--[[ mtv.ch Copyright (C) 2015,2019,2020 Jacek Jendrzej 'satbaby' With Help from: Thomas(2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020),Dosik7(2017),BPanther(2018) License: GPL This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]] local glob = {} local mtv_version="mtv.de Version 0.37" -- Lua API Version: " .. APIVERSION.MAJOR .. "." .. APIVERSION.MINOR local n = neutrino() local conf = {} local on="ein" local off="aus" function get_confFile() return "/var/tuxbox/config/mtv.conf" end function get_conf_mtvfavFile() return "/var/tuxbox/config/mtvfav.conf" end function hideMenu(menu) if menu ~= nil then menu:hide() end end function setvar(k, v) if v and #v > 0 then conf[k]=v conf.changed = true end end function file_exists(file) local fh = filehelpers.new() if fh then return fh:exist(file, "f") else return false end end function saveConfig() if conf.changed then local config = configfile.new() config:setString("path", conf.path) config:setString("path_m3u", conf.path_m3u) config:setBool ("dlflag",conf.dlflag) config:setBool ("flvflag",conf.flvflag) config:setBool ("hlsflag",conf.hlsflag) config:setBool ("playflvflag",conf.playflvflag) config:setBool ("shuffleflag",conf.shuffleflag) config:setString("maxRes", conf.maxRes) config:setString("search", conf.search) config:saveConfig(get_confFile()) conf.changed = false end if glob.fav_changed == true then local file_mtvconf=io.open(get_conf_mtvfavFile(),"w") for k, v in ipairs(glob.mtv) do if v.fav == true then file_mtvconf:write('name="'.. v.name ..'",url="'.. v.url ..'"\n') end end file_mtvconf:close() end end function loadConfig() local config = configfile.new() config:loadConfig(get_confFile()) conf.path = config:getString("path", "/media/sda1/movies/") conf.path_m3u = config:getString("path_m3u", "/media/sda1/movies/") conf.dlflag = config:getBool("dlflag", false) conf.flvflag = config:getBool("flvflag", false) conf.hlsflag = config:getBool("hlsflag", true) --hls as default, rtmp server is broken??? conf.playflvflag = config:getBool("playflvflag", false) conf.shuffleflag = config:getBool("shuffleflag", false) conf.maxRes = config:getString("maxRes", "1280x720") conf.search = config:getString("search", "Justin Bieber") conf.changed = false end function which(bin_name) local path = os.getenv("PATH") or "/bin" for v in path:gmatch("([^:]+):?") do local file = v .. "/" .. bin_name if file_exists(file) then return true end end return false end function read_file(filename) if filename == nil then print("Error: FileName is empty") return nil end local fp = io.open(filename, "r") if fp == nil then print("Error opening file '" .. filename .. "'.") return nil end local data = fp:read("*a") fp:close() return data end function get_json_data(url) local data = getdata(url) if data == nil then return nil end local videosection = string.match(data,"triforceManifestFeed = (.-});") if glob.mtv_live_url == nil then glob.mtv_live_url = data:match("(http[%w%./:]+mtv%-germany%-live)") end data = nil collectgarbage() return videosection end function init() collectgarbage() if vodeoPlay == nil then vodeoPlay = video.new() end glob.fav_changed = false glob.mtv_artist={} glob.mtv={ {name = "Playlists",url="http://www.mtv.de/playlists",fav=false}, {name = "MTV MUSIK",url="http://www.mtv.de/musik",fav=false}, {name = "MTV Unplugged",url="http://www.mtv.de/shows/w2nofb/mtv-unplugged",fav=false}, {name = "Hitlist Germany - Top100",url="http://www.mtv.de/shows/fdc2nt/mtv-top-100",fav=false}, {name = "MTV Shows",url="http://www.mtv.de/shows",fav=false}, {name = "MTV Buzz",url="http://www.mtv.de/buzz",fav=false}, --{name = "MTV PUSH",url="http://www.mtv.de/shows/z4pet5/mtv-push",fav=false}, {name = "MTV PLAYLIST",url="http://www.mtv.de/playlists",fav=false}, {name = "ALLE MUSIKVIDEOS",url="http://www.mtv.de/musik",fav=false}, {name = "Singel Top 