Except as required by other licenses, all code in this VGMComp2 is hereby released to the Public Domain. The original author disclaims all responsibility and all liability for this software, in return, you are free to use it for any purpose your greedy little paws desire. ;) But, if you care to give me a thanks in your production, "Tursi" will do. ;) Current Exceptions: Players/PCAY and the resulting PCAY.exe are required to be licensed as GPL version 2, because GPL trumps all. You'll find the required "COPYING" file in that folder. This was because I didn't want to write an AY chip emulator. Players/PCSID and the resulting PCSID.exe are required to be licensed as GPL version 2, because GPL trumps all. You'll find the required "COPYING" file in that folder. This was because I didn't want to write a SID chip emulator. That said, the shared /CPlayer/ files are therefore dual licensed - GPLv2 when part of PCAY or PCSID and Public Domain when they are not. :p mod2psg and the resulting mod2psg.exe contain KISS-FFT by Mark Borgerding, and his copyright notice must be included. See mod2psg\kissfft\BSD-3-Clause. Obviously my PD assertion does not apply to KISS-FFT. sid2psg contains csid, which is licensed under the "WTF" license, which simply requests that I mention it was created by Hermit (Mihaly Horvath). It's thus not quite PD. Unfortunately his website seems to be gone. Thank you Hermit! voice2psg includes the GPLv3 library GIST, and therefore that application is under the GPLv3 license as well, because GPLv3 ensured that even libraries can dominate the application they are included in. vgm_md2psg uses the YM2612 emulator from Gens-Kmod, which enforces a GPLv2 license on this tool. It is, of course, somewhat modified for my uses here. NOTE NOTE! The author disclaims all liability for your use of this code! I don't know what kind of world-changing cancer-curing feline-stroking evil good deed you are able to do with a retro 8-bit music player, but it's not on me. If that's not acceptable, then I don't give you permission to use this code. Take responsibility for yourself, damn it! ;)