--[[ ZDF HBBTV Copyright (C) 2021 Jacek Jendrzej 'satbaby' Copyright (C) 2022 'bazi98' for Vers. 0.24 - add. UHD and FullHD License: WTFPLv2 ]] function init() Version = 0.24 CONF_PATH = "/var/tuxbox/config/" if DIR and DIR.CONFIGDIR then CONF_PATH = DIR.CONFIGDIR .. '/' end picfile = "/tmp/ZDFhbbtvEpg.jpg" dlPath = '/' lastmid = 1000 json = require "json" fh = filehelpers.new() inittab() n = neutrino() vPlay = video.new() nMisc = misc.new() last_menu = {} hid = 0 dl = {} Epg = nil Title = nil Info1 = nil Info2 = nil UrlPic = nil videostream, audiostream = nil,nil have_ffmpeg = which("ffmpeg") zdfhbbtv_icon = script_path() .. '/zdfhbbtv_hint.png' if not fh:exist(zdfhbbtv_icon , "f") then zdfhbbtv_icon='streaming' end end function inittab() local h = hintbox.new{text="Lese Daten..."} if h then h:paint() end local url = 'http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfm3/dyn/get.php' aktivelist = {} aktivelist = get_zdf_data(url) local jnTab = get_zdf_data(url .. '?id=special:time') if jnTab and jnTab.elems and jnTab.elems[1] and jnTab.elems[1].elems then lastmid = lastmid + 1 table.insert(aktivelist.elems,{title='Sendung verpasst',myid=lastmid,elems=jnTab.elems[1].elems}) end local data = getdata(url .. '?id=special:atoz:') if data then local jnTab = json:decode(data) if jnTab and jnTab.elems and jnTab.elems[1] and jnTab.elems[1].options then a={} for k,v in pairs(jnTab.elems[1].options) do a.link = {} local link = {} lastmid = lastmid + 1 link.id = 'special:atoz:' .. v.id table.insert(a,{title=v.name,myid=lastmid,link=link}) end lastmid = lastmid + 1 table.insert(aktivelist.elems,{title='A to Z',myid=lastmid,elems=a}) end end if h then h:hide() end end function setmid(tab,mid) for k,v in pairs(tab) do if type(v) == "table" then if v.type == 'specialcovers' or v.type == 'header' or v.type == 'infotext' then local el0 = {'addDocs','img','logo','refid','subtype','title','type','variant'} for _,k in pairs(el0) do v[k] = nil end else if v.headtxt and type(v.headtxt) == 'string' and #v.headtxt==0 then v.headtxt = nil end if v.elems then if #v.elems == 0 then v.elems=nil end end local el1 = {'broadcast','chapter1','chapter2','chapter3','chapter4','cl','click','co','ctype','date','eventType', 'eventType','foottxt','href','htmlAnchor','imageWithoutLogo','inhaltsTyp','internalId','isgroup', 'level1','level2','logo','overlay','path','pause','play','structureNodePath','track','url', 'variant','view','zdfView'} for _,k in pairs(el1) do v[k] = nil end if k ~= 'link' and k ~= 'infoline' then v.myid = mid mid = mid + 1 end mid = setmid(v,mid) end end end return mid end function getmid(tab,mid) for k,v in pairs(tab) do if type(v) == "table" then if v.myid == mid then return v end v = getmid(v,mid) if v then return v end end end end function getitkey(tab,key,str) if tab == nil then return str end for k,v in pairs(tab) do if k == key then if str == nil then str = v else str = str .. ' ' .. v end end if type(v) == "table" then str = getitkey(v,key,str) end end return str end function script_path() local path = (debug.getinfo(2, "S").source:sub(2)) return path:match("(.