#!/bin/bash -ue # Copyright 2017 tsuru-now authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. set -eu release="" codename="" host_ip="" private_ip="" host_name="" set_interface="" is_debug="" docker_node="" set_interface="" install_func=install_all pool="theonepool" mongohost="" mongoport="27017" dockerhost="" dockerport="2375" registryhost="" registryport="5000" adminuser="admin@example.com" adminpassword="admin123" install_tsuru_source=0 tsuru_package_source="stable" hook_url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tsuru/tsuru/master/misc/git-hooks/pre-receive hook_name=pre-receive git_envs=(A=B) ext_repository="" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive declare -A DISTMAP=( [wheezy]=wheezy-backports [precise]=precise [saucy]=saucy [trusty]=trusty [utopic]=utopic ) TSURU_CONF=$(cat <&2 } function running_port { local appname=$1 running_addr "${appname}" | sed "s/.*://" } function running_addr { local appname=$1 for _ in {1..30}; do sleep 0.5 local addr=$(sudo netstat -tnlp | grep "${appname}" | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f 4 | sort | head -n1) if [[ $addr != "" ]]; then echo "${addr}" break fi echo "Waiting for ${appname}..." 1>&2 done } function installed_version { local cmdid=${1-} local minversion=${2-} local version=${3-} local max_version=$(echo -e "${minversion}min\n$version" | sort -V | tail -n 1) local install_var=$(eval echo $`echo '{force_install_'`${cmdid}`echo '-}'`) if [[ $install_var != "1" && $max_version != "${minversion}min" ]]; then echo "${max_version}" fi } function get_inet_addr() { # Return IP address based on ifconfig's output /sbin/ifconfig | grep -A1 $1 2> /dev/null | grep "inet addr" | tail -n1 | \ sed "s/[^:]*:\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/" } function public_ip { # Try to take the public IP using AWS EC2's metadata API: local ip=$(curl -s -L -m2 -f || true) # Try to use DigitalOcean's metadata API as fallback: if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip=$(curl -s -L -m2 -f || true) fi # Try via ifconfig if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip=$(get_inet_addr eth) fi if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip=$(get_inet_addr ens) fi if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip=$(get_inet_addr venet0) fi if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip=$(get_inet_addr wlan) fi # Try to access an external API to discover public IP if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip=$(curl -s -L -m2 'https://api.ipify.org' || true) fi # Damn, it! if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then error "Couldn't find a suitable public IP. Try using --host-ip option." exit 1 fi echo "${ip}" } function local_ip { # Try to take the public IP using AWS EC2's metadata API: local ip=$(curl -s -L -m2 -f || true) # Try to use DigitalOcean's metadata API as fallback: if [[ "$ip" == "" || "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip=$(curl -s -L -m2 -f || true) fi if [[ "$ip" == "not found" ]]; then ip="" fi echo "${ip}" } function set_host { if [[ "$host_ip" && "$set_interface" ]]; then sudo ifconfig lo:0 $host_ip netmask up fi if [[ $host_ip == "" ]]; then host_ip=$(public_ip) fi if [[ $host_ip == "" ]]; then echo "Couldn't find suitable host_ip, please run with --host-ip " exit 1 fi echo "Chosen host ip: $host_ip. You can override with --host-ip " if [[ $host_name == "" ]]; then host_name="$host_ip.nip.io" fi echo "$host_ip $host_name" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts echo "Chosen host name: $host_name. You can override with --host-name " } function set_local_host { if [[ $private_ip == "" ]]; then private_ip=$(local_ip) fi if [[ $private_ip == "" ]]; then private_ip=$(public_ip) fi if [[ $private_ip == "" ]]; then echo "Couldn't find suitable local_ip, please run with --host-ip " exit 1 fi } function check_support { which apt-get > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "Error: apt-get should be available on the system" exit 1 fi distid=$(lsb_release -is) release=$(lsb_release -rs) codename=$(lsb_release -cs) if [[ $distid == "Debian" && $(echo $release | awk '{printf("%d", $1)}') -lt 8 ]]; then error "Error: This script requires Debian release >= 8" fi echo "Detect ${distid} ${release} (${codename}), supported system" } function install_basic_deps { local tsuru_package_source=$1 echo "Updating apt-get and installing basic dependencies (this could take a while)..." if [[ $distid == "Ubuntu" ]]; then sudo perl -i -pe 's/^# *(.