" vimrc " vim:fenc=utf-8 ff=unix ft=vim foldmethod=marker " intro " vimrc setup {{{ set encoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 " UTF-8のチェック " no effect " http://qiita.com/yu_suke1994/items/e0a19574994a57c8fe17 " set nocompatible " but setup below if &compatible " vint: next-line -ProhibitSetNoCompatible set nocompatible endif " コマンドグループ初期化 augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd! augroup END " }}} " user config setup {{{ let g:user = { \ 'name' : 'Tsuyoshi CHO', \ 'email' : 'Tsuyoshi.CHO@Gmail.com', \ 'devemail' : 'Tsuyoshi.CHO+develop@Gmail.com', \} " system {{{ let g:user.system = {} " type let g:user.system.nvim = has('nvim') ? v:true : v:false " platform let g:user.system.windows = has('win32') || has('win64') ? v:true : v:false " let s:is_windows = has('win32') || has('win64') " later as historical ==|| has('win16') || has('win95')== let g:user.system.cygwin = has('win32unix') ? v:true : v:false " let s:is_cygwin = has('win32unix') let g:user.system.mac = has('mac') ? v:true : v:false " let s:is_mac = has('mac') " unlet s:is_windows s:is_cygwin s:is_mac " CPU arch let g:user.system.arch = 'x86_64' " heuristic if exists('$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS') if $PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE =~? 'AMD64' let g:user.system.arch = 'x86_64' elseif $PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE =~? 'x86' let g:user.system.arch = 'x86' elseif $PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE =~? 'ARM64' let g:user.system.arch = 'arm64' endif elseif executable('uname') let s:unamem = systemlist('uname --machine')[0] if s:unamem =~? 'x86_64' let g:user.system.arch = 'x86_64' elseif s:unamem =~? 'i686' let g:user.system.arch = 'x86' elseif s:unamem =~? 'aarch64' let g:user.system.arch = 'arm64' endif unlet s:unamem endif let g:user.system.cpunum = 2 " heuristic if exists('$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS') let g:user.system.cpunum = str2nr($NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS) elseif executable('nproc') let g:user.system.cpunum = str2nr(systemlist('nproc --all')[0]) endif " }}} " common function {{{ let g:user.function = {} " check and create dir function! g:user.function.mkdir(dir) abort " {{{ if exists("*mkdir") call mkdir(a:dir, 'p') endif endfunction " }}} " dll search target glob function! g:user.function.dllsearch(cmd, relpath, dllglob) abort " {{{ if executable(a:cmd) let path = exepath(a:cmd) " unstable globpath? let dll = glob(fnamemodify(path, ':h') . '/' . a:relpath . '/' . a:dllglob, v:false, v:true) if len(dll) > 0 return fnamemodify(dll[0], ':p') else return '' endif endif endfunction " }}} " local vimrc load setting function! g:user.function.load_setting(loc) abort " {{{ let path = expand(escape(a:loc, ' '), 'p') let files = glob(path . '/*.vim', 1, 1) for i in reverse(filter(files, 'filereadable(v:val)')) source `=i` endfor endfunction " }}} " visual icon char function! g:user.function.fileicon(path) abort "{{{ let icon = nr2char(0xf15b) if dein#is_sourced('nerdfont.vim') let icon = nerdfont#find(a:path, 0) elseif dein#is_sourced('vim-devicons') let icon = WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(a:path, 0) endif return icon endfunction"}}} " }}} " template {{{ let g:user.template = {} let g:user.template.colorscheme = { \ 'name' : '', \ 'background' : '', \ 'lightline' : '', \ 'airline' : '', \ 'clap' : '', \ 'mode' : [], \ } let g:user.template['colorscheme_mode'] = ['16', '256', 'termguicolors', 'gui'] " }}} " location {{{ let g:user.location = {} let g:user.location.tz = 'Asia/Tokyo' let g:user.location.timeshift = 0 let g:user.location.latitude = 35 let g:user.location.longitude = 140 let g:user.location.city = 'Tokyo' let g:user.location.cityid = '1850147' " Tokyo https://openweathermap.org/city/1850147 " Hadano https://openweathermap.org/city/1863431 " Sagamihara https://openweathermap.org/city/1853295 " Shinagawa https://openweathermap.org/city/1850144 " Yokohama https://openweathermap.org/city/1848354 " }}} " git {{{ let g:user.git = {} let g:user.git.name = g:user.name let g:user.git.email = g:user.email " }}} " plugin {{{ let g:user.plugin = {} let g:user.plugin.info = {} let g:user.plugin.exists = {} " whitchkey mapping preset let g:user.plugin.info['whichkey'] = {} let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.mapkey = {} let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.desc = {} let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.desc.leader = {} let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.desc.space = {} " vimproc common info let g:user.plugin.info['vimproc'] = {} function! g:user.plugin.info.vimproc.ok() abort "{{{ let ret = v:false try silent call vimproc#version() let ret = v:true catch endtry return ret endfunction "}}} " }}} " rootmarker {{{ let g:user.rootmarker = {} let g:user.rootmarker.dirs = [ \ 'RCS', \ 'SCCS', \ 'CVS', \ '.git', \ '.svn', \ '.hg', \ '.bzr', \ '_darcs', \ '.venv', \] let g:user.rootmarker.files = [ \ 'Rakefile', \ 'package.json', \ 'pom.xml', \ 'project.clj', \ 'setup.cfg', \ 'Pipfile', \ 'compile_commands.json', \ '.git' \] " .git file use in separate .git/ dir or worktree let g:user.rootmarker.fileglob = [ \ '*.csproj', \ '*.sln', \] " }}} let g:user.filetype = {} " ignored trailing whitespace marking " special (filer and other functional) " normal filetype let g:user.filetype.ignore_whitespace = [ \ 'startify', \ 'nerdtree', \ 'tagbar', \ 'unite', \ 'fern', \ 'qf', \ 'diff', \ 'markdown', \] " temp enable for help editing " \ 'help', if g:user.system.cygwin " Git for Windows(MSYS2)にも対応のため、Windowsは手動で強制再設定 " * $HOMEは定義済み(MSYS2では再定義される) " * $GNUPGHOME はパスがWindows表記であるとして、再設定する let $GNUPGHOME = expand($HOME . '/.gnupg') " * $XDG_ はパスがWindows表記であるとして、再設定する let $XDG_CACHE_HOME = expand($HOME . '/.cache') let $XDG_CONFIG_HOME = expand($HOME . '/.config') let $XDG_DATA_HOME = expand($HOME . '/.local/share') endif let g:user.dir = {} let g:user.dir = extend({ \ 'vim' : expand($HOME . '/.vim'), \}, g:user.dir) let g:user.dir = extend({ \ 'undo' : expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/undo' ), \ 'backup' : expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/backup'), \ 'swap' : expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/swap' ), \ 'view' : expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/view' ), \}, g:user.dir) let g:user.dir = extend({ \ 'cache_home' : expand(empty($XDG_CACHE_HOME) ? ($HOME . '/.cache') : $XDG_CACHE_HOME ), \ 'config_home' : expand(empty($XDG_CONFIG_HOME) ? ($HOME . '/.config') : $XDG_CONFIG_HOME), \ 'data_home' : expand(empty($XDG_DATA_HOME) ? ($HOME . '/.local/share') : $XDG_DATA_HOME ), \}, g:user.dir) if g:user.system.windows let g:user.dir.tools = expand('c:/tools') else let g:user.dir.tools = expand($HOME . '/tools') endif let g:user.dir.dictionary = expand(g:user.dir.tools . '/dictionary') let g:user.file = {} let g:user.file = extend({ \ 'viminfo' : expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/info' ), \}, g:user.file) " pre setup viminfo(workaround) let &viminfofile = g:user.file.viminfo let g:user.file = extend({ \ 'spell' : [expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/dict/spell.' . &encoding . '.add')], \}, g:user.file) let s:dictfile = expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/dict/look/words', ':p') if g:user.system.windows let s:dictfile = expand(g:user.dir.dictionary . '/look/words', ':p') endif let g:user.file = extend({ \ 'look' : [s:dictfile], \}, g:user.file) unlet s:dictfile " check and mkdir call map(copy(g:user.dir), { _, v -> g:user.function.mkdir(v) } ) let g:user.colorscheme = [] " dll setup if need if has('python3_dynamic') && v:false " unstable let s:pycmd = 'python3' let s:pyrelpath = '../lib' let s:pydllglob = 'libpython3*.so' if g:user.system.windows let s:pycmd = 'python' let s:pyrelpath = '.' let s:pydllglob = 'python3?