apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: xls.charts.helm.k8s.io annotations: "api-approved.kubernetes.io": "https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/pull/2703" spec: group: charts.helm.k8s.io names: kind: Xl listKind: XlList plural: xls singular: xl scope: Namespaced subresources: status: {} version: v1 versions: # Each version can be enabled/disabled by Served flag. # One and only one version must be marked as the storage version. - name: v1 served: true storage: true - name: v1alpha1 served: true storage: false validation: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object spec: type: object properties: x-templates: type: object description: |- Dummy object that will not be included in the installed research, due to its name ("x-" prefix marks this as an something to be processed by a YAML extension). We won't do that, but we can use this object as a container for reusable templates (YAML anchors) to be used later in the file. type: object properties: &dbComponentProperties dbSecretName: description: Name of secret containing DB credentials for this component type: string global: type: object description: Platform configuration options properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] registry: description: Global image registry name for pull secret type: string imageUsername: description: Global image registry username for pull secret type: string imagePassword: description: Global image registry password for pull secret type: string imagePullSecret: description: Global image registry pull secret instead of credentials type: string repository: description: Global container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: Global container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: Global image pull policy type: string customImageNames: description: Use custom image names type: boolean externalIP: description: Static external IP address for ingress LoadBalancer type: string externalConsul: description: DNS name for external consul server type: string externalConsulIP: description: IP address for external consul server type: string externalDBName: description: DNS name for external mysql compliant database server type: string externalDbIP: description: IP address for external mysql compliant database server type: string externalTimescaleDBName: description: DNS name for external postgresql/timescaledb database server type: string externalTimescaleDBIP: description: IP address for external postgresql/timescaledb compliant database server type: string externalPostgresName: description: DNS name for external postgresql database server type: string externalPostgresIP: description: IP address for external postgresql database server type: string externalInfluxDBName: description: DNS name for external influx database server type: string externalKafka: description: DNS name for external kafka server type: string externalKafkaIP: description: IP address for external kafka server type: string externalRedis: description: DNS name for external Redis server type: string externalRedisIP: description: IP address for external Redis server type: string externalSyslog: description: DNS name for external syslog server type: string nodeSelector: description: Global pod nodeSelector list type: object tolerations: description: Global pod tolerations array items: type: object type: array affinity: description: Global pod affinity list type: object annotations: description: Global pod annotations list type: object labels: description: Global pod labels list type: object serviceAnnotations: description: Global service annotations list type: object serviceLabels: description: Global service labels list type: object readinessPeriodSecs: description: Global pod readiness period in seconds type: integer readinessTimeoutSecs: description: Global pod readiness timeout in seconds type: integer javaBaseOptions: description: Global java options override type: string debug: description: Global debug type: boolean logtostdout: description: Send logs to stdout of each microservices globally type: boolean serviceAccountName: description: Global serviceAccountName type: string storageAnnotations: description: Global pvc annotations list type: object storageClassName: description: StorageClassName to be used for all persistent volume claims type: string storageSelector: description: Use StorageSelector for statically provisioned persistent volume type: boolean securityContext: description: Security Context for persistent volumes properties: fsGroup: description: Group ID used for persisent volumes globally. type: integer type: object ingress: description: Certificate Manager configuration options properties: domain: description: Optional wildcard domain to accept ingress requests for type: string annotations: description: Ingress service annotations list type: object secrets: description: Array of certificates to be created for the ingress items: properties: name: description: The name of the certificate secret type: string key: description: The cert key in pem format type: string certificate: description: The certificate in pem format type: string type: object type: array type: object certmanager: description: Certificate Manager configuration options properties: enabled: description: If set to true, use cert-manager type: boolean issuer: description: The name of the certification issuer type: string type: object elk: description: Install ELK stack type: boolean telemetry: type: object description: 'Configuration options related to collecting telemetry from the XL instance.' properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether the necessary components are there to collect telemetry and store it locally. For telemetry to be sent anywhere, the UI checkbox needs to also be checked.' secret: type: string description: 'An opaque token encapsulating one or more remote destinations for telemetry and the means to authenticate with them.' scrapeInterval: type: string description: 'How often to collect telemetry. Should be in the Prometheus duration format.' scrubbedLabels: type: string description: 'Space-delimited list of labels to remove from each telemetry record' scrubbedKafkaTopic: type: string description: 'Name of Kafka topic containing scrubbed telemetry records (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' shareTelemetry: type: string