100",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/c6mc86/single-top-100",fav=false}, --{name = "Album Top 100",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/70tgrf/album-top-100",fav=false}, {name = "Midweek Singel Top100",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/n91ory/midweek-single-top-100",fav=false}, --{name = "Midweek Album Top100",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/ew735d/midweek-album-top-100",fav=false}, {name = "Singel Trending",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/9gtiy5/single-trending",fav=false}, {name = "Top100 Musik Streaming",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/h4oi23/top100-music-streaming",fav=false}, {name = "Download Charts Singel",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/pcbqpc/downloads-charts-single",fav=false}, --{name = "Download Charts Album",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/ha7dbg/downloads-charts-album",fav=false}, {name = "Top15 deutsche Singel",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/jlyhaa/top-15-deutschsprachige-single-charts",fav=false}, --{name = "Top15 deutsche Alben",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/wp4sh5/top-15-deutschsprachige-alben-charts",fav=false}, --{name = "Hip Hop",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/vh9pco/hip-hop-charts",fav=false}, {name = "Dance Charts",url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/2ny5w9/dance-charts",fav=false}, } local url = "http://www.mtv.de/charts" glob.mtv_live_url = nil videosection = get_json_data(url) if videosection == nil then return nil end local json = require "json" local jnTab = json:decode(videosection) if jnTab == nil then return nil end local videosection_url = jnTab.manifest.zones.t5_lc_promo1.feed videosection = getdata(videosection_url) if videosection == nil then return nil end jnTab = json:decode(videosection) local pages = 1 videosection_url = videosection_url:match("(.*)%d+$") local add = true local add2016 = false if jnTab.result and jnTab.result.chartTypeList then for k, v in ipairs(jnTab.result.chartTypeList) do if v.label and v.link then if v.label:find("Offizielle") == nil and v.label ~= "Deine Lieblingsvideos bei MTV" and v.label:find("Album") == nil and v.label:find("Alben") == nil and v.label:find("Vinyl") == nil then table.insert(glob.mtv,{name=v.label, url=v.link,}) if add2016 == false and v.label == "Top 100 Jahrescharts 2015" then add2016 = true table.insert(glob.mtv,{name="Top 100 Jahrescharts 2016", url="http://www.mtv.de/charts/yrk67s/top-100-jahrescharts-2016",}) end end end end end local mtvconf = get_conf_mtvfavFile() local havefile = file_exists(mtvconf) if havefile == true then local favdata = read_file(mtvconf) if havefile ~= nil then for _name ,_url in favdata:gmatch('name%s-=%s-"(.-)"%s-,%s-url%s-=%s-"(.-)"') do table.insert(glob.mtv,{name=_name, url=_url,fav=true}) end end end end function info(captxt,infotxt, sleep) if captxt == mtv_version and infotxt==nil then infotxt=captxt captxt="Information" end local msg, data = 0,0 local h = hintbox.new{caption=captxt, text=infotxt} h:paint() if sleep then for i=1,sleep*5,1 do msg, data = n:GetInput(500) if msg == RC.ok or msg == RC.home then break end end else repeat msg, data = n:GetInput(500) until msg == RC.ok or msg == RC.home end h:hide() end function getdata(Url,outputfile) if Url == nil then return nil end if Curl == nil then Curl = curl.new() end local ret, data = Curl:download{url=Url,A="Mozilla/5.0;",maxRedirs=5,followRedir=true,o=outputfile } if ret == CURL.OK then if outputfile then return 1 end return data else return nil end end function exist_url(tab,_url) for i, v in ipairs(tab) do if v.url == _url then return true end end return false end function getliste(url) local h = hintbox.new{caption="Info", text="Liste wird erstellt\n"} h:paint() local videosection = get_json_data(url) if videosection == nil then h:hide() return nil end local liste = {} local json = require "json" local urlTab = json:decode(videosection) local tc = {"t4_lc_promo1"} if url == "http://www.mtv.de/musik" then tc = {"t4_lc_promo1","t5_lc_promo1","t6_lc_promo1","t7_lc_promo1","t8_lc_promo1","t9_lc_promo1","t10_lc_promo1","t11_lc_promo1"} end for t in pairs(tc) do if urlTab.manifest.zones[tc[t]] and urlTab.manifest.zones[tc[t]].feed then local videosection_url = urlTab.manifest.zones[tc[t]].feed for p=1,6,1 do if videosection_url then local pc = "?" if videosection_url:find("?") then pc = "&" end videosection = getdata(videosection_url .. pc .. "pageNumber=" .. p) if videosection == nil then if #liste > 0 then h:hide() return liste else return nil end end else h:hide() return nil end local jnTab = json:decode(videosection) if jnTab == nil or jnTab.result == nil or jnTab.result.data == nil then h:hide() if #liste > 0 then return liste else return nil end end for k, v in ipairs(jnTab.result.data.items) do if v.videoUrl or v.canonicalURL then local video_url = v.videoUrl or v.canonicalURL if exist_url(liste,video_url) == false then local artist = v.shortTitle or v.artist or "" if #artist == 0 and v.artists then artist = v.artists[1].name end local _logo = nil if v.images and v.images.url then _logo = v.images.url end _logo = _logo or "" local chpos = nil if v.chartPosition and v.chartPosition.current then chpos = v.chartPosition.current end table.insert(liste,{name=artist .. ": " .. v.title, url=video_url, logo=_logo,enabled=conf.dlflag, vid=id,chartpos=chpos }) end end end end end end h:hide() return liste end function get_m3u_url(m3u8_url) if m3u8_url == nil then return nil end local videoUrl = nil local res = 0 local data = getdata(m3u8_url) if data then local host = m3u8_url:match('([%a]+[:]?//[_%w%-%.]+)/') if m3u8_url:find('/master.m3u8') then local lastpos = (m3u8_url:reverse()):find("/") local hosttmp = m3u8_url:sub(1,#m3u8_url-lastpos) if hosttmp then host = hosttmp .."/" end end local maxRes = 1280 if conf.maxRes then local maxResStr = conf.maxRes:match("(%d+)x") maxRes = tonumber(maxResStr) end for band, res1, res2, url in data:gmatch('BANDWIDTH=(%d+).-RESOLUTION=(%d+)x(%d+).-\n(.-)\n') do if url and res1 then local nr = tonumber(res1) if nr <= maxRes and nr > res then res=nr if host and url:sub(1,4) ~= "http" then url = host .. url end videoUrl = url end end end end return videoUrl end function getvideourl(url,vidname,hls) local json = require "json" local data = getdata(url) local id = data:match('itemId":"(.-)"') local service_url = "http://media.mtvnservices.com/pmt/e1/access/index.html?uri=mgid:arc:episode:mtv.de:" .. id .. "&configtype=edge&ref=" .. url data = getdata(service_url) local jnTab = json:decode(data) if jnTab.feed.items[1].group.content then local jsUrl = jnTab.feed.items[1].group.content if hls then jsUrl = jsUrl:gsub("(&device=.-)&","") jsUrl = jsUrl .. "&acceptMethods=hls" end data = getdata(jsUrl .. "&format=json") if data then jnTab = json:decode(data) end end data = nil local max_w = 0 local video_url = nil if jnTab and jnTab.package and jnTab.package.video and jnTab.package.video.item and jnTab.package.video.item[1].rendition then for k,v in pairs(jnTab.package.video.item[1].rendition) do if (hls or v.width or v.rdminwidth) and v.src then local w = tonumber(v.width or v.rdminwidth) if hls or w > max_w then video_url = v.src max_w = w end end end end local x = nil if video_url then if video_url:find("m3u8") then video_url = get_m3u_url(video_url) end x = video_url:find("rtmp") or video_url:find("m3u8") end if not x then print("########## Error ##########") print(url,video_url,clip_page) print("###########################") end if video_url and video_url:find("copyright_error") then if h then h:hide() end info("Video Not Available", "Copyright Error\n" .. vidname,2) end return video_url end