# Core & Util [[plugins]] repo = 'edkolev/promptline.vim' on_cmd = ['PromptlineSnapshot'] # g:asyncomplete_preprocessor 強制上書きなので、当座は使わない # [[plugins]] # cargoが必要 # repo = 'tsufeki/asyncomplete-fuzzy-match' # depends = ['asyncomplete.vim'] # on_if= 'g:user.function.executable("cargo")' # build = 'cargo build --release' [[plugins]] repo = 'tyru/notify-changed.vim' on_cmd = ['NotifyChanged'] [[plugins]] repo = 'powerman/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc' on_cmd = ['AnsiEsc'] depends = ['vital.vim'] hook_source = ''' let g:no_ansiesc_menu = 1 let g:no_cecutil_maps = 1 " based on https://qiita.com/1000k/items/6d4953d2dd52fdd86556 command! AnsiEscStripCode %s/\e\[[0-9;]*m//g " command! AnsiEscStripCode %s/^.*$/\=g:V.import('Data.String').remove_ansi_sequences(\0)/g ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'thinca/vim-scouter' on_cmd = ['Scouter', 'ScouterVerbose'] # colorscheme [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-scripts/ScrollColors' on_cmd = ['SCROLLCOLOR'] [[plugins]] repo = 'kato-k/vim-colorscheme-settings' on_if = 'exists("*popup_create")' on_cmd = ['SwitchColorscheme', 'SwitchBackGround'] hook_source = ''' " " off default " let g:colorschemes_settings#use_default_colorschemes = v:false " " resource file " let g:colorschemes_settings#rc_file_path = g:user.file.colorrc " noting yet ''' [[plugins]] # cmigemoが必要 repo = 'haya14busa/vim-migemo' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("cmigemo")' depends = ['vital.vim'] hook_post_source = ''' let s:Filepath = g:V.import('System.Filepath') " s:dict let g:migemodict = '' if g:user.system.windows let s:dict = fnamemodify( \ s:Filepath.realpath( \ g:user.dir.dictionary . '/Migemo/' . &encoding . '/migemo-s:dict' \ ), \ ':p') if filereadable(s:dict) let g:migemodict = s:dict endif endif if empty(g:migemodict) let s:dict = fnamemodify( \ s:Filepath.realpath( \ g:user.dir.vim . '/s:dict/' . &encoding . '/migemo-s:dict' \ ), \ ':p') if filereadable(s:dict) let g:migemodict = s:dict endif endif ''' [[plugins]] # fzf repo = 'yuki-yano/fzf-preview.vim' # rev = 'release/rpc' rev = 'feature/windows_compatibility' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("fzf") && g:user.function.executable("node")' depends = ['fzf', 'fzf.vim', 'vim-devicons'] hook_add = ''' " filelist preview if g:user.system.windows let g:fzf_preview_default_fzf_options = { \ '--reverse' : v:true, \ '--preview-window' : 'right:50%:noborder', \} let g:fzf_binary_preview_command = 'echo binary' let g:fzf_preview_if_binary_command = '( ver > nul )' if g:user.function.executable('file') let g:fzf_preview_if_binary_command = '( file --mime {} | findstr binary > nul )' endif " currently fallback safe pattern if g:user.function.executable('false') let g:fzf_preview_if_binary_command = 'false' endif endif if g:user.function.executable('bat') let g:fzf_preview_command = 'bat --color always --style grid {-1}' elseif g:user.function.executable('head') let g:fzf_preview_command = 'head -100 {-1}' elseif g:user.function.executable('cat') let g:fzf_preview_command = 'cat {-1}' else if g:user.system.windows let g:fzf_preview_command = 'echo command nothing' else let g:fzf_preview_command = 'echo "command nothing"' endif endif " " filelist command " " let g:fzf_preview_filelist_command " " grep command " " let g:fzf_preview_grep_cmd " ! should not be escaped if g:user.function.executable('rg') let g:fzf_preview_filelist_command = 'rg --files --hidden --follow --no-messages --glob "!.git/*" --glob !"* *"' let g:fzf_preview_directory_files_command = 'rg --files --hidden --follow --no-messages -g !"