CECREMOTE - Changelog 0.9.7 *fix When returning from away mode, sometimes devices are not powered on correctly. 0.9.6 *change Libcec version update 3.0.0 0.9.5 *+ Add option to force physical address *+ Experimental support for reconnecting the adapter if preparing for sleep failed. 0.9.4 *fix Info button looping fix for some Philips TVs *change Libcec version update 2.1.4 0.9.3 *+ Improved away mode support *+ Stability improvements (for sleep/resume) *+ Support for using Media Portal volume controls to change AVR volume *change Libcec version update 2.1.3 0.9.2 *+ Support for away mode *+ Option to disable turning off devices if Media Portal is not the active source, when entering sleep *change Libcec version update (2.1.1) 0.9.1 *+ Added two new virtual buttons source activated and source deactivated *+ Lock access to libcec when connecting/disconnecting *+ Separate categories for actual and virtual buttons in mappings form *change Libcec version update (2.1.0) *fix Prevent occasional double connection attempts after computer resumes from sleep *fix Button repeat for Philips TVs (double presses can be prevented with "require delay between keys" -setting) 0.9.0 (beta) *+ Different settings for device wakeup/standby for different events (start, stop, sleep, resume) *+ Detect wake up by wake-up timer (powerscheduler) and allow users to set if devices should wake up *+ Rework of settings form *+ Setting to disable/enable some logging *+ Settings to change fast scrolling repeat rate and delay *+ Extensions plugin support for MediaPortal to change settings without leaving GUI *+ TvPowerOff virtual button, when tv is switched off *+ Setting to send TvPowerOff only if client is active source *+ Support for setting base device manually (if autodetect fails) *+ Disbale screensaver when button is pressed *change Test tab completely removed from settings, use up-to-date debugging tools instead *change Libcec version update (2.0.5) 0.8.3 *fix Combo key problems solved with custom libcec 2.0.4 for now *change Key duration values removed from test tab *change Double tap filtering done differently on client side, users now set desired timeout between key presses 0.8.2 *fix Interface now compatible with libcec 2.x (2.0.2 included) *fix Numeric up-down for filter delay not enabled after selection *fix Random crashing after resuming from sleep/hibernate *fix Setting AVR manually as active source crashes plugin (removed, now automatically set) 0.8.2 (alpha) *+ Filtering for short pulses (to prevent double key strokes) *+ Option to shutdown TV when MP stops *+ Option to power on TV when MP starts *fix Null reference problem after reconnect 0.8.1 (beta) *+ Setting for device type *+ Custom keymap settings *+ Initial version of fastscrolling feature *fix Re-connection issue after sleep/hibernate