/** * Flume Smart Home Water Monitor * * Copyright 2021 tronikos * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ include 'asynchttp_v1' definition( name: "Flume Smart Home Water Monitor", namespace: "tronikos", author: "tronikos", description: "SmartApp for Flume Smart Home Water Monitor", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tronikos/FlumeSmartThings/main/icons/flume_logo.png", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tronikos/FlumeSmartThings/main/icons/flume_logo.png", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tronikos/FlumeSmartThings/main/icons/flume_logo.png", singleInstance: true, ) { appSetting "FlumeAPI_Key" appSetting "FlumeAPI_Secret" } preferences { page(name: "pageOne", title: "Options", uninstall: true, install: true) { section("Login") { paragraph("You MUST set the 'API Key' and 'API Secret' via App Settings in IDE") input( name: "username", type: "email", required: true, title: "Email Address", ) input( name: "password", type: "password", required: true, title: "Password", ) } section("Alert options") { input( name: "wetOnAnyUsageAlert", type: "bool", title: "Wet on any usage alert?", description: "Wet on any usage alert and not just leaks?", defaultValue: true, required: false, ) input( name: "wetOnlyOnUnreadAlerts", type: "bool", title: "Wet only on unread alerts?", description: "If yes, wet status will be cleared once you have read the alert in the Flume app. " + "If no, you need to delete the alert in the Flume app.", defaultValue: false, required: false, ) } section("Polling options") { paragraph("You must stay under 120 requests per hour to avoid rate limiting") input( name: "pollAlertsEveryMinutes", type: "enum", title: "How often to poll for alerts?", options: runEveryMinuteOptions(), defaultValue: 5, required: false, ) input( name: "pollWaterUsageEveryMinutes", type: "enum", title: "How often to poll for water usage?", options: runEveryMinuteOptions(), defaultValue: 15, required: false, ) input( name: "pollDevicesEveryMinutes", type: "enum", title: "How often to poll for new devices and infrequently changed attributes such as battery?", options: runEveryMinuteOptions(), defaultValue: 60, required: false, ) } section("Local Proxy") { paragraph("The limit of 120 requests per hour is per IP address. " + "SmartThings SmartApps run on the cloud so this limit is shared among other users of this " + "SmartApp. To avoid rate limiting it's recommended to setup a proxy running in your local " + "network that the SmartThings hub will locally connect to.") input( name: "proxyHost", type: "text", required: false, title: "Proxy Host", description: "e.g.", ) } section("Other options") { label( title: "Assign a name for Service Manager", required: false, ) input( name: "awayModes", type: "mode", title: "SmartThings modes when water meter should be set to Away", multiple: true, required: false ) input( name: "configLoggingLevelIDE", title: "IDE Live Logging Level", type: "enum", options: [ 0 : "None", 1 : "Error", 2 : "Warn or above", 3 : "Info or above", 4 : "Debug or above", 5 : "Trace or above", ], defaultValue: "5", required: false, ) } } } Map runEveryMinuteOptions() { return [ 0 : "Never", 1 : "Every 1 minute", 5 : "Every 5 minutes", 10 : "Every 10 minutes", 15 : "Every 15 minutes", 30 : "Every 30 minutes", 60 : "Every 1 hour", 180 : "Every 3 hours", ] } void installed() { logger("installed() called with settings: $settings", "trace") runIn(3, initialize) } void updated() { logger("updated() called with settings: $settings", "trace") cleanup() // deleteChildDevice seems to take a while to delete; wait before re-creating runIn(10, initialize) } void uninstalled() { logger("uninstalled() called", "trace") cleanup() } void cleanup() { logger("cleanup() called", "trace") unschedule(pollDevices) unschedule(pollAlerts) unschedule(pollWaterUsage) childDevices.each { device -> logger("cleanup- deleting $device with id: ${device.deviceNetworkId}", "info") try { deleteChildDevice(device.deviceNetworkId) } catch (e) { logger("cleanup- caught