description: 'Overridden share telemetry mode: FORCE_ON, FORCE_OFF, or USER_CHOICE (default).' automatic: type: object description: 'Settings specific to automatic transmission of telemetry.' properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether to enable the subsystem responsible for automatic transmission of telemetry. For telemetry to be sent anywhere, the UI checkbox needs to also be checked.' connector_name: type: string description: 'The name of the Kinesis Kafka connector. WARNING: Changing this will cause all previously transmitted telemetry records to be retransmitted.' base_rate: type: integer description: 'Maximum transmission rate in bytes/second (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' batch_size: type: integer description: 'Maximum number of records to send per batch (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' batch_size_bytes: type: integer description: 'Maximum number of bytes per batch (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' cooldown_time: type: integer description: 'Backoff time in seconds after transmission error (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' decrease_factor: type: number description: 'Amount to scale transmission rate after a transmission error (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' error_retries: type: integer description: 'Number of times to retry after a transmisstion error (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' error_retry_delay: type: number description: 'Time in seconds to wait before retransmitting (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' increase_factor: type: number description: 'Amount to scale when attempting to increase transmission rate (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' log_level: type: string description: 'Logging level: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR' recovery_interval: type: integer description: 'Amount of time to wait before attempting to increase transmission rate (do not change unless instructed to by customer support).' frontEnd: type: object description: 'Settings specific to front-end telemetry.' properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether to enable the subsystem responsible for collection of font-end telemetry. For telemetry to be sent anywhere, the UI checkbox needs to also be checked.' plg: type: object description: Product Led Growth (PLG) configurations include AWS Prometheus parameters properties: enabled: description: If set to true will send metrics to AWS Prometheus remote endpoint type: boolean queue_config: type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: 'Number of samples to buffer per shard before we block reading of more samples from the WAL (write-ahead log). properties here correspond to the queue_config options at https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#remote_write' properties: max_samples_per_send: description: Max samples per send type: integer max_shards: description: Max shards configures the maximum number of shards, or parallelism, Prometheus will use for each remote write queue type: integer capacity: description: Capacity controls how many samples are queued in memory per shard before blocking reading from the WAL (write-ahead log) type: integer # Enable Platform nginxingress: properties: enabled: description: Enable nginx ingress type: boolean type: object openshiftingress: properties: enabled: description: Enable Openshift routes type: boolean type: object istioingress: properties: enabled: description: Enable istio ingress type: boolean routes: description: Additional istio routes properties: match: description: Istio match statement items: type: object type: array route: description: Istio route statement items: type: object type: array type: object type: object platform: properties: enabled: description: Enable platform components type: boolean type: object reporting: properties: enabled: description: Enable reporting components type: boolean type: object control: properties: enabled: description: Enable platform licensed components type: boolean type: object datacloud: properties: enabled: description: Enable datacloud collector type: boolean annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object graph: description: configuration for the graph collector type: object sevone: properties: transport: description: Sevone transport properties properties: settings: description: Sevone transport settings properties properties: DE_PROJECT_ID: description: Sevone datacloud project id type: string type: object type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object kubeturbo: properties: enabled: description: Enable kubeturbo for the local k8s cluster type: boolean type: object prometurbo: properties: enabled: description: Enable prometurbo for the local prometheus server type: boolean prometurbo: description: configuration for prometurbo container properties: resources: description: component resource configuration type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true type: object turbodif: description: configuration for turbodif container properties: resources: description: component resource configuration type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true type: object type: object metron: properties: enabled: description: Enable experimental time series data collection. type: boolean type: object # Configure platform consul: properties: persistence: description: consul persistence options properties: size: description: consul persistent volume size type: string type: object annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object db: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object persistence: description: MariaDB persistence options properties: size: description: MariaDB persistent volume size type: string type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object extractor: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object enabled: description: Enable extractor type: boolean enableAwsMsk: description: Enable MSK stream type: boolean logstash: properties: enabled: description: Enable logstash sending data to elastic search type: boolean type: object snowflake: properties: enabled: description: Enable snowflake-kafka-connect sending data to snowflake type: boolean type: object splunk: properties: enabled: description: Enable splunk-kafka-connect