function godirectkey(d) if d == nil then return d end local _dkey = "" if d == 1 then _dkey = RC["red"] elseif d == 2 then _dkey = RC["green"] elseif d == 3 then _dkey = RC["yellow"] elseif d == 4 then _dkey = RC["blue"] elseif d < 14 then _dkey = RC[""..d - 4 ..""] elseif d == 14 then _dkey = RC["0"] else -- rest _dkey = "" end return _dkey end function action_exec(id) if id then local i = tonumber(id) if glob.MTVliste[i].name == nil then glob.MTVliste[i].name = "NoName_" .. i end local url = getvideourl(glob.MTVliste[i].url,glob.MTVliste[i].name,conf.hlsflag) if url then hideMenu(glob.menu_liste) vodeoPlay:setSinglePlay() vodeoPlay:PlayFile(glob.MTVliste[i].name, url); end end return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function gen_m3u_list(filename) local m3ufilename= conf.path_m3u .. "/" .. filename .. ".m3u" local m3ufile=io.open(m3ufilename,"w") if m3ufile then m3ufile:write("#EXTM3U name=" .. filename .. "\n") local infotext = "Dateien werden für M3U Liste vorbereitet. " local pw = cprogresswindow.new{title=infotext} pw:paint() pw:showStatus{statusText="Start"} for k, v in ipairs(glob.MTVliste) do if v.name == nil then v.name = "NoName" end local url = getvideourl(v.url,v.name,conf.hlsflag) if url then local extinf = ", " if v.logo and #v.logo > 1 then --TODO Add Logo parse to CMoviePlayerGui::parsePlaylist extinf = " logo=" .. v.logo ..".jpg ," end extinf = extinf .. v.name m3ufile:write("#EXTINF:-1".. extinf .."\n") m3ufile:write(url .."\n") pw:showStatus{prog=k,max=#glob.MTVliste,statusText=tostring(k) .. "/" .. tostring(#glob.MTVliste) .. " " .. v.name} end end m3ufile:close() pw:hide() info("Info", filename.." - Playlist wurde erstellt\n" .. m3ufilename,2) else info("Info", filename.." - Fehler beim erstellen:\n " .. m3ufilename .. " ",3) end return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function make_shuffle_list(tab) local randTable={} for k=1 , #tab do randTable[k]=k end local shuffleTable = {} for k=1,#randTable do math.randomseed(os.time() *100000000000) local r=table.remove(randTable,math.random(#randTable)) shuffleTable[k]=tab[r] end return shuffleTable end function playlist(filename) hideMenu(glob.menu_liste) local tab = {} if conf.shuffleflag == true then tab = make_shuffle_list(glob.MTVliste) else tab = glob.MTVliste end local i = 1 local KeyPressed = 0 vodeoPlay:setSinglePlay(false) repeat if tab[i].name == nil then tab[i].name = "NoName" end local url = getvideourl(tab[i].url,tab[i].name,conf.hlsflag) if url then local videoformat = url:sub(-4) if videoformat ~= ".flv" or conf.playflvflag then local prevn , nextn = "","" if i-1 ~= 0 then prevn = "Vorherige Titel: " .. tab[i-1].name end if i < #tab then nextn = "Nächste Titel: ".. tab[i+1].name end KeyPressed = vodeoPlay:PlayFile( "(" .. i.. "/" .. #tab .. ") " .. tab[i].name,url, nextn, prevn) end end if KeyPressed == PLAYSTATE.NORMAL then --play continue i=i+1 elseif KeyPressed == PLAYSTATE.STOP then i=0 break elseif KeyPressed == PLAYSTATE.NEXT then i=i+1 elseif KeyPressed == PLAYSTATE.PREV then i=i-1 else print("Error") i=0 break end until i==0 or i == #tab+1 return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function dlstart(name) local infotext = "Dateien werden für Download vorbereitet. " name = name:gsub([[%s+]], "_") name = name:gsub("[:'&()/]", "_") local dlname = "/tmp/" .. name ..".dl" local havefile = file_exists("/tmp/.rtmpdl") if havefile == true then info("Info", "Ein anderer Download ist bereits aktiv.",4) return end local dl=io.open(dlname,"w") local script_start = false local pw = cprogresswindow.new{title=infotext} pw:paint() pw:showStatus{statusText="Start"} for i, v in ipairs(glob.MTVliste) do if v.enabled == true then if glob.MTVliste[i].name == nil then glob.MTVliste[i].name = "NoName_" .. i end local url = getvideourl(glob.MTVliste[i].url,glob.MTVliste[i].name,conf.hlsflag) if url