# `lla` - Blazing Fast `ls` Replacement with Superpowers
## Overview
`lla` is a high-performance file explorer written in Rust that enhances the traditional `ls` command with modern features, rich formatting options, and a powerful plugin system.
## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Features](#features)
- [Display Formats](#display-formats)
- [Core Features](#core-features)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Command Reference](#command-reference)
- [Filter System](#filter-system)
- [Plugin System](#plugin-system)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Theming](#theming)
- [Completion](#completion)
- [Development](#development)
- [Plugin Development](#plugin-development)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
## Installation
# Using Cargo
cargo install lla
# On macOS
brew install lla
# On Arch Linux
paru -S lla
# On NetBSD
pkgin install lla
# Manual - Example is for amd64 GNU, replaces the file names if downloading for a different arch.
wget -c https://github.com/triyanox/lla/releases/download/v0.3.6/lla-linux-amd64 -O lla
sudo chmod +x lla
sudo chown root:root lla
sudo mv lla /usr/local/bin/lla
After installation, initialize your setup:
# Create default config
lla init
# View your config
lla config
## Features
### Display Formats
#### Default View
Quick and clean directory listing
#### Long Format
Detailed file information with metadata
lla -l
#### Tree View
Hierarchical directory visualization
lla -t
#### Table View
Structured data display
lla -T
#### Grid View
Organized layout for better readability
lla -g
#### Git-Aware View
Repository status and insights
lla -G
#### Timeline View
Group files by dates
lla --timeline
#### Sizemap View
Visualize file sizes relative to each other
lla -S
#### Fuzzy Search (Experimental)
Search for files using fuzzy matching
lla --fuzzy
#### Recursive Format
List all files in a directory recursively
lla -R # use -d to control the depth
### Core Features
**Display Options**
- Long format (`-l`, `--long`): Detailed file information with metadata
- Tree view (`-t`, `--tree`): Hierarchical directory visualization
- Table view (`-T`, `--table`): Structured data display
- Grid view (`-g`, `--grid`): Organized layout for better readability
- Size map (`-S`, `--sizemap`): Visual representation of file sizes
- Timeline view (`--timeline`): Group files by time periods
- Git-aware view (`-G`, `--git`): Repository status and information
- Fuzzy search (`--fuzzy`): Search for files using fuzzy matching (Experimental)
- Recursive format (`-R`, `--recursive`): List all files in a directory recursively
- Icons (`--icons`): Show icons for files and directories
- No colors (`--no-colors`): Disable colors in all listing commands
- No icons (`--no-icons`): Disable icons in all listing commands
- Include directories (`--include-dirs`): Include the size of directories in the metadata, it will recursively calculate the size of all directories, works with all listing commands
**Organization & Sorting**
- Sort files (`-s`, `--sort`):
- By name (default)
- By size
- By date (modification time)
- Sort modifiers:
- Reverse order (`-r`, `--sort-reverse`)
- Directories first (`--sort-dirs-first`)
- Case-sensitive (`--sort-case-sensitive`)
- Natural number sorting (`--sort-natural`)
- Recursive listing with depth control (`-d`, `--depth`)
- Performance optimization for large directories:
- Configurable maximum entries for tree view (default: 20,000)
- Configurable maximum entries for recursive listing (default: 20,000)
**File Filtering**
- Filter by pattern (`-f`, `--filter`)
- Case-sensitive filtering (`-c`, `--case-sensitive`)
- Support for complex filter patterns:
- Simple text matching
- Regular expressions
- Glob patterns
- Logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)
**Plugin System**
- Enable/disable plugins (`--enable-plugin`, `--disable-plugin`)
- Custom plugin directory support (`--plugins-dir`)
- Plugin action support (`--plugin-arg`)
## Usage
### Command Reference
**Basic Usage**
lla # List current directory (default view)
lla /path/to/dir # List specific directory
lla -l # Long format with detailed information
lla -t # Tree view
lla -T # Table view
lla -g # Grid view
lla -G # Git-aware view
lla -S # Size map view - you can also use the `include_dirs` flag to include the size of directories
lla --timeline # Timeline view
lla --icons # Show file/directory icons
lla --fuzzy # Fuzzy search (Experimental)
lla -R # Recursive format - use -d to control the depth
**Sorting & Organization**
lla -s name # Sort by name (default)
lla -s size # Sort by size
lla -s date # Sort by date
lla -r # Reverse sort order
lla --sort-dirs-first # List directories before files
