<# .SYNOPSIS Used as a custom script extension for running Sysprep.ext on Windows VM's in Azure .DESCRIPTION This Custom Script Extension is used to run Sysprep on a VM to prepare it for imaging. /mode:vm is used to speed up first boot on VM's by skipping hardware detection. Remove "/mode:vm" if the image will be deployed to different VM types then the source VM. More info here: https://www.ciraltos.com/please-wait-for-the-windows-modules-installer/ .NOTES ## Script is offered as-is with no warranty, expressed or implied. ## ## Test it before you trust it! ## Author : Travis Roberts, Ciraltos llc Website : www.ciraltos.com Version : Initial Build 3/12/2022 .LINK #> #Script to run Sysprep on a VM #Logging is handy when you need it! if ((test-path c:\logfiles) -eq $false) { new-item -ItemType Directory -path 'c:\' -name 'logfiles' | Out-Null } $logFile = "c:\logfiles\" + (get-date -format 'yyyyMMdd') + '_softwareinstall.log' # Logging function function Write-Log { Param($message) Write-Output "$(get-date -format 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss') $message" | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $logFile -Append } #Run Sysprep try{ write-output "Sysprep Starting" Start-Process -filepath 'c:\Windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe' -ErrorAction Stop -ArgumentList '/generalize', '/oobe', '/mode:vm', '/shutdown' } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message write-log "Error running Sysprep: $ErrorMessage" }