sending data to splunk type: boolean type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object metrics-processor: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object enabled: description: Enable metrics processor type: boolean image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object kinesis-kafka-connect: properties: enabled: description: Enable the Kinesis connector type: boolean connector: properties: config: description: Kinesis connector configuration overrides type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true type: object resources: description: component resource configuration type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true type: object influxdb: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object persistence: description: influxdb persistence options properties: size: description: influxdb persistent volume size type: string type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object kafka: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object java: description: kafka java options properties: options: description: kafka java options value type: string type: object persistence: description: kafka persistence options properties: size: description: kafka persistent volume size type: string type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object nginx: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object env: description: optional environment variables for syslog items: type: object type: array externalTrafficPolicy: description: define the external traffic policy for the nginx service, the default is Local type: string serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string httpsRedirect: description: true if non-SSL requests should be redirected to corresponding secure URLs type: boolean nginxIsPrimaryIngress: description: |- true if nginx is acting as primary ingress for the appliance (typical, e.g., of OVA installations), as opposed to being downstream of some other ingress mechanism as in something like an OpenShift deployemnt type: boolean insecureHttpOnly: description: |- true if non-SSL requests should NOT be redirected to corresponding secure URLs, even when nginx is acting as primary ingress. Only http port will be exposed. type: boolean tunnel: type: object properties: expose: type: boolean address: type: string description: the name that will be given to the exposed service workerConnections: description: Worker connections parameter type: integer workerProcesses: description: Worker processes parameter type: integer type: object rsyslog: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object env: description: optional environment variables for syslog items: type: object type: array persistence: description: rsyslog persistence options properties: logsize: description: influxdb log persistent volume size type: string auditsize: description: influxdb audit persistent volume size type: string type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string tunnel: type: object properties: expose: type: boolean address: type: string description: the name that will be given to the exposed service type: object zookeeper: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object # Enable suspend service suspend: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] enabled: description: Enable suspend components type: boolean annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object env: description: component environment variable type: array items: type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object persistence: description: Suspend persistence options properties: size: description: Suspend persistent volume size type: string type: object resources: description: component resource configuration type: object customizeConfigMap: description: allow customize configMap dynamically type: boolean serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object redis: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object env: description: component environment variable type: array items: type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object persistence: description: Redis persistence options properties: size: description: Redis persistent volume size type: string type: object resources: description: component resource configuration type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object tunnel: type: object properties: enabled: type: boolean mode: type: string description: Set the tunnel mode. 'client' for on-site, 'server' for SaaS enum: - client - server skupperSiteController: type: object properties: image: type: object properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string component: description: component name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string resources: description: component resource configuration type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true skupperServiceController: type: object properties: image: type: object properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string component: description: component name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string skupperConfigSync: type: object properties: image: type: object properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string component: description: component name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string skupperRouter: type: object properties: image: type: object properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string component: description: component name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string skupperSite: type: object properties: enabled: type: boolean config: type: object properties: name: type: string description: A name for the site console: type: boolean description: Enable skupper console console-authentication: type: string description: Authentication method enum: - openshift - internal - unsecured console-user: type: string description: Username for 'internal' option console-password: type: string description: password for 'internal' option console-ingress: type: string description: Determines if/how console is exposed outside cluster. If not specified uses value of 'ingress' enum: - route - loadbalancer - nodeport - none ingress: type: string description: Setup Skupper ingress specific type. If not specified route is used when available, otherwise loadbalancer is used