# Sublime {N}ativeScript Snippets ![](screenshots/screenshot.gif) This package contains XML snippets for NativeScript's UI components (Layouts and Widgets) as well as some frequently used attributes. ## Snippets All snippets are based on the official [NativeScript documentation](https://docs.nativescript.org/). UI components are prefixed with ```ns```, while attributes do not have a prefix. Currently the package includes the following snippets: ###UI Components #### Layouts - Absolute Layout - ```nsabsolute``` - Dock Layout - ```nsdock``` - Grid Layout - ```nsgrid``` - Stack Layout - ```nsstack``` - Wrap Layout - ```nswrap``` ### Widgets - Page - ```nspage``` - Action Bar - ```nsactionbar``` - Label - ```nslabel``` - Text Field - ```nstextfield``` - Secure Text Field (for passwords) - ```nspassword``` - Text View - ```nstextview``` - Image - ```nsimg``` - Border - ```nsborder``` - Button - ```nsbtn``` - SearchBar - ```nssearchbar``` - Switch - ```nsswitch``` - Slider - ```nsslider``` - Progress - ```nsprogress``` - Activity Indicator - ```nsloading``` - Date Picker - ```nsdate``` - Time Picker - ```nstime``` - List Picker - ```nslistpicker``` - Segmented Bar - ```nssegmentedbar``` - Tab View - ```nstabview``` - List View - ```nslistview``` - Web View - ```nswebview``` ###Attributes - cssClass - ```css``` - text - ```text``` - icon - ```icon``` - tap - ```tap``` - textWrap - ```wrap``` - horizontalAlignment - ```halign``` - verticalAlignment - ```valign``` - visibility - ```visibility``` - stretch - ```stretch``` - keyboardType - ```kbtype``` - colSpan - ```colspan``` - rowSpan - ```rowspan``` - row - ```row``` - col - ```col``` - width - ```width``` - height - ```height``` Feel free to edit the contents of this package, make contributions and suggest improvements. ## Additional Information If you happen to also use **Visual Studio Code**, please have a look at [{N} snippets for VS Code](https://github.com/tsvetan-ganev/nativescript-vscode-snippets) where I have uploaded the same snippets but for Microsoft's code editor. If you have any technical questions regarding NativeScript, you can join the [Google+ Community](https://plus.google.com/communities/117408587889337015711) and the [Google+ Forum](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nativescript) where NativeScript enthusiasts gather and share their knowledge. *And finally - have fun developing your next cross-platform mobile application!*