<# .SYNOPSIS Automated process of starting and stopping WVD session hosts based on user sessions. .DESCRIPTION This script is intended to automatically start and stop session hosts in a Windows Virtual Desktop host pool based on the number of users. The script determines the number of Session Hosts that should be running by adding the number of sessions in the pool to a threshold. The threshold is the number of sessions available between each script run to accommodate new connections. Those two numbers are added and divided by the maximum sessions per host. The maximum session is set in the depth-first load balancing settings. Session hosts are stopped or started based on the number of session hosts that should be available compared to the number of hosts that are running. This version added an option to set the host pool to Breadth-First load balancing during peak hours. In addition, the script will start all available Session Hosts in the Host Pool if the option to use Breadth-First is enabled. Outside of peak hours, the script will change the pool to Depth-First and shut down session host as users log out. Requirements: WVD Host Pool Max session limit required. Size to your environment, prevent over-utilization. An Azure Function App Use System Assigned Managed ID Give contributor rights for the Session Host VM Resource Group to the Managed ID The script requires the following PowerShell Modules and are included in PowerShell Functions by default az.compute az.desktopvirtualization For best results set a GPO to log out disconnected and idle sessions Full details can be found at: https://www.ciraltos.com/auto-start-and-stop-session-hosts-in-windows-virtual-desktop-spring-update-arm-edition-with-an-azure-function/ .NOTES Script is offered as-is with no warranty, expressed or implied. Test it before you trust it Author : Travis Roberts, Ciraltos llc Contributor : Kandice Hendricks, Jurjen Atsma Website : www.ciraltos.com & https://www.greenpages.com/ Version : Added option for Breadth-First load balancing during peak hours. Update start and end peak time to account for time zone. Add -nowait to the VM start and stop commands. Bug bux and add "Shutdown" as a status of Session Hosts available to start Initial Build for WVD ARM. Adapted from previous start-stop script for WVD Fall 2019 Updated for new az.desktopvirtulization PowerShell module and to run as a Function App #> ######## Variables ########## # View Verbose data # Set to "Continue" to see Verbose data # set to "SilentlyContinue" to hide Verbose data $VerbosePreference = "Continue" # Server start threshold # Number of available sessions to trigger a server start or shutdown $serverStartThreshold = # Peak time and Threshold settings # Set usePeak to $true to enable peak time, $false to disable # Set useBreadthFirstDuringPeak to $true to change load balancing to Breadth-First and start all Session Hosts # This setting will not change the max session limit # useBreadthFirstDuringPeak requires $usePeak set to $true # Set the Peak Threshold, the spare capacity during peak hours (not required if useBreadthFirstDuringPeak is used) # Set the Start and Stop Peak Time, use a 24 hour format of Hour:Minute:Seconds (08:30:00) # Set the time zone to use, use "Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable" to list ID's $usePeak = $useBreadthFirstDuringPeak = $peakServerStartThreshold = 4 $startPeakTime = '08:00:00' $endPeakTime = '18:00:00' $timeZone = "Central Standard Time" $peakDay = 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday' # Host Pool Name $hostPoolName = '' # Session Host Resource Group # Session Hosts and Host Pools can exist in different Resource Groups, but are commonly the same # Host Pool Resource Group and the resource group of the Session host VM's. $hostPoolRg = '' $sessionHostVmRg= '' ############## Functions #################### Function Start-SessionHost { param ( $sessionHosts, $hostsToStart ) # Number of off session hosts accepting connections $offSessionHosts = $sessionHosts | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Unavailable" -or $_.Status -eq "Shutdown" } $offSessionHostsCount = $offSessionHosts.count Write-Verbose "Off Session Hosts $offSessionHostsCount" Write-Verbose ($offSessionHosts | Out-String) if ($offSessionHosts.Count -eq 0 ) { Write-Error "Start threshold met, but there are no hosts available to start" } else { if ($hostsToStart -gt $offSessionHostsCount) { $hostsToStart = $offSessionHostsCount } Write-Verbose "Conditions met to start a host" $counter = 0 while ($counter -lt $hostsToStart) { $startServerName = ($offSessionHosts | Select-Object -Index $counter).name Write-Verbose "Server to start $startServerName" try { # Start the VM $vmName = ($startServerName -split { $_ -eq '.' -or $_ -eq '/' })[1] Start-AzVM -ErrorAction Stop -ResourceGroupName $sessionHostVmRg -Name $vmName -NoWait } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error starting the session host: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } $counter++ } } } function Stop-SessionHost { param ( $SessionHosts, $hostsToStop ) # Get computers running with no users $emptyHosts = $sessionHosts | Where-Object { $_.Session -eq 0 -and $_.Status -eq 'Available' } $emptyHostsCount = $emptyHosts.count Write-Verbose "Evaluating servers to shut down" if ($emptyHostsCount -eq 0) { Write-error "No hosts available to shut down" } else { if ($hostsToStop -ge $emptyHostsCount) { $hostsToStop = $emptyHostsCount } Write-Verbose "Conditions met to stop a host" $counter = 0 while ($counter -lt $hostsToStop) { $shutServerName = ($emptyHosts | Select-Object -Index $counter).Name Write-Verbose "Shutting down server $shutServerName" try { # Stop the VM $vmName = ($shutServerName -split { $_ -eq '.' -or $_ -eq '/' })[1] Stop-AzVM -ErrorAction Stop -ResourceGroupName $sessionHostVmRg -Name $vmName -Force -NoWait } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error stopping the VM: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } $counter++ } } } ########## Script Execution ########## # Get Host Pool try { $hostPool = Get-AzWvdHostPool -ResourceGroupName $hostPoolRg -Name $hostPoolName Write-Verbose "HostPool:" Write-Verbose $hostPool.Name } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error getting host pool details: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } # Check if peak time and adjust threshold # Warning! will not adjust for DST $isPeakTime = $false if ($usePeak -eq $true) { # Get the current date adjusted by the time zone $utcDate = ((get-date).ToUniversalTime()) $tZ = Get-TimeZone $timeZone $date = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($utcDate, $tZ) write-verbose "Date and Time" write-verbose $date # Get the current day of the week adjusted for the time zone $utcOffset = $tz.BaseUtcOffset.TotalHours $dateDay = (((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).AddHours($utcOffset)).dayofweek Write-Verbose $dateDay # Slice and dice to get the peak start and end time adjusted for the time zone $startPeakTimeSplit = $startPeakTime.Split(":") $startPeakTime = (get-date $date -Hour $startPeakTimeSplit[0] -minute $startPeakTimeSplit[1] -second $startPeakTimeSplit[2]) $endPeakTimeSplit = $endPeakTime.Split(":") $endPeakTime = (get-date $date -Hour $endPeakTimeSplit[0] -minute $endPeakTimeSplit[1] -second $endPeakTimeSplit[2]) # Adjust threshold if in the peak time window if ($date -gt $startPeakTime -and $date -lt $endPeakTime -and $dateDay -in $peakDay) { Write-Verbose "Adjusting threshold for peak hours" $serverStartThreshold = $peakServerStartThreshold Write-Verbose "Setting Peak Time to True" $isPeakTime = $true } } # Find the total number of session hosts # Exclude servers in drain mode and do not allow new connections try { $sessionHosts = Get-AzWvdSessionHost -ResourceGroupName $hostPoolRg -HostPoolName $hostPoolName | Where-Object { $_.AllowNewSession -eq $true } # Get current active user sessions $currentSessions = 0 foreach ($sessionHost in $sessionHosts) { $count = $sessionHost.session $currentSessions += $count } Write-Verbose "CurrentSessions" Write-Verbose $currentSessions } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error getting session hosts details: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } # Number of running and available session hosts # Host shut down are excluded $runningSessionHosts = $sessionHosts | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Available" } $runningSessionHostsCount = $runningSessionHosts.count Write-Verbose "Running Session Host $runningSessionHostsCount" Write-Verbose ($runningSessionHosts | Out-string) #region Breadth-First During Peak # This section only runs if using peak time and if $useBreadthFirstDuringPeak is set to $true if (($isPeakTime -eq $true) -and ($useBreadthFirstDuringPeak -eq $true)) { # Set the host pool to BreadthFirst if ($hostPool.LoadBalancerType -eq "DepthFirst") { try { Write-Verbose "Setting host pool load balancing algorithm to BreadthFirst" Update-AzWvdHostPool -Name $hostPoolName -ResourceGroupName $hostPoolRg -LoadBalancerType 'BreadthFirst' } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error setting the host pool to BreadthFirst: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } } #Start all available session hosts if ($sessionHosts.Count -gt $runningSessionHostsCount) { Write-Verbose "Starting all available session hosts" $hostsToStart = $sessionHosts.Count - $runningSessionHostsCount Write-Verbose "Hosts to start: $hostsToStart" Start-SessionHost -sessionHosts $sessionHosts -hostsToStart $hostsToStart } } #endregion #region Depth-First During Peak if (($isPeakTime -eq $false) -or ($useBreadthFirstDuringPeak -eq $false)) { # Verify load balancing is set to Depth-first, update if not if ($hostPool.LoadBalancerType -ne "DepthFirst") { try { Write-Verbose "Setting host pool load balancing algorithm to DepthFirst" Update-AzWvdHostPool -Name $hostPoolName -ResourceGroupName $hostPoolRg -LoadBalancerType 'DepthFirst' } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.message Write-Error ("Error setting the host pool to BreadthFirst: " + $ErrorMessage) Break } } # Get the Max Session Limit on the host pool # This is the total number of sessions per session host $maxSession = $hostPool.MaxSessionLimit Write-Verbose "MaxSession:" Write-Verbose $maxSession # Target number of servers required running based on active sessions, Threshold and maximum sessions per host $sessionHostTarget = [math]::Ceiling((($currentSessions + $serverStartThreshold) / $maxSession)) if ($runningSessionHostsCount -lt $sessionHostTarget) { Write-Verbose "Running session host count $runningSessionHostsCount is less than session host target count $sessionHostTarget, run start function" $hostsToStart = ($sessionHostTarget - $runningSessionHostsCount) Start-SessionHost -sessionHosts $sessionHosts -hostsToStart $hostsToStart } elseif ($runningSessionHostsCount -gt $sessionHostTarget) { Write-Verbose "Running session hosts count $runningSessionHostsCount is greater than session host target count $sessionHostTarget, run stop function" $hostsToStop = ($runningSessionHostsCount - $sessionHostTarget) Stop-SessionHost -SessionHosts $sessionHosts -hostsToStop $hostsToStop } else { Write-Verbose "Running session host count $runningSessionHostsCount matches session host target count $sessionHostTarget, doing nothing" } } #endregion