enum: - route - loadbalancer - nodeport - none ingress-annotations: type: string description: "Annotations to add to skupper ingress separated by comma, e.g.: 'kubernetes.io/ingress.class=nginx'" ingress-host: type: string description: Hostname by which the ingress proxy can be reached routers: type: integer description: Number of router replicas to start minimum: 1 router-console: type: boolean description: Set up a Dispatch Router console (not recommended) router-debug-mode: type: boolean description: Enable debug mode for router router-logging: type: string description: Logging settings for router enum: - trace - debug - info - notice - warning - error router-mode: type: string description: Skupper router-mode enum: - interior - edge router-cpu: type: string description: CPU request for router pods router-memory: type: string description: Memory request for router pods router-cpu-limit: type: string description: CPU limit for router pods router-memory-limit: type: string description: Memory limit for router pods router-pod-affinity: type: string description: Pod affinity label matches to control placement of router pods router-pod-antiaffinity: type: string description: Pod antiaffinity label matches to control placement of router pods router-node-selector: type: string description: Node selector to control placement of router pods xp-router-max-frame-size: type: string description: Set max frame size on inter-router listeners/connectors xp-router-max-session-frames: type: string description: Set max session frames on inter-router listeners/connectors router-ingress-host: type: string description: Host through which node is accessible when using nodeport as ingress router-service-annotations: type: string description: Annotations to add to skupper router service router-load-balancer-ip: type: string description: Load balancer ip that will be used for router service, if supported by cloud provider service-controller: type: boolean description: Run the service controller service-sync: type: boolean description: Only relevant if the service controller is running. Determine if the service controller participates in service synchronization controller-cpu: type: string description: CPU request for controller pods controller-memory: type: string description: Memory request for controller pods controller-cpu-limit: type: string description: CPU limit for controller pods controller-memory-limit: type: string description: Memory limit for controller pods controller-pod-affinity: type: string description: Pod affinity label matches to control placement of controller pods controller-pod-antiaffinity: type: string description: Pod antiaffinity label matches to control placement of controller pods controller-node-selector: type: string description: Node selector to control placement of controller pods controller-ingress-host: type: string description: Host through which node is accessible when using nodeport as ingress controller-service-annotations: type: string description: Annotations to add to skupper controller service controller-load-balancer-ip: type: string description: Load balancer ip that will be used for controller service, if supported by cloud provider # Enable opensource observability loki: properties: enabled: description: Enable grafana loki type: boolean type: object promtail: properties: enabled: description: Enable promtail log collection type: boolean type: object fluent-bit: properties: enabled: description: Enable fluent log collection type: boolean type: object hydra: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] enabled: description: Enable hydra type: boolean deployment: description: component deployment configuration properties: resources: description: component resource configuration type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true type: object type: object prometheus: type: object description: Configuration options related to Prometheus and supporting services. properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether the Prometheus component(s) should be enabled. alertmanager: type: object description: Configuration of Alert Manager container and assiciated side-cars. properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether the Alert Manager pod should be created. useClusterRole: type: boolean description: Whether Alert Manager should use a cluster role and role binding. resources: type: object description: component resource configuration x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true configmapReload: type: object description: 'Configuration options related to side-cars responsible for keeping in-memory configuration in sync with one mounted as a file.' properties: alertmanager: type: object description: Configuration for alertmanager configmap-reload container properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether the Alert Manager configmap-reload side-car container should be created.' resources: description: component resource configuration type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true prometheus: type: object description: Configuration for prometheus configmap-reload container properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether the Prometheus server configmap-reload side-car container should be created.' resources: description: component resource configuration type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true nodeExporter: type: object description: Configuration of Node Exporter supporting component of Prometheus. properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether the Node Exporter daemon should be created.' resources: type: object description: component resource configuration x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true kube-state-metrics: type: object description: 'Configuration of Kube State Metrics exporter for Prometheus.' properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether Kube State Metrics pod should be created.' pushgateway: type: object description: Configuration of Push Gateway supporting component of Prometheus. properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether the Push Gateway pod should be created.' resources: type: object description: component resource configuration x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true server: type: object description: Configuration of Prometheus server container