then local fname = v.name:gsub([[%s+]], "_") fname = fname:gsub("[:'()]", "_") fname = fname:gsub("/", "-") pw:showStatus{prog=i,max=#glob.MTVliste,statusText=tostring(i) .. "/" .. tostring(#glob.MTVliste) .. " " .. fname} local videoformat = url:sub(-4) if videoformat == nil then videoformat = ".mp4" end if conf.hlsflag then dl:write("ffmpeg -y -nostdin -loglevel 30 -i " .. url .. " -c copy " .. conf.path .. "/" .. fname .. ".ts\n") script_start = true elseif videoformat ~= ".flv" or conf.flvflag then dl:write("rtmpdump -e -r " .. url .. " -o " .. conf.path .. "/" .. fname .. videoformat .."\n") script_start = true end end end end pw:hide() if script_start == true then dl:close() local scriptname = "/tmp/" .. name ..".sh" local script=io.open(scriptname,"w") script:write( [[#!/bin/sh while read -r i do $i done < ]] ) script:write("'" .. dlname .. "'\n") script:write([[ wget -q ' Liste ]]) script:write(name .. " wurde heruntergeladen.' -O /dev/null\n") script:write("rm '" .. dlname .. "'\n") script:write("rm '" .. scriptname .. "'\n") script:write("rm /tmp/.rtmpdl\n") script:close() os.execute("echo >/tmp/.rtmpdl") os.execute("sleep 2") os.execute("chmod 755 '" .. scriptname .. "'") os.execute("sh '"..scriptname.."' &") else local er = hintbox.new{caption="Info", text=name .." - \nDownload ist fehlerhaft \noder Video in FLV-Format"} er:paint() os.remove(dlname) print("ERROR") os.execute("sleep 2") er:hide() end end function exist(_url) for i, v in ipairs(glob.mtv) do if v.fav == true and v.url == _url then return true end end return false end function addfav(id) local addinfo = false for i, v in ipairs(glob.mtv_artist) do if v.enabled and exist(v.url) == false then table.insert(glob.mtv,{name=v.name, url=v.url,fav=true}) glob.mtv_artist[i].disabled=true glob.fav_changed = true addinfo = true end end if addinfo == true then info("Info","Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt",2) end end function favdel(id) local delinfo = false for i, v in ipairs(glob.mtv) do if v.fav and v.enabled then table.remove(glob.mtv,i) glob.fav_changed = true delinfo = true end end if delinfo == true then info("Info","Ausgewählten Favoriten gelöscht",2) end end function chooser_menu(id) if id:sub(1,29) =="Erstelle Download Liste für " then local forwarder_action = "dlstart" local forwarder_name = "Download starten" local chooser_action = "set_bool_in_liste" local hintname = "Speichert die ausgewählten Videos unter: " .. conf.path local _id = id:sub(30,#id) local name = id local value=conf.dlflag gen_chooser_menu(glob.MTVliste, name, _id, chooser_action, forwarder_action, forwarder_name, hintname, value, glob.menu_liste) elseif id:sub(1,15) =="Neue Favoriten" then local forwarder_action = "addfav" local forwarder_name = "Zu Favoriten hinzufügen" local chooser_action = "set_bool_in_searchliste" local hintname = "Speichert die ausgewählten Videos unter: " .. conf.path local name = id .. " hinzufügen" local value=false gen_chooser_menu(glob.mtv_artist, name , id, chooser_action, forwarder_action, forwarder_name, hintname, value, glob.search_artists_menu) elseif id =="favdel" then local forwarder_action = "favdel" local forwarder_name = "Favoriten löschen" local chooser_action = "set_bool_in_mtv" local hintname = "Lösche die ausgewählten Videos." local name = id .. " hinzufügen" local value=false gen_chooser_menu(glob.mtv, name , id, chooser_action, forwarder_action, forwarder_name, hintname, value, glob.settings_menu) end end function set_bool_in_liste(k, v) local i = tonumber(k) if v == on then glob.MTVliste[i].enabled=true else glob.MTVliste[i].enabled=false end end function set_bool_in_searchliste(k, v) local i = tonumber(k) if v == on then glob.mtv_artist[i].enabled=true else glob.mtv_artist[i].enabled=false end end function set_bool_in_mtv(k, v) local i = tonumber(k) if v == on then glob.mtv[i].enabled=true else