*[/\\])") end function getMaxRes() local maxRes = 1280 local Nconfig = configfile.new() if Nconfig then Nconfig:loadConfig(CONF_PATH .. "neutrino.conf") maxRes = Nconfig:getInt32("livestreamResolution", 1280) end return maxRes end function getdata(Url,Postfields,outputfile,pass_headers,httpheaders) if Url == nil then return nil end if Curl == nil then Curl = curl.new() end if Url:sub(1, 2) == '//' then Url = 'https:' .. Url end local ret, data = Curl:download{ url=Url, A="Mozilla/5.0",maxRedirs=5,followRedir=true,postfields=Postfields,header=pass_headers,o=outputfile,httpheader=httpheaders } if ret == CURL.OK then if outputfile then return 1 end return data else return nil end end function info(infotxt,cap) if cap == nil then cap = 'Information' end local h = hintbox.new{caption=cap, text=infotxt} if h then h:paint() local msg, data = nil,nil local stop = false repeat msg, data = n:GetInput(500) until msg == RC.ok or msg == RC.home or msg == RC.info h:hide() end h = nil end function version() local f = io.popen('stat -c %Y ' .. arg[0]) local last_modified = f:read() local mdate = os.date("%c", last_modified) info('Version ' .. Version .. ' von satbaby\nZuletzt modifiziert\n' .. mdate,'ZDF HbbTV Versionsinfo') end function godirectkey(d) if d == nil then return d end local _dkey = "" if d == 1 then _dkey = RC.red elseif d == 2 then _dkey = RC.green elseif d == 3 then _dkey = RC.yellow elseif d == 4 then _dkey = RC.blue elseif d < 14 then _dkey = RC[""..d - 4 ..""] elseif d == 14 then _dkey = RC["0"] else -- rest _dkey = "" end return _dkey end function hideMenu(menu) if menu then menu:hide() end end function sleep(a) local sec = tonumber(os.clock() + a) while (os.clock() < sec) do end end function rescalePic(picW,picH,maxW,maxH) if picW and picW > 0 and picH and picH > 0 then local aspect = picW / picH if not maxH then maxH = getMaxScreenHeight() end if not maxW then maxW = getMaxScreenWidth() end if picW / maxW > picH / maxH then picW = maxW picH = maxW/aspect else picH = maxH picW = maxH * aspect end picH = math.floor(picH) picW = math.floor(picW) end return picW,picH end function getMaxScreenWidth() local max_w = SCREEN.END_X - SCREEN.OFF_X return max_w end function getMaxScreenHeight() local max_h = SCREEN.END_Y - SCREEN.OFF_Y return max_h end function epgInfo(xres, yres, aspectRatio, framerate) local dltxt = '' local dl_possible = dl_check(videostream) local dl = {} if dl_possible then dl = gen_dl(videostream, audiostream, Title, Epg) dltxt = 'Download Video' end local withPic = false if not fh:exist(picfile , "f") then local ok = getdata(UrlPic, nil, picfile) if ok then withPic = true end else withPic = true end local off_w,x,y,w,h = 0,0,0,0,0 local space = OFFSET.INNER_MID local wow = cwindow.new{x=x, y=y, dx=w, dy=h, title=Title, btnRed=dltxt } local tf = wow:headerHeight() + wow:footerHeight() w,h = n:scale2Res(600), n:scale2Res(300) + tf local tw = n:getRenderWidth(FONT.MENU_TITLE,Title) + (wow:headerHeight() * 2) if tw > w then w = tw if w > 1200 then w = 1200 end end if withPic then local maxW ,maxH = n:scale2Res(440), n:scale2Res(368) local picW, picH = n:GetSize(picfile) maxW,maxH = rescalePic(picW,picH,maxW,maxH) off_w,h = maxW,maxH cpicture.new{parent=wow, x=space, y=space, dx=maxW, dy=maxH, image=picfile} h = maxH + tf + (space*2) local wP = (maxW * 2) + (space * 3) if w < wP then w = wP end end ct = ctext.new{parent=wow, x=off_w + (space*2), y=space, dx=w-off_w, dy=h-tf, text=Epg, mode="ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_SCROLL"} if withPic == false then local ctLines = ct:getLines() + 1 local th = ctLines * n:FontHeight(FONT.MENU) + tf + (2*space) if th < 720 then h = th end end wow:setDimensionsAll(x , y, w, h) wow:setCenterPos{3} wow:paint() local