#!/usr/bin/python # AxelSpringer.hype-export.py # Export Script for Tumult Hype to produce HTML5 ads for Axel Springer Verlag # # Installation, usage, and additional info: # https://tumult.com/hype/export-scripts/ # # MIT License # Copyright (c) 2022 Tumult Inc. # import argparse import json import sys import distutils.util import os # update info current_script_version = 1 version_info_url = "https://static.tumult.com/hype/export-scripts/AxelSpringer/latest_script_version.txt" # only returns a version number download_url = "https://tumult.com/hype/export-scripts/AxelSpringer/" # gives a user info to download and install minimum_update_check_duration_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 # once a day defaults_bundle_identifier = "com.tumult.Hype2.hype-export.AxelSpringer" # html insertions insert_at_head_start = """ """ insert_at_head_end = "" insert_at_body_start = """ """ insert_at_body_end = """ """ class HypeURLType: Unknown = 0 HypeJS = 1 Resource = 2 Link = 3 ResourcesFolder = 4 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--hype_version') parser.add_argument('--hype_build') parser.add_argument('--export_uid') parser.add_argument('--get_options', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--replace_url') parser.add_argument('--url_type') parser.add_argument('--is_reference', default="False") parser.add_argument('--should_preload') parser.add_argument('--modify_staging_path') parser.add_argument('--destination_path') parser.add_argument('--export_info_json_path') parser.add_argument('--is_preview', default="False") parser.add_argument('--check_for_updates', action='store_true') args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() ## --get_options ## return arguments to be presented in the Hype UI as a dictionary: ## 'export_options' is a dictionary of key/value pairs that make modifications to Hype's export/preview system. Some useful ones: ## 'exportShouldInlineHypeJS' : boolean ## 'exportShouldInlineDocumentLoader' : boolean ## 'exportShouldUseExternalRuntime' : boolean ## 'exportExternalRuntimeURL' : string ## 'exportShouldSaveHTMLFile' : boolean ## 'indexTitle' : string ## 'exportShouldBustBrowserCaching' : boolean ## 'exportShouldIncludeTextContents' : boolean ## 'exportShouldIncludePIE' : boolean ## 'exportSupportInternetExplorer6789' : boolean ## 'initialSceneIndex' : integer ## 'save_options' is a dictionary of key/value pairs that for determining when/how to export. valid keys: ## 'file_extension' : the final extension when exported (ex. "zip") ## 'allows_export' : should show up in the File > Export as HTML5 menu and Advanced Export ## 'allows_preview' : should show up in the Preview menu, if so --is_preview True is passed into the --modify_staging_path call ## 'document_arguments' should be an array of keys, these will be passed to subsequent calls via --key value ## 'extra_actions' should be an array of dictionaries ## 'label': string that is the user presented name ## 'function': javascript function to call if this action is triggered, just the name of it ## 'arguments': array of dictionaries that represent arguments passed into the function ## 'label': string that is presented to Hype UI ## 'type': string that is either "String" (will be quoted and escaped) or "Expression" (passed directly to function argument as-is) if args.get_options: def export_options(): return { "exportShouldInlineHypeJS" : True, "exportShouldInlineDocumentLoader" : True, #"exportShouldUseExternalRuntime" : False, #"exportExternalRuntimeURL" : "", "exportShouldSaveHTMLFile" : True, "exportShouldNameAsIndexDotHTML" : True, #"indexTitle" : "", "exportShouldBustBrowserCaching" : False, "exportShouldIncludeTextContents" : False, "exportShouldIncludePIE" : False, "exportSupportInternetExplorer6789" : False, "exportShouldSaveRestorableDocument" : False, } def save_options(): return { "file_extension" : "zip", "allows_export" : True, "allows_preview" : True, } options = { "export_options" : export_options(), "save_options" : save_options(), "min_hype_build_version" : "574", # build number (ex "574") and *not* marketing version (ex "3.6.0") #"max_hype_build_version" : "10000", # build number (ex "574") and *not* marketing version (ex "3.6.0") } exit_with_result(options) ## --replace_url [url] --url_type [HypeURLType] --is_reference [True|False] --should_preload [None|True|False] --is_preview [True|False] --export_uid [identifier] ## return a dictionary with "url", "is_reference", and optional "should_preload" keys ## if HypeURLType.ResourcesFolder, you can set the url to "." so there is