glob.mtv[i].enabled=false end end function gen_chooser_menu(table, name , _id, _chooser_action, _forwarder_action, _forwarder, _hintname, _value, hidemenu) hideMenu(hidemenu) local menu = menu.new{name=name, icon="icon_red"} menu:addItem{type="back"} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} local d = 1 -- directkey menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name=_forwarder, action=_forwarder_action, enabled=true, id=_id, directkey=godirectkey(d),hint=_hintname} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} for i, v in ipairs(table) do if (("favdel" == _forwarder_action and v.fav==true) or "addfav" == _forwarder_action or "dlstart" == _forwarder_action) then d = d + 1 local dkey = godirectkey(d) menu:addItem{type="chooser", action=_chooser_action, options={ on, off }, id=i, value=bool2onoff(_value), name= i .. ": " ..v.name, hint_icon="hint_service",hint=v.name .. " speichern ? Ein/Aus"} end end menu:exec() menu:hide() return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function __menu(_menu,menu_name,table,_action) if table == nil or #table == 0 then info("Info", "Liste ist leer.", 1) return end hideMenu(glob.mtv_listen_menu) _menu:addItem{type="back"} _menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} local d = 1 -- directkey local playhint = "Playlist: " if conf.shuffleflag then playhint = "Playlist in zufällig Reihenfolge: " end _menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="Playlist", action="playlist", enabled=true, id="Playlist " .. menu_name, directkey=godirectkey(d),hint=playhint .. menu_name} d=d+1 _menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="Erstelle M3U Playlist", action="gen_m3u_list", enabled=true, id=menu_name, directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="Erstelle eine M3U Playlist im Verzeichnis: " .. conf.path_m3u .. "/" .. menu_name .. ".m3u"} d = d + 1 _menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="Erstelle Download Liste", action="chooser_menu", enabled=glob.have_rtmpdump, id="Erstelle Download Liste für "..menu_name, directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="Welche Videos sollen heruntergeladen werden ?"} _menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} d = d + 1 --skip blue for i, v in ipairs(table) do d = d + 1 local dkey = godirectkey(d) local cont = i .. ": " if v.chartpos then cont = " (" .. v.chartpos .. ") " end _menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name=cont .. v.name, action=_action,enabled=true,id=i,directkey=dkey,hint=""} end _menu:exec() _menu:hide() return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function mtv_liste(id) local i = tonumber(id) glob.MTVliste=nil; local url=glob.mtv[i].url glob.MTVliste = getliste(url) glob.menu_liste = menu.new{name=glob.mtv[i].name, icon="icon_blue"} __menu(glob.menu_liste ,glob.mtv[i].name, glob.MTVliste,"action_exec") collectgarbage() return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function set_path(id,value) if conf[id] ~= value then conf[id]=value conf.changed = true end end function set_option(k, v) if k == "maxRes" then conf[k]=v end if v == on then conf[k]=true elseif v == off then conf[k]=false end if k == "hlsflag" then glob.have_rtmpdump=nil if conf[k] then glob.have_rtmpdump=which("ffmpeg") else glob.have_rtmpdump=which("rtmpdump") end end conf.changed = true end function bool2onoff(a) if a then return on end return off end function setings() hideMenu(glob.main_menu) local d = 1 local menu = menu.new{name="Einstellungen", icon="icon_blue"} glob.settings_menu = menu menu:addItem{type="back"} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} menu:addItem{ type="filebrowser", dir_mode="1", id="path", name="Verzeichnis: ", action="set_path", enabled=true,value=conf.path,directkey=godirectkey(d), hint_icon="hint_service",hint="In welchem Verzeichnis soll das Video gespeichert