apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: # use this yaml to create a config that kubeturbo will use to connect to the Turbo Server # requires Turbo Server and kubeturbo pod 6.4.3 and higher # Provide a value for the config name: and update namespace if needed name: turbo-config namespace: turbo data: # Update the values for version, turboServer, opsManagerUserName, opsManagerPassword # For version, use Turbo Server Version, even when running CWOM # The opsManagerUserName requires Turbo administrator role # # For targetConfig, targetName provides better group naming to identify k8s clusters in UI # - If no targetConfig is specified, a default targetName will be created from the apiserver URL in # the kubeconfig. # - Specify a targetName only will register a probe with type Kubernetes-, as well as # adding your cluster as a target with the name Kubernetes-. # - Specify a targetType only will register a probe without adding your cluster as a target. # The probe will appear as a Cloud Native probe in the UI with a type Kubernetes-. # # Define node groups by node role, and automatically enable placement policies to limit to 1 per host # DaemonSets are identified by default. Use daemonPodDetectors to identify by name patterns using regex or by namespace. # # The annotationWhitelist provides a mechanism for discovering annotations for kubernetes objects. # By default, no annotations are collected. In order to collect annotations, provide a regular # expression for each entity type for which the annotations are desired. # # serverMeta.proxy format for authenticated and non-authenticated "http://username:password@proxyserver:proxyport or http://proxyserver:proxyport" turbo.config: |- { "communicationConfig": { "serverMeta": { "version": "8.0", "turboServer": "https://" }, "restAPIConfig": { "opsManagerUserName": "", "opsManagerPassword": "" }, "sdkProtocolConfig": { "registrationTimeoutSec": 300, "restartOnRegistrationTimeout": false } }, "targetConfig": { "targetName": "whateverYouWant" }, "HANodeConfig": { "nodeRoles": [ "master" ] }, "annotationWhitelist": { "containerSpec": "", "namespace": "", "workloadController": "" } } # Autoreload configuration will be applied without pod restart but takes about 1 minute to take effect turbo-autoreload.config: |- { "logging": { "level": 2 }, "nodePoolSize": { "min": 1, "max": 1000 }, "daemonPodDetectors": { "namespaces": [""], "podNamePatterns": [""] }, "discovery": { "chunkSendDelayMillis": 0, "numObjectsPerChunk": 5000 } }