msg, data = nil,nil local stop = false repeat msg, data = n:GetInput(500) if ct and (msg == RC.up or msg == RC.page_up) then ct:scroll{dir="up"} elseif ct and (msg == RC.down or msg == RC.page_down) then ct:scroll{dir="down"} elseif dl_possible and msg == RC.red then stop = true end until msg == RC.ok or msg == RC.home or msg == RC.info or stop wow:hide() if dl_possible and msg == RC.red then local h = hintbox.new{caption="Download gestartet ", text=Title} h:paint() dl_stream(dl) sleep(3) h:hide() end end function toUcode(s) if s == nil or type(s) ~= 'string' then return s end s=s:gsub("&","&") s=s:gsub("'","'") s=s:gsub("<","<") s=s:gsub(">",">") s=s:gsub('"',""") s=s:gsub("\x0a"," ") s=s:gsub("\x0d"," ") return s end function xml_entities(s) if s == nil or type(s) ~= 'string' then return s end s = s:gsub('<' , '<' ) s = s:gsub('>' , '>' ) s = s:gsub('"', '"' ) s = s:gsub(''', "'" ) s = s:gsub('Ä', 'Ä' ) s = s:gsub('ä', 'ä' ) s = s:gsub('Ö', 'Ö' ) s = s:gsub('ö', 'ö' ) s = s:gsub('ü', 'ü' ) s = s:gsub('Ü', 'Ü' ) s = s:gsub('ß','ß' ) s = s:gsub('á','á' ) s = s:gsub('Á','Á' ) s = s:gsub('é','é' ) s = s:gsub('É','É' ) s = s:gsub('ú','ú' ) s = s:gsub('Ú','Ú' ) s = s:gsub('€','€' ) s = s:gsub('©','©' ) s = s:gsub('®','®' ) s = s:gsub(' ',' ' ) s = s:gsub('­','' ) s = s:gsub('Ó','Ó' ) s = s:gsub('ó','ó' ) s = s:gsub('„','„' ) s = s:gsub('“','“' ) s = s:gsub('–','–' ) s = s:gsub('—','—' ) s = s:gsub('…','…' ) s = s:gsub('‘','‘' ) s = s:gsub('’','’' ) s = s:gsub('‹','‹' ) s = s:gsub('›','›' ) s = s:gsub('‰','‰' ) s = s:gsub('è','è' ) s = s:gsub('‚','‚' ) s = s:gsub('»','»' ) s = s:gsub('”','”' ) s = s:gsub('ç','ç' ) s = s:gsub('&' , '&' ) return s end function writeXML(ch, title, info1, info2, filename) ch = ch or "" title = title or "" info1 = info1 or "" info2 = info2 or "" local xml='\ \ \ \ ' .. ch .. '\ ' .. toUcode(title) .. '\ 0\ ' .. toUcode(info1) .. '\ ' .. info2 .. '\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1\ \ \ 0\ 0\ 0\ \ 0\ \ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ \ 0\ 0\ 0\ \ \ \ \n' local file = io.open(filename,'w') file:write(xml) file:close() end function dl_stream(dl) local Format = nil if dl and dl.streamUrl then if dl.streamUrl:sub(-4) == ".mp4" then Format = 'mp4' elseif dl.streamUrl:find("m3u8") then Format = 'ts' end local dlname = nil if dl.info1 then dlname = dl.ch .. "_" .. dl.name .. "_" .. dl.info1 dlname = dlname:gsub("[%p%s/]", "_") end if dlname and Format then local dls = "/tmp/.zdfhbbtv_dl.sh" local filenamexml = "/tmp/.zdfhbbtv_dl_xml" writeXML(dl.ch, dl.name, dl.info1, dl.info2, filenamexml) dlname = dlPath .. "/" .. dlname local script=io.open(dls,"w") script:write('echo "download start" ;\n') if Format == 'mp4' then script:write('wget -q --continue ' .. dl.streamUrl .. ' -O ' .. dlname .. '.mp4 ;\n') elseif Format == 'ts' or Format == 'mkv' then if dl.streamUrl2 then script:write("ffmpeg -y -nostdin -loglevel 30 -i '" .. dl.streamUrl .. "' -i '" .. dl.streamUrl2 .. "' -c copy " .. dlname .. "." .. Format .. "\n") else script:write("ffmpeg -y -nostdin -loglevel 30 -i '" .. dl.streamUrl .. "' -c copy " .. dlname .. "." .. Format .. "\n") end end script:write('if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then \n') script:write('wget -q"Video ' .. Title .. ' wurde heruntergeladen." -O /dev/null ; \n') script:write('mv ' .. filenamexml .. ' ' .. dlname .. '.xml ; \n') script:write('else \n') script:write('wget -q"Download ' .. Title .. ' FEHLGESCHLAGEN" -O /dev/null ; \n') script:write('rm ' .. filenamexml .. ' ; \n') script:write('fi \n') script:write('rm ' .. dls .. '; \n') script:close() os.execute('sh ' .. dls .. ' &') return true end end return false end function dl_check(streamUrl) local check = false local Nconfig = configfile.new() if Nconfig then Nconfig:loadConfig(CONF_PATH .. "neutrino.conf") dlPath = Nconfig:getString("network_nfs_recordingdir", '/tmp') end local dl_not_possible = dlPath == '/tmp' or dlPath == '/' if dl_not_possible then return check end if fh:exist('/tmp/.zdfhbbtv_dl.sh', 'f') then return check end if streamUrl:sub(-4) == ".mp4" then check = true elseif have_ffmpeg and streamUrl:find('m3u8') then check = true end return check end function gen_dl(streamUrl,streamUrl2,title,info1) local dl = {} dl.name = title dl.streamUrl = streamUrl dl.streamUrl2 = streamUrl2 dl.info1 = '' dl.ch = 'ZDF Hbbtv' dl.date = '' if info1 then dl.info2 = toUcode(info1) end return dl end function which(bin_name) local path = os.getenv("PATH") or "/bin" for v in path:gmatch("([^:]+):?") do local file = v .. "/" .. bin_name if fh:exist(file , "f") then return true end end return false end function getVideoUrlM3U8(m3u8_url) if m3u8_url == nil then return nil end local res = 0 local videoUrl = nil local audioUrl = nil local data = getdata(m3u8_url) if data then local host = m3u8_url:match('([%a]+[:]?//[_%w%-%.]+)/') local lastpos = (m3u8_url:reverse()):find("/") local hosttmp = m3u8_url:sub(1,#m3u8_url-lastpos) if hosttmp then host = hosttmp .."/" end local revision = 0 if APIVERSION ~= nil and (APIVERSION.MAJOR > 1 or ( APIVERSION.MAJOR == 1 and APIVERSION.MINOR > 82 )) then revision = nMisc:GetRevision() end local audio_url = nil if revision == 1 then -- separate audio for hd51 and co local Nconfig = configfile.new() local lang1,lang2,lang3 = nil,nil,nil Nconfig:loadConfig(CONF_PATH .. "neutrino.conf") lang1 = Nconfig:getString("pref_lang_0", "#") lang2 = Nconfig:getString("pref_lang_1", "#") lang3 = Nconfig:getString("pref_lang_2", "#") if lang1 == "#" then lang1 = nil else lang1 = lang1:lower() lang1 = lang1:sub(1,3) end if lang2 == "#" then lang2 = nil else lang2 = lang2:lower() lang2 = lang2:sub(1,3) end if lang3 == "#" then lang3 = nil else lang3 = lang3:lower() lang3 = lang3:sub(1,3) end if lang1 == nil then lang1 = Nconfig:getString("language", "english") if lang1 == nil then lang1 = "eng" else lang1 = lang1:lower() lang1 = lang1:sub(1,3) end end local l1,l2,l3,l4,l = nil,nil,nil,nil,nil for adata in data:gmatch('TYPE%=AUDIO.GROUP%-ID=".-",(.-)\n') do local lname = adata:match('NAME="(.-)"') local lang = adata:match('LANGUAGE="(.-)"') local aurl = adata:match('URI="(.-)"') if aurl then local low_lang = lang:lower() if l1 == nil and lname and lang1 and low_lang == lang1 then l1 = aurl elseif l2 == nil and lname and lang2 and low_lang == lang2 then l2 = aurl elseif l3 == nil and lname and lang3 and low_lang == lang3 then l3 = aurl elseif l4 == nil and lname and low_lang == "deu" then l4 = aurl elseif l == nil then l = aurl end end end audio_url = l1 or l2 or l3 or l4 or l end local maxRes = getMaxRes() local allres = {} local j = 1 local minRes = 0 for band, res1, res2, url in data:gmatch('BANDWIDTH=(%d+).-RESOLUTION=(%d+)x(%d+).-\n(.-)\n') do local nr = tonumber(res1) if nr <= maxRes then minRes = nr end allres[j] = nr j=j+1 end if minRes == 0 and j>1 then maxRes = math.min(unpack(allres)) end for band, res1, res2, url in data:gmatch('BANDWIDTH=(%d+).