. H. Moulton and and G. Milligan. Expositor VII, vi, 567 ff.; VIII, iv, 561 ff. MM (s.v.) = The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament, by J. H. Moulton and G. Milligan. Part I (α); Part II (β-δ). Hodder, 1914-15 (remaining parts in preparation). M, Pr. = A Grammar of N.T. Greek. Vol. I, Prolegomena, by J. H. Moulton. Third Edition. Scribners, 1908. M, Th. = St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, by G. Milligan. Macmillan, 1908. Moffatt = James Moffatt, An Introduction to the Literature of the N.T. Scribners, 1911. Mozley, Ps. = The Psalter of the Church, by P. W. Mozley, Cambridge, 1905. NTD = The New Testament Documents, by G. Milligan. Macmillan, 1913. Page = The Acts of the Apostles, by T. E. Page. Macmillan, 1903. Rackham = The Acts of the Apostles, by R. B. Rackham. Methuen, 1901. Ramsay, St. Paul = St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen, by W. M. Ramsay. Hodder, 1895. Rendall = The Epistle to the Hebrews, by F. Rendall. Macmillan, 1911. Rutherford, NPhr. = The New Phrynichus, by W. G. Rutherford. Macmillan, 1881. Schmidt = J. H. Heinrich Schmidt, Synonymik der Griechischen Sprache. 4 vols. Leips., 1876-1886. Simcox = W. H. Simcox, the Language of the New Testament. Second Edition. Hodder, 1892. Soph., Lex. = Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, by E. A. Sophocles. Scribners, 1900. Swete = Commentaries on the Gospel according to St. Mark (Third Edition, 1909) and the Apocalypse of St. John, by H. B. Swete. Macmillan, 1906. Thackeray, Gr. = A Grammar of the O.T. in Greek I, by H. St. J. Thackeray. Cambridge, 1909. Thayer = Grimm-Thayer, q.v. Thumb, Handh. = Handbook of the Modern Greek Vernacular, by A. Thumb. Tr. from the Second German Edition by S. Angus. T. & T. Clark, 1912. Thumb, Hellen. = Die Griechische Sprache im Zeitalter des Hellenismus, von A. Thumb. Strassburg, 1901. Tdf., Pr. = Novum Testamentum Graece, C. Tischendorf. Editio octava critica maior. Vol III, Prolegomena, by C. R. Gregory. Leipzig, 1894. Tr., Syn. = Synonyms of the N. T. , by R. C. Trench. Ninth Edition. Macmillan, 1880. Vau. = St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, by C. F. Vaughan. Sixth Edition. Macmillan, 1885. Veitch = Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective, by W. Veitch, Oxford, 1887. Viteau = Étude sur le grec du N,T., by J. Viteau. Vol. I, Le Verbe: Syntaxe des Propositions, Paris, 1893; Vol. II., Sujet: Complément et Attribut, 1896. VD, MGr. = E. Vincent and T. G. Dickson, A Handbook to Modern Greek. Second Edition. Macmillan, 1904. Westc. = Commentaries on the Gospel according to St. John, by B. F. Westcott, 2 Vols., Murray, 1908; the Epistle to the Ephesians, Macmiilan, 1906; the Epistles of St. John, Third Edition, Macmillan, 1892. WH = The N.T. in the original Greek, by B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. Vol. II, Introduction and Appendix. Macmillan, 1881. WM = A Grammar of N.T. Greek, tr. from G. B. Winer's 7th Edition, with large additions, by W. P. Moulton. Third Edition. T. & T. Clark, 1882. WS = Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms, von G. B. Winer, 8te Aufl. von P. W. Schmiedel. Göttingen, 1894. Zorell = Novi Testamenti Lexicon Graecum (Cursus Scripturae Sacrae I, vii), auctore Fr, Zorell, S.J. Paris, 1911.

* A single asterisk at the beginning of an article denotes (as in Moulton And Geden's Concordance) that the word to which it is attached is not found in the LXX or other Greek Versions of the O.T. and Apocrypha.

** A double asterisk similarly affixed denotes that the word occurs either in the Apocrypha or in the later Greek Versions of the O.T., but not in the LXX Version of the Hebrew Canonical books, and therefore either has, as a rule, no (known) Hebrew equivalent, or else was used in a translation not known to the N.T. writers. The later Greek versions (Aq., etc.) are cited, as a rule, only when a word is not found in LXX.

* A single asterisk placed after a list of passages from the LXX signifies that the word occurs nowhere else in that Version.

† A dagger at the beginning of an article denotes that the word is not found in Greek writers of the classical period.

† A dagger at the close of an article signifies that all the instances of the word's occurrence in the N.T. have been cited.

An inferior numeral after a biblical book (e.g. III Macc 6) indicates the number of times a word occurs in that book.

Α, α, ἄλφα (q.v.), τό, indecl.,
alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet. As a numeral, αʹ = 1, α͵ = 1000. As a prefix, it appears to have at least two and perhaps three distinct senses: ἀ- (before a vowel, ἀν-) negative, as in ἄ-γνωστος, ἄ-δικος. ἀ-, ἁ- copulative, indicating community and fellowship, as in ἁ-πλοῦς, ἀ-κολουθέω, ἀ-δελφός. An intensive force (LS, s. α), as in ἀ-τενίζω is sometimes assumed (but v. Boisacq, s.v.).
Ἀαρών (Heb. אַהֲרוֹן), indecl. (in FlJ, -ῶνος),
Aaron (Ex 4:14, al.): Lk 1:5, Ac 7:40, He 5:4, 7:11, 9:4.†
Ἀβαδδών (Heb. אֲבַדֹּון, destruction; LXX, ἀπώλεια, only in Wisdom Lit., of the place of the ruined dead: Jb 26:6, 28:22, 31:12, Ps 88:12, Pr 15:11*), indecl.;
in NT, Abaddon, the angel of the Abyss: Re 9:11.†
* ἀβαρής, -ές
(< βαρός), without weight; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.) not burdensome: II Co 11:9.†
Ἀββά (T, -ᾶ), indecl. (Aram, אַבָּא, emphatic form of אַב = Heb. אָב, father),
used in the phrase Ἀ. ὁ πατήρ, Abba, Father (v. Swete on Mk 14:36): Mk 14:36, Ro 8:15, Ga 4:6.†
Ἀβειληνή (T, Rec. Ἀβι-), -ῆς, ἡ, (sc. χώρα),
Abilene, a district in the Anti-Lebanon: Lk 3:1.†
Ἄβελ, (WH, Ἅ-), , indecl.
(הֶבֶל), Abel (Ge 4:2-10): He 11:4, 12:24; αἵμα Ἄ., Mt 23:35, Lk 11:51.†
Ἀβιά (Heb. אֲבִיָּה, אֲבִיָּהוּ), , indecl. (in FlJ, Ἀβίας, -α),
Abia, Abijah. Son of Rehoboam (III Ki 14:1): Mt 1:7. A priest of the line of Eleazar (I Ch 24:3, 10): Lk 1:5.†
Ἀβιάθαρ, , indecl. (Heb. אֶבְיָתָר),
Abiathar (I Ki 21:1): Mk 2:26.†
Ἀβιληνή v.s. Ἀβειληνή.
Ἀβιούδ, , indecl. (Heb. אֲבִיָּהוּד),
Abiud, Abihud: Mt 1:13.†
Ἀβραάμ (Heb. אַבְרָהָם), , indecl. (in FlJ, Ἄβραμος, -ου; MM, VGT, s.v.),
Abraham (Ge 17:5 al.): Mt 1:1, 2 al.
ἄ-βυσσος, -ον
(< Ion. βυσσός = βυθός), in cl., boundless, bottomless (e.g. ἄ. πέλαγος, ἄ. πλοῦτος Æsch.). [In LXX (for תְּהוֹם, Ge 1:2, al.; exc. Is 44:27, Jb 41:22 for צוּלָה, מְצוּלָה, Jb 36:16 for רַחַב) and] NT, as subst. (MM, VGT, s.v.), ἡ ἄ. (sc. χώρα), the abyss; of the sea (Ge 1:2); of the underworld, as the abode of the dead: Ro 10:7 (a paraphrase of De 30:13 LXX); as the abode of demons, Lk 8:31, Re 9:1, 2, 11, 11:7, 17:8, 20:1, 3 (Cremer, 2).†
Ἄγαβος, -ου, ὁ
Agabus: Ac 11:28, 21:10.†
*† ἀγαθοεργέω, -ῶ,
to do good, show kindness: 1 Ti 6:18 (Cremer, 8).†
ἀγαθο-ποιέω, -ῶ (= cl. ἀγαθὸν ποιεῖν, εὐεργετεῖν),
[in LXX: Nu 10:32, Jg 17:13 A, Ze 1:12 (יטב hi.), To 12:13 B, I Mac 11:33, II Mac 1:2*;] to do good; univ.: I Pe 2:15, 20, 3:6, 17, III Jo 11; for another's benefit: Mk 3:4 (T, ἀγαθὸν ποιῆσαι), Lk 6:9; acc. pers., Lk 6:33, 35 (Cremer, 8).†
*† ἀγαθοποιία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀγαθοποιός), well-doing: I Pe 4:19.†
**† ἀγαθοποιός, -όν = cl. ἀγαθουργός,
[in LXX, of a woman who deals pleasantly in order to corrupt, Si 42:14*;] doing well, acting rightly (Plut.): I Pe 2:14 (Cremer, 8; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγαθός, -ή, -όν,
[in LXX chiefly for טוֹב;] in general, good, in physical and in moral sense, used of persons, things, acts, conditions, etc., applied to that which is regarded as "perfect in its kind, so as to produce pleasure and satisfaction, . . . that which, in itself good, is also at once for the good and the advantage of him who comes in contact with it" (Cremer, 3): γῆ, Lk 8:8; δένδρον, Mt 7:18; καρδία, Lk 8:15; δόσις, Ja 1:17; μέρις, Lk 10:42; ἔργον (freq. in Pl.), Phl 1:6; ἐλπίς, II Th 2:16; θησαυρός, Mt 12:35; μνεία, I Th 3:6 (cf. II Mac 7:20); as subst., τὸ ἀ., that which is morally good, beneficial, acceptable to God, Ro 12:2; ἐργάζεσθαι τὸ ἀ, Ro 2:10, Eph 4:28; πράσσειν, Ro 9:11, II Co 5:10; διώκειν, I Th 5:15; μιμεῖσθαι, III Jo 11; κολλᾶσθαι τῷ ἀ., Ro 12:9; ερωτᾶν περὶ τοῦ ἀ., Mt 19:17; διάκονος εἰς τὸ ἀ., Ro 13:4; τὸ ἀ. σου, thy favour, benefit, Phm 14; pl., τὰ ἀ., of goods, possessions, Lk 12:18; of spiritual benefits, Ro 10:15, He 9:11, 10:1. ἀ. is opp. to πονηρός, Mt 5:45, 20:5; κακός, Ro 7:19; φαῦλος, Ro 9:11, II Co 5:10 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.). SYN.: καλός, δίκαιος. κ. properly refers to goodliness as manifested in form: ἀ. to inner excellence (cf. the cl. καλὸς κἀγαθός and ἐν καρδίᾳ κ. καὶ ἀ., Lk 8:15). In Ro 5:7, where it is contrasted with δ., ἀ. implies a kindliness and attractiveness not necessarily possessed by the δίκαιος, who merely measures up to a high standard of rectitude (cf. ἀγαθωσύνη).
*† ἀγαθουργέω, -ῶ, contracted form (rare, v. WH, App., 145) of ἀγαθοερ- (q.v.),
to do good: Ac 14:17.†
ἀγαθωσύνη (on the termination, v.s. ἁγιότης, and cf. WH, App., 152; MM, VGT, s.v.), -ης, ἡ
(< ἀγαθός), [in LXX for טוֹבָה, טוֹב, טוּב, only in Heb. bks. ;] goodness (representing "the kindlier, as δικαιοσύνη, the sterner element in the ideal character," AR, Eph., 5:9; on its relation to χρηστότης, v. Tr., Syn., §lxiii): Ro 15:14, Ga 5:22, II Th 1:11.†
ἀγαλλίασις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀγαλλιάω), [in LXX (most freq. in Pss. and often coupled with εὐφροσύνη, as Ps 44 (45):15) chiefly for גִּיל;] exultation, exuberant joy: Lk 1:44, Ac 2:46, He 1:9, Ju 24; χαρὰ καὶ ἀ., Lk 1:14 (Cremer, 592).†
ἀγαλλιάω, -ῶ, Hellenistic form of cl. ἀγάλλω, to glorify, mid. -ομαι, to exult in;
[in LXX (most freq. in Pss.) chiefly for גיל, רנן pi.;] to exult, rejoice greatly: seq. ἐπί, c. dat., Lk 1:47; c. dat. mod., I Pe 1:8, Re 19:7. Mid., with same sense: Mt 5:12, Lk 10:21, Ac 2:26, 16:34, I Pe 4:13; seq. ἵνα, Jo 8:56; ἐν, Jo 5:35 (1 aor. pass. perh. as mid.; but v. Mozley, Psalter, 5), I Pe 1:6 (Cremer, 590).†
** ἄ-γαμος, -ον
[in LXX: IV Mac 16:9 * ;] unmarried: I Co 7:8, 32; fem. (= cl. ἄνανδρος), I Co 7:11, 34.†
** ἀγανακτέω, -ῶ (< ἄγαν, much, ἄχομαι, to grieve),
[in LXX: Wi 5:22, 12:27, Da TH Bel 28, IV Mac 4:21*;] to be indignant: Mt 21:15, 26:8, Mk 10:14, 14:4; seq. περί, Mt 20:24, Mk 10:41; seq. ὅτι, Lk 13:14 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀγανάκτησις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀγανακτέω), [in LXX: Es 18:3 א1*;] indignation: II Co 7:11 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγαπάω, -ῶ,
[in LXX chiefly for אהב;] to love, to feel and exhibit esteem and goodwill to a person, to prize and delight in a thing. Of human affection, to men: τ. πλησίον, Mt 5:43; τ. ἐχθρούς, ib. 44; to Christ, Jo 8:42; to God, Mt 22:37; c. acc. rei, Lk 11:43, Jo 12:43, Eph 5:25, II Tim 4:8, 10, He 1:9, I Pe 2:17, 3:10, II Pe 2:15, I Jo 2:15, Re 12:11. Of divine love; God's love: to men, Ro 8:37; to Christ, Jo 3:35; Christ's love: to men, Mk 10:21; to God, Jo 14:31; c. cogn. acc., Jo 17:26, Eph 2:4. SYN.: φιλέω. From its supposed etymology (Thayer, LS; but v. also Boisacq) ἀ. is commonly understood properly to denote love based on esteem (diligo), as distinct from that expressed by φιλέω (amo), spontaneous natural affection, emotional and unreasoning. If this distinction holds, ἀ. is fitly used in NT of Christian love to God and man, the spiritual affection which follows the direction of the will, and which, therefore, unlike that feeling which is instinctive and unreasoned, can be commanded as a duty. (Cf. ἀγάπη, and v. Tr., Syn. §xii; Cremer, 9, 592; and esp. MM, VGT, s.v.)
ἀγάπη, -ης, ἡ
[in LXX for אַהֲבָה, which is also rendered by ἀγάπησις and φιλία;] love, goodwill, esteem. Outside of bibl. and eccl. books, there is no clear instance (with Deiss., LAE, 18:4, 70:2, cf. the same writer in Constr. Quar., ii, 4; and with MM, VGT, s.v., cf. Dr. Moulton in Exp. Times, xxvi, 3, 139). In NT, like ἀγαπάω, -ῶ, Of men's love: to one another, Jo 13:35; to God, I Jo 2:5. Of divine love; God's love: to men, Ro 5:8; to Christ, Jo 17:26; Christ's love to men: Ro 8:35. In pl., love feasts: Ju 12 (DB, iii, 157). SYN.: φιλία. ἀ., signifying properly (v.s. ἀγαπάω) love which chooses its object, is taken over from LXX, where its connotation is more general, into NT, and there used exclusively to express that spiritual bond of love between God and man and between man and man, in Christ, which is characteristic of Christianity. It is thus distinct from φιλία, friendship (Ja 4:4 only), στοργή, natural affection (in NT only in compounds, v.s. ἄστοργος) and ἔρως, sexual love, which is not used in NT, its place being taken by ἐπιθυμία. (Cf. ἀγαπάω; and v. Abbott, Essays, 70f.; DB, vol. i., 555; Cremer, 13, 593; MM, VGT, s.v.).
ἀγαπητός, -ή, -όν
(< ἀγαπάω), [in LXX chiefly for יָתִיד, יָדִיד;] beloved (v. M, Pr., 221); by God: of Christ, Mt 3:17; of men, Ro 1:7; by Christians, of one another: I Co 4:14; freq. as form of address, I Co 10:14; opp. to ἐχθρός, Ro 11:28 (v. AR, Eph., 229; Cremer, 17; MM, VGT, s.v.).
Ἅγαρ (Rec. Ἄ-), , indecl. (in FlJ, Ἀγάρα, -ης, Heb. הָגָר),
Hagar (Ge 16): Ga 4:24, 25.†
* ἀγγαρεύω (from the Persian; cf. Vg. angiare, and the Heb. אִגֶרֶת; on the orthogr., v. Bl., §6, 1; M, Pr., 46),
to impress into public service, employ a courier; hence, to compel to perform a service (prob. common in the vernac.; cf. Deiss., BS, 86f., MM, Exp., iv; VGT, s.v.): Mt 5:41, 27:32, Mk 15:21.†
ἀγγεῖον, -ου, τό
(< ἄγγος), [in LXX chiefly for כְּלִי;] a vessel (v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 25:4.†
ἀγγελία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄγγελος), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁמוּעָה;] a message: I Jo 1:5, 3:11 (Cremer, 18; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγγέλλω (ἄγγελος),
[in LXX for נגד hi.;] to announce, report: Jo 4:51 (WHR omit), 20:18 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄγγελος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for מַלְאָךְ;] a messenger, one sent: Mt 11:10, Ja 22:25. As in LXX, in the special sense of angel, a spiritual, heavenly being, attendant upon God and employed as his messenger to men, to make known his purposes, as Lk 1:11, or to execute them, as Mt 4:6. The ἄ. in Re 1:20 2:1, al., is variously understood as a messenger or delegate, a bishop or ruler, a guardian angel, the prevailing spirit of each church, i.e. the Church itself. (Cf. Swete, Ap)., in l.; DB, iv, 991; Thayer, s.v.; Cremer, 18; MM, VGT, s.v.)
ἄγγος, -εος, τό,
[in LXX for כְּלִי, כְּלוּב;] a vessel: Mt 13:48.†
prop. imperat. of ἄγω, come! used as adv. and addressed, like φέρε, to one or more persons: Ja 4:13, 5:1.†
ἀγέλη, -ης, ἡ
(< ἄγω), [in LXX chiefly for עֵ֫דֶר;] a herd: Mt 8:30-32, Mk 5:11, 13, Lk 8:32, 33.†
*† ἀγενεαλόγητος, -ον
(< γενεαλογέω), without genealogy, i.e. without recorded pedigree (cf. Ne 7:64): He 7:3 (Cremer, 152; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγενής, -ές
(< γένος), unborn (Plat.); of no family, ignoble, base (opp. to ἀγαθός, Soph., Fr., 105): opp. to εὐγενής, I Co 1:28 (for exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἁγιάζω, Hellenistic form of ἁγίζω
(< ἅγιος), to make holy, consecrate, sanctify; [in LXX chiefly for קדשׁ pi., hi.;] to dedicate, separate, set apart for God; of things: Mt 23:17, 19, II Ti 2:21; of persons: Christ, Jo 10:36, 17:19. to purify, make conformable in character to such dedication: forensically, to free from guilt, I Co 6:11, Eph 5:26, He 2:11, 10:10, 14, 29, 13:12; internally, by actual sanctification of life, Jo 17:17, 19, Ac 20:32, 26:18, Ro 15:16, I Co 1:2, 7:14, I Th 5:23, Re 22:11; of a nonbeliever influenced by marriage with a Christian, I Co 7:14. In the intermediate sense of ceremonial or levitical purification: of things, II Ti 2:21; of persons, He 9:13. to treat as holy: Mt 6:9, Lk 11:2, I Pe 3:16 (Cremer, 53, 602; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἁγιασμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἁγιάζω), [in LXX: Ez 45:4 (מִקְדָּשׁ), Si 7:31, etc.;] as an active verbal noun in -μός, it signifies properly the process τὸ ἁγιάζειν, rather than the resultant state, ἁγιωσύνη, hence, consecration; sanctification: so strictly in Ro 6:19, 22 (but v. Meyer), I Co 1:30, I Th 4:3, 7, II Th 2:13, He 12:14, I Pe 1:2. Elsewhere it perhaps (Ellic.; but v. Milligan, Th., 48) inclines to the resultant state: I Th 4:4, I Ti 2:15 (Cremer, 55, 602).†
ἅγιος, -α, ον
(< τό ἅγός, religious awe; ἅζω, to venerate), [in LXX chiefly for קֹ֫דֶשׁ;] primarily, dedicated to the gods, sacred (Hdt.; rare in Att., never in Hom., Hes. and Trag., who use ἁγνός), hence, holy, characteristic of God, separated to God, worthy of veneration. Its highest application is to God himself, in his purity, majesty, and glory: Lk 1:49, Jo 17:11, Re 4:8. Hence of things and places which have a claim to reverence as sacred to God, e.g. the Temple: Mt 24:15, He 9:1; of persons employed by him, as angels: I Th 3:13; prophets, Lk 1:70; apostles, Eph 3:5. Applied to persons as separated to God's service: of Christ, Mk 1:24, Jo 6:69, Ac 4:30; of Christians, Ac 9:13, Ro 1:7, He 6:10, Re 5:8. In the moral sense of sharing God's purity: Mk 6:20, Jo 17:11, Ac 3:14, Re 3:7. Of pure, clean sacrifices and offerings: I Co 7:14, Eph 1:4. SYN.: ἁγνός, pure, both in ceremonial and spiritual sense; ἱερός (sacer), sacred, that which is inviolable because of its (external) relation to God; ὅσιος (sanctus as opp. to nefas), that which is based on everlasting ordinances of right. (Cf. Tr., Syn., §lxxxviii; DB, ii, 399 f.; Cremer, 34, 594-601; MM, VGT, s.v.)
**† ἁγιότης, -ητος, ἡ
(< ἅγιος), [in LXX: II Mac 15:2*;] sanctity, holiness, regarded, properly, as an abstract quality (v. next word, and cf. Lft. Notes, 49; MM, VGT, s.v.): II Co 1:12, He 12:10.†
ἁγιωσύνη (cf. ἀγαθωσύνη), -ης, ἡ
(< ἅγιος), [in LXX: Ps 29 (30):4 96 (97):12 (קֹדֶשׁ), 95 (96):6 (עֹז), 144 (145):5 (הוֹד), II Mac 3:12*;] holiness, the state in man resulting from ἁγιασμός, q.v.: Ro 1:4, II Co 7:1, I Th 3:13 (Cremer, 52; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγκάλη, -ης, ἡ
(< ἄγκος, a bend), [in LXX for אַצִּיל, חֵיק;] the bent arm: Lk 2:28 (cf. ἐναγκαλίζομαι).†
ἄγκιστρον, -ου, τό
(< ἄγκος, a bend), [in LXX חַכָּה, etc.;] a fish-hook: Mt 17:27.†
** ἄγκυρα, -ας, ἡ (< ἄγκος, a bend), [in Sm.: Je 52:18*;]
an anchor: Ac 27:29, 30 40; fig. (MM, VGT, s.v.), He 6:19.†
*† ἄγναφος, -ον (= ἄγναπτος, < γνάπτω, late form of κνάπτω, to card wool),
uncarded, undressed, i.e. new (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 9:16, Mk 2:21.†
ἁγνεία (WH, ἁγνία),
[in LXX for טָהֳרָה, נָזִיר, נֶזֶר, etc.;] purity: I Ti 4:12, 5:2 (Cremer, 58. For exx. of ceremonial use in π., v. MM, Exp., iv).†
ἁγνίζω (> ἁγνός),
[in LXX always ceremonially, chiefly for קדשׁ;] to purify, cleanse from defilement; ceremonially: Jo 11:55, Ac 21:24, 26 24:18; morally: Ja 4:8, I Pe 1:22, I Jo 3:3.† SYN.: καθαρίζω, q.v. (and v.s. ἁγνός).
ἁγνισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (> ἁγνίζω),
[in LXX: Nu 6:5 (נֵזֶר) 8:7 19:17 (חַטּאת), etc.;] purification: in ceremonial sense, Ac 21:26(LXX).†
ἀγνοέω, -ῶ (> ἁγνίζω),
[in LXX for שׁגה, שׁגג, אשׁם, etc.;] to be ignorant, not to know: absol., I Ti 1:13, He 5:2; c. acc., Ac 13:27 17:23, Ro 10:3, II Co 2:11; ἐν οἷς, II Pe 2:12; seq. ὅτι, Ro 2:4 6:3 7:1, I Co 14:38; οὐ θέλω ὑμᾶς ἀγνοεῖν, a Pauline phrase: c. acc., Ro 11:25; seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 1:8; περί, I Co 12:1, I Th 4:13. ὅτι, Ro 1:13, I Co 10:1 (for similar usage in π., V. MM, VGT, s.v.). Pass.: I Co 14:38, II Co 6:9, Ga 1:22. not to understand: c. acc., Mk 9:32, Lk 9:45.†
ἀγνόημα, -τός, τό
(< ἀγνοέω), [in LXX: Ge 43:12 (מִשְׁגֶּה), To 3:3, Jth 5:20, Si 23:2 51:19, I Mac 13:39*;] a sin of ignorance (so in π.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.): He 9:7.†
ἄγνοια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀγνοέω), [in LXX chiefly for אָשָׁם, שְׁגָגָה;] ignorance : Ac 3:17 17:30, Eph 4:18 (with sense of wilful blindness; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), I Pe 1:14.†
ἁγνός, -ή, -όν
(< ἅγος, v.s. ἅγιος), [in LXX chiefly for טָהוֹר (Pss, and Pr. only), also II Mac 13:8, IV Mac 18:7, al.;] free from ceremonial defilement , in a condition prepared for worship (for exx. of pagan usage, V. MM, VGT, s.v.). holy, sacred, venerable (II Mac 13:8). As in OT (cl.), pure, chaste, undefiled, guiltless; of persons: II Co 7:11 11:12, I Ti 5:22, Tit 2:5, I Jo 3:3; of things: Phl 4:8, Ja 3:17, I Pe 3:2.† SYN.: εἰλικρινής (q.v.), pure, primarily as winnowed, purged, first found in ethical sense in NT (sincere). On the equivalence of ἁ. and καθαρός (q.v.), v. DCG, ii, 459a though Westc. (Epp. Jo., 101) notes a distinction between them.
ἁγνότης, -τητος, ἡ
(< ἁγνός), purity, chastity (cf. ἁγιότης): II Co 6:6 11:3.†
* ἁγνῶς
(< ἁγνός), adv., purely, with pure motives: Phl 1:17.†
ἀγνωσία, -ας, ἡ
(< γινώσκω), [in LXX: Jb 35:16 (בְּלִי־דַּעַת), Wi 13:1, III Mac 5:27*;] ignorance (opp. to γνῶσις): I Co 15:34, I Pe 2:15 (v. Hort in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἄγνωστος, -ον
(< γινώσκω), [in LXX: Wi 11:18 18:3, II Mac 1:19 2:7 (Cremer, 157)*;] unknown: Ac 17:23 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγορά, -ας, ἡ (< ἀγείρω, to bring together)
[in LXX for עִזָּבוֹן, שׁוּק;] an assembly (Hom., Xen., al.). a place of assembly, a public place or forum, a market-place (Hom., Thuc, al.; LXX): Mt 11:16 20:2 23:7, Mk 6:56 (cf . MM, VGT, s.v., ἀγυιά) 7:4 (Bl., §46, 7) 12:38, Lk 7:32 (Bl., §46, 7) 11:43 20:46, Ac 16:19 17:7 (Cremer, 59; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< ἀγορά), [in LXX chiefly for שׁבר, קנה;] to frequent the ἀγορά (Hdt., al.). to buy in the market, purchase (Xen., al.; LXX; in π. very common in deeds of sale, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): absol., Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15; c. acc. rei, Mt 13:44, 46, al.; seq. παρά, c. gen. pers., Re 3:18 (LXX, Polyb.); ἐκ, Mt 27:7; c. gen. pret., Mk 6:37, al.; metaph., I Co 6:20 7:23, II Pe 2:1, Re 5:9 14:3, 4.
* ἀγοραῖος, -ον
(< ἀγορά), frequenting the ἀγορά, a lounger in the ἀγορά (Xen., al.): Ac 17:5. In late writers (Strab., al.), proper to the ἀγορά: ἀγοραῖοι (sc. ἥμεραι) ἀγονται (cf. Lat. conventus agere), court-days are kept, Ac 19:38 (for exx. of both usages, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἄγρα, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄγω), the chase, a hunting or catching: Lk 5:4. that which is taken, a catch: of fish, Lk 5:9.†
ἀγράμματος, ὂν (< γράφω),
without learning (γράμματα), un-lettered (in π. freq. in formula used by one who signs for an illiterate; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 4:13 (but cf. Thayer, s.v.).†
* ἀγραυλέω, -ῶ
(< ἀγραυλος, dwelling in the field; < ἀγρός, αὐλή), to live in the fields: Lk 2:8.†
ἀγρεύω (ἄγρα),
[in LXX: Jb 10:16, Pr 5:22 6:25, 26, Ho 5:2 (לקח ni., שׁחט, etc.)*;] to catch or take by hunting or fishing; metaph., Mk 12:13.†
* ἀγρι-έλαιος, -ον
of the wild olive (Anth.). As subst., the wild olive: Ro 11:17, 24 (CGT, in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄγριος, -α, -ον
(< ἀγρός), [in LXX for שָׂדֶה, etc.;] living in fields, wild: μέλι. Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6. savage, fierce: Ju 13. (Cf. usage in π. of a malignant wound; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
Ἀγρίππας, (Bl., §7, 2), ,
Agrippa (II): Ac 25:13, 22, 23, 24, 26 26:1, 2, 19, 27, 28, 32. (For Agrippa I, v.s. Ἡρῴδης, 3.) †
ἀγρός, -οῦ, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for שָׂדֶה]; a field: Mt 6:28, al. the country: Mk 15:21, al.; pl., country places, farms: Mk 5:14 6:36 56, Lk 8:34 9:12. = χωρίον a piece of ground: Mk 10:29, Ac 4:27, al. (On the occurrence of this word as compared with χώρα, χωρίον v. MM, VGT, s.v.).
ἀγρυπνέω, -ῶ
(< ἄγρυπνος, seeking sleep ; < ἀγρεύω, ὕπνος), [in LXX chiefly for שׁקד;] to be sleepless, wakeful (Theogn., Xen., al.); metaph. (LXX) = cl. ἐγρήγορα, to be watchful, vigilant: Mk 13:33, Lk 21:36, Eph 6:18, He 13:17.† SYN.: γρηγορέω, q.v.; νήφω, associated with γ. in I Pe 5:8, expressing a wariness which results from self-control, a condition of moral, not merely mental alertness (v. M, Th., I, 5:6).
** ἀγρυπνία, -ας, ἡ (v. supr.),
[in LXX: Si9, II Mac 2:26*;] sleeplessness, watching: II Co 6:5 11:27. (Plat., Hdt.; for exx. in π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγυιά, v.s. ἀγορά, [in LXX: III Mac 1:20 4:3*].
[in LXX for בּוא hi., לקח, נהג, etc.;] to lead, bring, carry: c. acc., seq. ἐπί, εἰς, ἕως, πρός and simple dat.; metaph., to lead, guide, impel: Jo 10:16 Ro 2:4, He 2:10, II Ti 3:6, al. to spend or keep a day: Lk 24:21, Ac 19:38 Intrans., to go: subjunc., ἄγωμεν, Mt 2:46, al. (Cramer, 61; MM, VGT, s.v.).
ἀγωγή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἄγω), [in LXX: Es 2:20 10:3, II Mac 4:16 6:8 11:24, III Mac 4:10*;] a carrying away. a leading, guiding; metaph., training; hence, from the expression ἀ. τοῦ βίου, absol., conduct, way of life: II Ti 3:10 (Cremer, 61; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀγών, -ῶνος, ὁ
(< ἄγω), [in LXX: Is 7:13 (לאה), Es 4:17, Wi 4:2 10:12, II Mac6, IV Mac5*;] a gathering, esp. for games. a place of assembly. a contest, struggle, trial; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of the Christian life as a contest and struggle: Phl 1:30, I Th 2:2, I Ti 6:12, II Ti 4:7 He 12:1; solicitude, anxiety: Col 2:1.†
** ἀγωνία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀγών), [in LXX: II Mac 3:14, 16 15:19*;] a contest, wrestling (Eur., Xen.). Of the mind, great fear, agony, anguish (Dem., Arist.): Lk 22:44 (cf . Field, Notes, 77 f. ; Abbott, Essays, 101 f. ; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< ἀγών), [in LXX: Da TH 6:14 (שׂוּם בָּל), Si 4:28, I, II, IV Mac5*;] to contend for a prize: I Co 9:25, to fight, struggle, strive: Jo 18:36; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.). Col 1:29 4:12, I Ti 4:10 6:12, II Ti 4:7; c. inf. (Field, Notes, 66), Lk 13:24 (Cremer, 609).†
Ἀδάμ, indecl. (Heb. אָדָם),
Adam: Lk 3:38, Ro 5:14, I Co 15:22, 45, I Ti 2:13, 14 Ju 14. Christ ὁ ἔσχατος Ἀ., I Co 15:45.†
* ἀδάπανος, -ον
(< δαπάνη), without expense, free of charge: I Co 9:18.†
Ἀδδεί (Rec. Ἀδδί), ,
Addei: Lk 3:28.†
ἀδελφή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀδελφός), [in LXX for אָחוֹת;] a sister: Mt 19:29, al.; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of a member of the Christian community: Ro 16:1, I Co 7:15 Ja 21:15, al.
ἀδελφός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἀ- copul., δελφύς, womb), in cl., a brother, born of the same parent or parents. [In LXX (Hort, Ja., 102 f.), for אָח;] lit. of a brother (Ge 4:2, al.). Of a neighbour (Le 19:17). Of a member of the same nation (Ex 2:14, De 15:3). In NT in each of these senses (1. Mt 1:2, al.; 2. Mt 7:3; 3. Ro 9:3) and also, of a fellow-Christian: I Co 1:1, Ac 9:30. This usage finds illustration in π., where ἀ. is used of members of a pagan religious community (M, Th., I, 1:4; MM, VGT, s.v.). The ἀδελφοὶ τ. Κυρίου (Mt 12:46-49 13:55 28:10, Mk 3:31-34, Lk 8:19-21, Jo 2:12 7:3, 5 10 20:17, Ac 1:14, I Co 9:5) may have been sons of Joseph and Mary (Mayor, Ja., Intr. viff.; DB, i, 320 ff.) or of Joseph by a former marriage (Lft., Gal., 252ff.; DCG, i, 232 ff.), but the view of Jerome, which makes ἀ. equivalent to ἀνεψιός, is inconsistent with Greek usage. (Cremer, 66.)
**† ἀδελφότης, -ητος, ἡ
(< ἀδελφός), [in LXX: I Mac 12:10, 17, IV Mac5*;] abstract, brotherhood, brotherly affection (LXX). Concrete, the brotherhood, the Christian community: I Pe 2:17 5:9 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄ-δηλος, -ον
(< δῆλος), [in LXX: Ps 50 (51):6 (בַּטֻּחוֹת);] unseen, unobserved, not manifest (Ps 50 (51):6): Lk 11:44. uncertain, indistinct: I Co 14:8.†
*† ἀδηλότης, -ητος, ἡ
(< ἄδηλος), uncertainty: I Ti 6:17.†
* ἀδήλως
(< ἄδηλος), adv. uncertainly: of direction, I Co 9:26.†
** ἀδημονέω, -ῶ (on the derivation, v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in Aq.: Jb 18:20; Sm.: Ps 60 (61):3 115:2 (116:11), Ec 7:17(16), Ez 3:15*;]
to be troubled, distressed (MM, l.c.): Mt 26:37, Mk 14:33, Phl 2:26.†
ᾅδης, -ου, ὁ
[in LXX ehiefly for שְׁאוֹל, also for דּוּמָה, מָוֶת, etc.;] in Hom., Hades (Pluto), the god of the underworld. the abode of Hades, the underivorld; in NT, the abode of departed spirits, Hades: ἐν τ. ᾅ., Lk 16:23; εἰς ᾅ., Ac 2:27, 31; πύλαι ᾅδου, Mt 16:18; κλεῖς τοῦ ᾅ., Re 1:18; metaph., ἕως ᾅ., Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15; personified, Re 6:8 20:13, 14 (Cremer, 67, 610; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀ-διά-κριτος, -ον
(< διακρίνω), [in LXX: Pr 25:1*;] not to be parted, mixed, undistinguishable (cf. Pr 25:1, and v. Lft., Ignat. Eph., §3). without uncertainty (Hort, in l., but v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Ja 3:17.†
*† ἀδιάλειπτος, -ον
(< διαλείπω), unremitting, incessant: Ro 9:2, II Ti 1:3. (For exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.)†
**† ἀδιαλείπτως (v. supr.), adv.,
[in LXX: I Mac 12:11, II Mac4, III Mac 6:33*;] unremittingly, incessantly: Ro 1:9, I Th 1:3 2:13 5:17.†
ἀδικέω, -ῶ
(< ἄδικος), [in LXX for עשׁק, עוה, etc.;] intrans., to be ἄδικος, do wrong, act wickedly or criminally: Ac 25:11, I Co 6:8, II Co 7:12, Col 3:25, Re 22:11; to do hurt, Re 9:19. Trans. to do some wrong: ὃ ἠδίκησεν, Col 3:25; to wrong some one, Mt 20:13, Ac 7:26, 27 25:10, II Co 7:2, Ga 4:12, Phm 18, II Pe 2:13; pass., Ac 7:24, II Co 7:12; mid., I Co 6:7 (suffer . . . to be wronged; WM, §38, 3; but v. Bl., §54, 5; and cf. ἀποστερέω); to injure, hurt: Lk 10:19 Re 2:11 6:6 7:2, 3 9:4, 10 11:5.†
ἀδίκημα, -τος, τό
(< ἀδικέω), [in LXX for עָוֹן, פֶּשַׁע, etc.;] a wrong, injury, misdeed (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 18:14 24:20, Re 18:5.†
ἀδικία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄδικος), [in LXX for עָוֹן, פֶּשַׁע, עָוֶל, etc.;] injustice: Lk 18:6, Ro 9:14. unrighteousness, iniquity: Jo 7:18, Ac 8:23, Ro 1:18, 29 2:8 6:13, II Ti 2:19, I Jo 1:9 5:17; opp. to ἀλήθεια, I Co 13:6, II Th 2:12; to δικαιοσύνη, Ro 3:5; ἀπάτη τῆς ἀ., II Th 2:10; μισθὸς ἀδικίας, Ac 1:18, II Pe 2:13, 15; ἐγράται τῆς ἀ., Lk 13:27; μαμωνᾶς τῆς ἀ., Lk 16:9; κόσμος τῆς ἀ., Ja 3:6; οἰκονόμος τῆς ἀ., Lk 16:8. = ἀδίκημα, an unrighteous act: ironically, a favour, II Co 12:13; pl., He 8:12 (Cremer, 261; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄδικος, -ον
(< δίκη), [in LXX for שׁקר, עול, etc.;] unjust: Ro 3:5, He 6:10. unrighteous, wicked: Lk 16:11 18:11, Ac 24:15, I Co 6:1, 9 I Pe 3:18; opp. to δίκαιος, Mt 5:45; to εὐσεβής, II Pe 2:9; to πιστός, Lk 16:10 (Cremer, 200).†
ἀδίκως, adv.
(< ἄδικος), [in LXX for שׁקר, עול, etc.;] unjustly, undeservedly: I Pe 2:19.†
Ἀδμείν (WH, mg., Ἀδάμ), , indecl.,
Admin.: Lk 3:33.†
ἀ-δόκιμος, -ον,
[in LXX: Pr 25:4, Is 1:22 (סִיג)*;] of things (prop. of metals: LXX, Pr 25:4, Is 1:22), not standing the test, rejected: γῆ, He 6:8. Of persons, rejected after testing, reprobate: Ro 1:28, I Co 9:27, II Co 13:5-7, II Ti 3:8, Tit 1:16 (Cremer, 212).†
* ἄδολος, -ον,
guileless (Pind., Thuc). Of liquids (Æsch., Eur., and late prose writers), genuine, pure (in π. and in MGr. of wine, also of corn: MM, VGT, s.v.; Milligan, NTD, 77): of milk, metaph., I Pe 2:2.† SYN.: ἀκέραιος (q.v.), ἄκακος, ἁπλοῦς.
Ἁδραμυντηνός (T, Rec. Ἀδραμυττηνός), -ή,-όν,
of Adramyttium, a seaport of Mysia: Ac 27:2.†
Ἁδρίας (T, Rec. Ἀδρίας), -ου, ὁ,
the Adriatic sea, in later Greek usage extended to take in all the waters between Greece and Italy: Ac 27:27.†
* ἁδρότης, -τος, ἡ
(< ἁδρός, thick, well-grown), thickness, vigour. abundance, bounty: II Co 8:20.†
ἀδυνατέω, -ῶ
(< ἀδύνατος), [in LXX: De 17:8, Za 8:6 (פּלא ni.), Jb 42:2 (בּצר ni.), al.;] Abbott-Smith omits this number to be unable (cl., Philo; π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.). In LXX and NT (Kennedy, Sources, 124; Hatch, Essays, 4; Field, Notes, 46 f.), to be impossible: Mt 17:20, Lk 1:37.†
ἀ-δύνατος, -ον,
[in LXX for אֶבְיוֹן, דַּל, etc.;] of persons, unable, powerless: Ac 14:8; fig. Ro 15:1 (MM, VGT, s.v.). Of things, impossible: Mt 19:26, Mk 10:27, Lk 18:27, Ro 8:3, He 6:4, 18 10:4 11:6.†
ᾄδω (Attic form of Ion. and poët. ἀείδω),
[in LXX chiefly for שִׁיר;] to sing, intrans., c. dat. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of praise to God: Eph 5:19, Col 3:16; trans., c. cogn. acc.: ᾠδὴν, Re 5:9 14:3 15:3.†
ἀεί, adv.,
[in LXX: Is 42:14 (מֵעוֹלָם) 51:13 (תָּמִיד), Ps 94 (95):10, al.;] ever; of continuous time, unceasingly, perpetually: Ac 7:51, 2 Co 4:11 6:10, Tit 1:12, He 3:10. Of successive occurrences, on every occasion (MM, VGT, s.v.): I Pe 3:15, II Pe 1:12.†
ἀετός, -οῦ, ὁ,
[in LXX for נֶשֶׁר;] an eagle: Re 4:7 8:13 (Rec. ἀγγέλου) 12:14. Where carrion is referred to, ἀ. is probably a vulture (cf. Jb 39:30, Pr 30:17): Mt 24:28, Lk 17:37 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄζυμος, -ον
(< ζύμη), [in LXX for מָצָּה; τὰ ἄ. (sc. λάγανα, cakes) = הַמָצָּה;] unleavened: ἡ ἑορτὴ τῶν ἄ. (הַג הַמָצָּה), the paschal feast (also called τὰ ἄ., Mk 14:1), Lk 22:1; ἡμέρα τῶν ἄ., Mt 26:17, Mk 14:12, Lk 22:7; ἡμέραι, Ac 12:3 20:6. Fig., of Christians, free from corruption: I Co 5:7; exhorted to keep festival, ἐν ἀζύμοις (sc. ἄρτοις, λάγανοις, or, indefinitely, "unleavened elements"), I Co 5:8 (Cremer, 724).†
Ἀζώρ, ὁ, indecl.,
Azor: Mt 1:13, 14.†
Ἄζωτος, -ου, ἡ (Heb., אַשְׁדּוֹד),
Azotus, a Philistine city: Ac 8:40.†
ἀηδία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀ- neg., ἦδος, pleasure), [in LXX: Pr 23:29 (שִׂיחַ)*;] of things or persons, unpleasantness, odiousness (Hipp., Dem., al.); dislike (Plat.), disagreement (MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 23:12 D.†
ἀήρ, ἀέρος, ὁ,
[in LXX: II Ki 22:12 (= Ps 17 (18):11 שׁחק), Wi8;] in Hom., Hes., the lower air which surrounds the earth, as opp. to the purer αἰθήρ of the higher regions; generally, air (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 22:23, I Th 4:17, Re 9:2 16:17; of the air as the realm of demons, Eph 2:2; ἀ. δέρειν, of striving to no purpose, I Co 9:26; εἰς ἀ. λαλεῖν, of speaking without effect, not being understood, I Co 14:9.†
** ἀθανασία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀ-θάνατος, undying; V. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX: Wi 3:4 4:1 8:13, 17 15:3, IV Mac 14:5 16:13*;] immortality: I Co 15:53, 54 I Ti 6:16 (cf. Cremer, 285 f.).†
** ἀ-θέμιτος (late form of ἀθέμιστος, LS, MM, VGT, s.v.), -ον
(< θέμις, custom, right), [in LXX: II Mac 6:5 7:1 10:34, III Mac 5:20*;] of persons, lawless (III Mac 5:20); of things, lawless, unlawful: Ac 10:28, I Pe 4:3.† SYN.: v.s. ἄθεσμος.
* ἄ-θεος, -ον,
in cl. slighting or denying the gods (Plat.; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.); godless, ungodly (Pind.); abandoned by the gods (Soph.) In the NT (cf. Lft. on Ign. ad Trail, §3), of the heathen, without God, not knowing God (Cremer, 281): Eph 2:12.†
**† ἄθεσμος, -ον
(< θεσμός, law, custom), [in LXX: III Mac 5:12 6:26*;] lawless, esp. of those who violate the law of nature and conscience (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): II Pe 2:7 3:17.† SYN.: ἀθέμιτος, ἄνομος, κακός, πονηρός, φαῦλος (v. Tr., Syn., §lxxiv; DCG, ii, 821b).
ἀθετέω, -ῶ
(< τίθημι), [in LXX for seventeen different words, פּשׁע, מרד, בּגד, מעל, etc., often meaning, as I Ki 13:3 (Heb., al.), to revolt; properly, to make ἄθετον, or do away with what has been laid down (v. DCG, i, 453 f.)]. to set aside, disregard (in Gramm., to reject as spurious): διαθήκην, Ga 3:16; ἐντολήν, Mk 7:9; νόμον, He 10:28; πίστιν, I Ti 5:12. to nullify, make void: Lk 7:30 (v. Field, Notes, 59), I Co 1:19, Ga 2:21. to reject: Mk 6:26 (Field, op. cit., 30), Lk 10:16, Jo 12:48, I Th 4:8, Ju 8 (for exx. in π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀθέτησις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀθετέω), [in LXX, usually of unfaithful, rebellious action: I Ki 24:12 (פֶּשַׁע), Je 12:1 (בֶּגֶד), Da TH 9:7 (מַעַל), II Mac 14:28*;] a disannulling, setting aside: He 7:18 9:26 (for similar usage in π., v. Deiss., BS, 228 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
Ἀθῆναι, -ῶν, αἱ (plural because consisting of several parts),
Athens: Ac 17:15, 16 18:1, I Th 3:1.†
Ἀθηναῖος, -α, -ον,
Athenian: Ac 17:21, 22.†
* ἀθλέω, -ῶ (in cl. also ἀθλεύω, < ἆθλος, a contest, in war or in sport),
to contend in games, wrestle, combat: II Ti 2:5.†
*† ἄθλησις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀθλέω), a contest, combat, esp. of athletes; fig., a struggle: He 10:32 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< ἀθρόος, assembled in crowds, MM, VGT, s.v.; < θρόος, a noise, tumult), [in LXX chiefly for קבץ;] to gather, assemble: Lk 24:33.†
ἀθυμέω, -ῶ (ἄ-θυμος, without heart),
[in LXX for חרה, etc.;] to be disheartened: Col 3:21.†
ἀθῷος (Rec. wrongly, -ῶος; LS, s.v.; Mayser, 131), -ον
(< θωή, a penalty), [in LXX chiefly for נקה ni., pi., נָקִי;] unpunished (MM, VGT, s.v.). innocent: Mt 27:4 (WH, R, mg., δίκαιον) 27:24.
αἴγειος (WH, -γιος), -α, -ον (< αἶξ, a goat),
[in LXX for עֵז;] of a goat: He 11:37 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
αἰγιαλός, -οῦ, ὁ (on the derivation, v. Boisacq, s.v.),
[in LXX: Jg 5:17 (חוֹף), Si 24:14*;] the sea-shore, beach (cf. Field, Notes, 146; DCG, i, 175 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 13:2, 48, Jo 21:4, Ac 21:5 27:39, 40.†
Αἰγύπτιος, -α, ον,
Egyptian: Ac 7:22, 24, 28 21:38, He 11:29.†
Αἴγυπτος, ου, ἡ,
Egypt: Mt 2:13-15, 19, Ac 2:10 7:9-39, He 3:16 11:26, 27; γῆ Αἴ., Ac 7:40 13:17, He 8:9, Ju 5 (cf. Ex 5:12, al.); ἡ Αἴ., Ac 7:11; fig., of Jerusalem as hostile to God, Re 11:8.†
** ἀΐδιος, -ον
(< ἀεί), [in LXX: Wi 7:26, IV Mac 10:15*;] everlasting (freq. in Inscr.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ro 1:20, Ju 6.† SYN.: αἰώνιος, also freq. in Inscr. (Deiss., BS, 363 J. The etymological distinction between the meanings of the two words seems not to be retained in late Greek (v. Thayer, s.v., αἰώνιος; cf. Cremer, 79, 611).