and assiciated side-cars. x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true properties: enabled: type: boolean description: 'Whether Prometheus server pod should be created.' useClusterRole: type: boolean description: 'Whether to use a cluster role and role binding for Prometheus server allowing it to scrape all namespaces.' outOfTheBoxScrapeConfigs: type: object description: 'Commonly used, predefined groups of scrape jobs that can be turned on and off.' properties: prometheus: type: object description: Scrape job for Prometheus server self-monitoring. properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether this group of targets should be scraped. kubernetes: type: object description: 'Scrape jobs for a wide variety of Kubernetes resources. they are intended to scrape the whole Kubernetes cluster.' properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether this group of targets should be scraped. xl: type: object description: Scrape jobs for monitoring the XL components. properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether this group of targets should be scraped. lightweight: type: boolean description: 'Whether to strip down jobs to the minimum needed for XL self-monitoring features, like turbo-on-turbo, or use the full version.' configManager: type: object description: 'Configuration for Prometheus Configuration Manager sidecar container.' properties: resources: type: object description: component resource configuration x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true kafkaAdapter: type: object description: Configuration for Prometheus-to-Kafka adapter sidecar container properties: resources: type: object description: component resource configuration x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true global: type: object description: Configuration common to all scrape jobs. properties: external_labels: type: object description: 'The labels to add to any time series or alert when communicating with external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager).' properties: tenant_id: description: tenant id from SSM type: string iui: description: IBM unique id from SSM type: string x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true resources: type: object description: resource configuration for server container x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true prometheus-mysql-exporter: properties: enabled: description: Enable prometheus mysql exporter type: boolean cloudsqlproxy: description: configuration for cloudsql-proxy properties: resources: description: resource configuration for cloudsql-proxy type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true type: object mysql: description: Enable prometheus mysql exporter properties: user: description: username for the mysql exporter type: string pass: description: password for the mysql exporter type: string type: object resources: description: resource configuration for prometheus-mysql-exporter type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true type: object grafana: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] enabled: description: Enable grafana type: boolean adminPassword: description: Configure grafana admin password type: string type: object chronograf: properties: enabled: description: Enable chronograf type: boolean type: object timescaledb: properties: enabled: description: Enable timescaledb with postgress backend type: boolean type: object postgres: properties: enabled: description: Enable postgres backend type: boolean type: object jaeger: properties: enabled: description: Enable jaeger tracing type: boolean type: object # Enable mediation actionscript: properties: enabled: description: Enable actionscript mediation type: boolean type: object actionstream-kafka: properties: enabled: description: Enable actionstream-kafka mediation type: boolean type: object appdynamics: properties: enabled: description: Enable AppDynamics mediation type: boolean type: object appinsights: properties: enabled: description: Enable Azure App Insights mediation type: boolean type: object aws: properties: enabled: description: Enable AWS mediation type: boolean metrics: properties: enabled: description: Enable AWS metrics adapter type: boolean type: object type: object awslambda: properties: enabled: description: Enable AWS Lambda mediation type: boolean type: object azure: properties: enabled: description: Enable Azure mediation type: boolean type: object baremetal: properties: enabled: description: Enable baremetal mediation type: boolean type: object compellent: properties: enabled: description: Enable Compellent mediation type: boolean type: object datadog: properties: enabled: description: Enable Datadog mediation type: boolean type: object dynatrace: properties: enabled: description: Enable Dynatrace mediation type: boolean type: object flexera: properties: enabled: description: Enable Flexera mediation type: boolean type: object gcp: properties: enabled: description: Enable GCP mediation type: boolean type: object hpe3par: properties: enabled: description: Enable HPE 3PAR mediation type: boolean type: object hds: properties: enabled: description: Enable Hitachi Data Systems mediation type: boolean type: object horizon: properties: enabled: description: Enable VMware Horizon mediation type: boolean type: object hyperflex: properties: enabled: description: Enable Hyperflex mediation type: boolean type: object hyperv: properties: enabled: description: Enable Microsoft HyperV mediation type: boolean type: object powervm: properties: enabled: description: Enable IBM PowerVM mediation type: boolean type: object server-power-modeler: properties: enabled: description: Enable Server power modeler type: boolean type: object ibmstorage-flashsystem: properties: enabled: description: Enable IBM FlashSystem mediation type: boolean type: object intersight: properties: enabled: description: Enable Cisco Intersight mediation type: boolean type: object instana: properties: enabled: description: Enable Instana mediation type: boolean type: object jboss: properties: enabled: description: Enable JBoss mediation type: boolean type: object jvm: properties: enabled: description: Enable Jvm mediation type: boolean type: object mssql: properties: enabled: description: Enable Microsoft SQL Server mediation type: boolean type: object mysql: properties: enabled: description: Enable MySQL Server mediation type: boolean type: object oracle: properties: enabled: description: Enable Oracle mediation type: boolean type: object netapp: properties: enabled: description: Enable NetApp mediation type: boolean type: object newrelic: properties: enabled: description: Enable New Relic mediation type: boolean type: object nutanix: properties: enabled: description: Enable Nutanix mediation type: boolean type: object oneview: properties: enabled: description: Enable HPE OneView mediation type: boolean type: object pure: properties: enabled: description: Enable Pure mediation type: boolean type: object rhv: properties: enabled: description: Enable Red Hat Virtualization mediation type: boolean type: object scaleio: properties: enabled: description: Enable EMC ScaleIO mediation type: boolean type: object snmp: properties: enabled: description: Enable SNMP mediation type: boolean type: object terraform: properties: enabled: description: Enable Terraform mediation type: boolean type: object tomat: properties: enabled: description: Enable Tomcat mediation type: boolean type: object ucs: properties: enabled: description: Enable Cisco UCS mediation type: boolean type: object ucsdirector: properties: enabled: description: Enable Cisco UCS Director mediation type: boolean type: object udt: properties: enabled: description: Enable User Defined Topology mediation type: boolean type: object vcenter: properties: enabled: description: Enable VMware vCenter mediation type: boolean type: object vmax: properties: enabled: description: Enable EMC VMAX mediation type: boolean type: object vmm: properties: enabled: description: Enable Microsoft VMM mediation type: boolean type: object vplex: properties: enabled: description: Enable EMC VPLEX mediation type: boolean type: object weblogic: properties: enabled: description: Enable Weblogic mediation type: boolean type: object websphere: properties: enabled: description: Enable WebSphere mediation type: boolean type: object wmi: properties: enabled: description: Enable WMI mediation type: boolean type: object xtremio: properties: enabled: description: Enable EMC XtremIO mediation type: boolean type: object xen: properties: enabled: description: Enable Xen mediation type: boolean type: object # Resource limits - Core Services action-orchestrator: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object ui: properties: enabled: description: Enable UI component type: boolean annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object type: object api: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object auth: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object client-network: properties: enabled: description: Enable client-network service type: boolean image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object type: object clustermgr: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object cost: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object group: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object history: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object metadata: properties: enabled: description: Enable Metadata Component type: boolean annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object market: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object plan-orchestrator: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object repository: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object topology-processor: properties: <<: [*dbComponentProperties] annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object # Resources limits - Probes mediation-actionscript: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-actionstream-kafka: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-appdynamics: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-appinsights: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-aws: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-awsbilling: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-awscloudbilling: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-awscost: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-awslambda: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azure: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azurecost: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azureea: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azurebilling: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azurepricing: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object metrics-adapter-aws-cloudwatch: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azureinfra: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azuresp: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-azurevolumes: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-baremetal: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-cloudfoundry: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-compellent: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-datadog: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-dynatrace: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-flexera: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-gcpsa: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-gcpproject: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-gcpcost: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-gcpbilling: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-gcpinfra: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-hds: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-horizon: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-hpe3par: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-hyperflex: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-hyperv: properties: winrm-proxy: description: winrm-proxy settings type: object properties: enabled: description: |- use winrm-proxy server to encrypt and decrypt all the messages sent over http type: boolean env: description: environment variables for winrm-proxy server type: object properties: logLevel: description: |- log level for winrm-proxy server, eg, debug, info, waring, error type: string serverWorker: description: how many request workers running in winrm-proxy server type: integer krbRenewHours: description: renew krb tickets after hours. type: integer connectionTimeoutSec: description: connection timeout for winrm-proxy. type: integer annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-powervm: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-ibmstorage-flashsystem: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-intersight: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-intersighthyperflex: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-intersightucs: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-instana: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-jvm: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-mssql: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-mysql: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-netapp: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-newrelic: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-nutanix: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-oneview: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-oracle: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-pure: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-rhv: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-scaleio: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-snmp: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-terraform: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-tomcat: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-ucs: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-ucsdirector: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-vcenter: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-vcenterbrowsing: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-vmax: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-vmm: properties: winrm-proxy: description: winrm-proxy settings type: object properties: enabled: description: |- use winrm-proxy server to encrypt and decrypt all the messages sent over http type: boolean env: description: environment variables for winrm-proxy server type: object properties: logLevel: description: |- log level for winrm-proxy server, eg, debug, info, waring, error type: string serverWorker: description: how many request workers running in winrm-proxy server type: integer krbRenewHours: description: renew krb tickets after hours. type: integer connectionTimeoutSec: description: connection timeout for winrm-proxy. type: integer annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-vplex: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-wmi: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-xtremio: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object mediation-xen: properties: annotations: description: component specific pod annotations list type: object image: description: component specific image options properties: repository: description: component container registry and repository name type: string tag: description: component container tag type: string pullPolicy: description: component image pull policy type: string type: object javaComponentOptions: description: component additional java options type: string debug: description: component debug type: boolean resources: description: component resource configuration properties: limits: description: component limits properties: memory: description: component memory limits type: string type: object type: object serviceAccountName: description: component serviceAccountName type: string type: object # Custom properties for component configuration properties: description: Custom property overrides properties: global: description: global property overrides properties: enableSecureDBConnection: description: Enable SSL connection to the mysql database type: boolean dbPort: description: Configure custom mysql database port type: integer type: object action-orchestrator: description: action-orchestrator property overrides properties: riskPropagationEnabled: description: Enable risk propagation type: boolean type: object api: description: api property overrides properties: samlEnabled: description: Enable SAML SSO type: boolean samlRegistrationId: description: A unique string identifier for the SSO type: string samlWebSsoEndpoint: description: The IDP web sso HTTP POST endpoint, it can be found in IDP metadata type: string samlEntityId: description: The IDP entity ID, it can be found in IDP metadata type: string samlSpEntityId: description: Audience URI (SP Entity ID) type: string samlIdpCertificate: description: The IDP X.509 certificate type: string openIdEnabled: description: Enable OpenID SSO type: boolean openIdClients: description: Array of OpenID clients such as “google”, “okta”, “ibm” type: string openIdClientAuthentication: description: OpenID clientAuthentication such as “basic”, “post”, “none” type: string openIdUserAuthentication: description: OpenID userAuthentication such as “header”, “form”, “query” type: string openIdClientId: description: A unique string identifier for the SSO client type: string openIdClientSecret: description: A secret string identifier for the SSO client type: string openIdIssuerLocation: description: URI for well-known endpoints type: string openIdAccessTokenUri: description: URI for the SSO provider Access Token endpoint type: string openIdUserAuthorizationUri: description: URI for the SSO provider Authorization endpoint type: string openIdUserInfoUri: description: URI for the SSO provider UserInfo endpoint type: string openIdJwkSetUri: description: URI for the SSO provider JWK certificate endpoint type: string type: object auth: description: auth property overrides type: object cost: description: cost property overrides type: object group: description: group property overrides type: object history: description: history property overrides type: object metadata: description: metadata property overrides type: object plan-orchestrator: description: plan-orchestrator property overrides type: object topology-processor: description: topology-processor property overrides type: object repository: description: repository property overrides properties: showGuestLoad: description: Show GuestLoad entities type: boolean useSqlForPlans: description: Store plan data in MySQL instead of ArangoDB. type: boolean type: object rsyslog: description: rsyslog property overrides properties: logMaxFiles: description: Maximum number of log files retained type: integer logMaxSize: description: Maximum size of log file in bytes before getting rotated type: integer type: object type: object