# # GoToMeeting turbo.me file # https://github.com/turboapps/turbome/tree/master/gotomeeting] # # Created with Turbo CMD version 1.4.2242.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ################################### # Meta tags ################################### meta title="GoToMeeting" meta namespace="gotomeeting" meta name="gotomeeting" ################################### # Pull dependency images ################################### using turbo/turboscript-tools:2016.2.2 ################################### # Download and install ################################### # Set working directory cmd mkdir c:\Workspace workdir c:\Workspace # Get download link batch cmd echo from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >> getDownloadLink.py echo import requests >> getDownloadLink.py echo parser = "html.parser" >> getDownloadLink.py echo hostname = "http://support.citrixonline.com" >> getDownloadLink.py echo landing_page = requests.get("{0}/en_US/meeting/all_files/G2M010013".format(hostname)).text >> getDownloadLink.py echo soup = BeautifulSoup(landing_page, parser) >> getDownloadLink.py echo download_page_url = soup.find("a", recursive=True, text="Install MSI")["href"] >> getDownloadLink.py echo download_page = requests.get(download_page_url).text >> getDownloadLink.py echo soup = BeautifulSoup(download_page, parser) >> getDownloadLink.py echo download_link = soup.find("a", recursive=True, text="click here")["href"] >> getDownloadLink.py echo print("\"{0}/{1}\"".format(hostname, download_link)) >> getDownloadLink.py cmd python getDownloadLink.py var url=last # Download and unpack cmd wget --no-check-certificate --quiet --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0" -O installer.zip %url% cmd 7z x installer.zip cmd dir /b | findstr msi > installer.txt cmd findstr "." installer.txt var installer=last # Install batch cmd msiexec /i %installer% G2MRUNATLOGON=false G2MPERFORMAVC=false /quiet timeout 30 /nobreak taskkill /im g2mstart.exe /T /F # Get version cmd dir /b "c:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\GoToMeeting" > buildNumber.txt cmd findstr "." buildNumber.txt var buildNumber=last cmd echo "c:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\GoToMeeting\%buildNumber%\g2mstart.exe" var launcher=last batch cmd copy c:\TurboBuildTools\PowerShell\Turbo c:\Workspace powershell -command ". c:\Workspace\Get-FileVersion.ps1; Get-FileVersion -Path ""%launcher%""" > image.txt cmd findstr "." image.txt var version = last meta tag = version ################################### # Clean up ################################### cmd powershell -command ". .\Remove-BuildTools.ps1; Remove-BuildTools" workdir c:\ cmd rmdir c:\Workspace /s /q cmd rmdir c:\TurboBuildTools /s /q ################################### # Version ################################### meta tag=version ################################### # Startup File ################################### startup file ("@PROGRAMFILESX86@\Citrix\GoToMeeting\" + buildNumber + "\g2mstart.exe")