* *"' endif " " filelist post process " if g:user.function.executable('exa') " let g:fzf_preview_filelist_postprocess_command = 'xargs -d "\n" exa --color=always' " else " let g:fzf_preview_filelist_postprocess_command = '' " endif " Use vim-devicons if dein#tap('vim-devicons') let g:fzf_preview_use_dev_icons = 1 endif ''' [[plugins]] # WebAPIのライブラリ curlが必要 repo = 'mattn/webapi-vim' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("curl")' [[plugins]] repo = 'mbbill/undotree' on_if = 'has("persistent_undo")' hook_post_source = ''' nnoremap :UndotreeToggle ''' # dirvish # [[plugins]] # repo = 'bounceme/remote-viewer' # on_if= 'g:user.function.executable("ssh") || g:user.function.executable("curl")' # depends = ['vim-dirvish'] # [[plugins]] # repo = 'kristijanhusak/vim-dirvish-git' # # git is installed, need for basic # depends = ['vim-dirvish'] # hook_source = ''' # let g:dirvish_git_show_ignored = 1 # ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'deton/eblook.vim' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("eblook")' hook_source = ''' " 'book' 辞書ディレクトリ。(eblookのbookコマンドの引数) " 'name' 辞書名。(eblookのselectコマンドの引数) " 'title' 辞書識別子 " 'appendix' Appendix " 'skip' この辞書を検索対象にするかどうか " 'autoformat' content表示時に長い行を|gq|で整形するかどうか " let g:eblook_dictlist1 = [ " \ { " \ 'book' : '', " \ 'name' : '', " \ 'title' : '', " \ 'appendix' : '', " \ 'skip' : '', " \ 'autoformat' : '', " \ }, " \ ] " buffer setting augroup vimrc_init_eblook autocmd! autocmd FileType \ eblook nested setlocal nonumber \ norelativenumber \ signcolumn=no \ foldcolumn=0 " autocmd VimEnter,VimResized * " \ let g:eblook_entrywin_height = min([max([(&lines/6), 4]), 8]) - 1 " autocmd VimEnter,VimResized * " \ let g:eblook_contentwin_height = min([max([(&lines/3), 10]), 25]) - 1 augroup END if g:user.system.windows " Windows環境用のコード let g:eblookenc='cp932' else " non Windows endif let s:dictdir = substitute(g:user.dir.dictionary, '\', '/', 'g') let g:eblook_dictlist1 = [ \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/ASCDATES', \ 'name' : 'ascdates', \ 'title' : 'パソコン用語辞典 (1998年版アスキー DATES手帳巻末)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/BIBLENAM', \ 'name' : 'biblenam', \ 'title' : 'HITCHCOCK,S BIBLE NAMES DICTIONARY', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/CG', \ 'name' : 'cg', \ 'title' : 'CG 用語辞典 Ver.1.50h (日本大学吉川研究室)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/DEVIL', \ 'name' : 'devil', \ 'title' : '惡魔の辭典 (Devil,s Dictionary)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/EBD', \ 'name' : 'ebd', \ 'title' : 'Easton,s 1897 Bible Dictionary', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/EDICT', \ 'name' : 'edict', \ 'title' : 'EDICT', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/EIJIRO', \ 'name' : 'eijiro', \ 'title' : '英辞郎 Ver.144.8', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/FLOWER', \ 'name' : 'flower', \ 'title' : '花の咲く草木名小事典 (K,s Bookshelf)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/GENE95', \ 'name' : 'gene95', \ 'title' : 'GENE95辞書', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/FOLDOC', \ 'name' : 'foldoc', \ 'title' : 'Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/FUMEIKAI', \ 'name' : 'fumeikai', \ 'title' : '不明解略語辞典', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/JARGON', \ 'name' : 'jargon', \ 'title' : 'The Jargon File', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/LSD', \ 'name' : 'lsd', \ 'title' : 'ライフサイエンス辞書4', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/PEJV', \ 'name' : 'pejv', \ 'title' : '実用エスペラント小辞典 (第1版)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/ROGET', \ 'name' : 'roget', \ 'title' : 'ロジェーのシソーラス (Roget,s Thesaurus)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/RYAKU', \ 'name' : 'ryaku', \ 'title' : '略語辞典辞典 (K,s Bookshelf)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/VERA', \ 'name' : 'vera', \ 'title' : 'V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/WDIC', \ 'name' : 'wdic', \ 'title' : '通信用語の基礎知識 (2004年後期版)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/WEB', \ 'name' : 'web', \ 'title' : 'Webster,s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/WORDNET', \ 'name' : 'wordnet', \ 'title' : 'WordNet(r) 1.6', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/WWASW', \ 'name' : 'wwasw', \ 