from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: from __builtin__ import filter from __builtin__ import object from __builtin__ import str else: from builtins import filter from builtins import object from builtins import str from past.builtins import basestring from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() # noqa from collections import defaultdict import copy from functools import wraps import inspect from six import StringIO import itertools import logging import os import re import ssl import cfgm_common try: from cfgm_common import BGP_RTGT_ALLOC_PATH_TYPE0 from cfgm_common import BGP_RTGT_ALLOC_PATH_TYPE1_2 except ImportError: # must be older release, assigning old path BGP_RTGT_ALLOC_PATH_TYPE0 = '/id/bgp/route-targets' BGP_RTGT_ALLOC_PATH_TYPE1_2 = '/id/bgp/route-targets' try: from cfgm_common import get_bgp_rtgt_min_id except ImportError: # must be older release, assigning default min ID def get_bgp_rtgt_min_id(asn): return 8000000 from cfgm_common import jsonutils as json from cfgm_common.svc_info import _VN_SNAT_PREFIX_NAME try: from cfgm_common import vnc_cgitb except ImportError: import cgitb as vnc_cgitb from cfgm_common.utils import cgitb_hook from cfgm_common.zkclient import IndexAllocator from cfgm_common.zkclient import ZookeeperClient #from future import standard_library #standard_library.install_aliases() # noqa import kazoo.client import kazoo.exceptions from netaddr import IPAddress, IPNetwork from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError #from past.builtins import basestring import pycassa from pycassa.cassandra.ttypes import ConsistencyLevel import pycassa.connection from pycassa.connection import default_socket_factory import schema_transformer.db from thrift.transport import TSSLSocket if sys.version_info[0] < 3: reload(sys) # noqa sys.setdefaultencoding('UTF8') if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None: parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: sys.path.remove(str(parent)) except ValueError: # Already removed pass import vnc_cfg_api_server # noqa __package__ = 'vnc_cfg_api_server' # noqa from . import utils # noqa try: from .vnc_db import VncServerCassandraClient except ImportError: from vnc_cfg_ifmap import VncServerCassandraClient __version__ = "1.40" """ NOTE: As that script is not self contained in a python package and as it supports multiple Contrail releases, it brings its own version that needs to be manually updated each time it is modified. We also maintain a change log list in that header: * 1.40: - Fix CEM-22443. Update default apiserver config file path and add a verification * 1.39: - Fix CEM-21530. Added check for verifying missing key in cols and continue. * 1.38: - Fix CEM-20996. Changed the import structure for compatibility between python 2 and python 3. * 1.37: - Fix CEM-10351. Adding heal method to add missing RT refs to RI and RI back-refs to RT. * 1.36: - Repairing problems with auditing isolated k8s VNs * 1.35: - Adding TLS support for ZookeeperClient * 1.34: - Do not report false positive missing VN for k8s floating ips not in floating ip pool * 1.33: - Fix CEM-17261, multiple AE-ID seems allocated due to CEM-17208. Ensure all AE-ID created for a VPG is deleted * 1.32: - Fix CEM-17260. Use self._zk_client.delete instead of self.zk_delete as it do not exists. * 1.31: - Fix a string comparision bug for Gateway IP String being "None" String * 1.30: - Fix for auditing AE ID while using k8s * 1.29: - Add error msg to inform when aggregated ethernet ID is not supported * 1.28: - Add support to detect aggregated ethernet ID and clean stale ones in ZK. * 1.27: - Fix StringIO TypeError compatibility between Py2 and Py3 CEM-12619 * 1.26: - Fix import statement compatibility for python 2 and reorganise them * 1.25: - Fix route target validation code when VN RT list is set to none * 1.24: - Fix pycassa import to support new UT framework * 1.23: - Fix check RT backrefs to RI (CEM-9625) * 1.22: - Typo fix for stale RT backrefs to RI * 1.21: - Add new check and clean methods for RT backrefs to RI * 1.20: - Fix SG ID allocation audit for SG __no_rule__ CEM-8607 * 1.19: - Fix typo at self.global_asn. CEM-8222 * 1.18 - v1.15 is not compatilible to older releases. Restore compatability * 1.17 - Use cfgm_common.utils.decode_string to make obj_fq_name_str in same format as fq_name_str * 1.16 - The heal_fq_name_index does not properly extract resource UUID from the FQ name index table * 1.15 - Fix CEM-6463, handle cassandra_use_ssl properly * 1.14 - Fix get_subnet to fetch only necessary IPAM properties to prevent case where IPAM have a large number of ref/back-ref/children * 1.13 - Retrieve Subnet from IPAM if the ipam-method is flat-subnet - PEP8 compliance * 1.12 - Use TLSv1.2 for cassandra's connection * 1.11 - Make Individual connection timeout and buffer size user configurable * 1.10 - Add support SSL/TLS connection to cassandra DB * 1.9 - Add support to remove stale ref entries from obj_uuid_table of cassandra * 1.8 - Return error if a IIP/FIP/AIP have a stale VN referenced * 1.7 - Add support to detect and clean malformed route targets - Add support to detect and clean stale route targets listed in virtual network or logical router * 1.6: - fix issue in 'clean_subnet_addr_alloc' method with IPv6 subnet * 1.5: - fix bug to identifying stale route target when it's a RT of a LR with a gateway * 1.4: - add timestamp into script output headers - remove verbose option and set default logging level to INFO - log output to local file (default: /var/log/contrail/db_manage.log) in addition to stdout * 1.3: - Fix issue in the VN/subnet/IP address zookeeper lock clean method 'clean_subnet_addr_alloc' which tried to clean 2 times same stale lock * 1.2: - Re-define the way the script recovers the route target inconsistencies. The source of trust move from the schema transformer DB to the zookeeper DB. If Config or Schema DBs contains a RT not locked in zookeeper, it removes it. It does not heal missing RT in Config and Schema DBs, it lets the schema transformer takes care of that when it'll be re-initialized. It also cleans stale lock in zookeeper. * 1.1: - Fix RT duplicate detection from schema cassandra DB * 1.0: - add check to detect duplicate FQ name - add clean method to remove object not indexed in FQ name table if its FQ name is already used by another object or if multiple stale object use the same FQ name - heal FQ name index if FQ name not already used - when healing ZK ID lock path if the node already exists, update it with correct value """ try: VN_ID_MIN_ALLOC = cfgm_common.VNID_MIN_ALLOC except AttributeError: VN_ID_MIN_ALLOC = 1 try: from .vnc_db import VncZkClient AE_MAX_ID = VncZkClient._AE_MAX_ID except (ImportError, AttributeError): # It means AE_ID is not supported in this release # and shouldn't be checked / cleaned AE_MAX_ID = None SG_ID_MIN_ALLOC = cfgm_common.SGID_MIN_ALLOC def _parse_rt(rt): if isinstance(rt, basestring): prefix, asn, target = rt.split(':') else: prefix, asn, target = rt if prefix != 'target': raise ValueError() target = int(target) if not asn.isdigit(): try: IPAddress(asn) except AddrFormatError: raise ValueError() else: asn = int(asn) return asn, target # All possible errors from audit class AuditError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg # end __init__ # class AuditError exceptions = [ 'ZkStandaloneError', 'ZkStandaloneError', 'ZkFollowersError', 'ZkNodeCountsError', 'CassWrongRFError', 'FQNIndexMissingError', 'FQNStaleIndexError', 'FQNMismatchError', 'MandatoryFieldsMissingError', 'IpSubnetMissingError', 'InvalidIPAMRef', 'VirtualNetworkMissingError', 'VirtualNetworkIdMissingError', 'IpAddressMissingError', 'IpAddressDuplicateError', 'UseragentSubnetExtraError', 'UseragentSubnetMissingError', 'SubnetCountMismatchError', 'SubnetUuidMissingError', 'SubnetIdToKeyMissingError', 'ZkSGIdMissingError', 'ZkSGIdExtraError', 'SG0UnreservedError', 'SGDuplicateIdError', 'ZkVNIdExtraError', 'ZkVNIdMissingError', 'VNDuplicateIdError', 'RTDuplicateIdError', 'RTMalformedError', 'CassRTRangeError', 'ZkRTRangeError', 'RTbackrefError', 'ZkIpMissingError', 'ZkIpExtraError', 'ZkSubnetMissingError', 'ZkSubnetExtraError', 'ZkVNMissingError', 'ZkVNExtraError', 'SchemaRTgtIdExtraError', 'ConfigRTgtIdExtraError', 'ZkRTgtIdExtraError', 'OrphanResourceError', 'ZkSubnetPathInvalid', 'FqNameDuplicateError', 'AEIDZookeeperError', 'NotSupportedError', ] for exception_class in exceptions: setattr(sys.modules[__name__], exception_class, type(exception_class, (AuditError,), {})) def get_operations(): checkers = {} healers = {} cleaners = {} module = sys.modules[__name__] global_functions = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction) for name, func in global_functions: if func.__dict__.get('is_checker', False): checkers.update({name: func}) elif func.__dict__.get('is_healer', False): healers.update({name: func}) elif func.__dict__.get('is_cleaner', False): cleaners.update({name: func}) global_classes = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) for cname, a_class in global_classes: class_methods = inspect.getmembers(a_class, predicate=inspect.ismethod) for name, method in class_methods: if method.__dict__.get('is_checker', False): checkers.update({name: method}) elif method.__dict__.get('is_healer', False): healers.update({name: method}) elif method.__dict__.get('is_cleaner', False): cleaners.update({name: method}) operations = {'checkers': checkers, 'healers': healers, 'cleaners': cleaners} return operations def format_help(): operations = get_operations() help_msg = '' for operater in list(operations.keys()): help_msg += format_line("Supported %s," % operater, 0, 2) for name, oper_func in list(operations[operater].items()): if name.startswith('db_'): name = name.lstrip('db_') help_msg += format_line("%s" % name, 1, 1) help_msg += format_line("- %s" % oper_func.__doc__, 2, 1) help_msg += '\n' return help_msg def format_line(line, indent=0, newlines=0): indent = " " * indent newlines = "\n" * newlines return "%s%s%s" % (indent, line, newlines) def format_oper(oper, lstr): return oper.lstrip(lstr).replace('_', ' ') def format_description(): example_check_operations = ["check_route_targets_id"] example_heal_operations = ["heal_route_targets_id"] example_clean_operations = ["clean_stale_route_target_id", "clean_stale_route_target"] examples = format_line("EXAMPLES:", 0, 2) examples += format_line("Checker example,", 1, 2) for example in example_check_operations: examples += format_line("python %s" % example, 2, 1) examples += format_line( "- Checks and displays the list of stale and missing %s." % format_oper(example, 'check_'), 3, 2) examples += format_line("Healer examples,\n\n", 1, 2) for example in example_heal_operations: examples += format_line("python %s" % example, 2, 1) examples += format_line( "- Displays the list of missing %s to be healed(dry-run)." % format_oper(example, 'heal_'), 3, 2) examples += format_line("python --execute %s" % example, 2, 1) examples += format_line( "- Creates the missing %s in DB's with(--execute)." % format_oper( example, 'heal_'), 3, 2) examples += format_line("Cleaner examples,\n\n", 1, 2) for example in example_clean_operations: examples += format_line("python %s" % example, 2, 1) examples += format_line( "- Displays the list of %s to be cleaned(dry-run)." % format_oper( example, 'clean_'), 3, 2) examples += format_line("python --execute %s" % example, 2, 1) examples += format_line( "- Deletes the %s in DB's with(--execute)." % format_oper( example, 'clean_'), 3, 2) help = format_line("Where,", 1, 1) help += format_line("%s" % (example_check_operations + example_heal_operations + example_clean_operations), 2, 1) help += format_line("- are some of the supported operations listed in" + " positional arguments.", 3, 1) help += format_line("DB's - refer to zookeeper and cassandra.", 2, 2) note = format_line("NOTES:", 0, 1) note += format_line("check, heal and clean operations are used" + " to do all checker, healer and cleaner operations" + " respectively.", 2, 2) doc = format_line("DOCUMENTAION:", 0, 1) doc += format_line("Documentaion for each supported operation is" + " displayed in positional arguments below.", 2, 2) wiki = format_line("WIKI:", 0, 1) wiki += format_line( "" "management-tool-to-check-and-fix-inconsistencies.", 2, 1) description = [examples, help, note, doc, wiki] return ''.join(description) def _parse_args(args_str): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description=format_description()) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) parser.add_argument('operation', help=format_help()) help = ("Path to contrail-api conf file, " "default /etc/contrail/contrail-api.conf") parser.add_argument( "--api-conf", help=help, default="/etc/contrail/contrail-api-0.conf") parser.add_argument( "--execute", help="Apply database modifications", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( "--debug", help="Run in debug mode, default False", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( "--connection-timeout", type=float, help="Individual Connection timeout, in seconds", default=0.5) parser.add_argument( "--buffer-size", type=int, help="Number of rows fetched at once", default=1024) if os.path.isdir("/var/log/contrail"): default_log = "/var/log/contrail/db_manage.log" else: import tempfile default_log = '%s/contrail-db-manage.log' % tempfile.gettempdir() parser.add_argument( "--log_file", help="Log file to save output, default '%(default)s'", default=default_log) args_obj, remaining_argv = parser.parse_known_args(args_str.split()) _args = args_obj _api_args = utils.parse_args('-c %s %s' % ( _args.api_conf, ' '.join(remaining_argv)))[0] return (_args, _api_args) # end _parse_args class DatabaseManager(object): OBJ_MANDATORY_COLUMNS = ['type', 'fq_name', 'prop:id_perms'] BASE_VN_ID_ZK_PATH = '/id/virtual-networks' BASE_SG_ID_ZK_PATH = '/id/security-groups/id' BASE_SUBNET_ZK_PATH = '/api-server/subnets' BASE_AE_ID_ZK_PATH = "/id/aggregated-ethernet" KV_SUBNET_KEY_TO_UUID_MATCH = re.compile('(.