** αἰδώς (-όος), -οῦς, ἡ,
[in LXX: III Mac 1:19 4:5*;] a sense of shame, modesty: I Ti 2:9 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).† SYN.: αἰσχύνη (v. Thayer, 14; Tr., Syn., §xix; Cremer, 611 f.; CGT on I Ti 2:9).
Αἰθίοψ, -οπος, ὁ
(< αἴθω, to burn, ὤψ, face; i.e. swarthy), [in LXX for כּוּשׁ;] Ethiopian: Ac 8:27.†
Αἰλαμίτης, v.s. Ἐλαμείτης.
αἷμα, ατος, τό,
[in LXX for דָּם;] blood. In the ordinary sense: Mk 5:25, Lk 8:43, 44 22:44, Jo 19:34, Ac 15:20, 29 21:25, Re 8:7, 8 11:6 16:3, 4, 6 19:13. In special senses: of generation, origin, kinship (cl.): Jo 1:13 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.); as in OT (AR on Eph, 6:12), in the phrase σάρξ καὶ αἷ. (αἷ. κ. σ.), to indicate human nature as opp. to God and created spirits: Mt 16:17, I Co 15:50, Ga 1:16, Eph 6:12, He 2:14; of things in colour resembling blood: Ac 2:19, 20, Re 6:12 14:18-20. of bloodshed, a bloody death (cl.): Mt 23:30, 35 27:4, 6, 8, 24, 25, Lk 11:50, 51 13:1, Ac 1:19 5:28 18:6 20:26 22:20, He 12:4, Re 6:10 17:6 18:24 19:2 ; αἷ. ἐκχέειν (Deiss., LAE, 428; MM, VGT, s.v., αἷ.), Ro 3:15, Re 16:6; of sacrificial blood, as an expiation: He 9:7, 12, 13, 18-22, 25 10:4 11:28 13:11; of the blood of Christ, Mt 26:28, Mk 14:24, Lk 22:20, Jo 6:53, 54, 56, Ac 20:28, Ro 3:25 5:9, I Co 10:16 11:25, 27, Eph 1:7 2:13, Col 1:20, He 9:12, 14 10:19, 29 12:24 13:20, I Pe 1:2, 19, I Jo 1:7 (cf. 5:6, 8), Re 1:5 5:9 7:14 12:11. (Cremer, 69 f., 612 f.)†
*† αἱματεκχυσία, -ας, ἡ
(< αἷμα, ἐκ, χέω), shedding of blood (Eccl.; Cremer, 71): He 9:22.†
(< αἷμα, ῥέω), [in LXX: Le 15:33 (דָּוֶה)*;] to lose blood, suffer from a flow of blood (Hipp.): Mt 9:20.†
Αἰνέας, -οῦ, ὁ,
Æneas: Ac 9:33, 34.†
αἴνεσις, -εως, ἡ
(< αἰνέω), [in LXX chiefly for תּוֹדָה, תְּהִלָּה;] praise (Eccl.): θυσία αἰνέσεως (Le 7:12, זֶבַח תּוֹדָה), He 13:15.†
αἰνέω, -ῶ
(< αἶνος), poët., Ion. and late prose (MM, VGT, s.v.) for cl. ἐπαινέω, [in LXX chiefly for הלל, ידה;] to praise: c. acc., τ. θεόν, Lk 2:13, 20 19:37 24:53, Ac 2:47 3:8, 9, Ro 15:11; c. dat., τ. Θεῷ (Je 20:13, al. for הִלֵּל לְ; v. Field, Notes, 245), Re 19:5.† SYN.: ἐξομολογέω, εὐλογέω, εὐχαριστέω, μακαρίζω (v. DCG, i, 211).
αἴνιγμα, -ατος, τό
(< αἰνίσσομαι, to speak in riddles; < αἰνός = δεινός, dread, strange), [in LXX for חִידָה, Nu 12:8 and always exc. De 28:37 (שַׁמָּה);] a dark saying, riddle: I Co 13:12 (cf. Nu 12:8).†
αἶνος, ου, ὁ,
[in LXX for הלל pi, עֹז;] poët, and Ion., = μῦθος, a tale (Horn., al.). = Att. ἔπαινος, praise (Horn., al.): Mt 21:16 (LXX), Lk 18:43. In π., a decree (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
Αἰνών, , indecl. (cf. Heb. עַיִן, a spring),
Aenon: Jo 3:23.†
αἵρεσις, -εως, ἡ
(< αἱρέω, -ομαι), [in LXX for נְדָבָה,] capture. choosing, choice (v. MM, VGT, s.v.). that which is chosen, hence, opinion; esp. a peculiar opinion, heresy: I Co 11:19, Ga 5:20, II Pe 2:1, R, txt. In late writers (MM, VGT), of a set of persons professing particular principles or opinions, a school, sect, party, faction: Ac 5:17 15:5 24:5, 14 26:5 28:22, I Co 11:19, Ga 5:20, II Pe 2:1, R, mg. (Cremer, 614).†
[in LXX chiefly for בּחר (v. Cremer, 615);] = αἱρέομαι (Hipp., Inscr.), to choose: Mt 12:18 (LXX, ἀντιλήμψομαι).†
* αἱρετικός, -ή, όν
(< αἱρέομαι), capable of choosing (Plat.). causing division, heretical, factious (Cremer, 614): as subst., Tit 3:10.†
[in LXX for אמר hi., בּחר, etc.;] to take; Mid., -ομαι (M, Pr., 158 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.), to choose: Phl 1:22, II Th 2:13, He 11:25. (Cf. ἀν-, ἀφ-, δι-, ἐξ-, καθ-, περι-, προ-αιρέω.)†
[in LXX chiefly for נשׂא, also for לקח, etc.;] to raise, take up, lift or draw up: Jo 8:59 11:41, Ac 27:17, al. to bear, carry: Mt 4:6 16:24, al. to bear or take away, carry off, remove: Mt 21:21, Jo 19:31, I Co 5:12 6:15 (v. Lft., Notes, 216), al.; of the taking away sin by Christ, Jo 1:29, I Jo 3:5. (Cf. ἀπ’, ἐξ-, ἐπ-, μετ-, συν-, ὑπερ-αίρω). For exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.)
[in LXX for בּין, חפז, ידע;] to perceive: c.acc. rei (Bl., §36, 5; MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 9:45 (Cremer, 619 f.).†
αἴσθησις, -εως, ἡ
(< αἰσθάνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for דַּעַת ;] perception (MM, VGT, s.v.): Phl 1:9.† SYN.: ἐπίγνωσις, q.v. (cf. Cremer, 620).
αἰσθητήριον, -ου, τό
(< αἰσθάνομαι), [in LXX: Je 4:19 (קִיר), IV Mac 2:22*;] sense, organ of perception: He 5:14 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* αἰσχροκερδής, -ες
(< αἰσχρός, κέρδος), greedy of base gains: I Ti 3:8, Tit 1:7.†
*† αἰσχροκερδῶς, adv.,
from eagerness for base gain: I Pe 5:2 (here only).†
* αἰσχρολογία, -ας, ἡ
(< αἰσχρός, λέγω), abusive language, abuse (Lft., ICC, in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Col 3:8.†
αἰσχρός, -ά, όν
(< αἶσχος, shame, disgrace), [in LXX: Ge 41:3 ff. (רַע, רֹעַ), Jth 12:12, al.;] base, shameful: I Co 11:6 14:35, Eph 5:12, Tit 1:11 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* αἰσχρότης, -τητος, ἡ
(< αἰσχρός), baseness: Eph 5:4.†
αἰσχύνη, -ης, ἡ
(< αἶσχος, shame, disgrace), [in LXX chiefly for בּשֶׁת;] shame (MM, VGT, s.v.): subjectively, Lk 14:19, II Co 4:2; objectively, Phl 3:19, He 12:2; as something to be ashamed of, Re 3:18; pl. (Bl., §32, 6), shameful deeds, Ju 13.† SYN.: αἰδώς, q.v.
(< αἶσχος, shame), [in LXX chiefly for בּוּשׁ;] to disfigure (Hom.). to dishonour (Pr 29:15). to make ashamed (Si 13:7). Pass., to be put to shame, be ashamed: II Co 10:8; Phl 1:20, I Pe 4:16, I Jo 2:28; c. inf. (M, Pr., 205), Lk 16:3 (cf. ἐπ- (-ομαι), κατ-αἰσχύνω).†
αἰτέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX chiefly for שׁאל;] to ask, request: absol., Mt 7:7, Ja 1:6; c. acc. pers., Mt 5:42, Lk 6:30; c. acc. rei, seq. ἀπό, Mt 20:20, I Jo 5:15; id. seq. παρά, Ac 3:2, Ja 1:5; c. dupl. acc. Mt 7:9, Mk 6:22, Jo 16:23. Mid. (on the distinction bet. mid. and act., v. M, Pr., 160): absol., Mk 15:8, Jo 16:26, Ja 4:3; c. acc. rei, Mt 14:7, Mk 6:24, al.; c. acc. pers., Mt 27:20, Lk 23:25; c. acc. rei, seq. παρά, Ac 9:2; c. acc. et inf., Lk 23:23. c. inf. Ac 7:46, Eph 3:13 (cf. ἀπ-, ἐξ-, ἐπ-, παρ-, προσ-αιτέω). SYN.: ἐρωτάω, q.v., πυνθάνομαι. On the proper distinction between these words, v. Tr., Syn., § xl, Thayer, s.v. αἰ. In late Gk., however, αἰ. and ἐ. seem to have become practically synonymous (cf. Ac 3:2, 3; v. Field, Notes, 101 f.; M, Th., I, 4:1; M, Pr., 66n; MM, VGT, s.v.).
αἴτημα, -ατος, τό
(< αἰτέω), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁאֵלָה;] that which has been asked for, a petition, request: Lk 23:24, Phl 4:6, Jo 5:15.† SYN.: v.s. δέησις.
αἰτία, -ας, ἡ,
[in LXX: Ge 4:13 (עָוֹן), Pr 28:17 (עָשַׁק), and freq. in Wi, II, III Mac;] cause, reason, occasion, case: Mt 19:3, Lk 8:47, Ac 10:21 22:24 28:20, II Ti 1:6, 12, Tit 1:13, He 2:11 ; εἰ οὕτως ἐστιν ἡ αἰ. (cf. Lat. si ita res se habet, and v. MM. VGT, s.v.), Mt 19:10. In forensic sense, accusation: Ac 25:18, 27; cause for punishment, crime: Mt 27:37, Mk 15:26, Jo 18:38 19:4, 6, Ac 13:28 23:28 28:18.† SYN.: ἔλεγχος, a charge, whether moral or judicial, which has been proven, αἰ. is an accusation simply, false or true.
* αἴτιον, -ου, τό, v.s. αἴτιος.
αἴτιος, -α, ὁ
(< αἰτία), [in LXX: I Ki 22:22 (סבב) Da LXX Bel 41, TH Da Bel 42, Su 53, II Mac 4:47 13:4, IV Mac 1:11*;] causative of, responsible for; as subst., ὁ αἰ., the cause, author: He 5:9; τὸ αἰ., the cause, Ac 19:40. blameworthy, culpable; as subst., ὁ αἰ., the culprit, the accused (Lat. reus); τὸ αἰ. (= αἰτία, 3), the crime, Lk 23:4, 14, 22.†
*† αἰτίωμα (Rec. αἰτίαμα, the usual form; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), -τος, τό
(< αἰτιάομαι, αἰτία), a charge, accusation: Ac 25:7.†
** αἰφνίδιος (in Lk 21:34, ἐφν- WH; v. M, Pr., 35), -ον
(< αἴφνης = ἄφνως, suddenly), [in LXX: Wi 17:15, II Mac 14:17, III Mac 3:24*;] sudden, unexpected: Lk 21:34, I Th 5:3.†
αἰχμαλωσία, -ας, ἡ
(< αἰχμάλωτος), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁבִי, גּוֹלָה;] captivity (Diod., al.): Re 13:10; pl., abstr. for concr., = αἰχμάλωτοι, Eph 4:8(LXX).†
(< αἰχμάλωτος), [in LXX chiefly for שׁבה;] = αἰχμαλωτίζω, q.v., to lead captive: Eph 4:8(LXX).†
(< αἰχμάλωτος), [in LXX chiefly for שׁבה;] in late writers = cl. αἰχμάλωτον ποιῶ (ἄγω), to take or lead captive: seq. εἰς, Lk 21:24 (cf. To 1:10); metaph., Ro 7:23, II Co 10:5, II Ti 3:6.†
αἰχμάλωτος, -ον
(< αἰχμή, a spear, ἁλίσκομαι, to be taken), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁבָה, גּוֹלָה;] captive: Lk 4:18(LXX).†
αἰών, -ῶνος, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for עַד ,עוֹלָם;] in cl., like Lat. aevum (LS, MM, VGT, s.v.), a space of time, as, a lifetime, generation, period of history, an indefinitely long period; in NT of an indefinitely long period, an age, eternity, usually c. prep. (MM, VGT); of the past: ἀπ’ αἰ. (cf. Heb. מֵעוֹלָם), Lk 1:70; of the future: εἰς τ. αἰ. (cf. לְעוֹלָם), forever, Mt 21:19; id., c. neg., never, Jo 4:14; more strongly, εἰς τὸν αἰ. τοῦ αἰ., He 1:8(LXX); εἰς τοὺς αἰ., Mt 6:13; εἰς τοὺς αἰ. τῶν αἰ. (cf. Is 45:17, עַד־עוֹלְמֵי עַד), Ro 16:27, LT; cf. also Eph 3:21, II Pe 3:18, Ju 25, Re 14:11. οἱ αἰ., the worlds, the universe, "the sum of the periods of time, including all that is manifested in them": He 1:2 11:3 (cf. I Ti 1:17, where τῶν αἰ. are prob. "the ages or world-periods which when summed up make eternity". the present age (Heb. הָעוֹלָם הַזֶּה): ὁ αἰ., Mt 13:22; ὁ αἰ. οὗτος, Mt 12:32; ὁ νῦν αἰ., I Ti 6:17; ὁ ἐνεστὼς αἰ., Ga 1:4; similarly, of the time after Christ's second coming (הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא), ὁ αἰ. ἐκεῖνος, Lk 20:35; ὁ αἰ. μέλλων, Mt 12:32; ὁ αἰ. ὁ ἐρχόμενος, Mk 10:30. SYN.: κόσμος, the ordered universe, the scheme of material things; οἰκουμένη, the inhabited earth; in contrast with both of which αἰ. is the world under aspects of time (cf. Westc. on He 1:2; Tr., Syn., §lix; Thayer, s.v., αἰ.; Cremer, 74, 620; MM, VGT).
αἰώνιος, -ον (as usual in Attic), also -α, -ον. II Th 2:16, He 9:12;
(< αἰών), [in LXX chiefly for עוֹלָם;] age-long, eternal, of that which is without either beginning or end: Ro 16:26, He 9:14; of that which is without beginning: Ro 16:25, II Ti 1:9, Tit 1:2; of that which is without end (MM, VGT, s.v.): σκηναί, Lk 16:9 οἰκία, II Co 5:1; διαθήκη, He 13:20; εὐαγγέλιον, Re 14:6; παράκλησις, II Th 2:16; λύτρωσις, He 9:12; κληρονομία, ib. 15; κόλασις, Mt 25:46; κρίμα, He 6:2; κρίσις, Mk 3:29; ὄλεθρον, II Th 1:9; πῦρ, Mt 18:8; freq. c. ζωή, q.v. SYN.: ἀΐδιος, q.v.
ἀκαθαρσία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀκάθαρτος), [in LXX chiefly for טֻמְאָה, טָמֵא;] uncleanness, impurity, physical (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 23:27; moral: Ro 1:24 6:19, II Co 12:21, Ga 5:19, Eph 4:19 5:3, Col 3:5, I Th 2:3 4:7.†
*† ἀκαθάρτης, -τος, ἡ,
uncleanness: Re 17:4, Rec. (for τ. ἀκάθαρτα).†
ἀκάθαρτος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., καθαίρω), [in LXX chiefly for טָמֵא;] unclean, impure; physically (LS, MM, VGT, s.v.); ceremonially: Ac 10:14, 28 11:8, I Co 7:14, II Co 6:17, Re 18:2; morally: Eph 5:5, Re 17:4; c. πνεῦμα, as always in Gosp., Mt 10:1 12:43, Mk 1:23, 26, 27 3:11, 30 5:2, 8, 13 6:7 7:25 9:25, Lk 4:33, 36 6:18 8:29 9:42 11:24, Ac 5:16 8:7, Re 16:13 (cf. Cremer, 320).†
*† ἀκαιρέομαι, -οῦμαι
(< ἄκαιρος, unseasonable), to have no opportunity (opp. to εὐκαιρέω): Phl 4:10.†
** ἀκαίρως, adv.
(< ἄκαιρος, unseasonable), [in LXX: Si 35 (32):4*;] out of season, unseasonably: opp. to εὐκαίρως (q.v.), II Ti 4:2 (cf. Cremer, 740; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄ-κακος, -ον,
[in LXX for פְּתִי, תָּם, etc.;] as in cl. (Æsch., Plat., al.), of persons, simple, guileless: Ro 16:18, He 7:26 (cf. Cremer, 327); of things, undamaged (? MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄκανθα, -ης, ἡ
(< ἀκή, a point), [in LXX chiefly for קוֹץ, also for סִיר, שַׁיִת, etc.;] a prickly plant, thorn, brier; in NT always pl.: Mt 7:16 13:7, 22 27:29, Mk 4:7, 18, Lk 6:44 8:7, 14, Jo 19:2, He 6:8 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀκάνθινος, -ον
(< ἄκανθα), [in LXX: Is 34:13 (סיר)*;] of thorns: Mk 15:17, Jo 19:5. of acantha-wood (Hdt.; π. ap. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄ-καρπος, -ον,
[in LXX: Je 2:6 (צַלְמָוֶת), Wi 15:4, IV Mac 16:7;] unfruitful, barren: fig., Mt 13:22, Mk 4:19, I Co 14:14, Eph 5:11, Tit 3:14, II Pe 1:8, Ju 12.†
**† ἀ-κατά-γνωστος, -ον
(< καταγινώσκω), [in LXX: II Mac 4:47 ;] not open to just rebuke, irreprehensible: Tit 2:8 (v. Cremer, 676; and for other exx., MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀ-κατα-κάλυπτος, -ον
(< κατακαλύπτω), [in LXX: Le 13:45 A (פָּרוּע)*;] uncovered, unveiled: I Co 11:5, 13.†
*† ἀ-κατά-κριτος, -ον
(< κατακρίνω), uncondemned (EV): Ac 16:37, 22:25. = cl. ἄκριτος, without trial, not yet tried (MM, VGT, s.v.) Ac 16:37, 22:25
**† ἀ-κατά-λυτος, -ον
(< καταλύω), [in LXX: IV Mac 10:11*;] indissoluble: He 7:16.†
*† ἀκατάπαυστος, -ον
(< καταπαύω), that cannot cease, not to be restrained: c. gen. rei, II Pe 2:14, T, Tr. txt.†
ἀκαταστασία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀκατάστατος),
[in LXX: Pr 26:28 (מִדְחֶה), To 4:13*;] instability (MM, VGT, s.v.); hence, confusion, tumult: I Co 14:33, Ja 3:16; pl. (Bl., §32, 6), Lk 21:9, II Co 6:5, 12:20 (Polyb., al.; v. Cremer, 739).†
ἀ-κατά-στατος, -ον
(< καθίστημι), [in LXX: Is 54:11 (סֹעֲרָה);] unsettled, unstable: Ja 1:8, 3:8.†
ἀκατάσχετος, -ον
(< κατέχω), [in LXX: Jb 31:11, III Mac 6:17*;] that cannot be restrained: Ja 3:8 Rec. (for -στατος, q.v.).†
Ακελδαμά, -δαμάχ, v.s. Αχελδαμάχ.
** ἀκέραιος, -ον
(< κεράννυμι), [in LXX: Es 8:13*;] unmixed, pure, hence, metaph. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), guileless, simple: Mt 10:16, Ro 16:19, Phl 2:15.† SYN.: ἄδολος, ἄκακος, ἁπλοῦς (cf. Ellic. on Phl 2:15; Tr., Syn., §lvi).
** ἀκλινής, -ές
(< κλίνω), [in LXX: IV Mac 6:7 17:3*;] unbending, firm: metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.). He 10:23.†
** ἀκμάζω
(< ἀκμήν), [in LXX: IV Mac 2:3*;] to be at the prime; of produce of the ground, to be ripe (Thuc.): Re 14:18 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀκμήν, acc. of ἀκμή,
a point, used as adv., at the present point of time, even now, even yet: Mt 15:16.†
ἀκοή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀκούω), [in LXX: Ex 15:26, al. for שׁמע, its parts and derivatives, exc. De 11:22 (שׁמר);] hearing, the sense of hearing: I Co 12:17, II Pe 2:8; "Hebraic dative," ἀκοῇ ακούειν (freq. in LXX; V. M, Pr., 14, 75), Mt 13:14, Ac 28:26. organ of hearing, the ear (Arist., al.; MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 4:3, 4; pl., Mk 7:35, Lk 7:1, Ac 17:20, He 5:11. a thing heard, i.e., a message, teaching: Jo 12:38 and Ro 16:16, 17(LXX), Ga 3:2, 5 R, mg.; λόγος ἀκοῆς, I Th 2:13, He 4:2; a report, rumour: c. gen, pers., Mt 4:24, 14:1, 24:6; Mk 1:28 13:7 (Cremer, 82, 623; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀκολουθέω, -ῶ
(< ἀκόλουθος, following; < ἀ- cop., κέλευθος, poët., away), [in LXX chiefly for הָלַךְ;] to accompany, follow: Mt 4:25, al. Metaph., of discipleship: Mt 9:9, Mk 9:38, Jo 12:26, al. Absol.: Mt 18:10; more freq., c. dat. (cl.), Mt 8:1, al.; seq. μετά, c. gen, (cl.; Eutherford, N.Phr., 458 f.), Lk 9:49; ὀπίσω, c. gen. (Heb. הָלַךְ אחֲֲרֵי), Mt 10:38 (cf. ἐξ-, ἐπ-, κατ-, παρ-, συν-ἀκολουθέω). SYN.: (cl.) ἕπομαι, not in NT (v. Cremer, 80; MM, VGT, s.v.).
[in LXX chiefly for שׁמע;] to hear, listen, attend, perceive by hearing, comprehend by hearing. Intrans.: Mk 4:3 7:37, Ja 2:5, Re 2:7, al.; τ. ὠσίν, Mt 13:15(LXX); c. cogn. dat., ακοῇ ἀ. (v.s. ἀκοή), Mt 13:14, Ac 28:26(LXX); ὁ ἔχων ὦτα (οὖς) ἀκούειν, ἀκουσάτω, Mt 11:15, Mk 4:23, Re 2:7, al. Trans., prop. c. acc. rei, of thing heard, gen. pers., from whom heard (LS, s.v.): Ac 1:4; c. acc. rei, Mt 12:19, Jo 3:8 (Abbott, JG, 76), Ac 22:9, al.; c. dupl. acc., Jo 12:18, I Co 11:18; c. gen. rei, Jo 7:40 (Abbott, JV, 116); τ. φωνῆς (cf. Heb. שָׁמַע בְּקֹול, Ex 18:19), Jo 5:25, 28 Ac 9:7 (on the distinction bet. this and ἀ. φωνήν, ib. 4, v. M, Pr., 66; Field, Notes, 117; Abbott, Essays, 93f.); of God answering prayer, Jo 9:31, I Jo 5:14, 15; c. acc. rei, seq. παρά, Jo 8:26, 40 Ac 10:22, II Ti 2:2; id. seq. ἀπό, I Jo 1:5; c. gen. pars. seq. ptcp., Mk 14:58, Lk 18:36, al. (On NT usage generally, v. Bl., §36, 5; Cremer, 82.)
** ἀκρασία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀκρατής, q.v.), [in LXX: I Mac 6:26*;] in Arist. and later writers = ἀκράτεια (Lft., Notes, 222 f.), want of power, hence want of self-control, incontinence: Mt 23:25, I Co 7:5.†
ἀκρατής, -ές
(< κράτος), [in LXX: Pr 27:20*;] powerless, impotent; in moral sense, lacking self-control, incontinent: II Ti 3:3.†
ἄκρατος, -ον
(< κεράννυμι), [in LXX: Ps 75:8 (חֲמַר), Je 25:15 (חֵמָה), III Mac 5:2*;] unmixed, pure: οἶνος, Re 14:10.†
ἀκρίβεια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀκριβής), [in LXX: Da LXX TH 7:16 (יַצִּיב), Wi 12:21, Si 16:25 42:4*;] exactness, precision (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 22:3.†
ἀκριβής, -ές
[in LXX: Da LXX 2:45 6:12 (יַצִּיב) Da 4:25, Es 4:5, Si 18:29 19:25 31:24 32:3*;] exact, precise, careful, of things and persons: superl., Ac 26:5.†
** ἀκριβόω, -ῶ
(< ἀκριβής), [in Aq.: Is 30:8 49:16*;] to enquire with exactness, learn carefully: Mt 2:7, 16 (for similar ex., v. MM, VGT, sv.).†
adv. (< ἀκριβής), [in LXX: De 19:18 (יָטַב), Da TH 7:19 (יְצֵב), Ez 39:14, Wi 19:18, Si 18:29;] with exactness, carefully: Mt 2:8, Lk 1:3, Ac 18:25, Eph 5:15, I Th 5:2 (M, Th., in l.). Compar., ἀκριβέστερον (Milligan, NTD, 111; MM, VGT, s.v.), Ac 18:26 23:15, 20 24:22.†
ἀκρίς, -ίδος, ἡ
[in LXX chiefly for אַרְבֶּה, also for חָגָב, etc.;] a locust: Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6, Re 9:3, 7.†
*† ἀκροατήριον, -ου, τό
(< ἀκροάομαι, to listen) a place of audience: Ac 25:23 (Plut.).†
ἀκροατής, οῦ, ὁ (v. supr.)
[in LXX: Is 3:3 (לַחַשׁ), Si 3:29 ;] a hearer: Ro 2:13, Ja 1:22, 23, 25.†
ἀκροβυστία, -ας, ή
(perh. an Alexandrian form of cl. ἀκροποσθία; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.) [in LXX for עׇרְלָה;] the prepuce, foreskin (LXX), hence abstr., uncircumcision: Ac 11:3, Ro 2:25-27 3:30 4:10-12, I Co 7:18-19, Ga 5:6 6:15, Col 2:13 3:11. By meton., the uncircumcised: Ro 4:9, Ga 2:7, Eph 2:11.†
ἀκρο-γωνιαῖος, -αία, -αῖον
(< ἄκροι, γωνία, an angle) [in LXX: Is 28:16 (פִּנָּה)*;] = Attic γωνιαῖος (freq. in Inscr.; MM, VGT, s.v. ἀ.), at the extreme angle: ὁ ἀ., the corner foundation stone, Eph 2:20, I Pe 2:6.†
* ἀκροθίνιον, -ου, τό
(< ἄκρος, θίς, a heap), prop., the top of a heap, hence, in pl., first-fruits (Xen.; MM, VGT, s.v.). In war, the choicest spoils (cf. Hdt., viii, 121 f.): He 7:4.†
ἄκρον, -ου, τό, v.s. ἄκρος.
ἄκρος, -α, -ον
[in LXX for קֶצַח, בֹּהֶן, etc.;] highest, extreme; as subst., τὸ ἄ., the top, extremity: Mk 13:27, Lk 16:24, He 11:21; pl. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), Mt 24:31.†
Ἀκύλας, -ου (and ; MM, VGT, s.v.), (Lat.),
Aquila: Ac 18:2, 18 18:26, Ro 16:3, I Co 16:19, II Ti 4:19.†
**† ἀκυρόω, -ῶ
(< κῦρος, authority), [in LXX: I Es 6:32, IV Mac6*;] to revoke, invalidate (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 15:6, Mk 7:13, Ga 3:17 (Plut.).†
** ἀκωλύτως
adv. (< κωλύω), [in Sm.: Jb 34:31*;] without hindrance (so freq. in legal documents; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 28:31.†
ἄκων (Attic contr. for ἀέκων), -ουσα, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., ἕκων, willing), [in LXX: Jb 14:17, II Mac 11:12*;] unwilling: I Co 9:17.†
ἀλάβαστρον, -ου, τό (also -ος, ὁ, ἡ; colloq. and κοινή for ἀλάβαστος),
[in LXX: IV Ki 21:13 (צַלַּחַת)*;] a box of alabaster (ἀλαβαστίτης) for ointment: Mt 26:7, Mk 14:3, Lk 7:37 (v. DCG, i, 41b; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀλαζονία (Rec. -εία, the earlier form), -ας, ἡ
(< ἀλαζών), [in LXX: Wi 5:8 17:7, 2; IV Mac 5:1-38*;] the character of an ἀλαζών, boastfulness, vainglory, vaunting: Ja 4:16 (Mayor, in l.), I Jo 2:16.†
ἀλαζών, -όνος, ὁ, ἡ
(< ἄλη, wandering), [in LXX: Jb 28:8 (שַׁחַץ) Hb 2:5 (יָהִיר), Pr 21:24 (לוּץ)*;] prop, a vagabond, hence, an impostor, a boaster: Ro 1:30, II Ti 3:2.† SYN.: ὐβριστής, ὑπερήφανος (v. Tr., Syn., § xxix; Lft., Notes, 256)
(onomat. from the battle-cry ἀλαλά), [in LXX chiefly for רוּעַ hi., יָלַל;] prop, to raise a war-cry, shout with triumph or joy; rarely of grief, to wail: Mk 5:38 (cf. Je 4:8); of a cymbal, ἀλαλάζον (RV. clanging), I Co 13:1 (cf. ὀλολύζω).†
ἀ-λάλητος, -ον
(< λαλέω), inexpressible, not to be uttered: Ro 8:26.†
ἄ-λαλος, -ον
(< λάλος, talkative), [in LXX: Ps 31:18 (אָלַם ni.) Ps 38:13 (אִלֵּם)*;] dumb, speechless: Mk 7:37 9:17, 25.†
ἅλας (T, ἅλα), -ατος, τό, late form of cl. ἅλς, -ος, ὁ (MM, VGT, s.v.),
[in LXX chiefly for מְלַח ;] salt, lit, and fig.: Mt 5:13, Mk 9:50 Lk 14:34; like cl. ἅλες, wit, of wisdom and grace in speech: Col 4:6.†
ἁλεεύς (Rec. ἁλιεύς, the older form; WH, App., 151, -έως, ὁ
(< ἅλς, the sea), [in LXX for דָּג, דַּוָּג;] a fisherman: Mt 4:18, 19, Mk 1:16, 17, Lk 5:2.
(cf. λίπος, oil), [in LXX: Ge 31:13, Ex 40:15, Nu 3:3 (משׁח), Ez 13:10 ff. (טוח), Ru 3:3, II Ki 12:20 14:2, IV Ki 4:2, II Ch 28:15, Mi 6:15, Da LXX TH 10:3 (סוךְ), Es 2:12, Jth 16:8*;] to anoint, festally or in homage: c. acc rei or pers., Mt 6:17, Jo 12:3, Mk 16:1; seq. dat., ἐλαίῳ, Mk 6:13, Ja 5:14; μύρῳ, Lk 7:38, 46, Jo 11:2.† SYN.: χρίω, μυρίζω (against the distinction made bet. ἀ. and χ. in Tr., Syn., § 38, v. MM, VGT, s.v., ἀ.)
ἀλεκτοροφωνία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀλέκτωρ, φωνή), cock-crowing, i.e. the third watch in the night: Mk 13:35.†
ἀλέκτωρ, -ορος, ὁ
(poët. form of ἀλεκτρυών; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX: Pr 30:31) (זַרְזִיר; BDB, Lex., 267)*;] a cock: Mt 26:34, Mk 14:30, 68 14:72 Lk 22:34, 60, 61, Jo 13:38 18:27.†
Ἀλεξανδρεύς, -έως, ὁ
an Alexandrian: Ac 6:9 18:24.†
Ἀλεξανδρινός (Rec. -δρῖνο; v. Kühner3, II, 296), -ή, -όν,
Alexandrian: Ac 27:6 28:11.†
Ἀλέξανδρος, -ου, ὁ,
Alexander Son of Simon of Cyrene: Mk 15:21 A kinsman of the High Priest: Ac 4:6. A certain Jew: Ac 19:33. A coppersmith: I Ti 1:20. Perh. = 4 (v. Ellic. on I Ti 1:20): II Ti 4:14.†
ἄλευρον, -ου, τό
(< ἀλεύω, to grind), [in LXX for קֶמַח, Nu 5:15, al.;] real: Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21.†
ἀλήθεια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀληθής), [in LXX chiefly for אֱמֶת (on which, v. Cremer, 627f.), אֱמוּנָה;] truth (v. DB, iv, 818f.). Objectively, "the reality lying at the basis of an appearance; the manifested, veritable essence of a matter" (Cremer, 86): Ro 9:1, al.; of religious truth, Ro 1:25, al.; esp. of Christian doctrine, Ga 2:5, al.; ἀ. θεοῦ, Ro 15:8. Subjectively, truthfulness, truth, not merely verbal (cl.), but sincerity and integrity of character: Jo 8:44, III Jo 3. In phrases (MM, VGT, s.v.): ἐπ’ ἀληθείας, Mk 12:14, al.; ἀ. λέγειν (εἰπεῖν, λαλεῖν), Ro 9:1, II Co 12:6, Eph 4:25, al.; ἀ. ποιεῖν, Jo 3:21, I Jo 1:6 (cf. DB, iv, 818b, ff.).
(< ἀληθής), [in LXX: Ge 20:16 (יָכַח) Ge 42:16 (אֶמֶת), Pr 21:3 (מִשְׁפָּט), Is 44:26 (שָׁלַם), Si 34:4*;] to speak the truth (R, mg., deal truly; Field, Notes, 192): Ga 4:16, Eph 4:15.†
ἀληθής, -ές
(< λήθω = λανθάνω, hence primarily, unconcealed, manifest; hence, actual, real), [in LXX for אֶמֶת, etc.;] of things, true, conforming to reality: Jo 4:18 5:31,32 6:55 (= ἀληθινός, q.v.) Jo 8:13,14, 17 10:41 19:35 21:24, Ac 12:9, Phl 4:8, Tit 1:13, I Pe 5:12, II Pe 2:22, I Jo 2:8, III Jo 12; of persons, truthful: Mt 22:16, Mk 12:14, Jo 3:33 7:18 8:26, Ro 3:4, II Co 6:8.† SYN.: ἀληθινός, real, genuine, ideal, as opp. to spurious or imperfect ἀληθής, true to fact, as opp. to false, lying, denotes the actuality of a thing: ἀληθινός, its relation to the corresponding conception. (Cf. Tr., Syn., § viii; Cremer, 84 f., 631 Abbott, JV, 234 f.; DB, iv, 818 f.; MM, VGT, s.vv.)
ἀληθινός, -ή, -όν
(< ἀληθής), [in LXX for אֶמֶת;] true, in the sense of real, ideal, genuine: Lk 16:11 Jo 1:9 4:23, 37 6:32 7:28 8:16 15:1 17:3 19:35, I Th 1:9, He 8:2 9:24 10:22, I Jo 2:8 5:20, Re 3:7, 14 6:10 15:3 16:7 19:2; = ἀληθής, Re 19:9 21:5 22:6 (MM, VGT, s.v.).† SYN.: ἀληθής, q.v
(κοινή form of the Attic ἀλέω), [in LXX for טחן;] to grind: Mt 24:41, Lk 17:35.†
adv. (< ἀληθής), [in LXX (Je 28:6, Ps 58:1, al.) chiefly for אָמֵן and cogn. forms;] truly, surely: Mt 14:33 26:73 Mk 14:70 15:39, Lk 9:27 12:44 21:3, Jo 1:48 4:42 6:14 7:26, 40 8:31 17:8 Ac 12:11, I Th 2:13, I Jo 2:5.†
ἁλιεύς, v.s. ἁλεεύς.
(< ἁλιεύς), [in LXX: Je 16:16 (דִּיג)*;] to fish: Jo 21:3 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< ἅλς), [in LXX for מָלַח;] to salt, season with salt: Mt 5:13, Mk 9:49.†
ἀλίσγημα, -τος, τό
(< late ἀλισγέω, to pollute), pollution: Ac 15:20.†
ἀλλά (ἀλλ’ usually bef. α and υ, often bef. ε and η, rarely bef. ο and ω, never bef. ι; Tdf., Pr., 93 f.; WH, App., 146),
adversative particle, stronger than δέ; prop. neuter pl. of ἄλλος, used adverbially, with changed accent; hence prop. otherwise, on the other hand (cf. Ro 3:31); opposing a previous negation, but: οὐ (μὴ) . . . ἀ., Mt 5:15, 17 Mk 5:39, Jo 7:16, al.; rhetorically subordinating but not entirely negativing what precedes, οὐ . . . ἀ., not so much . . . as, Mk 9:37, Mt 10:20, Jo 12:44, al.; with ellipse of the negation, Mt 11:7-9, Ac 19:2, I Co 3:6 6:11 7:7, II Co 7:1, Ga 2:3, al.; in opposition to a foregoing pos. sentence, ἀ. οὐ, Mt 24:6, I Co 10:23; οὐ μόνον . . . ἀ. καί, Jo 5:18, Ro 1:32, al.; elliptically, after a negation, ἀ. ἵνα, Mk 14:49, Jo 1:8 9:3, al.; = εἰ μή (Bl., §77, 13; M, Pr., 241; but cf. WM, §iii, 10), Mt 20:23, Mk 4:22. Without previous negation, to express opposition, interruption, transition, etc., but: Jo 16:20 12:27, Ga 2:14; before commands or requests, Ac 10:20 26:16, Mt 9:18, Mk 9:22, al.; to introduce an accessory idea, II Co 7:11; in the apodosis after a condition or concession with εἰ, ἐάν, εἴπερ, yet, still, at least, Mk 14:29, I Co 9:2, II Co 4:16, Col 2:5, al.; after μέν, Ac 4:17, Ro 14:20, I Co 14:17; giving emphasis to the following clause, ἀλλ’ ἔρχεται ὥρα, yea, etc., Jo 16:2; so with neg., ἀλλ’ οὐδέ, nay, nor yet, Lk 23:15. Joined with other particles (a practice which increases in late writers; Simcox, LNT, 166), ἀ. γε, yet at least, Lk 24:21, I Co 9:2; ἄ ἤ., save only, except, Lk 12:51, II Co 1:13; ἀ. μὲν οὖν, Phl 3:8 (on this usage, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).
(< ἄλλος), [in LXX chiefly for חלף, מוּר hi., etc.;] to change: Ac 6:14, Ga 4:20. to transform: I Co 15:51, 52, He 1:12. to exchange: c. acc., seq. ἐν (= בְּ, Ps 106:20) instead of simple gen. (Bl., § 36, 8), Ro 1:23 (cf. ἀπ-, δι-, κατ-, ἀπο-κατ-, μετ-, συν-αλλάσσω; v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀλλαχόθεν
adv. (< ἀλλος), [in LXX: IV Mac 1:7*;] = ἀλλοθεν (v. MM, VGT, s.v.) from another place: Jo 10:1.†
* ἀλλαχοῦ,
adv. (< ἀλλος) = ἄλλοσε (MM, VGT, s.v.), elsewhere: Mk 1:38.
*† ἀλληγορέω, -ῶ
(< ἄλλος, ἀγορεύω), to speak allegorically (Cremer, 96 ff.): Ga 4:24.†
(Rec. ἀλληλούϊα; Heb. הַלְלוּיָהּ, praise the Lord), [in LXX in the titles of certain Pss (104 (105), al.), and at the end of Ps 150; also To 13:18, III Mac 7:13;] hallelujah, alleluia: Re 19:1, 3, 4 19:6.†
ἀλλήλων (gen. pl.), dat. -οις, -αις, acc. -ους, -ας, -α (no nom.), recipr. pron.
(< ἄλλος), of one another, mutually: Mt 25:32, Mk 4:41, Jo 13:22, al.
ἀλλογενής, -ές
(< ἄλλος, γένος), [in LXX chiefly for זוּר, נֵכָר;] of another race, a foreigner ( = ἀλλόφυλος; Cremer, 150; MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 17:18.†
[in LXX for צָלַח, דָּלַג pi., etc.;] to leap: Ac 3:8 14:10; of water, to spring up, Jo 4:14 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄλλος, -η, -ο, (cf. Lat. alius, Eng. else),
[in LXX for אַחֵר ,אֶחָד, etc.;] other, another: absol., Mt 20:3, al.; ἄ. δέ, I Co 3:10 12:8; pl., Mk 6:15; attached to a noun, Mt 2:12 4:21, al.; c. art., ὁ ἄ., the other, Mt 5:39, Jo 19:32 (Bl., §47, 8); οἱ ἄ., the others, the rest, Jo 20:25, I Co 14:29; ἄ. πρὸς ἄλλον = πρὸς ἀλλήλους (BL, §48, 10), Ac 2:12; ἄλλ’ (i.e. ἄλλο) (Bl., §77, 13), Lk 12:51; seq. πλήν, Mk 12:32; εἰ μή, Jo 6:22; παρά c. acc., I Co 3:11. SYN.: ἕτερος, q.v. ἄ. denotes numerical, ἕ. qualitative difference (Cremer, 89). ἄ. generally "denotes simply distinction of individuals, ἕ. involves the secondary idea of difference in kind" (v. Lft., Meyer, Ramsay, on Ga 1:6, 7; Tr., Syn., §xcv; Bl., §51, 6; M, Pr., 79f., 246; MM, VGT, s.vv.). As to whether the distinction can be maintained in I Co 12:8, 10 v. ICC, in l., and on He 11:35f., v. Westc, in l.
* ἀλλοτρι-επίσκοπος (Rec. ἀλλοτριοεπ-), -ου, ὁ
one who meddles in things alien to his calling: I Pe 4:15 (v. ICC, in l.; Deiss., BS, 224-4; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀλλότριος, -α, -ον
(< ἄλλος), [in LXX for זוּר, נֵכָר, אַחֵר;] belonging to another, not one's own (opp. to ἴδιος): Lk 16:12, Ro 14:4 15:20 (Field, Notes, 165 f.), II Co 10:15, 16, I Ti 5:22, He 9:25. foreign, strange, alien (opp. to οἰκεῖος; v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 17:25, 26, Jo 10:5, Ac 7:6, He 11:9, 34.†
ἀλλόφυλος, -ον
(ἄλλος, φῦλον, a tribe), [in LXX chiefly for פְּלֶשֶׁת;] foreign, of another race (MM, VGT, s.v.); as opp. to a Jew, a Gentile: Ac 10:28.†
adv. (< ἄλλος), otherwise: I Ti 5:25.†
ἀλοάω, -ῶ
(< ἅλως, v.s. ἅλων; and cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for דּוּשׁ;] to thresh: I Co 9:9 9:10; I Ti 5:18.†
ἄ-λογος, -ον
[in LXX: Ex 6:12 (שָׂפָה עָרֵל), Nu 6:12 (נָפַל), Jb 11:12, Wi 11:15, 16, IV Mac3*;] without reason, irrational: ζῷα, II Pe 2:12, Ju 10. contrary to reason: Ac 25:27 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀλόη, -ης, ἡ,
[in LXX: Ca 4:14 א (אֲהָלִים)*;] the aloe, aloes (the powder of a fragrant wood): Jo 19:39.†
ἅλς, ἁλός, ὁ,
variant for ἅλας (q.v.): Mk 9:49, Rec. WH, mg., R, mg.†
ἁλυκός, -ή, -όν
(< ἅλς), [in LXX for מֵלַח, שִׂדִּים;] salt: Ja 3:12.†
* ἄλυπος, -ον
(< λύπη), free from grief: Phl 2:28.†
** ἅλυσις, -εως, ἡ,
[in LXX: Wi 17:17*;] a chain, bond: Mk 5:3, 4, Lk 8:29, Ac 12:6, 7 21:33 28:20, Eph 6:20, II Ti 1:16, Re 20:1.†
* ἀ-λυσιτελής, -ές,
>(cf. λυσιτελέω), unprofitable: He 13:17.†
Ἄλφα, τό, indecl. (v.s. Α),
Alpha: Re 1:8 21:6 22:13 (v. Swete, in ll.).†
Ἀλφαῖος (WH, Ἀλ-), -ου, ὁ (Aram. חַלְפַּי)
Alphæus. Father of Levi: Mk 2:14. Father of James: Mt 10:3, Mk 3:13, Lk 6:15, Ac 1:13.†
ἅλων, -ωνος
(for Attic ἅλως, -ω, v. MM, VGT, s.v.), , [in LXX chiefly for גֹּרֶן;] a threshing floor: Mt 3:12, Lk 3:17 (here prob. by meton. = the grain on the threshing floor).†
ἀλώπηξ, -εκος, ἡ,
[in LXX for שׁוּעָל;] a fox: Mt 8:20, Lk 9:58; metaph., of Herod, Lk 13:32.†
ἅλωσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἁλίσκομαι), [in LXX: Je 50:46 (תּפשׂ ni.)*;] a taking, capture: II Pe 2:12.†
adv., at once (Lat. simul): Ac 24:26 27:40, Ro 3:12 (one and all = יַחַד, Ps 14:3), Col 4:3, I Ti 5:13, Phm 22; seq. σύν, I Th 4:17 5:10; as prep. c. dat., together with: Mt 13:29 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.); also, c. adv., ἅ. πρωΐ (cl., ἅ. ἕω, etc.), early in the morning: Mt 20:1.†
** ἀμαθής, -ές
(< μανθάνω), [in Sm.: Ps 49:11*;] unlearned, ignorant: II Pe 3:16 (on the rareness of this word, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
*† ἀμαράντινος, -ον
(< ἀμάραντος), of amaranth (Inscr.); hence unfading: I Pe 5:4.†
**† ἀμάραντος, -ον
(< μαραίνομαι), [in LXX: Wi 6:12 (σοφία)*;] unfading (whence ὁ ἀ., the amaranth, an unfading flower): I Pe 1:4 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(pres. formed from aor. ἁμαρτεῖν), [in LXX for חטא, also for אשׁם, רשׁע, etc.;] to miss the mark (Hom., Æsch., al.), hence metaph. (Hom., al.), to err, do wrong. In LXX and NT, to violate God's law, to sin (for non-Christian exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.): absol., Mt 18:25 27:4, Lk 17:3, Jo 5:14 8:11 9:2, 3, Ro 2:12 3:23 5:12, 14,16 6:15, I Co 7:28,36 15:34, Eph 4:26, I Ti 5:20, Tit 3:11, He 3:17 10:26, I Pe 2:20, II Pe 2:4 2:4 I Jo 1:10 2:1 3:6,89 5:18; c. cogn. acc., ἁ. ἁμαρτίαν (cf. Ex 32:30, חֲטָאָה חָטָא), I Jo 5:16; seq. εἰς, Mt 18:21, Lk 15:18, 21 17:4, Ac 25:8 (καίσαρα). I Co 6:18 8:12 (Field, Notes, 173); ἐνώπιον, Lk 15:18, 21; πρὸς θάνατον (cf. Nu 18:22, חֵטְא לָמוּת), I Jo 5:16 (Cremer, 98, 633).†
ἁμάρτημα, -τος, τό
(< ἁμαρτεῖν, v. supr.), [in LXX for חַטָּאָה, עָוֺן etc.;] an act of disobedience to divine law (Lft., Notes, 273), a sinful deed, a sin: Mk 3:28, 29, Ro 3:25, I Co 6:18, II Pe 1:9, WH, mg.; αἰώνιων ἁ. (DCG, i, 788a), Mk 3:29 (for exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).† SYN.: ἀγνόημα, ἁμαρτία, ἀνομία, ἀσέβεια, ἥττημα, παράβασις, παρακοή, παρανομία, παράπτωμα (v. Cremer, 100; Tr., Syn., § lxvi; DB, iv, 532; DCG, i, 788a; Westc, Eph., 165 f.)