*.dll' elseif g:user.system.mac " unstable let s:pydllglob = 'libpython3*.dylib' endif let &pythonthreedll = g:user.function.dllsearch(s:pycmd, s:pyrelpath, s:pydllglob) unlet s:pycmd s:pyrelpath s:pydllglob endif " }}} " plugin manager before setup {{{ " プラグイン処理前に実施 " http://qiita.com/andouf/items/bdec492185e3a4f78ae2 " if g:user.system.windows " set shellslash " endif if g:user.system.windows && exists('+completeslash') set completeslash=slash endif " 初期値削除(プラグインで設定もあるので、ここでやる) set tags= " fzf env clear " let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='' let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='' " はプラグイン内でマッピングする際に展開してしまうので " based on https://rcmdnk.com/blog/2014/05/03/computer-vim-octopress/ " based on https://whileimautomaton.net/2007/04/19221500 " mapleader () (default is \) let g:mapleader = ',' let g:maplocalleader = ';' " use \ as , instead nnoremap [Subleader] nmap \ [Subleader] " f,tでの移動の逆にする機能が設定されているので、保持はする nnoremap [Subleader], , nnoremap [Subleader]; ; " set leader and etc let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.mapkey = extend(g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.mapkey, { \ '' : { 'rawkey' : g:mapleader , 'desc' : g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.desc.leader }, \ '' : { 'rawkey' : g:maplocalleader }, \ 'g' : { 'rawkey' : "g" }, \ 'z' : { 'rawkey' : "z" }, \}) " plugin " dein 設定前の設定 " }}} " dein settings {{{ " dein自体の自動インストール " renew for dein.vim " based on " http://qiita.com/kawaz/items/ee725f6214f91337b42b " http://qiita.com/delphinus35/items/00ff2c0ba972c6e41542 " http://qiita.com/hanaclover/items/f45250b55e2298c4ac5a let g:dein = {} let g:dein.dir = {} let g:dein.file = {} " プラグインが実際にインストールされるディレクトリ let g:dein.dir.plugins = expand(g:user.dir.cache_home . '/dein') call g:user.function.mkdir(g:dein.dir.plugins) " 問題がある時用固定パス " let g:dein.dir.plugins = expand('~/.cache/dein') " dein.vim 本体 let g:dein.dir.install = expand(g:dein.dir.plugins . '/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim') " dein.vim がなければ github から落としてくる if &runtimepath !~# '/dein.vim' if !isdirectory(g:dein.dir.install) call system('git clone https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim ' . g:dein.dir.install) endif let &runtimepath = g:dein.dir.install . ',' . &runtimepath endif " 設定開始 let g:dein.dir.rc = expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/rc') let g:dein.file.toml = { \ g:dein.dir.rc . '/colorscheme.toml' : {'lazy': 0}, \ g:dein.dir.rc . '/dein.toml' : {'lazy': 0}, \ g:dein.dir.rc . '/dein_lazy.toml' : {'lazy': 1}, \} if g:user.system.nvim " nvim specific let g:dein.file.toml = extend(g:dein.file.toml, { \ g:dein.dir.rc . '/nvim.toml' : {'lazy': 0}, \ g:dein.dir.rc . '/nvim_lazy.toml' : {'lazy': 1}, \ }) else " non-nvim specific let g:dein.file.toml = extend(g:dein.file.toml, { \ g:dein.dir.rc . '/vim.toml' : {'lazy': 0}, \ g:dein.dir.rc . '/vim_lazy.toml' : {'lazy': 1}, \ }) endif " setting for dein let g:dein#install_max_processes = g:user.system.cpunum if dein#load_state(g:dein.dir.plugins) " プラグインリストを収めた TOML ファイル " 予め TOML ファイル(後述)を用意しておく call dein#begin(g:dein.dir.plugins, keys(g:dein.file.toml)) " TOML を読み込み、キャッシュしておく call map(deepcopy(g:dein.file.toml), { k, v -> dein#load_toml(k, v) }) " 設定終了 call dein#end() call dein#save_state() endif " call source call dein#call_hook('source') " set post source at non-lazy plugin autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter * nested call dein#call_hook('post_source') " もし、未インストールものものがあったらインストール if (0 == v:vim_did_enter) && dein#check_install() call dein#install() endif " もし、不要なものがあったら、削除 let s:removed_plugins = dein#check_clean() if len(s:removed_plugins) > 0 call map(s:removed_plugins, "delete(v:val, 'rf')") call dein#recache_runtimepath() endif unlet s:removed_plugins " }}} " plugin manager after setup {{{ " runtime path setup " at last " add ~/.vim let &runtimepath = &runtimepath . ',' . g:user.dir.vim let &runtimepath = &runtimepath . ',' . g:user.dir.vim . '/after' " option " based on http://wonderwall.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/03/18/235125 " based on https://qiita.com/sizucca/items/40f291463a40feb4cd02 " based on https://qiita.com/marrontan619/items/541a1374e1ac672977e6 " based on https://qiita.com/godai0505/items/91860a9d3012355ca1bd " based on https://vim-jp.org/vim-users-jp/2010/02/17/Hack-125.html " syntax enable syntax on filetype plugin indent on " }}} " option setting refer https://github.com/mopp/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc " ##############################################################編集系############################################################## {{{ " Edit. {{{ " 矩形はフリーカーソル、行末の1文字先まで -> 自由にカーソルを移動できるように " 挿入あり set virtualedit=all " insert,block,onemore " tag case rel ignorecase , smartcase set tagcase=followscs " inc/dec operation " 0123を10進扱いする、bin/hexは生かす set nrformats& set nrformats-=octal if has('patch-8.2.0860') " 符合なし set nrformats+=unsigned endif " 行連結で変なことをさせない " from https://github.com/cohama/.vim/blob/master/init.vim set nojoinspaces " }}} " Conceal. {{{ " 表示量の初期値 " indentLine default setting 2 set conceallevel=2 " 状態表示 " n ノーマルモード " v ビジュアルモード " i 挿入モード " c コマンドライン編集 ('incsearch' 用) " indentLine default setting inc set concealcursor=nc " }}} " Indent. {{{ " 自動インデントを有効化する set autoindent set smartindent " thanks lambdalisue set copyindent set preserveindent " 桁溢れインデントの設定 set breakindent set breakindentopt=min:50,shift:4,sbr set wrap " the longer line is wrapped set wrapmargin=8 set linebreak " wrap at 'breakat' "set breakat=\ " break point for linebreak (default " ^I!