# Copyright (C) 2019 tribe29 GmbH - License: GNU General Public License v2
# This file is part of Checkmk (https://checkmk.com). It is subject to the terms and
# conditions defined in the file COPYING, which is part of this source code package.

# Author: Lars Michelsen <lm@mathias-kettner.de>
#         Florian Heigl <florian.heigl@gmail.com>
#           (Added sections: df mount mem netctr ipmitool)

# NOTE: This agent has beed adapted from the Checkmk linux agent.
#       The most sections are commented out at the moment because
#       they have not been ported yet. We will try to adapt most
#       sections to print out the same output as the linux agent so
#       that the current checks can be used.

# This might be a good source as description of sysctl output:
# http://people.freebsd.org/~hmp/utilities/satbl/_sysctl.html

: "${MK_RUN_SYNC_PARTS=true}"

    echo "Exclusive cache update and live-update (MK_RUN_SYNC_PARTS=false) is not suported on this system" >&2
    exit 1

# Remove locale settings to eliminate localized outputs where possible
export LC_ALL=C
unset LANG

export MK_LIBDIR="/usr/local/lib/check_mk_agent"
export MK_CONFDIR="/etc/check_mk"
export MK_TMPDIR="/var/run/check_mk"

# Optionally set a tempdir for all subsequent calls
#export TMPDIR=

# Make sure, locally installed binaries are found
[ -d /var/qmail/bin ] && PATH=$PATH:/var/qmail/bin

# All executables in PLUGINSDIR will simply be executed and their
# ouput appended to the output of the agent. Plugins define their own
# sections and must output headers with '<<<' and '>>>'

# All executables in LOCALDIR will by executabled and their
# output inserted into the section <<<local>>>. Please refer
# to online documentation for details.

# close standard input (for security reasons) and stderr
if [ "$1" = -d ]
    set -xv
    exec </dev/null 2>/dev/null

# Function to replace "if type [somecmd]" idiom
# 'command -v' tends to be more robust vs 'which' and 'type' based tests
inpath() {
    command -v "${1:?No command to test}" >/dev/null 2>&1

# Runs a command asynchronous by use of a cache file
function run_cached() {
    if [ "$1" = -s ] ; then local section="echo '<<<$2>>>' ; " ; shift ; fi
    local NAME=$1
    local MAXAGE=$2
    shift 2
    local CMDLINE="$section$@"

    if [ ! -d $MK_TMPDIR/cache ]; then mkdir -p $MK_TMPDIR/cache ; fi

    # Check if the creation of the cache takes suspiciously long and return
    # nothing if the age (access time) of $CACHEFILE.new is twice the MAXAGE
    local NOW=$(date +%s)
    if [ -e "$CACHEFILE.new" ] ; then
        local CF_ATIME=$(stat -f "%a" "$CACHEFILE.new")
        if [ $((NOW - CF_ATIME)) -ge $((MAXAGE * 2)) ] ; then

    # Check if cache file exists and is recent enough
    if [ -s "$CACHEFILE" ] ; then
        local MTIME=$(stat -f "%m" "$CACHEFILE")
        if [ $((NOW - MTIME)) -le $MAXAGE ] ; then local USE_CACHEFILE=1 ; fi
        # Output the file in any case, even if it is
        # outdated. The new file will not yet be available
        if [[ $NAME == local_* ]]; then
            sed -e "s/^/$CACHE_INFO /" "$CACHEFILE"
            # insert the cache info in the section header (^= after '!'),
            # if none is present (^= before '!')
            sed -e '/^<<<.*\(:cached(\).*>>>/!s/^<<<\([^>]*\)>>>$/<<<\1:'$CACHE_INFO'>>>/' "$CACHEFILE"

    # Cache file outdated and new job not yet running? Start it
    if [ -z "$USE_CACHEFILE" -a ! -e "$CACHEFILE.new" ] ; then
        echo "$CMDLINE" | daemon /usr/local/bin/bash -o noclobber > $CACHEFILE.new && mv $CACHEFILE.new $CACHEFILE || rm -f $CACHEFILE $CACHEFILE.new &

echo "<<<check_mk>>>"
echo "Version: 2.0.0p13"
echo "AgentOS: freebsd"
echo "Hostname: $(hostname)"
echo "AgentDirectory: $MK_CONFDIR"
echo "DataDirectory: $MK_VARDIR"
echo "SpoolDirectory: $SPOOLDIR"
echo "PluginsDirectory: $PLUGINSDIR"
echo "LocalDirectory: $LOCALDIR"

osver="$(uname -r)"
is_jailed="$(sysctl -n security.jail.jailed)"

