Loading cache...done. Loaded 1833 entries from dependency cache. Parsing recipes...done. Parsing of 1060 .bb files complete (1058 cached, 2 parsed). 1836 targets, 231 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors. WARNING: No bb files matched BBFILE_PATTERN_debian-raspberrypi '^/home/deby/poky/meta-debian/tests/../../meta-debian/bsp/meta-raspberrypi/' NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = "1.42.0" BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux" NATIVELSBSTRING = "universal" TARGET_SYS = "arm-deby-linux-gnueabi" MACHINE = "raspberrypi3" DISTRO = "deby-tiny" DISTRO_VERSION = "10.0" TUNE_FEATURES = "arm vfp cortexa7 neon vfpv4 thumb callconvention-hard" TARGET_FPU = "hard" meta meta-poky = "warrior:023ff85a9ae94331926e923b346fd8a349881e63" meta-debian = "warrior:8e157b1a7a3a3ae1224ea194f0fc9e25772d0e07" meta-raspberrypi = "warrior:2f0fa9a087b9ded28797d3087ccfa8f48bf5dd13" meta-raspberrypi = "warrior:8e157b1a7a3a3ae1224ea194f0fc9e25772d0e07" Initialising tasks...done. Sstate summary: Wanted 2 Found 0 Missed 2 Current 113 (0% match, 98% complete) NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks NOTE: Running task 713 of 717 (/home/deby/poky/meta-debian/recipes-debian/libedit/libedit_debian.bb:do_populate_lic) NOTE: Running task 715 of 717 (/home/deby/poky/meta-debian/recipes-debian/libedit/libedit_debian.bb:do_package_qa) NOTE: recipe libedit-3.1-20181209-r0: task do_populate_lic: Started NOTE: recipe libedit-3.1-20181209-r0: task do_populate_lic: Succeeded NOTE: recipe libedit-3.1-20181209-r0: task do_package_qa: Started NOTE: recipe libedit-3.1-20181209-r0: task do_package_qa: Succeeded NOTE: Running noexec task 717 of 717 (/home/deby/poky/meta-debian/recipes-debian/libedit/libedit_debian.bb:do_build) NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 717 tasks of which 714 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded. Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.