'title' : '物故者名士録', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ { \ 'book' : s:dictdir . '/FreePWING/YASOU', \ 'name' : 'yasou', \ 'title' : '身近な野草を調べよう', \ 'skip' : 0, \ }, \ ] unlet s:dictdir ''' hook_post_source = ''' " map key : map EblookInput " map key : vmap y EblookSearch " unmap select-mode silent! sunmap silent! sunmap y ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'tyru/open-browser-github.vim' depends = ['open-browser.vim'] on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("hub")' [[plugins]] repo = 'iberianpig/tig-explorer.vim' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("tig")' [[plugins]] repo = 'ConradIrwin/vim-bracketed-paste' on_if = '!has("patch-8.0.0210")' # Doc & File & Web # UI # [[plugins]] # repo = 'mattn/vim-nyancat' # on_if= '!(has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win32unix")) && !has("gui_running")' [[plugins]] repo = 'edkolev/tmuxline.vim' # statusline,airline,lightline depends = ['lightline.vim'] on_if = 'exists("$TMUX")' hook_post_source = ''' Tmuxline lightline ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'miyakogi/seiya.vim' on_if = '!has("gui_running")' hook_source = ''' " let g:seiya_auto_enable=1 ''' # # Clap # [[plugins]] # repo = 'liuchengxu/vim-clap' # on_event = ['VimEnter'] # on_if= 'g:user.function.executable("cargo") && has("python3")' # build = ':Clap install-binary' # # [[plugins]] # repo = 'tamago324/vim-clap-help' # on_source = ['vim-clap'] # # [[plugins]] # repo = 'hokorobi/vim-clap-filelist' # on_source = ['vim-clap'] # hook_post_source = ''' # " let g:clap_filelist_file = expand(g:user.dir.cache_home . '/mrulist') # " based on https://qiita.com/hokorobi/items/615277a0ea8ab7c9c4c3 # if !empty(get(g:, 'ctrlp_cache_dir', '')) # let g:clap_filelist_file = expand(g:ctrlp_cache_dir . '/mru/cache.txt') # endif # ''' # # [[plugins]] # repo = 'hokorobi/vim-clap-launcher' # on_source = ['vim-clap'] # hook_source = ''' # let g:clap_launcher_file = expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/launcher') # ''' # LeaderF [[plugins]] repo = 'Yggdroot/LeaderF' if = 'has("python3")' depends = ['vital.vim', 'vim-devicons'] hook_post_update = ''' if g:user.system.windows let s:cmd = 'install.bat' else let s:cmd = './install.sh' endif let g:dein#plugin.build = s:cmd unlet s:cmd ''' hook_source = ''' if (has('popupwin') || exists('*popup_create') || has('nvim-0.4.2')) let g:Lf_WindowPosition = 'popup' let g:Lf_PreviewInPopup = 1 endif let g:Lf_ReverseOrder = 1 " search cache strategy like ctrlp let g:Lf_UseCache = 1 let g:Lf_CacheDirectory = expand(g:user.dir.cache_home . '/leaderf') call g:user.function.mkdir(g:Lf_CacheDirectory) if g:user.function.executable('jvgrep') let g:Lf_DefaultExternalTool = 'jvgrep' let g:Lf_ExternalCommand = 'jvgrep --no-color -Rril "" "%s"' elseif g:user.function.executable('pt') let g:Lf_DefaultExternalTool = 'pt' let g:Lf_ExternalCommand = 'pt --nocolor --nogroup -S -l "" "%s"' elseif g:user.function.executable('ag') let g:Lf_DefaultExternalTool = 'ag' let g:Lf_ExternalCommand = 'ag -a --nocolor --nogroup -S -l "" %s' else let g:Lf_DefaultExternalTool = '' endif " overwrite external command if files exists if g:user.function.executable('files') let g:Lf_ExternalCommand = 'cd "%s" && files -H=0 -a -m ""' endif if has_key(g:, 'Lf_ExternalCommand') let g:Lf_UseCache = 0 endif let g:Lf_WorkingDirectoryMode = 'Ac' " color let g:Lf_StlColorscheme = 'gruvbox_material' let g:Lf_PopupColorscheme = 'gruvbox_material' " separator " like lightline (powerline arrow) let g:Lf_StlSeparator = { 'left': nr2char(0xe0b0), 'right': nr2char(0xe0b2) } " size " let g:Lf_PopupWidth " let g:Lf_PopupHeight " let g:Lf_PreviewPopupWidth autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,VimResized * let g:Lf_PopupWidth = min([max([(&columns * 3)/4, 20]), (&columns - 2)]) autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,VimResized * let g:Lf_PopupHeight = min([max([(&lines * 3)/4, 15]), (&lines - (2 + 1 + &cmdheight))]) " mapping " conflict workaround : prefix L as LeaderF " keymap info let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.desc.leader['L'] = { \ 'name' : '+LeaderF', \ } let g:Lf_ShortcutF = 'Lf' let g:Lf_ShortcutB = 'Lb' ''' hook_post_source = ''' let s:List = g:V.import('Data.List') " root marker use findroot value let g:Lf_RootMarkers = s:List.concat([ \ g:user.rootmarker.dirs, \ g:user.rootmarker.files]) let g:Lf_WorkingDirectoryMode = 'a' ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'tamago324/LeaderF-filer' on_source = ['LeaderF'] depends = ['LeaderF', 'vim-devicons'] hook_source = ''' " Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' let g:Lf_FilerShowDevIcons = 1 ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'markwu/LeaderF-prosessions' on_source = ['LeaderF'] [[plugins]] repo = 'tamago324/LeaderF-bookmark' on_source = ['LeaderF'] hook_source = ''' " same as fern let g:Lf_BookmarkFilePath = expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/bookmark.json') ''' hook_post_source = ''' if exists('g:fern#scheme#bookmark#store#file') " use fern's bookmark let g:Lf_BookmarkFilePath = g:fern#scheme#bookmark#store#file endif ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'linjiX/LeaderF-git' on_source = ['LeaderF'] # optional depends # depends = ['vim-fugitive'] [[plugins]] repo = 'hilarryxu/LeaderF-funky' on_source = ['LeaderF'] [[plugins]] repo = 'Yggdroot/LeaderF-marks' on_source = ['LeaderF'] [[plugins]] repo = 'Yggdroot/LeaderF-changes' on_source = ['LeaderF'] # [[plugins]] # repo = 'xltan/LeaderF-tjump' # on_source = ['LeaderF'] [[plugins]] repo = 'tamago324/LeaderF-sonictemplate' on_source = ['LeaderF'] depends = ['LeaderF', 'vim-sonictemplate'] # Edit operation # Align [[plugins]] repo = 'godlygeek/tabular' on_cmd = ['AddTabularPattern', 'AddTabularPipeline', 'Tabularize', 'GTabularize'] on_source = ['splitjoin.vim'] # Quick Fix ## Edit [[plugins]] repo = 'itchyny/vim-qfedit' on_ft = ['qf'] [[plugins]] repo = 'yssl/QFEnter' on_ft = ['qf'] hook_source = ''' " ctrlp like let g:qfenter_keymap = {} let g:qfenter_keymap.open = ['', '<2-LeftMouse>'] let g:qfenter_keymap.vopen = [''] let g:qfenter_keymap.hopen = ['', '', ''] let g:qfenter_keymap.topen = [''] let g:qfenter_keymap.open_keep = ['', '<2-LeftMouse>'] let g:qfenter_keymap.vopen_keep = [''] let g:qfenter_keymap.hopen_keep = ['', '', ''] let g:qfenter_keymap.topen_keep = [''] ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'thinca/vim-qfreplace' on_ft = ['qf'] [plugins.ftplugin] qf = ''' nnoremap r Qfreplace ''' ## preview [[plugins]] repo = 'bfrg/vim-qf-preview' # repo = 'tsuyoshicho/vim-qf-preview' # rev = 'fix/keymap' on_ft = ['qf'] [plugins.ftplugin] qf = ''' " keymap start preview nmap (qf-preview-open) ''' ## highlight # use vim-qfhl # [[plugins]] # repo = 'jceb/vim-hier' # on_ft = ['qf'] [[plugins]] repo = 'thinca/vim-qfhl' on_ft = ['qf'] hook_source = ''' let g:qfhl_startup = 'enable' ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'thinca/vim-partedit' on_cmd = ['Partedit', 'ParteditEnd'] [[plugins]] # repo = 'soramugi/auto-ctags.vim' repo = 'tsuyoshicho/auto-ctags.vim' rev = 'feature/asyncprocess' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("ctags")' hook_source = ''' " in .ctags let g:auto_ctags_tags_args = ['--tag-relative=yes', '--recurse=yes', '--sort=yes', '--extra=+f'] " universal ctags need let g:auto_ctags_tags_args = get(g:,'auto_ctags_tags_args',[]) + ['--output-format=e-ctags'] let g:auto_ctags = 1 " let g:auto_ctags_filetype_mode = 1 let g:auto_ctags_directory_list = ['.git', '.svn', '.hg', '.bzr', 'CVS', '.'] let g:auto_ctags_search_recursively = 1 let g:auto_ctags_absolute_path = 1 let s:home = '' if has('path_extra') let s:home = ';$HOME' endif for s:dir in g:auto_ctags_directory_list if s:dir !