# Partitionen (-P verhindert Zeilenumbruch bei langen Mountpunkten)
# Achtung: NFS-Mounts werden grundsaetzlich ausgeblendet, um
# Haenger zu vermeiden. Diese sollten ohnehin besser auf dem
# Server, als auf dem Client ueberwacht werden.

echo '<<<df>>>'
# no special zfs handling so far, the ZFS.pools plugin has been tested to
# work on FreeBSD
if df -T > /dev/null ; then
    df -kTP -t ufs | egrep -v '(Filesystem|devfs|procfs|fdescfs|basejail)'
    df -kP -t ufs | egrep -v '(Filesystem|devfs|procfs|fdescfs|basejail)' | awk '{ print $1,"ufs",$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 }'

# Filesystem usage for ZFS
if inpath zfs; then
    echo '<<<zfsget>>>'
    zfs get -t filesystem,volume -Hp name,quota,used,avail,mountpoint,type || \
       zfs get -Hp name,quota,used,avail,mountpoint,type
    echo '[df]'
    df -kP -t zfs | sed 1d
    # arc stats for zfs_arc_cache
    echo '<<<zfs_arc_cache>>>'
    sysctl -q kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats |  sed -e 's/kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.//g' -e 's/: / = /g'

# Check NFS mounts by accessing them with stat -f (System
# call statfs()). If this lasts more then 2 seconds we
# consider it as hanging. We need waitmax.
#if inpath waitmax
#    STAT_VERSION=$(stat --version | head -1 | cut -d" " -f4)
#    STAT_BROKE="5.3.0"
#    echo '<<<nfsmounts>>>'
#    sed -n '/ nfs /s/[^ ]* \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/p' < /proc/mounts |
#        while read MP
#  do
#   if [ $STAT_VERSION != $STAT_BROKE ]; then
#      waitmax -s 9 2 stat -f -c "$MP ok %b %f %a %s" "$MP" || \
#    echo "$MP hanging 0 0 0 0"
#   else
#      waitmax -s 9 2 stat -f -c "$MP ok %b %f %a %s" "$MP" && \
#      printf '\n'|| echo "$MP hanging 0 0 0 0"
#   fi
#  done

# Check mount options.
# FreeBSD doesn't do remount-ro on errors, but the users might consider
# security related mount options more important.
echo '<<<mounts>>>'
mount -p -t ufs

# processes including username, without kernel processes
echo '<<<ps>>>'
if [ "$is_jailed" = "0" ]; then
    ps ax -o state,user,vsz,rss,pcpu,command | sed -e 1d  -e '/\([^ ]*J\) */d' -e 's/ *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) */(\2,\3,\4,\5) /'
    ps ax -o user,vsz,rss,pcpu,command | sed -e 1d -e 's/ *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) */(\1,\2,\3,\4) /'

# Produce compatible load/cpu output to linux agent. Not so easy here.
echo '<<<cpu>>>'
echo `sysctl -n vm.loadavg | tr -d '{}'` `top -b -n 1 | grep -E '^[0-9]+ processes' | awk '{print $3"/"$1}'` `sysctl -n kern.lastpid` `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`

# Calculate the uptime in seconds since epoch compatible to /proc/uptime in linux
echo '<<<uptime>>>'
up_seconds=$(( `date +%s` - `sysctl -n kern.boottime  | cut -f1 -d\, | awk '{print $4}'`))
idle_seconds=$(ps axw | grep idle | grep -v grep | awk '{print $4}' | cut -f1 -d\: )
echo "$up_seconds $idle_seconds"

# Platten- und RAID-Status von LSI-Controlleren, falls vorhanden
#if inpath cfggen; then
#   echo '<<<lsi>>>'
#   cfggen 0 DISPLAY | egrep '(Target ID|State|Volume ID|Status of volume)[[:space:]]*:' | sed -e 's/ *//g' -e 's/:/ /'