ἁμαρτία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἁμαρτάνω, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for חַטָּאת and cogn. forms, also for פֶּשַׁע ,עָוֹן, etc.;] prop. a missing the mark; in cl. (v. reff. to CR in MM, VGT, s.v.); guilt, sin (Plat., Arist., al.); more freq., from Æsch. down, a fault, failure. In NT (as LXX) always in ethical sense; as a principle and quality of action, = τὸ ἁμαρτάνειν, a sinning, sin: Ro 5:12, 13 20; ὑφ’ ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι, Ro 3:9; ἐπιμένειν, Ro 6:1; ἀποθνήσκειν, νεκρὸν εἶναι τῇ ἁ., Ro 6:2, 11; τὴν ἀ. γινώσκειν, Ro 7:7; σῶμα τῆς ἁ., Ro 6:6; ἀπάτη τῆς ἁ., He 3:13; personified as a ruling principle, ἁ. βασιλεύει, κυριεύει, etc., Ro 5:21 6:12, 14 7:17, 20; δουλεύειν, Ro 6:6; δοῦλος τῆς ἁ., ib. 17; νόμος τῆς ἁ., Ro 7:23 8:2; δύναμις τῆς ἁ., I Co 15:56 (cf. Ge 4:7). As a generic term (disting. fr. the specific terms ἁμάρτημα, q.v., etc.) for concrete wrongdoing, violation of the divine law, sin: Jo 8:46, Ja 1:15, al.; ποιεῖν (τὴν) ἁ., Jo 8:34, II Co 11:7, I Jo 3:8; εἴχειν ἁ., Jo 9:41 15:22, 24 19:11, I Jo 1:8; in pl. ἁμαρτίαι, sin in the aggregate, I Th 2:16 (v. Milligan, in l.); ποιεῖν ἁμαρτίας, Ja 5:15; πλῆθος ἁμαρτιῶν, Ja 5:20, I Pe 4:8; ἄφεσις ἁμαρτιῶν, Mt 26:28, Mk 1:4, al.; ἐν ἁμαρτίαις εἶναι, I Co 15:17; collectively, αἴρειν τὴν ἁ. τ. κόσμου, Jo 1:29; ἀποθνήσκειν ἐν τῇ ἁ., Jo 8:21. = ἁμάρτημα, a sinful deed, a sin: Mt 12:31, Ac 7:60, I Jo 5:16. SYN.: v.s. ἁμάρτημα.
* ἀμάρτυρος, -ον
(< μάρτυς), without witness: Ac 14:17.†
ἁμαρτωλός, -όν
(< ἁμαρτάνω), [in LXX chiefly for רשׁﬠ;] sinful, a sinner: of all men, I Ti 1:15; of those especially wicked, I Ti 1:9, I Pe 4:18; p1., Mt 9:10-13 11:19 26:45, al. (v. MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 102, 634)
* ἄμαχος, -ον
(< μάχη); invincible (freq. in cl.). abstaining from fighting, non-combatant (Xen.). Metaph. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), not contentious: I Ti 3:3, Tit 3:2.†
* ἀμάω, -ῶ
(in cl. chiefly poët.), to reap: Ja 5:4.†
ἀμέθυστος, -ου, ἡ
(acc. to Plut., < ἀ- μεθύω, being regarded as an antidote against drunkenness), [in LXX: Ex 28:19 36:19 39:12 Ez 28:13*;] amethyst, a purple quartz: Re 21:20.†
ἀμελέω, -ῶ
(< μέλει), [in LXX: Je 4:17 (מרה) Je 31:32 (בּעל), Wi 3:10, II Mac 4:14*;] absol., to be careless, not to care: Mt 22:5; c. gen., to be careless of, to neglect: I Ti 4:14, He 2:3 8:9 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄ-μεμπτος, -ον
(< μέμφομσι), [in LXX chiefly for תָּם;] blameless, free from fault (in π. of a marriage-contract; M, Th., I, 3:13; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 1:6, Phl 2:15 3:6, I Th 3:13 (WH, mg., -ως) He 8:7.† SYN.: ἄμωμος, ἀνέγκλητος, ἀνεπίλημπτος, q.v. (Tr., Syn., § ciii).
adv. (< ἄμεμπτος), [in LXX: Es 3:13*;] blamelessly (Lft., Notes, 28, 89; MM, VGT, s.v. -ος): I Th 2:10 3:13 WH mg., 5:23.†
** ἀμέριμνος, -ον
(< μέριμνα), [in LXX: Wi 6:15 7:23*;] free from anxiety or care: Mt 28:14, I Co 7:32 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
*† ἀ-μετάθετος, -ον
(< μετατίθημι), [in LXX: III Mac 5:1,12*;] immutable: He 6:18; as subst., τὸ ἀ., immutability, He 6:17 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀ-μετα-κίνητος, -ον
(< μετακινέω), immovable, firm: I Co 15:58.†
* ἀ-μεταμέλητος, -ον
(< μεταμέλομαι), not repented of, unregretted: Ro 11:29, II Co 7:10.†
*† ἀμετανόητος, -ον
(< μετανοέω), impenitent: Ro 2:5 = ἀμεταμέλητος (π., Philo, al.; v. Deiss., BS, 257; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἄμετρος, -ον
(< μέτρον), without measure: adverbially, εἰς τὰ ἄ., excessively, II Co 10:13 10:15
ἀμήν, indecl. (Heb. אָמֵן, verbal adj. fr. אמן, to prop, ni., be firm),
[in LXX: I Ch 16:36, I Es 9:46, Ne 5:13 8:6, To 8:8 14:15, III Mac 7:23, IV Mac 18:24 (elsewhere א״ is rendered ἀληθινός, Is 65:16; ἀληθῶς, Je 35 (28):6; γένοιτο, Nu 5:22, De 27:15ff., III Ki 1:36, Ps 40 (41):13 71 (72):19 105 (106):48, Je 11:5)*.] As adj. (cf. Is 65:16), ὁ ἀ., Re 3:14. As adv., in solemn assent to the statements or prayers of another (Nu 5:22, Ne 5:13 8:6 etc.): ὁ ἀ., I Co 14:16; similarly, at the end of one's own prayer or ascription of praise: Ro 1:25 15:33, Ga 1:5, I Ti 1:17; in the Gospels, exclusively, introducing solemn statements of our Lord, truly, verily: Mt 5:18, 26 Mk 3:28 (v. Swete, in l.), Lk 4:24, al.; ἀ. ἀ., always in Jo 1:52 3:3 5:19, al.; τὸ ναί, καὶ . . . τὸ ἀ., II Co 1:20 (on usage in π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).
* ἀμήτωρ, -ορος, ὁ, ἡ
(< μήτηρ), without a mother (freq. in Gk. writers of the gods): ἀπάτωρ ἀ. of one without recorded genealogy, He 7:3 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).
** ἀ-μίαντος, -ον
(< μιαίνω), [in LXX: Wi 3:13 4:2 8:20, II Mac 14:36 15:34*;] undefiled, free from contamination (in π., of αἰθήρ; MM, VGT, s.v.): He 7:26 13:4, I Pe 1:4, Ja 1:27.† SYN.: ἄμωμος, ἄσπιλος (Cremer, 784).
Ἀμιναδάβ, indecl. (Heb עַמִּינָדָב),
Amminadab: Mt 1:4, Lk 3:33 (WH om.).†
ἄμμος, -ου, ἡ,
[in LXX chiefly for חוֹל;] sand, sandy ground: Mt 7:26, Ro 9:27, He 11:12, Re 18:1, Re 20:8.†
ἀμνός, -οῦ, ὁ
[in LXX chiefly for כֶּבֶשׂ;] a lamb: fig., of Christ (DCG, ii, 620b), Jo 1:29, 36, Ac 8:32(LXX), I Pe 1:19 (cf. ἀρνίον; Cremer, 102, 635).†
** ἀμοιβή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀμείβομαι, to repay); [in Aq., Sm.: Pr 12:14, al.;] requital, recompense: I Ti 5:4 (for illustration from π. v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄμπελος, -ου, ἡ,
[in LXX for גֶּפֶן;] vine: Mt 26:29, Mk 14:25, Lk 22:18 Ja 3:12; fig., of Christ, Jo 15:1, 4-5; of his enemies (on the usage here, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Re 14:18, 19.†
ἀμπελουργός, -οῦ, ὁ, ἡ,
[in LXX for כֹּרֵם;] a vine dresser: Lk 13:7.†
ἀμπελών, -ῶνος, ὁ
(< ἄμπελος), [in LXX for כֶּרֶם;] a vineyard: Mt 20:1 ff. Mt 21:28 ff, Lk 13:6 20:9 ff., I Co 9:7. Æschin., 49, 13; Diod., al.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.; LS, s.v. ἀμπελουργεῖον.)
Ἀμπλιᾶτος (T, -ίατος; Rec. Ἀμπλιᾶς; v. MM, VGT, 5.v.), -ου, ὁ,
Ampliatus: Ro 16:8.†
[in LXX (mid.): Jos 10:13 (נקם), נָקַם), Ps 118:10-12 מוּל hi.), Is 59:16 (ישׁע hi.), Wi 11:3, al.;] to ward off, etc. Mid. to defend oneself against; to requite; = act., to defend, assist (Is 59:16): c. acc. pers., Ac 7:24 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< ἀμφί, on both sides: v. M, Pr., 100), Hellenistic for ἀμφιέννυμι (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX for לָבַשׁ, etc.;] to clothe: Lk 12:28 (T, -έζει).†
ἀμφι-βάλλω (v. supr.),
[in LXX: Hb 1:17*;] = περιβάλλω, to throw around, as a garment: absol. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of casting a net: Mk 1:16 (Rec. βάλλονταν ἀμφίβληστρον).†
ἀμφίβληστρον, -ου, τό
(< ἀμφιβάλλω), [in LXX chiefly for חֵרֶם;] something thrown around, as a garment; spec., a casting-net: Mt 4:18.†
ἀμφιέζω, v.s. ἀμφιάζω.
(< ἕννυμι, to clothe), to clothe: Mt 6:30 11:8, Lk 7:25 (cf. ἀμφιάζω).†
Ἀμφίπολις, -εως, ἡ
Amphipolis, in Macedonia, so called because the river Strymon flowed around it: Ac 17:1.†
ἄμφοδον, -ου, το
(< ἀμφί, ὁδός), [in LXX for אַרְמְנוֹן (Je 17:27 30:10 49:27)*;] prop., a road around anything (RV, the open street): Mk 11:4, Ac 19:28, WH, mg.†
ἀμφότεροι, -αι, -α
(replaces ἄμφω in κοινή, v. M, Pr., 57; used of more than two, Pr., 80; MM, VGT, s.v.), both of two: Mt 9:17, al.
* ἀ-μώμητος, -ου
(< μωμάομαι), blameless: II Pe 3:14.† SYN.: ἄμεμπτος (q.v.), ἀνέγκλητος, ἀνεπίλημπτος.
* ἄμωμον, -ου, τό,
amomum, a fragrant plant of India (RV, spice): Re 18:13.
ἄ-μωμος, -ον
(< μῶμος, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for תָּמִים]; of sacrificial victims, without blemish: of Christ, He 9:14, I Pe 1:19; ethically, unblemished, faultless: Eph 1:4 5:27, Phl 2:15, Col 1:22, Ju 24, Re 14:5 (Cremer, 425, 788; MM, VGT, s.v.).† SYN.: ἀμίαντος, ἄσπιλος.
Ἀμών, indecl. (Heb. אָמוֹן),
Amon, King of Judah: Mt 1:10 (Rec.).†
Ἀμώς, indecl. (Heb. אָמוֹץ, Is 1:1; עָמוֹס, Am 1:1; אָמוֹן, IV Ki 21:18 ff. B);
as in IV Ki 21:18 ff. B (Α. Ἀμμών; Jos., Ἀμμών, Ἄμωσσς), Amon: Mt 1:10. Amos: Lk 3:25.†
conditional particle, which cannot usually be separately translated in English, its force depending on the constructions which contain it (see further, LS, s.v.; WM, §xlii; M, Pr., 165 ff.; MM, VGT, s.v.). In apodosis, c. indic, impf. or aor., expressing what would be or would have been if (εἰ c. impf., aor. or plpf.) some condition were or had been fulfilled: Lk 7:39 17:6, Jo 5:46, Ga 1:10, Mt 12:7 24:43, I Co 2:8, Ac 18:14, I Jo 2:19, al. The protasis is sometimes understood (as also in cl.): Mt 25:27, Lk 19:23. In hypothetical sentences, expressing unreality, ἄν (as often in late writers, more rarely in cl.) is omitted: Jo 8:39 15:24 19:11, Ro 7:7, Ga 4:15; c. opt., inf., ptcp. (cl.; v. LS, s.v.; M, Int., §275; M, Pr., 167:4). In combination with conditional, relative, temporal, and final words; as in cl., c. subj., in protasis with εἰ, in Attic contr. ἐάν, q.v.; in conditional, relative, and temporal clauses (coalescing with ὅτε, ἐπεί, etc.; v.s. ὅταν, ἐπάν, etc.), ever, soever; c. pres., ἡνίκα, II Co 3:15; ὃς ἄν, Ro 9:15(LXX) 16:2, al.; ὅσοι ἄν, Lk 9:5; ὡς ἄν, Ro 15:24 (M, Pr., 167); c. aor., ὃς ἄν, Mt 5:21, 22, 31; ἕως ἄν, until, Mt 2:13, Mk 6:10, al.; ὡς ἄν, as soon as (M, Pr., 167), I Co 11:34, Phl 2:23. On the freq. use of ἐάν for ἄν with the foregoing words, v.s. ἐάν; in late Gk., when some actual fact is spoken of, c. indic.: ὅταν (q.v.); ὅπου ἄν, Mk 6:56 (M, Pr., 168); καθότι ἄν, Ac 2:45 4:35; ὡς ἄν, I Co 12:2. in iterative construction, c. impf. and aor. indic. (M, Pr., 167): Ac 2:45 4:35, I Co 12:2. c. optat., giving a potential sense to a question or wish: Ac 8:31 26:29. Elliptical constructions: εἰ μή τι ἄν (M, Pr., 169), I Co 7:5; ὡς ἄν, c. inf., as it were (op. cit. 167), II Co 10:9.
ἄν, contr. from ἐάν, q.v.
prep. (the rarest in NT; M, Pr., 98; MM, VGT, s.v.), prop., upwards, up, always c. acc. In phrases: ἀ. μέσον, among, between, c. gen., Mt 13:25, Mk 7:31, I Co 6:5 (M, Pr., 99), Re 7:17 [so in LXX for בְּתוֹךְ]; ἀ. μέρος, in turn, I Co 14:27 (both found in Polyb.; cf. MGr. ἀνάμεσα). Distrib., apiece, by: Mt 20:9-10, Lk 9:3 (WH om.), Lk 9:14 Lk 10:1, Jo 2:6, Re 4:8. Adverbially ("a vulgarism," Bl., § 51, 5; cf. Deiss., BS, 139 f.), ἀ. εἷς ἕκαστος, Re 21:21. As prefix, ἀ. signifies up: ἀναβαίνειν; to: ἀναγγέλλειν; anew: ἀναγεννᾶν; back: ἀνακάμπτειν.
ἀνα-βαθμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἀναβαίνω), [in LXX for מַעֲלָה: III Ki 10:19, 20, IV Ki 9:13 20:9 ff, II Ch 9:18, 19, Is 38:8, Ez 40:6, 49; ᾠδὴ τῶν ἀ., tit. 119(120)-133(134)*;] a going up, an ascent (Pss, tit. 119(120)-133(134) ?). a step (LXX); pl., a flight of stairs: Ac 21:35, 40. (On the formation -θμός, v. MM, VGT, s.v.)†
[in LXX chiefly for עלה;] to go up, ascend, of persons: ἐπί συκομωρέαν, Lk 19:4; εἰς τ. πλοῖον, Mk 6:51; εἰς Ἱεροσόλυμα, Mt 20:17; εἰς τ. ἱερόν, c. inf. (M, Pr., 205), Lk 18:10; with mention of place of departure, Mt 3:16 (ἀπό), Ac 8:39 (ἐκ); of things, to rise, spring up, come up: a fish, Mt 17:27; smoke, Re 8:4; plants growing, Mt 13:7; metaph., of things coming up in one's mind (as Heb. עָלָה אֶל לֵב; IV Ki 12:4, al.), Lk 24:38, I Co 2:9; of prayers, Ac 10:4; messages, Ac 21:31 (for late exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).
[in LXX: Ps 78:21 89:38 (עבר), I Ki 28:14, Ps 104:2 (עטה);] to defer, put off (MM, VGT, s.v.): mid., Ac 24:22.†
(causal of ἀναβαίνω), [in LXX chiefly for עלה hi., also for רכב hi., etc.;] to make go up, draw up, as a ship (Xen.): σαγήνην, Mt 13:48 (metaph., MM, VGT, s.v.).†
[in LXX chiefly for נשׂא;] to look up: Mk 8:24, al.; seq. εἰς, Mt 14:19, al. (Xen., Plat.). to recover sight (Plat., Aristoph.; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 11:5, Jo 9:11, al.
ἀνά-βλεψις, -εως, ή
(< ἀναβλέπω), [in LXX: Is 61:1 (פְּקַח־קוֹחַ)*;] recovery of sight: Lk 4:18(LXX).†
ἀνα-βοάω, -ῶ
[in LXX for צעק, זעק, קרא, etc.;] to cry out: Mt 27:46 (WH, ἐβόησεν; v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀναβολή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ά αβάλλω), [in LXX for כּנף, etc.;] delay: Ac 25:17 (for exx. of other meanings, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
2 (KJV)
* ἀνάγαιον (Rec. ἀνώγεον; on the form, v. Rutherford, NPhr., 357 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.), -ου, τό (< ἀνά, γῆ), an upper room: Mk 14:15, Lk 22:12.† SYN.: ὑπερῷον.
[in LXX chiefly for נגד hi.;] to bring back word, report (Æsch., Thuc., al.): Jo 5:15 (WH, εἶπεν), Ac 14:27 15:4, II Co 7:7 Later, = ἀπαγγέλλω (MM, VGT, s.v.), to announce, declare (LXX; Cremer, 24): Mt 28:11 (WH, ἀπ-), Jo 4:25 16:13-15, Ac 19:18 20:20, 27 Ro 15:21, I Pe 1:12, I Jo 1:5.†
**† ἀνα-γεννάω, -ῶ
[in LXX: Sir prol. 17 א* (ΑΒאc παρα-)*;] to beget again: metaph., of spiritual birth, I Pe 1:3 1:23 (cf. Cremer, 147; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(Attic ἀναγιγν-), [in LXX chiefly for קרא;] to know certainly, know again, recognize. Of written characters, to read: Mt 24:15, Mk 13:14, Ac 15:31 23:34, Eph 3:4; c. acc rei, Mt 22:31, Mk 12:10 Lk 6:3, Jo 19:20, Ac 8:30, 32, II Co 1:13, Re 1:3; c. acc pers., Ἠσαίαν τ. προφήτην, Ac 8:28, 30; seq. ἐν, Mt 12:5 21:42, Mk 12:26 (so. ἐν τ. νόμῳ), Lk 10:26; seq. ὅτι, Mt 19:4 21:16; τί ἐποίησε, Mt 12:3, Mk 2:25; pass. II Co 3:2; of reading aloud (MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 4:16, Ac 13:27 15:21, II Co 3:15, Col 4:16, I Th 5:27 (M, Th., in l.).†
(< ἀνάγκη), [in LXX: Pr 6:7 (שֹׁטֵר), I Es 3:24, I Mac 2:25, al.;] to necessitate, compel by force or persuasion, constrain: c. acc., II Co 12:11; id. c. inf., Mt 14:22, Mk 6:45, Lk 14:23, Ac 26:11 (on the impf. here, v. Field, Notes, 141; M, Pr., 128 f., 247), Ga 2:14 6:12; pass., C. inf., Ac 28:19, Ga 2:3 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀναγκαῖος, -αῖα, -αῖον
(< ἀνάγκη), [in LXX: Es 8:13, Wi 16:3, Sir prol. 22, II Mac 4:23 9:21, IV Mac 1:2*;] necessary: Ac 13:46, I Co 12:22, II Co 9:5, Phl 2:25, Tit 3:14, He 8:3; comp. -αιότερον, Phl 1:24. Of persons connected by bonds of nature or friendship, near, intimate (Field, Notes, 118; ΜΜ, VGT, s.v.): ἀ. φίλοι, Ac 10:24.†
* ἀναγκαστῶς
adv., necessarily or by constraint: opp. to ἑκουσίως, I Pe 5:2 (rare).†
ἀνάγκη, -ης, ἡ
[in LXX chiefly for מָצוֹק, צַר;] necessity: ἔχειν ἀ-, c. inf., to be compelled, Lk 14:18 23:17 (Rec., R, mg.), I Co 7:37, Ju 3, He 7:27; ἐξ ἀ., κατ' ἀ., of necessity, II Co 9:7, He 7:12, Phm 14; ἀ. μοι ἐπίκειται, n. is laid on me, I Co 9:16; c. inf. (= ἀναγκαῖον ἐστι), Mt 18:7, Ro 13:5, He 9:16, 23 force, violence, hence pain, distress (Diod., al.; LXX; v. M, Th., 41; MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. θλίψις): Lk 21:23, I Co 7:26, I Th 3:7; pl. (v. Bl., § 32, 6; Swete, Mk., 153), ἐν ἀ., II Co 6:4 12:10.†
[in LXX: Ge 45:1 (ידע hith.)*;] to recognize: Ac 7:13 (WH, txt., ἐγνωρίσθη).†
ἀνά-γνωσις, -εως, ἡ
[in LXX: Ne 8:8 (מִקְרָא), I Es 9:48, Sir prol. 9, 13*;] recognition (Hdt.). reading (Plat., al.): of the public reading of Scripture (Milligan, NTD, 173, 210 f.): Ac 13:15, II Co 3:14, I Ti 4:13 (Cremer, 158; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
[in LXX chiefly for עָלָה hi.;] to lead or bring up: seq. είς, c. acc. loc., Mt 4:1, Lk 2:22 4:5 (WH om. είς, κ.τ.λ.), Ac 9:39 16:34; of raising the dead (cl.), ἐκ νεκρῶν, Ro 10:7, He 13:20; to produce and set before, τ. λαῷ, Ac 12:4 (MM, VGT, s.v.); in sacrificial sense (MM, VGT, s.v.), to offer, θυσίαν, Ac 7:41. Mid., in nautical sense (Hom., Hdt., Thuc., al.), to put to sea: Lk 8:22, Ac 13:13 16:11 18:21 20:3, 13 21:1, 2 27:2, 4 27:12, 21 28:10, 11 (cf. ἐπ-ανάγω).†
[in LXX: Hb 3:2 (יָדַע), Da LXX 1:11 (מָנָה), Da 1:20 (מָצָא), I Es6, II, III Mac9*;] to lift up and show, show forth, declare (cf. II Mac 2:8, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 1:24. to consecrate, set apart, (Strab., Plut., Anth.): Lk 10:1.†
**† ἀνά-δειξις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀναδείκνυμι), [in LXX: Si 43:6*;] a shewing forth, announcement: Lk 1:80.†
** ἀνα-δέχομαι
[in LXX: II Mac 6:19 8:36*;] to assume, undertake (in π. freq. as legal term: MM, VGT, s.v.): ἐπαγγελίας, He 11:17. = cl. ὑποδέχομαι, to receive: of guests, Ac 28:7.†
** ἀνα-δίδωμι
[in LXX: Si 1:22, II Mac 13:15*;] to give forth, send up, as of plants (Hdt., al.). to give up, yield, hand over (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 23:33.†
**† ἀνα-ζάω, -ῶ,
[in Al.: Ge 45:27*;] to live again, regain life (cf. cl. ἀναβιόω; Cremer, 722; and for other exx., v MM, VGT, s.v.): metaph. of moral revival, Lk 15:24 (WH, mg., ἔζησεν); of sin, Ro 7:9.†
ἀνα-ζητέω, -ῶ
[in LXX: Jb 3:4 (דרשׁ), Jb 10:6 (בּקשׁ pi.), II Mac 13:21*;] to look for or seek carefully ("specially of searching for human beings, with an implication of difficulty": MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 2:44, 45, Ac 11:25.†
[in LXX: Jg 18:16, Pr 31:17 (חגר)*;] to gird up: fig., τ. ὀσφύας τ. διανοίας, I Pe 1:13.†
** ἀνα-ζωπυργέω, -ῶ
(< ζωός, πῦρ), [in LXX: I Mac 13:7*;] to kindle afresh: metaph., II Ti 1:6 (for vernac. exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< θάλλω, to flourish), [in LXX: Ps 28:7 (עלז), Ez 17:24 (פּרח hi.), Ho 8:9, Wi 4:4, Si 5:1-15*;] to revive: Phl 4:10 (of MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνάθεμα, -τος, τό
(< ἀνατίθημι), Hellenistic for Attic ἀνάθημα (Bl., § 27, 2); prop. = τὸ ἀνατιθέμένον, that which is laid by to be kept, a votive offering (as ἀνάθημα in II Mac 2:13, Lk 21:5—where LT read -θεμα, v. M, Pr., 46). [As equiv. in LXX for חֵרֶם,] devoted, a thing devoted to God (v. Driver, De., 98 f., and cf. Le 27:28-29), hence; of the sentence pronounced (De 13:15), a curse: Ac 23:14; of the object on which the curse is laid, accursed (De 7:26): Ro 9:3, I Co 12:3 16:22, Ga 1:8, 9 (v. ICC on Ro.; Lft., Ga., 1:8, 9; Cremer, 547; Tr., Syn., § v; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< ἀνίθεμα), [in LXX chiefly for חרם hi. (Nu 21:2, I Ki 15:3, al.), I Mac 5:5;] to devote to destruction, declare or invoke anathema: absol., Mk 14:71; ἐαντόν, to bind oneself under a curse: Ac 23:12, 14 23:21 (cf. καταναθεματίζω, and on the occurrence of the word in π., v. Deiss., LAE, 92 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνα-θεωρέω, -ῶ
to observe carefully, consider well: Ac 17:23, He 13:7 (Diod., al.).†
** ἀνάθημα, -τος, τό
(cf. ἀνάθημα, and v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX often as v.l. for ἀνάθεμα (חֵרֶם), and in Nu 21:3, Jg 1:17 for חׇרְמָה, but prop. in III Mac 3:17, al.;] a gift set up in a temple, a votive offering: Lk 21:5 (LT, -θεμα).†
** ἀναιδία (Rec. -εία, as in cl.), -ας, ἡ
(< αἰδώς), [in LXX: Si 25:22*;] shamelessness, importunity: Lk 11:8 (for exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀν-αίρεσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀναιρέω), [in LXX: Nu 11:15 (הָרַג), Jg 15:17 (רָמָה), Jth 15:4, II Mac 5:13*;] a taking up or away (Thuc.). a destroying, slaying, murder (Field, Notes, 116; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 8:1.†
ἀν-αιρέω, -ῶ
[in LXX for הרג hi., מֵת hi., נכה hi., etc.;] to take up: mid., Ac 7:21. to take away, make an end of, destroy (for late exx. of various senses, v. MM, VGT, s.v.); of things (as freq. in cl. of laws, etc.): He 10:9; of persons, to kill: Mt 2:16, Lk 22:2 23:32, Ac 2:23 5:33, 36 7:28 9:23-24, 29 10:39 12:2 13:28 16:27 22:20 23:15, 21 23:27 25:3 26:10, II Th 2:8, WH, txt., R, txt.†
ἀν-αίτιος, -ον
(< αἰτία), [in LXX: De 19:10, 13 21:8, 9 (נָקִי), Da LXX TH Sus 62, always of αἷμα (of. MM, VGT, s.v.)*;] guiltless, innocent: Mt 12:5, 7.†
* ἀνα-καθ-ίζω
(v.s. καθίζω); trans., to set up. Intrans., to sit up: Lk 7:15 (WH, mg., ἐκάθισεν), Ac 9:40 (freq. in medical writings: MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(< καινός), [in LXX: II Ch 15:8, Ps 102 (103):5 103 (104):30, La 5:21 (חדשׁ pi., hith.)., Ps 38 (39):2 (עכר ni.), I Mac 6:9*;] to renew: He 6:6 (Isocr., Plut.).†
ἀνα-καινόω, -ῶ
= ἀνακαινίζω (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), to make new: II Co 4:16, Col 3:10 (v. Cremer, 323).†
ἀνακαίνωσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀνακαινόω), renewal: Ro 12:2, Tit 3:5 (Cremer, 324; MM, VGT, s.v.).† SYN.: παλινγενεσία, in NT, new birth, of which ἀ. is the consequent renewal or renovation, in which man as well as God takes part (v. Tr., Syn., § xviii)
[in LXX chiefly for גָּלָה ni., pi.;] to unveil: metaph. of removing hindrance to perception of spiritual things, II Co 3:14 3:18.†
[in LXX: I Ch 19:5, Je 3:1, al. (שׁוּב), Je 15:5 (סוּר);] trans., to bend or turn back. Intrans., to return: Mt 2:12, Ac 18:21, He 11:15; metaph. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 10:6.†
** ἀνά-κειμαι
[in LXX: I Es 4:10, To 9:6 א*;] in cl., as pass. of ἀνατίθημ, to be laid up, laid: Mk 5:40 Rec. In late writers (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.) = κεῖσθαι, κατακεῖσθαι, to recline at table: Mt 26:20; part. ἀνακείμενος, Mt 9:10 22:10, 11 26:7, Mk 6:26 14:18 16:14, Lk 22:27, Jo 6:11 12:2 13:23, 28.† SYN.: ἀνακλίνω, ἀναπίπτω, the latter denoting an act rather than a state and thus in Jo 13:25 differing from ἀνάκειμαι (see. Jo 13:23) by indicating a change of position.
2 (KJV)
** ἀνα-κεφαλαιόω,
(v.s. κεφαλαιόω), [in Th., Al.: Ps 71 (72):20*;] to sum up, gather up, present as a whole: mid., Ro 13:9, Eph 1:10 (on WH. v. Lft., Notes, 321 L; AR, in l.; Cremer, 354, 748).†
** ἀνα-κλίνω,
[in LXX: III Mac 5:16*;] to lay upon, lean against, hence, to lay down: Lk 2:7; to make to recline: Mk 6:39, WH, mg., Lk 12:37. Pass., to lie back, recline: Mt 8:11 14:19, Lk 13:29.† SYN.: ἀνάκειμαι (q.v.), ἀναπίπτω.
[in LXX for קרא, etc.;] to cry out, shout: Mk 1:23 6:49, Lk 4:33 8:28 23:18.†
[in LXX: I Ki 20:12 (חקר), Da LXX Su 13, ib. LXX ,TH 48, 51*;] to examine, investigate, question (Lft., Notes, 181 f.): Ac 17:11, I Co 2:14, 15 4:3, 4 9:3 10:25 10:27 14:24; in forensic sense (MM, VGT, s.v.; esp. of examination by torture; v. Field, Notes, 120 f.), Lk 23:14, Ac 4:9 12:19 24:8 28:18.† SYN.: v.s. ἐξετάζω.
** ἀνά-κρισις, -εως, ἡ,
[in LXX: III Mac 7:5*;] an examination: spec. of legal preliminary investigation, Ac 25:26 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀνα-κυλίω,
to roll up; to roll back: Mk 16:4 (Rec. ἀποκ-).†
[in LXX: Jb 10:15 (נָשָׂא רֹאשׁ), Da LXX, Su 35*;] to lift oneself up; bodily; Lk 13:11, Jo 8:7, 10; mentally, to be elated: Lk 21:28 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
[in LXX chiefly for נשׂא, also for לקח, etc.;] to take up, raise: Mk 16:19, Ac 1:2, 11 1:22 10:16, I Ti 3:16. to take up, take to oneself: Ac 7:43 20:13, 14 23:31, Eph 6:13, 16, II Ti 4:11 (for late exx., v MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀνά-λημψις, -εως, ἡ
(κοινή form of ἀνάληψις; v. Th., Gr., 108 f.), a taking up: Lk 9:51 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνά-ληψις, -εως, ἡ, Rec. for ἀνάλημψις, q.v.
(on the etymology, v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for אכל also for כּלה, etc.;] to expend. to consume, destroy: Lk 9:54, Ga 5:15, II Th 2:8, Rec. WH, mg.†
** ἀναλογία, -ας, ἡ
(< λόγος), [in Al.: Le 27:18*;] proportion (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ro 12:6 (cf. Cremer, 397).†
** ἀνα-λογίζομαι
[in LXX: Wi 17:13 א, II Mac 12:43 A, III Mac 7:7*;] to consider: He 12:3 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἄναλος, -ον
(< ἅλς), [in Aq.: Ez 13:10, 11, 15 22:28*;] saltless, insipid: Mk 9:50.†
* ἀνά-λυσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀναλύω), a loosing, e.g. of a vessel from its moorings, hence, departure: from life, II Ti 4:6.†
** ἀνα-λύω
[in LXX: I Es 3:3, To 2:9, Jth 13:1, Si 3:15, Wi3, Mac10*;] to unloose. to unloose for departure, depart (MM, VGT, s.v.): from life, Phl 1:23 to return, Lk 12:36.†
ἀναμάρτητος, -ον
(< ἁμαρτεῖν), [in LXX: De 29:19 (18) II Mac 8:4 12:42*;] without missing, unerring (Xen.). In moral sense, faultless (Plat.), without sin: Jo 8:7 (v. Cremer, 102, 634; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
[in LXX for קוה pi.;] to await "one whose coming is expected, perhaps with the added idea of patience and confidence" c. acc., I Th 1:10 (v. M, Th., in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
[in LXX for זכר hi.;] to remind, call to one's remembrance: c. acc. rei, I Co 4:17; c. inf., II Ti 1:6. Pass., to remember, call to mind: Mk 11:21 14:72, II Co 7:15, He 10:32.†
ἀνάμνησις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀναμιμνήσκω), [in LXX: Ps 37 (38), 69 (70) tit. (זכר hi.), Le 24:7 (אַזְכָּרָה), Nu 10:10 (זִכְרוֹן), Wi 16:6*;] remembrance: εἰς τ. ἐμὴν ἀ., Lk 22:19 (WH om.), I Co 11:24, 25; ἀ. ἁμαρτιῶν, He 10:3 (v. Abbott, Essays, 122 ff.; DCG, ii, 74a).† SYN.: ὑπόμνησις (v. Tr., Syn., § cvii).
ἀνα-νεόω, -ῶ
(< νέος), [in LXX: Jb 33:24, Es 3:13, I, IV Mac8*;] to renew: pass., Eph 4:23 (v. Cremer, 428; MM, VGT, s.v.)†
* ἀνα-νήφω
to return to soberness: metaph., II Ti 2:26 (cf. ἐκνήφω).†
Ἀνανίας (WH, Ἁναν-), -α, ὁ (Heb. חֲנַנְיָה),
Ananias; of Jerusalem: Ac 5:1, 3 5:5. Of Damascus: Ac 9:10-13, 17 22:12. High Priest: Ac 23:2 24:1.†
(T, -ρρητος), -ον (< ῥητός, spoken), [in Sm.: Jb 11:2 33:13*;] not to be contradicted, undeniable: Ac 19:36 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀν-αντι-ρήτως (T, -ρρήτως),
adv., without contradiction: Ac 10:29.†
ἀν-άξιος, -ον
(ἀ- neg., ἄξιος), [in LXX: Je 15:19 א2 (זלל), Es 8:13, Si 25:8*;] unworthy: c. gen., I Co 6:2 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀναξίως
(v. supr.), adv., [in LXX: II Mac 14:42*;] in an unworthy manner: I Co 11:27.†
ἀνά-παυσις, -εως, ή
(ἀνάπαύω), [in LXX chiefly for נוּחַ and its derivatives, שַׁבָּת and its cognates (Ex, Le);] cessation, rest, refreshment: Mt 11:26 12:43, Lk 11:24, Re 4:8 14:11.† SYN.: ἄνεσις (lit, the relaxation of the strings of a lyre), prop. signifies the rest or ease which comes from the relaxation of unfavourable conditions, as, e.g. affliction: ἀνάπ., the rest which comes from the temporary cessation of labour (v. Tr., Syn., § xl; Cremer, 827; MM, VGT, s.v.)
[in LXX for fourteen different words, chiefly נוּחַ, also רָבַץ, שָׁאַן, etc.;], to give intermission from labour, to give rest, refresh: Mt 11:28, I Co 16:18, Phm 20; pass., Phm 7, II Co 7:13. Mid., to ta, rest, enjoy rest: Mt 26:45, Mk 6:31 14:41, Lk 12:19, Re 6:11 14:13; as in Heb. of Is 11:2 (נוּחַ עַל), τὸ πνεῦμα ἐφ' ὑμᾶς ἀ., I Pe 4:14. (In π. this word is used as a technical agricultural term; v. MM, VGT, s.v.; and cf. Le 26:34 f.; Cremer, 826.)†
[in LXX: Je 29:8 (נשׂא hi.), I Mac 1:11*;] to persuade, incite: Ac 18:13 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀνάπειρος, v.s. ἀνάπηρος.
* ἀνα-πέμπω
to send up, to a higher place (Æsch., Plat., al.); to a higher authority (Deiss., BS, 229; MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. also Field, Notes, 140): Lk 23:7, 15, Ac 25:21. to send back (Pind.): Lk 23:11, Phm 11.†
ἀνα-πηδάω, -ῶ
(< πηδάω, to leap), [in LXX: I Ki 20:34 (קוּם) 25:10, Es 5:1, To4*;] to leap up: Mk 10:50 (Rec. ἀναστάς).†
** ἀνά-πηρος (WH, -ειρος; v. Field, Notes, 67), -ον (πηρός, maimed),
[in LXX: To 14:2 א, II Mac 8:24*;] maimed, crippled: Lk 14:13, 21.†
[in LXX: Ge 49:9 (כּרע) To 2:1 7:8, Jth 12:10, Si 25:18 35 (32):2, Da TH Sus 37*;] (cl.) to fall back. In late writers = ἀνα-κλίνομαι, to recline for a repast (MM, VGT, s.v.): at table, Lk 11:37 14:10 17:7 22:14, Jo 13:12 21:20; on the ground, Mt 15:35, Mk 6:40 8:6, Jo 6:10; to lean back, Jo 13:25 (T, ἐπιπεσών; v.s. ἀνάκειμαι, ad fin.).† SYN.: ἀνάκειμαι (q.v.), ἀνακλίνομαι.
ἀνα-πληρόω, -ῶ,
[in LXX chiefly for מלא, Le 12:6, al.; also שׁלם (Ge 15:16, III Ki 7:51, Is 60:20), etc.;] to fill up, make full (in π. of completing contracts and making up rent; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): τόπον, take one's place (cf. Heb. מָקוֹם מִלֵּא), I Co 14:16; άμαρτίας, complete the number, I Th 2:16; τ. νόμον, observe perfectly, Ga 6:2; pass., προφητεία, fulfilled, Mt 13:14. to supply: τὸ ὑστέρημα, I Co 16:17, Phl 2:30 (Cremer, 838).†
*† ἀναπολόγητος, -ον
(< ἀπολογεόμαι), without excuse, inexcusable (in Polyb., al., as a forensic term; v. Lft., Notes, 252): Ro 1:20 2:1.†
[in LXX for פּרשׂ, etc.;] to unroll: τ. βιβλίον, Lk 4:17 (WH, R, ἀνοίξας).†
[in LXX chiefly for יצת;] to kindle: Lk 12:49, Ja 3:5 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀν-αρίθμητος, -ον,
(< ἀριθμέω), [Jb 31:25, al.], innumerable: He 11:12.†
** ἀνα-σείω,
[in Aq.: I Ki 26:19, Jb 2:3; Aq., Sm.: Is 36:18*;] to shake out, shake back, move to and fro (Thuc., al.). In late writers (Diod., al.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), to stir up; metaph., to excite: τ. ὄχλον, Mk 15:11; τ. λαόν, Lk 23:5.†
* ἀνα-σκευάζω
(< σκεῦος, a vessel), prop. to pack up baggage, hence, to dismantle, ravage, destroy; metaph., to unsettle, subvert (MM, VGT, s.v.): ψυχάς, Ac 15:24.†
ἀνα-σπάω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for לקח, עלה hi.;] to draw up: Lk 14:5, Ac 11:10 (in π. of pulling up barley; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνά-στασις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀνίστημι), [in LXX: Ze 3:8 (קוּם), La 3:63 (קִימָה), Ps 64 (66) tit., Da LXX 11:20, II Mac 7:14 12:43*;] a raising up, awakening, rising (in Inscr. of the erection of a monument, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 2:34. a rising from the dead (v. DCG, ii, 605b); of Christ: Ac 1:22 2:31 4:33, Ro 6:5, Phl 3:10, I Pe 3:21; ἐξ ἀ. νεκρῶν, Ro 1:4 (ICC, in l.); ἐκ νεκρῶν, I Pe 1:3; of persons in OT hist. (e.g. III Ki 17:17 ff.): He 11:35; of the general resurrection: Mt 22:23, 28, 30, Mk 12:18, 23, Lk 20:27, 33, 36, Jo 11:24, Ac 17:18 23:8 24:15, II Ti 2:18; ἀ. ἐκ νεκρῶν, Lk 20:35, Ac 4:2; τῶν νεκρῶν, Mt 22:31, Ac 17:32 23:6 24:21 26:23, I Co 15:12, 13, 21, 42, He 6:2; ἀ. ζωῆς, resurrection to life (cf. II Mac 7:14, ἀ. εἰς ζωήν) and ἀ. τ. κρίσεως, r. to judgment, Jo 5:29; ἀ. τ. δικαίων, Lk 14:14; κρείττων ἀ., He 11:35; on ἡ ἀ. ἡ πρώτη, Re 20:5, 6, v. Swete, in l., Westc. on Jo 5, but v. also Thayer, s.v.; by meton. of Christ as Author of ἀ., Jo 11:25 (v. DB, iv, 231; Cremer, 307).†
(< ἀνάστατος, driven from home; < ἀνίστημι), [in LXX: Da 7:23 (דּוּשׁ;* also in Aq., and in π. (v. Deiss., LAE, 80 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.),] to stir up, excite, unsettle: c. acc.; to tumult and sedition: Ac 17:6 21:38; by false teaching: Ga 5:12 (v. Milligan, NTD, 73 f.).†
* ἀνα-σταυρόω;
to impale (Hdt.). to raise on a cross, crucify (Polyb., al.). to crucify again: He 6:6 (v. Westc., in l.).†
[in LXX: La 1:4 (אנח ni.), Si 25:18 (17), Da TH Sus 22, II Mac 6:30*;] to sigh deeply: Mk 8:12.†
[in LXX chiefly for שׁוּב;] to overturn: Jo 2:15. to turn back, return: Ac 5:22 15:16. to turn hither and thither; pass., to turn oneself about, sojourn, dwell: Mt 17:22 Rec.; metaph. (like Heb. הלךְ, in κοινή writers and in π.; v. Deiss., LAE, 315; BS, 88, 194; MM, VGT, s.v.), to conduct oneself, behave, live: II Co 1:12, Eph 2:3, I Ti 3:15, He 10:33 13:18, I Pe 1:17, II Pe 2:18.† SYN.: περιπατέω (Hellenistic), πολιτεύω.
** ἀνα-στροφή, -ῆς, ἡ,
(< ἀναστρέφομαι), [in LXX: To 4:14, II Mac 5:8 6:23*;] a turning down or back, a wheeling about (Soph., Thuc., al.). In late writers (Polyb., al.; v.s. ἀναστρέφω, and cf. Hort on Ja 3:13; MM, VGT, s.v.), manner of life, behaviour, conduct: Ga 1:13, Eph 4:22, I Ti 4:12, He 13:7, Ja 3:13, I Pe 1:15, 18 2:12 3:1, 2, 16, II Pe 2:7 3:11.†
[in LXX only as v.l. (Ald.) in Ec 2:20;] to arrange in order, bring together from memory (Blass., Phil. Gosp., 14 ff.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 1:1.†
[in LXX for צמח, פּרח, זרח, etc.;] trans., to cause to rise: Mt 5:45. Intrans., to rise: φῶς, Mt 4:16 (= Is 9:1); ὁ ἥλιος, Mt 13:6, Mk 4:6 16:2, Ja 1:11; νεφέλη, Lk 12:54; φωσφόρος, II Pe 1:19; ὁ Κύριος, prob. with ref. to metaph. of sun or star, He 7:14 (cf. ἐξ-ανατέλλω).†
[in LXX chiefly for חרם (Cremer, 546);] to lay upon, set up, etc. Mid. -εμαι, in late writers (Plut., al.; v. also MM, VGT, s.v.), to set forth, declare: Ac 25:14, Ga 2:2.†
ἀνατολή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀνατέλλω), [in LXX chiefly for מִזְרָח, קָדִים;] a rising: of light, Lk 1:78. the sun-rising, the east (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 2:2, 9, Re 21:13; ἀ. ἡλίου, Re 7:2 16:12 (WΗ, pl.); pl., Mt 2:1 8:11 24:27, Lk 13:29.†
[in LXX for דּחה, הדף, etc.;] to overturn, destroy: Jo 2:15 WH, txt.; metaph., to subvert (MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 2:18, Tit 1:11.†
** ἀνα-τρέφω,
[in LXX: Wi 7:4 B, IV Mac 10:2 11:15 א*;] to nurse up, nourish, educate, bring up: Lk 4:16, WΗ, mg., Ac 7:20, 21 22:3.†
[in LXX for צדק hi., גּלשׁ;] to bring to light, make to appear: ἀναφάναντες τ. Κύπρον, i.e. having sighted C.: Ac 21:3 WH; pass., to appear, be made manifest: Lk 19:11.
[in LXX chiefly for עלה hi., also for קטר hi., etc.;] to carry or lead up: c. acc. pers., Mt 17:1, Mk 9:2; pass., Lk 24:51 (WH, rejects, R, mg. omits); ἀ. τ. ἁμαρτίας ἐπὶ τ. ξύλον (v. Deiss., BS, 88 f.; ICC, in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.): I Pe 2:24. In LXX and NT, to bring to the altar, to offer (v. Hort on I Pe 2:24): θυσίας, etc., He 7:27 13:15, I Pe 2:5; ἐπί τ. θυσιαστήριον, Ja 2:21 (v. Mayor, in l.). to bear, sustain (cf. Nu 14:33, Is 53:12): He 9:28.†
ἀνα-φωνέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for שׁמע hi., זכר hi.;] to cry out, exclaim: Lk 1:42 (Arist., al.).†
*† ἀνά-χυσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀναχέω, to pour out), a pouring out, overflowing, excess: metaph., I Pe 4:4 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνα-χωρέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for בּרח, נוּם, etc.;] to go back. to withdraw: Mt 9:24; freq. in sense of avoiding danger (MM, VGT, s.v.), Mt 2:12 (but v. Thayer), 13, 14, 22 4:12 12:15 14:13 15:21 27:5, Mk 3:7, Jo 6:15, Ac 23:19 26:31.†
ἀνά-ψυξις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀναψύχω), [in LXX: Ex 8:15 (11 (רְוָחָה)*;] a refreshing: Ac 3:19.†
[in LXX for נפשׁ ni., חיה, etc. (freq. in sense of revive, refresh oneself);] to refresh: c. acc. pers., II Ti 1:16 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 588).†
* ἀνδραποδιστής, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἀνδράποδον, a slave, captured in war), a slave-dealer, kidnapper: I Ti 1:10 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
Ἀνδρέας, -ου, ὁ,
Andrew, the Apostle: Mt 4:18 10:2, Mk 1:16, 29 3:18 13:3, Lk 6:14, Jo 1:41, 45 6:8 12:22, Ac 1:13.†
[in LXX for חזק, אמץ (Jos 1:6 ff., I Ch 22:19, al.; in II Ki 10:12, Ps 27:14 31:25 combined with κρατιοῦσθαι, as in I Co 16:13);] to make a man of. Mid., to play the man (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): I Co 16:13.†
Ἀνδρόνικος, -ου, ὁ,
Andronicus: Ro 16:7.†
** ἀνδρο-φόνος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX: II Mac 9:28*;] a man-slayer: I Ti 1:9 (cf. φονεύς, and v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀν-έγκλητος, -ον
(< ἀ-, ἐγκαλέω), [in LXX: III Mac 5:31*;] not to be called to account, unreprovable: I Co 1:8, Col 1:22, I Ti 3:10, Tit 1:6, 7.† SYN.: ἄμεμπτος, ὀνεπίλημπτος (v. Tr., Syn., § ciii; Cremer, 742; MM, VGT, s.v.).
*† ἀν-εκδιήγητος, -ον
(< ἀ-, ἐκδιηγέομαι), inexpressible: II Co 9:15 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
*† ἀν-εκ-λάλητος, -ον
(< ἀ-, ἐκλαλέω), unspeakable: I Pe 1:8.†
* ἀνέκλειπτος, -ον
(< ἀ-, ἐκλείπω), unfailing: Lk 12:33 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
6 (KJV)
* ἀν-εκτός, -όν
(also in late Gk. , -όν; < ἀνέχομαι), tolerable: compar., -ότερος, Mt 10:15 11:22, 24, Lk 10:12, 14.†
ἀν-ελεήμων, -ον
(< -ἀ, ἐλεήμων), [in LXX for אַכְזָר;] without mercy: Ro 1:13.†
1 (KJV)
*† ἀν-έλεος, -ον (Attic ἀνηλεής, ἀνελεήμων; MM, VGT, s.v.),
merciless: Ja 2:13.†
*† ἀνεμίζω = Attic ἀνεμόω
(< ἄνεμος); pass., to be driven by the wind: Ja 1:6.†
ἄνεμος, -ου, ὁ
[in LXX for רוּחַ;] wind: Mt 11:7 14:24, 30, 32, Mk 4:37, 39, 41 6:48, 51, Lk 7:24 8:23, 24, Jo 6:13, Ac 27:7, 14, 15, Ja 3:4, Re 6:13 7:1; pl., Mt 7:25, 27 8:26, 27, Lk 8:25, Ac 27:4, Ju 12; οἱ τέσσαρες ἄ. τῆς γῆς, Re 7:1; hence the four quarters of the heavens (v. Deiss., BS, 248; MM, VGT, s.v.), Mt 24:31, Mk 13:27; metaph., of variable teaching, Eph 4:14.† SYN.: πνεῦμα, πνοή (and cf. θύελλα, λαῖλαψ).