werden ?" } d=d+1 menu:addItem{ type="filebrowser", dir_mode="1", id="path_m3u", name="Verzeichnis M3U: ", action="set_path", enabled=true,value=conf.path_m3u,directkey=godirectkey(d), hint_icon="hint_service",hint="In welchem Verzeichnis soll das M3U Playlist gespeichert werden ?" } d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options={ on, off }, id="hlsflag", value=bool2onoff(conf.hlsflag), directkey=godirectkey(d), name="Videos in HLS-Format",hint_icon="hint_service",hint="HLS als bevorzugte Video Format 'ein' oder 'aus'"} d=d+1 local res_opt={ '3840x2160','2560x1440','1920x1080','1280x720','854x480','640x360' } menu:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options=res_opt, id="maxRes", value=conf.maxRes, name="Max. Auflösung" ,directkey=godirectkey(d),hint_icon="hint_service",hint="Max. Video Auflösung"} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options={ on, off }, id="dlflag", value=bool2onoff(conf.dlflag), directkey=godirectkey(d), name="Auswahl vorbelegen mit",hint_icon="hint_service",hint="Erstelle Auswahlliste mit 'ein' oder 'aus'"} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options={ on, off }, id="flvflag", value=bool2onoff(conf.flvflag), directkey=godirectkey(d), name="Videos in FLV-Format herunterladen ? ",hint_icon="hint_service",hint="Videos in FLV-Format sind meisten mit nicht kompatiblen Video-Codec (zB: vp6f)."} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options={ on, off }, id="playflvflag", value=bool2onoff(conf.playflvflag), directkey=godirectkey(d), name="Videos in FLV-Format abspielen ? ",hint_icon="hint_service",hint="Videos in FLV-Format sind meisten mit nicht kompatiblen Video-Codec (zB: vp6f)."} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options={ on, off }, id="shuffleflag", value=bool2onoff(conf.shuffleflag), directkey=godirectkey(d), name="Zufällig abspielen ? ",hint_icon="hint_service",hint="Video wiedergabelisten zufällig abspielen. "} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="Ausgewählte Favoriten löschen.", action="chooser_menu", enabled=true, id="favdel", directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="Favoriten bearbeiten"} menu:exec() menu:hide() return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function gen_search_list(search) local url = "http://www.mtv.de/kuenstler/" .. search:sub(1,1) .. "/1" glob.mtv_artist = {} local videosection = get_json_data(url) if videosection == nil then return nil end data = nil collectgarbage() if videosection == nil then return nil end local json = require "json" local jnTab = json:decode(videosection) if jnTab == nil then return nil end local videosection_url = jnTab.manifest.zones.t5_lc_promo1.feed videosection = getdata(videosection_url) if videosection == nil then return nil end jnTab = json:decode(videosection) local pages = 1 videosection_url = videosection_url:match("(.*)%d+$") if jnTab.result.pages then pages = tonumber(jnTab.result.pages) end for p=1,pages,1 do if p > 1 then if videosection_url then videosection = getdata(videosection_url .. p) if videosection == nil then return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end else return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end jnTab = json:decode(videosection) end if jnTab == nil or jnTab.result == nil or jnTab.result.artists == nil then return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end local add = true local use_seek = #search > 1 for k, v in ipairs(jnTab.result.artists) do if v.name and v.canonicalURL then if use_seek then local name = v.name:lower() local a,b = name:find(search:lower()) if a == 1 and b then add = true else add = false end end if add then table.insert(glob.mtv_artist,{name=v.name, url=v.canonicalURL, enabled=false,disabled=false}) end end end end return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function