net { type = mainnet # type = testnet } storage { # Directory for storing persistent data db.version = 2, db.engine = "LEVELDB", = "database", = "index", # You can custom these 14 databases' configs: # account, account-index, asset-issue, block, block-index, # block_KDB, peers, properties, recent-block, trans, # utxo, votes, witness, witness_schedule. # Otherwise, db configs will remain defualt and data will be stored in # the path of "output-directory" or which is set by "-d" ("--output-directory"). # Attention: name is a required field that must be set !!! properties = [ // { // name = "account", // path = "storage_directory_test", // createIfMissing = true, // paranoidChecks = true, // verifyChecksums = true, // compressionType = 1, // compressed with snappy // blockSize = 4096, // 4 KB = 4 * 1024 B // writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B // cacheSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B // maxOpenFiles = 100 // }, // { // name = "account-index", // path = "storage_directory_test", // createIfMissing = true, // paranoidChecks = true, // verifyChecksums = true, // compressionType = 1, // compressed with snappy // blockSize = 4096, // 4 KB = 4 * 1024 B // writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B // cacheSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B // maxOpenFiles = 100 // }, ] # data root setting, for check data, currently, only reward-vi is used. # merkleRoot = { # reward-vi = 9debcb9924055500aaae98cdee10501c5c39d4daa75800a996f4bdda73dbccd8 // main-net, Sha256Hash, hexString # } } # this part of config is used to node discovery. node.discovery = { enable = false # you should set this entry value with true if you want your node can be discovered by other node. persist = true # this entry is used to determined to whether storing the peers in the database or not. external.ip = } # this part of config is used to set backup node for witness service. node.backup { port = 10001 priority = 8 members = [ ] } node { # trust node for solidity node # trustNode = "ip:port" trustNode = "" # expose extension api to public or not walletExtensionApi = true listen.port = 16666 connection.timeout = 2 tcpNettyWorkThreadNum = 0 udpNettyWorkThreadNum = 1 # Number of validate sign thread, default availableProcessors / 2 # validateSignThreadNum = 16 maxActiveNodes = 30 maxActiveNodesWithSameIp = 2 minParticipationRate = 0 # check the peer data transfer ,disconnect factor disconnectNumberFactor = 0.4 maxConnectNumberFactor = 0.8 receiveTcpMinDataLength = 2048 isOpenFullTcpDisconnect = true p2p { version = 1 # 11111: mainnet; 20180622: testnet; you can set other number when you deploy one private net, but the node must have the same number in some private net. } active = [ # Active establish connection in any case # Sample entries: # "ip:port", # "ip:port" ] passive = [ # Passive accept connection in any case # Sample entries: # "ip:port", # "ip:port" ] http { fullNodePort = 16667 solidityPort = 16668 } rpc { port = 16669 # Number of gRPC thread, default availableProcessors / 2 # thread = 16 # The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection # maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection = # The HTTP/2 flow control window, default 1MB # flowControlWindow = # Connection being idle for longer than which will be gracefully terminated maxConnectionIdleInMillis = 60000 # Connection lasting longer than which will be gracefully terminated # maxConnectionAgeInMillis = # The maximum message size allowed to be received on the server, default 4MB # maxMessageSize = # The maximum size of header list allowed to be received, default 8192 # maxHeaderListSize = # Transactions can only be broadcast if the number of effective connections is reached. minEffectiveConnection = 0 } # Whether to enable the node detection function, default false # nodeDetectEnable = false # use your ipv6 address for node discovery and tcp connection, default false # enableIpv6 = false # if your node's highest block num is below than all your pees', try to acquire new connection. default false # effectiveCheckEnable = false # Dynamic loading configuration function, disabled by default # dynamicConfig = { # enable = false # Configuration file change check interval, default is 600 seconds # checkInterval = 600 # } dns { # dns urls to get nodes, url format tree://{pubkey}@{domain}, default empty treeUrls = [ #"tree://", ] } } seed.node = { # List of the seed nodes. This is used to enable the node can connect when join one net at first. # If you deploy one private net, you must add some "ip:port" here for other node connecting. # Seed nodes are stable full nodes, and the first SuperNode must be inclued in. # example: # ip.list = [ # "ip:port", # "ip:port" # ] ip.list = [ ] } genesis.block = { # Reserve balance assets = [ { accountName = "Zion" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TPL66VK2gCXNCD7EJg9pgJRfqcRazjhUZY" balance = "95000000000000000" }, { accountName = "Sun" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TWsm8HtU2A5eEzoT8ev8yaoFjHsXLLrckb" balance = "5000000000000000" }, { accountName = "Blackhole" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TSJD5rdu6wZXP7F2m3a3tn8Co3JcMjtBip" balance = "-9223372036854775808" }, { accountName = "TestA" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TVdyt1s88BdiCjKt6K2YuoSmpWScZYK1QF" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestB" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TCNVmGtkfknHpKSZXepZDXRowHF7kosxcv" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestC" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TAbzgkG8p3yF5aywKVgq9AaAu6hvF2JrVC" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestD" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TMmmvwvkBPBv3Gkw9cGKbZ8PLznYkTu3ep" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestE" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TBJHZu4Sm86aWHtt6VF6KQSzot8vKTuTKx" balance = "1000000000000000" } ] witnesses = [ { address: TPL66VK2gCXNCD7EJg9pgJRfqcRazjhUZY, url = "", voteCount = 10000 } ] timestamp = "0" #2017-8-26 12:00:00 parentHash = "957dc2d350daecc7bb6a38f3938ebde0a0c1cedafe15f0edae4256a2907449f6" } localwitness = [ da146374a75310b9666e834ee4ad0866d6f4035967bfc76217c5a495fff9f0d0 # you must enable this value and the witness address are match. ] #localwitnesskeystore = [ # "src/main/resources/localwitnesskeystore.json" # if you do not set the localwitness above, you must set this value.Otherwise,your SuperNode can not produce the block. #] block = { needSyncCheck = false # first node : false, other : true maintenanceTimeInterval = 21600000 // 1 day: 86400000(ms), 6 hours: 21600000(ms) } vm = { supportConstant = true minTimeRatio = 0.0 maxTimeRatio = 5.0 } committee = { allowCreationOfContracts = 1 //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1 } event.subscribe = { native = { useNativeQueue = true // if true, use native message queue, else use event plugin. bindport = 5555 // bind port sendqueuelength = 1000 //max length of send queue } path = "" // absolute path of plugin server = "" // target server address to receive event triggers dbconfig = "" // dbname|username|password contractParse = true, topics = [ { triggerName = "block" // block trigger, the value can't be modified enable = false topic = "block" // plugin topic, the value could be modified }, { triggerName = "transaction" enable = false topic = "transaction" }, { triggerName = "contractevent" enable = false topic = "contractevent" }, { triggerName = "contractlog" enable = false topic = "contractlog" }, { triggerName = "solidity" // solidity block event trigger, the value can't be modified enable = true // the default value is true topic = "solidity" } ] filter = { fromblock = "" // the value could be "", "earliest" or a specified block number as the beginning of the queried range toblock = "" // the value could be "", "latest" or a specified block number as end of the queried range contractAddress = [ "" // contract address you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract address. ] contractTopic = [ "" // contract topic you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract topic. ] } }