@*-+;:,./?") " set showbreak=+\ set showbreak=↪ " set break char " Tab文字を半角スペースにする set expandtab " Tabの幅 " koron さんの解説 " * ts/tabstop 物理的なタブ文字の展開幅 " * sw/shiftwidth 論理的な1インデントの幅 " * sts/softtabstop ユーザーがタブ文字を入力・削除しようとしたときの操作幅 " tyru さん設定を流用、タブを巨大にして強調する " タブの値 (表示はいくつ分?) set tabstop=8 " タブの値 (自動インデントの幅) set shiftwidth=2 " thanks lambdalisue set shiftround " ソフトタブ展開数 (0は無効、-1はshiftwidthに同じ) set softtabstop=-1 " 行頭の余白内で Tab を打ち込むと、'shiftwidth' の数だけに整理される set smarttab set shiftround " vim script pre-escape continue line indent " to indent/vim let s:skk = 0 if s:skk " https://qiita.com/sgur/items/aa443bc2aed6fe0eb138 " use SKK (nathancorvussolis/corvusskk) set iminsert=2 set imsearch=2 set imcmdline else " http://qiita.com/enomotok_/items/9d38b716fe883675d35b " http://kaworu.jpn.org/kaworu/2008-03-07-1.php set iminsert=0 set imsearch=-1 endif unlet s:skk "バックスペースキーで行頭を削除する set backspace=indent,eol,start " }}} " Diff. {{{ " based on http://nanasi.jp/articles/howto/diff/diffopt.html " thanks lambdalisue if has('vim-8.0.1361') || has('nvim') set diffopt& \ diffopt+=internal \ diffopt+=filler \ diffopt+=closeoff \ diffopt+=vertical \ diffopt+=hiddenoff \ diffopt+=indent-heuristic \ diffopt+=algorithm:histogram endif " }}} " Tags. {{{ let s:home = '' if has('path_extra') let s:home = ';$HOME' endif execute 'set tags+=./tags' . s:home execute 'set tags+=./TAGS' . s:home unlet s:home if has('path_extra') set tags+=./**2/tags set tags+=./**2/TAGS endif set tags+=tags set tags+=TAGS " タグ先複数選択を常に nnoremap g " if dein#is_sourced('ctrlp.vim') " " ctrlp " nnoremap :CtrlPTag " endif " タグの戻りを[に割り当て / ESC 同等なのでつらい " esc とする nnoremap :pop " }}} " History {{{ " undo " http://qiita.com/tamanobi/items/8f013cce36881af8cee3 if has('persistent_undo') let &undodir = g:user.dir.undo set undofile " set undolevels=1000 " default endif " set viewoptions=cursor,folds set history=2000 " mru 200,register 50lines,10KBytes hlsearch disable viminfo file:$HOME/.vim/info " viminfofile already set OK set viminfo='200,<50,s10,h,rA:,rB: " }}} " Safety. {{{ " 変更後終了時エラーではなく確認を求める set confirm " バックアップファイルを作らない set nobackup let &backupdir = g:user.dir.backup . '//' " // use fullpath " backupは上書き時だけつくって、成功で削除 " from https://github.com/cohama/.vim/blob/master/init.vim " on だと guard が複数回実行されてしまう問題がある set nowritebackup " スワップファイルを作らない -> 作るがROで対応 " -> thinca さんのIFを移植(ROでコマンドでRecover/Delete) " set noswapfile let &directory = g:user.dir.swap . '//' " // use fullpath " see https://itchyny.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/25/090000 " autocmd vimrc_init_core SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = 'o' " Swap " from thinca/config " setglobal swapfile " augroup vimrc-swapfile " autocmd! augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd SwapExists * nested call s:on_SwapExists() augroup END " stdin/pipe " from https://github.com/airblade/dotvim augroup vimrc_init_core " Treat buffers from stdin as scratch. autocmd StdinReadPost * :set buftype=nofile augroup END function! s:on_SwapExists() abort " {{{ if !filereadable(expand('')) let v:swapchoice = 'd' return endif let v:swapchoice = get(b:, 'swapfile_choice', 'o') unlet! b:swapfile_choice if v:swapchoice !=# 'd' let b:swapfile_exists = 1 endif endfunction " }}} command! SwapfileRecovery call s:swapfile_recovery() command! SwapfileDelete call s:swapfile_delete() function! s:swapfile_recovery() abort " {{{ if get(b:, 'swapfile_exists', 0) let b:swapfile_choice = 'r' unlet b:swapfile_exists edit endif endfunction " }}} function! s:swapfile_delete() abort " {{{ if get(b:, 'swapfile_exists', 0) let b:swapfile_choice = 'd' unlet b:swapfile_exists edit endif endfunction " }}} " 編集中のファイルが変更されたら自動で読み直す set autoread augroup vimrc_init_core " based on https://vim-jp.org/vim-users-jp/2011/03/12/Hack-206.html " window move to autoread autocmd WinEnter * nested checktime " based on https://github.com/martin-svk/dot-files/blob/master/neovim/init.vim " Run checktime in buffers, but avoiding the "Command Line" (q:) window autocmd CursorHold * nested if getcmdwintype() == '' | checktime | endif " set nopaste をできるだけ維持 " from https://github.com/cohama/.vim/blob/master/init.vim autocmd InsertLeave * nested set nopaste augroup END " バッファが編集中でもその他のファイルを開けるように " based on https://qiita.com/qtamaki/items/4da4ead3f2f9a525591a set hidden " }}} " Fileformat. {{{ " Fixed encoding/format augroup vimrc_init_core " temp off " toml spec. : utf-8 only " autocmd BufRead *.toml nested setlocal fileencoding=utf-8 augroup END " }}} " }}} " ##############################################################検索系############################################################## {{{ " Search. {{{ " see imsearch in Indent setting... " 検索したときのハイライトをつける set hlsearch " No HiLight. {{{ " Ctrl-L で検索ハイライトを消す " nnoremap :nohlsearch " based on https://postd.cc/vim-galore-4/ function! s:nohl_plugin() abort call s:plugin_status_update() if g:user.plugin.exists.quickhl QuickhlManualReset endif if g:user.plugin.exists.anzu call anzu#clear_search_status() endif endfunction function! s:nohl_update() abort call s:plugin_status_update() diffupdate syntax sync fromstart redraw! endfunction " nohlsearch は autocmd/user funcから呼べない(消えない)ため直にマッピングする nnoremap :nohlsearch:call nohl_plugin():call nohl_update() nnoremap :nohlsearch:call nohl_update() " }}} " 検索文字列入力時に順次対象文字列にヒットさせる set incsearch " 検索文字列が小文字の場合は大文字小文字を区別なく検索する set ignorecase " 検索文字列に大文字が含まれている場合は区別して検索する set smartcase " 挿入モードで単語補完するときよしなにやる set infercase " 検索時に最後まで行ったら最初に戻る set wrapscan " set if need " set path=.,/usr/local/include,/usr/include,./include " search with magic/very magic... " https://vim-jp.slack.com/archives/C03C4RC9F/p1553041020188200 nnoremap / /\v nnoremap g/ / " nnoremap * *N / use plugin " nnoremap g* g*N / use plugin " }}} " }}} " ##############################################################表示系############################################################## {{{ " Appearance. {{{ " 再描画を遅延させる set lazyredraw " ターミナルのタイトルをセットする set title " intro off " complete msg off set shortmess& \ shortmess+=I \ shortmess+=c " モード表示 set showmode " lightline support mode; disable showmode " set noshowmode " 括弧入力時の対応する括弧を表示 set showmatch " see https://itchyny.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/25/090000 set matchtime=1 set modeline "ルーラー,行番号を表示 set ruler set number " http://cohama.hateblo.jp/entry/2013/10/07/020453 set relativenumber nnoremap :setlocal relativenumber! function! s:relativenumber_toggle(mode) abort " {{{ let recovery = a:mode ==? 'recovery' if recovery " if backup value is relativenumber is active, re-active let &l:relativenumber = get(w:,'relativenumber', 1) unlet! w:relativenumber else let w:relativenumber = &l:relativenumber " backup let onoff = a:mode ==? 'on' if onoff setlocal relativenumber else setlocal norelativenumber endif endif endfunction " }}} augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd WinLeave,InsertEnter * nested call s:relativenumber_toggle('off') autocmd WinEnter,InsertLeave * nested call s:relativenumber_toggle('recovery') augroup END " 入力中のコマンドをステータスに表示す set showcmd " 現在のカーソルの色をつける " 現在の行を強調表示 " set cursorline " -> 個別に " 現在の列を強調表示(縦) " set cursorcolumn " -> 個別に " " Old Color setting in Colorscheme. " カレントウィンドウにのみ罫線を引く(ここで制御) " based on http://vimblog.hatenablog.com/entry/vimrc_autocmd_examples augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd VimEnter,BufWinEnter,WinEnter * nested \ setlocal cursorline cursorcolumn autocmd WinLeave * nested \ setlocal nocursorline nocursorcolumn " based on https://postd.cc/vim-galore-4/ " edit off " if cursorlineopt support: Enter only show number/Leave show both if exists('+cursorlineopt') autocmd InsertEnter * nested setlocal cursorlineopt=number autocmd InsertLeave * nested setlocal cursorlineopt=both else autocmd InsertEnter * nested setlocal nocursorline autocmd InsertLeave * nested setlocal cursorline endif autocmd InsertEnter * nested setlocal nocursorcolumn autocmd InsertLeave * nested setlocal cursorcolumn augroup END " gitgutter sign support set signcolumn=yes if has('patch-8.1.1712') " if support sign in number, set number set signcolumn=number let &numberwidth += 2 endif " カレントディレクトリをファイルの位置に自動移動 " use plugin " set autochdir " based on https://github.com/martin-svk/dot-files/blob/master/neovim/init.vim " リサイズしたらウィンドウの境界整理 augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd VimResized * nested :wincmd = augroup END " http://qiita.com/jnchito/items/5141b3b01bced9f7f48f " http://inari.