# View Utility methods for Android ```Views```. ## [Delegates](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/delegation.html) Delegates for reading and writing arbitrary properties for a `View`. Delegates include: 1. `viewDelegate`: Read/write. Similar to the standard library `by map()`, lets you read/write properties from/to a `View` instance. Usage: ``` var ImageView.imageUrl by viewDelegate() ``` 2. viewBindingDelegate: Read/write. Similar to the standard library `by map()`, lets you read/write properties from/to a `ViewBinding` instance. Usage: ``` var UserBinding.user by viewDelegate() ``` ## ViewHider A utility class for quickly implementing the quick return pattern for ```View```'s that come into the screen and leave. Useful for Hiding ```Toolbars``` and ```FloatingActionButton```s. It uses the SpringAnimation from the Jetpack dynamic animations library. ## InsetFlags A utility class for consuming ```WindowInsets``` if you decide to. They describe what insets to consume for whatever class that uses them. ## View.popOver A utility method for popping any arbitrary ```View``` over an anchor View ## View.innermostFocusedChild A utility method that returns the deepest nested ```View``` that has focus