* .*/.*)') def __init__(self, args='', api_args=''): self._args = args self._api_args = api_args self._logger = utils.ColorLog(logging.getLogger(__name__)) log_level = 'DEBUG' if self._args.debug else 'INFO' self._logger.setLevel(log_level) logformat = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s") stdout = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stdout.setFormatter(logformat) self._logger.addHandler(stdout) logfile = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( self._args.log_file, maxBytes=10000000, backupCount=5) logfile.setFormatter(logformat) self._logger.addHandler(logfile) cluster_id = self._api_args.cluster_id # cassandra connection self._cassandra_servers = self._api_args.cassandra_server_list self._db_info = VncServerCassandraClient.get_db_info() + \ schema_transformer.db.SchemaTransformerDB.get_db_info() self._cf_dict = {} self.creds = None if (self._api_args.cassandra_user is not None and self._api_args.cassandra_password is not None): self.creds = { 'username': self._api_args.cassandra_user, 'password': self._api_args.cassandra_password, } socket_factory = default_socket_factory if ('cassandra_use_ssl' in self._api_args and self._api_args.cassandra_use_ssl): socket_factory = self._make_ssl_socket_factory( self._api_args.cassandra_ca_certs, validate=False) for ks_name, cf_name_list in self._db_info: if cluster_id: full_ks_name = '%s_%s' % (cluster_id, ks_name) else: full_ks_name = ks_name pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool( keyspace=full_ks_name, server_list=self._cassandra_servers, prefill=False, credentials=self.creds, socket_factory=socket_factory, timeout=self._args.connection_timeout) for cf_name in cf_name_list: self._cf_dict[cf_name] = pycassa.ColumnFamily( pool, cf_name, read_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, buffer_size=self._args.buffer_size) # Get the system global autonomous system self.global_asn = self.get_autonomous_system() # zookeeper connection self.base_vn_id_zk_path = cluster_id + self.BASE_VN_ID_ZK_PATH if self.global_asn > 0xFFFF: self.BASE_RTGT_ID_ZK_PATH = BGP_RTGT_ALLOC_PATH_TYPE1_2 else: self.BASE_RTGT_ID_ZK_PATH = BGP_RTGT_ALLOC_PATH_TYPE0 self.base_rtgt_id_zk_path = cluster_id + self.BASE_RTGT_ID_ZK_PATH self.base_sg_id_zk_path = cluster_id + self.BASE_SG_ID_ZK_PATH self.base_subnet_zk_path = cluster_id + self.BASE_SUBNET_ZK_PATH self.base_ae_id_zk_path = cluster_id + self.BASE_AE_ID_ZK_PATH self._zk_client = kazoo.client.KazooClient(self._api_args.zk_server_ip) self._zk_client.start() # end __init__ def _make_ssl_socket_factory(self, ca_certs, validate=True): # copy method from pycassa library because no other method # to override ssl version def ssl_socket_factory(host, port): TSSLSocket.TSSLSocket.SSL_VERSION = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 return TSSLSocket.TSSLSocket(host, port, ca_certs=ca_certs, validate=validate) return ssl_socket_factory def get_autonomous_system(self): fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] cols = fq_name_table.get( 'global_system_config', column_start='default-global-system-config:', column_finish='default-global-system-config;') gsc_uuid = cols.popitem()[0].split(':')[-1] cols = obj_uuid_table.get(gsc_uuid, columns=['prop:autonomous_system']) return int(json.loads(cols['prop:autonomous_system'])) def audit_subnet_uuid(self): ret_errors = [] # check in useragent table whether net-id subnet -> subnet-uuid # and vice-versa exist for all subnets ua_kv_cf = self._cf_dict['useragent_keyval_table'] ua_subnet_info = {} for key, cols in ua_kv_cf.get_range(): mch = self.KV_SUBNET_KEY_TO_UUID_MATCH.match(key) if mch: # subnet key -> uuid subnet_key = subnet_id = cols['value'] try: reverse_map = ua_kv_cf.get(subnet_id) except pycassa.NotFoundException: errmsg = "Missing id(%s) to key(%s) mapping in useragent"\ % (subnet_id, subnet_key) ret_errors.append(SubnetIdToKeyMissingError(errmsg)) else: # uuid -> subnet key subnet_id = key subnet_key = cols['value'] ua_subnet_info[subnet_id] = subnet_key try: reverse_map = ua_kv_cf.get(subnet_key) except pycassa.NotFoundException: # Since release 3.2, only subnet_id/subnet_key are store in # key/value store, the reverse was removed continue # check all subnet prop in obj_uuid_table to see if subnet-uuid exists vnc_all_subnet_info = {} fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] vn_row = fq_name_table.xget('virtual_network') vn_uuids = [x.split(':')[-1] for x, _ in vn_row] for vn_id in vn_uuids: subnets, ua_subnets = self.get_subnets(vn_id) for subnet in ua_subnets: try: vnc_all_subnet_info[subnet['subnet_uuid']] = '%s %s/%d' % ( vn_id, subnet['subnet']['ip_prefix'], subnet['subnet']['ip_prefix_len']) except KeyError as e: errmsg = ('Missing key (%s) in ipam-subnet (%s) for ' ' vn (%s)' % (e, subnet, vn_id)) ret_errors.append(SubnetUuidMissingError(errmsg)) return ua_subnet_info, vnc_all_subnet_info, ret_errors # end audit_subnet_uuid def audit_route_targets_id(self): logger = self._logger fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] rt_table = self._cf_dict['route_target_table'] ret_errors = [] zk_set = set() schema_set = set() config_set = set() malformed_set = set() stale_list = {} # read in route-target ids from zookeeper base_path = self.base_rtgt_id_zk_path logger.debug("Doing recursive zookeeper read from %s", base_path) num_bad_rts = 0 for id in self._zk_client.get_children(base_path) or []: rt_zk_path = os.path.join(base_path, id) res_fq_name_str = self._zk_client.get(rt_zk_path)[0] id = int(id) zk_set.add((id, res_fq_name_str)) if id < get_bgp_rtgt_min_id(self.global_asn): # ZK contain RT ID lock only for system RT errmsg = 'Wrong Route Target range in zookeeper %d' % id ret_errors.append(ZkRTRangeError(errmsg)) num_bad_rts += 1 logger.debug("Got %d Route Targets with ID in zookeeper %d from wrong " "range", len(zk_set), num_bad_rts) # read route-targets from schema transformer cassandra keyspace logger.debug("Reading Route Target IDs from cassandra schema " "transformer keyspace") num_bad_rts = 0 for res_fq_name_str, cols in rt_table.get_range(columns=['rtgt_num']): id = int(cols['rtgt_num']) if id < get_bgp_rtgt_min_id(self.global_asn): # Should never append msg = ("Route Target ID %d allocated for %s by the schema " "transformer is not contained in the system range" % (id, res_fq_name_str)) ret_errors.append(ZkRTRangeError(msg)) num_bad_rts += 1 schema_set.add((id, res_fq_name_str)) logger.debug("Got %d Route Targets with ID in schema DB %d from wrong " "range", len(schema_set), num_bad_rts) # read in route-targets from API server cassandra keyspace logger.debug("Reading Route Target objects from cassandra API server " "keyspace") user_rts = 0 no_assoc_msg = "No Routing Instance or Logical Router associated" for fq_name_uuid_str, _ in fq_name_table.xget('route_target'): fq_name_str, _, uuid = fq_name_uuid_str.rpartition(':') try: asn, id = _parse_rt(fq_name_str) except ValueError: malformed_set.add((fq_name_str, uuid)) if (asn != self.global_asn or id < get_bgp_rtgt_min_id(self.global_asn)): user_rts += 1 continue # Ignore user defined RT try: cols = uuid_table.xget(uuid, column_start='backref:', column_finish='backref;') except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue backref_uuid = None for col, _ in cols: if col.startswith('backref:logical_router:'): backref_uuid = col.rpartition(':')[-1] break elif col.startswith('backref:routing_instance:'): backref_uuid = col.rpartition(':')[-1] if not backref_uuid: config_set.add((id, no_assoc_msg)) continue try: cols = uuid_table.get(backref_uuid, columns=['fq_name']) except pycassa.NotFoundException: config_set.add((id, no_assoc_msg)) continue config_set.add((id, ':'.join(json.loads(cols['fq_name'])))) logger.debug("Got %d system defined Route Targets in cassandra and " "%d defined by users", len(config_set), user_rts) # Check in VN and LR if user allocated RT are valid and not in the # system range num_user_rts = 0 num_bad_rts = 0 list_names = [ 'prop:route_target_list', 'prop:import_route_target_list', 'prop:export_route_target_list', 'prop:configured_route_target_list', ] for fq_name_str_uuid, _ in itertools.chain( fq_name_table.xget('virtual_network'), fq_name_table.xget('logical_router')): fq_name_str, _, uuid = fq_name_str_uuid.rpartition(':') for list_name in list_names: try: cols = uuid_table.get(uuid, columns=[list_name]) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue rts_col = json.loads(cols[list_name]) or {} for rt in rts_col.get('route_target', []): try: asn, id = _parse_rt(rt) except ValueError: msg = ("Virtual Network or Logical Router %s(%s) %s " "contains a malformed Route Target '%s'" % (fq_name_str, uuid, list_name[5:].replace('_', ' '), rt)) ret_errors.append(RTMalformedError(msg)) stale_list.setdefault( (fq_name_str, uuid, list_name), set()).add(rt) if (asn != self.global_asn or id < get_bgp_rtgt_min_id(self.global_asn)): num_user_rts += 1 continue # all good num_bad_rts += 1 msg = ("Virtual Network or Logical Router %s(%s) %s " "contains a Route Target in a wrong range '%s'" % (fq_name_str, uuid, list_name[5:].replace('_', ' '), rt)) ret_errors.append(CassRTRangeError(msg)) stale_list.setdefault( (fq_name_str, uuid, list_name), set()).add(rt) logger.debug("Got %d user configured route-targets, %d in bad range", num_user_rts, num_bad_rts) return (zk_set, schema_set, config_set, malformed_set, stale_list, ret_errors) def get_stale_zk_rt(self, zk_set, schema_set, config_set): fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] stale_zk_entry = set() zk_set_copy = zk_set.copy() # in ZK but not in config and schema, stale entry => delete it in ZK stale_zk_entry |= (zk_set_copy - (schema_set & config_set)) zk_set_copy -= (zk_set_copy - (schema_set & config_set)) # in ZK and schema but not in config for id, res_fq_name_str in (zk_set_copy & schema_set) - config_set: try: fq_name_table.get( 'routing_instance', column_start='%s:' % res_fq_name_str, column_finish='%s;' % res_fq_name_str, ) except pycassa.NotFoundException: stale_zk_entry.add((id, res_fq_name_str)) # in ZK and config but not in schema, schema will fix it, nothing to do return stale_zk_entry def audit_security_groups_id(self): logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] # read in security-group ids from zookeeper base_path = self.base_sg_id_zk_path logger.debug("Doing recursive zookeeper read from %s", base_path) zk_all_sgs = {} for sg_id in self._zk_client.get_children(base_path) or []: sg_val = self._zk_client.get(base_path + '/' + sg_id)[0] # sg-id of 0 is reserved if int(sg_id) == 0: if sg_val != '__reserved__': ret_errors.append(SG0UnreservedError('')) continue # Need due to the issue CEM-8607 if sg_val == "[u'default-domain', u'default-project', '__no_rule__']": sg_val = 'default-domain:default-project:__no_rule__' zk_all_sgs[int(sg_id)] = sg_val logger.debug("Got %d security-groups with id", len(zk_all_sgs)) # read in security-groups from cassandra to get id+fq_name fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading security-group objects from cassandra") sg_uuids = [x.split(':')[-1] for x, _ in fq_name_table.xget('security_group')] cassandra_all_sgs = {} duplicate_sg_ids = {} first_found_sg = {} missing_ids = set([]) for sg_uuid in sg_uuids: try: sg_cols = obj_uuid_table.get( sg_uuid, columns=['prop:security_group_id', 'fq_name']) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue sg_fq_name_str = ':'.join(json.loads(sg_cols['fq_name'])) if not sg_cols.get('prop:security_group_id'): errmsg = 'Missing security group id in cassandra for sg %s' \ % (sg_uuid) ret_errors.append(VirtualNetworkIdMissingError(errmsg)) missing_ids.add((sg_uuid, sg_fq_name_str)) continue sg_id = int(json.loads(sg_cols['prop:security_group_id'])) if sg_id in first_found_sg: if sg_id < SG_ID_MIN_ALLOC: continue duplicate_sg_ids.setdefault( sg_id - SG_ID_MIN_ALLOC, [first_found_sg[sg_id]]).append( (sg_fq_name_str, sg_uuid)) else: cassandra_all_sgs[sg_id] = sg_fq_name_str first_found_sg[sg_id] = (sg_fq_name_str, sg_uuid) logger.debug("Got %d security-groups with id", len(cassandra_all_sgs)) zk_set = set([(id, fqns) for id, fqns in list(zk_all_sgs.items())]) cassandra_set = set([(id - SG_ID_MIN_ALLOC, fqns) for id, fqns in list(cassandra_all_sgs.items()) if id >= SG_ID_MIN_ALLOC]) return zk_set, cassandra_set, ret_errors, duplicate_sg_ids, missing_ids # end audit_security_groups_id def audit_virtual_networks_id(self): logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] # read in virtual-network ids from zookeeper base_path = self.base_vn_id_zk_path logger.debug("Doing recursive zookeeper read from %s", base_path) zk_all_vns = {} for vn_id in self._zk_client.get_children(base_path) or []: vn_fq_name_str = self._zk_client.get(base_path + '/' + vn_id)[0] # VN-id in zk starts from 0, in cassandra starts from 1 zk_all_vns[int(vn_id) + VN_ID_MIN_ALLOC] = vn_fq_name_str logger.debug("Got %d virtual-networks with id in ZK.", len(zk_all_vns)) # read in virtual-networks from cassandra to get id+fq_name fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading virtual-network objects from cassandra") vn_uuids = [x.split(':')[-1] for x, _ in fq_name_table.xget('virtual_network')] cassandra_all_vns = {} duplicate_vn_ids = {} first_found_vn = {} missing_ids = set([]) for vn_uuid in vn_uuids: try: vn_cols = obj_uuid_table.get( vn_uuid, columns=['prop:virtual_network_properties', 'fq_name', 'prop:virtual_network_network_id'], ) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue vn_fq_name_str = ':'.join(json.loads(vn_cols['fq_name'])) try: vn_id = json.loads(vn_cols['prop:virtual_network_network_id']) except KeyError: try: # upgrade case older VNs had it in composite prop vn_props = json.loads( vn_cols['prop:virtual_network_properties']) vn_id = vn_props['network_id'] except KeyError: missing_ids.add((vn_uuid, vn_fq_name_str)) continue if not vn_id: missing_ids.add((vn_uuid, vn_fq_name_str)) continue if vn_id in first_found_vn: duplicate_vn_ids.setdefault( vn_id, [first_found_vn[vn_id]]).append( (vn_fq_name_str, vn_uuid)) else: cassandra_all_vns[vn_id] = vn_fq_name_str first_found_vn[vn_id] = (vn_fq_name_str, vn_uuid) logger.debug("Got %d virtual-networks with id in Cassandra.", len(cassandra_all_vns)) zk_set = set([(id, fqns) for id, fqns in list(zk_all_vns.items())]) cassandra_set = set([(id, fqns) for id, fqns in list(cassandra_all_vns.items())]) return zk_set, cassandra_set, ret_errors, duplicate_vn_ids, missing_ids # end audit_virtual_networks_id def get_subnets(self, vn_id): """ For a given vn_id, retrieve subnets based on IPAM type flat-subnet: Retrieve it from the network-ipam's ipam-subnet User-Agent KeyVal Table: for a flat subnet, User Agent keyval table is setup with prefix and prefix-len value. Returns: subnet_dicts: Subnets derived from VN and IPAM subnets ua_subnet_dicts: Subnets derived from VN plus Zero prefix ( for IPAM subnets if ipam method is flat-subnet """ subnet_dicts = [] ua_subnet_dicts = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] # find all subnets on this VN and add for later check ipam_refs = obj_uuid_table.xget(vn_id, column_start='ref:network_ipam:', column_finish='ref:network_ipam;') for network_ipam_ref, attr_json_dict in ipam_refs: try: network_ipam_uuid = network_ipam_ref.split(':')[2] except (IndexError, AttributeError) as e: msg = ("Exception (%s)\n" "Unable to find Network IPAM UUID " "for (%s). Invalid IPAM?" % (e, network_ipam_ref)) raise InvalidIPAMRef(msg) try: network_ipam = obj_uuid_table.get( network_ipam_uuid, columns=['fq_name', 'prop:ipam_subnet_method']) except pycassa.NotFoundException as e: msg = ("Exception (%s)\n" "Invalid or non-existing " "UUID (%s)" % (e, network_ipam_uuid)) raise FQNStaleIndexError(msg) ipam_method = network_ipam.get('prop:ipam_subnet_method') if isinstance(ipam_method, str): ipam_method = json.loads(ipam_method) attr_dict = json.loads(attr_json_dict)['attr'] zero_prefix = {u'ip_prefix': u'', u'ip_prefix_len': 0} for subnet in attr_dict['ipam_subnets']: subnet.update([('ipam_method', ipam_method), ('nw_ipam_fq', network_ipam['fq_name'])]) if 'subnet' in subnet: subnet_dicts.append(subnet) if (ipam_method != 'flat-subnet' and 'subnet' in subnet): ua_subnet_dicts.append(subnet) elif (ipam_method == 'flat-subnet' and 'subnet_uuid' in subnet): # match fix for LP1646997 subnet.update([('subnet', zero_prefix)]) ua_subnet_dicts.append(subnet) if ipam_method == 'flat-subnet': ipam_subnets = obj_uuid_table.xget( network_ipam_uuid, column_start='propl:ipam_subnets:', column_finish='propl:ipam_subnets;') for _, subnet_unicode in ipam_subnets: sdict = json.loads(subnet_unicode) sdict.update([('ipam_method', ipam_method), ('nw_ipam_fq', network_ipam['fq_name'])]) subnet_dicts.append(sdict) return subnet_dicts, ua_subnet_dicts def _addr_alloc_process_ip_objects(self, cassandra_all_vns, duplicate_ips, ip_type, ip_uuids): logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] renamed_keys = [] if ip_type == 'instance-ip': addr_prop = 'prop:instance_ip_address' vn_is_ref = True elif ip_type == 'floating-ip': addr_prop = 'prop:floating_ip_address' vn_is_ref = False elif ip_type == 'alias-ip': addr_prop = 'prop:alias_ip_address' vn_is_ref = False else: raise Exception('Unknown ip type %s' % (ip_type)) # walk vn fqn index, pick default-gw/dns-server-addr # and set as present in cassandra obj_fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] def set_reserved_addrs_in_cassandra(vn_id, fq_name_str): if fq_name_str in cassandra_all_vns: # already parsed and handled return # find all subnets on this VN and add for later check subnets, _ = self.get_subnets(vn_id) cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str] = {} for subnet in subnets: try: sn_key = '%s/%s' % (subnet['subnet']['ip_prefix'], subnet['subnet']['ip_prefix_len']) gw = subnet.get('default_gateway') dns = subnet.get('dns_server_address') cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str][sn_key] = { 'ipam_method': subnet['ipam_method'], 'nw_ipam_fq': subnet['nw_ipam_fq'], 'start': subnet['subnet']['ip_prefix'], 'gw': gw, 'dns': dns, 'addrs': []} except KeyError as e: errmsg = ('Missing key (%s) in ipam-subnet (%s) for ' 'vn (%s)' % (e, subnet, vn_id)) raise SubnetUuidMissingError(errmsg) # end set_reserved_addrs_in_cassandra for fq_name_str_uuid, _ in obj_fq_name_table.xget('virtual_network'): fq_name_str = ':'.join(fq_name_str_uuid.split(':')[:-1]) vn_id = fq_name_str_uuid.split(':')[-1] set_reserved_addrs_in_cassandra(vn_id, fq_name_str) # end for all VNs def get_vn_ref(obj_cols): for col_name in list(obj_cols.keys()): mch = re.match('ref:virtual_network:(.*)', col_name) if mch: vn_uuid = return vn_uuid # get_vn_ref for ip_id in ip_uuids: # get addr ip_cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(ip_id)) if not ip_cols: errmsg = ('Missing object in uuid table for %s %s' % (ip_type, ip_id)) ret_errors.append(FQNStaleIndexError(errmsg)) continue try: ip_addr = json.loads(ip_cols[addr_prop]) except KeyError: errmsg = 'Missing ip addr in %s %s' % (ip_type, ip_id) ret_errors.append(IpAddressMissingError(errmsg)) continue # get vn uuid vn_id = None if vn_is_ref: vn_id = get_vn_ref(obj_cols=ip_cols) else: vn_fq_name_str = ':'.join(json.loads(ip_cols['fq_name'])[:-2]) if vn_fq_name_str: vn_cols = obj_fq_name_table.get( 'virtual_network', column_start='%s:' % (vn_fq_name_str), column_finish='%s;' % (vn_fq_name_str)) vn_id = list(vn_cols.keys())[0].split(':')[-1] else: # short fq_name case, get vn_id from parent object parent_type = json.loads(ip_cols.get('parent_type')) for key in ip_cols.keys(): if 'parent:%s' % parent_type in key: parent_id = key.split(':')[-1] parent_cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(parent_id)) vn_id = get_vn_ref(obj_cols=parent_cols) break if not vn_id: if ip_type == 'floating-ip': parent_type = json.loads(ip_cols.get('parent_type')) if parent_type != 'floating-ip-pool': # This is a k8s-assigned ip and not part of a floating ip pool continue ret_errors.append(VirtualNetworkMissingError( 'Missing VN in %s %s.' % (ip_type, ip_id))) continue try: col = obj_uuid_table.get(vn_id, columns=['fq_name']) except pycassa.NotFoundException: ret_errors.append(VirtualNetworkMissingError( 'Missing VN in %s %s.' % (ip_type, ip_id))) continue fq_name_str = ':'.join(json.loads(col['fq_name'])) if fq_name_str not in cassandra_all_vns: msg = ("Found IP %s %s on VN %s (%s) thats not in FQ NAME " "index" % (ip_type, ip_id, vn_id, fq_name_str)) ret_errors.append(FQNIndexMissingError(msg)) # find all subnets on this VN and add for later check set_reserved_addrs_in_cassandra(vn_id, fq_name_str) # end first encountering vn for sn_key in cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str]: if not IPAddress(ip_addr) in IPNetwork(sn_key): continue # gateway not locked on zk, we don't need it gw = cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str][sn_key]['gw'] if (gw and (gw != 'None')) and \ IPAddress(ip_addr) == IPAddress(gw): break addrs = cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str][sn_key]['addrs'] founded_ip_addr = [ip[0] for ip in addrs if ip[1] == ip_addr] if founded_ip_addr: duplicate_ips.setdefault(fq_name_str, {}).\ setdefault(sn_key, {}).\ setdefault(ip_addr, founded_ip_addr).append(ip_id) break else: addrs.append((ip_id, ip_addr)) if ('ipam_method' in cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str][sn_key] and cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str][sn_key]['ipam_method'] == 'flat-subnet' and 'nw_ipam_fq' in cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str][sn_key]): renamed_fq_name = ':'.join(json.loads( cassandra_all_vns[fq_name_str][sn_key]['nw_ipam_fq'] )) renamed_keys.append((fq_name_str, renamed_fq_name)) break else: errmsg = 'Missing subnet for ip %s %s' % (ip_type, ip_id) ret_errors.append(IpSubnetMissingError(errmsg)) # end handled the ip # end for all ip_uuids # replace VN ID with subnet ID if ipam-method is flat-subnet # and has IIP for (vn_id, sn_id) in renamed_keys: if vn_id in cassandra_all_vns: if sn_id in cassandra_all_vns: for key in cassandra_all_vns[vn_id]: try: cassandra_all_vns[sn_id][key]['addrs'].extend( cassandra_all_vns[vn_id][key]['addrs']) except KeyError: cassandra_all_vns[sn_id][key] = \ cassandra_all_vns[vn_id][key] else: cassandra_all_vns[sn_id] = copy.deepcopy( cassandra_all_vns[vn_id]) del cassandra_all_vns[vn_id] return ret_errors def _subnet_path_discovery(self, ret_errors, stale_zk_path): subnet_paths = set([]) def deep_path_discovery(path): try: IPNetwork(path.split(':', 3)[-1]) except AddrFormatError: try: suffixes = self._zk_client.get_children(path) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: self._logger.debug("ZK subnet path '%s' does not exits" % path) return if not suffixes: stale_zk_path.append(path) return for suffix in suffixes: deep_path_discovery('%s/%s' % (path, suffix)) else: subnet_paths.add(path) deep_path_discovery(self.base_subnet_zk_path) return subnet_paths def audit_subnet_addr_alloc(self): ret_errors = [] stale_zk_path = [] logger = self._logger zk_all_vns = {} logger.debug("Doing recursive zookeeper read from %s", self.base_subnet_zk_path) num_addrs = 0 for subnet_path in self._subnet_path_discovery( ret_errors, stale_zk_path): if subnet_path.startswith("%s/" % self.base_subnet_zk_path): vn_subnet_name = subnet_path[ len("%s/" % self.base_subnet_zk_path):] else: vn_subnet_name = subnet_path vn_fq_name_str = ':'.join(vn_subnet_name.split(':', 3)[:-1]) pfx = vn_subnet_name.split(':', 3)[-1] zk_all_vns.setdefault(vn_fq_name_str, {}) pfxlens = self._zk_client.get_children(subnet_path) if not pfxlens: zk_all_vns[vn_fq_name_str][pfx] = [] continue for pfxlen in pfxlens: subnet_key = '%s/%s' % (pfx, pfxlen) zk_all_vns[vn_fq_name_str][subnet_key] = [] addrs = self._zk_client.get_children( '%s/%s' % (subnet_path, pfxlen)) if not addrs: continue for addr in addrs: iip_uuid = self._zk_client.get( subnet_path + '/' + pfxlen + '/' + addr) if iip_uuid is not None: zk_all_vns[vn_fq_name_str][subnet_key].append( (iip_uuid[0], str(IPAddress(int(addr))))) num_addrs += 1 # end for all subnet paths logger.debug("Got %d networks %d addresses", len(zk_all_vns), num_addrs) logger.debug("Reading instance/floating-ip objects from cassandra") cassandra_all_vns = {} duplicate_ips = {} num_addrs = 0 fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] iip_rows = fq_name_table.xget('instance_ip') iip_uuids = [x.split(':')[-1] for x, _ in iip_rows] ret_errors.extend(self._addr_alloc_process_ip_objects( cassandra_all_vns, duplicate_ips, 'instance-ip', iip_uuids)) num_addrs += len(iip_uuids) fip_rows = fq_name_table.xget('floating_ip') fip_uuids = [x.split(':')[-1] for x, _ in fip_rows] ret_errors.extend(self._addr_alloc_process_ip_objects( cassandra_all_vns, duplicate_ips, 'floating-ip', fip_uuids)) num_addrs += len(fip_uuids) aip_rows = fq_name_table.xget('alias_ip') aip_uuids = [x.split(':')[-1] for x, _ in aip_rows] ret_errors.extend(self._addr_alloc_process_ip_objects( cassandra_all_vns, duplicate_ips, 'alias-ip', aip_uuids)) num_addrs += len(aip_uuids) logger.debug("Got %d networks %d addresses", len(cassandra_all_vns), num_addrs) return (zk_all_vns, cassandra_all_vns, duplicate_ips, ret_errors, stale_zk_path) def audit_orphan_resources(self): errors = [] logger = self._logger logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] orphan_resources = {} for obj_uuid, _ in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(obj_uuid)) obj_type = json.loads(cols.get('type', '"UnknownType"')) if 'parent_type' not in cols: logger.debug("ignoring '%s' as not parent type", obj_type) continue parent_type = json.loads(cols['parent_type']).replace('-', '_') parent_uuid = None for col_name in cols: if col_name.startswith('parent:%s:' % parent_type): parent_uuid = col_name.split(':')[-1] break try: obj_uuid_table.get(parent_uuid) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("%s %s parent does not exists. Should be %s %s" % (obj_type, obj_uuid, parent_type, parent_uuid)) errors.append(OrphanResourceError(msg)) orphan_resources.setdefault(obj_type, []).append(obj_uuid) return orphan_resources, errors def audit_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs(self): # System RT can have more than one RI back-ref if it is a LR's RT # - one RI back-ref per LR VMI and the RI corresponds to the VMI's RT # - one RI back-ref to the dedicated left VN RI used for SNAT stuff # if LR have a gateway # or the VN/RI it was allocated for is part of a service chain fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] sc_ri_fields = ['prop:service_chain_information', 'prop:ipv6_service_chain_information'] back_refs_to_remove = {} errors = [] rt_ri_backref_heals = [] for fq_name_uuid_str, _ in fq_name_table.xget('route_target'): fq_name_str, _, uuid = fq_name_uuid_str.rpartition(':') try: asn, id = _parse_rt(fq_name_str) except ValueError: continue if (asn != self.global_asn or id < get_bgp_rtgt_min_id(self.global_asn)): continue # Ignore user defined RT try: cols = uuid_table.xget(uuid, column_start='backref:', column_finish='backref;') except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': id} rt_zk_path = os.path.join(self.base_rtgt_id_zk_path, id_str) try: zk_fq_name_str = self._zk_client.get(rt_zk_path)[0] except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: msg = ("Cannot read zookeeper RT ID %s for RT %s(%s)" % (rt_zk_path, fq_name_str, uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue lr_uuids = [] ri_uuids = [] for col, _ in cols: if col.startswith('backref:logical_router:'): lr_uuids.append(col.rpartition(':')[-1]) elif col.startswith('backref:routing_instance:'): ri_uuids.append(col.rpartition(':')[-1]) if len(lr_uuids) > 1: msg = ("RT %s(%s) have more than one LR: %s" % (fq_name_str, uuid, ', '.join(lr_uuids))) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue elif not lr_uuids and len(ri_uuids) >= 1: # Not LR's RT, so need to clean stale RI back-ref # just keep back-ref to RI pointed by zookeeper # if the VN/RI is not part to a service chain try: zk_ri_fq_name_uuid_str = fq_name_table.get( 'routing_instance', column_start='%s:' % zk_fq_name_str, column_finish='%s;' % zk_fq_name_str, ) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue zk_ri_fq_name_str, _, zk_ri_uuid = zk_ri_fq_name_uuid_str.\ popitem()[0].rpartition(':') try: # TODO(ethuleau): check import and export ri_uuids.remove(zk_ri_uuid) except ValueError: # TODO(ethuleau): propose a heal method to add # missing RI back-refs msg = ("RT %s(%s) has no back-ref to the RI pointed by " "zookeeper %s(%s)" % (fq_name_str, uuid, zk_fq_name_str, zk_ri_uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) for ri_uuid in ri_uuids[:]: try: ri_cols = uuid_table.get( ri_uuid, columns=['fq_name'] + sc_ri_fields) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("Cannot read from cassandra RI %s of RT %s(%s)" % (ri_uuid, fq_name_str, uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue ri_fq_name = json.loads(ri_cols['fq_name']) is_ri_sc = (any(c in list(ri_cols.keys()) and ri_cols[c] for c in sc_ri_fields) and ri_fq_name[-1].startswith('service-')) if (is_ri_sc and ri_fq_name[:-1] == zk_ri_fq_name_str.split(':')[:-1]): # TODO(ethuleau): check corresponding SI and also if it # is exported only ri_uuids.remove(ri_uuid) elif len(lr_uuids) == 1: lr_uuid = lr_uuids[0] # check zookeeper pointed to that LR try: lr_cols = dict(uuid_table.xget(lr_uuid)) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("Cannot read from cassandra LR %s back-referenced " "by RT %s(%s) in zookeeper" % (lr_uuid, fq_name_str, uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue lr_fq_name = ':'.join(json.loads(lr_cols['fq_name'])) if zk_fq_name_str != lr_fq_name: msg = ("LR %s(%s) back-referenced does not correspond to " "the LR pointed by zookeeper %s for RT %s(%s)" % (lr_fq_name, lr_uuid, zk_fq_name_str, fq_name_str, uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue # check RI back-refs correspond to LR VMIs vmi_ris = [] for col, _ in list(lr_cols.items()): if col.startswith('ref:service_instance:'): # if LR have gateway and SNAT, RT have back-ref to SNAT # left VN's RI (only import LR's RT to that RI) si_uuid = col.rpartition(':')[-1] try: si_cols = uuid_table.get( si_uuid, columns=['fq_name']) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("Cannot read from cassandra SI %s of LR " "%s(%s) of RT %s(%s)" % (si_uuid, lr_fq_name, lr_uuid, fq_name_str, uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue si_fq_name = json.loads(si_cols['fq_name']) snat_ri_name = '%s_%s' % ( _VN_SNAT_PREFIX_NAME, si_fq_name[-1]) snat_ri_fq_name = si_fq_name[:-1] + 2 * [snat_ri_name] snat_ri_fq_name_str = ':'.join(snat_ri_fq_name) try: snat_ri_fq_name_uuid_str = fq_name_table.get( 'routing_instance', column_start='%s:' % snat_ri_fq_name_str, column_finish='%s;' % snat_ri_fq_name_str, ) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("Cannot read from cassandra SNAT RI %s of " "LR %s(%s) of RT %s(%s)" % (snat_ri_fq_name_str, lr_fq_name, lr_uuid, fq_name_str, uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue snat_ri_uuid = snat_ri_fq_name_uuid_str.popitem()[ 0].rpartition(':')[-1] try: ri_uuids.remove(snat_ri_uuid) # TODO(ethuleau): check only import except ValueError: # TODO(ethuleau): propose a heal method to add # missing RI back-refs msg = ("RT %s(%s) has no back-ref to the SNAT RI " "%s(%s) allocated for LR's %s(%s)" % (fq_name_str, uuid, snat_ri_fq_name_str, snat_ri_uuid, lr_fq_name, lr_uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue elif not col.startswith('ref:virtual_machine_interface:'): continue vmi_uuid = col.rpartition(':')[-1] try: vmi_cols = uuid_table.xget( vmi_uuid, column_start='ref:routing_instance:', column_finish='ref:routing_instance;') except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("Cannot read from cassandra VMI %s of LR " "%s(%s) of RT %s(%s)" % (vmi_uuid, lr_fq_name, lr_uuid, fq_name_str, uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) continue for col, _ in vmi_cols: vmi_ri_uuid = col.rpartition(':')[-1] try: # TODO(ethuleau): check import and export ri_uuids.remove(vmi_ri_uuid) except ValueError: msg = ("RT %s(%s) has no back-ref to the RI " "pointed by LR's %s(%s) VMI %s" % (fq_name_str, uuid, lr_fq_name, lr_uuid, vmi_uuid)) rt_ri_backref_heals.append((uuid, fq_name_str, vmi_ri_uuid)) self._logger.warning(msg) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) if ri_uuids: back_refs_to_remove[(fq_name_str, uuid)] = ri_uuids return errors, back_refs_to_remove, rt_ri_backref_heals def audit_aggregated_ethernet_id(self): logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] # read in aggregated-ethernet ids from zookeeper base_path = self.base_ae_id_zk_path logger.debug("Doing recursive zookeeper read from %s", base_path) zk_all_ae_id = {} try: prouters_with_ae_id = self._zk_client.get_children(base_path) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: prouters_with_ae_id = None for prouter_name in prouters_with_ae_id or []: prouter_path = base_path + '/' + prouter_name for ae_id in self._zk_client.get_children(prouter_path) or []: vpg_name = self._zk_client.get(prouter_path + '/' + ae_id)[0] if zk_all_ae_id.get(prouter_name) is None: zk_all_ae_id[prouter_name] = defaultdict(list) zk_all_ae_id[prouter_name][vpg_name].append(ae_id) # read in aggregated-ethernets from cassandra to get id+fq_name fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] cassandra_all_ae_id = {} logger.debug("Reading physical routers objects from cassandra") for fq_name_uuid_str, _ in fq_name_table.xget('physical_interface'): fq_name, _, pi_uuid = fq_name_uuid_str.rpartition(':') _, prouter_name, pi_name = fq_name.split(':') ae_id = None try: cols = uuid_table.xget(pi_uuid, column_start='backref:virtual_port_group:', column_finish='backref:virtual_port_group;') # Not more then one VPG for PI _, params = next(cols, (None, None)) if params: ae_id = json.loads(params)['attr']['ae_num'] except (pycassa.NotFoundException, KeyError, TypeError): continue if pi_name[:2] == 'ae' and pi_name[2:].isdigit() and \ int(pi_name[2:]) < AE_MAX_ID: ae_id = int(pi_name[2:]) if ae_id is not None: if cassandra_all_ae_id.get(prouter_name) is None: cassandra_all_ae_id[prouter_name] = {} cassandra_all_ae_id[prouter_name][pi_name] = ae_id ae_id_to_remove_from_zk = copy.deepcopy(zk_all_ae_id) logger.debug("Getting AE ID which need to be removed from zookeeper") for prouter, pi_to_ae_dict in zk_all_ae_id.items(): for vpg_name, ae_id_list in pi_to_ae_dict.items(): for ae_id_str in ae_id_list: ae_id = int(ae_id_str) if prouter in cassandra_all_ae_id and \ ae_id in cassandra_all_ae_id[prouter].values(): if ae_id_str in ae_id_to_remove_from_zk[prouter][vpg_name]: ae_id_to_remove_from_zk[prouter][vpg_name].remove(ae_id_str) if not ae_id_to_remove_from_zk[prouter][vpg_name]: del ae_id_to_remove_from_zk[prouter][vpg_name] if not ae_id_to_remove_from_zk[prouter]: del ae_id_to_remove_from_zk[prouter] return zk_all_ae_id, cassandra_all_ae_id, ae_id_to_remove_from_zk, \ ret_errors class DatabaseChecker(DatabaseManager): def checker(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] try: errors = func(*args, **kwargs) if not errors:'(v%s) Checker %s: Success', __version__, func.__name__) else: self._logger.error( '(v%s) Checker %s: Failed:\n%s\n', __version__, func.__name__, '\n'.join(e.msg for e in errors) ) return errors except Exception as e: string_buf = StringIO() cgitb_hook(file=string_buf, format="text") err_msg = string_buf.getvalue() self._logger.exception('(v%s) Checker %s: Exception, %s', __version__, func.__name__, err_msg) raise # end wrapper wrapper.__dict__['is_checker'] = True return wrapper # end checker @checker def check_zk_mode_and_node_count(self): """Displays error info about broken zk cluster.""" ret_errors = [] stats = {} modes = {} modes['leader'] = 0 modes['follower'] = 0 modes['standalone'] = 0 # Collect stats for server in self._api_args.zk_server_ip.split(','): try: zk_client = kazoo.client.KazooClient(server) zk_client.start() self._logger.debug("Issuing 'stat' on %s: ", server) stat_out = zk_client.command('stat') self._logger.debug("Got: %s" % (stat_out)) zk_client.stop() stats[server] = stat_out except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot get stats on zk node %s: %s" % (server, str(e)) ret_errors.append(ZkStandaloneError(msg)) # Check mode for stat_out in list(stats.values()): mode ='Mode:(.*)\n', stat_out).group(1).strip() modes[mode] += 1 n_zk_servers = len(self._api_args.zk_server_ip.split(',')) if n_zk_servers == 1: # good-case: 1 node in standalone if not modes['standalone'] == 1: err_msg = "Error, Single zookeeper server and modes %s." \ % (str(modes)) ret_errors.append(ZkStandaloneError(err_msg)) else: # good-case: 1 node in leader, >=1 in followers if (modes['leader'] == 1) and (modes['follower'] >= 1): pass # ok else: ret_errors.append(ZkFollowersError( "Error, Incorrect modes %s." % (str(modes)))) # Check node count node_counts = [] for stat_out in list(stats.values()): nc = int('Node count:(.*)\n', stat_out).group(1)) node_counts.append(nc) # all nodes should have same count, so set should have 1 elem if len(set(node_counts)) != 1: ret_errors.append(ZkNodeCountsError( "Error, Differing node counts %s." % (str(node_counts)))) return ret_errors # end check_zk_mode_and_node_count @checker def check_cassandra_keyspace_replication(self): """Displays error info about wrong replication factor in Cassandra.""" ret_errors = [] logger = self._logger socket_factory = pycassa.connection.default_socket_factory if ('cassandra_use_ssl' in self._api_args and self._api_args.cassandra_use_ssl): socket_factory = self._make_ssl_socket_factory( self._api_args.cassandra_ca_certs, validate=False) for server in self._cassandra_servers: try: sys_mgr = pycassa.SystemManager(server, socket_factory=socket_factory, credentials=self.creds) except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot connect to cassandra node %s: %s" % (server, str(e)) ret_errors.append(CassWrongRFError(msg)) continue for ks_name, _ in self._db_info: if self._api_args.cluster_id: full_ks_name = '%s_%s' % ( self._api_args.cluster_id, ks_name) else: full_ks_name = ks_name logger.debug("Reading keyspace properties for %s on %s: ", ks_name, server) ks_prop = sys_mgr.get_keyspace_properties(full_ks_name) logger.debug("Got %s", ks_prop) repl_factor = int( ks_prop['strategy_options']['replication_factor']) if (repl_factor != len(self._cassandra_servers)): errmsg = 'Incorrect replication factor %d for keyspace %s'\ % (repl_factor, ks_name) ret_errors.append(CassWrongRFError(errmsg)) return ret_errors # end check_cassandra_keyspace_replication def check_rabbitmq_queue(self): pass # end check_rabbitmq_queue @checker def check_fq_name_uuid_match(self): """Displays mismatch between obj-fq-name-table and obj-uuid-table in Cassandra.""" # ensure items in obj-fq-name-table match to obj-uuid-table ret_errors = [] logger = self._logger obj_fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] fq_name_table_all = [] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_fq_name_table") for obj_type, _ in obj_fq_name_table.get_range(column_count=1): for fq_name_str_uuid, _ in obj_fq_name_table.xget(obj_type): fq_name_str = ':'.join(fq_name_str_uuid.split(':')[:-1]) fq_name_str = cfgm_common.utils.decode_string(fq_name_str) obj_uuid = fq_name_str_uuid.split(':')[-1] fq_name_table_all.append((obj_type, fq_name_str, obj_uuid)) try: obj_cols = obj_uuid_table.get(obj_uuid, columns=['fq_name']) except pycassa.NotFoundException: ret_errors.append(FQNStaleIndexError( 'Missing object %s %s %s in uuid table' % (obj_uuid, obj_type, fq_name_str))) continue obj_fq_name_str = ':'.join(json.loads(obj_cols['fq_name'])) obj_fq_name_str = cfgm_common.utils.decode_string( obj_fq_name_str) if fq_name_str != obj_fq_name_str: ret_errors.append(FQNMismatchError( 'Mismatched FQ Name %s (index) vs %s (object)' % (fq_name_str, obj_fq_name_str))) # end for all objects in a type # end for all obj types logger.debug("Got %d objects", len(fq_name_table_all)) uuid_table_all = [] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") for obj_uuid, _ in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): try: cols = obj_uuid_table.get( obj_uuid, columns=['type', 'fq_name']) if 'type' and 'fq_name' not in cols: msg = ("'type' property of '%s' missing" % obj_uuid) ret_errors.append(MandatoryFieldsMissingError(msg)) continue except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("'type' and/or 'fq_name' properties of '%s' missing" % obj_uuid) ret_errors.append(MandatoryFieldsMissingError(msg)) continue obj_type = json.loads(cols['type']) fq_name_str = ':'.join(json.loads(cols['fq_name'])) fq_name_str = cfgm_common.utils.decode_string(fq_name_str) uuid_table_all.append((obj_type, fq_name_str, obj_uuid)) logger.debug("Got %d objects", len(uuid_table_all)) for extra in set(fq_name_table_all) - set(uuid_table_all): obj_type, fq_name_str, obj_uuid = extra ret_errors.append(FQNStaleIndexError( 'Stale index %s %s %s in obj_fq_name_table' % (obj_type, fq_name_str, obj_uuid))) for extra in set(uuid_table_all) - set(fq_name_table_all): obj_type, fq_name_str, obj_uuid = extra ret_errors.append(FQNIndexMissingError( 'Extra object %s %s %s in obj_uuid_table' % (obj_type, fq_name_str, obj_uuid))) return ret_errors # end check_fq_name_uuid_match @checker def check_duplicate_fq_name(self): logger = self._logger errors = [] fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_fq_name_table") logger.warning("Be careful, that check can return false positive " "errors if stale FQ names and stale resources were not " "cleaned before. Run at least commands " "'clean_obj_missing_mandatory_fields', " "'clean_orphan_resources' and 'clean_stale_fq_names' " "before.") resource_map = {} stale_fq_names = set([]) for obj_type, _ in fq_name_table.get_range(column_count=1): for fq_name_str_uuid, _ in fq_name_table.xget(obj_type): fq_name_str, _, uuid = fq_name_str_uuid.rpartition(':') try: obj = uuid_table.get(uuid, columns=['prop:id_perms']) created_at = json.loads(obj['prop:id_perms']).get( 'created', 'unknown') resource_map.setdefault(obj_type, {}).setdefault( fq_name_str, set([])).add((uuid, created_at)) except pycassa.NotFoundException: stale_fq_names.add(fq_name_str) if stale_fq_names:"Found stale fq_name index entry: %s. Use " "'clean_stale_fq_names' commands to repair that. " "Ignore it", ', '.join(stale_fq_names)) for type, type_map in list(resource_map.items()): for fq_name_str, uuids in list(type_map.items()): if len(uuids) != 1: msg = ("%s with FQ name '%s' is used by %d different " "objects: %s" % ( type.replace('_', ' ').title(), fq_name_str, len(uuids), ', '.join(['%s (created at %s)' % (u, c) for u, c in uuids]), )) errors.append(FqNameDuplicateError(msg)) return errors @checker def check_obj_mandatory_fields(self): """Displays missing mandatory fields of objects at obj-uuid-table in Cassandra.""" # ensure fq_name, type, uuid etc. exist ret_errors = [] logger = self._logger logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] num_objs = 0 num_bad_objs = 0 for obj_uuid, _ in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(obj_uuid)) num_objs += 1 for col_name in self.OBJ_MANDATORY_COLUMNS: if col_name in cols: continue num_bad_objs += 1 ret_errors.append(MandatoryFieldsMissingError( 'Error, obj %s missing column %s' % (obj_uuid, col_name))) logger.debug("Got %d objects %d with missing mandatory fields", num_objs, num_bad_objs) return ret_errors # end check_obj_mandatory_fields @checker def check_subnet_uuid(self): """Displays inconsistencies between useragent/obj-uuid-table for subnets, subnet uuids in Cassandra.""" # whether useragent subnet uuid and uuid in subnet property match ret_errors = [] ua_subnet_info, vnc_subnet_info, errors = self.audit_subnet_uuid() ret_errors.extend(errors) # check #subnets in useragent table vs #subnets in obj_uuid_table if len(list(ua_subnet_info.keys())) != len(list(vnc_subnet_info.keys())): ret_errors.append(SubnetCountMismatchError( "Mismatch #subnets useragent %d #subnets ipam-subnet %d" % (len(list(ua_subnet_info.keys())), len(list(vnc_subnet_info.keys()))))) # check if subnet-uuids match in useragent table vs obj_uuid_table extra_ua_subnets = set(ua_subnet_info.keys()) - set( vnc_subnet_info.keys()) if extra_ua_subnets: ret_errors.append(UseragentSubnetExtraError( "Extra useragent subnets %s" % (str(extra_ua_subnets)))) extra_vnc_subnets = set(vnc_subnet_info.keys()) - set( ua_subnet_info.keys()) if extra_vnc_subnets: ret_errors.append(UseragentSubnetMissingError( "Missing useragent subnets %s" % (extra_vnc_subnets))) return ret_errors # end check_subnet_uuid @checker def check_subnet_addr_alloc(self): """Displays inconsistencies between zk and cassandra for Ip's, Subnets and VN's.""" # whether ip allocated in subnet in zk match iip+fip in cassandra (zk_all_vns, cassandra_all_vns, duplicate_ips, ret_errors, stale_zk_path) = self.audit_subnet_addr_alloc() # check stale ZK subnet path for path in stale_zk_path: msg = ("ZK subnet path '%s' does ends with a valid IP network" % path) ret_errors.append(ZkSubnetPathInvalid(msg)) # check for differences in networks extra_vns = set(zk_all_vns.keys()) - set(cassandra_all_vns.keys()) # for a flat-network, cassandra has VN-ID as key while ZK has subnet # Are these extra VNs are due to flat-subnet? if extra_vns: for sn in extra_vns: # ensure Subnet is found ZK is empty if list(filter(bool, list(zk_all_vns[sn].values()))): errmsg = 'Extra VN in zookeeper (vs. cassandra) for %s' \ % (str(sn)) ret_errors.append(ZkVNExtraError(errmsg)) extra_vn = set() # Subnet lock path is not created until an IP is allocated into it for vn_key in set(cassandra_all_vns.keys()) - set(zk_all_vns.keys()): for sn_key, addrs in list(cassandra_all_vns[vn_key].items()): if addrs['addrs']: extra_vn.add(vn_key) if extra_vn: errmsg = 'Missing VN in zookeeper (vs.cassandra) for %s' \ % (str(extra_vn)) ret_errors.append(ZkVNMissingError(errmsg)) # check for differences in subnets zk_all_vn_sn = [] for vn_key, vn in list(zk_all_vns.items()): zk_all_vn_sn.extend([(vn_key, sn_key) for sn_key in vn]) cassandra_all_vn_sn = [] # ignore subnet without address and not lock in zk for vn_key, vn in list(cassandra_all_vns.items()): for sn_key, addrs in list(vn.items()): if not addrs['addrs']: if (vn_key not in zk_all_vns or sn_key not in zk_all_vns[vn_key]): continue cassandra_all_vn_sn.extend([(vn_key, sn_key)]) extra_vn_sns = set(zk_all_vn_sn) - set(cassandra_all_vn_sn) for extra_vn_sn in extra_vn_sns: # ensure the Subnet is found in Cassandra when # ZK keys and Cassandra keys mismatch if not any([extra_vn_sn[1] in sdict for sdict in list(cassandra_all_vns.values())]): errmsg = 'Extra VN/SN in zookeeper for %s' % (extra_vn_sn,) ret_errors.append(ZkSubnetExtraError(errmsg)) extra_vn_sn = set(cassandra_all_vn_sn) - set(zk_all_vn_sn) if extra_vn_sn: errmsg = 'Missing VN/SN in zookeeper for %s' % (extra_vn_sn) ret_errors.append(ZkSubnetMissingError(errmsg)) # Duplicate IPs for vn_key, vn in list(duplicate_ips.items()): for sn_key, subnet in list(vn.items()): for ip_addr, iip_uuids in list(subnet.items()): cols = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'].get( iip_uuids[0], columns=['type']) type = json.loads(cols['type']) msg = ("%s %s from VN %s and subnet %s is duplicated: %s" % (type.replace('_', ' ').title(), ip_addr, vn_key, sn_key, iip_uuids)) ret_errors.append(IpAddressDuplicateError(msg)) # check for differences in ip addresses for vn, sn_key in set(zk_all_vn_sn) & set(cassandra_all_vn_sn): sn_start = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['start'] sn_gw_ip = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['gw'] sn_dns = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['dns'] zk_ips = zk_all_vns[vn][sn_key] cassandra_ips = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['addrs'] extra_ips = set(zk_ips) - set(cassandra_ips) for iip_uuid, ip_addr in extra_ips: # ignore network, bcast and gateway ips if (IPAddress(ip_addr) == IPNetwork(sn_key).network or IPAddress(ip_addr) == IPNetwork(sn_key).broadcast): continue if (ip_addr == sn_gw_ip or ip_addr == sn_dns or ip_addr == sn_start): continue errmsg = ('Extra IP %s (IIP %s) in zookeeper for vn %s' % (ip_addr, iip_uuid, vn)) ret_errors.append(ZkIpExtraError(errmsg)) # end all zk extra ips extra_ips = set(cassandra_ips) - set(zk_ips) for iip_uuid, ip_addr in extra_ips: errmsg = ('Missing IP %s (IIP %s) in zookeeper for vn %s' % (ip_addr, iip_uuid, vn)) ret_errors.append(ZkIpMissingError(errmsg)) # end all cassandra extra ips # for all common VN/subnets return ret_errors # end check_subnet_addr_alloc @checker def check_route_targets_id(self): """Displays route targets ID inconsistencies between zk and cassandra. Route target IDs locked in the ZK database are considered as the source of trust. Config and Schema DB tables will be updated accordingly. Then in different cases, the ZK stale lock will be cleaned. """ ret_errors = [] logger = self._logger fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] zk_set, schema_set, config_set, malformed_set, _, errors =\ self.audit_route_targets_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) for fq_name_str, uuid in malformed_set: msg = ("The Route Target '%s' (%s) is malformed" % (fq_name_str, uuid)) ret_errors.append(RTMalformedError(msg)) extra = dict() [extra.setdefault(id, set()).add(fq) for id, fq in schema_set - zk_set] for id, res_fq_name_strs in list(extra.items()): msg = ("Extra Route Target ID in schema DB for ID %d, used by: " "%s" % (id, ', '.join(res_fq_name_strs))) ret_errors.append(SchemaRTgtIdExtraError(msg)) extra = dict() [extra.setdefault(id, set()).add(fq) for id, fq in config_set - zk_set] for id, res_fq_name_strs in list(extra.items()): msg = ("Extra Route Target ID in API server DB for ID %d, used " "by: %s" % (id, ', '.join(res_fq_name_strs))) ret_errors.append(ConfigRTgtIdExtraError(msg)) for id, res_fq_name_str in self.get_stale_zk_rt( zk_set, schema_set, config_set): msg = ("Extra route target ID in zookeeper for ID %s, used by: %s" % (id, res_fq_name_str)) ret_errors.append(ZkRTgtIdExtraError(msg)) return ret_errors # end check_route_targets_id @checker def check_virtual_networks_id(self): """Displays VN ID inconsistencies between zk and cassandra.""" ret_errors = [] zk_set, cassandra_set, errors, duplicate_ids, missing_ids =\ self.audit_virtual_networks_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) for vn_id, fq_name_uuids in list(duplicate_ids.items()): msg = "VN ID %s is duplicated between %s" % (vn_id, fq_name_uuids) ret_errors.append(VNDuplicateIdError(msg)) extra_vn_ids = zk_set - cassandra_set for vn_id, vn_fq_name_str in extra_vn_ids: errmsg = ('Extra VN IDs in zookeeper for vn %s %s' % (vn_fq_name_str, vn_id)) ret_errors.append(ZkVNIdExtraError(errmsg)) extra_vn_ids = cassandra_set - zk_set for vn_id, vn_fq_name_str in extra_vn_ids: errmsg = ('Missing VN IDs in zookeeper for vn %s %s' % (vn_fq_name_str, vn_id)) ret_errors.append(ZkVNIdMissingError(errmsg)) if missing_ids: msg = 'Missing VN IDs in cassandra for vn %s' % missing_ids ret_errors.append(VirtualNetworkIdMissingError(msg)) return ret_errors # end check_virtual_networks_id @checker def check_security_groups_id(self): """Displays Security group ID inconsistencies between zk and cassandra. """ ret_errors = [] zk_set, cassandra_set, errors, duplicate_ids, missing_ids =\ self.audit_security_groups_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) for sg_id, fq_name_uuids in list(duplicate_ids.items()): msg = "SG ID %s is duplicated between %s" % (sg_id, fq_name_uuids) ret_errors.append(SGDuplicateIdError(msg)) extra_sg_ids = zk_set - cassandra_set for sg_id, sg_fq_name_str in extra_sg_ids: errmsg = ('Extra SG IDs in zookeeper for sg %s %s' % (sg_fq_name_str, sg_id)) ret_errors.append(ZkSGIdExtraError(errmsg)) extra_sg_ids = cassandra_set - zk_set for sg_id, sg_fq_name_str in extra_sg_ids: errmsg = ('Missing SG IDs in zookeeper for sg %s %s' % (sg_fq_name_str, sg_id)) ret_errors.append(ZkSGIdMissingError(errmsg)) if missing_ids: msg = 'Missing SG IDs in cassandra for sg %s' % missing_ids ret_errors.append(VirtualNetworkIdMissingError(msg)) return ret_errors # end check_security_groups_id @checker def check_orphan_resources(self): """Displays orphaned entries in obj_uuid_table of cassandra.""" _, errors = self.audit_orphan_resources() return errors def check_schema_db_mismatch(self): # TODO detect all objects persisted that have discrepancy from # defined schema pass @checker def check_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs(self): errors, back_refs_to_remove, _ =\ self.audit_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs() for (rt_fq_name_str, rt_uuid), ri_uuids in list(back_refs_to_remove.items()): msg = ("Extra RI back-ref(s) %s from RT %s(%s)" % (', '.join(ri_uuids), rt_fq_name_str, rt_uuid)) errors.append(RTbackrefError(msg)) return errors @checker def check_aggregated_ethernet_id(self): """Displays additional (stale) aggregated ethernet ID in zk (vs cassandra).""" if not AE_MAX_ID: errmsg = 'Aggregated ethernet ID are not supported ' \ 'in this release. Checker was not ran.' return [NotSupportedError(errmsg)] _, _, ae_id_to_remove_from_zk, ret_errors = \ self.audit_aggregated_ethernet_id() for prouter, pi_to_ae_dict in ae_id_to_remove_from_zk.items(): for pi_name, ae_id_list in pi_to_ae_dict.items(): for ae_id_str in ae_id_list: ae_id = int(ae_id_str) errmsg = 'Additional AE ID %d in zookeeper (vs.cassandra) ' \ 'for virtual port group: %s connected to ' \ 'physical router: %s' \ % (ae_id, pi_name, prouter) ret_errors.append(AEIDZookeeperError(errmsg)) return ret_errors class DatabaseCleaner(DatabaseManager): def cleaner(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] try: errors = func(*args, **kwargs) if not errors:'(v%s) Cleaner %s: Success', __version__, func.