and ignored deleting $device: $e", "warn") } } state.access_token = null state.access_token_expires_at = null } void initialize() { logger("initialize() called with settings: $settings", "trace") pollDevices() runEvery(pollDevicesEveryMinutes, "pollDevices") runEvery(pollAlertsEveryMinutes, "pollAlerts") runEvery(pollWaterUsageEveryMinutes, "pollWaterUsage") if (settings.awayModes) { logger("Subscribing to location mode changes", "info") subscribe(location, "mode", modeChangeHandler) } } // Handling new/modified devices. void pollDevices() { logger("pollDevices() called", "trace") fetchDevices("processFetchDevices") } void processFetchDevices(physicalgraph.scheduling.AsyncResponse resp, Map unusedCallbackData) { logger("processFetchDevices called with response from cloud", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "fetchDevices")) { return } processFetchDevicesResponse(resp.json) } void processFetchDevices(Map data) { logger("processFetchDevices called with response from cache", "trace") processFetchDevicesResponse(data.respData) } void processFetchDevices(physicalgraph.device.HubResponse resp) { logger("processFetchDevices called with response from local proxy", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "fetchDevices")) { return } processFetchDevicesResponse(resp.json) } void processFetchDevicesResponse(Map respData) { logger("fetchDevices response is: $respData", "debug") Map flumeDevices = parseFetchDevicesResponse(respData) logger("parseFetchDevicesResponse returned: $flumeDevices", "info") flumeDevices.each { deviceId, dev -> physicalgraph.app.ChildDeviceWrapper device = getChildDevice(deviceId) if (device) { logger("Updating existing $device data: ${dev.data}", "info") dev.data.each { k, v -> device.updateDataValue(k, v.toString()) } } else { device = addChildDevice( "Flume Smart Home Water Monitor DH", deviceId, null, [label: "${dev.locationName}-Flume Meter", completedSetup: true, data: dev.data]) logger("device added: $device with id: $deviceId", "debug") } logger("Sending to $device attributes: ${dev.attributes}", "info") dev.attributes.each { k, v -> device.sendEvent(name: k, value: v) } } } // Handling alerts. void pollAlerts() { logger("pollAlerts() called", "trace") fetchUsageAlertNotifications("processFetchUsageAlertNotifications") } void processFetchUsageAlertNotifications(physicalgraph.scheduling.AsyncResponse resp, Map unusedCallbackData) { logger("processFetchUsageAlertNotifications called with response from cloud", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "fetchUsageAlertNotifications")) { return } processFetchUsageAlertNotificationsResponse(resp.json) } void processFetchUsageAlertNotifications(Map data) { logger("processFetchUsageAlertNotifications called with response from cache", "trace") processFetchUsageAlertNotificationsResponse(data.respData) } void processFetchUsageAlertNotifications(physicalgraph.device.HubResponse resp) { logger("processFetchUsageAlertNotifications called with response from local proxy", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "fetchUsageAlertNotifications")) { return } processFetchUsageAlertNotificationsResponse(resp.json) } void processFetchUsageAlertNotificationsResponse(Map respData) { logger("fetchUsageAlertNotifications response is: $respData", "debug") Set alertingDeviceIds = getAlertingDeviceIds(respData) logger("getAlertingDeviceIds returned: $alertingDeviceIds", "info") childDevices.each { device -> String wetDry = (device.deviceNetworkId in alertingDeviceIds) ? "wet" : "dry" logger("Setting $device to $wetDry", "info") device.setWater(wetDry) } } // Handling water usage stats. void pollWaterUsage() { logger("pollWaterUsage() called", "trace") childDevices.each { device -> pollWaterUsage(device) } } // parameter is physicalgraph.app.ChildDeviceWrapper when called from app, // physicalgraph.device.cache.DeviceDTO when called from DH void pollWaterUsage(device) { logger("pollWaterUsage($device) called", "trace") String deviceId = device.deviceNetworkId String