+)(trusty|trusty-updates|trusty-security) multiverse$/$1$2 multiverse/gi' /etc/apt/sources.list fi sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) -qqy sudo apt-get install jq screen curl mercurial git bzr \ software-properties-common apt-transport-https -y if [[ $ext_repository ]]; then curl -sS ${ext_repository}/public.key | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb ${ext_repository} ${DISTMAP[$codename]} main contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tsuru-deb.list echo "deb-src ${ext_repository} ${DISTMAP[$codename]} main contrib" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tsuru-deb.list else curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/tsuru/${tsuru_package_source}/script.deb.sh | sudo bash fi sudo apt-get update } function install_docker { if [[ ${registryhost} == "" ]]; then registryhost=${dockerhost} fi local version=$(docker -v | awk -F '[ ,]+' '{ print $3 }') local iversion=$(installed_version docker 0.20.0 "${version}") if [[ $iversion != "" ]]; then echo "Skipping docker installation, version installed: $iversion" else echo "Installing docker..." curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sudo sh fi if [[ `which systemctl` != "" ]] && [[ `systemctl is-system-running` != "offline" ]]; then sudo -E sh -c "mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d" sudo -E sh -c "echo '[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd \$DOCKER_OPTS -H tcp://${dockerport} -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --insecure-registry=${registryhost}:${registryport}' > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/tsuru.conf" sudo systemctl daemon-reload else local opts=$(bash -c 'source /etc/default/docker && echo $DOCKER_OPTS') if [[ ! $opts =~ :// ]]; then echo "Changing /etc/default/docker to listen on tcp://${dockerport}..." echo "DOCKER_OPTS=\"\$DOCKER_OPTS -H tcp://${dockerport} -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --insecure-registry=${registryhost}:${registryport}\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/default/docker > /dev/null fi fi sudo service docker stop 1>&2 2>/dev/null || true sudo service docker start sleep 5 dockerport=$(running_port docker) if [[ $dockerport == "" ]]; then echo "Error: Couldn't find docker port, please check /var/log/upstart/docker.log for more information" echo "/var/log/upstart/docker.log contents:" cat /var/log/upstart/docker.log exit 1 fi echo "docker found running at $dockerhost:$dockerport" local home_host=$(bash -ic 'source ~/.bashrc && echo $DOCKER_HOST') if [[ $home_host != "tcp://$dockerhost:$dockerport" ]]; then echo "Adding DOCKER_HOST to ~/.bashrc" echo -e "export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://$dockerhost:$dockerport" | tee -a ~/.bashrc > /dev/null fi export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://$dockerhost:$dockerport docker_node="$docker_node $dockerhost:$dockerport" } function install_docker_registry { echo "Installing docker-registry..." sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/registry docker rm -f registry || true docker run -d -p ${registryport}:${registryport} -e REGISTRY_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_ROOTDIRECTORY=/var/lib/registry -v /var/lib/registry:/var/lib/registry --restart=always --name registry registry:2 } function install_mongo { docker rm -f mongodb || true docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --net=host --restart=always --name mongodb mongo } function install_redis { docker rm -f redis || true docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --restart=always --name redis redis } function install_planb { docker rm -f tsuru_planb || true docker run -d --net=host --restart=always --name tsuru_planb tsuru/planb:v1 --listen ":80" } function install_gandalf { sudo apt-get install gandalf-server -y local hook_dir=/home/git/bare-template/hooks sudo mkdir -p $hook_dir sudo curl -sSL ${hook_url} -o ${hook_dir}/${hook_name} sudo chmod +x ${hook_dir}/${hook_name} sudo chown -R git:git /home/git/bare-template sudo sed "s/^\(host: \).*$/\1${host_name}/" /etc/gandalf.conf -i sudo sed "s/^#\(\s*template: \).