# Java Import Made Easy (JavaIME) ## About This Sublime text package makes it easy to import virtually all Java packages, gives method completion suggestions for java methods, easily instantiate objects and create action listener methods. > Check out [Intellekt plugin](https://github.com/tushortz/intellekt). It is meant to support various languages including Java and should originally be a replacement for JavaIME. It provides intellisense and code documentation features for Java and other languages. ## Screenshot ![Java Import Made Easy {JavaIME}](./preview.gif) ## How to Use You can use a lot of JavaIME features in the following ways. ### Example #### Import > Note you can also press ENTER rather than TAB To import the *java.utils.Collections package*, type **COLLECTIONS** in *(uppercase)*. Suggestions should already be popping up then press *TAB* to select. The package will be automatically imported. #### Auto-Complete listener interfaces To show a listener interface completion, type **L-** followed by the listener interface name. e.g. **L-Focus** TAB should show ```java FocusListener ``` #### Class Instance Type **I-class name** e.g. **I-Scanner** should show ```java Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); ``` #### Listener Events Type **E-** followed by event and press tab. e.g. **E-act** then press TAB should show ```java public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ // contents } ``` #### Try Catch You can also press **try** then TAB to get ```java try { } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println(err.getMessage()); } ``` #### Methods Methods pop up by default so you can just press TAB or ENTER. #### Static properties Type **S-** followed by method name. e.g. Type **s-magenta** then TAB to get MAGENTA #### class declaration * pc -> generates a public class declaration * pcm -> generates the public class declaration with a main method * pcc -> generates the public class declaration with a constructor * pccm -> generates the public class declaration with a main method and constructor * pcfx -> generates a public class declaration for JavaFX and a main method. ##### Example > Assume we have a file named Test.java Typing **pc** then `TAB` or `ENTER` should produce ``` java public class Test { } ``` Typing **pcc** then `TAB` or `ENTER` should produce ``` java public class Test { // Constructor public Test(){ } } ``` Typing **pcm** then `TAB` or `ENTER` should produce ``` java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ } } ``` Typing **pcfx** then `TAB` or `ENTER` should produce ``` java public class Test extends Application{ @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { // Contents } public static void main(String[] args){ launch(args); } } ``` > ... and so on! ## Installation > Important: You need to have `Package Control` installed first on your sublime text which can be found at [The Package Contol Website](http://packagecontrol.io) ### Using Package Control's Repository Go to `Preferences` --> `Package Control` --> `Add Repository` --> then type into the textbox `https://github.com/tushortz/JavaIME` After doing this, then go to: `Preferences` --> `Package Control` --> `Install Package` --> then search `JavaIME` and click it. The package will be installed and ready for use. ### Using Git Locate your Sublime Text 2 `Packages` directory by using the menu item `Preferences -> Browse Packages...`. While inside the `Packages` directory, clone the theme repository using the command below: git clone https://github.com/tushortz/JavaIME.git ### Download Manually * Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option * Unzip the files * Copy the folder to your Sublime Text `Packages` directory ## Contributing All contributions are welcome. fork me on [Github](https://github.com/tushortz/JavaIME) and create a `pull` request. Any suggestions or bugs, please let me know. ## License © 2015 Taiwo Kareem | taiwo.kareem36@gmail.com. Read **license.txt** ## Acknowledgements I'd first like to say a very big thank you to God my creator. Without him, this wouldn't be possible.