# Multipathing is supported in FreeBSD by now
# http://www.mywushublog.com/2010/06/freebsd-and-multipath/
if kldstat -v | grep g_multipath > /dev/null ; then
    echo '<<<freebsd_multipath>>>'
    gmultipath status | grep -v ^Name

# Soft-RAID
echo '<<<freebsd_geom_mirrors>>>'
gmirror status | grep -v ^Name

# Performancecounter Kernel
echo "<<<kernel>>>"
date +%s
forks=`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_forks`
vforks=`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_vforks`
rforks=`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_rforks`
kthreads=`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_kthreads`
echo "cpu" `sysctl -n kern.cp_time | awk ' { print $1" "$2" "$3" "$5" "$4 } '`
echo "ctxt" `sysctl -n vm.stats.sys.v_swtch`
echo "processes" `expr $forks + $vforks + $rforks + $kthreads`

# Network device statistics (Packets, Collisions, etc)
# only the "Link/Num" interface has all counters.
echo '<<<netctr>>>'
date +%s
if [ "$(echo $osver | cut -f1 -d\. )" -gt "8" ]; then
    netstat -inb | egrep -v '(^Name|lo|plip)' | grep Link | awk '{print $1" "$8" "$5" "$6" "$7" 0 0 0 0 "$11" "$9" "$10" 0 0 0 0 0"}'
    # pad output for freebsd 7 and before
    netstat -inb | egrep -v '(^Name|lo|plip)' | grep Link | awk '{print $1" "$7" "$5" "$6" 0 0 0 0 0 "$10" "$8" "$9" 0 0 "$11" 0 0"}'

# IPMI-Data (Fans, CPU, temperature, etc)
# needs the sysutils/ipmitool and kldload ipmi.ko
if inpath ipmitool; then
    echo '<<<ipmi>>>'
    ipmitool sensor list \
        | grep -v 'command failed' \
        | sed -e 's/ *| */|/g' -e "s/ /_/g" -e 's/_*$//' -e 's/|/ /g' \
        | egrep -v '^[^ ]+ na ' \
        | grep -v ' discrete '

# State of LSI MegaRAID controller via MegaCli.
# To install: pkg install megacli
if inpath MegaCli; then
    echo '<<<megaraid_pdisks>>>'
    MegaCli -PDList -aALL -NoLog < /dev/null | egrep 'Enclosure|Raw Size|Slot Number|Device Id|Firmware state|Inquiry|Predictive Failure Count'
    echo '<<<megaraid_ldisks>>>'
    MegaCli -LDInfo -Lall -aALL -NoLog < /dev/null | egrep 'Size|State|Number|Adapter|Virtual'
    echo '<<<megaraid_bbu>>>'
    MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aALL -NoLog < /dev/null | grep -v Exit

# OpenVPN Clients.
# Correct log location unknown, sed call might also be broken
if [ -e /var/log/openvpn/openvpn-status.log ] ; then
    echo '<<<openvpn_clients:sep(44)>>>'
    sed -n -e '/CLIENT LIST/,/ROUTING TABLE/p' < /var/log/openvpn/openvpn-status.log  | sed -e 1,3d -e '$d'

if inpath ntpq; then
   echo '<<<ntp>>>'
   # remote heading, make first column space separated
   ntpq -np | sed -e 1,2d -e 's/^\(.\)/\1 /' -e 's/^ /%/'

# Number of TCP connections in the various states
echo '<<<tcp_conn_stats>>>'
netstat -na | awk ' /^tcp/ { c[$6]++; } END { for (x in c) { print x, c[x]; } }'

# Postfix mailqueue monitoring
# Only handle mailq when postfix user is present. The mailq command is also
# available when postfix is not installed. But it produces different outputs
# which are not handled by the check at the moment. So try to filter out the
# systems not using postfix by searching for the postfix user.
# Cannot take the whole outout. This could produce several MB of agent output
# on blocking queues.
# Only handle the last 6 lines (includes the summary line at the bottom and
# the last message in the queue. The last message is not used at the moment
# but it could be used to get the timestamp of the last message.
if inpath postconf; then
    echo '<<<postfix_mailq>>>'
    postfix_queue_dir=$(postconf -h queue_directory)
    postfix_count=$(find $postfix_queue_dir/deferred -type f | wc -l)
    postfix_size=$(du -ks $postfix_queue_dir/deferred | awk '{print $1 }')
    if [ $postfix_count -gt 0 ]
       echo -- $postfix_size Kbytes in $postfix_count Requests.
       echo Mail queue is empty
elif [ -x /usr/sbin/ssmtp ] ; then
    echo '<<<postfix_mailq>>>'
    mailq 2>&1 | sed 's/^[^:]*: \(.*\)/\1/' | tail -n 6