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/05/05/231307 " 以下に切り替え(plugin) " http://d.hatena.ne.jp/thinca/20160214/1455415240 " http://sixeight.hatenablog.com/entry/20080529/1212079410 " http://www.dotapon.sakura.ne.jp/blog/?p=323 " http://qiita.com/ayakix/items/0bdf09239501b4e47b43 " https://qiita.com/tmsanrinsha/items/d6c11f2b7788eb24c776 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " 全角スペースの表示 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " スペースやEOLなどについても設定 set list " set listchars=tab:>\ ,eol:\ ,trail:_,nbsp:%,extends:~,precedes:~ set listchars=tab:»-,eol:\ ,trail:・,nbsp:⍽,extends:»,precedes:« " 下の設定だとindent-lineの記号表示とぶつかる問題がある " ステータスラインの設定 " cmdheightは各タブに値が保持されるのでtabdoする必要がある tabdo set cmdheight=1 set laststatus=2 " Anywhere SID. function! s:SID_PREFIX() abort " {{{ return matchstr(expand(''), '\d\+_\zeSID_PREFIX$') endfunction " }}} " Set tabline. function! s:my_tabline() abort "{{{ let s = '' for i in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) let bufnrs = tabpagebuflist(i) let bufnr = bufnrs[tabpagewinnr(i) - 1] " first window, first appears let no = i " display 0-origin tabpagenr. let mod = getbufvar(bufnr, '&modified') ? '!' : ' ' let title = fnamemodify(bufname(bufnr), ':t') let title = '[' . title . ']' let s .= '%'.i.'T' let s .= '%#' . (i == tabpagenr() ? 'TabLineSel' : 'TabLine') . '#' let s .= no . ':' . title let s .= mod let s .= '%#TabLineFill# ' endfor let s .= '%#TabLineFill#%T%=%#TabLine#' return s endfunction "}}} let &tabline = '%!'. s:SID_PREFIX() . 'my_tabline()' " 常にタブラインを表示 set showtabline=2 " set statusline (encode,CRLF) set statusline=%<%f\ %m%r%h%w%{'['.(&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc).']['.&ff.']'}%=%l,%c%V%8P " plugin overwrite (tab,status lightline after load overwrite) " set conceallevel=2 " see https://itchyny.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/25/090000 set display=lastline,uhex set synmaxcol=512 " }}} " View. {{{ let &viewdir = g:user.dir.view " " from muramount/conf_files " " ファイル全般に設定 " " augroup General " " autocmd! " augroup vimrc_init_core " " 設定の保存と復元 " autocmd BufWinLeave * nested silent mkview " autocmd BufWinEnter * nested silent loadview " augroup END " based on http://blog.serverkurabe.com/vim-split-window " 新しいウィンドウを下に開く set splitbelow " 新しいウィンドウを右に開く " set splitright " 基本はタブで開いて、他のタブにあっても既存を使う set switchbuf=usetab,newtab if dein#is_sourced('QFEnter') " QFEnterプラグインがあるなら、その設定を優先 set switchbuf= endif " Tab数拡張 set tabpagemax=99 " 境界 " set fillchars="vert:|,fold: ,diff:・" " }}} " Cursor Pos. {{{ " from :help last-position-jump autocmd vimrc_init_core BufReadPost * nested \ if line("'\"") >= 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") && &ft !~# 'commit' \ | exe "normal! g`\"" \ | endif " }}} " File Potition. {{{ " augroup vimrc_init_core " autocmd BufEnter,BufReadPost * echo 'buffer pwd:' getcwd(0,0) " augroup END " }}} " }}} " ##############################################################移動系############################################################## {{{ " Command/Find Window. {{{ " half up/down resizeable autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,VimResized * nested set scroll=0 " based on https://qiita.com/KeitaNakamura/items/a289822827c8655b2dcd set scrolloff=3 set sidescrolloff=3 " set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,] " gg/G and other keep column set nostartofline " }}} " }}} " ##############################################################その他############################################################## {{{ " Command/Find Window. {{{ " cmdwinheight default 7 autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,VimResized * nested let &cmdwinheight = min([(&lines/4), 10]) " based on https://qiita.com/monaqa/items/e22e6f72308652fc81e2 augroup vimrc_init_core " 行数を非表示 " signcolumn を非表示 " foldcolumn 0 " selective like CmdwinEnter [:\/\?=] autocmd CmdwinEnter * nested \ setlocal nonumber norelativenumber \ | setlocal signcolumn=no \ | setlocal foldcolumn=0 " q で終了 " in mapping augroup END " }}} " Folding. {{{ " overwrite at plugin " set foldenable " set foldcolumn=1 " set foldmethod=indent " set foldtext=Mopp_fold_text() " set foldmarker=\ {{{,\ }}} " from https://github.com/choplin/dotfiles/blob/master/_vimrc " ft-vim_fold {{{ " augroup foldmethod-expr " autocmd! augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd InsertEnter * nested if &l:foldmethod ==# 'expr' \ | let b:foldinfo = [&l:foldmethod, &l:foldexpr] \ | setlocal foldmethod=manual foldexpr=0 \ | endif autocmd InsertLeave * nested if exists('b:foldinfo') \ | let [&l:foldmethod, &l:foldexpr] = b:foldinfo \ | endif augroup END " }}} " }}} " Terminal/Shell. {{{ " if g:user.system.windows && !g:user.system.cygwin " let path_prefix='C:\tools\nyagos' " let exec_name='nyagos.exe' " " let arch='amd64' " if g:user.system.arch ==# 'x86' " let arch='386' " endif " " let path=path_prefix . '\' . arch . '\' . exec_name " if executable(path) " " echomsg 'shell test:' . path " let &shell=path " set shellcmdflag=-c " set shellquote= " set shellxquote= " set shellxescape= " endif " endif set ttyfast " based on https://qiita.com/k2nakamura/items/fa19806a041d0429fc9f " Do not wait more than 100 ms for keys " thanks lambdalisue set timeout set ttimeout set ttimeoutlen=100 " WinEnter with job mode " from https://github.com/peacock0803sz/dotfiles/blob/80eb4c06beb4c5bcd64befbb64c2d8531e608183/.config/nvim/init.vim augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd WinEnter * nested if &buftype ==# 'terminal' \ | silent! exec "normal! A" \ | endif augroup END " }}} " Others. {{{ " based on https://postd.cc/vim-galore-4/ " カーソルスタイル " 一部動かない所があるので、一旦off " if empty($TMUX) " let &t_SI = "\]50;CursorShape=1\x7" " let &t_EI = "\]50;CursorShape=0\x7" " let &t_SR = "\]50;CursorShape=2\x7" " else " let &t_SI = "\Ptmux;\\]50;CursorShape=1\x7\\\" " let &t_EI = "\Ptmux;\\]50;CursorShape=0\x7\\\" " let &t_SR = "\Ptmux;\\]50;CursorShape=2\x7\\\" " endif " ビジュアルベル " set visualbell " based on https://postd.cc/vim-galore-4/ " Disable annoying bells " thanks lambdalisue set noerrorbells set novisualbell t_vb= set belloff=all " フォーマットを有効にする set formatoptions=tcmBjroq2l] " FIXME need per buffer " reset matchparis set matchpairs& \ matchpairs+=<:> " updatetime need plugin setting " let &updatetime=?? " }}} " Completion {{{ " オムニ補完の設定(insertモードでCtrl+oで候補を出す、Ctrl+n Ctrl+pで選択、Ctrl+yで確定) " based on https://vim-jp.org/vim-users-jp/2009/11/01/Hack-96.html " 注意: この内容は:filetype onよりも後に記述すること。 