class Pygame < Formula desc "Set of Python modules designed for writing video games" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0d8d1b04e345806e1fc0dc1b062bbb7c0841f8f120edcb1b9fe78257293b17ff" head "", :using => :hg option "without-python", "Build without python2 support" depends_on :python3 => :optional depends_on "sdl" depends_on "sdl_image" depends_on "sdl_mixer" depends_on "sdl_ttf" depends_on "jpeg" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "portmidi" depends_on "homebrew/python/numpy" depends_on "freetype" def install # We provide a "Setup" file based on the "" because the detection # code in does not know about the HOMEBREW_PREFIX, assumes SDL # is built as a framework and cannot find the Frameworks inside of Xcode. mv "", "Setup" sdl = Formula["sdl"].opt_prefix sdl_ttf = Formula["sdl_ttf"].opt_prefix sdl_image = Formula["sdl_image"].opt_prefix sdl_mixer = Formula["sdl_mixer"].opt_prefix portmidi = Formula["portmidi"].opt_prefix inreplace "Setup" do |s| s.gsub!(/^SDL =.*$/, "SDL = -I#{sdl}/include/SDL -Ddarwin -lSDL") s.gsub!(/^FONT =.*$/, "FONT = -I#{sdl_ttf}/include/SDL -lSDL_ttf") s.gsub!(/^IMAGE =.*$/, "IMAGE = -I#{sdl_image}/include/SDL -lSDL_image") s.gsub!(/^MIXER =.*$/, "MIXER = -I#{sdl_mixer}/include/SDL -lSDL_mixer") s.gsub!(/^PNG =.*$/, "PNG = -lpng") s.gsub!(/^JPEG =.*$/, "JPEG = -ljpeg") s.gsub!(/^PORTMIDI =.*$/, "PORTMIDI = -I#{portmidi}/include/ -lportmidi") s.gsub!(/^PORTTIME =.*$/, "PORTTIME = -I#{portmidi}/include/ -lportmidi") s.gsub!(/^FREETYPE =.*$/, "FREETYPE = -I#{Formula["freetype"].opt_include}/freetype2 -lfreetype") end # Manually append what is the default for PyGame on the Mac system "cat >> Setup" # Remove ogg from test if no OGG Vorbis support unless Formula["libvorbis"].installed? inreplace "test/", "formats = ['ogg', 'wav']", "formats = ['wav']" end Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, version| ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", lib+"python#{version}/site-packages" system python, *Language::Python.setup_install_args(prefix) end end test do Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, version| ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", lib+"python#{version}/site-packages" system python, "-m", "pygame.tests.__main__", "--time_out", "300", "-p", python end end end