*† ἀν-ένδεκτος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., ἔνδεκτος; < ἐνδέχομαι), impossible, inadmissible: Lk 17:1.†
** ἀνεξεραύνητος
(Rec. -εύνητος, as in Attic; M, Pr., 46), -ον (< ἐξ-ερευνάω), [in Sm. (-ευ-): Pr., 25:3*;] unsearchable: Ro 11:33.†
*† ἀνεξί-κακος, -ον
(< fut., ἀνέξομαι, κακός), patiently forbearing (cf. ἀνεξικακία, Wi 2:19; and v. MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 2:24.†
ἀνεξιχνίαστος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., ἐξιχνιάζω, to track out; < ἴχνος), [in LXX: Jb 5:9 9:10 34:24 (חֵקֶר אֵין)*;] that cannot be traced out: Ro 11:33, Eph 3:8 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
*† ἀν-επ-αίσχυντος, -ον
(< ἐπαισχύνομαι), not to be put to shame: II Ti 2:15.†
* ἀν-επί-λημπτος (Rec. -λμπτος; Bl., § 6, 8), -ον
(< ἀ-, ἐπιλαμβάνω), without reproach: I Ti 3:2 5:7 6:14.† SYN.: ἄμεμπτος, ἀνέγκλητος. It is stronger than these, for it implies not only that the man is of good report, but that he is deservedly so (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).
[in LXX: III Ki 13:12 (הָלַךְ)*;] to go up: Jo 6:3, Ga 1:17, 18 (cf. ἐπανέρχ-; and on its use of "going up" to the capital, MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄνεσις, -εως, ἡ,
(< ἀνίημι), [in LXX: II Es 4:22 (שָׁלוּ), II Ch 23:15, I Es 4:62, Wi 13:13, Si 15:20 26:10*;] a loosening, relaxation: Ac 24:23 (RV, indulgence; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.); by St. Paul, opp. to θλίψις, expressed or understood, relief: II Co 2:12 7:5 8:13, II Th 1:7.† SYN.: ἀνάπαυσις (q.v.).†
(< ἀνά, ἐτάζω, to examine; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX: Jg 6:29 (דָּרַשׁ), Es 2:23 (בָּקַשׁ), Da TH Su 14*;] to examine judicially: Ac 22:24, 29.†
prep. c. gen. (rarer than χωρίς, q.v.; cf. Ellic. on Eph 2:12; MM, VGT, 42), without: Mt 10:29, I Pe 3:1 4:9.†
*† ἀν-εύ-θετος, -ον
(v. MM, VGT, s.v.), not well placed, not fit: Ac 27:12.†
** ἀν-ευρίσκω
(ἀνά, εὑρίσκω), [in LXX: IV Mac 3:14*;] to find out by search, discover (v. Field, Notes, 47 f.): Lk 2:16, Ac 21:4.†
[in LXX chiefly for אפק hithp.;] to hold up; in NT always mid., to bear with, endure: in cl. most freq. c. acc., but in NT c. gen. pers., Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41, II Co 11:1, 19, Eph 4:2, Col 3:13; seq. μικρόν τι, c. gen. pers. and c. gen. rei, II Co 11:1; c. dat. rei, II Th 1:4 (v M, Th., in l.); seq. εἴ τις, II Co 11:20; absol., I Co 4:12, II Co 11:4; to bear with = to listen to, c. gen. pers., Ac 18:14; c. gen. rei, II Ti 4:3, He 13:22 (cf. προσανέχω and MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνεψιός, -οῦ, ὁ
(cf. Lat. nepos), [in LXX: Nu 36:11 (דּוֹד בֶּן), To 7:2 9:6 א*;] a cousin: Col 4:10 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἄνηθον, -ου, τό,
anise: Mt 23:23.†
(ἀνά, ἥκω), [in LXX: Jos 23:14 (בּוֹא), I Ki 27:8, Si. prol. 10, I, II Mac6*;] prop., to have come up to; in later writers, impers. it is due, it is befitting: in ethical sense (MM, VGT, s.v.), Eph 5:4, Col 3:18; τὸ ἀνῆκον, Phm 8.†
* ἀν-ήμερος, -ον
(ἀ-, ἥμερο), not tame, savage (MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 3:3.†
ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός, ,
[in LXX chiefly for אִישׁ, freq. אֱנוֹשׁ, also אָדָם, etc.;] a man, Lat. vir. As opp. to a woman, Ac 8:12, I Ti 2:12; as a husband, Mt 1:16, Jo 4:16, Ro 7:2, Tit 1:6. As opp. to a boy or infant, I Co 13:11, Eph 4:13, Ja 3:2. In appos. with a noun or adj., as ἀ. ἁμαρτωλός, Lk 5:8; ἀ. προφήτης, 24:19; freq. in terms of address, as ἀ. ἀδελφοί, Ac 1:16; and esp. with gentilic names, as ἀ. Ἰουδαῖος, Ac 22:3; ἀ. Ἐφέσιοι, 19:35. In general, a man, a male person: = τις, Lk 8:41, Ac 6:11. SYN.: ἄνθρωπος, q.v. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).
(ἀντί, ἵστημι), [in LXX for עמד, יצב, etc.;] in pres., impf., fut. and 1 aor. act., causal, to set against. In mid. and pass., also pf. and 2 aor. act., to withstand, resist, oppose: c. dat., Mt 5:39, Lk 21:15, Ac 6:10 13:8, Ro 9:19 13:2, Ga 2:11, Eph 6:13, II Ti 3:8 4:15, Ja 4:7, I Pe 5:9.†
ἀνθ-ομολογέομαι, -οῦμαι
(ἀντί, ὁμολογέομαι), [in LXX: Ps 78 (79):13 (יָדָה), Da LXX 4:34 (שְׁבַּח), I Es 8:91, Si 20:2, III Mac 6:33*;] to make a mutual agreement (Dem., Polyb.). to acknowledge fully, confess (Diod., Polyb., cf. I Es 8:91). C. dat. pers., to declare one's praises, speak fully in prayer or thanksgiving, give thanks to (cf. Ps 78 (79):13): Lk 2:38 (Cremer, 771; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄνθος, -εος, τό,
[in LXX for צִיץ, etc.;] a flower: Ja 1:10, 11, I Pe 1:24(LXX).†
** ἀνθρακιά, -ᾶς, ἡ
(< ἄνθραξ), [in LXX: Si 11:32, IV Mac 9:20*;] a heap of burning coals: Jo 18:18 21:9.†
ἄνθραξ, -ακος, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for גַּחֶלֶת;] coal, charcoal: . ἄ. πυρός, a burning coal, Ro 12:20.†
ἀνθρωπ-άρεσκος, -ον
(ἄνθρωπος, ἄρεσκος, pleasing), [in LXX: Ps 52 (53):5*;] studying to please men: Eph 6:6, Col 3:22 (Cremer, 642; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνθρώπινος, -η, ον
(< ἄνθρωπος), [in LXX for אָדָם, אֱנוֹשׁ;] human, belonging to man: χεῖρες, Ac 17:25; σοφία, I Co 2:13; φύσις, Ja 3:7; κτίσις, I Pe 2:13 (MM, VGT, s.v.); ἀ. ἡμέρα, opp. to ἡ ἡμ. (3:13, God's Judgment-Day), human judgment, I Co 4:3 (v. Lft., Notes, 198); πειρασμὸς ἀ., temptation such as man can bear (AV, such as is common to man, v. Field, Notes, 175), I Co 10:13; ἀνθρώπινον λέγω, I speak in human fashion, with words not properly weighed, Ro 6:19 (v. Field, Notes, 156).†
* ἀνθρωποκτόνος, -ον
(< κτείνω, to kill), a murderer, manslayer (Eur.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Jo 8:44, I Jo 3:15.† SYN.: φονεύς, ἀνδροφόνος (v. Tr., Syn, § lxxxiii).
ἄνθρωπος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for אָדָם, אִישׁ, also for אֱנוֹשׁ, etc.;] man: generically, a human being, male or female (Lat. homo): Jo 16:21; c. art., Mt 4:4 12:35, Mk 2:27, Jo 2:25, Ro 7:1, al; disting. from God, Mt 19:6, Jo 10:33, Col 3:23, al.; from animals, etc., Mt 4:19, Lk 5:10, Re 9:4, al.; implying human frailty and imperfection, I Co 3:4; σοφία ἀνθρώπων, I Co 2:5; ἀνθρώπων ἐπιθυμίαι, I Pe 4:2; κατὰ ἄνθρωπον περιπατεῖν, I Co 3:3; κατὰ ἄ. λέγειν (λαλεῖν), Ro 3:5, I Co 9:8; κατὰ ἄ- λέγειν, Ga 3:15 (cf. I Co 15:32, Ga 1:11); by meton., of man's nature or condition, ὁ ἔσω (ἔξω) ἄ., Ro 7:22, Eph 3:16, II Co 4:16 (cf. I Pe 3:4); ὁ παλαιὸς, καινὸς, νέος ἄ., Ro 6:6, Eph 2:15 4:22, 24, Col 3:9, 10; joined with another subst., ἄ. ἔμπορος, a merchant, Mt 13:45 (WH, txt. om. ἄ.); οἰκοδεσπότης, Mt 13:52; βασιλεύς, 18:23; φάγος, 11:19; with name of nation, Κυρηναῖος, Mt 27:32; Ἰουδαῖος, Ac 21:39; Ῥωμαῖος, Ac 16:37; pl. οἱ ἄ., men, people: Mt 5:13, 16, Mk 8:24, Jo 4:28; οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων, Mk 11:2, I Ti 6:16. Indef., ἄ. = τις, some one, a man: Mt 17:14, Mk 12:1, al.; τις ἄ., Mt 18:12, Jo 5:5, al.; indef. one (Fr. on), Ro 3:28, Ga 2:16, al.; opp. to women, servants, etc., Mt 10:36 19:10, Jo 7:22, 23. Definitely, c. art., of some particular person; Mt 12:13, Mk 3:5, al.; οὗτος ὁ ἄ., Lk 14:30; ὁ ἄ οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος, Mk 14:71, Mt 12:45; ὁ ἄ. τ. ἀνομίας, II Th 2:3; ἄ τ. θεοῦ (of Heb. אֱלֹהִים אִישׁ), I Ti 6:11, II Ti 3:17, II Pe 1:21; ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀ., v.s. υἱός. SYN.: ἀνήρ, q.v. (and cf. MM, VGT, 44; Cremer, 103, 635).
*† ἀνθ-υπατεύω
(see next word), to be proconsul: Ac 18:12 Rec. (v.s. ἀνθύπατος).†
* ἀνθ-ύπατος, -ου, ὁ
(ἀντί, ὕπατος, altern. for ὑπέρτατος), supreme, a consul, one acting in place of a consul, a proconsul, the administrator of a senatorial province (cf. ἡγεμών, and v. MM, VGT, 44): Ac 13:7, 8, 12 18:12 19:38.†
(ἀνά, ἵημι), [in LXX for רפה, נשׂא, etc.;] to send up, produce, to send back. to let go, leave without support: He 13:5 (cf. De 31:6; Hom., Il., ii, 71). to relax, loosen (v. Field, Notes, 124 f.): Ac 16:26 27:40; hence, metaph., to give up, desist from: Eph 6:9.†
ἀν-ίλεως, -ων, v.s. ἀνέλεος.
* ἄνιπτος, -ον
(ἀ. neg., νίπτω), unwashed: Mt 15:20, Mk 7:2 (5 Rec).†
(ἀνά, ἵστημι), [in LXX chiefly for קוּם;] causal, in fut. and 1 aor. act., c. acc., to raise up: Ac 9:41; from death, Jo 6:39, Ac 2:32; to raise up, cause to be born or appear: Mt 22:24, Ac 3:22, 26. Intrans., in mid. and 2 aor act.; to rise: from lying, Mk 1:35; from sitting, Lk 4:16; to leave a place, Mt 9:9; pleonastically, as Heb. קוּם, before verbs of going, Mk 10:1, al. (v. Dalman, Words, 23; M, Pr., 14); of the dead, Mt 17:23, Mk 8:31; seq. ἐκ νεκρῶν, Mt 17:9, Mk 9:9; to arise, appear: Ac 5:36, Ro 15:12 (cf. ἐπ-, ἐξ- ἀνίστημι, and v. Cremer, 306, 738; MM, VGT, s.v.). SYN.: ἐγείρω.
Ἄννα, -ας, ἡ (Heb. חָנָּה),
Anna, a prophetess: Lk 2:36.†
Ἄννας, (FlJ, Ἄνανος, -ου), (Heb. חָנַן),
Annas, the high priest: Lk 3:2, Jo 18:13, 24, Ac 4:6.†
ἀ-νόητος, -ον
(ἀ- neg., νοητός; < νοέω), [in LXX: Pr 17:28 (אֱוִיל), Si 42:8, al.;] not thought on, not understood (Hom., Plat.). not understanding, foolish (Hdt., al., LXX): Lk 24:25, Ro 1:14, Ga 3:1, 3, I Ti 6:9, Tit 3:3 (Cremer, 438, 790; MM, VGT, s.v.).† SYN.: ἀσύνετος (v. Tr., Syn., § lxxv).
ἄνοια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄ-νοος, without understanding), [in LXX: Pr 14:8 22:15 (אִוֶּלֶת), Wi 15:18, al.;] folly, foolishness: II Ti 3:9; expressed in violent rage (cf. Plat., Tim., 86B): Lk 6:11.†
(ἀνά, οἴγω = οἴγνυμι), [in LXX chiefly for פָּתַח;] to open; trans., c. acc.; a door or gate, Ac 5:19 12:14, Re 4:1; pass., Ac 12:10 16:26, 27; metaph. of opportunity or welcome, Ac 14:27, Col 4:3, Re 3:20; pass., I Co 16:9, II Co 2:12, Re 3:8; absol. (sc. θύραν), Ac 5:23 12:16; c. dat. pers., Lk 12:36, Jo 10:3; metaph., Mt 7:7, 8 25:11, Lk 11:9, 10 13:25, Re 3:7; θησαυρούς (Si 43:14), Mt 2:11; τ. μνημεῖα, Mt 27:52; τάφος, Ro 3:13; τ. φρέαρ, Re 9:2; of heaven, Mt 3:16, Lk 3:21, Ac 10:11, Re 11:19 15:5 19:11; σφραγῖδα, Re 5:9 6:1 ff. 8:1; βιβλίον, βιβλαρίδιον, Lk 4:17, Re 5:2-5 10:2, 8 20:12; τ. στόμα, Mt 17:27; id. Hebraistically (Nu 22:28, Jb 3:1, Is 50:5, al.), of beginning to speak, Mt 5:2, Ac 8:32, 35 10:34 18:14; seq. εἰς βλαιφημίας, Re 13:6; ἐν παραβολαῖς (Ps 77 (78):2), Mt 13:35; of recovering speech, Lk 1:64; of the earth opening, Re 12:16; τ. ὀφθαλμούς, Ac 9:8, 40; id. c. gen. pers., of restoring sight, Mt 9:30 20:33, Jo 9:10 ff. 10:21 11:37; metaph., Ac 26:18; ἀκοάς, c. gen. pers., of restoring hearing, Mk 7:35. Intrans. in 2 pf., ἀνέῳγα (M, Pr., 154); heaven, Jo 1:51; τ. στόμα, seq. πρός, of speaking freely, II Co 6:11 (cf. δι-ανοίγω and v. MM, VGT, 45).†
ἀν-οικο-δομέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for בּנה, גּדר;] to build again, rebuild (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 15:16.†
* ἄνοιξις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀνοίγω), an opening (in MGr., springtime): ἐν ἀ., as often as I open, Eph 6:19.†
ἀνομία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄνομος), [in LXX for עָוֺן, פֶּשַׁע, תּוֹעֵבָה, רֶשַׁע, etc.;] lawlessness, iniquity: Mt 7:23 13:41 23:28 24:12, Ro 6:19, II Co 6:14, II Th 2:3, 7, Tit 2:14, He 1:9, I Jo 3:4; in pl. (as LXX, Ps 31:1, al.; v. Bl., § 32, 6; Swete, Mk., 153), of acts or manifestations of lawlessness: Ro 4:7(LXX), He 10:17.† SYN.: v.s. ἁμάρτημα, ἄνομος.
ἄ-νομος, -ον
(ἀ. neg., νόμος), [in LXX for עָוֺן, פֶּשַׁע, רֶשַׁע, etc.;] lawless, wicked: Mk 15:28, Lk 22:37, Ac 2:23, I Ti 1:9, II Pe 2:8; ὁ ἄ., II Th 2:8 (= ὁ ἄνθρωπος τῆς ἀνομίας, II Th 2:3). without law (= οἱ μὴ ὑπὸ νόμον, Ro 2:14): I Co 9:21 (MM, VGT, s.v.).† SYN.: v.s. ἄθεσμος.
** ἀνόμως,
adv. [in LXX: II Mac 8:17*;] lawlessly (II Mac 8:17). = χωρὶς νόμου, without law: Ro 2:12.†
ἀν-ορθόω, -ῶ
(ἀνά, ὀρθόω, to set straight, set up), [in LXX chiefly for כּוּן hi.;] to set upright or straight again, restore: of persons, Lk 13:13, He 12:12; of things, σκηνήν, Ac 15:16 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 807).†
ἀν-όσιος, -ον
(ἀ- neg., ὅσιος), [in LXX: Ez 22:9 (זִמָּה, Wi 12:4, II Mac 7:34 8:32, III Mac 2:2 5:7, IV Mac 12:11*;] unholy, profane (Cremer, 464): I Ti 1:9, II Ti 3:2 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀνοχή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀνέχω, -ομαι), [in LXX: I Mac 12:25 (RV, respite)*;] in cl., a holding back, delaying (MM, VGT, s.v.). forbearance, delay of punishment: Ro 2:4 3:26.† SYN.: μακροθυμία, ὑπομονή. ἀ., forbearance, is the result and expression of μ., which involves the idea of tolerance, long-suffering, as God with sinners. ὑ. expresses patience with respect to things, as μ. with persons; it is active as well as passive, denotes not merely endurance but perseverance (v. Tr., Syn., § liii; Lft., Notes, 259, 273; DB, ii, 47).
** ἀντ-αγωνίζομαι, depon.,
[in LXX: IV Mac 17:14*;] to struggle against: seq. πρός, c. acc., He 12:4.†
ἀντ-άλλαγμα, -τος, τό
(ἀντί, ἄλλαγμα; < ἀλλάσσω), [in LXX chiefly for מְחִיר;] an exchange, the price received as an equivalent for an article of commerce: Mt 16:26, Mk 8:37 (cf. Si 26:14; and v. Swete, Mk. 8:37; Cremer, 90).†
* ἀντ-ανα-πληρόω, -ῶ
(ἀντί, ἀναπληρόω), to fill up in turn: Col 1:24 (v. Lft., in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(ἀντί, ἀποδίδωμι), [in LXX for שׁלם pi., גּמל, שׁוּב hi., etc.;] to give back as an equivalent, recompense, requital (the ἀντί expressing the idea of full, complete return; v. Lft., Notes, 46); in favourable sense: Lk 14:14, Ro 11:35, I Th 3:9; in unfavourable sense: Ro 12:19, II Th 1:6, He 10:30.†
ἀντ-από-δομα, -τος, τό
(< ἀνταποδίδωμι), [in LXX chiefly for גְּמוּל;] ( = cl. -δοσις, q.v.), requital; in favourable sense: Lk 14:12; in unfavourable sense: Ro 11:9.†
ἀντ-από-δοσις, -εως, ἡ
(v. supr.), [in LXX chiefly for גְּמוּל, שִׁלּוּם;] recompense: Col 3:24 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
(ἀντί, ἀποκρίνω), [in LXX: Jg 5:29, Jb 16:9 (8) 32:12 (ענה)*;] to answer again, reply against: seq. πρός, c. acc. rei, Lk 14:6; c. dat. pers., Ro 9:20.†
2 (KJV)
(ἀντί, εἶπον), [in LXX for שׁוּב hi., דבר pi., ענה, etc.;] 2 aor., without present in use, to speak against, gainsay: Lk 21:15, Ac 4:14.†
(ἀντί, ἔχω), [in LXX for חָזַק hi., etc.;] trans., to hold against. Intrans., to withstand. Mid. 1. in cl., to hold out against. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), to hold firmly to, cleave to: c. gen. (v. Bl., § 36, 2), Mt 6:24, Lk 16:13, I Th 5:14 (v. M, Th., in l.), Tit 1:9.†
(the ι is elided only in ἀνθ᾽ ὧν), prep. c. gen. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.); prop, in local sense, over against, opposite, hence; instead of, in place of, for (Hom., etc.): Mt 5:38 17:27, Lk 11:11, I Co 11:15, He 12:2; c. artic. inf. (cl.), Ja 4:15; of succession, Mt 2:22; χάριν ἀ. χάριτος, Jo 1:16 (M, Pr., 100); of price in exchange, He 12:16; λύτρον ἀ. πολλῶν, Mt 20:28, Mk 10:45 (M, Pr., 105); of requital, Ro 12:17, I Th 5:15, I Pe 3:9 (cf. Wi 11:15); ἀνθ᾽ ὧν, because, Lk 1:20 19:44, Ac 12:23, II Th 2:10 (cl., LXX for אֲשֶׁר תַּחַת); id. therefore (cl., LXX), Lk 12:3; ἀ. τούτου (LXX for עַל־כֵּן), Eph 5:31. As a prefix, ἀντι- (before vowels ἀντ-, ἀνθ᾽-), denotes over against, ἀντιπέραν; co-operation, ἀντιβάλλειν; requital, ἀντιμισθία; opposition, ἀντίχριστος; substitution, ἀνθύπατος. Compounds of ἀ. usually govern dat. (Bl., § 37, 7).†
** ἀντι-βάλλω,
[in LXX: II Mac 11:13*;] to throw in turn, exchange: metaph., λόγους (cf. Lat. conferre sermones; v. Field, Notes, 81), Lk 24:17.†
*† ἀντι-δια-τίθημι,
in mid, to place oneself in opposition, oppose: II Ti 2:25 (EV; but v. Field, Notes, 215 f.; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).
ἀντίδικος, -ον
(< δίκη), [in LXX for רִיב;] as subst., an opponent in a lawsuit, adversary: Mt 5:25, Lk 12:58 18:3, I Pe 5:8 (Cremer, 696; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀντί-θεσις, -εως, ἡ
(< τίθημι), opposition: I Ti 6:20.†
[in LXX: De 31:21 (ענה), Jos 5:7, Mi 2:8 (קוּם)*;] causal in pres. impf. fut. and 1 aor.; to replace, oppose. Intrans. in pass. and 2 aor. act.; to supersede; to resist: He 12:4.†
* ἀντι-καλέω, -ῶ,
to invite in turn: Lk 14:12.†
[in LXX for איב, צוּר, שׂטן, etc.;] to lie opposite to. to oppose, withstand, resist: c. dat., Lk 13:17 21:15, Ga 5:17, I Ti 1:10; as participial subst. () ἀντικείμενος, I Co 16:9, Phl 1:28, II Th 2:4, I Ti 5:14 (Cremer, 746).†
** ἄντικρυς (Tr. -ύς, Rec. ἀντικρύ), adv.
(< ἀντί), [in LXX: Ne 12:8 (לְנֶגֶד), III Mac 5:16*;] in cl., outright; in κοινή (= cl. καταντικρύ), over against: Ac 20:15 (v. Bl., § 5, 4; 40, 7; Rutherford, NPhr., 500 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
[freq. in LXX for חזק hi., תּמךְ, etc;] to take instead of or in turn. Mid., c. gen., to take hold of; of persons, to help (v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 1:54, Ac 20:35; of things, to partake of: I Ti 6:2 (v. Field, Notes, 210; Cremer, 386; and cf. συν-αντιλαμβάνω).†
[in LXX: Ho 4:4 (רִיב hi.), Is 50:5 (סוּג ni.) Is 22:22 65:2, Si 4:25, III Mac 2:28, IV Mac 4:7 8:2*;] contradict, oppose, resist (v. Field, Notes, 106; MM, VGT, s.v.); absol.: Ac 28:19, Ro 10:21, Tit 1:9 2:9; c. dat., Jo 19:12, Ac 13:45; c. acc. et inf., Lk 20:27 T; pass., Lk 2:34, Ac 28:22.†
ἀντί-λημψις, (Rec. -ληψις; v. MM, VGT s.v.; M, Pr., 56), -εως,
(< ἀντιλαμβάνομαι), [in LXX for עֹז, זְרוֹעַ, etc., freq. in Pss and II, III Mac.; freq. also in π. in petitions to the Ptolemies in sense of βοήθεια (v. Deiss., LAE, 107; BS, 92, 223);] cl. a laying hold of, an exchange. Hellenistic (LXX, π.) help: pl. of ministrations of deacons; I Co 12:28 (DB, ii, 347 f.; Cremer, 386).†
ἀντί-ληψις, v.s. ἀντίλημψις.
ἀντιλογία, -ας ἡ
(< ἀντιλέγω), [in LXX chiefly for רִיב;] gain-saying, strife (the latter sense being found in π.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. Field, Notes, 106): He 6:16 7:7 12:3, Ju 11.†
* ἀντι-λοιδορέω, -ῶ,
to revile in turn: I Pe 2:23.†
**† ἀντί-λυτρον, -ου, τό,
[in Al.: Ps 48 (49):9*;] a ransom: I Ti 2:6 (v. CGT, in l.; and cf. λύτρον).†
*† ἀντι-μετρέω, -ῶ,
to measure in return: Lk 6:38 (WH, mg., μετρέω).†
*† ἀντιμισθία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀντίμισθος, for a reward), a reward, requital: in good sense, II Co 6:13; in bad sense, Ro 1:27 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
Ἀντιόχεια, -ας, ἡ,
Antioch; in Syria: Ac 11:19, 20, 22, 26, 27 13:1 14:26 15:22, 23, 30, 35 18:22, Ga 2:11. In Pisidia: Ac 13:14 14:19, 21, II Ti 3:11.†
Ἀντιοχεύς, -έως, ὁ,
a citizen of Antioch, an Antiochian: Ac 6:5.†
**† ἀντι-παρ-έρχομαι,
[in LXX: Wi 16:10*;] to pass by opposite to: Lk 10:31, 32 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
Ἀντίπας (T, Ἀντείπας), (in some MSS. it appears to be indecl.; but v. M, Pr., 12; it is abbrev. from Ἀντίπατρος), ,
Antipas: Re 2:13.†
Ἀντιπατρίς, -ίδος, ἡ,
Antipatris, bet. Joppa and Caesarea: Ac 23:31.†
*† ἀντί-περα (Rec. ἀντιπέραν, LTr. ἀντιπέρα,) adv., = cl. ἀντιπέρας (MM, VGT, 49),
on the opposite side: c. gen., Lk 8:26.†
[in LXX: Ex 26:5 (קבל), Ex 26:17 (שׁלב), Nu 27:14 (מְרִיבָה), Jb 23:13 (שׁוּב hi.)*;] to fall against or upon (Arist., Polyb.). to strive against, resist (Arist.): c. dat., Ac 7:51.
* ἀντι-στρατεύομαι,
to make war against: c. dat., Ro 7:23.†
ἀντι-τάσσω (Att., -ττω),
[in LXX for לוּץ hi., נשׂא, etc.;] to range on battle against; mid., to set oneself against, resist: absol., Ac 18:6; c. dat., Ro 13:2, Ja 4:6 5:6, I Pe 5:5 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀντί-τυπος, -ον
(v.s. τύπος), [in LXX: Es 3:13 A*;] act. striking back; metaph., resisting, adverse. Pass. struck back; metaph., corresponding to (MM, VGT, s.v.); as impression of a seal or copy of an archetype (τύπος) (RV, like in pattern), He 9:24; as the reality (of which τύπος is the copy or adumbration) (RV, after a true likeness), I Pe 3:21 (Cremer, 357).†
*† ἀντί-χριστος, -ον, ὁ,
Antichrist, "one who assuming the guise of Christ opposes Christ" (Westc., Epp. Jo., 70): I Jo 2:18, 22 4:3, II Jo 7; pl. I Jo 2:18 (cf. ψευδόχριστος, and v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀντλέω, -ῶ
(< ἄντλος, bilge-water in a hold), [in LXX for שׁאב, etc.;] prop., to bale out. Generally, to draw water: absol., Jo 2:8 4:15; ὕδωρ, Jo 2:9 4:7 (on its use of the water made wine, v. DCG, ii, 815a; MM, VGT, s.v.; Field, Notes, 84 f.).†
*† ἄντλημα, -τος, τό
(< ἀντλέω), prop., what is drawn (Diosc.); a vessel to draw with, a bucket (Plut.; v. Abbott, Essays, 88): Jo 4:11.†
**† ἀντοφθαλμέω, -ῶ
(ἀντί, ὀφθαλμός), [in LXX: Wi 12:14*;] to look in the face, look straight at (Polyb.). Metaph., to face, withstand (Wi 12:14, Polyb.): c. dat., ἀ. τ. ἀνέμῳ, as nautical term, to beat up against the wind (v. DB, ext., 366 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 27:15.†
ἄνυδρος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., ὕδωρ), [in LXX for צִיָּה, יְשִׁימוֹן (γῆ ἄ), etc.;] waterless: τόποι, Mt 12:43, Lk 11:24; πηγαί, II Pe 2:17; νεφέλαι, Ju 12 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
** ἀν-υπόκριτος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., ὑποκρίνομαι), [in LXX: Wi 5:18 18:16*;] unfeigned: Ro 12:9, II Co 6:6, I Ti 1:5, II Ti 1:5, Ja 3:17, I Pe 1:22 (Cremer, 380; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
**† ἀνυπότακτος, -ον
(< ά- neg., ὑποτάσσω), [in Sm.: I Ki 2:12 10:27 (for LXX, λοιμός, בּני בליעל)*;] of things, not subject to rule: He 2:8; of persons, unruly: I Ti 1:9, Tit 1:6, 10 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
adv. (< ἀνά), up, upwards: Jo 11:41, He 12:15; above (opp. to κάτω): Ac 2:19; with art. , Ga 4:26, Phl 3:14; τά, Jo 8:23, Col 3:1, 2; ἕως ἄ. (up to the brim), Jo 2:7 (Cremer, 106; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνώγαιον, ἀνώγεον, v.s. ἀνάγαιον.
adv, (< ἄνω), from above: ἀπὸ ἄ., Mt 27:51, Mk 15:38; ἐκ τῶν ἄ., Jo 19:28; meaning, from heaven: Jo 3:31 19:11, Ja 1:17 3:15, 17 . from the first, from the beginning: Lk 1:3, Ac 26:5; whence anew, again: Jo 3:3, 7, (so most, but v. Meyer, in l.; cf. Field, Notes, 86 f.); πάλιν ἄ., Ga 4:9 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀνωτερικός, -ή, όν
(< ἀνώτερος), upper: Ac 19:1.†
ἀνώτερος, α, -ον,
[in LXX: Ne 3:25 (עֶלְיוֹן), Ez 41:7 (מַעַל), To 8:3*;] only in neut., as adv. (cf. ἐξώτερος), of motion, higher: Lk 14:10; of rest, above, before: He 10:8.†
ἀν-ωφελής, -ές
(ἀ- neg., ὄφελος), [in LXX: Is 44:10 (הוֹעִיל בִּלְתִּי), Je 2:8 (הוֹעִיל לֹא), Pr 28:3, Wi 1:11*;] unprofitable: Tit 3:9; neut. as subst., unprofitableness: He 7:18.†
ἀξίνη, -ης, ἡ,
[in LXX for גַּרְזֶן, קַרְדֹּם;] an axe: Mt 3:10, Lk 3:9.†
ἄξιος, -α, -ον
(< ἄγω, in sense, to weigh), [in LXX for בֵּן (De 25:2), מָלֵא, שָׁוָה; freq. in Wis, II Mac;] of weight, worth (often c. gen., cf. Pr 3:15 8:11), seq. πρός: Ro 8:18 (v. Field, Notes, 157); befitting, meet: c. gen., Mt 3:8, Lk 3:8 23:41, Ac 26:20, I Co 16:4 (v. M, Pr., 216); absol., II Th 1:3; of persons, worthy; in good sense: c. gen. rei, Mt 10:10, Lk 7:4 10:7, Ac 13:46, I Ti 1:15 4:9 5:18 6:1; c. aor. inf. (v. M, Pr., 203): Lk 15:19, 21, Ac 13:25, Re 4:11 5:2, 4, 9, 12; seq. ἵνα: Jo 1:27; ὅς, Lk 7:4; absol., but of what understood: Mt 10:11, 13 22:8, Re 3:4; c. gen. pers., Mt 10:37, 38, He 11:38; in bad sense; c. gen. rei, Lk 12:48 23:15, Ac 23:29 25:11, 25 26:31, Ro 1:32; absol., Re 16:6 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀξιόω, -ῶ
(< ἄξιος), [in LXX chiefly for בּעא, בּקשׁ; freq. in Wi, I, II Mac;] to deem worthy: c. acc. et inf. (v. MM, VGT, s.v., and cf. κατ-αξιόω), Lk 7:7; id. et gen. rei, II Th 1:11; pass. c. gen. rei, I Ti 5:17, He 3:3 10:29; to think fit: c. inf. (v. M, Pr., 205), Ac 15:38 28:22.†
** ἀξίως,
adv. [in LXX: Wi 7:15 16:1, Si 14:11*;] worthily: Ro 16:2, Eph 4:1, Phl 1:27; c. gen. (freq. in Inscr.; Deiss., BS, 248; MM, VGT, 51), ἀ. τ. Κυρίου, Col 1:10; τ. θεοῦ I Th 2:12, III Jo 6.†
ἀόρατος, -ον
(< ὁράω), [in LXX: Ge 1:2 (תֹּהוּ), Is 45:3 (מִסְתָּר), II Mac 9:5*;] unseen, invisible: Ro 1:20, Col 1:15, 16, I Ti 1:17, He 11:27.†
[in LXX chiefly for נגד hi.;] of a messenger, speaker, or writer, to report, announce, declare: c. acc. rei, Ac 4:23, al.; c. dat. pers., Mt 2:8, al.; seq. ὅτι, Lk 18:37; πῶς, Lk 8:36; περί, Lk 7:18 13:1, Ac 28:21, I Th 1:9; λέγων, Ac 22:26; c. acc. et inf., Ac 12:14; seq. εἰς, Mk 5:14, Lk 8:34 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 25).
(< ἄγχω, to press, strangle), [in LXX: II Ki 17:23 (חנק), To 3:10*;] to strangle; mid., to hang oneself (or, to choke; v. M, Pr., 155): Mt 27:5.†
[in LXX for נהג, הלךְ hi., etc.;] to lead away: Lk 13:15, Ac 23:17 24:7 (R, mg.), I Co 12:2; esp. of leading to trial (so as law term in Attic), prison and death (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 26:57 27:2, 31, Mk 14:44, 53 15:16, Lk 21:12 22:66 23:26, Ac 12:19; of the direction of a way: Mt 7:13, 14 (cf. συν-απ-άγω).†
ἀ-παίδευτος, -ον
(< παιδεύω), [in LXX for כְּסִיל, etc., chiefly in Wi. lit.;] uninstructed, ignorant: II Ti 2:23.†
[in LXX chiefly for נסע;] to lift off, hence, to take away; pass.: Mt 9:15, Mk 2:20, Lk 5:35.†
ἀπ-αιτέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX: De 15:2, 3, al. (נגשׂ), Si 20:15, Wi 15:8, al.;] to ask back, demand back: Lk 6:30 12:20 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀπ-αλγέω, -ῶ,
prop., to cease to feel pain for (Thuc., ii, 61). In late Gk. to despair (Polyb., i, 35, 5); to become callous, reckless (Polyb., xvi, 12, 7; MM, VGT, s.v.): Eph 4:19.†
[in LXX for סוּר hi., etc.;] to remove, release: He 2:15; pass., to depart: Ac 19:12; in legal sense (MM, VGT, s.v.), seq. ἀπό, c. gen. pers., to be quit of: Lk 12:58 (Cremer, 90, 632).†
ἀπ-αλλοτριόω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for זוּר, נזר, etc.;] to alienate, estrange; pass.: Eph 2:12 4:18, Col 1:21 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 95, 633).†
ἀπαλός, -ή, -όν,
[in LXX for רַךְ;] tender: Mt 24:32, Mk 13:28.†
ἀπαντάω, -ῶ,
[in LXX chiefly for פּגע;] to go to meet. to meet; c. dat.: Mk 14:13, Lk 17:12 (WH, mg., ὑπ-; in Rec. freq. as v.1. for ὑπ-, q.v.).†
ἀπάντησις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀπαντάω), [in LXX chiefly for לִקְרַאת;] usually with v.l., ὑπ-; a meeting; εἰς ἀ., c. gen. or dat., to meet: Mt 25:6 27:32 (WH, txt., omits), Ac 28:15, I Th 4:17 (v. M, Th., in l.; M, Pr., 14, 242; MM, VGT, s.v.; Lft., Notes, 69).†
adv., [in LXX for אֶחָד, פַּעַם;] once: II Co 11:25, He 9:26, 27; ἔτι ἅ., He 12:26, 27; ἅ. τ. ἐνιαυτοῦ, He 9:7; καί ἅ. κ. δίς, twice: Phl 4:16, I Th 2:18; once for all: He 6:4 9:28 10:2, I Pe 3:18, Ju 3, 5 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
*† ἀ-παρά-βατος, -ον
(< παραβαίνω), inviolable, and so unchangeable: He 7:24 (v. Westc., in l.; Cremer, 653; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
* ἀ-παρα-σκεύαστος, -ον
(< παρασκευάζω), unprepared: II Co 9:4.†
ἀπ-αρνέομαι (-οῦμαι) depon.,
[in LXX: Is 31:7 (מאס)*;] to deny, i.e. to refuse to recognize, to ignore: c. acc., of oneself (DCG, ii, 598 f.), Mt 16:24, Mk 8:34 (MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 9:23 (WH, mg., txt., ἀρν-) of Peter's denials of Christ, Mt 26:34, 35, 75, Mk 14:30, 31, 72, Lk 22:34, 61; pass., Lk 12:9 (Cremer, 111).†
* ἀπάρτι (WH, ἀπ᾽ ἄρτι; cl., ἀπαρτί, v. MM, VGT, s.v.);
adv., [not in LXX, where מֵעַתָּה is rendered by ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν;] from now, henceforth: Jo 13:19 14:7, Re 14:13.†
*† ἀπαρτισμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἀπαρτίζω, to finish), completion: Lk 14:28 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀπ-αρχή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀπάρχομαι, to make a beginning in sacrifice, offer first fruits), [in LXX chiefly for תְּרוּמָה, רֵאשִׁית;] the beginning of a sacrifice. first fruits: τοῦ φυράματος (cf. Nu 15:20), Ro 11:16. Metaph., ἀ. τοῦ πνεύματος: Ro 8:23; of Christians: Ro 16:5, I Co 16:15, II Th 2:13 (WH, mg., R, mg., txt., ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς; v. Lft., Notes, 119 f.), Ja 1:18, Re 14:4; of Christ: I Co 15:20, 23 (Cremer, 117; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἅπας, -ασα, -αν
(strengthened form of πᾶς, v.s. ἅ-), all, the whole, altogether: bef. subst. with art., as Lk 3:21; or after, as Mk 16:[15]; absol., in masc., as Lk 5:26; in neut., as Ac 2:44; ἅ. οὗτοι, Ac 2:7 (LT); ἅ. ὑμεῖς, Ga 3:28 (TTr.). Most freq. in Lk, Ac (v. MM, VG, s.v.).
**† ἀπ-ασπάζομαι, depon.,
[in LXX: To 10:13 א*;] to take leave of: c. acc.: Ac 21:6.†
ἀπατάω, -ῶ
(< ἀπάτη), [in LXX for פּתה, נשׁא hi., etc.;] to deceive: c. acc., Ja 1:26; c. acc. pers., dat. rei, Eph 5:6; pass., I Ti 2:14 (on its infrequency in late writers, v. MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. ἐξαπατάω).†
ἀπάτη, -ης, ἡ,
[in LXX: Ec 9:6 א (no Heb. equiv.), Jth 9:3, 10, 13 16:8, IV Mac 18:8*;] deceit, deceitfulness: Col 2:8; τοῦ πλούτου, Mt 13:22, Mk 4:19 (MM, VGT, s.v.); τῆς ἀδικίας, II Th 2:10; τῆς ἁμαρτίας, He 3:13; αἱ ἐπιθυμίαι τῆς ἀ., Eph 4:22. pl., ἀπάται (v. M, II Th. 2:10; NTD, 75; MM, VGT, s.v.): II Pe 2:13 (WH, mg., R., txt., ἐν ἀγάπαις).†
* ἀπάτωρ, -ορος, ὁ, ὴ
(< ἀ- neg., πατήρ); fatherless. without father (MM, VGT, s.v.), i.e., with no recorded genealogy: He 7:3.†
**† ἀπ-αύγασμα, -τος, τό
(< αὐγή, brightness, whence ἀπαυγάζω, to radiate or reflect), [in LXX: Wi 7:26*;] of light beaming from a luminous body, radiance, effulgence: He 1:3.†
0 (KJV)
ἀπ-εῖδον (WH, ἀφ-, ν. Bl., § 4, 3),
2 aor. without present in use (cf. εἶδον), serving as aor. to ἀφοράω, q.v.
** ἀπείθεια
(WH, -θία, exc. He 4:6, 11), -ας, ἡ (< ἀπειθής), [in LXX IV Mac 8:9, 18 12:4*;] disobedience (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ro 11:30, 32, He 4:6, 11; υἱοὶ τῆς ἀ. (gen. of definition, v. M, Pr., 73 f.), Eph 2:2 5:6, Col 3:6 (T, WH, R, mg., omit).†
ἀπειθέω, -ῶ
(< ἀπειθής), [in LXX for מרה, סרר, etc.;] as in cl. (MM, VGT, s.v.); to disobey, be disobedient: absol., Ac 14:2 19:9, Ro 10:21 11:31 15:31, He 3:18 11:31, I Pe 3:20; c. dat., Jo 3:36, Ro 2:8 11:30, I Pe 2:8 3:1 4:17 (Cremer, 475).†
ἀπειθής, -ές
(< πείθομαι), [in LXX for מרה, מְרִי, סרר;] disobedient: absol., Lk 1:17, Tit 1:16 3:3; c. dat., Ac 26:19, Ro 1:30, II Ti 3:2.†
ἀπειθία, -ας, ἡ, v.s. ἀπείθεια.
ἀπειλέω, -ῶ
(ἀπειλή), [in LXX: Na 1:4 (גּער), Is 66:14 (זעם), Si 19:17, al.;] to threaten: I Pe 2:23; mid., Ac 4:17 (v. MM, VGT, s.v., and cf. προσαπειλέω).†
ἀπειλή, -ῆ, ἡ,
[in LXX for גְּעָרָה, etc.;] threatening, threat: Ac 4:29 9:1, Eph 6:9.†
(εἰμί, sum), [in LXX for כּחד ni., נדח ni.;] to be absent: I Co 5:3, II Co 10:1, 11 13:2, 10, Phl 1:27, Col 2:5.†
* ἄπ-ειμι
(εἶμι, ibo), to depart: Ac 17:10.†
ἀπ-εῖπον, 2 aor. without present in use
[in LXX for מָאַס, אָמַר, etc.;] to tell out. to forbid (III Ki 11:2). to renounce: 1 aor. mid. (WH, App., 164; MM, VGT, s.v.), II Co 4:2.†
*† ἀπείραστος, -ον
(< πειράζω; for cl. ἀπείρητος, < πειράω), untempted, untried, without experience: Ja 1:13 (v. Hort, in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἄπειρος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., πεῖρα, trial), [in LXX: Nu 14:23, Za 11:15 (אֱוִילִי), Je 2:6 (עֲרָבָה)*;] without experience of: c. gen. rei, He 5:13 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
*† ἀπ-εκ-δέχομαι, depon.,
to await or expect eagerly (Lft., Notes, 149; MM, VGT, s.v.): absol., I Pe 3:20; c. acc. rei, Ro 8:19, 23, 25, I Co 1:7, Ga 5:5; c. acc. pers., Phl 3:20, He 9:28.†
*† ἀπ-έκ-δυσις, -εως, ἡ
(ἀπεκδύω), a putting or stripping off: Col 2:11 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
*† ἀπ-εκ-δύω,
to strip off clothes or arms; mid., to strip off from oneself: Col 3:9; to strip, despoil (mid, for act., ICC, in l.; but cf. Lft., Ellic.), Col 2:15.†
[in LXX for נצל, שׁלח;] to drive away: Ac 18:16 (MM, s.v.).†
*† ἀπ-ελεγμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἀπελέγχω, to convict, refute), refutation, disrepute: ἐλθεῖν εἰς ἀ., Ac 19:27 (not elsewhere; v. MM, s.v.).†
* ἀπ-ελεύθερος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ,
a freedman: τ. κυρίου (MM, s.v.), I Co 7:22.†
Ἀπελλῆς, -οῦ, acc. -ῆν (MM, s.v.), ,
Apelles: Ro 16:10.†
[in LXX: Is 29:19 (אֶבְיוֹן), Jth 9:11, Es 4:17, Si 22:21 27:21, II Mac 9:18*;] to give up in despair, despair of (Polyb., Diod., LXX). to hope to receive from or in return (Field, Notes, 59; Cremer, 712; Soph., Lex., s.v.): c. acc. (M; Pr., 65; MM, s.v.), Lk 6:35.†
adv. c. gen. (Hellenistic, common in LXX); over against (MM, s.v.): Mt 27:61, Mk 12:41, WH, mg. before, in the presence of: Mt 27:24 (WH, mg.), Ac 3:16, Ro 3:18. against: Ac 17:7.†
ἀπέραντος, -ον
(< περαίνω, to complete, finish), [in LXX: Jb 36:26 (חֵקֶר אֵין), III Mac 2:9*;] endless, interminable: I Ti 1:4.†
*† ἀπερισπάστως,
adv. (< περισπάω; the adj. occurs in Wi 16:11 Si 41:1); without distraction: I Co 7:35.†
ἀ-περί-τμητος, -ον
(< περιτέμνω), [in LXX chiefly for עָרֵל;] uncircumcised; metaph. (τ.) καρδίαις (cf. Je 9:26, al.): Ac 7:51. (ἄσημος, found in π., appears to have been the word used by Greek-speaking Egyptians: v. Deiss., BS, 153; cf. also Cremer, 885; MM, s.v.)†
[in LXX chiefly for הלךְ;] to go away, depart (also, in late writers, with "perfective" force, to arrive at a destination, the thought being carried on to the goal; M, Pr., 111 f., 247; MM, s.v.); absol.: Mt 13:25, al.; ptcp., ἀπελθών, used pleonastically with other verbs as in Heb. (Dalman, Words, 21), Mt 13:28, al.; with mention of place or person: εἰς, Mt 14:15; ἐπί, Lk 24:24; πρός, Re 10:9; ἀπό, Lk 1:38; ἐξω, Ac 4:15; ἐκεῖ, Mt 2:22. As in LXX, seq. ὀπίσω, c. gen. (Heb. הָלַךְ אַחֲרֵי), to go after, follow: Mk 1:20, Jo 12:19; metaph., Mk 1:42, Re 21:1.
[in LXX chiefly for רחק;] trans., to hold back, keep off; to have in full, to have received (on the "punctiliar" force of the compound, v. M, Pr., 109, 247): c. acc., Mt 6:2, 5, 16, Lk 6:24, Phl 4:18, Phm 15 (for illustr. from π., where it is used in receipts, v. Deiss., BS, 229; LAE, 110 f.; MM, s.v.); impers., ἀπέχει (Field, Notes, 39), it is enough: Mk 14:41. Intrans., to be away, distant: absol., Lk 15:20; seq. ἀπό, Mt 14:24 15:8, Mk 7:6, Lk 7:6 15:20 24:13. Mid., to abstain: c. gen., Ac 15:29, I Ti 4:3, I Pe 2:11; seq. ἀπό, Ac 15:20, I Th 4:3 5:22.†
** ἀπιστέω, -ῶ
(< ἄπιστος), [in LXX: Wi 1:2 10:7 12:17 18:13, Si 1:27, II Mac 8:13*;] to disbelieve, be faithless: Mk 16:11, 16, Lk 24:11, 41, Ac 28:24, I Pe 2:7; so prob. also Ro 3:3, II Ti 2:13 (ICC, CGT, in ll.; MM, s.v.). = ἀπειθέω (Hdt.; on this sense in Ro 3:3, II Ti 2:13, v. Vaughan on Ro 3:3; Lft., Notes, 265; Thayer, s.v.).†
** ἀπιστία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄπιστος), [in LXX: Wi 14:25, IV Mac 12:4*;] want of faith, unbelief: Mt 13:58, Mk 6:6 9:24 16:14, Ro 3:3 (but v.s. ἀπιστέω) Ro 4:20 11:20, 23, I Ti 1:13, He 3:12, 19 (DCG, ii, 775a; Cremer, 492).†
ἄ-πιστος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., πιστός), [in LXX: Pr 17:6 28:25, Is 17:10*;] of things, incredible: Ac 26:8; of persons, without faith or trust, unbelieving: Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41 12:46, Jo 20:27, Tit 1:15, Re 21:8; specif., of unbelievers as opp. to Christians: I Co 6:6 7:12-15 10:27 14:22-24, II Co 4:4 6:14, 15, I Ti 5:8 (cf. Lft., Notes, 265; Cremer, 491).†
ἀπλότης, -ητος, ή
(< ἁπλοῦς), [in LXX: II Ki 15:11 (תֹּם), I Ch 29:17 (לֵבָב ישֶׁר, ἁ. τῆς καρδίας, cf. Col 3:22, where v. Lft.), Wi 1:1, al.;] simplicity, sincerity: Ro 12:8, II Co 11:3, Eph 6:5, Col 3:22; as manifested in generous, unselfish giving, liberality, graciousness: II Co 8:2 9:11, 13 (v. ICC, Ro., 12:8; Hort, Ja., 1:5, and v.s. ἁπλῶς).†
ἁπλόος, v.s. ἁπλοῦς.