=? '.' execute 'set tags+=./' . s:dir . '/tags' . s:home endif endfor " git リポジトリ内などでも直にtagsを生成する関数 function! s:direct_auto_ctags() let s:ctags_list_backup = copy(g:auto_ctags_directory_list) let s:ctags_search_backup = g:auto_ctags_search_recursively " set current only let g:auto_ctags_directory_list = ['.'] let g:auto_ctags_search_recursively = 1 " call ctags create process call auto_ctags#ctags(1) " recover backups let g:auto_ctags_directory_list = copy(s:ctags_list_backup) let g:auto_ctags_search_recursively = s:ctags_search_backup unlet s:ctags_list_backup unlet s:ctags_search_backup endfunction " コマンド定義 command! CtagsDirect call direct_auto_ctags() ''' [[plugins]] # Twitter repo = 'twitvim/twitvim' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("curl") && g:user.function.executable("openssl")' hook_source = ''' let g:twitvim_force_ssl = 1 let g:twitvim_count = 40 let g:twitvim_token_file = expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/twitvim.token') if exists('$HTTP_PROXY') let s:proxy_url_pattern = \ '^\%(\([^:]*\):\/\/\)\=' \ . '\%(\([^:@]*\)\(:[^@]*\)\=@\)\=' \ . '\([^:]*\)\%(:\(\d*\)\)\=/\=$' let g:twitvim_proxy = substitute($HTTP_PROXY, \ s:proxy_url_pattern, '\4:\5', '') let s:proxy_login = substitute($HTTP_PROXY, \ s:proxy_url_pattern, '\2', '') let s:proxy_pass = substitute($HTTP_PROXY, \ s:proxy_url_pattern, '\3', '') let g:twitvim_proxy_login = substitute(s:proxy_login . s:proxy_pass, \ '%40', '@', 'g') endif ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'LeafCage/laptime.vim' on_func = ['laptime#new'] [[plugins]] repo = 'rbtnn/vim-vimscript_lasterror' on_cmd = ['VimscriptLastError'] [[plugins]] repo = 'LumaKernel/vim-messages-qf' on_cmd = ['MessagesQF'] on_func = ['g:messages_qf#messages'] hook_source = ''' command! MessagesQF call g:messages_qf#messages() | copen ''' [[plugins]] repo = '0Delta/vimodoro' on_cmd = ['Pomodoro', 'PomodoroStop'] [[plugins]] repo = 'tyru/restart.vim' on_cmd = ['Restart'] [[plugins]] repo = 'Asheq/close-buffers.vim' on_cmd = ['Bdelete', 'Bwipeout'] hook_source = ''' nnoremap Q :Bdelete menu ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'mhinz/vim-sayonara' on_cmd = ['Sayonara'] [[plugins]] repo = 'tyru/capture.vim' on_cmd = ['Capture'] hook_source = ''' let g:capture_open_command = 'tabnew' ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'LeafCage/lastmess.vim' on_cmd = ['LastMess'] [[plugins]] repo = 'LeafCage/echos.vim' on_cmd = ['Echos'] [[plugins]] repo = 'tweekmonster/helpful.vim' on_cmd = ['HelpfulVersion'] on_ft = ['help', 'vim'] hook_source = ''' let g:helpful = 1 ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'notomo/helpeek.vim' on_cmd = ['Helpeek'] # per filetypes # C/C++ use clnagd / lsp for lsp client # [[plugins]] # repo = 'rhysd/vim-clang-format' # on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("clang-format")' # hook_source = ''' # let g:clang_format#auto_formatexpr = 1 # ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'justinmk/vim-syntax-extra' on_ft = ['c', 'yacc', 'lex'] [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-jp/vim-cpp' on_ft = ['c', 'cpp'] [[plugins]] # repo = 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight' repo = 'bfrg/vim-cpp-modern' on_ft = ['c', 'cpp'] hook_source = ''' " let g:cpp_class_scope_highlight = 1 " let g:cpp_member_variable_highlight = 1 " let g:cpp_class_decl_highlight = 1 " Disable function highlighting (affects both C and C++ files) " let g:cpp_no_function_highlight = 1 " Enable highlighting of C++11 attributes let g:cpp_attributes_highlight = 1 " Highlight struct/class member variables (affects both C and C++ files) let g:cpp_member_highlight = 1 " Put all standard C and C++ keywords under Vim's highlight group 'Statement' " (affects both C and C++ files) " let g:cpp_simple_highlight = 1 ''' # use LSP clangd for c,cpp # [[plugins]] # repo = 'vim-scripts/OmniCppComplete' # # repo = 'FromtonRouge/OmniCppComplete' # on_ft = ['c', 'cpp'] # hook_source = ''' # autocmd vimrc_init_core FileType c setlocal omnifunc=omni#cpp#complete#Main # autocmd vimrc_init_core FileType cpp setlocal omnifunc=omni#cpp#complete#Main # ''' # [[plugins]] # RFC # repo = 'mhinz/vim-rfc' # depends = ['rfc-syntax'] # on_if = 'has("ruby")' [[plugins]] # toml syntax repo = 'cespare/vim-toml' if = '!has("patch-8.2.3520") && !has("nvim-0.6")' on_ft = ['toml'] [[plugins]] # yaml syntax repo = 'stephpy/vim-yaml' on_ft = ['yaml'] [[plugins]] # GFM syntax repo = 'rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax' on_ft = ['markdown'] hook_source = ''' if has('gui_running') let g:gfm_syntax_emoji_conceal = 1 endif ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'iwataka/vim-markdown-ex' # no depends : use default markdown styler or other on_ft = ['markdown'] [[plugins]] # repo = 'mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc' repo = 'tsuyoshicho/vim-markdown-toc' rev = 'develop' # rev = 'pr-merged' # TODO : I send Fix PR. When merged it then to restore original on_ft = ['markdown','mdx'] hook_source = ''' let g:vmt_auto_update_on_save = 1 " let g:vmt_dont_insert_fence = 0 let g:vmt_include_headings_before = 1 let g:vmt_cycle_list_item_markers = 1 let g:vmt_fence_text = 'start of TOC' let g:vmt_fence_closing_text = 'end of TOC' ''' # [[plugins]] # repo = 'jxnblk/vim-mdx-js' # on_ft = ['markdown', 'mdx'] [[plugins]] repo = 'nelstrom/vim-markdown-folding' on_ft = ['markdown'] hook_source = ''' " let g:markdown_fold_style = 'nested' let g:markdown_fold_style = 'stacked' let g:markdown_fold_override_foldtext = 0 ''' # deno's plugin 'kat0h/dps-bufpreview.vim' conflict command # When deno exists, disable it [[plugins]] repo = 'skanehira/preview-markdown.vim' if = '!g:user.function.executable("deno")' on_ft = ['markdown'] hook_source = ''' " open window vartical when value is 1 let g:preview_markdown_vertical = 1 " use specified command to parse markdown, default is mdr if g:user.function.executable('mdcat') let g:preview_markdown_parser = 'mdcat' endif ''' [[plugins]] # need pdftotext repo = 'makerj/vim-pdf' on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("pdftotext")' [[plugins]] # need pandoc,asciidoctor,java,xdg-open repo = 'iwataka/minidown.vim' on_ft = ['markdown','asciidoc','rst','textile'] on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("pandoc")' hook_post_source = ''' let g:minidown_pandoc_from = extend({ \ 'markdown': 'markdown+pipe_tables+raw_html+fenced_code_blocks+gfm_auto_identifiers+ascii_identifiers+backtick_code_blocks+autolink_bare_uris+intraword_underscores+strikeout+hard_line_breaks+emoji+shortcut_reference_links+angle_brackets_escapable+smart+yaml_metadata_block', \ 'rst' : 'rst', \ 'textile' : 'textile', \}, get(g:,'minidown_pandoc_from',{}), "keep") ''' [[plugins]] # need docutils's rst2html.py repo = 'previm/previm' # shoud depends depends = ['open-browser.vim'] on_ft = ['markdown','asciidoc','rst','textile'] [[plugins]] repo = 'tokorom/vim-review' on_ft = ['review'] [[plugins]] repo = 'aklt/plantuml-syntax' on_ft = ['plantuml'] hook_source = ''' if g:user.system.windows && g:user.function.executable('plantumlc') let g:plantuml_executable_script = 'plantumlc -tsvg' endif ''' [[plugins]] # repo = 'scrooloose/vim-slumlord' repo = 'tsuyoshicho/vim-slumlord' rev = 'feature/aggressive' depends = ['plantuml-syntax'] on_ft = ['plantuml'] hook_source = ''' if g:user.system.windows && g:user.function.executable('plantumlc') let s:bin_path = fnamemodify(system('where plantumlc'), ":p") let s:lib_path = fnamemodify(s:bin_path, ":p:h") . '/../lib/plantuml/tools/plantuml.jar' let g:slumlord_plantuml_jar_path = fnamemodify(s:lib_path, ":p") endif " let g:slumlord_separate_win = 0 " In place let g:slumlord_separate_win = 1 " separate window let g:slumlord_asciiart_utf = 0 " ascii " let g:slumlord_asciiart_utf = 1 " UTF ''' # hook_post_source = ''' # augroup vimrc_init_slumlord # autocmd! # autocmd bufwritepre *.puml silent call slumlord#updatePreview({'write': 1}) # augroup END # ''' [[plugins]] # repo = 'weirongxu/plantuml-previewer.vim' repo = 'tsuyoshicho/plantuml-previewer.vim' rev = 'develop' # TODO : I send Fix PR. When