locationTZ = device.getDataValue("locationTZ") Map callbackData = [deviceId: deviceId] queryWaterUsage(deviceId, locationTZ, "processQueryWaterUsage", callbackData) } void processQueryWaterUsage(physicalgraph.scheduling.AsyncResponse resp, Map callbackData) { logger("processQueryWaterUsage called with response from cloud", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "queryWaterUsage")) { return } processQueryWaterUsageResponse(resp.json, callbackData) } void processQueryWaterUsage(Map data) { logger("processQueryWaterUsage called with response from cache", "trace") processQueryWaterUsageResponse(data.respData, data.callbackData) } void processQueryWaterUsage(physicalgraph.device.HubResponse resp) { logger("processQueryWaterUsage called with response from local proxy", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "queryWaterUsage")) { return } processQueryWaterUsageResponse(resp.json, getCallbackDataFromHttpHeader(resp.headers)) } void processQueryWaterUsageResponse(Map respData, Map callbackData) { logger("queryWaterUsage($callbackData) response is: $respData", "debug") Map flowData = parseQueryWaterUsageResponse(respData) String deviceId = callbackData.deviceId logger("parseQueryWaterUsageResponse for $deviceId returned: $flowData", "info") physicalgraph.app.ChildDeviceWrapper device = getChildDevice(deviceId) flowData.each { k, v -> device.sendEvent(name: k, value: v) } device.setListElementWithLastArgument() } // Handling away mode changes. void modeChangeHandler(physicalgraph.app.EventWrapper evt) { logger("mode changed to ${evt.value}", "info") boolean awayMode = evt.value in settings.awayModes Set locationIds = childDevices*.getDataValue("locationId").toSet() logger("Updating locations: $locationIds to awayMode: $awayMode", "info") locationIds.each { locationId -> Map callbackData = [locationId: locationId, awayMode: awayMode] updateLocation(locationId, awayMode, "processUpdateLocation", callbackData) } } void processUpdateLocation(physicalgraph.scheduling.AsyncResponse resp, Map callbackData) { logger("processUpdateLocation called with response from cloud", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "updateLocation")) { return } processUpdateLocationResponse(resp.json, callbackData) } void processUpdateLocation(physicalgraph.device.HubResponse resp) { logger("processUpdateLocation called with response from local proxy", "trace") if (hasError(resp, "updateLocation")) { return } processUpdateLocationResponse(resp.json, getCallbackDataFromHttpHeader(resp.headers)) } void processUpdateLocationResponse(Map respData, Map callbackData) { logger("updateLocation($callbackData) response is: $respData", "debug") if (!respData.success) { logger("Non successful response: $respData", "warn") return } childDevices.each { device -> if (device.getDataValue("locationId") != callbackData.locationId) { return } logger("Setting $device awayMode to ${callbackData.awayMode}", "info") device.sendEvent(name: "awayMode", value: callbackData.awayMode) } } // Helper methods boolean hasError(physicalgraph.scheduling.AsyncResponse resp, String method) { if (resp.hasError()) { logger("$method ${resp.errorMessage} , headers: ${resp.headers}, data: ${resp.errorData}", "error") return true } return false } boolean hasError(physicalgraph.device.HubResponse resp, String method) { if (resp.status != 200) { logger("$method failed with status: ${resp.status} , headers: ${resp.headers}", "error") return true } return false } void runEvery(String minutes, String handlerMethod) { logger("runEvery($minutes, $handlerMethod) called", "trace") switch (minutes.toInteger()) { case 0: break case 1: runEvery1Minute(handlerMethod) break case 5: runEvery5Minutes(handlerMethod) break case 10: runEvery10Minutes(handlerMethod) break case 15: runEvery15Minutes(handlerMethod) break case 30: runEvery30Minutes(handlerMethod) break case 60: runEvery1Hour(handlerMethod) break case 180: runEvery3Hours(handlerMethod) break default: logger("Unhandled $minutes in runEvery", "error") break } } void logger(String