ἁπλοῦς, -ῆ, -οῦν
(contr. fr. -όος; < ἁ.- cop., πλόος), [in LXX: Pr 11:25*;] simple, single: in a moral sense (DCG, ii, 628 f.), ἀφθαλμός, Mt 6:22, Lk 11:34. (In π. of a marriage dowry, v. MM, s.v.).† SYN.: ἄδολος, ἄκακος, ἀκέραιος (Tr., Syn., § lvi; Cremer, 107, 639).
adv. (< ἁπλοῦς), [in LXX: Pr 10:9 (בַּתֹּם), Wi 16:27, II Mac 6:6*;] simply, sincerely, graciously: Ja 1:5. ("Later writers comprehend under the one word the whole magnanimous and honourable type of character in which ... singleness of mind is the central feature"—Hort, Ja., 1:5)†
ἀπό (on the freq. neglect of elision bef. vowels, v. Tdf., Pr., 94, WH, App., 146), prep. c. gen. (WM, 462 ff.; on its relation to ἐκ, παρά, ὑπό, WM, 456 f.), [in LXX for מִן, בְּ, לְ;] from (i.e. from the exterior). Of separation and cessation; of motion from a place: Mt 5:29, 30 7:23, Lk 5:2 22:41, al.; in partitive sense (M, Pr., 72, 102, 245; MM, s.v.; Bl., § 40, 2), Mt 9:16 27:21, Jo 21:10, Ac 5:2, al.; also after verbs of eating, etc.; of alienation (cl. gen. of separation), after such verbs as λούω (Deiss., BS, 227), λύω, σώζω, παύω, etc.; ἀνάθεμα ἀ., Ro 9:3; ἀποθνήσκειν ἀ., Col 2:20; σαλευθῆναι, II Th 2:2, καθαρός, -ίζειν, ἀ. (Deiss., BS, 196, 216), Ac 20:26, II Co 7:1, He 9:14; of position, Mt 23:34 24:31, al.; after μακράν, Mt 8:30; transposed before measures of distance, Jo 10:18 21:8, Re 14:20 (Abbott, JG, 227); of time, ἀπὸ τ. ὥρας, ἡμέρας, etc., Mt 9:22, Jo 19:27, Ac 20:18, Phl 1:5, al.; ἀπ’ αἰῶνος, Lk 1:70, al.; ἀπ’ ἀρχῆς, etc., Mt 19:4, Ro 1:20; ἀπὸ βρέφους, II Ti 3:15; ἀφ’ ἧς, since, Lk 7:45, al.; ἀπὸ τ. νῦν, Lk 1:48, al.; ἀπὸ τότε, Mt 4:17, al.; ἀπὸ πέρυσι, a year ago, II Co 8:10 9:2; ἀπὸ πρωΐ, Ac 28:23; of order or rank, ἀπὸ διετοῦς, Mt 2:16; ἀπὸ Ἀβραάμ, Mt 1:17; ἕβδομος ἀπὸ Ἀδάμ, Ju 14; ἀπὸ μικροῦ ἕως μεγάλου, Ac 8:10, He 8:11; ἄρχεσθαι ἀπό, Mt 20:8, Jo 8:9, Ac 8:35, al. Of origin; of birth, extraction, and hence, in late writers, of local extraction (cl. ἐξ; Abbott, JG, 227 ff.), Mt 21:11, Mk 15:43, Jo 1:45, Ac 10:38, al.; οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας (WM, § 66, 6; M, Pr., 237; Westc, Rendall, in l.), He 13:24; of membership in a community or society (Bl., § 40, 2), Ac 12:1, al.; of material (= cl. gen.; Bl., § 40, 2; M, Pr., 102), Mt 3:4 27:21; after verbs of asking, seeking, etc., Lk 11:50, 51, I Th 2:6 (Milligan, in l.); of the cause, instrument, means or occasion (freq. = ὑπό, παρά, and after verbs of learning, hearing, knowing, etc.; Bl., § 40, 3), Mt 7:16 11:29, Lk 22:45, Ac 2:22 4:36 9:13 12:14, I Co 11:23, Ga 3:2, al.; ἀπὸ τ. ὄχλου, Lk 19:3 (cf. Jo 21:6, Ac 22:11); ἀπὸ τ. φόβου, Mt 14:26, al. (cf. Mt 10:28 13:44). Noteworthy Hellenistic phrases: φοβεῖσθαι ἀπό (M, Pr., 102, 107); προσέχειν ἀπό (M, Pr., 102, 107; Milligan, NTD, 50); ἀπὸ νότου (Heb. מִנֶּגֶב), Re 21:13; ἀπὸ προσώπου (מִפְּנֵי), II Th 1:9 (Bl., § 40, 9); ἀπὸ τ. καρδιῶν (בְּלֵב), Mt 18:35; ἀπὸ ὁ ὤν (WM, § 10, 2; M, Pr., 9), Re 1:4. In composition, ἀπό denotes separation, departure, origin, etc. (ἀπολύω, ἀπέρχομαι, ἀπογράφω); it also has a perfective force (M, Pr., 112, 247), as in ἀφικνεῖσθαι, ἀφικνεῖσθαι, q.v.
[in LXX for היה, etc.;] to step off, disembark: Lk 5:2, Jo 21:9; metaph., of events, to issue, turn out (Field, Notes, 74): Lk 21:13, Phl 1:19 (MM, s.v.).†
[in LXX: Is 1:30 (נבל) and elsew. without Heb. equiv.;] to throw off: Mk 10:50; metaph., to lose, let go (Field, Notes, 231 f.; MM, s.v.): He 10:35.†
[in LXX for פּנה, etc.;] to look away from all else at one object; hence, to look steadfastly: He 11:26 (cf. ἀφοράω).†
** ἀπό-βλητος, -ον
(< ἀποβάλλω), [in Aq.: Le 7:18, al.; Sm.: Ho 9:3 (טמא);] to be thrown away, rejected: I Ti 4:4 (Hom., Plut.).†
* ἀπο-βολή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀποβάλλω); a throwing away, rejection: opp. to πρόσλημψις, Ro 11:15. a losing, loss: Ac 27:22.†
1 (KJV)
** ἀπο-γίνομαι (cl. -γίγν-)
[in LXX: Da TH 2:1*;] to be away, removed from. to depart life, to die (MM, s.v.): τ. ἁμαρτίαις, i.e. with ref. to sins, I Pe 2:24 (Cremer, 149, 668).†
ἀπο-γραφή, -ῆς, ἡ (ἀπογράφω),
[in LXX: Da LXX 10:21 (כְּתָב), I Es 8:30, AB, II Mac 2:1, III Mac 2:32 4:15, 17 7:22*;] a written copy. As law term, a deposition (Demos.). In late writers, a register, enrolment, census (MM, s.v.; Deiss., LAE, 160, 268 f.): Lk 2:2, Ac 5:37.†
[in LXX: Jg 8:14, Pr 22:20 (כּתב), I Es 8:30, III Mac 2:29 4:14 6:34, 38*;] to write out, copy. to enrol; mid., to enrol oneself: Lk 2:1 (M, Pr., 162; but. v. ICC, in l.), Lk 2:3, 5; pass., He 12:23 (v. reff., s.v. ἀπογραφή).†
[in LXX: Es 2:9 (ראה), al.;] to bring out, show forth, exhibit (Lft., Notes, 200; ICC, in l.): I Co 4:9. to declare, show: Ac 2:22. to prove: Ac 25:7. As freq. in late Gk., to proclaim to an office: seq. ὅτι, II Th 2:4 (Milligan, in l.; MM, s.v.; Lft., Notes. 113.)†
** ἀπό-δειξις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀποδείκνυμι), [in LXX: III Mac 4:20, IV Mac 3:19 13:10*;] a showing off. As used by Gk. philosophers, demonstration, certain proof: I Co 2:4 (v. ICC, in l.; MM, s.v.; Lft., Notes, 173).†
*† ἀπο-δεκατεύω = ἀποδεκατόω, q.v.,
to tithe, pay a tenth of: Lk 18:12.†
[in LXX for עשׂר in both senses foll., e.g. (1) Ge 28:22 (2) I Ki 8:15;] c. acc. rei, to tithe, pay a tenth of: Mt 23:23, Lk 11:42. C. acc. pers., to exact tithes from: He 7:5. to decimate (Socr., HE, 573 A; v. Kennedy, Sources, 117).†
*† ἀπό-δεκτος, -ον
(< άποδέχομαι), acceptable: I Ti 2:3 5:4.†
** ἀπο-δέχομαι
[in LXX: To 7:17, Jth 13:13; Jdt.13.1, I-IV Mac10*;] to accept gladly, welcome, receive: Lk 8:40 9:11, Ac 18:27 21:17 28:30; metaph., c. acc. rei, Ac 2:41 24:3 (MM, s.v.; Cremer, 688).†
ἀπο-δημέω, -ῶ
(< ἀπόδημος), [in LXX: Ez 19:3 A*;] to be or go abroad (M, Pr., 1302): Mt 21:33 25:14, 15, Mk 12:1, Lk 15:13 20:9.†
* ἀπό-δημος, -ον,
gone abroad (RV, sojourning in another country): Mk 13:34.†
[in LXX for מכר, שׁוּב hi., נתן, שׁלם pi., etc.;] to give up or back, restore, return: Mt 27:58, Lk 4:20 9:42 19:8; esp. of wages, debts, oaths, etc. (MM, s.v.), to render what is due, to pay (Deiss., LAE, 334 f.): absol., Mt 18:25, 28, Lk 7:42. c. acc., Mt 5:26 18:29, 30, 34 20:8 21:41 22:21, Mk 12:17, Lk 10:35 12:59 20:25, Ro 13:7, He 12:11, Re 22:2; ὅρκους, Mt 5:33 (cf. Nu 30:3, De 23:21 al.); of conjugal duty, τ. ὀφειλήν, I Co 7:3; ἀμοιβάς, I Ti 5:4; μαρτύριον, to give (as in duty bound) testimony, Ac 4:33; λόγον, to render account, Mt 12:36, Lk 16:2, Ac 19:40, He 13:17, I Pe 4:5; hence of requital, recompense, both in good and bad sense, Mt 6:4, 6, 18 16:27, Ro 2:6, II Ti 4:8, 14, Re 18:6 22:12; κακὸν ἀντὶ κακοῦ, Ro 12:17, I Th 5:15, I Pe 3:9. Mid., to give up of one's own, hence to sell (fr. Hdt. on): c. acc. rei, Ac 5:8, He 12:16; c. acc. pers., Ac 7:9 (cf. ἀντ-αποδίδωμι).†
* ἀπο-δι-ορίζω
(< διορίζω, < ἅρος, a limit), to mark off, hence metaph. to make separations: Ju 19 (Cremer, 806).†
[in LXX: Ps 117 (118):22, al. (מאס);] to reject: Mt 21:42(LXX), Mk 8:31 12:10(LXX), Lk 9:22 17:25 20:17(LXX), He 12:17, I Pe 2:4, 7(LXX) (Cremer, 701; MM, s.v.).†
* ἀπο-δοχή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀποδέχομαι), acceptance, approbation (Field, Notes, 203): I Ti 1:15 4:9 (Cremer, 686; MM, s.v.).†
* ἀπό-θεσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀποτίθημι), a putting away: I Pe 3:21, II Pe 1:14.†
ἀπο-θήκη, -ης, ἡ
(< ἀποτίθημι), [in LXX for אוֹצָר, טֶנֶא, etc.;] a storehouse, granary: Mt 3:12 6:26 13:30, Lk 3:17 12:18, 24.†
**† ἀπο-θησαυρίζω,
[in LXX: Si 3:4*;] to treasure up, store away: I Ti 6:19.†
[in LXX for לחץ, Nu 22:25*;] to press hard: Lk 8:45.†
[in LXX chiefly for מוּת;] to die: of natural death, Mk 5:35, al.; of violent death (pass. of ἀποκτείνω), esp. of Christ, Mt 26:35, Jo 12:33, He 10:28, al.; of spiritual death, Jo 6:50, Ro 8:13, al.; c. dat. ref., Ro 6:2, 10 14:7, 8, Ga 2:19; acc., , Ro 6:10; seq. ἐν, Mt 8:32, Jo 8:21, 24, I Co 15:22, He 11:37, Re 14:13; seq. ὑπέρ, περί, Jo 11:50, 51 18:14, Ro 5:6-8 14:15, I Co 15:3, II Co 5:15, I Th 5:10, I Pe 3:18; ἀπό, Col 2:20; ἐκ, Re 8:11; fig., I Co 15:31 (cf. συν-αποθνήσκω, and V. Milligan, NTD, 258 f.; DCG, i, 791b; Cremer, 286; MM, s.v.; on the perfective force of this verb, M, Pr., 112, 114; and on the distinction bet. pres. and aor., M, Pr., 113 f.).
ἀπο-καθ-ιστάνω, ἀποκαθιστάω,
see next word.
ἀπο-καθ-ίστημι (ἀποκαθιστάω, Mk 9:12, Rec., -ιστάνω, LTTr.; cf. Ac 1:6; -κατιστάνω, WH),
[in LXX chiefly for שׁוּב ;] to restore, i.e. to a former condition: of health, Mt 12:13, Mk 3:5 8:25, Lk 6:10; of social or political affairs, Mt 17:11, Mk 9:12, Ac 1:6. to give back, bring back: He 13:19 (so in π., MM, s.v.; cf. also Cremer, 312).†
[in LXX chiefly for גּלה;] in general sense (cl.), to reveal, uncover, disclose, of things: Mt 10:26, Lk 2:35 12:2, I Co 3:13; of persons: pass., Christ, Lk 17:30; Antichrist, II Th 2:3, 6, 8. In LXX and NT, in special sense of divine revelation: Mt 11:25 (on the tense, v. M, Pr., 136), Mt 11:27 16:17, Lk 10:21, 22, Jo 12:38, Ro 1:17, 18 8:18, I Co 2:10 14:30, Ga 1:16 3:23, Eph 3:5, Phl 3:15, I Pe 1:5, 12 5:1 (Westc., Eph., 178 f.; M, Th., 149 f.).† SYN.: φανερόω (v. Thayer, 62; Cremer, 342).†
ἀπο-κάλυψις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀποκαλύπτω), [in LXX: I Ki 20:30 (עֶרְוָה), Si 11:27 22:22 42:1*;] an uncovering, laying bare (Plut.). Metaph., a revealing, revelation: a disclosure of divine truth, or a manifestion from God: Lk 2:32, Ro 2:5 8:19 16:25, I Co 1:7 14:6, 26, II Co 12:1, 7, Ga 1:12 2:2, Eph 1:17 3:3, II Th 1:7, I Pe 1:7, 13 4:13, Re 1:1.† SYN.: ἐπιφάνεια, παρουσία, φανέρωσις (v. Tr., Syn., xciv; Lft., Notes, 102, 178; Westc, Eph., 178 f.; M, Th., 145 ff.; Cremer, 343).
*† ἀπο-καραδοκία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀποκαραδοκέω, used by Aq. in Ps 36 (37):7 for התהוֹלל; < ἀπό, κάρα the head, δοκέω, in Ion., to watch), to watch with outstretched head, watch anxiously (Polyb., π.; v. Deiss., LAE, 3745, 377 f.), Ro 8:19, Phl 1:20 (Lft., in l.; Cremer, 177).†
*† ἀπο-κατ-αλλάσσω
(cf. καταλλάσσω: ἀπό here signifies completely, v. Lft., Col., 1:20, 21; Ellic., Eph., 2:16; but also Mey., Eph., 2:16), to reconcile completely: Eph 2:16, Col 1:20, 21.†
* ἀπο-κατά-στασις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀποκαθίστημι), restoration: Ac 3:21 (in π. of repairs and restorations of temples, v. MM, s.v.).†
ἀπο-κατ-ιστάνω, v. ἀποκαθίστημι.
[in LXX: Ge 49:10 (שִׁילֹה), Jb 38:23 (חשׂךְ), II Mac 12:45, IV Mac 8:11*;] to be laid up, in store, laid away: Lk 19:20. Metaph., c. dat. pers., to be reserved (Dem., Plat.; and v. MM, s.v.): Col 1:5, II Ti 4:8, He 9:27.†
(< ἀπό, κεφαλή), [in LXX: Ps 151:7*;] to behead: Mt 14:10, Mk 6:16, 28, Lk 9:9.†
[in LXX chiefly for סגר;] to shut fast: Lk 13:25.†
[in LXX for קצץ, כּרת, etc.;] to cut off: Mk 9:43, 45, Jo 18:10, 26, Ac 27:32. Mid., to mutilate oneself, have oneself mutilated: Ga 5:12 (cf. De 23:1 LXX; and v. Cremer, 751; MM, s.v.).†
*† ἀπό-κριμα, -τος, τό
(< ἀποκρίνω); prop., a judicial sentence: II Co 1:9, R, mg. an answer (v. Thayer, s.v.): II Co 1:9, R, txt. (In FlJ, Ant., xiv, 10, 6, of a rescript of the Senate; in Inscr. of an official decision, Deiss., BS, 257; a reply to a deputation, MM, s.v.: cf. also Cremer, 375).†
[in LXX chiefly for ענה;] in cl., to separate, distinguish. to choose. Mid., to answer: Mt 27:12, Mk 14:61, Lk 3:16 23:9, Jo 5:17, 19, Ac 3:12. In late Gk. the pass, also is used in this sense, and pass. forms are the more freq. in NT (M, Pr., 39, 161; MM, s.v.); in general sense: absol., Mk 12:34; c. acc. rei, Mt 22:46; c. dat. pers., Mt 12:38; seq. πρός, Ac 25:16; Hebraistically like ענה, to begin to speak, take up the conversation (Kennedy, Sources, 124 f.): Mt 11:25, al., redundant, as in the Heb. phrase וַיַּעַן וַיּאֹמֶר (Dalman, Words, 24 f., 38; M, Pr., 14; Bl., § 58, 4; 74, 2; Cremer, 374): ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπε, Mt 4:4; ἔφη, 8:8; λέγει, Mk 3:33; in Jo most freq. (ἀπεκ. κ. εἶπε, 1:49.
ἀπό-κρισις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀποκρίνομαι), [in LXX for דּבר, etc.;] an answering, an answer: Lk 2:47 20:26, Jo 1:22 19:9.†
[in LXX chiefly for סתר;] to hide, conceal, keep secret: c. acc., Lk 10:21; pass., I Co 2:7, Eph 3:9, Col 1:26 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀπόκρυφος, -ον
(< ἀποκρύπτω), [in LXX Chiefly for סֵתֶר;] hidden: Mk 4:22, Lk 8:17, Col 2:3 (v. Lft., in l.; MM, s.v.).†
(also in late forms -κτέννω, Mt 10:28, a1., LTTr., -κτεννύω, Mk 12:5, WH), [in LXX for הרג, מוּת;] to kill: Mt 14:5, al.; seq. instr. ἐν (q.v.), Eph 2:16, Re 2:23, al. Metaph.: Ro 7:11; τ. ἔχθραν, Eph 2:16; τὸ γράμμα ἀποκτείνει, II Co 3:6 (on the perfective force of this verb, v. M, Pr., 114).
** ἀπο-κυέω (Rec. -κύω), -ῶ
(< ἀπό, κυέω or κύω, to be pregnant), [in LXX: IV Mac 15:17*;] prop., "the medical word for birth as the close of pregnancy" (Hort, Ja., 26 f.). In κοινή, "an ordinary syn. of τίκτω, but definitely 'perfectivised' (M, Pr., 111 ff.; MM, s.v.) by the ἀπό, and so implying safe delivery," to bring forth, give birth to: Ja 1:15, 18.†
(v.s. κυλίω), [in LXX: Ge 29:3, 8, 10 (גּלל) Jth 13:9*;] to roll away: Mt 28:2, Mk 16:3, Lk 24:2.†
[in LXX: Nu 34:14 (לקח (De 25:5 A, Is 5:17, II Mac 4:46 6:21 8:6, IV Mac 18:23*;] to receive from another; absol., to receive as one's due: Lk 16:25 18:30 (v.l. λάβῃ) 23:41, Ro 1:27, Ga 4:5, Col 3:24, II Jo 8. to receive back: Lk 6:34 15:27. to take apart or aside: Mk 7:33 (cf. use in π. of the recluses of the Serapeum; MM, s.v.).†
** ἀπόλαυσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀπολαύω, to take of, enjoy a thing), [in LXX: III Mac 7:16*;] enjoyment: I Ti 6:17, He 11:25 (for late exx., v. MM, s.v.).†
[in LXX for חדל יתר, etc.;] to leave, leave behind (in π. a term. techn. in wills; v. MM, s.v.): II Ti 4:13, 20, Tit 1:5; pass., to be reserved, remain: He 4:6, 9 10:26. to desert, abandon: Ju 6.†
(for ἐπιλ-, q.v.), to lick up: Lk 16:21, Rec.†
ἀπ-όλλυμι and ἀπολλύω,
[in LXX for אבד, etc. (38 words in all)]. Act., to destroy utterly, destroy, kill: Mk 1:24, 9:22, al.; τ. ψνχήν, Mt 10:28, al.; to lose utterly: Mt 10:42, al.; metaph., of failing to save, Jo 6:39 18:9. Mid., to perish; of things: Mt 5:29, Jo 6:12, He 1:11(LXX), al.; of persons: Mt 8:26, al. Metaph., of loss of eternal life, Jo 3:15, 16 10:28 17:12, Ro 2:12, I Co 8:11 15:18, II Pe 3:9. In οἱ ἀπολλύμενοι, the perishing, contrasted in I Co 1:18, al., with οἱ σωζόμενοι, the "perfective" force of the verb, wh. "implies the completion of the process of destruction," is illustrated (v. M, Pr., 114 f.; M, Th., ii, 2:10); to be lost: Lk 15:4 21:18. Metaph., on the basis of the relation between shepherd and flock, of spiritual destitution and alienation from God: Mt 10:6 15:24, Lk 19:10 (MM, s.v.; DCG, i, 191 f., ii, 76, 554; Cremer, 451).
Ἀπολλύων, -οντος, ὁ
(pres. ptcp. of ἀπολλύω), Apollyon, i.e. the Destroyer: Re 9:11 (cf. Ἀβάδδων). (Cremer, 453; DB, i, 125, 172.)†
Ἀπολλωνία, -ας, ἡ,
Apollonia, a city of Macedonia: Ac 17:1.†
Ἀπολλώς, -ώ, ὁ
(perh. contr. from Ἀπολλώνιος, Ac 18:24 D), Apollos: Ac 18:24 19:1, I Co 1:12 3:4-6, 22 4:6 16:12, Tit 3:13.†
ἀπολογέομαι, -οῦμαι
(< ἀπό, λόγος), [in LXX: Je 12:1 (ויבperhaps a misspelling of ריב #7378) 38 (31):6, II Mac 13:26*;] to defend: c. acc., Ro 2:15. to defend one's self: absol., Lk 21:14, Ac 26:1; seq. ὅτι, Ac 25:8; τί, to adduce something in one's defence, Lk 12:11, Ac 26:24 (ταῦτα) 24:10 (τὰ περὶ ἐμαυτοῦ); περί, c. gen. rei, and ἐπί, c. gen. pers., Ac 26:2; c. dat. pers., Ac 19:33, II Co 12:19.†
** ἀπολογία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀπολογέομαι), [in LXX: Wi 6:10*;] a speech in defence: Ac 25:16, II Co 7:11, Phl 1:7, 16, II Ti 4:16; c. dat. pers., I Co 9:3, I Pe 3:15; seq. πρός, Ac 22:1.†
[in LXX: Jb 9:30 (רחץ)*;] to wash off, wash away; mid., metaph., c. acc. rei, to wash off oneself: ἁμαρτίας, Ac 22:16; absol., ἀπελούσασθε, ye washed yourselves clean (cf. Cremer, 406), I Co 6:11.†
ἀπο-λύτρωσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀπολυτρόω, to release on payment of ransom, cf. λύτρον), [in LXX: Da (LXX) 4:30c*;] release effected by payment of ransom, redemption, deliverance; metaph., He 11:35; of deliverance thr. Christ from evil and the consequences of sin: Lk 21:28, Ro 3:24 (Vau., in l.) 8:23, I Co 1:30, Eph 1:7, 14 4:30, Col 1:14, He 9:15. (On the extent to wh. the word retains the sense of ransom, v. ICC, Ro., 3:24, Westc., He., 297 ff.; v. also ICC, Eph., 11; DCG, ii, 605; Cremer, 410; Deiss., LAE, 331; Lft., Notes, 271, 316; Tr., Syn., § lxxvii.)†
[in LXX for שׁוּב, etc., freq. in I-IV Mac;] to set free, release: Lk 13:12, Jo 19:10, al.; a debtor, Mt 18:27; metaph., of forgiveness, Lk 6:37. to let go, dismiss (Field, Notes, 9 f.): Mt 15:23, Lk 2:29 9:12, Ac 19:41, al.; of divorce, τ. γυναῖκα: Mt 1:19 5:31, 32 19:3, 8, 9, Mk 10:2, 4, 11, Lk 16:18; with ref. to Gk. and Rom. (net Jewish) custom, τ. ἄνδρα: Mk 10:12. Mid., to depart: Ac 28:25 (MM, s.v.).
** ἀπο-μάσσω
(< μάσσω, Att. -ττω, to touch, handle), [in LXX: To 7:17*;] to wipe off, wipe clean: mid., Lk 10:11.†
(< νέμω, to distribute), [in LXX: De 4:19 (חלק), III Mac 1:7 3:16*;] to assign, apportion: I Pe 3:7. (In π. of a Prefect who renders to all their dues; v. MM, s.v.)†
[in LXX for שׁטף, רחץ, מחה;] to wash off: mid. (reflex.), τ. χεῖρας, Mt 27:24.†
[in LXX for מלל, נפל, etc.;] to fall off: Ac 9:18.†
ἀπο-πλανάω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for נדח hi., נטה hi., שׁוּב pi.;] to cause to go astray; metaph., of leading into error: Mk 13:22; pass., to be led astray: I Ti 6:10.†
* ἀπο-πλέω, -ῶ,
to sail away: Ac 13:4 14:26 20:15 27:1 (Burton, 159).†
[in LXX chiefly for כּבס pi.;] to wash off: v.l. for πλύνω, Lk 5:2, Rec.†
[in LXX: Na 2:12 (13) (חנק pi.), To 3:8*;] to choke: Mt 13:7, Lk 8:7; pass., of drowning (= καταποντίζομαι), Lk 8:33.†
ἀπορέω, -ῶ
(< ἄπορος, ἀ- neg., πόρος, a way, resource), [in LXX for צרר, מוּךְ, etc.;] to be at a loss, be perplexed: absol., Mk 6:20 (ἐποίει, R, mg.); mid., be in doubt: absol., II Co 4:8; c. acc., Ac 25:20; seq. περί, Lk 24:4; ἐν, Ga 4:20; περὶ τίνος λέγει, Jo 13:22.† SYN.: διαπορέω, διακρίνομαι, διστάζω, μετεωρίζομαι (v. DCG, i, 491).
ἀπορία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀπορέω), [in LXX for בֶּהָלָה, etc.;] perplexity: Lk 21:25 (MM, s.v.; on the construction, v. Field, Notes, 74 f.).†
ἀπο-ρίπτω (Rec. -ρρίπτω, c1.),
[in LXX for שׁלךְ hi., etc.;] to throw away, cast forth: reflexively, Ac 27:43 (EV, cast themselves overboard; v. MM, s.v.).†
* ἀπ-ορφανίζω
(< ἀπό, ὀρφανός), to be bereaved (prop., of a parent, Lft., Notes, 36); metaph., I Th 2:17 (where Field thinks it = χωρισθέντες, Notes, 199).†
1 (KJV)
[in LXX: Le 14:36 (פּנה pi.)*;] to pack and carry off; mid., to pack and remove one's goods: Ac 21:15, Rec. (v. ἐπισ-).†
*† ἀπο-σκίασμα, -τος, τό
(< ἀποσκιάζω, to cast a shadow; v.s. σκία), a shadow: Ja 1:17 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀπο-σπάω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for נתק: ni., hi., etc.;] to draw off or away, tear away (MM, s.v.): Ac 20:30; μάχαιραν, draw a sword, Mt 26:51; pass., to be parted or withdrawn (Field, Notes, 134; but v. Thayer, s.v.), Lk 22:41, Ac 21:1.†
ἀποστασία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀφίστημι), [in LXX for מַעַל, etc.;] defection, apostasy, revolt; in late Gk. (MM, Exp., viii; Lft., Notes, 111; Cremer, 308) for cl. ἀπόστασις, freq. in sense of political revolt, in LXX (e.g. Jos 22:22, II Ch 29:19, Je 2:19) and NT always of religious apostasy: Ac 21:21, II Th 2:3.†
ἀποστάσιον, -ου, τό
(< ἀφίστημι), [in LXX; De 24:1, 3, Je 3:8, Is 50:1 (כְּרִיתֻת, כְּרִיתוּת)*;] in cl., only in phrase ἀποστασίου δίκη, an action against a freedman for forsaking his προστάτης (Dem.). In LXX, βιβλίον ἀποστασίου, a bill of divorce: Mt 19:7, Mk 10:4; in same sense ἀ. alone (MM, s.v.), Mt 5:31 (for other late exx., v. MM, s.v.; Kennedy, Sources, 121).†
** ἀπο-στεγάζω
(< στέγη), [in Sm.: Je 49:10 (29:11)*;] to unroof: Mk 2:4.†
[in LXX very freq., almost always for שׁלח;] prop., to send away, to dispatch on service; to send with a commission, or on service; of persons: Christ, Mt 10:40; the apostles, 10:16; servants, Mk 12:2; angels, 13:27; of things: ὄνος, Mt 21:3; τὸ δρέπανον, Mk 4:29; τ. λόγον, Ac 10:36; τ. ἐπαγγελίαν (i.e. the promised Holy Spirit), Lk 24:49, Rec.; seq. εἰς, Mt 20:2, Lk 11:49, Jo 3:17; ὀπίσω, Lk 19:14; ἔμπροσθεν, Jo 3:28; πρὸ προσώπου, Mt 11:10; πρός, Mt 21:34; with ref. to sender or place of departure: ἀπό, Lk 1:26 (Rec. ὑπό); παρά, Jo 1:6; ἐκ, Jo 1:19; ὑπό, Ac 10:17 (Rec. ἀπό); seq. inf., Mk 3:14, al.; ἵνα, Mk 12:2, al.; εἰς (of purpose), He 1:14; without direct obj.: seq. πρός, Jo 5:33; λέγων, Jo 11:3; ἀποστείλας, c. indic., Mt 2:16, Ac 7:14, Re 1:1. to send away, dismiss: Lk 4:18, Mk 5:10 8:26 12:3 (cf. ἐξ-, συν-αποστέλλω). SYN.: πέμπω, the general term. ἀ. "suggests official or authoritative sending" (v. Thayer, s.v. πέμπω; Westc., Jo., 298; Epp. Jo., 125; Cremer, 529; MM, s.v.).
ἀπο-στερέω, -ῶ
(< στερέω, to rob), [in LXX: Ex 21:10 (גּרע), De 24:14 (עשׁק), Ma 3:5, Si 4:1 29:6, 7 31 (34):21, 22*;] to defraud, deprive of, despoil (in cl. chiefly of the misappropriation of trust funds, Field, Notes, 33; cf. MM, s.v.): absol., Mk 10:19, I Co 6:8; c. acc. pers., I Co 7:5. Mid., endure deprivation: I Co 6:7 (WM, § 38, 3; but v. Bl., § 54, 5; M, Pr., 162); pass., ἀπεστερημένοι, bereft of: I Ti 6:5.†
ἀπο-στολή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἀποστέλλω), [in LXX: De 22:7, III Ki 4:34 9:16, Ps 77 (78):49, Ec 8:8, Ca 4:13 (for שׁלח and its cognates), I Es 9:51, 54, Je 39 (32):36, Ba 2:25, I Mac 2:18, II Mac 3:2*.] In cl., a sending away (MM, s.v.), as, an expedition (Hdt.). In LXX discharge, dismissal (Ec 8:8); a gift (III Ki 9:16, I Mac 2:13). In NT, the office of an Apostle of Christ, apostleship: Ac 1:25, Ro 1:5, I Co 9:2, Ga 2:8 (Cremer, 530).†
ἀπόστολος, -ου, ὁ
(< ἀποστέλλω), [in LXX; III Ki 14:6 A (שְׁלִיחַ)*;] a fleet, an expedition (Dem.). a messenger, one sent on a mission (Hdt., LXX, III Ki 14:6, and π.; v. M, Pr., 37 f.; MM, s.v.; M, Th., i, 2:7 and reff.): Jo 13:16, II Co 8:23, Phl 2:25. In NT, an Apostle of Christ with special ref. to the Twelve: Mt 10:2, Mk 3:14, Lk 11:49, Eph 3:5, Re 18:20, al., equality with whom is claimed by St. Paul, Ga 1:1, 11 ff, I Ti 2:7, a1.; in a wider sense of prominent Christian teachers, as Barnabas, Ac 14:14, apparently also Silvanus and Timothy, I Th 2:6, and perhaps Andronicus and Junias (Junia?), Ro 16:7 (v. ICC, in l.); of false teachers, claiming apostleship: II Co 11:5, 13, Re 2:2. (On the different uses of the term in NT, v. Lft., Gal., 92-101; Cremer, 530; DB, i, 126; DCG, i, 105; Enc. Br., ii, 196 ff.)
* ἀποστοματίζω
(< στόμα), In cl., to speak from memory, to dictate to a pupil (Plat.). In late Gk., to catechize, question: Lk 11:53 (MM, s.v.).†
[in LXX chiefly for שׁוּב;] trans., c. acc., to turn away, remove: Ro 11:26, II Ti 4:4; metaph., to turn away from allegiance, pervert: Lk 23:14; to turn back, return: μάχαιραν, Mt 26:52. Pass., reflex., to turn oneself away from: c. acc., Mt 5:42, II Ti 1:15, Tit 1:14, He 12:25; so act., absol., Ac 3:26 (cf. Si 8:5; Bl., § 53, 1; Cremer, 880).†
* ἀπο-στυγέω, -ῶ
(< στυγέω, to hate), to abhor: Ro 12:9.†
*† ἀποσυνάγωγος, -ον
(< συναγωγή), expelled from the congregation (Field, Notes, 96), excommunicated: Jo 9:22 12:42 16:2 (Cremer, 64, 607).†
[in LXX: Ec 2:20 (יאשׁ pi.), I Es 6:27, Je 20:2, I Mac4*;] to set apart. Mid., in late Gk. (Bl., § 37, 1; Swete, Mk., 136 f.; MM, s.v.), c. dat., to take leave of: Mk 6:46, Lk 9:61, Ac 18:18, 21, II Co 2:13; to forsake: Lk 14:33.†
** ἀπο-τελέω, -ῶ
[in LXX: I Es 5:73, I Mac 15:39*;] to bring to an end, complete, accomplish (cf. MM, s.v.): Lk 13:32, Ja 1:15.†
[in LXX chiefly for נוּחַ hi.;] to put off or aside; in NT always mid., to put off from oneself as a garment: τ. ἱμάτια, Ac 7:58; metaph., in ethical sense, to put of, lay aside: Ro 13:12, Eph 4:22, 25, Col 3:8, He 12:1, Ja 1:21, I Pe 2:1; to stow away, put: ἐν τ. φυλακῇ (MM, s.v.), Mt 14:3.†
[in LXX: Jg 16:20 A (נער ni.), I Ki 10:2 (נטשׁ), La 2:7 (נאר pi.)*;] to shake of: Lk 9:5, Ac 28:5.†
ἀπο-τίνω (or -τίω),
[in LXX chiefly for שׂלם pi.;] to pay off, repay: Phm 19 (MM, s.v.).†
* ἀπο-τολμάω, -ῶ,
to be quite bold, make a bold venture: Ro 10:20.†
**† ἀποτομία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀποτέμνω, to cut of), [in Sm.: Je 51 (28):35, Na 3:1*;] steepness, sharpness; metaph., severity (MM, s.v.): Ro 11:22.†
** ἀποτόμως,
adv., [in LXX: Wi 5:22*;] abruptly, curtly, hence sharply, severely: II Co 13:10, Tit 1:13 (MM, s.v.).†
** ἀπο-τρέπω,
[in LXX: Si 20:29 48:18, III Mac 1:23, IV Mac 1:33 16:12*;] to turn away; mid., to turn oneself away from: c. acc., II Ti 3:5.†
* ἀπουσία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄπειμι); absence (Æsch., Thuc.): Phl 2:12. deficiency, waste (MM, s.v).†
[in LXX for הלךְ, etc.;] to carry off, bear, or lead away: c. acc., Mk 15:1, I Co 16:3, Re 17:3 21:10. Pass., Lk 16:22, Ac 19:12.†
** ἀπο-φεύγω,
[in LXX: Si 22:22*;] to flee from, escape: c. acc., II Pe 2:18, 20; c. gen., II Pe 1:4.†
[in LXX for נבא, etc.;] to speak forth, give utterance: Ac 2:4, 14 26:25 (MM, s.v.).†
*† ἀπο-φορτίζομαι
(< φορτίζω, to load), to discharge a cargo (Field, Notes, 134), to unlade: c. acc., τ. γόμον, Ac 21:3.†
*† ἀπό-χρησις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀποχράομαι, to use to the full, abuse), abuse, misuse: Col 2:22 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀπο-χωρέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX: Je 26 (46):5 (סוּג), II Mac 4:33, III Mac 2:33*;] to go away, depart, withdraw: seq. ἀπό, Mt 7:23, Lk 9:39, Ac 13:13 (absol., Lk 20:20, Tr., mg.).†
[in LXX: Ez 43:21 (מִפְקָד)*;] to separate, part asunder: pass., Re 6:14; reflexively, to separate oneself: Ac 15:39.†
** ἀπο-ψύχω,
[in LXX: IV Mac 15:18*;] to breathe out life, expire (Thuc.; LXX, IV Mac 15:18). to leave off breathing, faint (Hom., Od., xxiv, 348): seq. ἀπό, Lk 21:26.†
Ἄππιος, -ου, ὁ,
Appius; Ἀππίου Φόρον, Appii Forum (Market of Appius), a town in Italy: Ac 28:15.†
*† ἀ-πρόσ-ιτος, -ον
(< πρόσειμι, to go to), unapproachable: φῶς, I Ti 6:16.†
**† ἀπρόσκοπος, -ον
(< προσκόπτω), [in LXX: Si 35 (32):21, III Mac 3:8*;] act., not causing to stumble: metaph., of not leading others into sin, I Co 10:32. Pass., not stumbling, without offence, blameless: Ac 24:16, Phl 1:10 (for exx., v. MM, s.v.).†
*† ἀπροσωπολήμπτως (Rec. -λήπτως, cl.),
adv. (< α- neg., προσωπολήμπτης), without respect of persons, impartially: I Pe 1:17.†
** ἄ-πταιστος, -ον
(< πταίω), [in LXX: III Mac 6:39*;] without stumbling, sure-footed: metaph. (MM, s.v.), Ju 24.†
[in LXX chiefly for נגע;] prop., to fasten to; hence, of fire, to kindle, light: Lk 8:16 11:33 15:8, Ac 28:2. Mid., c. gen., to fasten oneself to, cling to, lay hold of (so in π.; MM, s.v.): Mt 8:3, 15, Jo 20:17, al.; of carnal intercourse, I Co 7:1; with reference to levitical and ceremonial prohibitions, II Co 6:17, Col 2:21; of hostile action, I Jo 5:18 (cf. ἀν-, καθ-, περι- άπτω). SYN.: θιγγάνω, ψηλαφάω. ἅ. is the stronger, θ., to touch, the lighter term. ψ. is to feel, as in search of something (Tr., Syn., § xvii; Lft., Col., 201 f.).
Ἀπφία, -ας, ἡ,
Apphia: Phm 2 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀπ-ωθέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for זנח, מאס, etc.;] to thrust away. Mid., to thrust away from oneself, refuse, reject: c. acc. pers. (MM, s.v.), Ac 7:27, 39 13:46, Ro 11:1, 2, I Ti 1:19.†
ἀπώλεια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀπόλλυμι), [in LXX (Cremer, 797) for אבד, אֵיד, etc.;] destruction, waste, loss, perishing (in π., of money, v. MM, s.v.): Mt 26:8, Mk 14:4, Ac 8:20, Ro 9:22, I Ti 6:9, II Pe 2:1; in special sense of the loss of eternal life, perdition, the antithesis of σωτηρία: Mt 7:13, Jo 17:12, Phl 1:28 3:19, II Th 2:3, He 10:39, II Pe 2:3 3:7, 16, Re 17:8, 11 (DB, iii, 744).†
Ἅρ indecl., Re 16:16, v.s., Ἁρμαγεδών.
illative particle, expressing a more subjective or informal inference than οὖν, then: prop. (as in cl.), the second word in the sentence, Ro 7:21 8:1, Ga 3:7; ἐπεὶ ἄρα, I Co 7:14 (with another word between) 5:10; as the first word, Lk 11:48, Ac 11:18, Ro 10:17, I Co 15:18, II Co 5:15 7:12, He 4:9; so prop. in apodosis after protasis with εἰ, Mt 12:28, Lk 11:20, Ga 2:21 3:29 5:11, He 12:8 (κενὸν ἄρα), I Co 15:14; often in interrogations, direct and indirect, τίς (τί) ἄρα, Mt 18:1 19:25, 27 24:45, Mk 4:41, Lk 1:66 8:25 12:42 22:23, Ac 12:18; εἰ ἄρα, Mk 11:13, Ac 8:22; εἴπερ ἄρα, I Co 15:15; οὐκ ἄρα, Ac 21:38; μήτι ἄρα, II Co 1:17; in strengthened forms, ἄρα γε, ἄραγε, Mt 7:20 17:26, Ac 17:27, and more freq. ἄρα οὖν (Epp. Paul.), so then, Ro 5:18 7:3, 25 8:12 9:16, 18 14:12, 19, Ga 6:10, Eph 2:19, I Th 5:6, II Th 2:15 (Bl., § 77, 2; 78, 5; MM, s.v.).†
interrog. particle, implying anxiety or impatience, "quite rare and only in Luke and Paul, therefore a literary word" (Bl., §77, 2). (num igitur) expecting a neg. reply, Lk 18:8; ἆρά γε, Ac 8:30. (ergone) in apodosis, expecting an affirm. reply, Ga 2:17 (Bl., §77, 2; Lft., Ga., in l.; MM, s.v.).†
ἀρά, -ᾶς, ἡ,
[in LXX chiefly for אלה]; a prayer (MM, s.v.). (as in Homer) a curse, malediction: Ro 3:14(LXX).†
Ἀραβία, -ας, ἡ.
Arabia: Ga 1:17 4:25.†
ἀραβών, v.s. ἀρραβών.
ἄραγε, v.s. ἄρα.
ἆράγε, v.s. ἆρα.
Ἀράμ indec. (Heb. רָם),
Aram: Mt 1:3, 4, Lk 3:33 (R, txt., WH, Ἀρνεί).†
1 (KJV)
* ἄραφος, -ον (Rec. ἄρραφος,
< ῥάπτω, to sew) without seam: Jo 19:23.†
Ἄραψ, -αβος, ὁ,
an Arabian: Ac 2:11.†
ἀργέω, -ῶ
(< ἀργός), [in LXX: Es 4:24, Ec 12:3 (בּטל), I Es 2:30, Si 30:36 (33:27), II Mac 5:25*;] to be idle; τὸ κρίμα . . . ἀ., lingers (cf. MGr. ἀργά, late: MM, s.v.): II Pe 2:3.†
ἀργός, -όν
(in late Gk., incl. NT, , -όν; < ἀ- neg., ἔργον), [in LXX: III Ki 6:7 (מַסָּע?), Wi 14:5 15:15, Si 37:11 38:28*;] inactive, idle: Mt 20:3, 6, I Ti 5:13, Tit 1:12, II Pe 1:8. Metaph., of things, inactive, ineffective, worthless: ῥῆμα, Mt 12:36; πίστις, Ja 2:20 (v. Cremer, 259 f.).† SYN.: βραδύς, slow; νωθρός, sluggish (Tr., Syn., § civ).
ἀργύρεος (v. MM, s.v.), -οῦς, -ᾶ, -οῦν
(< ἄργυρος), [in LXX for כֶּסֶף;] of silver: Ac 19:24 (WH, br.), II Ti 2:20, Re 9:20.†
ἀργύριον, -ου, τό
(< ἄργυρος), [in LXX for כֶּסֶף (Ge 13:2, al.), exc. La 4:1 (כֶּתֶם);] prop., a piece of silver (Lft., Notes, 191); in NT, silver: Ac 3:6 7:16 19:19 20:33, I Co 3:12, I Pe 1:18; money: Mt 25:18, 27, Mk 14:11, Lk 9:3 19:15, 23 22:5, Ac 8:20; a silver coin: pl., Mt 26:15 27:3, 5, 6, 9 28:12, 15, where the value is that of a shekel or tetradrachm; ἀργυρίου μυριάδες πέντε (prob. drachmas; MM, s.v.), Ac 19:19.†
ἀργυροκόπος, -ου, ὁ
(< ἄργυρος, κόπτω, to beat), [in LXX: Jg 17:4, Je 6:29 (צֹרֵף)*;] a silversmith: Ac 19:24 (Plut.; π., v. MM, s.v.).†
ἄργυρος, -ου, ὁ
(< ἀργός, shining), [in LXX for כֶּסֶף;] silver (on its relation to ἀργύριον, v. MM, s.v.): Mt 10:9, Ac 17:29, Ja 5:5, Re 18:12.†
2 (KJV)
Ἄρειος Πάγος (T, Ἄριος Π.), -ου, ὁ,
Hill of Ares or Mars, Areopagus; also, the Court of Areopagus, the highest tribunal of Athens: Ac 17:19, 22.†
Ἀρεοπαγίτης (T, -είτης), -ου, ὁ (v. supr.),
a judge of the Court of Areopagus: Ac 17:34.†
ἀρεσκία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ
(< ἀρέσκω), [in LXX (-εία): Pr 31:30 (חֵן)*;] pleasing, desire to please: Col 1:10. In Gk. writers (Arist., Polyb.), most freq. in bad sense, but in π., Inscr., and in Philo, as above (v. Deiss., BS, 224; MM, s.v.; Cremer, 642).†
[in LXX chiefly for טוֹב;] to please (Hom., Hdt., al.): c. dat. pers., Mt 14:6, Mk 6:22, Ro 8:8 15:2, I Th 2:15 4:1, I Co 7:32, 33, 34, Ga 1:10, II Ti 2:4; seq. ἐνώπιον (= Heb. בּעֵנֵי, Bl., § 37, 1; 40, 7), Ac 6:5. In late Gk., esp. in Inscr., to render service to (v. M, Th., ICC, I Co., 7:32, 33, 34; Cremer, 640 f.); Ro 15:1, 3, I Co 10:33, I Th 2:4.†
ἀρεστός, -ή, -όν
(< ἀρέσκω), [in LXX for ישׁר, etc.;] pleasing, agreeable (Hdt., Xen., and later writers; v. Cremer, 641 f; MM, s.v.): c. dat. pers., Jo 8:29, Ac 12:3; seq. ἐνώπιον, c. gen. (Bl., § 37, 1; 40, 7), I Jo 3:22; ἀρεστόν ἐστιν, c. acc. et inf (Bl., § 69, 5; 72, 5), Ac 6:2.†
Ἀρέτας (WH, Ἀρ.; Intr., 313), -α, ὁ,
Aretas, an Arabian king: II Co 11:32 (Deiss., BS, 183 f., thinks the proper spelling Ἀρέθας was changed, as Schürer suggests, "by desire to Hellenise a barbaric name by assimilation to ἀρετή").†
ἀρετή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX, in sing.: Hb 3:3, Za 6:13 (הוֹד), in pl.: Is 42:8, 12 43:21 63:7 (תְּהִלָּה), Es 14:10, Wi 4:1 5:13 8:7, II-IV Mac22*;] prop., whatever procures pre-eminent estimation for a person or thing, in Hom. any kind of conspicuous advantage. Later confined by philos. writers to intrinsic eminence—moral goodness, virtue; of God: II Pe 1:3; of men: Phl 4:8, II Pe 1:5; pl. (Is 42:8, 12 43:21 63:7, Es 14:10), excellencies: I Pe 2:9 (the usage appears to be a survival of an early comprehensive sense in which the original idea is blended with the impression which it makes on others, i.e. praise, renown; v. Hort, I Pe., 129. Deiss., BS, 95 f., thinks it means manifestations of divine power, as in current Gk. speech; cf. also MM, s.v.)†
ἀρήν, ἀρνός, ὁ
(nom, not in use, exc. in early times: v. MM, s.v.), [in LXX for מְרִיא, כֶּבֶשׂ, etc.;] a lamb: Lk 10:3.†
ἀριθμέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for ספר pi., פּקד pi., etc.;] to number (esp. for payment, MM, s.v.): Mt 10:30, Lk 12:7, Re 7:9.†
ἀριθμός, -οῦ, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for מִסְפָּר;] number, a number: Lk 22:3, Jo 6:10, Ac 4:4 5:36 6:7 11:21 16:5, Ro 9:27, Re 5:11 7:4 9:16 13:17, 18 15:2 20:8 (for exx. of mystical use in π., v. MM, s.v.).†
(WH, Ἁρ.), -ας, ἡ, [in LXX: Ἁριμαθάιμ, I Ki 1:1, al. (רָמָתַיִם);] Arimathæa: Mt 27:57, Mk 15:43, Lk 23:51, Jo 19:38.†
Ἄριος, v.s. Ἄρειος.
