/* * Name: ZNETBOOT EXEC * Date: 2014-Dec-10 (Wed) and following * 2017-Oct-21 (Sat) for RPH * 2023-07-19 (Wed) for AJE * */ /* set some needed variables to default values */ baseurl = "http://znetboot.casita.net/znetboot" kfile = "image" rfile = "ramdisk.gz" check = "znetboot.exec curl.rexx" mycl = "I" raddr = "00C" paddr = "00D" bparm = "" naddr = "" /* get the VM ID we're running as as the default config file name */ Parse Value Diag(08,'QUERY USERID') With vmid . node . '15'x . Parse Upper Arg args "(" . ")" . If args /= "" Then Parse Var args vmid . /* load those per-server variables from the config file */ 'pipe state' vmid 'znetboot *' If rc /= 0 Then Do Upper vmid Say "# you need a" vmid "ZNETBOOT file for boot parameters" Say "# Create it with XEDIT or upload from another system." End If rc /= 0 Then Exit rc Say "# reading" vmid "ZNETBOOT for boot parameters" 'pipe (end !) <' vmid 'znetboot | strip' , '| nlocate 1.1 /#/ | na: nlocate 1.9 /ZNETBOOT_/' , '| append strliteral # # | join * / / | strip | var parms' , '! na: | stem na.' If rc /= 0 Then Exit rc /* parse the stuff we loaded from that config file */ kfile = baseurl || "/" || kfile rfile = baseurl || "/" || rfile nc.0 = 0 pstat = "" Do i = 1 to na.0 Parse Var na.i vn "=" vv Select When vv = "" Then nop When vn = "ZNETBOOT_KERNEL" Then kfile = vv When vn = "ZNETBOOT_INITRD" Then rfile = vv When vn = "ZNETBOOT_BOOTPARMS" Then bparm = vv When vn = "ZNETBOOT_NICADDR" Then naddr = vv When vn = "ZNETBOOT_TOFILE" Then Do j = nc.0 + 1 nc.j = vv nc.0 = j End When vn = "ZNETBOOT_PROGRESS" Then pstat = vv Otherwise nop End End bparm = bparm parms /* check CMS support files for consistency -- this is ONLY a check */ Do While check /= "" Parse Var check cfile check wfile = baseurl || "/" || cfile 'pipe curl --text' wfile '| strip | stem c0.' If rc /= 0 Then Iterate Parse Upper Var cfile fn "." ft 'pipe <' fn ft '| strip | stem c1.' If c1.0 /= c0.0 Then Do Say "# CMS support file" fn ft "mismatch; consider updating; continuing ..." Iterate End Do i = 1 to c0.0 If c1.i = c0.i Then Iterate Say "# CMS support file" fn ft "mismatch; consider updating; continuing ..." Leave End End /* conditionally save a CMS "conffile" and set boot parms for it */ If nc.0 > 0 Then Do Say "# creating" vmid "CONFFILE for supplemental parameters" nf.1 = "#" vmid "CONFFILE created by ZNETBOOT EXEC" Date("S") Time() nf.2 = "# This file is used when the boot parameters string is" nf.3 = "# too large to fit into the usual three-card parm deck." nf.0 = 3 'pipe stem nc. | stem nf. append' 'vmlink * 191 (w invoke' , 'pipe stem nf. 1 | >' vmid 'CONFFILE .fm1' If rc /= 0 Then Exit rc bparm = bparm "CMSDASD=191" , "CMSCONFFILE=" || vmid || ".CONFFILE" End /* optionally construct and append a progress status reporter */ If pstat /= "" Then Do Upper pstat psbs = 1 Select /* blocksize */ When Right(pstat,1) = "M" Then Do ; psbs = 1048576 