searchliste(id) hideMenu(glob.artists_menu) local i = tonumber(id) glob.MTVliste=nil; if glob.mtv_artist[i].disabled == true then return end local url=glob.mtv_artist[i].url glob.MTVliste = getliste(url) glob.menu_liste = menu.new{name=glob.mtv_artist[i].name, icon="icon_blue"} __menu(glob.menu_liste ,glob.mtv_artist[i].name, glob.MTVliste,"action_exec") collectgarbage() return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function search_artists() if conf.search == nil then return end hideMenu(glob.main_menu) local h = hintbox.new{caption="Info", text="Suche: " .. conf.search} h:paint() if #conf.search > 0 then gen_search_list(conf.search) end h:hide() if glob.mtv_artist == nil or #glob.mtv_artist == 0 then info("Info", "Liste ist leer.", 1) return end local d = 1 local menu = menu.new{name=conf.search, icon="icon_yellow"} glob.search_artists_menu = menu glob.artists_menu = menu menu:addItem{type="back"} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="Neue Favoriten hinzufügen", action="chooser_menu", enabled=true, id="Neue Favoriten", directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="Listen für Favoriten auswählen und hinzufügen."} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} if glob.mtv_artist then for i, v in ipairs(glob.mtv_artist) do d = d + 1 local dkey = godirectkey(d) menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name=i .. ": " .. v.name, action="searchliste",enabled=true,id=i,directkey=dkey,hint="Suchwort-Liste für " .. conf.search} end end menu:exec() menu:hide() end function play_live() local video_url = getvideourl(glob.mtv_live_url,"live",true) if video_url then hideMenu(glob.main_menu) vodeoPlay:setSinglePlay() vodeoPlay:PlayFile("MTV Live Stream", video_url); end return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function mtv_listen_menu() if glob.mtv == nil then return end hideMenu(glob.main_menu) glob.mtv_listen_menu = menu.new{name="MTV Listen", icon="icon_red"} local menu = glob.mtv_listen_menu menu:addItem{type="back"} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} local d = 0 -- directkey for i, v in ipairs(glob.mtv) do d = d + 1 local dkey = godirectkey(d) menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name=v.name, action="mtv_liste",enabled=true,id=i,directkey=dkey,hint=v.url} end menu:exec() menu:hide() return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_REPAINT end function main_menu() glob.main_menu = menu.new{name="MTV", icon="icon_red"} local menu = glob.main_menu local d = 1 -- directkey menu:addKey{directkey=RC["info"], id=mtv_version, action="info"} menu:addItem{type="back"} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="MTV Listen", action="mtv_listen_menu", enabled=true, id="dummy"..d, directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="MTV Listen"} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="Suche nach Künstler", action="search_artists", enabled=true, id="find", directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="Suche nach Künstler"} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="keyboardinput", action="setvar", id="search", name="Künstler Name:", value=conf.search,directkey=godirectkey(d),hint_icon="hint_service",hint="Nach welchem Künstler soll gesucht werden ?"} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="MTV Live", action="play_live", enabled=(glob.mtv_live_url~=nil), id="dummy", directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="MTV Live Stream"} menu:addItem{type="separatorline"} d=d+1 menu:addItem{type="forwarder", name="Einstellungen", action="setings", enabled=true, id="dummy"..d, directkey=godirectkey(d),hint="Einstellungen"} menu:exec() end function main() init() loadConfig() glob.have_rtmpdump=nil if conf.hlsflag then glob.have_rtmpdump=which("ffmpeg") else glob.have_rtmpdump=which("rtmpdump") end main_menu() saveConfig() collectgarbage() end main()