Ἀρίσταρχος, -ου, ὁ
(< ἄριστος, ἀρχός; i.e. best-ruling), Aristarchus: Ac 19:29 20:4 27:2, Col 4:10, Phm 24.†
ἀριστάω, -ῶ
(< ἄριστον), [in LXX: Ge 43:25 (לֶחֶם אָכַל), I Ki 14:24 (לחם), III Ki 13:7 (סעד), To 2:1*;] prop., to breakfast: Jo 21:12, 15. In late Gk., to take a meal, dine: Lk 11:37.†
ἀριστερός, -ά, -όν,
[in LXX for שְׂמֹאל;] left, on the left: ὅπλα, II Co 6:7; ἡ ἀ. (sc. χείρ), Mt 6:3; ἐξ ἀριστερῶν, on the left (MM, s.v.): Mk 10:37, Lk 23:33.†
Ἀριστόβουλος, -ου, ὁ
(< ἄριστος, βουλή, i.e. best-counselling), Aristobulus, a Christian: Ro 16:10.†
ἄριστον, -ου, τό,
[in LXX: III Ki 3:1 (לֶחֶם), To 2:1, 4, al.;] 1, prop., breakfast. In late Gk. = cl. δεῖτνον, dinner: Mt 22:4, Lk 11:38 14:12.†
**† ἀρκετός, -ή, -όν
(< ἀρκέω), [in Aq.: De 25:2*;] sufficient: Mt 6:34 (on the neut., v. Bl., § 31, 2); seq. ἵνα (M, Pr., 210), Mt 10:25; c. inf., I Pe 4:3 (for exx., v. Deiss., BS, 257; MM, s.v.).†
ἀρκέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX for הוֹן, etc.;] to keep off; c. dat., to assist. to suffice: c. dat. pers., Jo 6:7, II Co 12:9; impers., Mt 25:9, Jo 14:8 (MM, s.v.). Pass., to be satisfied: c. dat. rei, Lk 3:14, I Ti 6:8, He 13:5; seq. ἐπί, III Jo 10.†
1 (KJV)
ἄρκος (Rec. (cl.) ἅρκιος),
[in LXX for דֹּב;]
-ου, ὁ, ἡ,
a bear: Re 13:2. (This form is also found in late Inscr.; MM, s.v.)†
ἅρμα, -τος, τό
(< ἀραρίσκω, to join), [in LXX רכב ;] a chariot: Ac 8:28, 29, 38, Re 9:9.†
Ἁρμαγεδών (WH, Ἃρ Μαγεδών; Rec. Ἀρμαγεδδών, prop. = הַר מְגִדּוֹ), cf. LXX, Μαγεδών, II Ch 35:22, Μαγεδώ, Jg 1:27;
Har-Magedon (AV, Armageddon): Re 16:16 (v. Swete, in l., but also Thayer, s.v.).†
(< ἁρμός), [in LXX for אמן, etc.;] to fit, join. of marriage, to betroth. Mid., to join to oneself, marry, take to wife; to give in marriage: II Co 11:2 (for this there is no direct parallel. But v. M, Pr., 160; MM, s.v.).†
** ἁρμός, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX: Si 27:2, IV Mac 10:5*;] a joining, joint: He 4:12.†
ἄρνας, v.s. ἀρήν.
Ἀρνεί (Rec. Ἀράμ), ὁ, indecl.,
Arnei: Lk 3:33.†
ἀρνέομαι, -οῦμαι, depon.,
[in LXX: Ge 18:15 (כּחשׁ pi.), Wi 12:27 16:16 17:10, IV Mac 8:7 10:15*;] to deny, say no, opp. to εἰπεῖν: absol., Mt 26:70, Lk 8:45; seq. ὅτι, I Jo 2:22; c. inf., He 11:24. In late Gk. (MM, s.v.), c. acc. pers., to deny, refuse to acknowledge, disown: Ac 3:14 7:35; Ἰησοῦν, Mt 10:33, II Ti 2:12, I Jo 2:22, Ju 4; ἑαυτόν, Lk 9:23, II Ti 2:13 (prove false to). C. acc. rei (in cl. to refuse), to deny, abjure: I Ti 5:8, Tit 2:12, II Ti 3:5 (cf. ἀπαρνέομαι)
ἀρνίον, -ου, τό
(dimin. of ἀρήν; v. MM, s.v.), [in LXX: Ps 113 (114):4, 6 (pl., עאֹן בְּנֵן), Je 11:19 (כֶּבֶשׁ), 27 (50):45 (צָעִיר)*;] a little lamb, a lamb: Jo 21:15, Re27.†
ἀροτριάω, -ῶ
(< ἄροτρον), [in LXX: De 22:10, al. (חרשׁ), Is 7:25 (עדר);] later form of ἀρόω, to plough (MM, s.v.): Lk 17:7, I Co 9:10.†
ἄροτρον, -ου, τό
(< ἀρόω, to plough), [in LXX chiefly for אֵת;] a plough: Lk 9:62.†
ἁρπαγή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἁρπάζω), [in LXX (as also ἅρπαγμα) for גָּזֵל, etc.;] pillage, plundering, robbery: Mt 23:25, Lk 11:39, He 10:34.†
*† ἁρπαγμός, οῦ, ὁ
(< ἁρπάζω); prop., acc., to the rule of its formation (Bl., § 27, 2), actively, the act of seizing, robbery (Plut., de Puer. Educ., p. 12A), Phl 2:6, AV (Waterland, Works, II, 108; Cremer, 649 f.; Meyer, in l.; cf. also JThS, July, 1909, April, 1911; MM, s.v.). Passively = ἅρπαγμα (Ez 22:25, of a lion's prey, טֶרֶף), a thing seized, hence, a prize: Phl 2:6, RV (Lft., Ellic., ICC, in l.; Donaldson, NCrat., 450 ff.; and esp. Gifford, The Incarnation, 59-71, and reff. in DB, ii, 835 B). The lexical data favour the active meaning, but as they also admit the possibility of the alternative, most modern expositors have accepted the latter as seeming to suit the logic of the passage better. The lexical difficulty, however, remains (MM, s.v., esp. the last ref.). As to the usage of St. Paul, he seems inclined to adopt the -μα form where it is appropriate (e.g. Ro 11:9, where cf. LXX; I Co 13:9, II Co 1:9), and there is certainly a presumption in favour of the active meaning here from the fact that he does not use the LXX ἅρπαγμα. Suggestions looking to a fresh exegesis are given in JThS, July, 1909, April, 1911.†
[in LXX chiefly for גּזל, טרף;] to seize, catch up, snatch away, carry off by force: c. acc. rei, Mt 12:29 13:19, Jo 10:12, 28, 29; τ. βασιλείαν τ. θεοῦ, Mt 11:12; c. acc. pers., Jo 6:15, Ac 8:39 23:10, Ju 23; pass., seq. ἕως, II Co 12:2; εἰς, II Co 12:4, I Th 4:17; πρός, Re 12:5 (cf. δι-, συν-αρπάζω, and v. MM, s.v.).†
ἅρπαξ, -αγος, ὁ, ἡ
(< ἁρπάζω), [in LXX: Ge 49:27 (טרף)*;] rapacious: Mt 7:15, Lk 18:11; as subst., a swindler, an extortioner (MM, s.v.), I Co 5:10, 11 6:10.†
ἀρραβών (T, ἀραβ-: II Co 1:22 5:5), -ώνος, ὁ,
[in LXX: Ge 38:17, 18, 20 (עֵרָבוֹן)*;] an earnest, part payment in advance for security, a first instalment: II Co 1:22 5:5, Eph 1:14. (The word is found in cl. and was prob. brought to Greece by the Phœnicians (AR, Eph., 1:14). It is found in π. with both spellings (v. Milligan, NTD, 73). In MGr. ἀρραβῶνα is an engagement ring; v. MM, s.v.)†
ἄρραφος, v.s. ἄραφος.
ἄρρην, v.s. ἄρσην.
** ἄρρητος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., ῥητός, ῥέω), [in Sm.: Le 18:23*;] unspoken (Hom., al.). unspeakable (Hat., al.; freq. in Inscr.; MM, s.v.): II Co 12:4.†
ἄρρωστος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., ῥώννυμι), [in LXX: III Ki 14:5Α, Ma 1:8 (חלה), Si 7:35*;] feeble, sickly: Mt 14:14, Mk 6:5, 13 16:[18], I Co 11:30.†
*† ἀρσενοκοίτης, -ου, ὁ
(< ἄρσην, κοιτή), a sodomite: I Co 6:9, I Ti 1:10.†
7 (KJV)
ἄρσην (ἄρρην, T, in Ro 1:27; Rec. in Re 12:5, 13), -ενος, ὁ, ἡ, ἄρσεν, τό
(old Attic for ἄρρην, v. supr.; both forms are found in π.; MM, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for זָכָר;] male: Mt 19:4, Mk 10:6, Lk 2:23, Ro 1:27, Ga 3:28, Re 12:5, 13.†
Ἀρτεμᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ,
Artemas: Tit 3:12.†
Ἄρτεμις, -ιδος, ἡ,
Artemis, an Asiatic goddess, to be disting. from the Gk. goddess of the same name: Ac 19:24, 27, 28, 34, 35.†
*† ἀρτέμων, -ωνος (Rec. -ονος),
(< ἀρτάω, to fasten to), a fore-sail or top-sail: Ac 27:40 (v. DB, ext., 366b, 399a; MM, s.v.).†
adv., [in LXX: Da LXX 9:22 10:11 (עַתָּה), al.;] adv., of coincidence, denoting strictly present time, as contrasted with past or future, just, just now, this moment: Mt 3:15 9:18 26:53, Jo 13:7, Ga 4:20, I Th 3:6 (v. Lft., Notes, 44; Milligan, in l.), Re 12:10; opp. to past time, Jo 9:19, 25 13:33, I Co 16:7, Ga 1:9, 10; to future, Jo 13:37 16:12, 31, I Co 13:12, II Th 2:7, I Pe 1:6, 8; ἄχρι τῆς ἄ. ὥρας, I Co 4:11; ἕως ἄ., Mt 11:12, Jo 2:10 5:17 16:24, I Co 4:13 8:7 15:6, I Jo 2:9; ἀπ᾽ ἄ., v.s. ἀπάρτι (v. Rutherford, NPhr., 70 f; MM, s.v.).† SYN.: νῦν, now, "the objective, immediate present; ἤδη, now, already, "the subjective present, with a suggested reference to some other time or to some expectation". (Thayer, 75.)
*† ἀρτι-γέννητος, -ον
(< ἄρτι, γεννάω), new-born: I Pe 2:2 (Luc.).†
* ἄρτιος, -α, -ον,
fitted, complete: II Ti 3:17 (MM, s.v.).†
ἄρτος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for לֶחֶם;] bread, a loaf: Mt 4:3, 4, Mk 3:20, al.; ἄρτοι τ. προθέσεως, bread of the setting forth, i.e. the shewbread. Metaph., ὁ ἄ. τ. θεοῦ, τ. ζωῆς, ref. to Christ, Jo 6:33, 35; in general, food: Mt 6:11, al.; ἄ. φαγεῖν (Heb. אֲכֹל לֶחֶם), to eat (MM, s.v.), Lu 14:1, al.
** ἀρτύω,
[in Sm.: Ca 8:2*;] to arrange, make ready (Hom.). Of food (as in comic writers), to season (MM, s.v.): Mk 9:50, Lk 14:34, Col 4:6.†
(Heb. אַרְפַּכְשַׁד), Arphaxad: Lk 3:36.†
*† ἀρχ-άγγελος, -ου, ὁ
(< ἄρχι-, ἄγγελος), archangel, a chief angel: I Th 4:16, Ju 9 (Cremer, 24; MM, s.v.).†
ἀρχαῖος, -αία, -αῖον
(< ἀρχή), [in LXX chiefly for קֶדֶם;] original, ancient: Mt 5:21, 33, Lk 9:8, 19, Ac 15:7, 21 21:16, II Co 5:17, II Pe 2:5, Re 12:9 20:2.† SYN.: παλαιός, old, without the reference to beginning and origin contained in ἀ. The distinction is observed in π. (MM, s.v.). ἀ. is the antithesis to καινός: παλ. to νέος (v. Westc., He., 223; Cremer, 116).
Ἀρχέλαος, -ου, ὁ,
Archelaus, son of Herod the Great, King of Judæa, Samaria and Idumæa: Mt 2:22.†
ἀρχή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX for קֶדֶם, רֹאשׁ, רֵאשִׁית, etc.;] beginning, origin; absol., of the beginning of all things: of God as the Eternal, the First Cause, Re 21:6 (cf. 1:8); similarly, of Christ, Re 22:13; of Christ as the uncreated principle, the active cause of creation, Re 3:14; in his relation to the Church, Col 1:18; ἐν ἀ., Jo 1:1, 2; ἀπ᾽ ἀ. (and ἀπ᾽ ἀ. κτισεως), Mt 19:4, 8 24:21, Mk 10:6 13:19, Jo 8:44, II Th 2:13, II Pe 3:4, I Jo 1:1 2:13, 14 3:8; κατ’ ἀρχάς, He 1:10; relatively: He 7:3; ἀ. ὠδίνων, Mt 24:8, Mk 13:9; τ. σημείων, Jo 2:11; τ. ὑποστάσεως, He 3:14; τ. λογίων, He 5:12; ὁ τ. ἀρχῆς τ. Χριστοῦ λόγος, the account of the beginning, the elementary view of Christ, He 6:1; ἀρχὴν λαμβάνειν, to begin, He 2:3; ἐξ ἀ., Jo 6:64 16:4; ἀπ’ ἀ., Lk 1:2, Jo 15:27, I Jo 2:7, 24 3:11, II Jo 5, 6; ἐν ἀ., Ac 11:15 26:4, Phl 4:15; τὴν ἀρχήν, adverbially, at all (Hdt., al.; v MM, s.v.): Jo 8:25. an extremity, a corner: Ac 10:11 11:5. sovereignty, principality, rule (cf. DB, i, 616 f.): Lk 12:11 20:20, Ro 8:38, I Co 15:24, Eph 1:21 3:10 6:12, Col 1:16 2:10, 15, Tit 3:1, Ju 6 (Cremer, 113).†
ἀρχηγός, -όν,
[in LXX for רֹאשׁ, נָשִׂיא etc.;] beginning, originating: more freq., as subst.; founder, author (Lat. auchor; so sometimes in π., v. MM, s.v.; Milligan, NTD, 75): Ac 3:15 (R, mg.), He 2:10 (R, txt.; but v. Westc., in l., and Page, Ac 3:15). prince, leader (so in MGr., v. Kennedy, Sources, 153): Ac 3:15 (R, txt.) 5:31, He 2:10 (cf. R, mg.) 12:2 (Cremer, 117).†
(ἄρχω), insep. prefix, denoting high office and dignity, freq. in Alex. and Byzant. Gk. (MM, s.v.).
*† ἀρχ-ιερατικός, -ή, -όν
(< ἀρχιερύς), high-priestly: Ac 4:6 (MM, s.v.).
ἀρχ-ιερεύς, -έως, ὁ,
[in LXX for כֹּהֵן, הַגָּדוֹל כּ״, הָרֹאשׁ כּ״;] high-priest: Mk 2:26 14:47, al.; of Christ: He 2:17 3:1, al. In pl., chief priests, including ex-high-priests and members of high-priestly families: Mt 2:4, Mk 8:31, al. (Cremer, 294; DCG, i, 297 f.; MM, s.v.).
**† ἀρχι-ποίμην, -ενος, ὁ,
[in Sm.: IV Ki 3:4*;] found on an Egyptian mummy label (Deiss., LAE, 97 ff.; cf. MM, s.v.); used by modem Greeks of tribal chiefs; chief shepherd. of Christ, I Pe 5:4.†
Ἄρχιππος, -ου, ὁ,
Archippus: Col 4:17, Phm 2.†
*† ἀρχισυνάγωγος, -ου, ὁ
(< συναγωγή), ruler of a synagogue, an administrative officer, supervising the worship (רֹאשׁ הַכְּנֵםֶת): Mk 5:22, 35, 36, 38, Lk 8:49 13:14, Ac 13:15 18:8, 17 (Inscr., v. MM, s.v.; cf. also DB, ext., 101).†
ἀρχι-τέκτων, -ονος, ὁ
(< τέκτων), [in LXX: Is 3:3 (חָרָשׁ) Si 38:27, II Mac 2:29*;] a master-builder, architect: I Co 3:10 (in π. of building contractors, MM, s.v.).†
*† ἀρχι-τελώνης, -ου, ὁ,
a chief tax-collector, chief publican: Lk 19:2.†
*† ἀρχι-τρίκλινος, -ου, ὁ
(< τρί-κλινος or -ον, a room with three couches) the superintendent of a banquet, whose duty it was to arrange the tables and food (DB, ii, 253): Jo 2:8, 9.†
[in LXX for חלל, משׁל, etc.;] to begin. to rule (v. DCG, ii, 538b.): c. gen., Mk 10:42, Ro 15:12. Mid., to begin: seq. ἀπό, Mt 16:21 20:8, Lk 14:18 23:5 24:27, 47, Jo 8:9, Ac 1:22 8:35 10:37, I Pe 4:17; c. inf., an Aramaic pleonasm, Mk 1:45 2:23 5:17, Lk 3:8, al. (v. M, Pr., 14 f.; Dalman, Words, 27; MM, s.v.).
ἄρχων, -οντος, ὁ
(pres. ptcp. of ἄρχω), [in LXX for נשׂא, רֹאשׁ, שַׂר, etc.;] a ruler, chief: Jesus, Re 1:5; rulers of nations, Mt 20:25, Ac 4:26 7:35; magistrates, Ac 23:5, Ro 13:3; judges, Lk 12:58, Ac 7:27, 35 16:19; members of the Sanhedrin, Lk 14:1 23:13, 35 24:20, Jo 3:1 7:26, 48 12:42, Ac 3:17 4:5, 8 13:27 14:5; rulers of synagogues, Mt 9:18, 23, Lk 8:41 18:18; οἱ ἄ. τ. αἰῶνος τούτου, I Co 2:6, 8; of the devil: ἄ. τῶν δαιμονίων, Mt 9:34 12:24, Mk 3:22, Lk 11:15; ὁ ἄ. τοῦ κόσμου, Jo 12:31 14:30 16:11; ἄ. τ. ἐξουσίας τ. ἀέρος, Eph 2:2 (MM, s.v.; DB, iii, 838; Ext., 99 f; DCG, ii, 419; DCG, s.v. Archon).†
ἄρωμα, -τος, τό,
[in LXX for בֹּשֶׂם;] spice: Mk 16:1, Lk 23:56 24:1, Jo 19:40.†
Ἀσά, v.s. Ἀσάφ.
ἀσαίνω, v.s. σαίνω.
ἀ-σάλευτος, -ον
(< σαλεύω), [in LXX: Ex 13:16, De 6:8 11:18 (טוֹטָפָוֹת)*;] unmoved, immovable: Ac 27:41; metaph., He 12:28.†
2 (KJV)
Ἀσάφ, indecl.
(Heb. אָסַף), Asaph, an obvious error for Ἀσά, found in the best texts, and adopted by LTTr. and WH, R, mg.: Mt 1:7, 8.†
ἄ-σβεστος, -ον
(< σβέννυμι), [in LXX for נפח לֹא, Jb 20:26 א3 A (ἄκαυστον, א2 B)*;] unquenched, unquenchable: πῦρ, Mt 3:12, Mk 9:43, Lk 3:17.†
ἀσέβεια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀσεβής), [in LXX for פֶּשַׁע, רֶשַׁע, etc.;] ungodliness, impiety: Ro 1:18 11:26, II Ti 2:16, Tit 2:12; ἔργα ἀσεβείας, ungodly deeds, Ju 15; ἐπιθυηίαι τ. ἀσεβειῶν, desires for ungodly things or deeds, Ju 18 (DB, iv, 532; Cremer, 523; MM, s.v.).†
ἀσεβέω, -ῶ
(< ἀσεβής), [in LXX for פּשׁע, רשׁע;] to be ungodly, act profanely: II Pe 2:6; c. cogn. acc. (MM, s.v.), Ju 15.†
ἀσεβής, -ές
(σέβω, to reverence), [in LXX chiefly for רשׁע;] ungodly, impious: Ro 4:5 5:6, I Ti 1:9, I Pe 4:18, II Pe 2:5, 6 3:7, Ju 4, 15.†
** ἀσέλγεια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀσελγής, licentious; v. MM, s.v.), [in LXX: Wi 14:26, III Mac 2:26*;] licentiousness, wantonness, excess: Mk 7:22, Ro 13:13, II Co 12:21, Ga 5:19 (Lft., in l.), Eph 4:19, I Pe 4:3, II Pe 2:2, 7, 18, Ju 4.† SYN.: ἀσωτία, profligacy, prodigality (v. Tr., Syn., § xvi; DB, iii, 46).
ἄσημος, -ον
(< σῆμα, a mark), [in LXX: Ge 30:42 (עטף), Jb 42:11, III Mac 1:3*;] without mark (in π. of an uncircumcised boy: Deiss., BS, 153; MM, s.v.). Metaph. (MM, s.v.), unknown, obscure: litotes, οὐκ ἄ (Eur., al.), πόλις, Ac 21:39.†
Ἀσήρ, , indecl. (Heb. אָשֵׁר),
Asher: Lk 2:36, Re 7:6.†
ἀσθένεια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀσθενής), [in LXX for כּשׁל, etc.;] weakness, frailty, sickness: Lk 13:11, 12, Jo 11:4, Ac 28:9, Ro 6:19 8:26, II Co 11:30 13:4, Ga 4:13 (MM, s.v.), He 5:2 7:28 11:34; ἐν ἀ., Jo 5:5, I Co 2:3 15:43, II Co 12:9; pl., Mt 8:17, Lk 5:15 8:2, II Co 12:5 12:9, 10, I Ti 5:23, He 4:15.† SYN.: μαλακία, νόσος (v. DB, iii, 323a).
ἀσθενέω, -ῶ
(< ἀσθενής), [in LXX chiefly for כּשׁל;] to be weak, feeble: Ac 20:35, Ro 8:3, II Co 11:21 12:10 13:4, 9; c. dat., πίστει (Cremer, 527), Ro 4:19 14:1; same implied, Ro 14:2, 21, I Co 8:11, 12, II Co 11:29; εἰς, II Co 13:3. Specif., of bodily debility, to be sick: Mt 25:36, 39, Lk 4:40, Jo 4:46 5:3, 7, 13 11:1-3, 6, Ac 9:37, Phl 2:26, 27, II Ti 4:20, Ja 5:14; οἱ ἀσθενοῦντες, the sick: Mt 10:8 (MM, s.v.), Mk 6:56, Lk 9:2, Ac 19:12.†
* ἀσθένημα, -τος, τό
(< ἀσθενής), an infirmity (MM, s.v.): Ro 15:1.†
* ἀσθενής, -ές
(< ἀ- neg., σθένος, strength), [in LXX for עָנִי, etc.;] without strength, weak, feeble: I Co 1:27 4:10 12:22, II Co 10:10, Ga 4:9, I Th 5:14, He 7:18, I Pe 3:7. Rhetorically, τό ἀ. τ. θεοῦ, God's action of apparent weakness: I Co 1:25; of bodily debility, sick, sickly: Mt 25:39 (Rec.) Mt 25:43, 44, Lk 9:2 (Rec.) 10:9, Ac 4:9 5:15, 16 In moral and spiritual sense (MM, s.v.; Cremer, 526), Mt 26:41, Mk 14:38, Ro 5:6, I Co 8:7, 8:9, 10 9:22 11:30.†
Ἀσία, -ας, ἡ,
Asia, the Roman province: Ac 2:9 6:9 16:6 19:1, 10, 22, 26 (M, Pr., 73), Ac 19:27 Ac 20:4, 16, 18 21:27 24:18 27:2, Ro 16:5, I Co 16:19, II Co 1:8, II Ti 1:15, I Pe 1:1, Re 1:4.†
Ἀσιανός, -ή, -όν,
Asian, of Asia, Asiatic; as subst., (οἱ) Ἀ.: Ac 20:4.†
*† Ἀσιάρχης, -ου, ὁ,
an Asiarch, one of ten officers elected by the various cities in the province of Asia whose duty it was to celebrate at their own charges the public games and festivals: Ac 19:31 (Strab., Inscr.; DB, s.v.).†
* ἀσιτία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄσιτος), fasting, abstinence from food: Ac 27:21.† SYN.: νηστεία (MM, ut infr.).
* ἄσιτος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., σῖτος), fasting, without eating (cf. MM, s.v.): Ac 27:33.†
** ἀσκέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX: II Mac 15:4*;] to adorn (poët.). to practise, exercise (Hdt., Xen.). to endeavour (Xen., al.): c. inf., Ac 24:16.†
ἀσκός, -οῦ, ὁ,
[in LXX for חֵמֶת, נֹאד, נֵבֶל;] a leather bottle, wine-skin: Mt 9:17, Mk 2:22, Lk 5:37, 38.†
** ἀσμένως,
adv. (< ἥδομαι, to be glad), [in LXX: II Mac 4:12 10:33, III Mac 3:15 5:21*;] gladly: Ac 21:17.†
ἄ-σοφος, -ον,
[in LXX: Pr 9:8 א2 A*;] unwise, foolish: Eph 5:15.†
ἀσπάζομαι depon.,
[in LXX: Ez 18:7, Jg 18:15 (לְשָׁלוֹם שָׁאַל), Es 5:2, I Mac 7:29, al.;] to welcome, greet, salute: c. acc. pers., Mt 5:47, Mk 9:15, Ac 21:7, al.; id. seq. ἐν φιλήματι, Ro 16:16, I Co 16:20, II Co 13:12, I Th 5:26, I Pe 5:14; τ. ἐκκλησίαν (Deiss., BS, 257), Ac 18:22; as term. tech. for conveying greetings at the end of a letter (MM, s.v.), used by an amanuensis (Milligan, NTD, 23), Ro 16:22 (on the aoristic pres., here and elsewhere, v. M, Pr., 119; Bl., § 56, 4); κατήντησαν . . . ἀσπασάμενοι (on this constr., v. Bl., § 58, 4; M, Pr., 132, 238), Ac 25:13 (cf. ἀπ-ασπάζομαι).†
* ἀσπασμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἀσπάζομαι), a salutation (so always in RV), greeting: oral, Mt 23:7, Mk 12:38, Lk 1:29, 41, 44 11:43 20:46; written, I Co 16:21, Col 4:18, II Th 3:17.†
**† ἄ-σπιλος, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., σπῖλος), [in Sm.: Jb 15:15 (LXX, καθαρός)*;] spotless, unstained: I Pe 1:19; metaph., I Ti 6:14, Ja 1:27, II Pe 3:14 (for exx., v. MM, s.v.).† SYN.: ἀμίαντος, ἄμωμος.
ἀσπίς, -ίδος, ἡ,
[in LXX for פֶּתֶן, etc.;] an asp: Ro 3:13.†
* ἄσπονδος, -ον
(< σπονδή, a libation); without truce (Thuc.). admitting of no truce, implacable (Dem., al.): II Ti 3:3.†
*† ἀσσάριον, -ον, τό
(dim. of Lat. as), an assarion, a farthing, one-tenth of a drachma: Mt 10:29, Lk 12:6 (MM, s.v.; DB, iii, 428; DCG, ii, 200).†
* ἆσσον (Rec., after Vg., Ἄσσον),
adv. (compar. of ἄγχι, near), nearer: Ac 27:13 (RV, close in shore; v. Bl., § 11, 3; 44, 3; poets, Ion, and late prose).†
Ἄσσος, -ου
(also Ἀσσός, -οῦ), , Assos, a city on the E. coast of Asia Minor: Ac 20:13, 14 (v.s. ἆσσον).†
**† ἀστατέω, -ῶ
(< ἄστατος, unstable), [in Aq.: Is 58:7 (LXX, ἄστεγος)*;] to be unsettled, be homeless, lead a vagabond life (Cremer, 738 MM, s.v.): I Co 4:11.†
ἀστεῖος, -ον
(< ἄστυ, a city), [in LXX: Ex 2:2 (טוֹב), Nu 22:32 (οὐκ ἀ. ירט), Jg 3:17 (בָּרִיא), Jth 11:23, Da LXX, Sus 7, II Mac 6:23*;] of the town. (Like Lat. urbanus), courteous, elegant (in π., of clothing, MM, s.v.), comely, fair (as in Ex 2:2), He 11:23, Ac 7:20.†
ἀστήρ, -έρος, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for כּוֹכָב;] a star: Mt 2:2, 7, 9, 10, Mk 13:25, I Co 15:41, Re 6:13 8:10, 11, 12 9:1 12:1, 4; metaph., ὁ ἀ. ὁ πρωϊνός Re 2:28 22:16; ἀ. πλαῆται, Ju 13; ἀ. ἑπτά, symbolizing the angels of the seven churches, Re 1:16, 20 2:1 3:1 (cf. ἄστρον, and v. DCG, ii, 674 f.; MM, s.v.).†
*† ἀ-στήρικτος, -ον
(< στηρίζω), unstable, unsettled: II Pe 2:14 3:16.†
* ἄστοργος, -ον
(< στοργή, family affection, love of kindred, v.s. ἀγάπη), without natural affection: Ro 1:31, II Ti 3:3 (MM, s.v.).†
**† ἀστοχέω, -ῶ
(στόχος, a mark), [in LXX: Si 7:19 8:9*;] to miss the mark, fail: c. gen., I Ti 1:6 (so in π., MM, s.v.); seq. περί, I Ti 6:21, II Ti 2:18.†
ἀστραπή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX for בָּרָק;] lightning: Mt 24:27 28:3, Lk 10:18 17:24; pl., Re 4:5 8:5 11:19 16:18; of a lamp, shining brightness, Lk 11:36.†
[in LXX for בּרק;] to lighten, flash forth: Lk 17:24 24:4 (MM, s.v.).†
ἄστρον, -ου, τό,
[in LXX chiefly for כּוֹכָב;] mostly in pl. (as in cl.), the stars: Lk 21:25, Ac 27:20, He 11:12; in sing. (Xen., al.), only of some noted star; the symbol or image of a star, Ac 7:43 (cf. ἀστήρ, and v. MM, s.v.).†
Ἀσύγκριτος, v.s. Ἀσύνκριτος.
** ἀ-σύμφωνος, -ον,
[in LXX: Wi 18:10, Da, LXX, Bel 15*;] dissonant, discordant; metaph., at variance: πρὸς ἀλλήλους, Ac 28:25.†
ἀ-σύνετος, -ον
[in LXX: De 32:21 (נָבָל), Jb 13:2 (נפל), Ps 91 (92):6 (כְּסִיל), Ps 75 (76):5, Wi2, Si6*;] without understanding or discernment: Mt 15:16, Mk 7:18 (Swete, in l.), Ro 1:21, 31 10:19 (for an ex. of its use in the moral sense, v. MM, s.v.).†
ἀ-σύν-θετος, -ον
(< συντίθεμαι; v. M, Pr., 222; MM, s.v.), [in LXX: Je 3:7, 8, 10, 11 (בּגד)*;] false to engagements, not keeping covenant, faithless (MM, s.v.): Ro 1:31.†
Ἀσύνκριτος (Rec. Ἀσύγκρ.), -ου, ὁ,
Asyncritus: Ro 16:14.†
ἀσφάλεια, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀσφαλής), [in LXX for בֶּטַח, etc.;] firmness. certainty: Lk 1:4. security: Ac 5:23, I Th 5:3. (In π. it is used as a law-term, proof, security; v. MM, s.v.; M, I Th 5:3.)†
ἀσφαλής, -ές
(< ἀ- neg., σφάλλω, to trip up), [in LXX for אשׁר pu., etc.;] certain, secure, safe: Ac 21:34 22:30 25:26, Phl 3:1, He 6:19 (MM, s.v.).†
(< ἀσφαλής), [in LXX: Ne 3:15 (חזק hi.), Is 41:10 (תּמךְ), Wi 4:17 10:12 13:15*;] to make firm, secure: mid., Mt 27:65, 66, Ac 16:24; pass., Mt 27:64 (MM, s.v.).†
adv., [in LXX: Ge 34:25 (בֶּטַח), To 6:4, Wi 18:6, Ba 5:7, I Mac 6:40, III Mac 7:6*;] safely: Mk 14:44, Ac 16:23; assuredly: Ac 2:36.†
ἀσχημονέω, -ῶ
(< ἀσχήμαων), [in LXX: Ez 16:7, 22, 39 23:29 (עֶרְיָה); De 25:3 (קלה ni.)*;] to act unbecomingly, behave dishonourably: I Co 13:5; seq. ἐπί, I Co 7:36 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀσχημοσύνη, -ης, ἡ
(< ἀσχήμων), [in LXX chiefly for עֶרְוָה;] unseemliness: Ro 1:27 (MM, s.v.); euphemism for ἡ αἰσχύνη, as freq. in LXX, shame, nakedness: Re 16:15.†
ἀσχήμων, -ον
(< ἀ- neg., σχῆμα), [in LXX: Ge 34:7 (נְבָלָה), De 24:1 (עֶרְוָה), Wi 2:20, Da TH Sus 63, II Mac 9:2*;] shapeless. uncomely, unseemly: I Co 12:23.†
ἀσωτία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀ- neg., σώζω), [in LXX: Pr 28:7 (זלל), II Mac 6:4*;] prodigality, wastefulness, profligacy: Eph 5:18, Tit 1:6, I Pe 4:4 (MM, s.v.).† SYN.: ἀσέλγεια, q.v.
* ἀσώτως,
adv. (< ἄσωτος, prodigal, wasteful), [in LXX for סרר, Pr 7:11*;] wastefully: Lk 15:13 (EV, in riotous living; but not necessarily dissolute; cf. MM, ut supr.; Milligan, NTD, 79).†
* ἀτακτέω, -ῶ
(< ἄτακτος), primarily, of soldiers marching, to be out of order, to quit the ranks; hence, metaph., to be remiss, fail in the performance of duty (in π., of truancy on the part of an apprentice): II Th 3:7 (on ἀ. and its cognates, v. M, Th., 152 ff.; MM, s.vv.).†
** ἄ-τακτος, -ον
(< τάσσω), [in LXX: III Mac 1:19*;] out of order, out of place (Lat. inordinatus), freq. of soldiers not keeping the ranks, or an army in disarray (cf. III Mac 1:19); hence, metaph., irregular, disorderly (v. previous word): I Th 5:14.†
** ἀ-τάκτως,
adv., [in Sm.: IV Ki 9:20*;] disorderly, irregularly: II Th 3:6, 11.†
ἄτεκνος, -ον
(< τέκνον), [in LXX: Ge 15:2, Le 20:20, 21 (עֲרִירִי), Is 49:21, Je 18:21 (שׁכל), Si 16:3*;] childless: Lk 20:28, 29.†
** ἀτενίζω
(< ἀτενής, strained, intent; < τείνω), [in LXX: I Es 6:28, III Mac 2:26*;] to look fixedly, gaze (MM, s.v.): c. dat. pers., gaze upon: Lk 4:20 22:56, Ac 3:12 10:4 14:9 23:1; seq. εἰς, c. acc. pers., Ac 3:4 6:15 13:9; metaph., Ac 1:10 7:55 11:6, II Co 3:7, 13.†
** ἄτερ,
prep., [in LXX: II Mac 12:15*;] in cl. most freq. in poets; without, apart from: c. gen., Lk 22:6, 35 (for exx. from π., v. MM, s.v.).†
(< ἄτιμος), [in LXX for בּוּז, קלה, etc.;] to dishonour, insult: Mk 12:4, TTr., mg., WH, Lk 20:11, Jo 8:49, Ro 2:23, Ja 2:6; pass.: Ac 5:41, Ro 1:24 (cf ἀτιμάω).†
* ἀ-τιμάω, -ῶ
(< τιμή), to dishonour, despise: c. acc. pers., Mk 12:4, LTr., txt. (cf. ἀτιμάζω).†
ἀτιμία, -ας, ἡ
(ἄτιμος), [in LXX for כְּלִמָּה, קָלוֹן, etc.;] dishonour, disgrace: I Co 11:14, II Co 6:8; εἰς ἀ., Ro 9:21, II Ti 2:20; ἐν ἀ., I Co 15:43; κατ᾽ ἀ., II Co 11:21; πάθη ἀτιμίας, base passions, Ro 1:26.†
ἄτιμος, -ον
(< τιμή), [in LXX: Is 3:5 (קלה ni.), Is 53:3 (בּזה), Jb 30:4, 8 (בְּלִי־שֵׁם), Wi5, Si1*;] without honour, dishonoured, despised: Mt 13:57, Mk 6:4, I Co 4:10; comp., I Co 12:23.†
ἀτιμόω, -ῶ
(< ἄτιμος), [in LXX chiefly for בּזה;] = ἀτιμάζω, to dishonour, treat with indignity: Mk 12:4, Rec.†
ἀτμίς, -ίδος, ἡ,
[in LXX for עָנָן, תִּימָרָה, etc.;] vapour: Ja 4:14; ἀ. καπνοῦ, Ac 2:19(LXX).†
** ἄ-τομος, -ον
(< τέμνω), [in Sm.: Is 54:8 (MM, s.v.)*;] indivisible; of time, ἄτομον, a moment: ἐν ἄ., I Co 15:52.†
ἄ-τοπος, -ον
(< τόπος), [in LXX: Jb 4:8 11:11, Pr 30:20 (24:55), al., for אָוֶן, etc.;] out of place, not befitting. marvellous, strange (of symptoms, Hipp.): Ac 28:6; hence, in late Greek, with ethical sense, improper, unrighteous (so in LXX, and for exx. from π., v. M, II Th., 3:2; MM, s.v.): Lk 23:41, Ac 25:5, II Th 3:2.†
Ἀτταλία (Rec. -άλεια), -υς, ἡ,
Attalia, a city of Pamphylia: Ac 14:25.†
(< αὐγή), [in LXX: Le 13:24-26, 28, 38 14:56 (בַּהֶרֶת) 13:39 (כֵּהֶה)*;] Trans. (cl.), to irradiate. Intrans. (poët.), to see clearly (so perh. II Co 4:4; MM, s.v.); as in LXX, to shine forth: II Co 4:4 (cf. δι-, κατ-αυγάζω).†
αὐγή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX: Is 59:9 (נְגֹהָה), II Mac 12:9*;] brightness Later (as in MGr.; MM, s.v.), daylight, dawn: Ac 20:11 (Cremer, 118).† SYN.: φέγγος (v. Thayer, s. φ.; DB, iii, 44a; Tr., Syn., § xlvi).
Αὔγουστος, -ου, ὁ
(Lat.), Augustus, the Roman Emperor: Lk 2:1 (cf. Σεβαστός; and v. MM, s.v.).†
αὐθάδης, -ες
(< αὐτός, ἥδομαι), [in LXX: Ge 49:3, 7 (עַז), Pr 21:24 (יָהִיר)*;] self-pleasing, arrogant: Tit 1:7, II Pe 2:10 (Cremer, 654).† SYN.: φίλαυτος (v. Tr., Syn., § xciii).
** αὐθαίρετος, -ον
(< αὐτός, αἱρέομαι), [in Sm.: Ex 35:5, 22*;] self-chosen. of one's own accord: II Co 8:3, 17.†
*† αὐθεντέω, -ῶ
(< αὐθέντης, i.e. αὐτο- ἕντης, one who acts on his own authority, in π., an autocrat; cf. Wi 12:6; cf. -ία, III Mac 2:29; -ικος is freq. in vernacular, MM, s.v.), to govern, exercise authority over: I Ti 2:12.†
** αὐλέω, -ῶ
(< αὐλός), [in Al.: III Ki 1:40*;] to play on a flute, to pipe: mid., Mt 11:17, Lk 7:32, I Co 14:7.†
αὐλή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX chiefly for חָצֵר;] in Hom., an open courtyard before a house, hence, an enclosure in the open, a sheepfold: Jo 10:1, 16. the court, courtyard, round which a house is built: Mt 26:3, 58, 69, Mk 14:54, 66 15:16, Lk 11:21 22:55, Jo 18:15; τ. ναοῦ, Re 11:2. a dwelling, a palace (so, acc. to Grimm-Th., s.v.): Mt 26:3, 58, Mk 14:54 15:16, Lk 11:21, Jo 18:15 (but v. MM, s.v.; cf. also DB, ii, 25, 287).†
* αὐλητής, -οῦ, ὁ
(< αὐλέω), a flute-player: Mt 9:23, Re 18:22 (MM, s.v.).†
(< αὐλή), [in LXX chiefly for לון, לון;] prop., to lodge in a courtyard. to lodge in the open. to pass the night, lodge (LXX; MM, s.v.): Mt 21:17, Lk 21:37.†
αὐλός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἄω, to blow), [in LXX chiefly for חָלִיל;] a pipe: I Co 14:7.†
(and the earlier form αὔξω, Eph 2:21, Col 2:19; MM, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for פּרה;] trans., to make to grow: I Co 3:6, 7, II Co 9:10. Pass., to grow, increase, become greater: Mt 13:32, Mk 4:8, II Co 10:15, Col 1:6; τῇ ἐπιγνώσει τ. θεοῦ, Col 1:10; εἰς σωτηρίαν, I Pe 2:2. In later Gk. (but nowhere in LXX), intrans., to grow, increase: of plants, Mt 6:28, Lk 12:27 13:19; of infants, Lk 1:80 2:40; of a multitude, Ac 7:17; of the increase of the Gospel: ὁ λόγος ηὔξανε, Ac 6:7 12:24 19:20; of Christ as a leader, Jo 3:30; of Christian character: εἰς Χριοτόν, Eph 4:15; εἰς ναόν, Eph 2:21; ἐν χάριτι, II Pe 3:18; τὴν αὔξησιν τ. θεσῦ, Col 2:19 (cf. συν, ὑπερ-αυξάνω).†
** αὔξησις, -εως, ἡ
(< αὔξω), [in LXX: II Mac 5:16*;] increase, growth: Eph 4:16, Col 2:19.†
αὔξω, v.s. αὐξάνω.
a breeze: τ. πνεούσῃ (sc. αὔρᾳ), Ac 27:40.†
adv., [in LXX for מָחָר;] to-morrow: Mt 6:30, Lk 12:28, Ac 23:20 25:22, I Co 15:32, Lk 13:32, 33, Ja 4:13; ἡ αὔ. (sc. ἡμέρα, MM, s.v.), Mt 6:34, Ac 4:3; ἐπὶ τὴν αὔ., Lk 10:35, Ac 4:5; τὸ (WH om.) τῆς αὔ. Ja 4:14.†
** αὐστηρός, -ά, -όν
(< αὔω, to dry up), [in LXX: II Mac 14:30*;] prop., stringent, harsh to the taste. Metaph., in Inscr., of a rough country; of disposition and manners, strict, severe (as in π., of an inspector; MM, s v): Lk 19:21, 22.† SYN.: σκληρός (Tr., § xiv).
* αὐτάρκεια, -ας, ἡ
(< αὐτάρκης, q.v.), sufficiency (MM, s.v.): in subjective sense (v. Milligan, NTD, 57), II Co 9:8; contentment: I Ti 6:6.†
αὐτάρκης, -ες
(< αὐτός, ἀρκέω), [in LXX: Pr 24:31 (30:8) (חֹק), Si 5:1 11:24 34 (31):28 40:18, IV Mac 9:9*;] as in cl., in philosophical sense, self-sufficient, independent; subjectively, contented: Phl 4:11 (in non-lit. π., the word means simply enough, sufficient; MM, s.v.).†
*† αὐτο-κατά-κριτος, -ον
(< αὐτός, κατακρίνω), self-condemned: Tit 3:11 (Eccl., Cremer, 377; MM, s.v.).†
αὐτόματος, -ον, and -η, -ον
(etym. doubtful; v. Boisacq, Prellwitz, s.v.), [in LXX, Le 25:5, 11, IV Ki 19:29 (סָפִיחַ), Jos 6:5, Jb 24:24, Wi 17:6*;] of persons, acting of one's own will. Of inanimate things and natural agencies, of itself, of its own accord: γῆ, Mk 4:28 (MM, s.v.); πύλη, Ac 12:10.†
* αὐτόπτης, -ου, ὁ,
an eye-witness: Lk 1:2.†
αὐτός, -ή, -ό,
determinative pron., in late Gk. much more freq. than in cl. (WM, 178 f.; Jannaris, HGG, §1399). Emphatic (so always in nom. exc. when preceded by the art., v. infr., iii); self (ipse), expressing opposition, distinction, exclusion, etc., αὐ. ἐκχυθήσεται, Lk 5:37; αὐ. ἐγινώσκεν, Jo 2:25; αὐ. ὑμεῖς, Jo 3:28; καὶ αὐ. ἐγώ, Ro 15:14; αὐ. Ἰησοῦς, Jo 2:24; αὐ. καὶ οἱ μετ’ αὐτοῦ, Mk 2:25; ὑμεῖς αὐ., Mk 6:31; esp. (as freq in cl.) αὐ. ὁ, Mt 3:4, Mk 6:17, Jo 16:27, I Th 3:11, al.; in late Gk., sometimes weakened, ἐν αὐτῇ τ. ὥρᾳ, in that hour, Lk 10:21 (M, Pr., 91; MM, s.v.); emphatic, he, she, it (M, Pr., 86; Bl., § 48, 1, 2, 7), Mt 1:21 12:50, Lk 6:35, al.; pointing to some one as master (cl.), Mt 8:24, Mk 4:38, al.; αὐ., καὶ αὐ. = οὗτος, ὁ δε (Bl., § 48, 1), Mt 14:2, Mk 14:15, 44, Lk 1:22 2:28, al. In oblique cases (cl.), for the simple pron. of 3rd pers., he, she, it, Mt 7:9, 10:12, 26:44, al.; with ptcp. in gen. absol., Mt 9:18, Mk 13:1, al. (for irreg. constructions, V. Bl., § 74, 5); pleonastically after the relative (cf. Heb. אֲשֶׁר לֹו; WM, 184 ff.; Bl., § 50, 4; MM, s.v.), Mk 7:25, Re 3:8, 7:2, al.; in constr. ad sensum, without proper subject expressly indicated, Mt 4:23, Ac 8:5, II Co 2:13, al.; gen. αὐτοῦ = ἐκείνου, Ro 11:11, I Th 2:19, Tit 3:5, He 2:4. , , τὸ αὐ., the same: He 1:12, 13:8; τὸ αὐ., ποιεῖν, Mt 5:46, 47, al.; φρονεῖν, Ro 12:16 15:5, Phl 2:2, al.; τὰ αὐ., Ac 15:27, Ro 2:1, al.; κατὰ τὸ (τὰ) αὐ. (MM, s.v.), Ac 14:1, Lk 6:23, al.; ἐπὶ τὸ αὐ., together (MM, s.v.), Mt 22:34, Ac 1:15, al.; ἓν κ. τὸ αὐ., I Co 11:5, 12:11; c. dat. (cl.), I Co 11:5; with a noun, λόγος, Mk 14:39; μέτρος, Phl 1:30; πνεῦμα, I Co 12:4.
adv., prop. neut. gen. of αὐτός, [in LXX for פֹּה, בָּזֶה;] there: Mt 26:36, Mk 6:33, WH, mg., Lk 9:27, Ac 15:34, WH, mg., R, mg., 18:19 21:4.†
αὑτοῦ, -ῆς, -οῦ,
= ἑαυτοῦ (q.v.), Mt 6:34, Lk 12:17, al. (MM, s.v.).