__name__) else: self._logger.error( '(v%s) Cleaner %s: Failed:\n%s\n', __version__, func.__name__, '\n'.join(e.msg for e in errors), ) return errors except Exception as e: string_buf = StringIO() cgitb_hook(file=string_buf, format="text") err_msg = string_buf.getvalue() self._logger.exception('(v%s) Cleaner %s: Exception, %s', __version__, func.__name__, err_msg) raise # end wrapper wrapper.__dict__['is_cleaner'] = True return wrapper # end cleaner def _remove_config_object(self, type, uuids): uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] for uuid in uuids: try: cols = uuid_table.get(uuid, column_start='backref:', column_finish='backref;') for backref_str in list(cols.keys()): backref_uuid = backref_str.rpartition(':')[-1] ref_str = 'ref:%s:%s' % (type, uuid) try: uuid_table.remove(backref_uuid, columns=[ref_str]) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue except pycassa.NotFoundException: pass try: uuid_table.remove(uuid) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue @cleaner def clean_stale_fq_names(self, res_type=None): """Removes stale entries from obj_fq_name_table of cassandra.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_fq_name_table") if res_type is not None: iterator = ((type, None) for type in set(res_type)) else: iterator = obj_fq_name_table.get_range(column_count=1) for obj_type, _ in iterator: stale_cols = [] for fq_name_str_uuid, _ in obj_fq_name_table.xget(obj_type): obj_uuid = fq_name_str_uuid.split(':')[-1] try: obj_uuid_table.get(obj_uuid) except pycassa.NotFoundException:"Found stale fq_name index entry: %s", fq_name_str_uuid) stale_cols.append(fq_name_str_uuid) if stale_cols: if not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale %s fq_names: %s", obj_type, stale_cols) else:"Removing stale %s fq_names: %s", obj_type, stale_cols) obj_fq_name_table.remove(obj_type, columns=stale_cols) # TODO do same for zookeeper return ret_errors # end clean_stale_fq_names @cleaner def clean_stale_object(self): """Delete object in obj_uuid_table of cassandra for object with FQ name not correctly indexed by obj_fq_name_table.""" logger = self._logger errors = [] fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") # dict of set, key is row-key val is set of col-names fixups = {} for uuid, cols in uuid_table.get_range(columns=['type', 'fq_name']): type = json.loads(cols.get('type', "")) fq_name = json.loads(cols.get('fq_name', "")) if not type:"Unknown 'type' for object %s", uuid) continue if not fq_name:"Unknown 'fq_name' for object %s", uuid) continue fq_name_str = ':'.join(fq_name) try: fq_name_table.get(type, columns=['%s:%s' % (fq_name_str, uuid)]) except pycassa.NotFoundException: fixups.setdefault(type, {}).setdefault( fq_name_str, set([])).add(uuid) for type, fq_name_uuids in list(fixups.items()): for fq_name_str, uuids in list(fq_name_uuids.items()): # Check fq_name already used try: fq_name_uuid_str = fq_name_table.get( type, column_start='%s:' % fq_name_str, column_finish='%s;' % fq_name_str, ) fq_name_str, _, uuid = list(fq_name_uuid_str.keys())[0].\ rpartition(':') except pycassa.NotFoundException: # fq_name index does not exists, need to be healed continue # FQ name already there, check if it's a stale entry try: uuid_table.get(uuid, columns=['type']) # FQ name already use by an object, remove stale object if not self._args.execute:"Would remove %s object(s) which share FQ " "name '%s' used by '%s': %s", type.replace('_', ' ').title(), fq_name_str, uuid, ', '.join(uuids)) else:"Removing %s object(s) which share FQ " "name '%s' used by '%s': %s", type.replace('_', ' ').title(), fq_name_str, uuid, ', '.join(uuids)) bch = uuid_table.batch() [bch.remove(uuid) for uuid in uuids] bch.send() except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("Stale FQ name entry '%s', please run " "'clean_stale_fq_names' before trying to clean " "objects" % fq_name_str) logger.warning(msg) continue return errors @cleaner def clean_stale_back_refs(self): """Removes stale backref entries from obj_uuid_table of cassandra.""" return self._remove_stale_from_uuid_table('backref') # end clean_stale_back_refs @cleaner def clean_stale_refs(self): """Removes stale ref entries from obj_uuid_table of cassandra.""" return self._remove_stale_from_uuid_table('ref') # end clean_stale_refs @cleaner def clean_stale_children(self): """Removes stale children entries from obj_uuid_table of cassandra.""" return self._remove_stale_from_uuid_table('children') # end clean_stale_back_refs @cleaner def clean_obj_missing_mandatory_fields(self): """Removes stale resources which are missing mandatory fields from obj_uuid_table of cassandra.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") for obj_uuid, _ in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(obj_uuid)) missing_cols = set(self.OBJ_MANDATORY_COLUMNS) - set(cols.keys()) if not missing_cols: continue"Found object %s with missing columns %s", obj_uuid, missing_cols) if not self._args.execute:"Would removed object %s", obj_uuid) else:"Removing object %s", obj_uuid) obj_uuid_table.remove(obj_uuid) return ret_errors # end clean_obj_missing_mandatory_fields @cleaner def clean_vm_with_no_vmi(self): """Removes VM's without VMI from cassandra.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] stale_vm_uuids = [] logger.debug("Reading all VMs from obj_uuid_table") for obj_uuid, _ in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(obj_uuid)) obj_type = json.loads(cols.get('type', '""')) if not obj_type or obj_type != 'virtual_machine': continue vm_uuid = obj_uuid col_names = list(cols.keys()) if (any(['backref' in col_name for col_name in col_names]) or any(['children' in col_name for col_name in col_names])): continue"Found stale VM %s columns %s", vm_uuid, col_names) stale_vm_uuids.append(vm_uuid) logger.debug("Total %s VMs with no VMIs", len(stale_vm_uuids)) if stale_vm_uuids: for vm_uuid in stale_vm_uuids: if not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale VM %s", vm_uuid) else:"Removing stale VM %s", vm_uuid) obj_uuid_table.remove(vm_uuid) self.clean_stale_fq_names(['virtual_machine']) return ret_errors # end clean_vm_with_no_vmi @cleaner def clean_stale_route_target_id(self): """Removes stale RT ID's from route_target_table of cassandra and zk. Route target IDs locked in the ZK database are considered as the source of trust. Config and Schema DB tables will be updated accordingly. Then in different cases, the ZK stale lock will be cleaned. """ logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] rt_table = self._cf_dict['route_target_table'] zk_set, schema_set, config_set, malformed_set, stale_list, errors =\ self.audit_route_targets_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) # Remove malformed RT from config and schema keyspaces for fq_name_str, uuid in malformed_set: fq_name_uuid_str = '%s:%s' % (fq_name_str, uuid) if not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale route target %s (%s) in API " "server and schema cassandra keyspaces", fq_name_str, uuid) else:"Removing stale route target %s (%s) in API " "server and schema cassandra keyspaces", fq_name_str, uuid) self._remove_config_object('route_target', [uuid]) rt_table.remove(fq_name_str) fq_name_table.remove('route_target', columns=[fq_name_uuid_str]) for (fq_name_str, uuid, list_name), stale_rts in list(stale_list.items()): try: cols = uuid_table.get(uuid, columns=[list_name]) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue rts = set(json.loads(cols[list_name]).get('route_target', [])) if not rts & stale_rts: continue if not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale route target(s) '%s' in the " "%s of the Virtual Network or Logical Router " "%s(%s)", ','.join(stale_rts), list_name[5:].replace('_', ' '), fq_name_str, uuid) else:"Removing stale route target(s) '%s' in the %s of " "the Virtual Network or Logical Router %s(%s)", ','.join(stale_rts), list_name[5:].replace('_', ' '), fq_name_str, uuid) if not rts - stale_rts: uuid_table.remove(uuid, columns=[list_name]) else: cols = { list_name: json.dumps({ 'route_target': list(rts - stale_rts), }), } uuid_table.insert(uuid, cols) # Remove extra RT in Schema DB for id, res_fq_name_str in schema_set - zk_set: if not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale route target %s in schema " "cassandra keyspace", res_fq_name_str) else:"Removing stale route target %s in schema " "cassandra keyspace", res_fq_name_str) rt_table.remove(res_fq_name_str) # Remove extra RT in Config DB for id, _ in config_set - zk_set: fq_name_str = 'target:%d:%d' % (self.global_asn, id) try: cols = fq_name_table.get( 'route_target', column_start='%s:' % fq_name_str, column_finish='%s;' % fq_name_str, ) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue uuid = list(cols.keys())[0].rpartition(':')[-1] fq_name_uuid_str = '%s:%s' % (fq_name_str, uuid) if not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale route target %s (%s) in API " "server cassandra keyspace ", fq_name_str, uuid) else:"Removing stale route target %s (%s) in API " "server cassandra keyspace ", fq_name_str, uuid) self._remove_config_object('route_target', [uuid]) fq_name_table.remove('route_target', columns=[fq_name_uuid_str]) stale_zk_entry = self.get_stale_zk_rt(zk_set, schema_set, config_set) self._clean_zk_id_allocation( self.base_rtgt_id_zk_path, set([]), stale_zk_entry) if stale_zk_entry & schema_set and not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale route target(s) in schema " "cassandra keyspace: %s", ', '.join([f for _, f in stale_zk_entry])) elif stale_zk_entry & schema_set:"Removing stale route target(s) in schema cassandra " "keyspace: %s", ', '.join([f for _, f in stale_zk_entry])) bch = rt_table.batch() [bch.remove(key) for _, key in stale_zk_entry] bch.send() return ret_errors @cleaner def clean_stale_security_group_id(self): """Removes stale SG ID's from obj_uuid_table of cassandra and zk.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] zk_set, cassandra_set, errors, duplicate_ids, _ =\ self.audit_security_groups_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) self._clean_zk_id_allocation(self.base_sg_id_zk_path, cassandra_set, zk_set) path = '%s/%%s' % self.base_sg_id_zk_path uuids_to_deallocate = set() for id, fq_name_uuids in list(duplicate_ids.items()): id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': id} try: zk_fq_name_str = self._zk_client.get(path % id_str)[0] except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: zk_fq_name_str = None uuids_to_deallocate |= {uuid for fq_name_str, uuid in fq_name_uuids if fq_name_str != zk_fq_name_str} if not uuids_to_deallocate: return if not self._args.execute:"Would remove the security ID allocation to %d SG: %s", len(uuids_to_deallocate), uuids_to_deallocate) else:"Removing the security ID allocation to %d SG: %s", len(uuids_to_deallocate), uuids_to_deallocate) bch = obj_uuid_table.batch() [bch.remove(uuid, columns=['prop:security_group_id']) for uuid in uuids_to_deallocate] bch.send() return ret_errors # end clean_stale_security_group_id @cleaner def clean_stale_virtual_network_id(self): """Removes stale VN ID's from obj_uuid_table of cassandra and zk.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] zk_set, cassandra_set, errors, duplicate_ids, _ =\ self.audit_virtual_networks_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) self._clean_zk_id_allocation(self.base_vn_id_zk_path, cassandra_set, zk_set, id_oper='%%s - %d' % VN_ID_MIN_ALLOC) path = '%s/%%s' % self.base_vn_id_zk_path uuids_to_deallocate = set() for id, fq_name_uuids in list(duplicate_ids.items()): id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': id - VN_ID_MIN_ALLOC} try: zk_fq_name_str = self._zk_client.get(path % id_str)[0] except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: zk_fq_name_str = None uuids_to_deallocate |= {uuid for fq_name_str, uuid in fq_name_uuids if fq_name_str != zk_fq_name_str} if not uuids_to_deallocate: return if not self._args.execute:"Would remove the virtual network ID allocation to %d " "SG: %s", len(uuids_to_deallocate), uuids_to_deallocate) else:"Removing the virtual network ID allocation to %d SG: " "%s", len(uuids_to_deallocate), uuids_to_deallocate) bch = obj_uuid_table.batch() [bch.remove(uuid, columns=['prop:virtual_network_network_id']) for uuid in uuids_to_deallocate] bch.send() return ret_errors # end clean_stale_virtual_network_id @cleaner def clean_stale_subnet_uuid(self): """Removes stale UUID's from useragent_keyval_table of cassandra.