msg, String level = "debug") { int loggingLevelIDE = (settings.configLoggingLevelIDE != null) ? settings.configLoggingLevelIDE.toInteger() : 5 switch (level) { case "error": if (loggingLevelIDE >= 1) { log.error msg } break case "warn": if (loggingLevelIDE >= 2) { log.warn msg } break case "info": if (loggingLevelIDE >= 3) { log.info msg } break case "debug": if (loggingLevelIDE >= 4) { log.debug msg } break case "trace": if (loggingLevelIDE >= 5) { log.trace msg } break default: log.debug msg break } } // Interactions with https://flumetech.readme.io/reference API String getApiBase() { return "https://api.flumewater.com" } String getFlumeAPIKey() { return appSettings.FlumeAPI_Key } String getFlumeAPISecret() { return appSettings.FlumeAPI_Secret } Map getDefaultHeaders() { return [ "User-Agent": "okhttp/3.12.3", "Content-Type": "application/json" ] } Map getDefaultAuthHeaders() { loginIfNeeded() Map headers = getDefaultHeaders() headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer ${state.access_token}" return headers } void loginIfNeeded() { if (now() / 1000 + 600 > state.access_token_expires_at) { // Expired or expires within 10 minutes login() } } void login() { logger("login() called", "trace") Map body = [ grant_type: "password", client_id: getFlumeAPIKey(), client_secret: getFlumeAPISecret(), username: settings.username, password: settings.password, ] Map params = [ uri: getApiBase(), path: "/oauth/token", headers: getDefaultHeaders(), body: body, ] logger("Fetching $params", "debug") httpPostJson(params) { resp -> Map respData = resp.data logger("Response from ${params.path}: $respData", "debug") if (!respData.success) { logger("Non successful login: $respData", "error") return } state.access_token = respData.data[0].access_token state.access_token_expires_at = now() / 1000 + respData.data[0].expires_in } } void fetchDevices(String callbackMethod) { logger("fetchDevices($callbackMethod) called", "trace") Map params = [ uri: getApiBase(), path: "/me/devices", query: [ user: "false", location: "true", ], headers: getDefaultAuthHeaders(), ] issueHttpRequest("GET", params, callbackMethod, null) } Map parseFetchDevicesResponse(Map respData) { if (!respData.success) { logger("Non successful response from fetchDevices: $respData", "warn") return [:] } Map flumeDevices = [:] respData.data.each { dev -> if (dev.type == 2) { flumeDevices[dev.id] = [ locationName: dev.location.name, data: [ locationId: dev.location.id, locationTZ: dev.location.tz, ], attributes: [ // Keys need to match attributes in DH batteryLevel: dev.battery_level, connected: dev.connected, awayMode: dev.location.away_mode, ], ] } } return flumeDevices } void fetchUsageAlertNotifications(String callbackMethod) { logger("fetchUsageAlertNotifications($callbackMethod) called", "trace") Map params = [ uri: getApiBase(), path: "/me/notifications", query: [ type: 1, ], headers: getDefaultAuthHeaders(), ] issueHttpRequest("GET", params, callbackMethod, null) } Set getAlertingDeviceIds(Map respData) { if (!respData.success) { logger("Non successful response from fetchUsageAlertNotifications: $respData", "warn") return [] } Set alertingDeviceIds = [] respData.data.each { notification -> if (settings.wetOnlyOnUnreadAlerts && notification.read) { return } if (notification.message.contains("Leak") || settings.wetOnAnyUsageAlert) { alertingDeviceIds.add(notification.device_id) } } return alertingDeviceIds } void queryWaterUsage(String deviceId, String locationTZ, String callbackMethod, Map callbackData) { logger("queryWaterUsage($deviceId, $locationTZ, $callbackMethod, $callbackData) called", "trace") TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(locationTZ) String dateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" Date now = new Date() String nowDateTime = now.format(dateTimeFormat, tz) String nowMinusOneDateTime use (groovy.time.TimeCategory) { nowMinusOneDateTime = (now - 1.minutes).format(dateTimeFormat, tz) } Map body = [ queries: [ [ request_id: "currentMin", bucket: "MIN", since_datetime: nowMinusOneDateTime, ], [ request_id: "today", bucket: "DAY", since_datetime: nowDateTime, ], [ request_id: "thisMonth", bucket: "MON", since_datetime: nowDateTime, ], [ request_id: "thisYear", bucket: "YR", since_datetime: nowDateTime, ], ], ] Map params = [ uri: getApiBase(), path: "/me/devices/$deviceId/query", headers: getDefaultAuthHeaders(), body: body, ] issueHttpRequest("POST", params, callbackMethod, callbackData) } Map parseQueryWaterUsageResponse(Map respData) { if (!respData.success) { logger("Non successful response from queryWaterUsage: $respData", "warn") return [:] } return [ // Keys need to match argument values of setListElement in DH and attributes in DH thisCurrentMinFlow: respData.data.currentMin.value[0][0], todayFlow: respData.data.today.value[0][0], monthFlow: respData.data.thisMonth.value[0][0], yearFlow: respData.data.thisYear.value[0][0], ] } void updateLocation(String locationId, boolean newAwayMode, String callbackMethod, Map callbackData) { logger("updateLocation($locationId, $newAwayMode, $callbackMethod, $callbackData) called", "trace") Map params = [ uri: getApiBase(), path: "/me/locations/$locationId", headers: getDefaultAuthHeaders(), body: [ away_mode: newAwayMode, ], ] issueHttpRequest("PATCH", params, callbackMethod, callbackData) } void issueHttpRequest(String httpMethod, Map params, String callbackMethod, Map callbackData) { // Manually change this to true to cache API responses. // Useful only while debugging to avoid rate limit errors. boolean cacheResponsesForDebugging = false if (cacheResponsesForDebugging && httpMethod == "PATCH") { cacheResponsesForDebugging = false } if (cacheResponsesForDebugging) { logger("Requesting via cache: $params", "debug") Map respData = state[params.path] if (respData) { logger("Using cached response for ${params.path}", "info") } else { switch (httpMethod) { case "GET": httpGet(params) { resp -> respData = resp.data } break case "POST": httpPostJson(params) { resp -> respData = resp.data } break default: logger("Unhandled $httpMethod in issueHttpRequest", "error") break } state[params.path] = respData } runIn(1, callbackMethod, [data: [respData: respData, callbackData: callbackData]]) return } if (settings.proxyHost) { params.remove("uri") params.method = httpMethod params.path = "/flumewater" + params.path params.headers["HOST"] = settings.proxyHost addCallbackDataToHttpHeader(params.headers, callbackData) logger("Requesting via local proxy: $params", "debug") sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(params, null, [callback: callbackMethod])) return } logger("Requesting: $params", "debug") switch (httpMethod) { case "GET": asynchttp_v1.get(callbackMethod, params, callbackData) break case "POST": asynchttp_v1.post(callbackMethod, params, callbackData) break case "PATCH": asynchttp_v1.patch(callbackMethod, params, callbackData) break default: logger("Unhandled $httpMethod in issueHttpRequest", "error") break } } void addCallbackDataToHttpHeader(Map headers, Map callbackData) { if (!callbackData) { return } headers["x-callback-data"] = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(callbackData) } Map getCallbackDataFromHttpHeader(Map headers) { if (!headers.containsKey("x-callback-data")) { return [:] } return new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(headers["x-callback-data"]) } // Local proxy code: /* const express = require('express'); const morgan = require('morgan'); const {createProxyMiddleware} = require('http-proxy-middleware'); const app = express(); // Configuration const PORT = 3006; // For logging requests app.use(morgan('dev')); app.use('/flumewater', createProxyMiddleware({ target: 'https://api.flumewater.com', changeOrigin: true, pathRewrite: { [`^/flumewater`]: '', }, onProxyReq: function(proxyReq, req, res) { proxyReq.removeHeader('x-callback-data'); }, onProxyRes: function(proxyRes, req, res) { proxyRes.headers['x-callback-data'] = req.headers['x-callback-data']; }, })); app.listen(PORT, () => { console.log(`Proxy listening at port ${PORT}`); }); */