merged it then to restore original depends = ['open-browser.vim'] on_ft = ['plantuml'] on_if = 'g:user.function.executable("dot") && g:user.function.executable("java")' hook_source = ''' if g:user.system.windows && g:user.function.executable('plantumlc') let s:bin_path = exepath('plantumlc') let s:lib_path = fnamemodify(s:bin_path, ":p:h:h") . '/lib/plantuml/tools/plantuml.jar' let g:plantuml_previewer#plantuml_jar_path = fnamemodify(s:lib_path, ":p") let g:plantuml_previewer#save_format = 'svg' endif ''' # include stable [[plugins]] # asciidoc syntax repo = 'habamax/vim-asciidoctor' on_ft = ['asciidoc'] [[plugins]] repo = 'matcatc/vim-asciidoc-folding' on_ft = ['asciidoc'] hook_source = ''' let g:asciidoc_fold_style = 'nested' let g:asciidoc_fold_override_foldtext = 0 ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'amiorin/vim-textile' on_ft = ['textile'] [[plugins]] repo = 'neoclide/vim-jsx-improve' on_ft = ['javascript','jsx','typescript'] hook_source = ''' " configurable if need let g:javascript_plugin_jsdoc = 1 let g:javascript_plugin_ngdoc = 1 let g:javascript_plugin_flow = 1 " Syntax " let g:javascript_conceal_null " let g:javascript_conceal_return " let g:javascript_conceal_undefined " let g:javascript_conceal_NaN " let g:javascript_conceal_prototype " let g:javascript_conceal_this " let g:javascript_conceal_super " let g:javascript_conceal_function " let g:javascript_conceal_arrow_function " let g:javascript_conceal_noarg_arrow_function " let g:javascript_conceal_underscore_arrow_function " Indent " let g:javascript_opfirst " let g:javascript_continuation " " ftplugin let g:jsx_improve_motion_disable = 1 augroup vimrc_init_vim_jsx_improve autocmd! autocmd FileType javascript setlocal foldmethod=syntax autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.jsx setlocal filetype=javascript.jsx autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tsx setlocal filetype=typescript.jsx augroup END ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'othree/es.next.syntax.vim' on_ft = ['javascript'] [[plugins]] repo = 'othree/yajs.vim' on_ft = ['javascript'] [[plugins]] repo = 'othree/javascript-libraries-syntax.vim' depends = ['vim-jsx-improve'] # depends = ['vim-javascript'] on_ft = ['javascript'] hook_source = ''' " let g:used_javascript_libs = ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'styled-components/vim-styled-components' on_ft = ['javascript','jsx','typescript'] [[plugins]] repo = 'jason0x43/vim-js-indent' # on_ft = ['javascript', 'typescript'] on_ft = ['typescript'] [[plugins]] repo = 'elzr/vim-json' on_ft = ['json'] [[plugins]] repo = 'gutenye/json5.vim' on_ft = ['json5'] [[plugins]] repo = 'chrisbra/csv.vim' on_ft = ['csv'] hook_source = ''' let g:csv_disable_fdt = 1 ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'pdurbin/vim-tsv' on_ft = ['tsv'] [[plugins]] repo = 'mechatroner/rainbow_csv' on_ft = ['csv', 'tsv'] [[plugins]] # Colorize # repo = 'ap/vim-css-color' repo = 'chrisbra/Colorizer' on_ft = ['clojure', 'css', 'dosini', 'elm', 'go', 'html', 'i3', 'i3config', 'javascript', 'json', 'jsx', 'less', 'moon', 'perl', 'php', 'python', 'r', 'ruby', 'sass', 'scss', 'stylus', 'typescript', 'sh', 'vim', 'xdefaults', 'xml', 'yaml'] hook_source = ''' let g:colorizer_auto_filetype = join(g:dein#plugin.on_ft, ',') ''' # or # [[plugins]] # Currently not work in windows # repo = 'RRethy/vim-hexokinase' # on_ft = (same as other colorize) # hook_post_update = ''' # " not installed global # if !g:user.function.executable('hexokinase') # if g:user.system.windows # if !g:user.system.cygwin # let s:cmd = 'mingw32-make hexokinase' # else # let s:cmd = 'make hexokinase' # endif # elseif g:user.function.executable('gmake') # let s:cmd = 'gmake hexokinase' # else # let s:cmd = 'make hexokinase' # endif # let g:dein#plugin.build = s:cmd # unlet s:cmd # endif # ''' # hook_source = ''' # " custom path if need # if g:user.function.executable('hexokinase') # let g:Hexokinase_executable_path = exepath('hexokinase') # endif # # let g:Hexokinase_highlighters = ['foregroundfull'] # # " All possible values # let g:Hexokinase_optInPatterns = [ # \ 'full_hex', # \ 'rgb', # \ 'rgba', # \ 'hsl', # \ 'hsla', # \ 'colour_names', # \] # # let g:Hexokinase_ftEnabled = copy(g:dein#plugin.on_ft) # ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'hail2u/vim-css3-syntax' on_ft = ['css'] [plugins.ftplugin] css = ''' setlocal iskeyword+=- ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim' on_ft = ['scss'] [[plugins]] repo = 'othree/html5.vim' on_ft = ['html'] # [[plugins]] # repo = 'relastle/vim-nayvy' # on_ft = ['python'] # # work require pyflakes,fzf(fzf vim plugin) [[plugins]] repo = 'hynek/vim-python-pep8-indent' on_ft = ['python'] [[plugins]] # need merged = 0/lazy repo = 'aliev/vim-compiler-python' on_ft = ['python'] [[plugins]] repo = 'heavenshell/vim-pydocstring' # repo = 'tsuyoshicho/vim-pydocstring' # rev = 'develop' on_ft = ['python'] hook_post_update = ''' " command use pipx(if exists), path setup and pipx command install manually. if g:user.function.executable('pipx') let g:dein#plugin.build = 'pipx upgrade doq' elseif g:user.system.windows && g:user.function.executable('pip') let g:dein#plugin.build = 'pip install --upgrade doq' elseif g:user.function.executable('pip3') let g:dein#plugin.build = 'pip3 install --user --upgrade doq' endif ''' hook_source = ''' if g:user.function.executable('doq') let g:pydocstring_doq_path = 'doq' endif let g:pydocstring_enable_mapping = 0 ''' [plugins.ftplugin] python = ''' nmap (pydocstring) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'bps/vim-textobj-python' depends = ['vim-textobj-user'] on_ft = ['python'] hook_add = ''' let g:textobj_python_no_default_key_mappings = 1 ''' [plugins.ftplugin] python = ''' call textobj#user#map('python', { \ 'class': { \ 'select-a': 'acp', \ 'select-i': 'icp', \ 'move-n': ']cp', \ 'move-p': '[cp', \ }, \ 'function': { \ 'select-a': 'afp', \ 'select-i': 'ifp', \ 'move-n': ']fp', \ 'move-p': '[fp', \ } \ }) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'JesseKPhillips/d.vim' on_ft = ['d'] [[plugins]] repo = 'udalov/kotlin-vim' on_ft = ['kotlin'] [[plugins]] repo = 'mattn/vim-xxdcursor' on_ft = ['xxd'] [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-jp/syntax-vim-ex' on_ft = ['vim'] [[plugins]] repo = 'rbtnn/vim-vimscript_formatter' on_ft = ['vim'] [[plugins]] repo = 'rbtnn/vim-vimscript_indentexpr' on_ft = ['vim'] [[plugins]] repo = 'rbtnn/vim-vimscript_tagfunc' on_ft = ['vim'] [[plugins]] repo = 'thinca/vim-ft-help_fold' on_ft = ['help'] [[plugins]] repo = 'machakann/vim-vimhelplint' on_ft = ['help'] [plugins.ftplugin] help = ''' nnoremap r VimhelpLint! ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'lfilho/cosco.vim' depends = ['vim-repeat'] on_ft = ['javascript', 'typescript', 'jsx', 'json', 'css', 'php', 'c', 'cpp'] hook_source = ''' augroup vimrc_init_cosco autocmd! " autocmd FileType "" " \ nmap ; (cosco-commaOrSemiColon) " " \ | imap ; (cosco-commaOrSemiColon) call execute( \ 'autocmd FileType' \ . ' ' \ . join(copy(g:dein#plugin['on_ft']), ',') \ . ' ' \ . 'nmap ; (cosco-commaOrSemiColon)' \) augroup END " comment ignore let g:cosco_ignore_comment_lines = 1 " " allow/ignore " let g:cosco_filetype_whitelist = copy(g:dein#plugin['on_ft']) " let g:cosco_filetype_blacklist = [] " " auto insert " let g:auto_comma_or_semicolon = 1 " let g:auto_comma_or_semicolon_events = ["InsertLeave"] ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'ekalinin/Dockerfile.vim' on_ft = ['Dockerfile', 'docker-compose'] [[plugins]] repo = 'pboettch/vim-cmake-syntax' on_ft = ['cmake'] [[plugins]] repo = 'marshallward/vim-restructuredtext' on_ft = ['rst'] [[plugins]] repo = 'alcesleo/vim-uppercase-sql' on_ft = ['sql'] [[plugins]] repo = 'MTDL9/vim-log-highlighting' on_ft = ['log'] [[plugins]] repo = 'hashivim/vim-terraform' on_ft = ['terraform'] [[plugins]] repo = 'itchyny/vim-haskell-indent' on_ft = ['haskell'] # EOF