# React IDE for Sublime This plugin contains some commands to assist in developing React components. - Switch between component and test - Switch between component and stylesheet - Make import for current file If the test isn't defined yet, the command will attempt to run [LazySpec](https://github.com/turadg/lazyspec) to autogenerate one. ## Related If you're using Atom, [Nuclide](https://nuclide.io/) is way better. I built this because I still prefer Sublime. If you want snippets, try [React Development Snippets](https://github.com/jeantimex/react-sublime-snippet). ## Caveats It makes some huge assumptions about how your files are organized. PRs welcomed to relax these. It doesn't yet support more than one project. ## Required configuration Open `Preferences > Package Settings > React IDE > Settings - User` and make it look like this: ``` { "src": "/Users//path/to/your/project/" } ``` (Note the trailing slash.) ## Installation ## ### Using Package Control ### WIP: https://github.com/wbond/package_control_channel/pull/6185 ### Without Package Control ### Navigate to your Sublime Text packages folder and git clone this project. #### MacOS #### "/Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text {2|3}/Packages" #### Windows #### "C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text {2|3}\Packages" ``` git clone https://github.com/turadg/sublime-react-ide.git ``` Sublime should pick up the changes automatically, without having to restart.