autocmd vimrc_init_core FileType * nested if &l:omnifunc == '' | setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete | endif " 補完設定 " based on https://postd.cc/vim-galore-4/ " fast search " set complete as default " disable scanning included files " disable searching tags set complete& \ complete-=i \ complete-=t " base menuone or menu set completeopt=menuone if has('patch-8.1.1882') set completeopt+=popup else set completeopt+=preview endif set completeopt+=noselect set completeopt+=noinsert " ファイルパスの@を利用可能にする " = は使われないはずなので除外 set isfname& \ isfname+=@-@ \ isfname-== " see https://itchyny.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/25/090000 set pumheight=10 set pumwidth=20 set wildmenu set wildmode=longest:full,full set wildignorecase " add char/charm need wilder.nvim set wildcharm= " 辞書 " see http://nanasi.jp/articles/howto/config/dictionary.html let &dictionary = join(g:user.file.look, ',') " spell check set spell " add spell completion set complete+=kspell set spelllang=en_us,cjk if exists('+spelloptions') set spelloptions=camel endif let &spellfile = join(g:user.file.spell, ',') autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,VimResized * nested let &spellsuggest = 'best,' . string(min([(&lines/4), 10])) let g:spell_clean_limit = 120 * 60 " unit sec " see reedes/vim-lexical: Build on Vim’s spell/thes/dict completion https://github.com/reedes/vim-lexical let s:thesaurus = expand(g:user.dir.vim . '/dict/mthesaur.txt', ':p') if g:user.system.windows let s:thesaurus = expand(g:user.dir.dictionary . '/mthesaur.txt', ':p') endif if filereadable(s:thesaurus) let &thesaurus = s:thesaurus endif " add thesaurus completion set complete+=s " based on http://koturn.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/02/10/170000 " 補完の補助表示 " 入力キーの辞書 let s:compl_key_dict = { \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr("\"): "\\", \ char2nr('s'): "\s", \ char2nr("\"): "\s" \} " 表示メッセージ let s:hint_i_ctrl_x_msg = join([ \ ': While lines', \ ': keywords in the current file', \ ": keywords in 'dictionary'", \ ": keywords in 'thesaurus'", \ ': keywords in the current and included files', \ ': tags', \ ': file names', \ ': definitions or macros', \ ': Vim command-line', \ ": User defined completion ('completefunc')", \ ": plugin emoji completion ('kyuhi/vim-emoji-complete')", \ ": omni completion ('omnifunc')", \ "s: Spelling suggestions ('spell') - overwrite to surround" \], "\n") function! s:hint_i_ctrl_x() abort " {{{ echo s:hint_i_ctrl_x_msg let c = getchar() return get(s:compl_key_dict, c, nr2char(c)) endfunction " }}} inoremap hint_i_ctrl_x() function! s:popup_select(rawchar, ...) abort " {{{ let result = '' call s:plugin_status_update() if g:user.plugin.exists.asyncomplete let result = result . asyncomplete#close_popup() if a:0 let result = result . a:1 endif else let result = result . a:rawchar endif return result endfunction " }}} function! s:popup_cancel(rawchar, ...) abort " {{{ let result = '' call s:plugin_status_update() if g:user.plugin.exists.asyncomplete let result = result . asyncomplete#cancel_popup() if a:0 let result = result . a:1 endif else let result = result . a:rawchar endif return result endfunction " }}} function! s:insert_char(rawchar, charname) abort " {{{ let result = '' call s:plugin_status_update() if g:user.plugin.exists.lexima let result = result . lexima#expand(a:charname, 'i') else let result = result . a:rawchar endif return result endfunction " }}} function! s:imap_setup() abort " {{{ inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" inoremap \ pumvisible() ? popup_select("\" ) : insert_char("\", '<' . 'CR' . '>') inoremap \ pumvisible() ? popup_cancel("\", "\") : insert_char("\", '<' . 'Space' . '>') inoremap \ pumvisible() ? popup_select("\" ) : "\" inoremap \ pumvisible() ? popup_cancel("\" ) : "\" " need before popup cancel, but lexima esc mapped sepcial work... " and it re-map at buffer insert mode call s:plugin_status_update() if g:user.plugin.exists.lexima if exists('g:lexima_map_escape') inoremap (lexima-pre-esc) \ pumvisible() ? popup_cancel("\") : '' execute 'imap (lexima-pre-esc)' . g:lexima_map_escape endif else inoremap \ pumvisible() ? popup_cancel("\", "\") : "\" endif endfunction " }}} autocmd vimrc_init_core InsertEnter * nested call s:imap_setup() " }}} " Configs for default scripts. {{{ " let g:lisp_rainbow = 1 " let g:lisp_instring = 1 " let g:lispsyntax_clisp = 1 " let g:c_syntax_for_h = 1 " let g:tex_conceal = '' " let g:tex_flavor = 'latex' " }}} " Clipboard. {{{ " based on https://qiita.com/janus_wel/items/86082f69190f40df09e8 " and http://pocke.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/10/26/145646 let s:clipboard = has('clipboard') if s:clipboard && (has('gui') || has('xterm_clipboard')) set clipboard& if g:user.system.windows set clipboard^=unnamed elseif has('gui_running') " x window system あり set clipboard^=unnamedplus " autoselectはデフォルト値にある else " x window system なし set clipboard^=unnamed " autoselectはデフォルト値にある endif endif " see https://qiita.com/miyanokomiya/items/03d19bca87d4b2f176c4 " current file path to register and display function! s:clip_text(data) abort " {{{ let @0=a:data let @"=a:data if s:clipboard let @*=a:data endif endfunction " }}} nnoremap :call clip_text(fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p')) " }}} " Colorscheme. {{{ " setup in dein.vim toml " and add Restore t_Co setting " http://qiita.com/msmhrt/items/486658cd251302e2edf6 " keep default : https://ysk24ok.github.io/2017/02/05/vim_256color.html if !exists('s:saved_t_Co') let s:saved_t_Co=&t_Co endif " 256色モード at console if !has('gui_running') set t_Co=16 if stridx($TERM, 'xterm-256color') >= 0 " xterm 256が定義ずみの場合 set t_Co=256 if has('termguicolors') set termguicolors endif elseif (g:user.system.windows && ($ConEmuANSI ==? 'ON')) " xterm 256が定義されてないがWindowsでConEmuで256有効の場合 " http://e8l.