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] ua_subnet_info, vnc_subnet_info, errors = self.audit_subnet_uuid() ret_errors.extend(errors) extra_ua_subnets = set(ua_subnet_info.keys()) - set( vnc_subnet_info.keys()) ua_kv_cf = self._cf_dict['useragent_keyval_table'] for subnet_uuid in extra_ua_subnets: subnet_key = ua_subnet_info[subnet_uuid] if not self._args.execute:"Would remove stale subnet uuid %s in useragent " "keyspace", subnet_uuid)"Would remove stale subnet key %s in useragent " "keyspace", subnet_key) else:"Removing stale subnet uuid %s in useragent " "keyspace", subnet_uuid) ua_kv_cf.remove(subnet_uuid)"Removing stale subnet key %s in useragent " "keyspace", subnet_key) ua_kv_cf.remove(subnet_key) # Since release 3.2, only subnet_id/subnet_key are store in # key/value store, the reverse was removed. Clean remaining key ua_kv_cf = self._cf_dict['useragent_keyval_table'] stale_kv = set([]) for key, cols in ua_kv_cf.get_range(): if self.KV_SUBNET_KEY_TO_UUID_MATCH.match(key): subnet_id = cols['value'] try: ua_kv_cf.get(subnet_id) except pycassa.NotFoundException: stale_kv.add(key) if stale_kv: if not self._args.execute:"Would remove stale subnet keys: %s", stale_kv) else:"Removing stale subnet keys: %s", stale_kv) bch = ua_kv_cf.batch() [bch.remove(key) for key in stale_kv] bch.send() return ret_errors # end clean_stale_subnet_uuid def _remove_stale_from_uuid_table(self, dangle_prefix): logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") for obj_uuid, _ in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(obj_uuid)) obj_type = json.loads(cols.get('type', '"UnknownType"')) fq_name = json.loads(cols.get('fq_name', '"UnknownFQN"')) stale_cols = [] for col_name in cols: if not col_name.startswith(dangle_prefix): continue _, _, dangle_check_uuid = col_name.split(':') try: obj_uuid_table.get(dangle_check_uuid) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("Found stale %s index: %s in %s (%s %s)" % (dangle_prefix, col_name, obj_uuid, obj_type, fq_name)) stale_cols.append(col_name) if stale_cols: if not self._args.execute:"Would remove stale %s: %s", dangle_prefix, stale_cols) else:"Removing stale %s: %s", dangle_prefix, stale_cols) obj_uuid_table.remove(obj_uuid, columns=stale_cols) return ret_errors # end _remove_stale_from_uuid_table def _clean_zk_id_allocation(self, zk_path, cassandra_set, zk_set, id_oper=None): logger = self._logger zk_path = '%s/%%s' % zk_path for id, fq_name_str in zk_set - cassandra_set: if id_oper is not None: id = eval(id_oper % id) id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': id} if not self._args.execute:"Would removed stale id %s for %s", zk_path % id_str, fq_name_str) else:"Removing stale id %s for %s", zk_path % id_str, fq_name_str) self._zk_client.delete(zk_path % id_str) @cleaner def clean_subnet_addr_alloc(self): """Removes extra VN's, subnets and IP's from zk.""" logger = self._logger (zk_all_vns, cassandra_all_vns, duplicate_ips, ret_errors, stale_zk_path) = self.audit_subnet_addr_alloc() for path in stale_zk_path: if not self._args.execute:"Would delete zk: %s", path) else:"Deleting zk path: %s", path) self._zk_client.delete(path, recursive=True) # Clean extra net in zk extra_vn = set(zk_all_vns.keys()) - set(cassandra_all_vns.keys()) # for a flat-network, cassandra has VN-ID as key while ZK has subnet # Are these extra VNs are due to flat-subnet? for vn in extra_vn: # Nothing to clean as VN in ZK has empty Subnet if not list(filter(bool, list(zk_all_vns[vn].values()))): logger.debug('Ignoring Empty VN (%s)' % vn) continue for sn_key in zk_all_vns[vn]: path = '%s/%s:%s' % (self.base_subnet_zk_path, vn, sn_key) if not self._args.execute:"Would delete zk: %s", path) else:"Deleting zk path: %s", path) self._zk_client.delete(path, recursive=True) zk_all_vns.pop(vn, None) zk_all_vn_sn = [] for vn_key, vn in list(zk_all_vns.items()): zk_all_vn_sn.extend([(vn_key, sn_key) for sn_key in vn]) cassandra_all_vn_sn = [] # ignore subnet without address and not lock in zk for vn_key, vn in list(cassandra_all_vns.items()): for sn_key, addrs in list(vn.items()): if not addrs['addrs']: if (vn_key not in zk_all_vns or sn_key not in zk_all_vns[vn_key]): continue cassandra_all_vn_sn.extend([(vn_key, sn_key)]) # Clean extra subnet in zk extra_vn_sn = set(zk_all_vn_sn) - set(cassandra_all_vn_sn) # Are these extra VNs are due to flat-subnet? for vn, sn_key in extra_vn_sn: # Ignore if SN is found in Cassandra VN keys if any([sn_key in sdict for sdict in list(cassandra_all_vns.values())]): logger.debug('Ignoring SN (%s) of VN (%s) ' 'found in cassandra' % (sn_key, vn)) continue path = '%s/%s:%s' % (self.base_subnet_zk_path, vn, sn_key) path_no_mask = '%s/%s:%s' % (self.base_subnet_zk_path, vn, sn_key.partition('/')[0]) if not self._args.execute:"Would delete zk: %s", path) else:"Deleting zk path: %s", path) self._zk_client.delete(path, recursive=True) if path_no_mask != path: self._zk_client.delete(path_no_mask, recursive=False) if vn in zk_all_vns: zk_all_vns[vn].pop(sn_key, None) # Check for extra IP addresses in zk for vn, sn_key in cassandra_all_vn_sn: if vn not in zk_all_vns or sn_key not in zk_all_vns[vn]: zk_ips = [] else: zk_ips = zk_all_vns[vn][sn_key] sn_start = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['start'] sn_gw_ip = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['gw'] sn_dns = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['dns'] cassandra_ips = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['addrs'] for ip_addr in set(zk_ips) - set(cassandra_ips): # ignore network, bcast and gateway ips if (IPAddress(ip_addr[1]) == IPNetwork(sn_key).network or IPAddress(ip_addr[1]) == IPNetwork(sn_key).broadcast): continue if (ip_addr[1] == sn_gw_ip or ip_addr[1] == sn_dns or ip_addr[1] == sn_start): continue ip_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': int(IPAddress(ip_addr[1]))} path = '%s/%s:%s/%s' % (self.base_subnet_zk_path, vn, sn_key, ip_str) if not self._args.execute:"Would delete zk: %s", path) else:"Deleting zk path: %s", path) self._zk_client.delete(path, recursive=True) @cleaner def clean_orphan_resources(self): """Removes extra VN's, subnets and IP's from zk.""" logger = self._logger orphan_resources, errors = self.audit_orphan_resources() if not orphan_resources: return if not self._args.execute:"Would delete orphan resources in Cassandra DB: %s", list(orphan_resources.items())) else:"Would delete orphan resources in Cassandra DB: %s", list(orphan_resources.items())) uuid_bch = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'].batch() for obj_type, obj_uuids in list(orphan_resources.items()): [uuid_bch.remove(obj_uuid) for obj_uuid in obj_uuids] uuid_bch.send() self.clean_stale_fq_names(list(orphan_resources.keys())) def _clean_if_mandatory_refs_missing(self, obj_type, mandatory_refs, ref_type='ref'): logger = self._logger fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading %s objects from cassandra", obj_type) uuids = [x.split(':')[-1] for x, _ in fq_name_table.xget(obj_type)] stale_uuids = [] for uuid in uuids: missing_refs = [] for ref in mandatory_refs: try: cols = obj_uuid_table.get( uuid, column_start='%s:%s:' % (ref_type, ref), column_finish='%s:%s;' % (ref_type, ref), ) except pycassa.NotFoundException: missing_refs.append(True) continue for col in cols: ref_uuid = col.split(':')[-1] try: obj_uuid_table.get(ref_uuid) except pycassa.NotFoundException: continue break else: missing_refs.append(True) continue missing_refs.append(False) break if all(missing_refs): stale_uuids.append(uuid) if not stale_uuids: return stale_uuids if not self._args.execute:"Would delete %d %s in Cassandra DB: %s", len(stale_uuids), obj_type, stale_uuids) else:"Deleting %d %s in Cassandra DB: %s", len(stale_uuids), obj_type, stale_uuids) uuid_bch = obj_uuid_table.batch() [uuid_bch.remove(uuid) for uuid in stale_uuids] uuid_bch.send() self.clean_stale_fq_names([obj_type]) return stale_uuids @cleaner def clean_stale_instance_ip(self): """Removes stale IIP's without virtual-network or virtual-machine-interface refs""" # Consider an IIP stale if the VN and VMI refs are in error self._clean_if_mandatory_refs_missing( 'instance_ip', ['virtual_machine_interface', 'virtual_network']) @cleaner def clean_stale_route_target(self): """Removes stale RT's without routing-instance or logical-router backrefs""" # Consider a RT stale if does not have a valid RI or LR backref(s) self._clean_if_mandatory_refs_missing( 'route_target', ['routing_instance', 'logical_router'], ref_type='backref', ) @cleaner def clean_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs(self): uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] errors, back_refs_to_remove, _ =\ self.audit_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs() for (rt_fq_name_str, rt_uuid), ri_uuids in list(back_refs_to_remove.items()): if not self._args.execute: "Would remove RI back-refs %s from RT %s(%s)", ', '.join(ri_uuids), rt_fq_name_str, rt_uuid) else: "Removing RI back-refs %s from RT %s(%s)", ', '.join(ri_uuids), rt_fq_name_str, rt_uuid) bch = uuid_table.batch() for ri_uuid in ri_uuids: bch.remove(ri_uuid, columns=['ref:route_target:%s' % rt_uuid]) bch.remove( rt_uuid, columns=['backref:routing_instance:%s' % ri_uuid]) bch.send() return errors @cleaner def clean_aggregated_ethernet_id(self): """Removes extra AE IDs from zk.""" if not AE_MAX_ID: errmsg = 'Aggregated ethernet ID are not supported ' \ 'in this release. Cleaner was not ran.' return [NotSupportedError(errmsg)] logger = self._logger _, _, ae_id_to_remove_from_zk, ret_errors = \ self.audit_aggregated_ethernet_id() base_path = self.base_ae_id_zk_path for prouter, pi_to_ae_dict in ae_id_to_remove_from_zk.items(): prouter_path = base_path + '/' + prouter for ae_id_list in pi_to_ae_dict.values(): for ae_id in ae_id_list: path = prouter_path + '/' + ae_id if not self._args.execute:"Would delete zk: %s", path) else:"Deleting zk path: %s", path) self._zk_client.delete(path) return ret_errors class DatabaseHealer(DatabaseManager): def healer(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] try: errors = func(*args, **kwargs) if not errors:'(v%s) Healer %s: Success', __version__, func.__name__) else: self._logger.error( '(v%s) Healer %s: Failed:\n%s\n', __version__, func.__name__, '\n'.join(e.msg for e in errors), ) return errors except Exception as e: string_buf = StringIO() cgitb_hook(file=string_buf, format="text") err_msg = string_buf.getvalue() self._logger.exception('(v%s) Healer %s: Exception, %s', __version__, func.__name__, err_msg) raise # end wrapper wrapper.__dict__['is_healer'] = True return wrapper # end healer @healer def heal_fq_name_index(self): """Creates missing rows/columns in obj_fq_name_table of cassandra for all entries found in obj_uuid_table if fq_name not used and only one founded object used that fq_name.""" logger = self._logger errors = [] fq_name_table = self._cf_dict['obj_fq_name_table'] uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") # dict of set, key is row-key val is set of col-names fixups = {} for uuid, cols in uuid_table.get_range( columns=['type', 'fq_name', 'prop:id_perms']): type = json.loads(cols.get('type', 'null')) fq_name = json.loads(cols.get('fq_name', 'null')) created_at = json.loads(cols['prop:id_perms']).get( 'created', '"unknown"') if not type:"Unknown 'type' for object %s", uuid) continue if not fq_name:"Unknown 'fq_name' for object %s", uuid) continue fq_name_str = ':'.join(fq_name) try: fq_name_table.get(type, columns=['%s:%s' % (fq_name_str, uuid)]) except pycassa.NotFoundException: fixups.setdefault(type, {}).setdefault( fq_name_str, set([])).add((uuid, created_at)) # for all objects in uuid table for type, fq_name_uuids in list(fixups.items()): for fq_name_str, uuids in list(fq_name_uuids.items()): try: fq_name_uuid_str = fq_name_table.get( type, column_start='%s:' % fq_name_str, column_finish='%s;' % fq_name_str, ) except pycassa.NotFoundException: if len(uuids) != 1: msg = ("%s FQ name '%s' is used by %d resources and " "not indexed: %s. Script cannot decide which " "one should be heal." % ( type.replace('_', ' ').title(), fq_name_str, len(uuids), ', '.join(['%s (created at %s)' % (u, c) for u, c in uuids]), )) errors.append(FqNameDuplicateError(msg)) continue fq_name_uuid_str = '%s:%s' % (fq_name_str, uuids.pop()[0]) if not self._args.execute:"Would insert FQ name index: %s %s", type, fq_name_uuid_str) else:"Inserting FQ name index: %s %s", type, fq_name_uuid_str) cols = {fq_name_uuid_str: json.dumps(None)} fq_name_table.insert(type, cols) continue # FQ name already there, check if it's a stale entry uuid = fq_name_uuid_str.popitem()[0].rpartition(':')[-1] try: uuid_table.get(uuid, columns=['type']) # FQ name already use by an object, remove stale object msg = ("%s FQ name entry '%s' already used by %s, please " "run 'clean_stale_object' to remove stale " "object(s): %s" % ( type.replace('_', ' ').title(), fq_name_str, uuid, ', '.join(['%s (created at %s)' % (u, c) for u, c in uuids]), )) logger.warning(msg) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = ("%s stale FQ name entry '%s', please run " "'clean_stale_fq_names' before trying to heal them" % (type.replace('_', ' ').title(), fq_name_str)) logger.warning(msg) return errors # end heal_fq_name_index def heal_back_ref_index(self): return [] # end heal_back_ref_index @healer def heal_lr_vmi_ri_rt_refs(self): """Heal method to add missing RT ref to RI and RI backref to RT.