! Title: Distraction free youtube ! Version: 12062019 ! Expires: 3 days ! Distraction free youtube ! block recommendations www.youtube.com###secondary www.youtube.com###sections www.youtube.com###ticker > .ytd-masthead.style-scope ! block recommendations at the end of the video ! do not forget to disable autoplay at the end of the video. To do that: turn off ublock for a sec and then disable autoplay -> then turn it on again www.youtube.com##.ytp-ce-element www.youtube.com##.ytp-show-tiles.videowall-endscreen.ytp-player-content.html5-endscreen ! block home screen stuff www.youtube.com##ytd-browse.ytd-page-manager[page-subtype="home"] ! block mobile home screen stuff m.youtube.com##div[tab-identifier="FEwhat_to_watch"] ! block recommendations and comments on mobile m.youtube.com##ytm-item-section-renderer.scwnr-content:nth-of-type(2) m.youtube.com##ytm-comment-section-renderer.scwnr-content