lla --sort-case-sensitive # Case-sensitive sorting
lla --sort-natural # Natural number sorting (2.txt before 10.txt)
**Depth Control**
lla -d 2 # List directory tree with depth 2
lla -t -d 3 # Tree view with max depth 3
### Filter System
#### Basic Filtering
lla -f "test" # Find files containing "test"
lla -f "test" -c # Case-sensitive search
lla -f ".rs" # Find files with .rs extension
#### Advanced Filters
**Pattern Filters**
lla -f "test,spec" # OR operation
lla -f "+test,api" # AND operation
**Regular Expression Filters**
lla -f "regex:^test.*\.rs$" # Rust files starting with "test"
lla -f "regex:\d{4}" # Files containing 4 digits
**Glob Pattern Filters**
lla -f "glob:*.{rs,toml}" # Match .rs or .toml files
lla -f "glob:test_*" # Files starting with test_
#### Composite Filters
lla -f "test AND .rs" # AND operation
lla -f "test OR spec" # OR operation
lla -f "NOT test" # NOT operation
lla -f "test XOR spec" # XOR operation
### Plugin System
# From Git repository
lla install --git https://github.com/user/plugin
# From local directory
lla install --dir path/to/plugin
You can use the following commands to manage plugins:
lla use # Interactive plugin manager
lla --enable-plugin name # Enable plugin
lla --disable-plugin name # Disable plugin
lla update # Update all plugins
# You also update a single plugin
lla update file_tagger
**Plugin Actions:**
Plugin actions are the functions which a given plugin can perform.
lla plugin --name file_tagger --action add-tag --args README.md "important"
**Creating Shortcuts**
Shortcuts allow you to save frequently used plugin commands with simpler aliases:
# Add a shortcut
lla shortcut add find file_finder search -d "Quick file search"
lla shortcut add hash file_hash calculate -d "Calculate file hashes"
lla shortcut add todos keyword_search find-todos -d "Find TODO comments"
# List all shortcuts
lla shortcut list
# Use shortcuts (remaining arguments are passed to the plugin)
lla find pattern # Equivalent to: lla plugin --name file_finder --action search --args "pattern"
lla hash filename # Equivalent to: lla plugin --name file_hash --action calculate --args "filename"
lla todos # Equivalent to: lla plugin --name keyword_search --action find-todos
# Remove a shortcut
lla shortcut remove find
## Configuration
The configuration file is located at `~/.config/lla/config.toml`. You can modify it directly or use the `lla config` command.
**Configuration File Format:**
# LLA Configuration File
# This file controls the behavior and appearance of the lla command
# Default sorting method for file listings
# Possible values:
# - "name": Sort alphabetically by filename (default)
# - "size": Sort by file size, largest first
# - "date": Sort by modification time, newest first
default_sort = "name"
# Default format for displaying files
# Possible values:
# - "default": Quick and clean directory listing
# - "long": Detailed file information with metadata
# - "tree": Hierarchical directory visualization
# - "fuzzy": Interactive fuzzy search
# - "grid": Organized grid layout for better readability
# - "git": Git-aware view with repository status
# - "timeline": Group files by time periods
# - "sizemap": Visual representation of file sizes
# - "table": Structured data display
default_format = "default"
# Whether to show icons by default
# When true, file and directory icons will be displayed in all views
# Default: false
show_icons = true
# Whether to include directory sizes in file listings
# When true, directory sizes will be calculated recursively
# This may impact performance for large directories
# Default: false
include_dirs = false
# The theme to use for coloring
# Place custom themes in ~/.config/lla/themes/
# Default: "default"
theme = "default"
# List of enabled plugins
# Each plugin provides additional functionality
# Examples:
# - "git_status": Show Git repository information
# - "file_hash": Calculate and display file hashes
# - "file_tagger": Add and manage file tags
enabled_plugins = []
# Directory where plugins are stored
# Default: ~/.config/lla/plugins
plugins_dir = "/Users/mohamedachaq/.config/lla/plugins"
# Maximum depth for recursive directory traversal
# Controls how deep lla will go when showing directory contents
# Set to None for unlimited depth (may impact performance)
# Default: 3 levels deep
default_depth = 3
# Sorting configuration
# List directories before files
# Default: false
dirs_first = false
# Enable case-sensitive sorting
# Default: false
case_sensitive = false
# Use natural sorting for numbers (e.g., 2.txt before 10.txt)
# Default: true
natural = true
# Filtering configuration
# Enable case-sensitive filtering by default
# Default: false
case_sensitive = false