-RESOLUTION=(%d+)x(%d+).-\n(.-)\n') do if url and res1 then local nr = tonumber(res1) if (nr <= maxRes and nr > res) then res=nr if host and url:sub(1,4) ~= "http" then url = host .. url end if audio_url and host and audio_url:sub(1,4) ~= "http" then audio_url = host .. audio_url end videoUrl = url audioUrl = audio_url end end end else return m3u8_url, nil end if videoUrl then videoUrl = videoUrl:gsub("\x0d","") end if audioUrl then audioUrl = audioUrl:gsub("\x0d","") end return videoUrl, audioUrl end function getZDFstream(tab) local url = 'https://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfm3/dyn/get.php?id=' .. tab.link.id local jdata = getdata(url) if jdata then local jnTab = json:decode(jdata) if jnTab and jnTab.streams then local maxRes = getMaxRes() tab.audiostream = nil tab.stream = nil for _, streams in pairs(jnTab.streams) do if streams and tab.stream == nil then local h265 = streams.h265_aac_mp4_http_na_na local h264 = streams.h264_aac_mp4_http_na_na if h265 == nil then mp4 = h264 else mp4 = h265 end local m3u8 = streams.h264_aac_ts_http_m3u8_http local mpd = streams.h264_aac_mp4_http_mpd_http if maxRes > 1921 and streams.h265_aac_mp4_http_na_na and mp4.main.deu.q5 then tab.stream = mp4.main.deu.q5.url break elseif maxRes > 1281 and streams.h265_aac_mp4_http_na_na and mp4.main.deu.q4 then tab.stream = mp4.main.deu.q4.url elseif maxRes > 1281 and streams.h265_aac_mp4_http_na_na and mp4.main.deu.q3 then tab.stream = mp4.main.deu.q3.url elseif maxRes > 1281 and streams.h264_aac_mp4_http_na_na and mp4.main.deu.q4 then tab.stream = mp4.main.deu.q4.url break elseif maxRes > 1281 and streams.h264_aac_mp4_http_na_na and mp4.main.deu.q3 then tab.stream = mp4.main.deu.q3.url break elseif maxRes < 1281 and mp4 and mp4.main and mp4.main.deu and mp4.main.deu.q1 then tab.stream = mp4.main.deu.q1.url elseif m3u8 and m3u8.main and m3u8.main.deu and m3u8.main.deu.q3 then tab.stream , tab.audiostream = getVideoUrlM3U8(m3u8.main.deu.q3.url) elseif mpd and mpd.main and mpd.main.deu then tab.stream = mpd.main.deu.url end end end Epg,Title,Info1,Info2,UrlPic = nil,nil,nil,nil,nil videostream, audiostream = nil,nil if jnTab.text then Epg = xml_entities(jnTab.text) end if jnTab.title then Title = xml_entities(jnTab.title) end if jnTab.cpix and jnTab.cpix.nielsen and jnTab.cpix.nielsen.program then Info1 = jnTab.cpix.nielsen.program if jnTab.cpix.nielsen.nol_c5 then Info2 = jnTab.cpix.nielsen.nol_c5:match(',(.*)') end end local str = nil if jnTab.displayAvailability then str = getitkey(jnTab.displayAvailability.lineOne,'title',str) str = getitkey(jnTab.displayAvailability.lineTwo,'title',str) end if str then if Info2 then Info2 = Info2 .. ': ' .. str else Info2 = str end end tab.Epg = Epg tab.Title = Title tab.Info1 = Info1 tab.Info2 = Info2 end end end function play_video(tab) if tab.stream then hideMenu(last_menu[hid]) if tab.Epg and tab.Title then Epg = tab.Epg Title = tab.Title videostream, audiostream = tab.stream,tab.audiostream UrlPic = tab.img os.remove(picfile) vPlay:setInfoFunc("epgInfo") end vPlay:PlayFile(tab.Title, tab.stream, tab.Info1 or "",tab.Info2 or 'ZDF hbbtv',tab.audiostream or "") end end function get_zdf_data(link,data) local h = hintbox.new{text="Lese Daten..."