SILVA Terms of Use/License Information The SILVA database content offered at can be freely browsed and the corresponding information deployed by all users, independent from their status (academic or non-academic). All downloads are free for academic users. They can be used, modified and redistributed within the academic environment without any limitation. However, in case of redistribution please make transparent the SILVA Terms of Use/License Information by linking/referring to this page (see link in the header of your browser). Academic users are represented by universities and non-commercial research institutes such as members of the German Helmholtz Association, Leibniz Association and Max-Planck Society as well as US National Labs. Users from NON-ACADEMIC can also directly access all downloads including the results of the SILVA web-aligner (SINA) but only for limited/temporary use (only for test purposes). All downloaded files should be deleted latest after 48 hours. Unauthorized usage beyond test purposes is strictly prohibited. If you are interested in unlimited usage of the SILVA databases/services (e.g. the web-aligner) or parts of them within a non-academic environment, please contact us for more information at contact(at) A non-academic environment is defined by a direct or indirect commercial interest in the data and includes all industrial research entities. July 2012 Citations Quast C, Pruesse E, Yilmaz P, Gerken J, Schweer T, Yarza P, Peplies J, Gloeckner FO (2013) The SILVA ribosomal RNA gene database project: improved data processing and web-based tools. Opens external link in new windowNucl. Acids Res. 41 (D1): D590-D596.