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/03/16/230018 " http://yanor.net/wiki/?Windows-%E3%82%A2%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B1%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3%2FConEmu%2FANSI%E3%82%B5%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%2FVim%E3%81%AE256%E8%89%B2%E5%AF%BE%E5%BF%9C " https://conemu.github.io/en/VimXterm.html " ConEmu Vim Support color set term=xterm set t_Co=256 " let &t_AB="\e[48;5;%dm" " let &t_AF="\e[38;5;%dm" if has('termguicolors') set termguicolors endif " https://conemu.github.io/en/VimXterm.html#Vim-scrolling-using-mouse-Wheel " with mouse " set mouse=a " thanks lambdalisue set mouse=nvchr elseif (has('vtp') && has('vcon')) " Windows 10 color enable " currently off true color set t_Co=256 if has('termguicolors') set termguicolors endif endif endif " 上でtermを再設定するので、その後で設定 " Cursor Style. {{{ " from https://github.com/mnishz/dotfiles/blob/0673fc0ecb85501787cc0c002303456e068f3374/.vimrc#L55-L63 if &term =~# 'xterm' " インサートモードでのカーソル切り替え let &t_ti = &t_ti . "\e[1 q" let &t_SI = &t_SI . "\e[5 q" let &t_EI = &t_EI . "\e[1 q" let &t_te = &t_te . "\e[0 q" endif if !has('gui_running') " Console italic off set t_ZH= endif " }}} " Restore t_Co for less command after vim quit augroup vimrc_init_core if s:saved_t_Co == 8 autocmd VimLeave * nested let &t_Co = 256 else autocmd VimLeave * nested let &t_Co = 8 endif autocmd VimLeave * nested let &t_Co = s:saved_t_Co augroup END " カラー設定(?) augroup vimrc_init_core " vimdiff config " http://qiita.com/takaakikasai/items/b46a0b8c94e476e57e31 " vimdiffの色設定 " autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight DiffAdd cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=22 " autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight DiffDelete cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=52 " autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight DiffChange cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 " autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight DiffText cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=21 " based on https://thinca.hatenablog.com/entry/20160214/1455415240 " autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight ZenSpace ctermbg=Red guibg=Red " based on http://secret-garden.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/08/16/000149 autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight link EndOfBuffer Ignore " based on http://qiita.com/svjunic/items/f987d51ed3fc078fa27e " based on http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ryochack/20111029/1319913548 " based on https://qiita.com/KeitaNakamura/items/a289822827c8655b2dcd " autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight Comment ctermfg=103 " autocmd ColorScheme,VimEnter * nested highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermbg=17 guibg=236 " based on https://github.com/martin-svk/dot-files/blob/master/neovim/init.vim " Highlight VCS conflict markers " match ErrorMsg '^\(<\|=\|>\)\{7\}\([^=].\+\)\?$' " autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile * nested syntax match MyConflictMarker #^\(<\|=\|>\)\{7\}\([^=].\+\)\?$# | "\ highlight link MyConflictMarker Todo " experimental augroup END " 'cursorlineopt' setting in autocmd " }}} " Help. {{{ " overwrite vim-jp help plugin " set helplang=ja " help " based on http://haya14busa.com/reading-vim-help/ " Open Vim internal help by K command default " currently K map vim-ref set keywordprg=:help augroup vimrc_init_core " FileType vim force overwrite autocmd FileType vim nested setlocal keywordprg=:help augroup END augroup vimrc_init_core " 行数を非表示 " signcolumn を非表示 " foldcolumn 2 autocmd FileType \ help nested if &l:buftype ==# 'help' \ | setlocal nonumber norelativenumber \ | setlocal signcolumn=no \ | setlocal foldcolumn=2 \ | endif " q で終了 " in mapping augroup END " from kuuote's vimrc " helpのタグ移動を楽にするやつ augroup vimrc_init_core autocmd FileType \ help nested if &l:buftype ==# 'help' \ | nnoremap \ | nnoremap \ | endif augroup END " }}} " Quickfix/Location. {{{ augroup vimrc_init_core " 行数は絶対行 " signcolumn を非表示 " foldcolumn 0 " numberwidth 2 autocmd FileType \ qf nested setlocal number norelativenumber \ | setlocal signcolumn=no \ | setlocal foldcolumn=0 \ | setlocal numberwidth=2 " q で終了 " in plugin? augroup END " }}} " Grep. {{{ " 外部grepに使うプログラム設定 if executable('jvgrep') set grepprg=jvgrep\ --no-color\ -inCRrI set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m elseif executable('pt') set grepprg=pt\ --nocolor\ --nogroup\ --column\ --output-encode\ euc\ -e\ -S set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m elseif executable('ag') set grepprg=ag\ -a\ --vimgrep\ -S set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m elseif executable('grep') set grepprg=grep\ -Hnr\ -I\ --exclude-dir=.svn\ --exclude-dir=.git\ --exclude-dir=CVS set grepformat=%f:%l:%m,%f:%l%m,%f\ \ %l%m endif augroup vimrc_init_core " based on " https://qiita.com/yuku_t/items/0c1aff03949cb1b8fe6b " https://kaworu.jpn.org/kaworu/2008-06-07-1.php " autocmd QuickFixCmdPost make,grep,grepadd,vimgrep,helpgrep nested cwindow autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow autocmd QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow augroup END " }}} " Encode detection. {{{ " *** 今必要かは微妙だが、悪さはしてないのでそのまま *** "lang config " from http://www.kawaz.jp/pukiwiki/?vim#cb691f26 " 文字コードの自動認識 " if &encoding !=# 'utf-8' " " vint: next-line -ProhibitEncodingOptionAfterScriptEncoding " set encoding=japan " set fileencoding=japan " endif if has('iconv') let s:enc_euc = 'euc-jp' let s:enc_jis = 'iso-2022-jp' " iconvがeucJP-msに対応しているかをチェック if iconv("\x87\x64\x87\x6a", 'cp932', 'eucjp-ms') ==# "\xad\xc5\xad\xcb" let s:enc_euc = 'eucjp-ms' let s:enc_jis = 'iso-2022-jp-3' " iconvがJISX0213に対応しているかをチェック elseif iconv("\x87\x64\x87\x6a", 'cp932', 'euc-jisx0213') ==# "\xad\xc5\xad\xcb" let s:enc_euc = 'euc-jisx0213' let s:enc_jis = 'iso-2022-jp-3' endif " fileencodingsを構築 if &encoding ==# 'utf-8' let s:fileencodings_default = &fileencodings let &fileencodings = s:enc_jis .','. s:enc_euc .',cp932' " let &fileencodings = &fileencodings .','. s:fileencodings_default " 今はUTF-8が基本なので調整 let &fileencodings = 'ucs-bom,utf-8,' . &fileencodings . 'utf-16,utf-16le,default,cp1250,latin1' unlet s:fileencodings_default else let &fileencodings = &fileencodings .','. s:enc_jis set fileencodings+=utf-8,ucs-2le,ucs-2 if &encoding =~# '^\(euc-jp\|euc-jisx0213\|eucjp-ms\)$' set fileencodings+=cp932 set fileencodings-=euc-jp set fileencodings-=euc-jisx0213 set fileencodings-=eucjp-ms let &encoding = s:enc_euc let &fileencoding = s:enc_euc else let &fileencodings = &fileencodings .','. s:enc_euc endif endif " 定数を処分 unlet s:enc_euc unlet s:enc_jis endif " 日本語を含まない場合は fileencoding に encoding を使うようにする if has('autocmd') function! s:au_recheck_fenc() " {{{ if &fileencoding =~# 'iso-2022-jp' && search("[^\x01-\x7e]", 'n') == 0 let &fileencoding=&encoding endif endfunction " }}} autocmd vimrc_init_core BufReadPost * nested call au_recheck_fenc() endif " " simplify " set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,euc-jp,iso-2022-jp,cp932,utf-16,utf-16le,default,cp1250,latin1 " 改行コードの自動認識 if g:user.system.windows set fileformats=dos,unix,mac else set fileformats=unix,dos,mac endif " □とか○の文字があってもカーソル位置がずれないようにする " set ambiwidth=double " 有用だがlightlineのpowerlineフォント設定とぶつかるので、外す(singleとする) " thanks lambdalisue set emoji " use double in unicode emoji characters set ambiwidth=single " use single in ambiguous characters " GUIは平気なので、gvimrcでdoubleに上書きしている " }}} " FileType detecion. {{{ " 必要なら独立させる inside '~/.vim/ftdetect/.vim' augroup vimrc_init_core " ssh config autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */.ssh/conf.d/*.conf nested setf sshconfig augroup END " }}} " }}} " Mappings. {{{ " +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ " | Commands \ Modes | Normal | Insert | Command | Visual | Select | Operator | " |------------------|--------|--------|---------|--------|--------|----------| " | map / noremap | @ | - | - | @ | @ | @ | " | nmap / nnoremap | @ | - | - | - | - | - | " | vmap / vnoremap | - | - | - | @ | @ | - | " | omap / onoremap | - | - | - | - | - | @ | " | xmap / xnoremap | - | - | - | @ | - | - | " | smap / snoremap | - | - | - | - | @ | - | " | map! / noremap! | - | @ | @ | - | - | - | " | imap / inoremap | - | @ | - | - | - | - | " | cmap / cnoremap | - | - | @ | - | - | - | " +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ " " basic no use map/vmap " because, it map select - not need " " same key " == " == " == " see http://rbtnn.hateblo.jp/entry/2014/11/30/174749 " special mapping " ctrl + space input in terminal, remap them. if !has('gui_running') " map nmap xmap omap endif " from lexima tips, Ctrl-H use backspace imap cmap " ################# キーマップ ####################### " based on https://qiita.com/subebe/items/5de3fa64be91b7d4e0f2 " Tab op key. nnoremap [Tab] if get(g:, 'clever_f_not_overwrites_standard_mappings', 0) || dein#is_sourced('vim-eft') " overwrite stop : use t nmap t [Tab] else " overwrite : use t nmap t [Tab] endif " Tab jump for s:n in range(1, 9) execute 'nnoremap [Tab]' . s:n ':tabnext'. s:n .'' endfor " t1 で1番左のタブ、t2 で1番左から2番目のタブにジャンプ nnoremap [Tab]c :tablast \| tabnew " tc 新しいタブを一番右に作る if dein#is_sourced('vim-startify') nnoremap [Tab]h :tablast \| tabnew \| Startify " th 新しいタブを一番右に作る startifyを実行 endif nnoremap [Tab]x :tabclose " tx タブを閉じる " nnoremap [Tab]n :tabnext nnoremap [Tab]n "\tabnext " . string((tabpagenr() + v:count1 - 1) % tabpagenr('$') + 1) . "\" " tn 次のタブ " nnoremap [Tab]p :tabprevious nnoremap [Tab]p "tabprevious " . string(v:count1) . "\" " tp 前のタブ " new method from obcat san "矢印キーでは表示行単位で行移動する nnoremap gk nnoremap gj inoremap gk inoremap gj xnoremap gk xnoremap gj " ctrlで行固定移動 nnoremap j nnoremap k " 2文字で先頭/末尾移動 nnoremap H 0 nnoremap h ^ nnoremap l g_ nnoremap L $ " thanks ycino "" Move beginning toggle nnoremap 0 getline('.')[0 : col('.') - 2] =~# '^\s\+$' ? '0' : '^' " speed save & exit nnoremap W :confirm w nnoremap Q :confirm q " support nmap w " keymap info let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.desc.space['w'] = { \ 'name' : '+c-w', \ } " window jump nmap w " visual dot repeat xnoremap . :normal . " o/O use Add last return nmap o A " thanks ycino " from https://github.com/yukiycino-dotfiles/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc "" Automatically indent with i and A " fix register : blackhole nnoremap i len(getline('.')) ? "i" : "\"_cc" nnoremap A len(getline('.')) ? "A" : "\"_cc" " Folding with mouse nnoremap <2-RightMouse> zO " Yでカーソル位置から行末までヤンクする " C,Dはc$,d$と等しいのに対してYはなぜかyyとなっている " see https://itchyny.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/25/090000 " thanks lambdalisue and ku/thinca xnoremap v 0v$ xnoremap V $h nnoremap Y y$ " x,s でレジスタを汚染しない " x,Xでカーソル文字を削除する際レジスタを汚さない " ビジュアルモードで選択すればヤンクしないdとして使用できる nnoremap x "_x xnoremap x "_x nnoremap X "_X xnoremap X "_X " s,Sでカーソル文字を削除する際レジスタを汚さない設定 " ビジュアルモードで選択すればヤンクしないcとして使用できる " sは他のプリフィックスにする cl で代用できる(レジスタには残る) " nnoremap s "_s " xnoremap s "_s let g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.mapkey = extend(g:user.plugin.info.whichkey.mapkey, { \ 's' : { 'rawkey' : "s" }, \}) nnoremap S "_S xnoremap S "_S " setup in cutlass(future) " s use easymotion " " based on https://github.com/martin-svk/dot-files/blob/master/neovim/init.vim " " QuickFix navigation " nnoremap ]q :cnext " nnoremap [q :cprevious " " " Location list navigation " nnoremap ]l :lnext " nnoremap [l :lprevious " same mapping in unimpaired " mapping esc at insert mode inoremap " based on http://deris.hatenablog.jp/entry/2013/05/02/192415 " 誤操作すると困るキーを無効化する nnoremap ZZ nnoremap ZQ " exモード " プラグインで使うため、そちらで上書き " nnoremap Q " " based on https://github.com/jspitkin/dot-files/blob/master/.vimrc " Redo nnoremap U " from 0Delta/vimrc " (shift)Tab でインデント nnoremap >> nnoremap << xnoremap >gv xnoremap " based on https://github.com/martin-svk/dot-files/blob/master/neovim/init.vim " Move visual block " xnoremap mJ :m '>+1gv=gv " xnoremap mK :m '<-2gv=gv " vim-move / vim-submode cover this move " コマンドラインで単語移動 " based skanehira/dotfiles cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap " cnoremap is default mapping " based on https://postd.cc/vim-galore-4/ " nを前方へ、Nを後方へと固定 " nnoremap n 'Nn'[v:searchforward] " nnoremap N 'nN'[v:searchforward] " use anzu plugin and setting aggregate " 先頭が現在のコマンドラインと一致するコマンドラインを呼び出し " thanks lambdalisue cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap " 念のため、pasteモードのトグルの設定はする " set pastetoggle= " use goyo plugin " prev setting:xxx see yyy " let mapleader = "," " nnoremap [Subleader] " F3 toggle rel-number " C-L refresh and hl clear, diff update, syntax resync " C-],C-[ tag jump multi/pop " " inoremap " completion menu " completion select down " completion select down " completion select done " completion select cancel " q readonly is close(small setting) " help and other readonly popup window : q is close autocmd vimrc_init_core FileType help nested if &l:buftype ==# 'help' | nnoremap q c | endif autocmd vimrc_init_core FileType git-status,git-log nested nnoremap q c " command window " selective like CmdwinEnter [:\/\?=] autocmd vimrc_init_core CmdwinEnter * nested nnoremap q c " autocmd vimrc_init_core FileType qf nested nnoremap q c " cmdwin other setting " remap cr (plugin cr mapping clear) autocmd vimrc_init_core CmdwinEnter * nested nnoremap " tc/tn/tb/tx/t1-9 TAB setting " }}} " plugin設定 {{{ " Turn off default plugins. {{{ " let g:loaded_2html_plugin = 1 " let g:loaded_gzip = 1 " let g:loaded_rrhelper = 1 " let g:loaded_tar = 1 " let g:loaded_tarPlugin = 1 " let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = 1 " let g:loaded_zip = 1 " let g:loaded_zipPlugin = 1 " let g:loaded_matchparen = 1 " }}} " syntax/ftplugin/indent and other buildin plugin {{{ " syntax/sh.vim let g:is_posix = 1 " syntax/python.vim let g:python_highlight_all = 1 " syntax/synload.vim " syntax/doxygen.vim let g:load_doxygen_syntax = 1 let g:doxygen_enhanced_color = 1 " doxygenErrorComment " doxygenLinkError " syntax/yaml.vim let g:yaml_schema = 'json' " indent/vim.vim " in runtime : default shiftwidth() * 3 " see: " http://rbtnn.hateblo.jp/entry/2014/11/30/174749 " https://twitter.com/_tyru_/status/1206884044509569026 let g:vim_indent_cont = 0 " plugin/zipPlugin.vim " Zip plugin settings " Only accept *.zip. The plugin causes too many troubles. let g:zipPlugin_ext = '*.zip' " }}} " netrw {{{ " based on http://blog.tojiru.net/article/234400966.html " Disable netrw let g:loaded_netrw = 1 let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 let g:loaded_netrwSettings = 1 let g:loaded_netrwFileHandlers = 1 " -- setting -- " netrwは常にtree view let g:netrw_liststyle = 3 " " CVSと.で始まるファイルは表示しない " let g:netrw_list_hide = 'CVS,\(^\|\s\s\)\zs\.\S\+' " ヘッダを非表示にする " let g:netrw_banner=0 " サイズを(K,M,G)で表示する " let g:netrw_sizestyle="H" " 日付フォーマットを yyyy/mm/dd(曜日) hh:mm:ss で表示する let g:netrw_timefmt='%Y/%m/%d(%a) %H:%M:%S' " previewを右に(alto=1で下右に) let g:netrw_preview = 1 " 'v'でファイルを開くときは右側に開く。