1 (KJV)
** αὐτόφωρος, -ον
(< αὐτός, φώρ, a thief), [in Sm.: Jb 34:11*;] prop. with ref. to theft, then generally, in the very act: as freq., neut. dat. after ἐπί, Jo 8:4 (Rec., ἐπαυτοφώρῳ).†
* αὐτό-χειρ, -ρος, ὁ, ἡ
(< αὐτός, χείρ), with one's own hand: Ac 27:19.†
* αὐχέω, -ῶ,
(< αὔχη, boasting), to boast: c. acc. (MM, s.v.), μεγάλα αὐχεῖ (Rec. μεγαλαυχεῖ, q.v.), Ja 3:5.†
* αὐχμηρός, -ά, -όν
(< αὐχμός, drought); dry. squalid, dismal: II Pe 1:19 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀφ-αιρέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX (Cremer, 615 f.) for סור, עבר, רום, כּרת, etc. (35 words in all);] to take from, take away, take off: c. acc., τὸ ὠτίον, Mt 26:51, Mk 14:47 (ὠτάριον, WH), Lk 22:50 (οὖς); ὄνειδος, Lk 1:25; seq. ἀπό, Re 22:19, Lk 16:3 (mid.); pass., c. gen., Lk 10:42; ἀ. ἁμαρτίος, He 10:4, Ro 11:27 (mid.) (MM, s.v.).†
ἀφανής, -ές
(< φαίνω), [in LXX: Ne 4:8 (2), Jb 24:20, Si 20:30 41:14, II Mac 3:34*;] unseen, hidden: He 4:13.†
(< ἀφανής), [in LXX for שׁמם ni., שׁמד hi., etc.;] to make unseen, hide from sight (Xen., al.). Later (MM, s.v.), to destroy: Mt 6:19, 20; to disfigure: Mt 6:16. Pass., to vanish: Ja 4:14; to perish: Ac 13:41(LXX).†
ἀφανισμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ἀφανίζω), [in LXX chiefly for שַׁמָּה, שְׁמָמָה;] vanishing: He 8:13.†
* ἄφαντος, -ον
(< φαίνομαι), poët. and late prose (MM, s.v.), invisible, hidden: Lk 24:31.†
*† ἀφεδρών, -ῶνος, ὁ
(cf. ἄφεδρος, Le 12:5) = cl. ἄφοδος (MM, s.v.), a privy, drain: Mt 15:17, Mk 7:19 (ὀχετόν, WH, mg.).†
* ἀφειδία (L, -εία), -ας, ἡ
(< ἀφειδής, unsparing); extravagance. unsparing treatment, severity: Col 2:23.†
ἀφεῖδον, v.s. ἀπεῖδον.
*† ἀφελότης, -ητος, ἡ
= cl. ἀφέλεια (v. MM, s.v.), simplicity: Ac 2:46.†
ἄφεσις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀφίημι), [in LXX for יוֹבֵל, דְּרוֹר, etc. (v. Deiss., BS, 98 ff.; MM, s.v.);] dismissal, release: Lk 4:18. Metaph., of sins (never in LXX), pardon, remission of penalty: ἁμαρτιῶν, Mt 26:28, Mk 1:4, Lk 1:77 3:3 24:47, Ac 2:38 5:31 10:43 13:38 26:18, Col 1:14; παραπτωμάτων, Eph 1:7; absol., Mk 3:29, He 9:22 10:18 (cf. DB, ii, 56; DCG, i, 437, ii, 605; Cremer, 297 f.).† SYN.: πάρεσις, q.v. (and cf. Tr., § xxxiii).
ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< ἅπτω, to fasten, fit), [in LXX for נֶגַע, freq. in Le;] a joint (MM, s.v.): Eph 4:16, Col 2:19 (Lft., in l.).†
**† ἀφθαρσία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἄφθαρτος), [in LXX: Wi 2:23 6:19, IV Mac 9:22 17:12*;] incorruptibility, immortality: Ro 2:7, I Co 15:42, 50, 53, 54, II Ti 1:10; ἀγαπώντων . . . ἐν ἀ., Eph 6:24 (v. AR, in l.).†
** ἄ-φθαρτος, -ον
(< φθείρω), [in LXX: Wi 12:1 18:4*;] imperishable, immortal; of things: I Co 9:25, I Pe 1:4, 23 3:4; of persons: of men, I Co 15:52; of God, Ro 1:23, I Ti 1:17 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀ-φθορία, -ας, ἡ,
(< φθείρω), [in LXX: Hg 2:18, (17) (שִׁדָּפוֹן)*;] uncorruptness: Tit 2:7 (Rec. ἀφθορία).†
[in LXX for נשׂא, נוח hi., נתן, סלח ni., עזב, etc.;] to send forth, send away, let go: of divorce (DB, iii, 274a), τ. γυναῖκα (Hdt.), I Co 7:11-13; of death, τ. πνεῦμα (Ge 35:18, Hdt., al.), Mt 27:50; (φωνήν, to utter a cry, Mk 15:37; of debts, to remit, forgive (cl.), τ. δανεῖον, Mt 18:27; τ. ὀφειλήν, Mt 18:32; esp. of sins (Cremer 296 f.), τ. ἁμαρτίας, ἁμαρτήματα, ἀνομίας, Mt 9:2, Ro 4:7(LXX), I Jo 1:9, al.; punctiliar and iterative pres. (M, Pr., 119), Mk 2:5, Lk 11:4; Ion. pf., ἀφέωνται (M, Pr., 38), Lk 5:23. to leave alone, leave, neglect: Mt 4:11 5:24 15:14, Mk 1:20, 31, Jo 4:3, 28 al.; τ. ἐντολὴν τ. θεοῦ, Mk 7:8; τὸν τ. ἀρχῆς τ. Χριστοῦ λόγον, He 6:1; τ. ὀγάπην τ. πρώτην, Re 2:4; ptcp., ἀφείς, pleonastic (as in Aram.; M, Pr., 14; Dalman, Words, 21 f.), Mt 13:36 22:22, Mk 8:13, al. to let, suffer, permit: Mt 3:15; c. acc., Mt 3:15, 19:14, al.; c. acc. rei et dat. pers., Mt 5:40; c. inf. pres., Mt 23:14, al.; aor., Mk 5:37, al.; in late Gk. (M, Pr., 175 f.), seq. ἵνα, Mk 11:16, Jo 12:7; c. subjunct. (M, Pr., 175 f.; Bl., § 64, 2), Mt 7:4 27:49, Mk 15:36, Lk 6:42 (see further MM, s.v.).
ἀφ-ικνέομαι, -οῦμαι,
[in LXX for בּוֹא, etc.;] perfective of ἱκνέομαι, to come (M, Pr., 247), to arrive at, come to, reach: metaph. (MM, s.v.), Ro 16:19.†
*† ἀ-φιλ-άγαθος, -ον,
without love of good: II Ti 3:3 (not elsewhere in Gk. lit., but v. MM, s.v.).†
*† ἀ-φιλ-άργυρος, -ον,
without love of money, not avaricious; I Ti 3:3, He 13:5. (For other instances, v. MM, s.v.)†
** ἄφ-ιξις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀφικνέομαι), [in LXX: III Mac 7:18*;] in cl. usually, arrival; rarely, departure: Ac 20:29 (so in π., cf. MM, s.v.; M, Pr., 26, n.).†
[in LXX for סור, מעל, etc. (41 words in all);] trans. in pres., impf., fut., 1 aor., to put away, lead away; metaph., to move to revolt: Ac 5:37. Intrans. in pf., plpf., 2 aor., to stand off, depart from, withdraw from: c. gen., Lk 2:37; seq. ἀπό, Lk 4:13 13:27, Ac 5:38 12:10 15:38 19:9 22:29, II Co 12:8; metaph., ἀπὸ ἀδικίας, II Ti 2:19; ἀπὸ θεοῦ, (fall away, apostatize), He 3:12. Mid. (exc. 1 aor., wh. is trans.), to withdraw oneself from, absent oneself from: Lk 2:37; metaph., fall away, apostatize: absol., Lk 8:13; c. gen., I Ti 4:1 (MM, s.v.; Cremer, 308).†
adv., [in LXX for פִּתְאֹם;] suddenly: Ac 2:2 16:26 28:6.†
adv. (< φόβος), [in LXX: Pr 1:33 (מִפַּחַד), Wi 17:4*;] without fear: Lk 1:74, Phl 1:14, I Co 16:10, Ju 12.†
** ἀφ-ομοιόω, -ῶ,
[in LXX: Wi 13:14, Ep. Jer 5, 63, 71*;] to make like: pass., He 7:3.†
ἀφ-οράω, -ῶ,
[in LXX: IV Mac 17:10 (είς θεόν)*;] to look away from all else at, fix one's gaze upon: metaph. (MM, s.v.), He 12:2; simply, to see: ἀφίδω (v.s. ἀπεῖδον, and Lft., Phl., in l.; MM, s.v.), Phl 2:23 (v. Ellic., in l.).†
[in LXX (Cremer, 805 f.) for בּדל hi., סגר hi., נוף hi., רום hi etc.;] to mark off by boundaries from, separate from: c. acc., Ac 19:9, Ga 2:12; id. seq. ἐκ (ἀπό), Mt 13:49 25:32 (MM, s.v.); of excommunication, Lk 6:22. Pass., absol., II Co 6:17; to set apart, devote to a special purpose (seq. εἰς): c. acc., Ga 1:15. Mid., Ac 13:2, Ro 1:1 (DB, iii 588).†
ἀφ-ορμή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX: Ez 5:7 (הָמַן), Pr 9:9, III Mac 3:2*;] prop., a starting point; in war, a base of operations; metaph., an occasion, incentive, opportunity (MM, s.v.): II Co 11:12, Ga 5:13; ἀφ. λαμβάνειν, Lk 11:24, WH, mg., Ro 7:8, 11; ἀφ. διδόναι, II Co 5:12, I Ti 5:14.†
* ἀφρίζω
(< ἀφρός), to foam at the mouth: Mk 9:18, 20.†
* ἀφρός, -οῦ, ὁ,
foam: Lk 9:39 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀφροσύνη, -ης, ἡ
(< ἄφρων), [in LXX for אִוֶּלֶת, נְבָלָה, etc.;] foolishness: Mk 7:22, II Co 11:1, 17, 21.†
ἄφρων, -ον gen. -ονος
(< φρήν), [in LXX for כְּסִיל, נָבָל, etc.;] without reason, senseless, foolish, expressing "want of mental sanity and sobriety, a reckless and inconsiderate habit of mind" (Hort; cf. MM, s.v.): Lk 11:40 12:20, Ro 2:20, I Co 15:36, II Co 11:16 12:6, 11, I Pe 2:15; opp. to φρόνιμος, II Co 11:19; to συνιέντες, Eph 2:17.†
**† ἀφ-υπνόω, -ῶ
(< ὑπνόω, to put to sleep), [in Al.: Ge 28:11*;] to awake from sleep (Anth.). = cl. καθυπνόω (MM, s.v.), to fall asleep: Lk 8:23.†
ἀφ-υστερέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX: Ne 9:20 (מנע), Si 14:14*;] as in cl., to be late (Polyb., Si 14:14). Trans., to keep back (Ne 9:20; v. Mayor, Ja., 157 f.): pass., Ja 5:4 (MM, s.v.).†
ἄφωνος, -ον
(φωνή), [in LXX: Is 53:7 (אלם ni.), Wi 4:19, II Mac 3:29*;] dumb, speechless: Ac 8:32(LXX); of idols (MM, s.v.), I Co 12:2; of beasts, II Pe 2:19; τοσαῦτα γένη φωνῶν καὶ οὐδὲν ἄ.—so many kinds of voices and none voiceless, i.e. without signification, unintelligible: I Co 14:10.†
Ἄχαζ (WH, Ἄχας),
(Heb. אָחָז), Ahaz: Mt 1:9.†
Ἀχαία (T, Ἀχαΐα), -ας, ἡ (Bl., § 46, 11),
Achaia, the Roman province: Ac 18:12, 27 19:21, Ro 15:26, I Co 16:15, II Co 1:1 9:2 11:10, I Th 1:7, 8.†
Ἀχαϊκός, -οῦ, ὁ,
Achaicus: I Co 16:17.†
** ἀχάριστος, -ον
(< χαρίζομαι), [in LXX: Wi 16:29, Si 29:17, 25, IV Mac 9:10*;] ungracious, unpleasing; ungrateful, thankless: Lk 6:35, II Ti 3:2.†
Ἄχας, v.s. Ἄχαζ.
Ἀχείμ, ,
Achim: Mt 1:14.†
*† ἀ-χειρο-ποίητος, -ον
(< χειροποίητος), not made by hands: Mk 14:58, II Co 5:1; metaph., περιτομή ἀ. (i.e. spiritual), Col 2:11 (MM, s.v.).†
Ἀχελδαμάχ (T Ἁχ-; Rec. Ἀκελδαμά, WH, Ἁκελδαμάχ), indecl.
(Aram. חֲקַל דְּמָא, field of blood), Akeldama (AV, Aceldama): Ac 1:19.†
** ἀχλύς, -ύος, ἡ,
[in Aq.: Ez 12:7; Sm.: Jb 3:5*;] a mist, esp. a dimness of the eyes: Ac 13:11 (v. Tr., Syn., § c).†
ἀ-χρεῖος, -ον
(< χρεῖος, useful), [in LXX: II Ki 6:22 (שָׁפָל), Ep. Je 17*;] useless, unprofitable: Mt 25:30, Lk 17:10 (MM, s.v.).†
ἀχρεόω (Rec. -ειόω, Polyb., LXX), -ῶ
(< ἄχρεος = ἀχρεῖος), [in LXX (-ειόω) for אלח ni., etc.;] to make useless, unprofitable: pass., Ro 3:12(LXX).†
ἄ-χρηστος, -ον,
[in LXX: Ho 8:8 (חֵפֶץ אַיִן), Wi 2:11, Si 16:1, al.;] useless, unserviceable: opp. to εὔχρηστος, Phm 11.†
(and Epic ἄχρις, bef. vowel (v. MM, s.v.), Ro 11:25 T, Ga 3:19 T, WH, mg., He 3:13); adv., utterly (Hom.). Prep. c. gen., until, unto, as far as; of time: Ac 3:21 22:22, Ro 1:13 5:13, I Co 4:11, II Co 3:14, Ga 4:2, Phl 1:6; ἄ. καιροῦ, Lk 4:13, Ac 13:11; ἄ. ἧς ἡμέρας, Mt 24:38, Lk 1:20 17:27, Ac 1:2 (τῆς ἡ. ἧς), Ac 1:22; ἄ. ταύτης τ. ἡμέρας (τ. ἡ. ταύτης), Ac 2:29 23:1 26:22; ἄ. ἡμερῶν πέντε, Ac 20:6; ἄ. αὐγῆς, Ac 20:11; ἄ. τοῦ νῦν, Ro 8:22, Phl 1:5; ἄ. τέλους, He 6:11, Re 2:26; of space: Ac 11:5 13:6 20:4 (R, txt., WH, mg.) 28:15, II Co 10:13, 14, He 4:12, Re 14:20 18:5; of measure or degree: ἄ. θανάτου, Ac 22:4, Re 2:10 12:11. As conj., until; ἄχρι alone: c. subj. aor., Ga 3:19 (ἄ. οὗ T, WH, mg.); id. without ἄν (Bl., § 65, 10), Re 7:3 15:8 20:3, 5; c. indic. fut., Re 17:17; ἄ. οὗ (i.e. ἄ. τούτου ᾧ): c. indic. aor., Ac 7:18; impf., 27:33; c. subj. aor. (Bl., ut supr.), Lk 21:24, Ro 11:25, I Co 11:26 15:25, Ga 3:19, T, WH, mg.; id. with ἄν, Re 2:25; c. indic. pres., while, He 3:13 (cf. μέχρι).†
ἄχυρον, -ον, τό,
[in LXX chiefly for תֶּבֶן;] chaff: Mt 3:12, Lk 3:17.†
** ἀ-ψευδής, -ές
(< ψεῦδος), [in LXX: Wi 7:17*;] free from falsehood, truthful: Tit 1:2.†
*† ἄψινθος, -ου, ἡ
(also ἀψίνθιον, τό; ἀψινθία, ), wormwood: as a proper name, Re 8:11.†
** ἄψυχος, -ον
(< ψυχή), [in LXX: Wi 13:17 14:29*;] inanimate, lifeless: I Co 14:7.†
Β, β, βῆτα, τὸ, indecl.,
beta, b, the second letter. As a numeral, βʹ = 2; β͵ = 2000.
Βάαλ (Rec. βαάλ), ὁ, ἡ, indecl. (Heb. בַּעַל, lord),
Baal: Ro 11:4(LXX). The fem. art. here agrees with the usage of LXX, where, following a similar Hebrew practice (בֹּשֶׁת for בַּעַל), αἰσχύνη appears to have been substituted in reading for the written Βάαλ (cf. III Ki 18:19), and to account for the freq. use of the fem. art. bef. Β. The usage, however, is not general, and in the passage cited in Ro (III Ki 19:18), LXX reads τῷ Β.†
Βαβυλών, -ῶνος,
(בָּבֶל, Heb. form of Assyr. Bab-ili, Gate of God), Babylon: Mt 1:11, 12, 17, Ac 7:43(LXX); symbolically, of Rome: Re 14:8 16:19 17:5 18:2, 10, 21, and prob. also I Pe 5:13.†
βαθέως, v.s. βαθύς.
βαθμός, -οῦ, ὁ, Ion. form of βασμός
(< βαίνω, to step), [in LXX I Ki 5:5 (מִפְתָּן), IV Ki 20:9, 10, 11 (מַעֲלָה), Si 6:36*;] a step (IV Ki 20:9, 10, 11, of degrees of a dial); metaph., a degree, standing: I Ti 3:13.†
βάθος, -εος (-ους), τό,
[in LXX for מְצוּלָה ,תַּחְתִּי, etc.;] depth: Mt 13:5, Mk 4:5, Ro 8:39, Eph 3:18; τὸ β., the deep sea: Lk 5:4; metaph., β. πλούτου . . . Θεοῦ, Ro 11:33; τὰ β. τ. Θεοῦ (the Divine counsels), I Co 2:10; ἡ κατὰ βάθους πτωχεία, deep poverty, II Co 8:2.†
(< βαθύς), [in LXX for עמד: Ps 91 (92):5, Je 29 (49):8 30(49):30*;] to deepen: Lk 6:48.†
βαθύς (gen. -έως, vernac., Lk 24:1; Bl., § 8, 5), -εῖα, -ύ,
[in LXX chiefly for עמק;] deep; Jo 4:11; metaph., ὄρθρου βαθέως (v. supr.), early dawn, Lk 24:1; ὕπνος, Ac 20:9; τὰ β. τοῦ Σατανᾶ, Re 2:24.†
**† βαΐον, ου, τό
(also βὰϊον, another form of βὰϊς, from the Egyptian), [in LXX: I Mac 13:51*;], (freq. in Egyptian π., v. MM, Exp., x); a palm-branch: Jo 12:13 (DB, i, 314).†
Βαλαάμ, , indecl.
(Heb. בִּלְעָם), as in LXX (FlJ has ὁ βάλαμος); Balaam (Nu 22-24): II Pe 2:15, Ju 11, Re 2:14.†
Βαλάκ, , indecl. (Heb. בָּלָק),
Balak; (Nu 22:2): Re 2:14.†
βαλλάντιον (Rec. βαλά-), -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX: Jb 14:17 (צְרוֹר), Pr 1:14 (כִּיס), To 1:14 8:2, Si 18:33 א2*;] a purse: Lk 10:4 12:33 22:35, 36.†
[in LXX for נפל, שׂום, ידד, etc.;] prop., of a weapon or missile; then generally, of things and persons, lit. and metaph., to throw, cast, put, place: c. acc., seq. εἰς, Mt 4:18, and freq. ἐπί, Mt 10:34; κάτω, Mt 4:6; ἔξω, Mt 5:13; ἀπό, Mt 5:29; ἐκ, Mk 12:44; δρέπανον, Re 14:19; μάχαιραν, Mt 10:34; κλῆρον, Mt 27:35; of fluids, to pour: Mt 9:17, Jo 13:5; pass., to be laid, to lie ill: Mt 9:2; ἐβλήθη (timeless aor., M, Pr., 134), Jo 15:6; intrans., to rush (Bl., §53, 1): Ac 27:14. Metaph., β. εἰς τ. καρδίαν, Jo 13:2 (cf. usage in π., without idea of violence; also of liquids; MM, Exp., x; v. also Cremer, 120, 657; cf. ἀμφι-, ἀνα-, ἀντι-, ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ-, ἐμ-, παρ-εμ-, ἐπι-, κατα-, μετα-, παρα-, περι-, προ-, συμ-, ὑπερ-, ὑπο-βάλλω).
(< βάπτω), [in LXX: IV Ki 5:14 (טבל), Is 21:4, Jth 12:7, Si 31 (34):30*;] to dip, immerse, sink; generally (in Polyb., iii, 72, of soldiers wading breast-deep; in i, 51, of the sinking of ships); metaph., to overwhelm (Is 21:4; cf. MM, Exp., x); c. cogn. acc., βάπτισμα β., Mk 10:38, 39, Lk 12:50. Mid., to perform ablutions, wash oneself, bathe (IV Ki 5:14, Jth 12:7, Si 31 (34):30): Mk 7:4; aor. pass, in same sense, Lk 11:38. Of ablution, immersion, as a religious rite, to baptize; absol.; Mk 1:4, Jo 1:25, 26, 28 3:22, 23, 26 4:2 10:40, I Co 1:17; ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ βαπτιστής, M, Pr., 127), Mk 6:14, 24; c. acc., Jo 4:1, Ac 8:38, I Co 1:14, 16; c. cogn. acc., τὸ βάπτισμα, Ac 19:4 (cf. Mk 10:38, supr.); pass., to be baptized, receive baptism: Mt 3:13, 14, 16, Mk 16:16, Lk 3:7, 12, 21 7:29 (τ. βάπτισμα) ib. 30, Ac 2:41 8:12, 13, 36 9:18 10:47 16:15, 33 18:8; mid., 22:16 (M, Pr., 163); with prepositions: ἐν, of the element, Mt 3:6, 11, Mk 1:4, 5, 8, Lk 3:16, Jo 1:26, 31, 33 3:23, Ac 1:5 2:38 10:48 11:16, I Co 10:2; εἰς, of the element, purpose or result (Lft., Notes, 155), Mt 3:11 28:19, Mk 1:9, Ac 8:16 19:3, 5, Ro 6:3, I Co 1:13, 15 10:2 12:13, Ga 3:27; c. dat., ὕδατι, Lk 3:16, Ac 1:5 11:16; ὑπὲρ τῶν νεκρῶν, perh. to fulfil the wish of a dead friend, I Co 15:29 (v. ICC, in l.; cf. DB, i, 238 ff.; DCG, i, 169a; ii, 605b; Cremer, 126).†
*† βάπτισμα, -τος, τό
(< βαπτίζω) , prop., the result of the act, τὸ βαπτίζειν, as distinct from βαπτισμός, the act itself, immersion, baptism; metaph., of affliction: Mk 10:38, 39, Lk 12:50. Of the religious rite of baptism; of John's baptism: Mt 3:7 21:25, Mk 11:30, Lk 7:29 20:4, Ac 1:22 10:37 18:25 19:3; β. μετανοίας, Mk 1:4, Lk 3:3, Ac 13:24 19:4; of Christian baptism; Ro 6:4, Eph 4:5, Col 2:12 (Tr., -μῷ, q.v.), I Pe 3:21 (cf. Cremer, 130; Tr., Syn. § xcix).†
*† βαπτισμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< βαπτίζω) , prop., the act of which βάπτισμα is the result; a dipping, washing, lustration: Mk 7:4; of Jewish ceremonial, He 9:10; in He 6:2, βαπτισμῶν διδαχήν (-ῆς), "the pl. and the peculiar form seem to be used to include Christian baptism with other lustral rites" (Westc, in l.). baptism: FlJ, Ant., 18, 5, 2 (of John's baptism), and some Fathers (v. Soph., s.v.). Not so in NT, unless ἐν τ. βαπτισμῷ, in the act of baptism, Col 2:12, be read with Tr. (Rec., WH, R, -ματι).†
*† βαπτιστής, -ου, ὁ
(< βαπτίζω), a baptizer: of John the Baptist, Mt 3:1 11:11, 12 14:2, 8 16:14 17:13, Mk 6:25 8:28, Lk 7:20, 33 9:19.†
[in LXX chiefly for טבל;] to dip: Lk 16:24, Jo 13:26 (ἐμβ-, L); to dip in dye, to dye: Re 19:13 (Rec.; ῥεραντισμένον, WH; περιρεραμμένον, T; ῥεραμμένον, Swete, in l., q.v.).†
(Aram.: בַּר, son), indecl.: β. Ἰωνᾶ, son of Jonah, Mt 16:17, Rec. (L, T, WH, Βαριωνᾶ, q.v.).†
Βαραββᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ
(Aram. בַּר־אַבָּא, lit., son of a father, i.e. acc. to Jerome, filius magistri), Barabbas: Mt 27:16, 17, 20, 21, 26, Mk 15:7, 11, 15, Lk 23:18, Jo 18:40. (In Mt 27:16, some MSS. read Ἰησοῦν Β.; v. WH, App., 19 f.).†
Βαράκ, , indecl.
(Heb. בָּרָק), Barak (Jg 4:6): He 11:32.†
Βαραχίας, -ου, ὁ
(Heb. בֶּרֶכְיָה), Barachiah: Mt 23:35, v.s. Ζαχαρίας.†
βάρβαρος, -ον
(prob. onomatop., descriptive of unintelligible sounds), [in LXX: Ps 113 (114):1 (לעז), Ez 21:31 (36) (בּער), II Mac 2:21 4:25 10:4, III Mac 3:24*;] barbarous, barbarian, strange to Greek language and culture (and also, after the Persian war, with the added sense of brutal, rude): Ac 28:2, 4, Ro 1:14, I Co 14:11, Col 3:11 (v. Lft., in l., and Notes, 249).†
βαρέω, -ῶ (later form of βαρύνω, q.v.),
[in LXX: Ex 7:14 (כָּבֵד), II Mac 13:9*;] to depress, weigh down. In NT, in pass. only: Mt 26:43, Lk 9:32 21:34, II Co 1:8 5:4, I Ti 5:16.†
βαρέως, adv.
(< βαρύς), [in LXX: β. φέρειν, Ge 31:35 (בעיני חרה); β. ἀκούειν, Is 6:10 (כּבד hi.)*;] heavily, with difficulty: Mt 13:15, Ac 28:27 (LXX).†
Βαρθολομαῖος, -ου, ὁ
(Aram. בַּר־תָּלְמַי, son of Tolmai), Bartholomew, the Apostle (v.s. Ναθαναήλ): Mt 10:3, Mk 3:18, Lk 6:14, Ac 1:13.†
Βαρ-ιησοῦς, -οῦ, ὁ
(Aram. בַּר־יֵשׁוּעַ, son of Joshua), Bar-Jesus: Ac 13:6 (v.s. Ἐλύμας).†
Βαριωνᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ
(Aram. בַּר־יוֹנָה, son of Jonah), Bar-Jonah, a surname of Peter: Mt 16:17.†
Βαρ-ναβᾶς, -α, ὁ
(Aram. בַּר, son, as prefix to another word interpreted in Ac 4:36, τῆς παρακλήσεως, perh. נְבוּאָה, wh., however, should be rendered by προφητεία as in II Es 6:14, LXX. Deiss., BS, 309 f., thinks Β. may be a variant of the name Βαρνεβοῦς, son of Nebo, found in a Syrian Inscr., altered with a view to disguising its origin; v. also Milligan, NTD, iii; Dalman, Gr., 142), Barnabas: Ac 4:36 9:27 11:22, 30 12:25 13-15, I Co 9:6, Ga 2:1, 9, 13, Col 4:10.†
βάρος, -εος, τό,
[in LXX: Jg 18:21 (כּבד), Jth 7:4, Si 13:2, II Mac 9:10, III Mac 5:47*;] weight; a weight, burden, lit. and metaph.: Mt 20:12, Ac 15:28, II Co 4:17, Re 2:24; ἀλλήλων τὰ β., one another's faults, Ga 6:2; ἐν β., burdensome: I Th 2:6, R, txt., but v. infr.; in late Gk. (Soph., Lex., s.v.), dignity, authority: ἐν βάρει, I Th 2:6 (R, mg.; v. Milligan, ICG, in l.).† SYN.: ὄγκος, an encumbrance; φορτίον, a burden, that which is borne.
Βαρσαββᾶς (Rec. -αβᾶς), -ᾶ
(Aram., son of Sabba), Barsabbas: the surname of one Joseph: Ac 1:23. The surname of one Judas: Ac 15:22.†
Βαρτίμαιος, -ου, ὁ
(-μαῖος, T; perh. Aram. בַּר־טִמְאַי, v. DB, iv, p. 762), Bartimæus: Mk 10:46.†
to weigh down = βαρέω (q.v.): Lk 21:34, Rec.†
βαρύς, -εῖα, ύ,
[in LXX chiefly for כָּבֵד;] heavy: Mt 23:4. Metaph., burdensome: ἐντολή, I Jo 5:3; severe (perh. impressive): ἐπιστολή, II Co 10:10; weighty: τὰ βαρύτερα τ. νόμου, Mt 23:23; αἰτιώματα, Ac 25:7; violent, cruel (EV, grievous): λύκος, Ac 20:29.†
* βαρύτιμος, -ον
(< βαρύς, τιμή), of great value, very costly: Mt 26:7 (T, πολυτίμου).†
(< βάσανος), [in LXX: I Ki 5:3, Si 4:17, and freq. in Wi, II, IV Mac;] prop., to rub on the touchstone, put to the test. to examine by torture, hence, generally, to torture, torment, distress: Mt 8:6, 29 14:24, Mk 5:7 6:48, Lk 8:28, II Pe 2:8, Re 9:5 11:10 12:2 14:10 20:10.†
** βασανισμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< βασανίζω), [in LXX: IV Mac 9:6 11:2*;] torture, torment: Re 9:5 14:11 18:7, 10, 15.†
* βασανιστής, -οῦ, ὁ
(< βασανίζω), prop., a torturer; used of a gaoler, Mt 18:34.†
βάσανος, -ου, ὁ (of Oriental origin),
[in LXX chiefly for כְּלִמָּה ,אָשָׁם, and freq. in IV Mac ;] prop., touchstone, a dark stone used in testing metals. examination by torture. torment, torture: Mt 4:24, Lk 15:23, 28.†
βασιλεία, -ας, ἡ
(< βασιλεύω), [in LXX chiefly for מַמְלָכָה מַלְכוּת;] prop. abstract, sovereignty, royal power, dominion: Lk 1:33 22:29, Jo 18:36, Ac 1:6, He 1:8, I Co 15:24; λαβεῖν β., Lk 19:12, 15, Re 17:12; δοῦναι τὴν, Re 17:17; ἔχειν β., Re 17:18; ἔρχεσθαι ἐν τ. (εἰς τὴν) β., Mt 16:28, Lk 23:42; β. τ. θεοῦ, Re 12:10. By meton., concrete (MM, Exp., x), a kingdom, the territory or people over whom the king rules (Es 5:3, al.): Mt 4:8 12:25, 26 24:7, Mk 3:24 6:23, Lk 4:5, He 11:33, al.; the royal majesty (cf. our phrase His Majesty), the king himself (τ. σπέρμα τῆς β., IV Ki 11:1). In LXX (Wi 6:5, To 13:1, al.), Targ. and NT, of the Messianic rule and kingdom, ἡ β. τ. θεοῦ, τ. οὐρανῶν (Heb. מַלְכוּת שָׁמַיִם, Aram. מַלְכוּתָא דִשׁמַיָּא; v. Dalman, Words, 91-147; Cremer, 132, 658), the kingdom of God (on the equivalence of the two phrases, v. Dalman, op. cit., 93, 218 f.); τ. θεοῦ, Mt 6:33 12:28, al.; τ. οὐρανῶν, Mt 3:2 4:17, al.; τ. Χριστοῦ (מַלִכוּת דִמְשִׁיחא, Targ. Jon. on Is 53:10), Eph 5:5; τ. κυρίου, II Pe 1:11, Re 11:15; τ. Δαυείδ, Mk 11:10; absol., ἡ β., Mt 4:23, Ja 2:5, al. The kingdom is regarded as present: Mt 11:12, Lk 17:21, Ro 14:17, al.; as that which is to be consummated in the future, Mt 6:10, Mk 9:1, Jo 3:5, II Pe 1:11, al. Noteworthy phrases are: ζητεῖν τὴν β., Mt 6:33; δέχεσθαι, Mk 10:15; κλρονομεῖν, Mt 25:34; διδόναι, Lk 12:32; παραλαμβάνειν, He 12:28; αὐτῶν (τοιούτων) ἐστὶν ἡ β., Mt 5:3, 10 19:14, Mk 10:14, Lk 18:16; διὰ τὴν β., Mt 19:12; ἕνεκεν τῆς β., Lk 18:29; εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, κηρύσσειν, διαγγέλλειν τὴν β., Lk 4:43 9:2, 60; ἤγγικεν ἡ β., Mt 3:2, Mk 1:15; κλεῖς τῆς β., Mt 16:19; κλείειν τὴν β., Mt 23:14; υἱοὶ τῆς β., Mt 8:12 13:38 (cf. Cremer, 132, 658).
βασίλειον, -ου, τό
(< βασίλειος, q.v.), [in LXX for הֵיכָל (Na 2:6, Da 6:18*), מַמְלָכָה (III Ki 3:1 14:8, IV Ki 15:19*), etc.;] a capital city. Freq. in pl., τὰ β., a palace: Lk 7:25.†
βασίλειος, -ον (also -α, -ον;
< βασιλεύς), [in LXX; Ex 19:6, De 3:10 (מַמְלָכָה), Ex 23:22, Wi 18:15, III Mac 3:28, IV Mac 3:8*;] royal: I Pe 2:9(LXX) (v. Hort, in l.).†
βασιλεύς, -έως, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for מֶלֶךְ;] a king: Mt 1:6 2:1; used by courtesy of Herod the Tetrarch, Mt 14:9; of the Roman Emperor, as freq. in κοινή (Deiss., LAE, p. 367), I Pe 2:13, 17; of the Christ, in the phrase ὁ β. τ. Ἰουδαίων, Mt 2:2, al.; τοῦ Ἰσραήλ, Mk 15:32, Jo 1:50 12:13; of God, Mt 5:35, I Ti 1:17, Re 15:3; β. βασιλέων, Re 17:14 19:16; β. τ. βασιλευόντων, I Ti 6:15 (on the associations of the word to Jewish Hellenists, v. Cl. Rev., i, 7).†
(< βασιλεύς), [in LXX for מלךְ, its parts and derivatives, exc. IV Ki 15:5 (ישׁב);] to be king, to reign, rule: I Ti 6:15; c. gen. (cl.), Mt 2:22; seq. ἐπί, c. acc. (= Heb. מלךְ על; Bl., § 36, 8), Lk 1:33 19:14, 27, Ro 5:14; ἐπὶ τ. γῆς, on earth, Re 5:10; of God, Re 11:15, 17 19:6; of Christ, Lk 1:33, I Co 15:25, Re 11:15; of Christians, Re 5:10 20:4 (constative aor., M, Pr., 130), Re 20:6 22:5. Metaph., Christians, Ro 5:17, I Co 4:8; θάνατος, Ro 5:14, 17; ἁμαρτία, Ro 5:21 6:12. Ingressive aor. (M, Pr., 109), to begin to reign: I Co 4:8, Re 11:17 19:6 (Cremer, 137).†
βασιλικός, -ή, -όν
(< βασιλεύς), [in LXX for מֶלֶךְ and its cognates;] royal, belonging to a king: χώρα, Ac 12:20; ἐσθής, Ac 12:21; νόμος β., a supreme law, "a law which governs other laws and so has a specially regal character" (Hort), or because made by a king (LAE, p. 3673), Ja 2:8; τις, one in the service of a king, a courtier, Jo 4:46, 49 (WH, mg., βασιλίσκος).†
βασιλίσκος, -ου, ὁ
(dim. of βασιλεύς), [in LXX a basilisk: Ps 90 (91):13 (פֶּתֶן), Is 59:5 (אֶפְעֶה)*;] prop., a petty king: Jo 4:46, 49 WH, mg. (v.s. βασιλικός).†
βασίλισσα, -ης, ἡ
(in Attic, βασιλεία, βασιλίς), [in LXX chiefly for מַלְכָּה;] a queen: Mt 12:42, Lk 11:31, Ac 8:27, Re 18:7.†
βάσις, -εως, ἡ
(< βαίνω), [in LXX chiefly for אֶדֶן;] a step (Æsch., al.). Hence, a foot (Plat.; Wi 13:18): Ac 3:7.†
[in LXX: De 28:54, 56 (רעע), Si 14:6, 8*;] to slander (Dem.). to blight by the evil eye, to fascinate, bewitch: Ga 3:1.†
[in LXX: Jg 16:30 (נטה), Ru 2:16, II Ki 23:5, IV Ki 18:14 and Jb 21:3 (נשׂא), Si 6:25, Da TH Bel 36*;] to take up with the hands, to lift: λίθους, Jo 10:31. to bear, to carry, as a burden, and metaph., to endure; Mt 3:11 20:12, Mk 14:13, Lk 7:14 10:7 11:27 14:27 22:10, Jo 16:12 19:17, Ac 3:2 9:15 15:1 21:35, Ro 11:18 15:1, Ga 5:10 6:2, 5 17, Re 2:2, 3 17:7. In late writers (MM, Exp., ii, iii, x), to take away; Mt 8:17 (Is 53:4, Heb.); to carry off, steal: Jo 12:6 20:15.†
βάτος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ,
[in LXX (always masc, as in Attic): Ex 3:2-4, De 33:16 (סְנֶה), Jb 31:40 (בָּאְשָׁה)*;] a bramble-bush: Lk 6:44, Ac 7:30, 35; ἐπὶ τοῦ (τῆς) β., in the place concerning the bush: Mk 12:26, Lk 20:37.†
βάτος, -ου, ὁ
(Heb. בַּת), [in LXX (also βαίθ, βάδος): II Es 7:22*;] bath, a Jewish liquid measure, = μετρητής (q.v.), or about 8 3/4 gals.: Lk 16:6.†
βάτραχος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX: Ex 8, Ps 77 (78):45 104 (105):30 (צְכַרִדֵּעַmisspelling of צְפַרְדֵּעַ n="H6854"), Wi 19:10*;] a frog: Re 16:13.†
*† βατταλογέω, -ῶ (Rec. βαττολ-, D, βλαττ- = βατταρίζω, prob. onomatop.; v. MM, s.v.; DCG, ii, 499b, 790a);
to stammer, repeat idly: Mt 6:7 (Cremer, 765).†
βδέλυγμα, -τος, τό
(< βδελύσσω), [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁקֶץ ,תּוֹעֵבָה;] an abomination, a detestable thing: Lk 16:15, Re 17:4, 5 21:27; τὸ β. τ. ἐρημώσεως (Da LXX 12:11, cf . I Mac 1:54; DB, i, 12 f.; DCG, i, 6 f.), Mk 13:14, Mt 24:15 (Cremer, 138).†
βδελυκτός, ή, -όν
(< βδελύσσω), [in LXX: Pr 17:15 (תּוֹעֵבָה), Si 41:5, II Mac 1:27*;] abominable, detestable: Tit 1:16 (Cremer, 137).†
(< βδέω, to stink), [in LXX chiefly for תּעב, שׁקץ;] >in cl., mid. only (Attic, -ττομαι); to make foul; pass., Re 21:8; mid., to turn away in disgust from, to detest: Ro 2:22 (Cremer, 137).†
** βέβαιος, -ον (also -α, -ον;
< βαίνω), [in LXX: Es 3:13, Wi 7:23, III Mac 5:31 7:7, IV Mac 17:4*;] firm, secure: ἄγκυρα, He 6:19; metaph., sure (esp. "in the sense of legally guaranteed security," Deiss., BS, 109; cf . two foll. words): ἐπαγγελία, Ro 4:16; ἐλπίς, II Co 1:6; λόγος, He 2:2; παρρησία, He 3:6; ἀρχή (τ. ὑποστάσεως), He 3:14; διαθήκη, He 9:17; κλῆσις κ. ἐκλογή, II Pe 1:10; comp. (-ότερος), προφητικὸς λόγος, II Pe 1:19.†
βεβαιόω, -ῶ
(< βέβαιος), [in LXX: Ps 40 (41):12 (נצב hi.), 118 (119):28 (קוּם pi.), III Mac 5:42*;] to confirm, establish, secure, of things (cl.): λόγον, Mk 16:[20]; ἐπαγγελίας, Ro 15:8; of persons (DCG, ii, 605): I Co 1:8, II Co 1:21. Pass., I Co 1:6, Col 2:7, He 2:3 13:9 (as an Attic legal term, to guarantee the validity of a purchase, establish or confirm a title; v. next word, Cremer, 139; cf. δια-β.).†
βεβαίωσις, -εως, ἡ
(< βεβαιόω, q.v.), [in LXX: Le 25:23 (צְמִיתֻת), Wi 6:19*;] confirmation: τ. εὐαγγελίου, Phl 1:7; εἰς β., He 6:16, a phrase freq. in π. of guarantee in a business transaction (Deiss., BS, 104 ff.; Cremer, 140).†
βέβηλος, -ον
(< βαίνω, whence βηλός, a threshold), [in LXX chiefly for חֹל;] permitted to be trodden, accessible (v. DCG, ii, 422b); hence, (opp. to ἱερός) unhallowed, profane: of things, I Ti 4:7 6:20, II Ti 2:16; of men, I Ti 1:9, He 12:16 (cf. κοινός; Cremer, 140).†
βεβηλόω, -ῶ
(< βέβηλος), [in LXX chiefly for חלל;] to profane: τ. σάββατον, Mt 12:5; τ. ἱερόν, Ac 24:6 (Cremer, 141).† SYN.: κοινόω, q.v.
Βεελζεβούλ (WH, App., 159, Rec., βεελζεβούλ), , indecl.
(Heb. בַּעַל, lord, and the Talmudic זִבּוּל, from זֶבֶל, dung (Dalman, Gr., 137n), or perh. זְבֻל, habitation, but, v. DB, iv, 409 f.; DCG, i, 181). The AV, RV, Beelzebub, comes through Vg. from IV Ki 1:2, בַּעַל זִבוּב, lord of flies (LXX, βάαλ μυῖα, Sm., βεελζεβούβ), Beelzebul, Beelzebub, a name of Satan: Mt 10:25 12:24, 27, Mk 3:22, Lk 11:15, 18, 19.†
Βελίαλ, , indecl.
(Heb. בְּלִיַּעַל, worthlessness, but v. DB, i, 268), Belial, a name of Satan: II Co 6:15, Rec. See next word.†
Βελιάρ, , indecl.
(another form of previous word, "due to harsh Syriac pronunciation," or else < Heb. בֵּל יַעַר, lord of the forest), Beliar, a name of Satan: II Co 6:15 (v. DB, i, 269).†
* βελόνη, -ῆς, ἡ
(< βέλος), a sharp point, as of a spear. a needle: Lk 18:25 (Rec. ῥαφίς, q.v.).†
βέλος, -εος, τό
(< βάλλω), [in LXX chiefly for חֵץ;] a missile, a dart: Eph 6:16.†
βελτίων, -ον (gen. -ονος), comp. of ἀγαθός,
[in LXX chiefly for טוֹב;] neut. as adv., better, very well: II Ti 1:18 (also Ac 10:28 D). On elative use in these passages, v. M, Pr., 78, 236.†
Βενιαμίν, (Rec. -μίν), , indecl.
(Heb. בֶּנְיָמִין), Benjamin: Ac 13:21, Ro 11:1, Phl 3:5, Re 7:8.†
(elsewhere Βερενίκη, Macedonian form of Φερενίκη, cf. Veronica, Victoria), -ης, ἡ, Bernice, Berenice, dau. of Herod Agrippa I: Ac 25:13, 23 26:30.†
Βέροια, -ας, ἡ,
Berœa, a city of Macedonia: Ac 17:10, 13.†
Βεροιαῖος, -α, -ον,
Berœan: Ac 20:4.†
Βεώρ, , indecl.
(Heb. בְּעוֹר), Beor, father of Balaam: II Pe 2:15 (Rec. Βοσόρ).†
Βηθαβαρά, -ας (Rec. -ρᾶ, indecl.; Heb. בֵּית עֲבָרָה, place of crossing; -αραβᾷ, R, mg.),
Bethabara: Jo 1:28, Rec. (WH, R, βηθανία).†
Βηθανία, -ας (also -ιά, indecl., Lk 19:29 and in B*, Mk 11:1), ,
(Heb. בֵּית עֲנִיָּה, house of affliction, acc. to Jerome, or perh., house of dates, cf. Bethphage), Bethany; a village fifteen furlongs from Jerusalem, the modern El Azerîyeh: Mt 21:17 26:6, Mk 8:22 (WH, mg.) 11:1, 11, 12 14:3, Lk 19:29 24:50, Jo 11:1, 18 12:1. A place on E. bank of Jordan: Jo 1:28 (R, mg., Βηθαβαρά, q.v.).†
Βηθεσδά, , indecl.
(deriv. uncertain, v. Westc. on Jo 5:2, and DB, i, 279), Bethesda, a pool in Jerusalem: Jo 5:2, Rec. (Βηθζαθά, WH, Βηθσαϊδά, WH, mg.).†
Βηθζαθά, , indecl.
(perh. Aram. בֵּית זַיְתָא, house of olives) Bethzatha: Jo 5:2, WH (Rec. Βηθεσδά, q.v.).†
Βηθλέεμ, , indecl.
(Heb. בֵּית לֶחֶם, house of bread), Bethlehem, a town 6 m. S. of Jerusalem: Mt 2:1, 5, 6, 8, 16, Lk 2:4, 15, Jo 7:42.†
Βηθσαιδά (Rec. -σαϊδά), and -δάν (Mt 11:21, Mk 6:45 8:22), , indecl.
(Syr., house of fish), Bethsaida, a town on NE. shore of the Sea of Galilee: Lk 9:10. It is generally supposed that a second Β. on the W. shore is referred to in Mt 11:21, Mk 6:45 8:22, Lk 10:13, Jo 1:45 12:21 (DB, i, 282 f.; but v. Swete on Mk 6:45). v.l. for Βηθζαθά, Βηθεσδά, Jo 5:2.†
Βηθφαγή (L, -γῆ), , indecl.
(Aram. בֵּית־פַּגֵּי, house of unripe figs; Dalman, Gr., 191), Bethphage: Mt 21:1, Mk 11:1, Lk 19:29.†
βῆμα, -τος, τό
(< βαίνω), [in LXX: De 2:5 (מִדְרָךְ), Ne 8:4 (מִגְדָּל), I Es 9:42, Si 19:30 45:9, II Mac 13:26*;] a step, stride, pace: Ac 7:5. a raised place, a platform reached by steps, originally that in the Pnyx at Athens from which orations were made; freq. of the tribune or tribunal of a Roman magistrate or ruler: Mt 27:19, Jo 19:13, Ac 12:21, 18:12, 16, 17 25:6, 10, 17; β. τοῦ θεοῦ, Ro 14:10; τ. Χριστοῦ, II Co 5:10.†
**† βήρυλλος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ,
[in LXX: To 13:17 (-ύλλιον in Ex 28:20, שֹׁהַם)*;] beryl, a jewel of sea-green colour: Re 21:20.†
βία, -ας, ἡ,
[in LXX for פֶּרֶךְ, etc.;] strength, force, violence: Ac 5:26 21:35 24:7 27:41.†
βιάζω (< βία), and depon. -ομαι,
[in LXX for פּרץ, פּצר, etc.;] to force, constrain, rare in act. (poet, and late prose), but found in cl. in pass., and so perh. βιάζεται, suffereth violence, Mt 11:12, EV (but v. infr.), whether in good sense, of disciples (Thayer, al.), or in bad sense, of the enemies of the kingdom (Meyer, in l.; Dalman, Words, 139 ff.; Cremer, 141 ff.). Mid., advanceth violently, Mt 11:12 (Deiss., BS., 258; Banks, v. ref. in DCG, ii, 803 f.); seq. εἰς, to press violently, or force one's way into, Lk 16:16 (v. ICC, in l., and in Mt 11:12; cf. παραβιάζομαι and v. MM, s.v.).†
βίαιος, -α, -ον
(< βία), [in LXX for אָנַשׁ, עַז, צַר, etc.;] violent: Ac 2:2.†
*† βιαστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< βιάζω), late form of βιατάς;
strong, forceful. violent (Philo): Mt 11:12 (v.s. βιάζω).†
*† βιβλαρίδιον, -ου, τό
(dim. of βιβλάριον, dim. of βίβλος), a little book: Re 10:2, 8 (WH, βιβλιόν, T2, 7 βιβλιδάριον) 9, 10. Not hitherto found elsewhere.†
βιβλιδάριον, -ου, τό, v.s. βιβλαρίδιον.