pstat = Left(pstat,Length(pstat)-1) ; End When Right(pstat,1) = "P" Then Do ; psbs = 4096 pstat = Left(pstat,Length(pstat)-1) ; End When Right(pstat,1) = "K" Then Do ; psbs = 1024 pstat = Left(pstat,Length(pstat)-1) ; End When Right(pstat,1) = "B" Then Do ; psbs = 1 pstat = Left(pstat,Length(pstat)-1) ; End When Datatype(pstat,"W") Then psbs = 1 Otherwise psbs = 0 End /* Select blocksize */ If psbs = 0 Then pstat = "" ; Else Do pstat = '| FBLOCK' psbs , '| SPEC RECNO FROM' psbs 'BY' psbs 'NW' , '| SPEC /#/ NW W1 NW /bytes received/ NW' , '| DROP LAST' , '| CONSOLE' End End /* optionally check that we have a NIC at the expected I/O address */ If naddr /= "" Then Do Parse Value DiagRC(08,'Q V NIC' naddr) With 1 rc 10 . 17 rs '15'x . If rc = 40 Then Do Say "# you need a NIC at" naddr Say "# Define it with 'CP DEF NIC" naddr "TYPE QDIO'" Say "# and then 'CP COUPLE' it to the appropriate VSwitch." End If rs /= "" Then Say rs If rc /= 0 Then Exit rc End /* query current reader and punch settings */ Parse Value Diag(08,'Q V' raddr) , With . . . rcl rcont rhold . '15'x . . . rkeep . Parse Value Diag(08,'Q V' paddr) , With . . . pcl pcont phold . , '15'x . tofor ptarg . '15'x . '15'x . . . . pkeep . /* set reader and punch to CLASS I for IPL */ 'CP SP' raddr 'CL' mycl 'NOCONT NOHOLD NOKEEP' 'CP SP' paddr 'CL' mycl 'NOCONT NOHOLD NOKEEP TO' Userid() /* pull the kernel directly to spool space */ Say "# fetching kernel and punching it" Say "+" 'pipe curl --binary' kfile '| fblock 80 00 | punch' 'pipe curl --binary' kfile '| fblock 80 00 | punch' pstat /* '| count bytes | var kbytes' */ Call Diag 08, 'CLOSE' paddr If rc /= 0 Then Do Call Diag 08, 'SP' raddr 'CL' rcl rcont rhold rkeep Call Diag 08, 'SP' paddr 'CL' pcl pcont phold pkeep tofor ptarg Exit rc End /* punch a boot parm line */ Say "# punching boot parm line" Say "+" 'pipe var bparm | fblock 80 00 | punch' 'pipe var bparm | fblock 80 00 | punch' /* '| count bytes | var pbytes' */ Call Diag 08, 'CLOSE' paddr If rc /= 0 Then Do Call Diag 08, 'SP' raddr 'CL' rcl rcont rhold rkeep Call Diag 08, 'SP' paddr 'CL' pcl pcont phold pkeep tofor ptarg Exit rc End /* pull the root FS directly to spool space */ Say "# fetching root FS and punching it" Say "+" 'pipe curl --binary' rfile '| fblock 80 00 | punch' 'pipe curl --binary' rfile '| fblock 80 00 | punch' pstat /* '| count bytes | var rbytes' */ Call Diag 08, 'CLOSE' paddr If rc /= 0 Then Do Call Diag 08, 'SP' raddr 'CL' rcl rcont rhold rkeep Call Diag 08, 'SP' paddr 'CL' pcl pcont phold pkeep tofor ptarg Exit rc End /* Say "#" kbytes "bytes kernel," pbytes "bytes parm data," rbytes "bytes root FS" */ Say "# booting the kernel now ..." Say "+" 'IPL' raddr 'CLEAR' 'IPL' raddr 'CLEAR' ; _rc = rc /* if somehow the IPL failed then restore reader and punch settings */ 'CP SP' raddr 'CL' rcl rcont rhold rkeep 'CP SP' paddr 'CL' pcl pcont phold pkeep tofor ptarg Exit _rc