<# .SYNOPSIS Automated process to stop unused session hosts in a WVD personal or pooled host pool. .DESCRIPTION This script is intended to automatically stop pooled or personal host pool session hosts in an Azure Virtual Desktop host pool. The script will evaluate session hosts in a host pool and create a list of session hosts with active connections. The script will then compare all session hosts in the personal host pool that are powered on and not in drain mode, and shut down the session hosts that have no active connections. Requirements: WVD personal host pool with Start on Connect enabled https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/start-virtual-machine-connect?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5004159 An Azure Function App Use System Assigned Managed ID Give Virtual Machine Contributor and Desktop Virtualization Reader rights for the Session Host VM Resource Group to the Managed ID Az powershell modules enabled For best results set a GPO to log out disconnected and idle sessions (Users have to disconnect or the session hosts won't shut down) For help with setting the schedule: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-timer?tabs=csharp&WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5004159#ncrontab-expressions For full details, check here: TBD .NOTES Script is offered as-is with no warranty, expressed or implied. Test it before you trust it Author : Travis Roberts, Ciraltos llc Website : www.ciraltos.com Version : Update error handling to prevent shut down of session hosts with active connections Add support for pooled host pools and multiple pooled and/or personal host pools Initial Build #> # Input bindings are passed in via param block. # For the Function App param($Timer) ######## Variables ########## ## Update "HostPool" value with your host pool, and "HostPoolRG" with the value of the host pool resource group. ## See the next step if working with multiple host pools. $allHostPools = @() $allHostPools += (@{ HostPool = ""; HostPoolRG = "" }) # If using multiple host pools, Copy the block the code below and pasted it above this line. Update with the host pool name and resource group. # Repeat for each additional host pool. <# $allHostPools += (@{ HostPool = ""; HostPoolRG = "" }) #> ########## Script Execution ########## $count = 0 while ($count -lt $allHostPools.Count) { $pool = $allHostPools[$count].HostPool $poolRg = $allHostPools[$count].HostPoolRG Write-Output "This is the key (pool) $pool" write-output "this is the value (rg) $poolRg" # Get the active Session hosts try { $activeShs = (Get-AzWvdUserSession -ErrorAction Stop -HostPoolName $pool -ResourceGroupName $poolRg).name } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error getting a list of user sessions: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } $allActive = @() foreach ($activeSh in $activeShs) { $activeSh = ($activeSh -split { $_ -eq '.' -or $_ -eq '/' })[1] if ($activeSh -notin $allActive) { $allActive += $activeSh } } # Get the Session Hosts # Exclude servers in drain mode and do not allow new connections try { $runningSessionHosts = (Get-AzWvdSessionHost -ErrorAction Stop -HostPoolName $Pool -ResourceGroupName $PoolRg | Where-Object { $_.AllowNewSession -eq $true } ) } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error getting a list of running session hosts: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } $availableSessionHosts = ($runningSessionHosts | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Available" }) #Evaluate the list of running session hosts against foreach ($sessionHost in $availableSessionHosts) { $sessionHostName = (($sessionHost).name -split { $_ -eq '.' -or $_ -eq '/' })[1] if ($sessionHostName -notin $allActive) { Write-Host "Server $sessionHostName is not active, shut down" try { # Stop the VM Write-Output "Stopping Session Host $sessionHostName" Get-azvm -ErrorAction Stop -Name $sessionHostName | Stop-AzVM -ErrorAction Stop -Force -NoWait } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error stopping the VM: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } } else { write-host "Server $sessionHostName has an active session, won't shut down" } } $count += 1 }