# Check status of qmail mailqueue
if inpath qmail-qstat; then
   echo "<<<qmail_stats>>>"

# check zpool status
if inpath zpool; then
   echo "<<<zpool_status>>>"
   zpool status -x | grep -v "errors: No known data errors"

# Statgrab
# To install: pkg install libstatgrab
if inpath statgrab; then

    statgrab_vars="const. disk. general. page. proc. user."
    statgrab_vars_mem="mem. swap."
    statgrab_sections="proc disk page"

    statgrab $statgrab_vars | grep -v md 1> /tmp/statgrab.$$
    statgrab $statgrab_vars_mem 1>>/tmp/statgrab.$$

    for s in $statgrab_sections
        echo "<<<statgrab_$s>>>"
        grep "^${s}\." /tmp/statgrab.$$ | cut -d. -f2-99 | sed 's/ *= */ /'

    echo '<<<statgrab_net>>>'
    statgrab net. 2>&1 | cut -d. -f2-99 | sed 's/ *= */ /'

    echo '<<<statgrab_mem>>>'
    egrep "^(swap|mem)\." /tmp/statgrab.$$ | sed 's/ *= */ /'

    [ -f /tmp/statgrab.$$ ] && rm -f /tmp/statgrab.$$

# Fileinfo-Check: put patterns for files into /etc/check_mk/fileinfo.cfg
perl -e '
use File::Glob "bsd_glob";
my @patterns = ();
foreach (bsd_glob("$ARGV[0]/fileinfo.cfg"), bsd_glob("$ARGV[0]/fileinfo.d/*")) {
    open my $handle, "<", $_ or next;
    while (<$handle>) {
        next if /^\s*(#|$)/;
        my $pattern = $_;
        $pattern =~ s/\$DATE:(.*?)\$/substr(`date +"$1"`, 0, -1)/eg;
        push @patterns, $pattern;
    warn "error while reading $_: $!\n" if $!;
    close $handle;
exit if ! @patterns;

print "<<<fileinfo:sep(124)>>>\n", time, "\n[[[header]]]\nname|status|size|time\n[[[content]]]\n";

foreach (@patterns) {
    foreach (bsd_glob("$_")) {
        if (! -f) {
            print "$_|missing\n" if ! -d;
        } elsif (my @infos = stat) {
            print "$_|ok|$infos[7]|$infos[9]\n";
        } else {
            print "$_|stat failed: $!\n";
' -- "$MK_CONFDIR"

# Local checks
echo '<<<local:sep(0)>>>'
if cd $LOCALDIR ; then
    for skript in $(ls) ; do
        if [ -f "$skript" -a -x "$skript" ] ; then
    # Call some plugins only every X'th minute
    for skript in [1-9]*/* ; do
        if [ -x "$skript" ] ; then
            run_cached local_${skript//\//\\} ${skript%/*} "$skript"

# Plugins
if cd $PLUGINSDIR; then
    for skript in $(ls) ; do
        if [ -f "$skript" -a -x "$skript" ] ; then
    # Call some plugins only every X'th minute
    for skript in [1-9]*/* ; do
        if [ -x "$skript" ] ; then
            run_cached plugins_${skript//\//\\} ${skript%/*} "$skript"

# MK's Remote Plugin Executor
if [ -e "$MK_CONFDIR/mrpe.cfg" ]
    echo '<<<mrpe>>>'
    grep -Ev '^[[:space:]]*($|#)' "$MK_CONFDIR/mrpe.cfg" | \
    while read descr cmdline
        PLUGIN=${cmdline%% *}
        OUTPUT=$(eval "$cmdline")
        echo -n "(${PLUGIN##*/}) $descr $? $OUTPUT" | tr \\n \\1