function q(str) { return JSON.stringify(str); } function titleCase(str) { str = str.toLowerCase().split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { str[i] = str[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str[i].slice(1); } return str.join(' '); } function toHtmlColor(color) { return "#" + ("0" + (Math.floor(color.r * 255.5)).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + (Math.floor(color.g * 255.5)).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + (Math.floor(color.b * 255.5)).toString(16)).slice(-2); } let fontStyleMapping = { Thin: 100, ThinItalic: 100, ExtraLight: 200, ExtraLightItalic: 200, Light: 300, LightItalic: 300, Regular: 400, RegularItalic: 400, Medium: 500, MediumItalic: 500, SemiBold: 600, SemiBoldItalic: 600, Bold: 700, BoldItalic: 700, ExtraBold: 800, ExtraBoldItalic: 800, Black: 900, BlackItalic: 900, }; var text = ""; var indent = 0; var at = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var atStack = []; function ind() { return " ".repeat(indent); } function visitFill(fill) { // text += ind() + `fill color(${fill.color.r}, ${fill.color.g}, ${fill.color.b}, ${fill.opacity})\n` if (fill.color != undefined) { if (fill.opacity != 1) { text += ind() + `fill ${JSON.stringify(toHtmlColor(fill.color))}, ${fill.opacity}\n`; 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