# Formatter-specific configurations
# Maximum number of entries to display in tree view
# Controls memory usage and performance for large directories
# Set to 0 to show all entries (may impact performance)
# Default: 20000 entries
max_lines = 20000
# Lister-specific configurations
# Maximum number of entries to process in recursive listing
# Controls memory usage and performance for deep directory structures
# Set to 0 to process all entries (may impact performance)
# Default: 20000 entries
max_entries = 20000
# Fuzzy lister configuration
# Patterns to ignore when listing files in fuzzy mode
# Can be:
# - Simple substring match: "node_modules"
# - Glob pattern: "glob:*.min.js"
# - Regular expression: "regex:.*\\.pyc$"
# Default: ["node_modules", "target", ".git", ".idea", ".vscode"]
ignore_patterns = ["node_modules","target",".git",".idea",".vscode"]
**Configuration Commands:**
# Initialize config
lla init # Create default config file
# View current config
lla config # Display current configuration
# Modify settings
lla config --set default_sort size
lla config --set default_format long
lla config --set show_icons true
lla config --set sort.dirs_first true
lla config --set sort.case_sensitive true
lla config --set filter.case_sensitive true
# Manage shortcuts
lla shortcut add NAME PLUGIN ACTION [-d DESCRIPTION] # Add shortcut
lla shortcut remove NAME # Remove shortcut
lla shortcut list # List all shortcuts
CLI Configuration:
lla config --set default_sort size
lla config --set default_format long
## Theming
LLA includes a powerful theming system that allows you to customize the appearance of your file listings. Themes are defined in TOML files and stored in `~/.config/lla/themes/`.
You can use the interactive theme manager to switch themes using the `lla theme` command:
lla theme
**Theme Structure:**
# Theme metadata
name = "my_theme"
author = "Your Name"
description = "A description of your theme"
# Core colors
file = "#FFFFFF" # Regular files
directory = "#89AFFF" # Directories
symlink = "#89DBFF" # Symbolic links
executable = "#5DE4B3" # Executable files
# Special files
folders."node_modules" = "#666666"
dotfiles.".env" = "#FFFFC2"
exact_match."README.md" = "#FFFFC2"
patterns."*.min.*" = "#282E30"
# Extension-based colors
rust = ["rs", "toml"]
web = ["html", "css", "js"]
rust = "#FF5733"
web = "#61AFEF"
**Built-in Themes:**
- **default**: Traditional terminal colors optimized for visibility
- **dark**: Modern dark theme with enhanced visibility
- **light**: Clean theme optimized for light terminals
- **ayu_dark**, **ayu_light**, **ayu_mirage**: Inspired by the Ayu color scheme
- **catppuccin_mocha**: Soothing pastel theme with warm colors
- **dracula**: Classic Dracula scheme with vibrant colors
- **gruvbox_dark**: Retro groove theme with earthy tones
- **material_ocean**: Deep blue Material Design theme
- **nord**: Arctic, north-bluish color palette
- **one_dark**: Atom-inspired balanced dark theme
- **poimandres**: Deep space aesthetic theme
- **tokyo_night**: Vibrant dark theme inspired by Tokyo nights
- **vesper**: Minimalist dark theme with warm accents
**Using Themes:**
Copy the theme you want to use to your `~/.config/lla/themes/` directory.
and then set the theme in your config or use the command line:
# Set theme in config
lla config --set theme dark
# Disable colors
lla config --set theme none
also you can disable colors all together by using the `--no-colors` flag:
lla --no-colors # works with all listing commands
For more detailed information about theming, see the [themes documentation](themes/README.md).
## Completion
LLA supports shell completion for bash, zsh, fish, and elvish.
lla completion bash # for bash
lla completion zsh # for zsh
lla completion fish # for fish
lla completion elvish # for elvish
You can also generate completions in a specific directory by running the following command:
lla completion --output /path/to/completion
All completions are included [here](https://github.com/triyanox/lla/tree/main/completions).
## Development
### Plugin Development
Develop custom plugins using the `Plugin` trait from [lla_plugin_interface](https://github.com/triyanox/lla/tree/main/lla_plugin_interface). More details in the [plugin development guide](https://github.com/triyanox/lla/tree/main/lla_plugin_interface).
### Contributing
1. Fork the repository
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add some new-feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/new-feature`)
5. Open a Pull Request
If you want to add a new theme, please add it to the `themes/` directory.
If you want to add a new plugin, please add it to the `plugins/` directory or you can use your own repo to host it.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.