*$/\1\/home\/git\/bare-template/" /etc/gandalf.conf -i sudo service gandalf-server stop 1>&2 2>/dev/null || true sudo service gandalf-server start sleep 5 local gandalfaddr=$(running_addr gandalf) if [[ $gandalfaddr == "" ]]; then echo "Error: Couldn't find gandalf addr, please check /var/log/upstart/gandalf-server.log for more information" echo "/var/log/upstart/gandalf-server.log contents:" cat /var/log/upstart/gandalf-server.log exit 1 fi echo "gandalf found running at $gandalfaddr" } function install_go { local version=$(go version 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/go version[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/') local iversion=$(installed_version go 1.1.0 "${version}") if [[ $iversion != "" ]]; then echo "Skipping go installation, version installed: $iversion" else echo "Installing go..." sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gophers/archive -y sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install golang-1.8 -y echo -e "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/go-1.8/bin" | tee -a ~/.bashrc > /dev/null export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/go-1.8/bin fi if [[ ${GOPATH-} == "" ]]; then export GOPATH=$HOME/go fi mkdir -p $GOPATH local bash_gopath=$(bash -ic 'unset GOPATH; source ~/.bashrc && echo $GOPATH') if [[ $bash_gopath != $GOPATH ]]; then echo "Adding GOPATH=$GOPATH to ~/.bashrc" echo -e "export GOPATH=$GOPATH" | tee -a ~/.bashrc > /dev/null fi } function install_test_deps { echo "Installing test dependencies..." sudo apt-get -y install xmlsec1 libsasl2-dev } function config_tsuru_pre { sudo mkdir -p /etc/tsuru echo "$TSURU_CONF" | sudo tee /etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf > /dev/null sudo sed -i.old -e "s/{{{HOST_IP}}}/${host_ip}/g" /etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf sudo sed -i.old -e "s/{{{PRIVATE_IP}}}/${dockerhost}/g" /etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf sudo sed -i.old -e "s/{{{REGISTRY_HOST}}}/${registryhost}/g" /etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf sudo sed -i.old -e "s/{{{HOST_NAME}}}/${host_name}/g" /etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf sudo sed -i.old -e "s/{{{MONGO_HOST}}}/${mongohost}/g" /etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf sudo sed -i.old -e "s/{{{MONGO_PORT}}}/${mongoport}/g" /etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf if [[ -e /etc/default/tsuru-server ]]; then sudo sed -i.old -e 's/=no/=yes/' /etc/default/tsuru-server fi } function config_tsuru_post { tsuru target-remove default tsuru target-add default "${private_ip}:8080" || true tsuru target-set default } function create_initial_user { echo "Creating initial admin user..." yes $adminpassword | tsurud root-user-create $adminuser || true yes $adminpassword | tsuru login $adminuser tsuru team-create admin || true } function enable_initial_user { mkdir -p ~/.ssh if ! grep -Pzo "Host ${private_ip}\s+StrictHostKeyChecking no" ~/.ssh/config >/dev/null; then echo -e "Host ${private_ip}\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config fi if ! grep -Pzo "Host ${private_ip}\s+StrictHostKeyChecking no" ~/.ssh/config >/dev/null; then echo -e "Host ${private_ip}\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config fi if [[ ! -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa ]]; then yes | ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > /dev/null fi tsuru key-add -f rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub || true } function add_default_roles { tsuru role-add team-create global || true tsuru role-permission-add team-create role.update team.create || true tsuru role-add team-member team || true tsuru role-permission-add team-member app service-instance team || true tsuru role-default-add --team-create team-member || true tsuru role-default-add --user-create team-create || true } function add_as_docker_node { echo "Adding docker node to pool..." tsuru pool-add $pool -p -d 2>/dev/null || tsuru pool-add $pool 2>/dev/null || true amount=0 for node in $docker_node; do tsuru node-add --register address="http://${node}" pool=$pool 2>/dev/null || true amount=$((amount+1)) done set +e status=1 while [ $status != 0 ]; do tsuru node-list | grep "| http://" | grep ready | wc -l | grep -q "${amount}$" status=$? done set -e } function install_platform { echo "Installing platform container..." local has_plat=$((tsuru platform-list | grep "${1}"$) || true) if [[ ${has_plat} == "" ]]; then tsuru platform-add ${1} -i "tsuru/${1}" fi } function install_dashboard { echo "Installing tsuru-dashboard..." tsuru app-create tsuru-dashboard python -o $pool -t admin || true pushd ~/ if [[ ! -d ~/tsuru-dashboard ]]; then git clone https://github.com/tsuru/tsuru-dashboard fi pushd tsuru-dashboard git remote add tsuru "git@${private_ip}:tsuru-dashboard.git" || true git reset --hard git clean -dfx git pull git push tsuru master popd popd } function install_tsuru_pkg { echo "Installing Tsuru from deb package..." sudo apt-get install tsuru-server tsuru-client -y sudo service tsurud stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || true config_tsuru_pre sudo service tsurud start sleep 5 } function install_tsuru_client { echo "Installing Tsuru client from deb package..." sudo apt-get install tsuru-client -qqy } function install_tsuru_src { echo "Installing Tsuru from source (this could take some minutes)..." if [[ -e ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/tsuru/tsuru ]]; then pushd "${GOPATH}/src/github.com/tsuru/tsuru" git reset --hard && git clean -dfx && git pull popd else mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/github.com/tsuru/tsuru" pushd "${GOPATH}/src/github.com/tsuru/tsuru" git clone https://github.com/tsuru/tsuru . popd fi go get github.com/tsuru/tsuru/cmd/tsurud go get github.com/tsuru/tsuru-client/tsuru sudo cp $(echo "${GOPATH}" | awk -F ':' '{print $1}')/bin/{tsurud,tsuru} /usr/local/bin screen -X -S api quit || true screen -S api -d -m tsurud api --config=/etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf local tsurudaddr=$(running_addr tsurud) if [[ $tsurudaddr == "" ]]; then echo "Error: Couldn't find tsurud addr, please check /var/log/syslog for more information" exit 1 fi echo "tsurud api found running at $tsurudaddr" } function config_git_key { local tsuru_token=$(bash -ic 'source ~git/.bash_profile && echo $TSURU_TOKEN') if [[ $tsuru_token == "" ]]; then echo "Adding tsurud token to ~git/.bash_profile" local token=$(tsurud token || tsr token) echo "export TSURU_TOKEN=$token" | sudo tee -a ~git/.bash_profile > /dev/null fi local tsuru_host=$(bash -ic 'source ~git/.bash_profile && echo $TSURU_HOST') if [[ $tsuru_host != "$private_ip:8080" ]]; then echo "Adding tsurud host to ~git/.bash_profile" echo "export TSURU_HOST=$private_ip:8080" | sudo tee -a ~git/.bash_profile > /dev/null fi sudo chown -R git:git ~git/.bash_profile } function add_git_envs { if [[ "${#git_envs[@]}" -gt 1 ]]; then echo "Serializing provided env vars to ~git/.bash_profile" echo export ${git_envs[@]:1} | sudo tee -a ~git/.bash_profile > /dev/null fi } function banner_ansii { echo -e ' \x1B[38;2;37;184;108mo. \x1B[0m' echo -e ' _ \x1B[38;2;37;184;108m:8o. .:: \x1B[0m' echo -e ' | |_ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ \x1B[38;2;37;184;108m.888o .o: . \x1B[0m' echo -e ' | __/ __| | | | \047__| | | | \x1B[38;2;37;184;108mO888O: .oO: \x1B[0m' echo -e ' | |_\__ \ |_| | | | |_| | \x1B[38;2;37;184;108mO88888O. :O8O. \x1B[0m' echo -e ' \__|___/\__,_|_| \__,_| \x1B[38;2;37;184;108mO8888888OoOo \x1B[0m' echo -e ' \x1B[38;2;37;184;108m.O88888888o: \x1B[0m' } function install_all { check_support install_basic_deps ${tsuru_package_source-"stable"} set_local_host set_host install_docker if [[ "${registryhost}" == "${dockerhost}" ]]; then install_docker_registry fi install_redis install_mongo install_planb install_gandalf if [[ ${install_tsuru_source-} == "1" ]]; then config_tsuru_pre install_go install_tsuru_src install_test_deps else install_tsuru_pkg fi config_tsuru_post config_git_key add_git_envs create_initial_user enable_initial_user add_default_roles add_as_docker_node install_platform python install_platform static if [[ ${without_dashboard-} != "1" ]]; then install_dashboard fi echo '######################## DONE! ########################' echo banner_ansii echo echo "Some information about your tsuru installation:" echo echo "Admin user: ${adminuser}" echo "Admin password: ${adminpassword} (PLEASE CHANGE RUNNING: tsuru change-password)" echo "Target address: http://$host_ip:8080" if [[ ${without_dashboard-} != "1" ]]; then local cont_id=$(docker ps | grep tsuru-dashboard | cut -d ' ' -f 1) local dashboard_port=$(docker inspect $cont_id | grep HostPort | head -n1 | sed "s/[^0-9]//g") echo "Dashboard address: http://$host_ip:$dashboard_port" echo echo "You should run \`source ~/.bashrc\` on your current terminal." echo echo "Installed apps:" sleep 1 tsuru app-list fi } function install_server { check_support install_basic_deps ${tsuru_package_source-"stable"} set_local_host set_host install_docker if [[ "${registryhost}" == "${dockerhost}" ]]; then install_docker_registry fi install_redis install_mongo install_planb install_gandalf install_tsuru_pkg config_tsuru_post config_git_key add_git_envs create_initial_user enable_initial_user add_default_roles add_as_docker_node install_platform python echo '######################## DONE! ########################' echo banner_ansii echo echo "Some information