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] _, _, rt_ri_ref_list = self.audit_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs() bch = obj_uuid_table.batch() for rt_uuid, rt_fq_name_str, ri_uuid in rt_ri_ref_list: ri_obj = obj_uuid_table.xget(ri_uuid) rt_ref_col_name = 'ref:route_target:%s' % (rt_uuid) ri_val_dict = {"attr": {"import_export": "import"}} rt_col_val = {rt_ref_col_name:json.dumps(ri_val_dict)} ri_rt_backref_col = 'backref:routing_instance:%s' % (ri_uuid) rt_val_dict = {ri_rt_backref_col:json.dumps(ri_val_dict)} if self._args.execute:"Adding RT(%s) ref to RI(%s)" % (rt_uuid, ri_uuid)) bch.insert(ri_uuid, rt_col_val)"Adding RI(%s) backref to RT(%s)" % (ri_uuid, rt_uuid)) bch.insert(rt_uuid, rt_val_dict) else:"Would add RT(%s) ref to RI(%s)" % (rt_uuid, ri_uuid))"Would add RI(%s) backref to RT(%s)" % (ri_uuid, rt_uuid)) bch.send() @healer def heal_children_index(self): """Creates missing children index for parents in obj_fq_name_table of cassandra.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] logger.debug("Reading all objects from obj_uuid_table") # dict of set, key is parent row-key val is set of col-names fixups = {} for obj_uuid, cols in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): cols = dict(obj_uuid_table.xget(obj_uuid, column_start='parent:', column_finish='parent;')) if not cols: continue # no parent if len(cols) > 1:'Multiple parents %s for %s', cols, obj_uuid) continue parent_uuid = list(cols.keys())[0].split(':')[-1] try: _ = obj_uuid_table.get(parent_uuid) except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = "Missing parent %s for object %s" \ % (parent_uuid, obj_uuid) continue try: cols = obj_uuid_table.get(obj_uuid, columns=['type']) except pycassa.NotFoundException:"Missing type for object %s", obj_uuid) continue obj_type = json.loads(cols['type']) child_col = 'children:%s:%s' % (obj_type, obj_uuid) try: _ = obj_uuid_table.get(parent_uuid, columns=[child_col]) # found it, this object is indexed by parent fine continue except pycassa.NotFoundException: msg = "Found missing children index %s for parent %s" \ % (child_col, parent_uuid) fixups.setdefault(parent_uuid, []).append(child_col) # for all objects in uuid table for parent_uuid in fixups: cols = list(fixups[parent_uuid]) if not self._args.execute:"Would insert row/columns: %s %s", parent_uuid, cols) else:"Inserting row/columns: %s %s", parent_uuid, cols) obj_uuid_table.insert( parent_uuid, columns=dict((x, json.dumps(None)) for x in cols)) return ret_errors # end heal_children_index @healer def heal_subnet_uuid(self): """Creates missing subnet uuid in useragent_keyval_table of cassandra.""" logger = self._logger ret_errors = [] ua_subnet_info, vnc_subnet_info, errors = self.audit_subnet_uuid() ret_errors.extend(errors) missing_ua_subnets = set(vnc_subnet_info.keys()) - \ set(ua_subnet_info.keys()) ua_kv_cf = self._cf_dict['useragent_keyval_table'] for subnet_uuid in missing_ua_subnets: subnet_key = vnc_subnet_info[subnet_uuid] if not self._args.execute:"Would create stale subnet uuid %s -> %s in " "useragent keyspace", subnet_uuid, subnet_key) else:"Creating stale subnet uuid %s -> %s in " "useragent keyspace", subnet_uuid, subnet_key) ua_kv_cf.insert(subnet_uuid, {'value': subnet_key}) return ret_errors # end heal_subnet_uuid @healer def heal_virtual_networks_id(self): """Creates missing virtual-network id's in zk.""" ret_errors = [] zk_set, cassandra_set, errors, _, missing_ids =\ self.audit_virtual_networks_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) self._heal_zk_id_allocation(self.base_vn_id_zk_path, cassandra_set, zk_set, id_oper='%%s - %d' % VN_ID_MIN_ALLOC) # Initialize the virtual network ID allocator if missing_ids and not self._args.execute:"Would allocate VN ID to %s", missing_ids) elif missing_ids and self._args.execute: obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] if self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_enable: zk_client = ZookeeperClient( __name__, self._api_args.zk_server_ip, self._api_args.listen_ip_addr, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_enable, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_keyfile, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_certificate, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_ca_cert) else: zk_client = ZookeeperClient( __name__, self._api_args.zk_server_ip, self._api_args.listen_ip_addr) id_allocator = IndexAllocator( zk_client, '%s/' % self.base_vn_id_zk_path, 1 << 24) bch = obj_uuid_table.batch() for uuid, fq_name_str in missing_ids: vn_id = id_allocator.alloc(fq_name_str) + VN_ID_MIN_ALLOC"Allocating VN ID '%d' to %s (%s)", vn_id, fq_name_str, uuid) cols = {'prop:virtual_network_network_id': json.dumps(vn_id)} bch.insert(uuid, cols) bch.send() return ret_errors # end heal_virtual_networks_id @healer def heal_security_groups_id(self): """Creates missing security-group id's in zk.""" ret_errors = [] zk_set, cassandra_set, errors, _, missing_ids =\ self.audit_security_groups_id() ret_errors.extend(errors) self._heal_zk_id_allocation(self.base_sg_id_zk_path, cassandra_set, zk_set) # Initialize the security group ID allocator if missing_ids and not self._args.execute:"Would allocate SG ID to %s", missing_ids) elif missing_ids and self._args.execute: obj_uuid_table = self._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] if self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_enable: zk_client = ZookeeperClient( __name__, self._api_args.zk_server_ip, self._api_args.listen_ip_addr, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_enable, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_keyfile, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_certificate, self._api_args.zookeeper_ssl_ca_cert) else: zk_client = ZookeeperClient( __name__, self._api_args.zk_server_ip, self._api_args.listen_ip_addr) id_allocator = IndexAllocator(zk_client, '%s/' % self.base_sg_id_zk_path, 1 << 32) bch = obj_uuid_table.batch() for uuid, fq_name_str in missing_ids: sg_id = id_allocator.alloc(fq_name_str) + SG_ID_MIN_ALLOC"Allocating SG ID '%d' to %s (%s)", sg_id, fq_name_str, uuid) cols = {'prop:security_group_id': json.dumps(sg_id)} bch.insert(uuid, cols) bch.send() return ret_errors # end heal_security_groups_id def _heal_zk_id_allocation(self, zk_path, cassandra_set, zk_set, id_oper=None): logger = self._logger zk_path = '%s/%%s' % zk_path # Add missing IDs in zk for id, fq_name_str in cassandra_set - zk_set: if id_oper is not None: id = eval(id_oper % id) id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': id} if not self._args.execute: try: zk_fq_name_str = self._zk_client.get(zk_path % id_str)[0] if fq_name_str != zk_fq_name_str:"Would update id %s from %s to %s", zk_path % id_str, zk_fq_name_str, fq_name_str) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError:"Would add missing id %s for %s", zk_path % id_str, fq_name_str) else: try: zk_fq_name_str = self._zk_client.get(zk_path % id_str)[0] if fq_name_str != zk_fq_name_str:"Updating id %s from %s to %s", zk_path % id_str, zk_fq_name_str, fq_name_str) self._zk_client.delete(zk_path % id_str) self._zk_client.set(zk_path % id_str, str(fq_name_str)) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError:"Adding missing id %s for %s", zk_path % id_str, fq_name_str) self._zk_client.create(zk_path % id_str, str(fq_name_str)) @healer def heal_subnet_addr_alloc(self): """ Creates missing virtaul-networks, sunbets and instance-ips in zk.""" logger = self._logger zk_all_vns, cassandra_all_vns, _, ret_errors, _ =\ self.audit_subnet_addr_alloc() zk_all_vn_sn = [] for vn_key, vn in list(zk_all_vns.items()): zk_all_vn_sn.extend([(vn_key, sn_key) for sn_key in vn]) cassandra_all_vn_sn = [] # ignore subnet without address and not lock in zk for vn_key, vn in list(cassandra_all_vns.items()): for sn_key, addrs in list(vn.items()): if not addrs['addrs']: if (vn_key not in zk_all_vns or sn_key not in zk_all_vns[vn_key]): continue cassandra_all_vn_sn.extend([(vn_key, sn_key)]) # Re-create missing vn/subnet in zk for vn, sn_key in set(cassandra_all_vn_sn) - set(zk_all_vn_sn): for ip_addr in cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['addrs']: ip_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': int(IPAddress(ip_addr[1]))} path = '%s/%s:%s/%s' % (self.base_subnet_zk_path, vn, sn_key, ip_str) if not self._args.execute:"Would create zk: %s", path) else:"Creating zk path: %s", path) self._zk_client.create(path, ip_addr[0], makepath=True) # Re-create missing IP addresses in zk for vn, sn_key in cassandra_all_vn_sn: if vn not in zk_all_vns or sn_key not in zk_all_vns[vn]: zk_ips = [] else: zk_ips = zk_all_vns[vn][sn_key] cassandra_ips = cassandra_all_vns[vn][sn_key]['addrs'] for ip_addr in set(cassandra_ips) - set(zk_ips): ip_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': int(IPAddress(ip_addr[1]))} path = '%s/%s:%s/%s' % (self.base_subnet_zk_path, vn, sn_key, ip_str) if not self._args.execute:"Would create zk: %s %s", path, ip_addr) else:"Creating zk path: %s %s", path, ip_addr) try: self._zk_client.create(path, ip_addr[0], makepath=True) except kazoo.exceptions.NodeExistsError as e: iip_uuid = self._zk_client.get(path)[0] logger.warn("Creating zk path: %s (%s). " "Addr lock already exists for IIP %s", path, ip_addr, iip_uuid) pass return ret_errors # end class DatabaseCleaner def db_check(args, api_args): """Checks and displays all the inconsistencies in DB.""" vnc_cgitb.enable(format='text') db_checker = DatabaseChecker(args, api_args) # Mode and node count check across all nodes db_checker.check_zk_mode_and_node_count() db_checker.check_cassandra_keyspace_replication() # Obj UUID cassandra inconsistencies db_checker.check_obj_mandatory_fields() db_checker.check_orphan_resources() db_checker.check_fq_name_uuid_match() db_checker.check_duplicate_fq_name() # Resource link inconsistencies db_checker.check_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs() # ID allocation inconsistencies db_checker.check_subnet_uuid() db_checker.check_subnet_addr_alloc() db_checker.check_route_targets_id() db_checker.check_virtual_networks_id() db_checker.check_security_groups_id() if AE_MAX_ID: db_checker.check_aggregated_ethernet_id() # db_checker.check_schema_db_mismatch() # end db_check db_check.is_checker = True def db_clean(args, api_args): """Removes stale entries from DB's.""" vnc_cgitb.enable(format='text') db_cleaner = DatabaseCleaner(args, api_args) # Obj UUID cassandra inconsistencies db_cleaner.clean_obj_missing_mandatory_fields() db_cleaner.clean_orphan_resources() db_cleaner.clean_stale_fq_names() db_cleaner.clean_stale_object() db_cleaner.clean_vm_with_no_vmi() db_cleaner.clean_stale_route_target() db_cleaner.clean_route_targets_routing_instance_backrefs() db_cleaner.clean_stale_instance_ip() db_cleaner.clean_stale_back_refs() db_cleaner.clean_stale_refs() db_cleaner.clean_stale_children() # ID allocation inconsistencies db_cleaner.clean_stale_subnet_uuid() db_cleaner.clean_stale_route_target_id() db_cleaner.clean_stale_virtual_network_id() db_cleaner.clean_stale_security_group_id() db_cleaner.clean_subnet_addr_alloc() if AE_MAX_ID: db_cleaner.clean_aggregated_ethernet_id() # end db_clean db_clean.is_cleaner = True def db_heal(args, api_args): """Creates missing entries in DB's for all inconsistencies.""" vnc_cgitb.enable(format='text') db_healer = DatabaseHealer(args, api_args) # Obj UUID cassandra inconsistencies db_healer.heal_fq_name_index() db_healer.heal_back_ref_index() db_healer.heal_children_index() # ID allocation inconsistencies db_healer.heal_subnet_uuid() db_healer.heal_virtual_networks_id() db_healer.heal_security_groups_id() db_healer.heal_subnet_addr_alloc() # end db_heal db_heal.is_healer = True def db_touch_latest(args, api_args): vnc_cgitb.enable(format='text') db_mgr = DatabaseManager(args, api_args) obj_uuid_table = db_mgr._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'] for obj_uuid, cols in obj_uuid_table.get_range(column_count=1): db_mgr._cf_dict['obj_uuid_table'].insert( obj_uuid, columns={'META:latest_col_ts': json.dumps(None)}) # end db_touch_latest db_touch_latest.is_operation = True def main(): args, api_args = _parse_args(' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) verb = args.operation if 'db_%s' % (verb) in globals(): return globals()['db_%s' % (verb)](args, api_args) if getattr(DatabaseChecker, verb, None): db_checker = DatabaseChecker(args, api_args) return getattr(db_checker, verb)() if getattr(DatabaseCleaner, verb, None): db_cleaner = DatabaseCleaner(args, api_args) return getattr(db_cleaner, verb)() if getattr(DatabaseHealer, verb, None): db_healer = DatabaseHealer(args, api_args) return getattr(db_healer, verb)() print("Warning: Unknown operation '%s'\n\t Use --help" % verb) # end main if __name__ == '__main__': main()