βιβλίον, -ου, τό
(dim. of βίβλος, q.v.), [in LXX also in the alternat. form βυβ-, chiefly for סֶפֶר and the most freq. of the cognate forms;] a paper, letter, written document: β. ἀποστασίου, bill of divorce, Mt 19:7, Mk 10:4. a book, a roll: Lk 4:17, 20 Jo 20:30 21:25, Ga 3:10, II Ti 4:13, He 9:19 10:7, Re 1:11 5:1-9 6:14 10:8 20:12 22:7-19; β. τ. ζωῆς, Re 13:8 17:8 20:12 21:27.†
βίβλος, -ου, ἡ (variant form of βύβλος, the Egyptian papyrus, paper made from its fibrous coat),
[in LXX for סֶפֶר, the form βύβ- being sometimes used;] a book, a roll, used much less freq. than βιβλίον, and with a "connotation of sacredness and veneration" (MM, Exp., x), Mt 1:1 Mk 12:26, Lk 3:4 20:42 Ac 1:20 7:42 19:19; β. τ. ζωῆς, Phl 4:3, Re 3:5 20:15.†
βιβρώσκω, poët, and late prose,
[in LXX for אכל;] to eat: Jo 6:13.†
Βιθυνία, -ας,
Bithynia, a province in Asia Minor: Ac 16:7, I Pe 1:1.†
βίος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for יָמִים;] period or course of life, life: Lk 8:14, I Ti 2:2, II Ti 2:4, I Jo 2:16. living, livelihood, means (in Pr 31:14 for לֶחֶם; v. DCG, ii, 39a): Mk 12:44, Lk 8:43 15:12, 30 21:4, I Jo 3:17.† SYN.: ζωή, is life intensive, "vita quâ vivimus," the vital principle; βίος, life extensive, "vita quam vivimus," (1) the period of life, (2) the means by which it is sustained. Hence, in cl., ζ., being confined to the physical life common to men and animals, is the inferior word (cf. zoology, biography). In NT, ζωή is elevated into the ethical and spiritual sphere (cf. Tr., Syn., § xxvii).
βιόω, -ῶ
(< βίος), [in LXX: Pr 7:2 9:6 (חיה), Jb 29:18, Wi 4:4 א1, 12:23, Si 40:28, IV Mac 5:22 17:18 * ;] to spend life, to live: τ. χρόνον βιῶσαι (cl., more freq. 2 aor., -ναι), I Pe 4:2 (cf. Jb, l.c.).† SYN.: ζάω (q.v.).
**† βίωσις, -εως, ἡ
(< βιόω), [in LXX: Si prol. 12 * ;] manner of life: Ac 26:4.†
* βιωτικός, -ή, -όν
(< βιός), pertaining to life, hence, worldly (Field, Notes, 171): Lk 21:34, I Co 6:3, 4.†
βλαβερός, -ά, -όν
(< βλάπτω), [in LXX: Pr 10:26* ;] hurtful: I Ti 6:9.†
[in LXX: Pr 25:20, To 12:2, Wi 10:8 18:2, II Mac 12:22, IV Mac 9:7* ;] to hurt, injure: c. acc., Mk 16:[18], Lk 4:35.†
[in LXX for צמח, etc.;] to sprout: Mt 13:26, Mk 4:27, He 9:4. In late Gk., causal, to make to grow, produce: c. acc., Ja 5:18.†
Βλάστος, -ου, ὁ,
Blastus, chamberlain of Agrippa: Ac 12:20.†
βλασφημέω, -ῶ
(< βλάσφημος), [in LXX: IV Ki 19:4 (יכח hi.) ib. 6, 22 (גּדף pi.), Is 52:5 (נאץ hith.), Da LXX 3:29 (96) (אמר שׁלח), To 1:18, Da TH Bel 9, II Mac 2 * ;] to speak lightly or profanely of sacred things (in cl., opp. of εὐφημέω), esp. to speak impiously of God, to blaspheme, speak blasphemously: absol., Mt 9:3 26:65, Mk 2:7, Jo 10:36, Ac 26:11, I Ti 1:20, II Pe 2:12; τ. θεόν, Ac 19:37, Re 16:11, 21; τὸ ὄνομα τ. θεοῦ, Re 13:6 16:9; δόξας, Ju 3, II Pe 2:10; εἰς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον, Mk 3:29, Lk 12:10. to revile, rail at, slander: absol., Lk 22:65, Ac 13:45 18:6, I Pe 4:4; c. acc., Mt 27:39, Mk 3:28 15:29, Lk 23:39, Tit 3:2, Ja 2:7, Ju 10. Pass.: Ro 2:24 3:8 14:16, I Co 10:30, I Ti 6:1, Tit 2:5, II Pe 2:2 (Cremer, 570).†
βλασφημία, -ας, ἡ
(< βλάσφημος), [in LXX: Ez 35:12 (נֶאָצָה), Da TH 3:29 (96) (שׁלה), To 1:18, I Mac 2:6, II Mac 8:4 10:35 15:24 * ;] railing slander: Mt 12:31 15:19, Mk 3:28 7:22, Eph 4:31, Col 3:8, I Ti 6:4, Ju 9, Re 2:9; spec., impious speech against God, blasphemy: Mt 26:65, Mk 14:64, Lk 5:21, Jo 10:33, Re 13:5; ὄνομα βλασφημίας, Re 13:1 17:3; c. gen. obj. Mt 12:31; πρὸς τ. θεόν, Re 13:6 (Cremer, 570; DB, i, 305; DCG ii, 423).†
βλάσφημος, -ον
(< βλασ-, of uncertain deriv., v. Thayer, Boisacq; + φήμη, speech), [in LXX: Is 66:3 (מְבָרֵךְ אָוֶן), Wi 1:6, Si 3:16, II Mac 9:28 10:4, 36 * ;] evil-speaking, slanderous, blasphemous: Ac 6:11, II Ti 3:2, II Pe 2:11 (cf. Ju 9); as subst. a blasphemer: I Ti 1:13 (Cremer, 570).†
* βλέμμα, -τος, τό
(< βλέπω), a look, a glance: βλέμματι καὶ ἀκοῇ, II Pe 2:8, sight and hearing, a sense not found for β. in Gk. lit., but perh. recognized in the vernacular (ICC, in l.)†
[in LXX chiefly for ראה, also for פּנה, etc. ;] of bodily sight; to see, have sight (opp. to τυφλὸς εἶναι): Mt 12:22, Jo 9:7, Ac 9:9, Ro 11:8, Re 3:18, al.; to perceive, look (at), see: absol., Ac 1:9; c. acc., Mt 7:3, Mk 5:31, Lk 6:41, Jo 1:29, al.; ὅραμα, Ac 12:9; γυναῖκα, Mt 5:28; βιβλίον, Re 5:3, 4; τ. βλεπόμενα, II Co 4:18. Metaph., of mental vision; to see, perceive, discern: absol., Mt 13:13, Lk 8:10; δι’ ἐσόπτρου, I Co 13:12; c. acc., He 2:9 10:25; seq. ὅτι, He 3:19, Ja 2:22; to consider, look to, take heed: absol., Mk 13:23, 33; c. acc., I Co 1:26, al.; seq. πῶς, c. indic., Lk 8:18, I Co 3:10, Eph 5:15; seq. τί, c. indic., Mk 4:24; seq. εἰς πρόσωπον, of partiality, Mt 22:16, Mk 12:14. Colloq. (for ex. from π., V. Deiss., LAE, 122; M, Pr., 107; MM, Exp., x; Milligan, NTD, 50), β. ἑαυτόν: Mk 13:9; seq. ἵνα μή, II Jo 8; β. ἀπό, Mk 8:15 12:38; seq. μή (cl. ὁρᾶν), c. fut. indic., Col 2:8, He 3:12; id. c. aor. subj., Mt 24:4, Mk 13:5. Of situation and direction (Lat. specto), to look, face (towards), places, etc. (seq. πρός, Xen, Hell., vii, 1, 17; Ez 40:23, 24): seq. κατά, c. acc., Ac 27:12 (cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, δια-, ἐμ-, ἐπι-, περ-, προ-βλέπω), v. DCG, i, 446; ii, 596.
*† βλητέος, -α, -ον (gerundive of βάλλω),
(that which) one must put: Lk 5:38.†
Βοάζ, v.s. Βοός.
Βοανηργές, indecl. (on the derivation, v. Dalman, Gr., 144; Words, 42; Swete, Mk., l.c.; DCG, i, 216),
Boanerges: Mk 3:17.†
βοάω, -ῶ
(< βοή), [in LXX chiefly for זעק, צעק, קרא ;] absol., to cry, call out: Mt 3:3, 27:46, Mk 1:3 15:34, Lk 3:4 9:38 18:38, Jo 1:23, Ac 8:7 17:6 25:24, Ga 4:27. C. dat., to call on for help (Heb. זעק על, Ho 7:14, al.), Lk 18:7.† SYN.: καλέω, to call, invite, summon; κράζω, to cry, harshly or inarticulately, as animals; κραυγάζω, intensive of κράζω. βοάω expresses emotion, whether joy, fear, etc.
Βοές, , v.s. Βοός.
βοή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX for זְעָקָה, etc. ;] a cry: Ja 5:4.†
βοήθεια, -ας, ἡ (v.s. βοηθέω),
[in LXX for עֵזֶר, etc. ;] help: He 4:16; pl., helps, "frapping," a technical nautical term (MM, Exp., x; DB, ext., 367): Ac 27:17.†
βοηθέω, -ῶ
(< βοή + θέω, to run), [in LXX chiefly for עזר ;] to come to aid, to help, succour: absol., Ac 21:28; c dat., Mt 15:25, Mk 9:22, 24 Ac 16:9, II Co 6:2 (LXX), He 2:18, Re 12:16.†
βοηθός, -ον (v.s. βοηθέω),
[in LXX chiefly for עזר ;] (poët. -όος), hasting to the war-cry (Hom.). helping, auxiliary; as subst. (Hdt.), a helper: He 13:6 (LXX).†
βόθυνος, -ου, ὁ (= βόθρος, more freq. in cl.),
[in LXX chiefly for פַּחַת ;] a pit: Mt 12:11 15:14, Lk 6:39 (cf. DB, iii, 885; DCG, ii, 367).†
βολή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< βάλλω), [in LXX: Ge 21:16 (טחה), II Mac 5:3, III Mac 5:26 * ;] a throw; λίθου β. (Thuc., v, 65, 2), a stone's throw: Lk 22:41.†
* βολίζω
(< βολίς, in sense of sounding-lead), to heave the lead, take soundings: Ac 27:28.†
βολίς, -ίδος, ἡ
(< βάλλω), [in LXX for חֵץ,יָרָה, etc.;] a dart, javelin: He 12:20, Rec. (LXX).†
Βοός and Βοές (RV, Βοάζ, Rec. Βοόζ), , indecl. (Heb. בֹּעַז),
Boaz (Ru 2:1): Mt 1:5, Lk 3:32.†
βόρβορος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX: Je 45(38):6 (טִיט)* ;] mud, filth: II Pe 2:22.†
βορρᾶς, -ᾶ (Attic contr. of Βορέας, the North wind personified),
[in LXX for צָפֹון;] Boreas, the North wind. the north: Lk 13:29, Re 21:13.†
[in LXX for רעה;] prop., of a herdsman, to feed: Mt 8:33, Mk 5:14, Lk 8:34 15:15; metaph., of Christian pastoral care, Jo 21:15, 17. Pass., of cattle, to feed, graze: Mt 8:30, Mk 5:11, Lk 8:32.† SYN.: ποιμαίνειν, to tend, shepherd, a wider term, including oversight as well as feeding (v. Tr., Syn., §xxv).
Βοσόρ v. Βεώρ.
βοτάνη, -ῆς, ἡ
(< βόσκω), [in LXX for עֵשֶׂב,דֶשֶׁא,חָצִיר;] grass, fodder. green herb: He 6:7.† SYN.: λάχανον, a garden herb, a vegetable.
βότρυς, -οῦ, ὁ,
[in LXX for אֶשְׁכֹּל;] a cluster of grapes: Re 14:18 (cf. στραφυλή) .†
βουλευτής, -οῦ, ὁ
(< βουλεύω), [in LXX: Jb 3:14 12:17 (יעץ)* ;] a councillor, a senator; of a member of the Sanhedrin: Mk 15:34, Lk 23:50.†
(< βουλή), [in LXX chiefly for יעץ;] to take counsel, deliberate, resolve. In mid., to take counsel with oneself, consider: seq. εἰ, Lk 14:31. to determine with oneself, resolve: c. inf., Ac 5:33 27:39; c. acc., II Co 1:17; seq. ἵνα, Jo 11:53 12:10 (cf. παρα-, συμ-).†
βουλή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< βούλομαι), [in LXX freq. for עֵצָה ;] counsel, purpose (in cl., esp. of the gods): Lk 23:51, Ac 4:28 5:38 19:1 27:12, 42; pl., I Co 4:5; of the Divine purpose, He 6:17; τ. βουλὴν τ. θελήματος αὐτοῦ, Eph 1:11; β. τ. Θεοῦ, Lk 7:30, Ac 2:23 13:36 20:27.†
βούλημα, -τος, τό
(< βούλομαι), [in LXX: Pr 9:10 (דַּעַת), II Mac 15:5, IV Mac 8:18*;] purpose, will: Ac 27:43, Ro 9:19, I Pe 4:3.† SYN.: θέλημα.
[in LXX for חפץ, אבה, יעץ, etc. ;] to will, wish, desire, purpose, be minded, implying more strongly than θέλω (q.v.), the deliberate exercise of volition (v. Hort on Ja 1:18): c. inf. (M, Pr., 205; Bl., §69, 4), Mk 15:15, Ac 5:28, 33 12:4 15:37 17:20 18:15, 27 19:30 22:30 23:28 27:43 28:18, II Co 1:15, I Ti 6:9, He 6:17, II Jo 12, III Jo 10, Ju 5; c. acc., II Co 1:17; c. acc. et inf., Phl 1:12, I Ti 2:8 5:14, Tit 3:8, II Pe 3:9; of the will making choice between alternatives, Mt 1:19 11:27, Lk 10:22, Ac 25:20, I Co 12:11, Ja 3:4 4:4; εἰ βούλει (cl., a courteous phrase = θέλεις, colloq.; Bl., §21, 8; LS, s.v.), Lk 22:42; c. subjc., adding force to a question of deliberation (Bl., §64, 6), Jo 18:39; βουληθείς, of set purpose (v. Hort, in l.), Ja 1:18; impf., ἐβουλόμην (= cl. βουλοίμην ἄν; Bl., §63, 5; Lft., Phm. 13), Ac 25:22, Phm 13 (v. also Cremer, 143).†
βουνός, -οῦ, ὁ (a Cyrenaїc word, Hdt., iv, 199),
[in LXX chiefly for גִּבְעָה;] a hill: Lk 3:5 (LXX) 23:30.†
βοῦς, βοός, ὁ, ἡ,
[in LXX chiefly for בָּקָר;] an ox, a cow: Lk 13:15 14:5, 19 Jo 2:14, 15 I Co 9:9 (LXX), I Ti 5:18.†
* βραβεῖον, -ου, τό
(< βραβεύς, an umpire), a prize in the games: I Co 9:24; metaph., of the Christian's reward, Phl 3:14.†
** βραβεύω
(< βραβεύς, an umpire), [in LXX: Wi 10:12 * ;] prop., to act as umpire; hence, generally, to arbitrate, decide (Isocr., Dem.; Lft., Col., l.c.; MM, s.v.): Col 3:15; in some late writers, to direct, rule, control (so in Col., l.c., acc. to Thayer, s.v., Meyer, in l.), (cf. κατα-βραβεύω).†
(< βραδύς), [in LXX: Ge 43:10 (מההּ hith.), De 7:10, Is 46:13 (אחר pi.), Si 32 (35):18 * ;] trans., to retard (Soph., Is, l.c.). More freq. intrans., to be slow, to tarry: I Ti 3:15, II Pe 3:9.†
*† βραδυπλοέω, -ῶ
(< βραδύς, πλοῦς), to sail slowly: Ac 27:7.†
* βραδύς, -εῖα, -ύ,
slow: εἰς τὸ λαλῆσαι, Ja 1:19; metaph., of the understanding: β. τ. καρδίᾳ, assoc. with ἀνόητος, Lk 24:25.†
* βραδύτης, -ῆτος, ἡ,
slowness: II Pe 3:9.†
βραχίων, -ὀνος, ὁ,
[in LXX, β. Κυρίου, freq. for זְרוֹעַ יהוָֹה ;] the arm; as in OT, β. Κυρίου, metaph., for the Divine power: Lk 1:51, Jo 12:38 (LXX), Ac 13:17.†
βραχύς, -εῖα, -ύ,
[in LXX chiefly for מְעַט ;] short; of time; short, little: βραχύ, Ac 5:34; μετὰ β., Lk 22:58; β. τι, a short time, He 2:7, 9 RV, mg.; of distance: Ac 27:28; of quantity or value, little, few: Jo 6:7, He 2:7, 9 RV, txt.; pl., διὰ βραχέων, in few words, He 13:22.†
** βρέφος, -ους, τό,
[in LXX: Si 19:11, I Mac 1:61, II Mac 6:10, III Mac 5:49, IV Mac 4:25*;] an unborn child: Lk 1:41, 44. a newborn child, a babe: Lk 2:12, 16 18:15, Ac 7:19, I Pe 2:2; ἀπὸ βρέφους, from infancy, II Ti 3:15.†
[in LXX chiefly for מטר;] to wet: Lk 7:38, 44. In late Gk. writers and vernac. = ὕειν, to send rain, to rain (Kennedy, Sources, 39, 155): Mt 5:45; trop., β. πῦρ κ. θεῖον, Lk 17:29; impers., βρέχει, it rains: Ja 5:17; with ὐετός as subj., Re 11:6.†
βροντή, -ῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX for רַעַם ;] thunder: Mk 3:17, Jo 12:29, Re 4:5 6:1 8:5 10:3, 4 11:19 14:2 16:18 19:6.†
βροχή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< βρέχω), [in LXX: Ps 67 (68):9, 104 (105):32 (גֶּשֶׁם)* ;] = βροχετός, a wetting (in π., of irrigation in Egypt; Deiss., LAE, 77). As in MGr. (Kennedy, Sources, 153), = ὑετός, rain: Mt 7:25, 27.†
βρόχος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX: Pr 6:5 (יָד) 7:21 (חֵלֶק) 22:25 (מֹוקֵשׁ), III Mac 4:8 * ;] a noose, a slip-knot, a halter: metaph., a restraint (not, as AV, R, txt., a snare): I Co 7:35.†
βρυγμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< βρύχω), [in LXX: Pr 19:12 (נַהַם), Si 51:3 * ;] a biting, a gnashing of teeth: Mt 8:12 13:42, 50 22:13 24:51 25:30, Lk 13:28.†
βρύχω (Attic, βρύκω),
[in LXX: Jb 16:10(9), Ps 34 (35):16 36 (37):12 111 (112):10, La 2:16 (חרק)* ;] to bite or eat greedily. to gnash, grind, with the teeth: Ac 7:54.†
* βρύω, poët., late prose and vernac.,
to be full to bursting; of the earth producing vegetation. Of plants putting forth buds. Of springs, to gush with water: Ja 3:11.†
βρῶμα, -τος, τό (cf. βιβρώσκω),
[in LXX chiefly for אֹכֶל ;] food: Ro 14:15, 20 I Co 8:8, 13 10:3; pl., Mt 14:15, Mk 7:19, Lk 3:11 9:13, I Co 6:13, I Ti 4:3, He 9:10 13:9; trop., of spiritual food, Jo 4:34, I Co 3:2 (cf. βρῶσις).†
βρώσιμος, -ον
(< βρῶσις), [in LXX: Le 19:23, Ne 9:25, Ez 47:12 (מַאֲכָל)* ;] eatable: Lk 24:41.†
βρῶσις, -εως, ἡ (cf. βιβρώσκω),
[in LXX chiefly for parts and derivatives of אכל ;] eating: β. καὶ πόσις, Ro 14:17, Col 2:16 (v. Lft., ICC, in l.); c. gen. obj., I Co 8:4; metaph., corrosion, rust: Mt 6:19, 20. As also in cl. (Hom., al.) = βρῶμα, food: Jo 6:27a, II Co 9:10, Col 2:16 (EV, but v. supr.). He 12:16; metaph., of spiritual nourishment, Jo 4:32 6:27b, 55.†
** βυθίζω
(< βυθός), [in LXX: II Mac 12:4 * ;] trans., to cause to sink, to sink: metaph., εἰς ὄλεθρον, I Ti 6:9; pass., to sink, intrans.: Lk 5:7.†
βυθός, -οῦ, ὁ,
[in LXX: Ex 15:5, Ne 9:11 (מְצוֹלָה), Ps 67 (68):22 68 (69):2, 15 106 (107):24 (מְצוּלָה)* ;] the bottom. the depth of the sea, the deep sea: II Co 11:25.†
*† βυρσεύς, -έως, ὁ (< βύρσα, a hide), late form for βυρσοδέψης,
a tanner: Ac 9:43 10:6, 32.†
βύσσινος, -η, -ον
(< βύσσος), [in LXX chiefly for שֵׁשׁ, בּוּץ, etc. ;] made of βύσσος, fine linen: Re 18:12, 16 19:8, 14.†
βύσσος, -οῦ, ἡ (cf. Heb. בּוּץ),
[in LXX chiefly for שֵׁשׁ, בּוּץ ;] byssus, a fine species of flax, also the linen made from it: Lk 16:19.†
βωμός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< βαίνω), [in LXX (Hex.) for מִזְבֵּחַ, in Proph., chiefly for בָּמָה ;] any raised place, a platform. an altar: Ac 17:23 (cf. θυσιαστήριον and v. DB, i, 75).†
Γ 1
Γαββαθα (Rec. -θᾶ), , indecl.,
Gabbatha, the Greek transliteration of an uncertain Aramaic word (DB, s.v.; Dalman, Words, 7), used as the equivalent of λιθόστρωτον, stone pavement: Jo 19:13.†
Γαβριήλ, , indecl. (Heb. גַּבְרִיאֵל, hero of God),
the archangel Gabriel: Lk 1:19, 26.†
*† γάγγραινα, -ης, ἡ,
a gangrene, an eating sore, which leads to mortification: II Ti 2:17.†
Γάδ, , indecl. (Heb. גָּד),
Gad (Ge 30:11 49:13, al.): Re 7:5.†
Γαδαρηνός, -ή, -όν
(< Γαδαρά, Gadara, the capital of Peræa), Gadarene, of Gadara: Mt 8:28 (Rec. Γεργεσηνῶν), Mk 5:1, Rec. (Edd., Γερασηνῶν), Lk 8:26, 37 Rec. (Edd., Γερασηνῶν).†
Γάζα -ης, (Heb. עַזָּה),
Gaza, in OT, one of the five chief cities of the Philistines: Ac 8:26.†
γάζα, -ης, ἡ (a Persian word),
[in LXX for גִּנְזִין, II Es 5:17 6:1 7:20, 21, Es 4:7; גִּזְבָּר, II Es 7:21; Is 39:2 * ;] treasure: Ac 8:27.†
γαζο-φυλάκιον, -ου, τό
(< γάζα, φυλακή), [in LXX chiefly for לִשְׁכָּה, נִשְׁכָּה ( IV Ki 23:11, al.), once for גְּנָזִים (Es 3:9); τὸ γ., τὰ γ., of a temple treasury, Ne 10:37, II Mac 3:6, al. ;] treasury: also, apparently, the trumpet-shaped chests into which the peoples' temple-offerings were thrown (DB, iv, 96; DCG, ii, 748): Mk 12:41, 43, Lk 21:1, Jo 8:20.†
Γαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Γάϊος, Rec.),
Gaius, the name of a Christian; of Macedonia: Ac 19:29. Of Derbe: Ac 20:4. Of Corinth: Ro 16:23, I Co 1:14. The one to whom III Ep. Jo is addressed: III Jo 1.†
γάλα, -ακτος, τό
[in LXX for חלב ;] milk: I Co 9:7. Metaph., of elementary Christian teaching: I Co 3:2, He 5:12, 13; τὸ λογικὸν ἄδολον γ., the rational (spiritual) genuine milk (v. Hort, in l.), I Pe 2:2 (in support of AV, milk of the word, v. ICC, in l.).†
Γαλάτης, -ου, ὁ (originally syn. with cl. Κέλτης; cf. I Mac 8:2, and v. next word),
a Galatian: Ga 3:1.†
Γαλατία, -ας, ἡ,
Galatia; a gentilic region in Asia Minor, settled by Gauls (iii/B.C). A Roman Province which included this region (DB, ii, 85ff.): I Co 16:1, Ga 1:2, II Ti 4:10 (T, Tr., mg., Γαλλίαν), I Pe 1:1.†
Γαλατικός, -ή, -όν (v. previous word),
Galatian, belonging to Galatia: Ac 16:6 18:23.†
* γαλήνη, -ης, ἡ,
a calm: Mt 8:26, Mk 4:39, Lk 8:24.†
Γαλιλαία, -ας, ἡ (Heb. הַגָּלִיל, the circle, district),
Galilee, the name of the northern region of Palestine in NT times: Γ. τῶν ἐθνῶν, Mt 4:15 (LXX); θάλασσα τῆς Γ., Mt 15:29 (cf. Jo 6:1).
Γαλιλαῖος, -αία, -αῖον,
Galilæan: Mt 26:69, Mk 14:70, Lk 13:1, 2 22:59, 23:6, Jo 4:45, Ac 1:11 2:7 5:37.†
Γαλλία, -ας, ἡ,
Gaul: T., Tr., mg., for Γαλατία, II Ti 4:10.†
Γαλλίων, -ωνος, ὁ,
Gallio, proconsul of Achaia: Ac 18:12, 14, 17.†
Γαμαλιήλ, (Heb. גַּמְלִיאֵל),
Gamaliel the elder, a Pharisee and Doctor of the Law: Ac 5:34 22:3.†
* γαμέω, -ῶ,
[in LXX: Es 10:3, II Mac 14:25, IV Mac 16:9 * ;] to marry; of the man, to marry, take to wife (ducere): absol., Mt 19:10 22:25, 30 24:38, Mk 12:25, Lk 17:27, 20:34, 35, I Co 7:28, 33; c. acc.: Mt 5:32 19:9, Mk 6:17 10:11, Lk 14:20 16:18. Of the woman, mid. (and in late writers, pass.), to give oneself in marriage, marry (nubere): I Co 7:39; in Hellenistic (M, Pr., 159), act. (as of the man), to marry: absol., I Co 7:28, 34, I Ti 5:11, 14. c acc., Mk 10:12. Of both sexes: absol., I Ti 4:3, I Co 7:9, 10, 36.†
*† γαμίζω
(< γάμος), to give in marriage, a daughter: I Co 7:38. Pass., Mt 22:30, 24:38, Mk 12:25, Lk 17:27 20:35 (WH, mg., γαμίσκονται; cf. γαμίζω).†
* γαμίσκω, = γαμίζω, q.v.: Lk 20:34, 35 WH, mg. (Arist.).†
γάμος, -ου, ὁ,
[in LXX for מִשְׁתֶּה ;] a wedding, esp. a wedding-feast: Mt 22:8, 10, 11, 12, Jo 2:1-3, Re 19:7, 9; pl. (Field, Notes, 16), Mt 22:2-4, 9 25:10, Lk 12:36 14:8. marriage: He 13:4 (Cremer, 666).†
co-ordinating particle, contr. of γε ἄρα, verily then, hence, in truth, indeed, yea, then, why, and when giving a reason or explanation, for, the usage in NT being in general accord with that of cl.; explicative and epexegetic: Mt 4:18 19:12, Mk 1:16 5:42 16:4, Lk 11:30, Ro 7:1, I Co 16:5, al. Conclusive, in questions, answers and exclamations: Mt 9:5 27:23, Lk 9:25 22:27, Jo 9:30, Ac 8:31 16:37 19:35, Ro 15:26, I Co 9:10, Phl 1:18 (Ellic., in l.), I Th 2:20, al. Causal: Mt 1:21 2:2, 5, 6, 3:23, Mk 1:22, 9:6, Lk 1:15, 18, Jo 2:25, Ac 2:25, Ro 1:9, 11, I Co 11:5, Re 1:3, al.; giving the reason for a command or prohibition, Mt 2:20 3:9, Ro 13:11, Col 3:3, I Th 4:3, al.; where the cause is contained in an interrog. statement, Lk 22:27, Ro 3:3 4:3, I Co 10:29; καὶ γάρ, for also, Mk 10:45, Lk 6:32, I Co 5:7, al. id. as in cl. = etenim, where the καί loses its connective force (Bl., §78, 6; Kühner 3, ii, 854f.), Mk 14:70, Lk 1:66 22:37, II Co 13:4. The proper place of γάρ is after the first word in a clause, but in poets it often comes third or fourth, and so in late prose: II Co 1:19. Yet "not the number but the nature of the word after which it stands is the point to be noticed" (v. Thayer, s.v.).
γαστήρ, -τρός, ἡ,
[in LXX for בֶּטֶן, ἐν γ. ἔχειν for הרה, ἐν γ. λαμβάνειν for חרה ;] the belly: metaph., a glutton, Tit 1:12. the womb: ἐν γ. ἔχειν, to be with child, Mt 1:18, 23 (LXX) 24:19, Mk 13:17, Lk 21:23, I Th 5:3, Re 12:2; εν γ. συλλαμβ., to conceive, Lk 1:31.†
γε, enclitic postpositive particle, rarer in κοινή than in cl., giving special prominence to the word to which it is attached, distinguishing it as the least or the most important (Thayer, s.v.),
indeed, at least, even (but not always translatable into English); used alone: Lk 11:8 18:5 Ro 8:32. More freq. with other particles: αλλά γε, Lk 24:21, I Co 9:2; ἄρα γε, Mt 7:20 17:26, Ac 17:27; ἆρά γε, Ac 8:30; εἴ γε (Rec. εἴγε), II Co 5:3, Ga 3:4, Eph 3:2 4:21, Col 1:23 (v. Meyer, Ellic., on Ga, Eph, ll. c.; Lft., on Ga, Col, ll. c.); εἰ δὲ μήγε, following an affirmation, Mt 6:1, Lk 10:6 13:9; a negation, Mt 9:17, Lk 5:36, 37 14:32, II Co 11:16; καί γε (Rec. καίγε, cl. καὶ . . . γε), Lk 19:42 (WH om.), Ac 2:18 17:27; καίτοιγε (L καίτοι γε, Tr. καί τοι γε), Jo 4:2; μενοῦνγε (v. s.v.); μήτι γε, v.s. μήτι; ὄφελόν, I Co 4:8.†
Γεδεών, , indecl. in LXX and NT, in FlJ, Ant., v. 6, 3 and 4 -ῶνος (Heb. גִּדְעוֹן),
Gideon (Jg 6-8): He 11:32.†
γέεννα (γέενα, Mk 9:45, Rec.), -ης, ἡ (perh. through Aram. גֵּיהִנָּם, from Heb. גֵּי הִנֹּם, Ne 11:30; גֵּי בֶּן־הִנֹּם, Jo 18:16; גֵּי בּנֵי־הִנֹּם, IV Ki 23:10; valley of (the son, sons of) lamentation);
[in LXX the nearest approach to γ. is γαίεννα, Jos 18:16 (Γαὶ Ὀννόμ, A), elsewhere φάραγξ Ὀνόμ (Jos 15:8, al.), V. Swete on Mk 9:43 ;] Gehenna, a valley W. and S. of Jerusalem, which as the site of fire-worship from the time of Ahaz, was desecrated by Josiah and became a dumping-place for the offal of the city. Later, the name was used as a symbol of the place of future punishment, as in NT: Mt 5:29, 30 10:28, Mk 9:43, 45, 47, Lk 12:5, Ja 3:6; γ. τ. πυρός, Mt 5:22 18:19, prob. with ref. to fires of Moloch (DB, ii, 119b); υἱὸς γεέννης, Mt 23:15; κρίσις γεέννης, 23:33.†
Γεθσημασεί (Rec. -νῆ, LTr. -νεῖ) indecl. (Heb. גֵּת שְׁמָנִי, oil-press),
Gethsemane: called in Jo 18:1 a κῆπος, but named only in Mt 26:36, Mk 14:32.†
γείτων, -ονος, ὁ, ἡ
(< γῆ), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכֵן ;] a neighbour: Lk 14:12 15:6, 9 Jo 9:8.†
γελάω, -ῶ,
[in LXX chiefly for צחק, שׂחק ;] to laugh: Lk 6:25; fut., γελάσω) (M, Pr., 154), ib. 21 (cf. κατα-γελάω).†
γέλως, -ωτος, ὁ,
[in LXX chiefly for שְׂחוֹק ;] laughter: Ja 4:9.†
(< γέμω), [in LXX: Ge 45:17 (טען), III Mac 5:47, IV Mac 3:14 * ;] to fill; properly, of a ship (Thuc, al.): Mk 4:37 (pass.). In late writers, generally (MGr., v. Kennedy, Sources, 155), c. acc., seq. gen., Mk 15:36, Jo 2:7 6:13, Re 15:8; ἀπό, Lk 15:16, Rec. WH, mg.; ἐκ, Lk 15:16, WH, Re 8:5. Pass., absol.: Lk 14:23.†
γέμω (used only in pres. and impf.),
[in LXX for מלא, נשׂא ;] to be full; properly, of a ship (Xen.). Generally (Plat., al.), c. gen. rei: Mt 23:27, Lk 11:39, Ro 3:14 (LXX), Re 4:6, 8 5:8 15:7 17:3 (Rec.) 4 21:9 seq. ἐκ: Mt 23:25; c. acc. rei (called a solecism in WM, 251; Bl., §36, 4), as in later Gk. from Byz. to Mod. times (Jannaris, Gr., 1319): Re 17:3.
γενεά, -ᾶς, ἡ
(< γίγνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for דּוֹר, דֹּר (Cremer, 148) ;] race, stock, family (in NT, γέννημα, q.v.). generation; of the contemporary members of a family: pl., Mt 1:17 (cf. Ge 31:3, מוֹלֶדֶת); metaph., of those alike in character, in bad sense, Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41 16:8, Ac 2:40; of all the people of a given period: Mt 24:34, Mk 13:30, Lk 21:32, Phl 2:15; pl., Lk 1:48; esp. of the Jewish people, Mt 11:16 12:39, 41, 42, 45 16:4 23:36, Mk 8:12, 38 Lk 7:31 11:29, 30-32, 50, 51 17:25, Ac 13:36, He 3:10 (LXX); τὴν γ. αὐτοῦ τίς διηγήσεται, Ac 8:33 (LXX); the period covered by the life-time of a generation, used loosely in pl. of successive ages: Ac 14:16 15:21, Eph 3:5, Col 1:26; εἰς γενεὰς καὶ γ. (= לִדוֹר וָדוֹר, al.), Lk 34:17, al), Lk 1:50; εἰς πάσας τὰς γ. τοῦ αἰῶνος τῶν αἰώνων, Eph 3:21 (Ellic, in l.; DCG, i, 639f.).
γενεαλογέω, -ῶ
(< γενεά, λέγω), [in LXX: I Ch 5:1 (יחשׁ)* ;] to trace ancestry, reckon genealogy; pass., seq. ἐκ: He 7:6.†
* γενεαλογία, -ας, ἡ (v. previous word);
the making of a pedigree. a genealogy: pl., I Ti 1:4, Tit 3:9 (v. CGT, in l., and ib. Intr., xlix ff.; DB, ii, p. 141).†
* γενέσια, -ων, τά, neut. pl. of adj. -ιος, -ον, relating to birth (< γένεσις);
in Attic Gk., a commemoration of the dead. In late Gk., a birthday feast (= cl. γενέθλια; so in π., v. MM, Exp., x; cf. also Rutherford, NPhr., 184): Mt 14:6, Mk 6:21.†
γένεσις, -εως, ἡ
(< γίγνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for תֹּולֵדֹת ;] origin, lineage: βίβλος γενέσεως (as in Ge 2:4a 5:1), Mt 1:1. birth: Mt 1:18, Lk 1:14 (Rec. γέννησις); πρόσωπον τῆς γ., face of his birth ("what God made him to be," Hort., in l.), Ja 1:23; ὁ τροχὸς τῆς γ., the wheel (course) of birth or creation ("the wheel of man's nature according to its original Divine purpose," Hort), Ja 3:6.†
γενετή, -ῆς, ἡ = γενεή, Ion. for γενεά,
[in LXX: Le 25:47 (עֵקֶר מִשְׁפָּחָו), Es 4:17 * ;] birth: ἐκ γ., Jo 9:1.†
γένημα, -τος, τό
(< γίγνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for תְּבוּאָה ;] a form not found in cl., but used in LXX, NT and π. (Bl., §3, 10; M, Pr., 45; Deiss., BS, 184), as distinct from γέννημα, q.v., of fruit, produce of the earth : Mt 26:29, Mk 14:25, Lk 12:18 22:18, II Co 9:10 (Rec. γέννημα).†
γεννάω, -ῶ
(< γέννα, poët. for γένος), [in LXX chiefly for ילד ;] of the father, to beget: c. acc., Mt 1:1-16, Ac 7:8, 29; seq. ἐκ, Mt 1:3, 5, 6. Of the mother, to bring forth, bear: Lk 1:13, 57 23:29, Jo 16:21; εἰς δουλείαν, Ga 4:24. Pass. to be begotten: Mt 1:20; to be born: Mt 2:1, 4 19:12 26:24, Mk 14:21, Lk 1:35, Jo 3:4, Ac 7:20, Ro 9:11, He 11:23; seq. εἰς, Jo 16:21 18:37, II Pe 2:12; ἐν, Ac 2:8 22:3, (ἁμαρτίαις), Jo 9:34; ἀπό, He 11:12 (WH, mg., ἐγεν-); ἐκ, Jo 1:13 3:6 8:41; c. adj., τυφλὸς γ., Jo 9:2; [Ῥωμαῖος ], Ac 22:28; κατὰ σάρκα: κ. πνεῦμα: Ga 4:29. Metaph.; μάχας, II Ti 2:23; ὑμᾶς ἐγέννησα, I Co 4:15, (ὅν), Phm 10; in quotation, Ps 2:7 (LXX), Ac 13:33, He 1:5 5:5; of Christians as begotten of God, born again: Jo 1:13 3:3, 5-8, I Jo 2:29 3:9 4:7 5:1, 4, 18 (cf. ἀνα-γεννάω); (Cremer, 146).
γέννημα, -τος, τό
(< γεννάω), [in LXX chiefly for תְּבוּאָה ;] offspring of men or animals: ἐχιδνῶν, Mt 3:7 12:34 23:33, Lk 3:7 (and elsewhere in Rec. for γένημα, q.v.).†
Γεννησαρέτ (Rec. Γενησ-, Mk, l.c.; Targ. גְּנֵיסַר),
[in LXX: Γεννησάρ (as in some MSS. Mt, Mk), I Mac 11:67 * ;] Gennesaret, a fertile plain on W. shore of the Sea of Galilee; ἡ γῆ, Mt 14:34, Mk 6:53; ἡ λίμνη (יָם כִּנֶּרֶת, Nu 34:11, elsewhere ἡ θάλασσα τ. Γαλιλαίας, Mk 1:16; ἡ θ. τ. Τιβεριάδος, Jo 6:1), Lk 5:1.†
γέννησις, -εως, ἡ,
[in LXX: I Ch 4:8 (מִשְׁפָּחָה), Ec 7:2 (ילד ni.; γένεσις, Aא), Wi 3:13 א1 (γένεσις, ABא2), Si 22:3 * ;] begetting. birth: Mt 1:18, Lk 1:14, Rec.†
γεννητός, -ή -όν
(< γεννάω), [in LXX: Jb 11:2, 12 14:1 15:14 25:4 (ילד)* ;] begotten, born: pl., γ. γυναικῶν (cf. יְלוּד אִשָּׁה, Jb 14:1), periphrasis for mankind, Mt 11:11, Lk 7:28 (Cremer, 147).
γένος, -ους, τό
(< γίγνομαι), [in LXX for עַם, מִין, זֶרַע, etc.;] family: Ac 4:6 7:13 13:26. offspring: Ac 17:28, 29, Re 22:16. race, nation; Mk 7:28, Ac 4:36 7:19 18:2, 24, II Co 11:26, Phl 3:5, Ga 1:14, I Pe 2:9. kind, sort, class: Mt 13:47 17:21, Rec., Mk 9:29, I Co 12:10, 28 14:10.†
Γεργασηνός, -ή, -όν,
Gerasene, of Gerasa, not the G. of Decapolis, 30 m. S.E. of the Lake, but a Gerasa or Gergesa (perh. the mod. Kersa) on E. shore; as subst., pl. οἱ Γ., Mk 5:1, Lk 8:26, 37 (Γεργεσηνῶν, RV, mg. 1; Γαδαρηνῶν, RV, mg. 2).†
Γεργεσηνός, -ή, -όν,
Gergesene: Lk 8:26, 37 TR, mg. 1 (LTr., WH, R, txt., Γερασηνῶν; R, mg. 2, Γαδαρηνῶν).†
γερουσία, -ας, ἡ
(< γέρων), [in LXX (Hex. only in OT) for זָקֵן;] a council of elders, senate; in NT, of the Sanhedrin (Cl. Rev., i, 43 f.; DB, ext., 99): Ac 5:21.†
γέρων, -οντος, ὁ,
[in LXX for זָקֵן;] an old man: Jo 3:4.†
[in LXX chiefly for טעם;] to make to taste. Mid., to taste eat: absol., Ac 10:10 20:11, Col 2:21; c. gen., Mt 27:34, Lk 14:24, Ac 23:14; c. acc. (not cl., but v. Westc, Heb., 2:9; M, Pr., 66, 245), Jo 2:9. Metaph., He 6:4; ῥῆμα θεοῦ, He 6:5 (on case, v. supr., and cf. Milligan, NTD, 68) θανάτου (cf. Talmudic טַעַם מִיתָה), Mt 16:28, Mk 9:1, Lk 9:27, Jo 8:52, He 2:9; seq. ὅτι, I Pe 2:3 (Cremer, 148).†
γεωργέω, -ῶ
(< γεωργός), [in LXX: I Ch 27:26 (מְלֶאכֶת הַשָּׂדֶה עָשָׂה), I Es 4:6, I Mac 14:8*;] to till the ground: pass., He 6:7.
γεώργιον, -ου, τό
(< γεωργός), [in LXX, freq. in Pr., for שָׂדֶה, etc. ;] a field (Pr 24:5, 30, Strabo). cultivation, husbandry, tillage (Pr 6:7 9:12, Je 28:23, Si 27:6): I Co 3:9.†
γεωργός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< γῆ, ἔργω = ἔρδω, to do), [in LXX for אִכָּר, etc.;] a husbandman: II Ti 2:6, Ja 5:7. a vine-dresser (cf. ἀμπελουργός, Lk 13:7): Mt 21:33-35, 38, 40, 41, Mk 12:1, 2, 7, 9, Lk 20:9, 10, 14, 16, Jo 15:1.†
γῆ, γῆς, ἡ,
[in LXX for אֶרֶץ, אֲדָמָה, etc.;] the earth, world: Lk 21:35, Ac 1:8, He 11:13, Re 3:10, al.; opp. to οὐρανός, Mt 5:18 11:25, Mk 13:27, al. land; opp. to sea or water: Mk 4:1, Lk 5:3, Jo 6:21, al.; as subject to cultivation: Mt 13:5, Mk 4:8, Lk 13:7, He 6:7, al.; the ground: Mt 10:29, Mk 8:6, Lk 24:5, Jo 8:6, al.; a region, country: Lk 4:25, Ro 9:28, Ja 5:17; γῆ Ἰσραήλ, Mt 2:20, 21; Χαλδαίων, Ac 7:4; ἡ Ἰουδαία γῆ, Jo 3:22; c. gen. pers., Ac 7:3.
γῆρας, Attic, gen. (-αος) -ως, dat. ; Ion. and κοινή, -εος (-ους), dat. -ει, τό,
[in LXX for שֵׂיבֶה, etc.;] old age: ἐν γήρει, Lk 1:36.†
γηράσκω (also γηράω; < γῆρας),
[in LXX chiefly for זקן;] to grow old: Jo 21:18, He 8:13.† SYN.: παλαιοῦμαι.
γίγνομαι, v.s. γίνομαι.
γίνομαι, Ion. and κοινή for Att. γίγν- (M. Pr., 47; Bl., §6, 8 Mayser, 166 f.),
[in LXX chiefly for היה ;] of persons, things occurrences, to come into being, be born, arise, come on: Jo 1:15 8:58, I Co 15:37; a first appearance in public, Mk 1:4, Jo 1:6, al.; seq. ἐκ (of birth), Ro 1:3, Ga 4:4; διά, Jo 1:3; βροντή, Jo 12:29; σεισμός, Re 6:12; γογγυσμός, Ac 6:1; χαρά, Ac 8:8, many other similar exx.; ἡμέρα, Lk 22:66, al.; ὀψέ, Mk 11:19; πρωΐα, Mt 27:1; νύξ, Ac 27:27. Of events, to come to pass, take place, happen: Mt 5:18, Mk 5:14, Lk 1:20 2:15, Ac 4:21, II Ti 2:18, al.; μὴ γένοιτο [LXX for חָלִילָה, Jo 22:29, al.], far be it, God forbid: Ro 3:4 (ICC, in l.), I Co 6:15 and freq. in Pl.; καὶ ἐγένετο, ἐγένετο δέ ([in LXX for וַיְהִי ;] v. Burton, 142 f.; M, Pr., 16f.; Dalman, Words, 32 f.; Robertson, Gr., 1042 f.), c. indic, Mt 7:28, Lk 1:8, al.; seq. καί et indic., Lk 8:1, Ac 5:7, al.; c. acc. et inf., Mk 2:23, Lk 3:21, al.; ὡς δὲ ἐγένετο, seq. τοῦ c. inf., Ac 10:25; c. dat. pers., to befall one: c. inf., Ac 20:16; c. acc. et inf., Ac 22:6; c. adv., εὖ, Eph 6:3; τί ἐγένετο αὐτῷ (Field, Notes, 115), Ac 7:40 (LXX); seq. εἰς, Ac 28:6. to be made, done, performed, observed, enacted, ordained, etc.: Mt 6:10 19:8, Mk 2:27 11:23, Ac 19:26, al.; seq. διά c. gen., Mk 6:2, Ac 2:43; ὑπό, Lk 13:17; ἐκ, Lk 4:23; ἐν, I Co 9:15; ἀπογραφή, Lk 2:2; ἀνάκρισις Ac 25:26; ἄφεσις, He 9:22; ὁ νόμος, Ga 3:17; τὸ πάσχα, Mt 26:2. to become, be made, come to be: c. pred., Mt 4:3, Lk 4:3, Jo 2:9, I Co 13:11, al.; seq. ὡς, ὡσεί, Mt 10:25, Mk 9:26; εἰς (M, Pr., 71f.), Mk 12:1o, al.; c. gen. Re 11:15; id., of age, Lk 2:42; c. dat., γ. ἀνδρί ([LXX for הָיָה לְאִישׁ, Ru 1:12, al. ;] v. Field, Notes, 156), Ro 7:3, 4; seq. ἐν, Ac 22:17, Re 1:10, al.; ἐπάνω, Lk 19:19; μετά, c. gen., Mk 16:[10], Ac 9:19; seq. εἰς, ἐπί (Field, Notes, 135), κατά (ib., 62), c. acc. of place, Ac 20:16 21:35 27:7, al.; seq. ἐκ, Mk 9:7, Lk 3:22, II Th 2:7, al. Aoristic pf. γέγονα (M, Pr., 52, 145f.; Field, Notes, 1f.), Mt 25:6, Lk 10:36, al. Aor. ἐγενήθη (for ἐγένετο, M, Pr., 139f.; Mayser, 379), Mt 11:23, al. (Cf. απο-, δια-, επι-, παρα-, συμ-, παρα-, προ-.)
γινώσκω (= γιγν-: v. previous word. So also vulgar Attic, in Inscr., v. Thumb, MGV, 207),
[in LXX chiefly for ידע ;] to be taking in knowledge, come to know, recognize, perceive, understand; in past tenses to know, realize; pass., to become known: c. acc., Mt 22:18, Mk 5:43, Col 4:8, I Th 3:5, al. Pass., Mt 10:26, Phl 4:5, al.; seq. ὅτι, Mt 21:45, Jo 4:1, al.; τί, Mt 6:3; ἀπό, Mk 15:45; , Ro 7:15; τ. λεγόμενα, Lk 18:34; τ. θέλημα, Lk 12:47; τ. καρδίας, Lk 16:15; c acc. pers., of recognition by God, I Co 8:3, Ga 4:9; by Christ, neg., Mt 7:23; freq. of the knowledge of divine things, of God and Christ; τ. θεόν, Ro 1:21 Ga 4:9; τ. πατέρα, Jo 8:55; τ. κύριον, He 8:1 (LXX); νοῦν κυρίου, Ro 11:34; Χριστόν, Jo 17:3, I Jo 3:6; τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος, I Co 2:14; τ. πνεύμα, I Jo 4:6; τ. ἀλήθειαν, Jo 8:32; of Christ's knowledge of the Father (ἐπιγ.), Mt 11:27 (Dalman, Words, 282ff.). In Hellenistic writers [LXX for Heb. ידע, Ga 4:1, al.], of sexual intercourse, to know carnally: Mt 1:25, Lk 1:34 (Cremer, 153). SYN.: γ., to know by observation and experience is thus prop. disting. from οἶδα, to know by reflection (a mental process, based on intuition or information); cf. also ἐφίστημι, συνίημι. (Cf. ἀνα-, δια-, ἐπι-, κατα-, προ-γινώσκω.)
γλεῦκος (-εος), -ους, τό,
[in LXX for יַיִן, Jb 32:19 * ;] must, sweet new wine (Arist.): Ac 2:13.†
γλυκύς, -εῖα, -ύ,
[in LXX chiefly for מָתֹוק ;] Ja 3:11, 12; opp. to πικρόν, ἁλυκόν, Re 10:9, 10.†
γλῶσσα, -ης, ἡ,