about your tsuru installation:" echo echo "Admin user: ${adminuser}" echo "Admin password: ${adminpassword} (PLEASE CHANGE RUNNING: tsuru change-password)" echo "Target address: $host_ip:8080" } function install_client { check_support install_basic_deps ${tsuru_package_source-"stable"} set_local_host set_host install_tsuru_client config_tsuru_post enable_initial_user add_default_roles if [[ ${without_dashboard-} != "1" ]]; then install_dashboard fi echo '######################## DONE! ########################' echo banner_ansii echo echo "Some information about your tsuru installation:" echo echo "Admin user: ${adminuser}" echo "Admin password: ${adminpassword} (PLEASE CHANGE RUNNING: tsuru change-password)" echo "Target address: $host_ip:8080" if [[ ${without_dashboard-} != "1" ]]; then local cont_id=$(docker ps | grep tsuru-dashboard | cut -d ' ' -f 1) local dashboard_port=$(docker inspect $cont_id | grep HostPort | head -n1 | sed "s/[^0-9]//g") echo "Dashboard address: $host_ip:$dashboard_port" echo echo "You should run \`source ~/.bashrc\` on your current terminal." echo echo "Installed apps:" sleep 1 tsuru app-list echo "Make sure that both ports 8080/tcp and 80/tcp are accessible remotely." fi } function install_dockerfarm { check_support install_basic_deps ${tsuru_package_source-"stable"} set_local_host set_host dockerhost=$(local_ip) if [[ $dockerhost == "" ]]; then dockerhost=$(public_ip) fi install_docker install_tsuru_client config_tsuru_post enable_initial_user add_default_roles add_as_docker_node } function install_exportvars { declare -p } function show_help { PROGRAM_NAME=$(basename $0) echo -e "Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [options] Options: -n, --host-name [name] Set the VM's hostname -i, --host-ip [name] Set the VM's IP -pi, --private-ip [name] Set the VM's private IP -c, --tsuru-from-source Install tsuru from master source code (default: stable packages) -p, --tsuru-pkg-stable Install tsuru from stable packages -N, --tsuru-pkg-nightly Install tsuru from nightly build packages (default: stable packages) -f, --force-install [pkg] Force installation of named package -g, --gopath [path] prepend new path to env var GOPATH -u, --hook-url [url] Git hook URL -o, --hook-name [name] Git hook name -e, --env [key] [value] Set environment variable for git user in the VM -r, --ext-repository [repo] Set the external repository URL produced by tsuru/tsuru-deb -d, --docker-only Only install docker (default: docker, dashboard) -w, --without-dashboard Install without dashboard (default: with dashboard) -I, --set-interface The IP provided by --host-ip is not really allocated to this VM, use ifconfig to set up an interface so it can be reached -D, --docker-node [node1] [node2] ... Add extra docker nodes to tsuru server for building clusters -t, --template [name] Install template, name options: - all: install all packages (default) - dockerfarm: install docker only - server: install mongo, planb, gandalf, archiver, tsuru-server and their dependencies - client: install tsuru-client and their dependencies -v, --verbose Print debug messages -P, --docker-pool [name] Add docker to destination pool of tsuru (default: theonepool) -R, --registryhost Set the docker registry IP -sd, --systemd Set systemd as init system -h, --help This help screen " } while [ "${1-}" != "" ]; do case $1 in "-v" | "--verbose") set -x is_debug=1 ;; "-P" | "--docker-pool") shift pool=$1 ;; "-I" | "--set-interface") set_interface="y" ;; "-D" | "--docker-node") while [ "${2-}" != "" ]; do shift [[ ${1:0:1} != "-" ]] || break docker_node="$docker_node $1" done ;; "-t" | "--template") shift install_func=install_$1 ;; "-n" | "--host-name") shift host_name=$1 ;; "-i" | "--host-ip") shift host_ip=$1 ;; "-pi" | "--private-ip") shift private_ip=$1 ;; "-c" | "--tsuru-from-source") install_tsuru_source=1 ;; "-p" | "--tsuru-pkg-stable") tsuru_package_source="stable" install_tsuru_pkg=1 ;; "-f" | "--force-install") shift declare "force_install_$1=1" ;; "-g" | "--gopath") shift mkdir -p $1 if [[ -v GOPATH ]]; then export GOPATH=$1:$GOPATH else export GOPATH=$1 fi ;; "-u" | "--hook-url") shift hook_url=$1 ;; "-o" | "--hook-name") shift hook_name=$1 ;; "-e" | "--env") shift git_envs=("${git_envs[@]}" "$1=\"$2\"") shift ;; "-r" | "--ext-repository") shift ext_repository=$1 ;; "-d" | "--docker-only") install_func=install_docker ;; "-w" | "--without-dashboard") without_dashboard=1 ;; "-R" | "--registryhost") shift registryhost=$1 ;; * | "-h" | "--help") show_help exit ;; esac shift done $install_func