(デフォルトが左側なので入れ替え) let g:netrw_altv = 1 " 'o'でファイルを開くときは下側に開く。(デフォルトが上側なので入れ替え) let g:netrw_alto = 1 " }}} " Kaoriya Plugin {{{ " (とりあえずOff)設定 " http://kaworu.jpn.org/vim/Windows%E3%81%ABvim%E3%81%AE%E7%92%B0%E5%A2%83%E3%82%92%E6%A7%8B%E7%AF%89%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95#KaoriYa.E7.89.88Vim.E3.81.AE.E3.83.80.E3.82.A6.E3.83.B3.E3.83.AD.E3.83.BC.E3.83.89 if has('kaoriya') let g:no_vimrc_example = 0 let g:vimrc_local_finish = 1 let g:gvimrc_local_finish = 1 "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/autodate.vim let g:plugin_autodate_disable = 1 "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/cmdex.vim let g:plugin_cmdex_disable = 1 "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/dicwin.vim let g:plugin_dicwin_disable = 1 "$VIMRUNTIME/plugin/format.vim let g:plugin_format_disable = 1 "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/hz_ja.vim let g:plugin_hz_ja_disable = 1 "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/scrnmode.vim let g:plugin_scrnmode_disable = 1 "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/verifyenc.vim let g:plugin_verifyenc_disable = 1 endif " }}} " 各プラグイン設定は .vim/rc/dein.tomlに記載 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " local setting ./.vimrc.local load script " based on https://qiita.com/kaityo256/items/cb76c3f73753fe921e7b " to plugin """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " }}} " カスタム処理 {{{ " プラグイン化を考えること " function {{{ function! s:plugin_status_update() abort let g:user.plugin.exists['quickhl'] = dein#is_sourced('vim-quickhl') let g:user.plugin.exists['anzu'] = dein#is_sourced('vim-anzu') let g:user.plugin.exists['asyncomplete'] = dein#is_sourced('asyncomplete.vim') let g:user.plugin.exists['lexima'] = dein#is_sourced('lexima.vim') endfunction function! s:plugin_status_update_and_redefine() abort call s:plugin_status_update() function! s:plugin_status_update() abort endfunction endfunction autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter * nested call s:plugin_status_update_and_redefine() function! s:echo_syntax(status) abort " {{{ if a:status redraw | echon synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 0), 'name') endif endfunction " }}} " function! s:set_syntax_echo_status(status) abort {{{ " let b:SyntaxEchoStatus = a:status " endfunction " }}} " util not work yet function! s:buffer_num() abort " {{{ let bufmax = bufnr('$') let buflist = filter(range(1,bufmax), {i,v -> bufexists(v)}) let bufnum = len(buflist) return bufnum endfunction " }}} function! s:tab_num() abort " {{{ return tabpagenr('$') endfunction " }}} function! s:expand_all_buffer_to_tab() abort " {{{ let save_hidden = &hidden set hidden silent tabonly! silent only! bufdo tab split " remove last if 2 or more tabs(first buffer dup) silent tabclose! $ let &hidden = save_hidden endfunction " }}} " see http://koturn.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/02/13/000000 " Window IDからバッファ番号を引く逆引き辞書を作成 function! s:create_winid2bufnr_dict() abort " {{{ let winid2bufnr_dict = {} for bnr in filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'v:val') for wid in win_findbuf(bnr) let winid2bufnr_dict[wid] = bnr endfor endfor return winid2bufnr_dict endfunction " }}} function! s:show_tab_info() abort " {{{ echo '====== Tab Page Info ======' let current_tnr = tabpagenr() let winid2bufnr_dict = s:create_winid2bufnr_dict() for tnr in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) let current_winnr = tabpagewinnr(tnr) echo (tnr == current_tnr ? '>' : ' ') 'Tab:' tnr echo ' Buffer number | Window Number | Window ID | Buffer Name' for wininfo in map(map(range(1, tabpagewinnr(tnr, '$')), '{"wnr": v:val, "wid": win_getid(v:val, tnr)}'), 'extend(v:val, {"bnr": winid2bufnr_dict[v:val.wid]})') echo ' ' (wininfo.wnr == current_winnr ? '*' : ' ') printf('%11d | %13d | %9d | %s', wininfo.bnr, wininfo.wnr, wininfo.wid, bufname(wininfo.bnr)) endfor endfor endfunction " }}} " from https://github.com/cohama/.vim/blob/master/init.vim " 現在のバッファが空っぽならば :drop それ以外なら :tab drop になるコマンド function! s:smart_drop(tabedit_args) abort " {{{ if expand('%') == '' && !&modified let drop_cmd = 'drop ' else let drop_cmd = 'tab drop ' endif silent execute drop_cmd . a:tabedit_args endfunction " }}} " thanks lambdalisue " keep wait import from " create dir if nothing " s:auto_mkdir " https://github.com/lambdalisue/dotfiles/blob/02549431364232b051cc8bdb5b124e9e75256a6b/nvim/init.vim#L422-L449 " " clear register data " s:clear_register() " https://github.com/lambdalisue/dotfiles/blob/02549431364232b051cc8bdb5b124e9e75256a6b/nvim/init.vim#L500-L506 " }}} " command {{{ " from https://github.com/cohama/.vim/blob/master/init.vim " フォーマット変えて開き直す系 {{{ command! Utf8 edit ++enc=utf-8 % command! Cp932 edit ++enc=cp932 % command! Unix edit ++ff=unix % command! Dos edit ++ff=dos % command! AsUtf8 set fenc=utf-8 | w " 追加 command! AsDos set ff=dos | w command! AsUnix set ff=unix | w " }}} " from https://github.com/cohama/.vim/blob/master/init.vim " 現在のバッファが空っぽならば :drop それ以外なら :tab drop になるコマンド {{{ command! -nargs=* SmartDrop call smart_drop() " }}} " command! SyntaxEchoEnable :call set_syntax_echo_status(1) " command! SyntaxEchoDisable :call set_syntax_echo_status(0) command! SyntaxEcho call echo_syntax(1) command! BufferToTab call expand_all_buffer_to_tab() " see http://koturn.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/02/13/000000 command! -bar TabInfo call show_tab_info() " see https://github.com/rinx/dotfiles/blob/master/vimrc function! s:toggle_option(optname) abort " {{{ execute 'set ' . a:optname . '!' echo '' redraw execute 'set ' . a:optname . '?' endfunction " }}} command! -nargs=1 -complete=option ToggleOption call toggle_option() " }}} " autocmd {{{ " augroup vimrc_init_core " autocmd CursorMoved * nested call echo_syntax(get(b:, 'SyntaxEchoStatus', 0)) " augroup END " }}} " local setting {{{ " load non init vimrc setting in .vim/rc/ call g:user.function.load_setting(g:dein.dir.rc) " }}} " testing {{{ " template " " runtimepath update " let &runtimepath = &runtimepath . ',' . expand('') " " " test function and command " function! s:testrun() abort " {{{ " echo 'test not set' " " or test write to below " " echo 'test run' " " let s:V = vital#of('vital') " " echo "test result:" " endfunction " }}} " " command! TestRun call testrun() " }}} " term black if has('gui_running') autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,ColorScheme * nested highlight Terminal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE guibg=Black guifg=LightGrey else " not work yet " " background inherit console color style " autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,ColorScheme * nested if &background == 'dark' | highlight Terminal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=White | endif " autocmd vimrc_init_core VimEnter,ColorScheme * nested if &background == 'light' | highlight Terminal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=Black | endif endif " }}} " EOF