no .hyperesources folder and everything ## is placed next to the .html file ## should_preload may be None type in cases where it won't be used elif args.replace_url != None: url_info = {} url_info['is_reference'] = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(args.is_reference)) if args.should_preload != None: url_info['should_preload'] = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(args.should_preload)) if int(args.url_type) == HypeURLType.ResourcesFolder: url_info['url'] = "." else: url_info['url'] = args.replace_url exit_with_result(url_info) ## --modify_staging_path [filepath] --destination_path [filepath] --export_info_json_path [filepath] --is_preview [True|False] --export_uid [identifier] ## return True if you moved successfully to the destination_path, otherwise don't return anything and Hype will make the move ## make any changes you'd like before the save is complete ## for example, if you are a zip, you need to zip and write to the destination_path ## or you may want to inject items into the HTML file ## if it is a preview, you shouldn't do things like zip it up, as Hype needs to know where the index.html file is ## export_info_json_path is a json object holding keys: ## html_filename: string that is the filename for the html file which you may want to inject changes into ## main_container_width: number representing the width of the document in pixels ## main_container_height: number representing the height of the document in pixels ## document_arguments: dictionary of key/value pairs based on what was passed in from the earlier --get_options call ## extra_actions: array of dictionaries for all usages of the extra actions. There is no guarantee these all originated from this script or version. ## function: string of function name (as passed in from --get_options) ## arguments: array of strings elif args.modify_staging_path != None: import os import string is_preview = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(args.is_preview)) # read export_info.json file export_info_file = open(args.export_info_json_path) export_info = json.loads(export_info_file.read()) export_info_file.close() # add in width/height into insert_at_head_start variable global insert_at_head_start template = string.Template(insert_at_head_start) insert_at_head_start = template.substitute({'width' : export_info['main_container_width'], 'height' : export_info['main_container_height'] }) index_path = os.path.join(args.modify_staging_path, export_info['html_filename'].encode("utf-8")) perform_html_additions(index_path) import shutil shutil.rmtree(args.destination_path, ignore_errors=True) if is_preview == True: shutil.move(args.modify_staging_path, args.destination_path) exit_with_result(True) else: zip(args.modify_staging_path, args.destination_path) exit_with_result(True) ## --check_for_updates ## return a dictionary with "url", "from_version", and "to_version" keys if there is an update, otherwise don't return anything and exit ## it is your responsibility to decide how often to check elif args.check_for_updates: import subprocess import urllib2 last_check_timestamp = None try: last_check_timestamp = subprocess.check_output(["defaults", "read", defaults_bundle_identifier, "last_check_timestamp"]).strip() except: pass try: timestamp_now = subprocess.check_output(["date", "+%s"]).strip() if (last_check_timestamp == None) or ((int(timestamp_now) - int(last_check_timestamp)) > minimum_update_check_duration_in_seconds): subprocess.check_output(["defaults", "write", defaults_bundle_identifier, "last_check_timestamp", timestamp_now]) request = urllib2.Request(version_info_url, headers={'User-Agent' : "Magic Browser"}) latest_script_version = int(urllib2.urlopen(request).read().strip()) if latest_script_version > current_script_version: exit_with_result({"url" : download_url, "from_version" : str(current_script_version), "to_version" : str(latest_script_version)}) except: pass # HTML FILE MODIFICATION def perform_html_additions(index_path): index_contents = None with open(index_path, 'r') as target_file: index_contents = target_file.read() if index_contents == None: return import re if insert_at_head_start != None: head_start = re.search("", index_contents, re.IGNORECASE).end() index_contents = index_contents[:head_start] + insert_at_head_start + index_contents[head_start:] if insert_at_head_end != None: head_end = re.search("", index_contents, re.IGNORECASE).end() index_contents = index_contents[:body_start] + insert_at_body_start + index_contents[body_start:] if insert_at_body_end != None: body_end = re.search("