# Wildlife Theme This is a sublime linter theme that saves you the annoyance of the default Error/warning gutter theme. ### Features Comes with five different lints. #### Animals * Fox --> error * cat --> warning ![preview preview](preview/animal.png) #### Fruits * Apple --> error * Banana --> warning ![Fruits preview](preview/fruit.png) #### Gems * Ruby --> error * Sapphire --> warning ![Fruits preview](preview/gems.png) #### Insects * Ladybird --> error * Bee --> warning ![Insects preview](preview/insect.png) #### Planetary bodies * Sun --> error * Moon --> warning ![Solar preview](preview/solar.png) ## Installation Open `Tools -> Command Palette...`. Search for `Package Control: Install Package` and then search for `SublimeLinter_WildlifeTheme` Open Sublime's command palette `CMD + Shift + P` or `Ctrl + Shift + P` Select `SublimeLinter: Choose Gutter Theme` Find Wildlife themes in list To get a better experience, combine it with the Wildlife theme. > This gutter theme is not needed if you already have [Wildlife](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Wildlife) color scheme **v2.0.0** and above as it already comes with it + configurations so you do not have to do any editing. It also has over 100 language syntax highlighting capabilities. ## Acknowledgements All glory belongs to God.