Infinispan Playground Hybrid Map/Reduce Word Count demo ======================================================= This package demonstrates how to run map/reduce jobs in a hybrid Infinispan cluster. A hybrid cluster is one where nodes can be a mix of embedded nodes (i.e. nodes where Infinispan is embedded as a library) and server nodes. To use this demo you will need to have already installed an instance of Infinispan Server. Build and package the demo: $ mvn clean package This will compile the classes and generate in the target directory a server module packaged as a zip file which you need to extract at the root of the server. You will also need to modify the following file: modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/as/clustering/infinispan/main/module.xml by adding the following line to its dependencies: Start the server using the following: $ ./bin/ -c server-hybrid.xml Now run the embedded node as follows: $ mvn exec:java