} if h then h:paint() end if data == nil then data = getdata(link) end if data then local jnTab = json:decode(data) if jnTab then lastmid = setmid(jnTab,lastmid) end if h then h:hide() end return jnTab end if h then h:hide() end end function selPlay(id) hideMenu(last_menu[hid]) local h = hintbox.new{text="Lese Daten..."} if h then h:paint() end id = tonumber(id) local vTab = getmid(aktivelist,id) if vTab then if vTab.stream == nil then getZDFstream(vTab) end end if h then h:hide() end if vTab.stream then play_video(vTab) end end function selList(id) hideMenu(last_menu[hid]) local h = hintbox.new{text="Lese Daten..."} if h then h:paint() end id = tonumber(id) local myTab = getmid(aktivelist,id) if myTab.elems == nil then local newTab = get_zdf_data('https://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfm3/dyn/get.php?id=' .. myTab.link.id) myTab.elems = {} if newTab.elems == nil and newTab.recoElems then myTab.elems = newTab.recoElems lastmid = lastmid + 1 myTab.elems.link = {} local link = {} link.id=newTab.id table.insert(myTab.elems,{title=newTab.title,img=newTab.img,hasVideo=true,myid=lastmid,link=link}) else myTab.elems = newTab.elems end end if h then h:hide() end main_menu(myTab) end function backToMenu1(id) if hid == 1 then os.execute('rcsim KEY_HOME') return end for i=1,hid-1 do os.execute('rcsim KEY_HOME') end end function main_menu(liste) if liste == nil then print('liste error') return end hid = hid + 1 local ptype = {} local warning = 4 for i, el in ipairs(liste.elems) do if el.elems then for j, v in ipairs(el.elems) do if v.link and v.link.type then ptype[i] = v.link.type break end end end end local tname = liste.title or liste.titletxt or liste.myid or liste.id tname = xml_entities(tname) if tname and type(tname) == 'string' and #tname == 0 then tname = 'Titel' end local menu = menu.new{name = tname, icon=zdfhbbtv_icon} last_menu[hid] = menu menu:addItem{type='back'} menu:addItem{type='separatorline'} menu:addKey{directkey=RC.setup, id="_", action="backToMenu1"} menu:addKey{directkey=RC.info, id="_", action="version"} local d = 0 for i, v in ipairs(liste.elems) do local skip = false if hid > 12 and ptype[i] == 'page' then skip = true end if not skip and v.myid and (v.hasVideo==nil or v.hasVideo==false) and (v.titletxt or v.title) then if d == 0 then menu:addItem{type="subhead", name='Untermenü'} end d=d+1 local mact = 'selList' local hico = 'hint_next' local mname = v.titletxt or v.title or v.myid or '## error ##' tname = xml_entities(tname) if mname and type(mname) == 'string' and #mname == 0 then mname = 'Untermenü' end local vhint = nil if v.headtxt then vhint = v.headtxt end if v.infoline and v.infoline.text then if vhint then vhint = vhint .. ' - ' .. v.infoline.text else vhint = v.infoline.text end end if v.text then if vhint then vhint = vhint .. ' - ' .. v.text else vhint = v.text end end if (not vhint and hid > warning and ptype[i] == 'page') or hid > 13 then vhint = 'Untermenü - Zurück zum Start-Menü über Menü-Taste' end if not vhint and ptype[i] == 'video' then vhint = 'Video-Untermenü' end if (not vhint and ptype[i] == 'video') or hid > 7 then vhint = 'Video-Untermenü - Zum Start-Menü über Menü-Taste' end if not vhint and ptype[i] == 'page' then vhint = 'Untermenü' end mname = xml_entities(mname) vhint = xml_entities(vhint) menu:addItem{type="forwarder" , name=mname, action=mact,hint=vhint ,hint_icon=hico ,id=v.myid ,directkey=godirectkey(d)} end end local one = true for i, v in ipairs(liste.elems) do if v.myid and v.hasVideo then if one then menu:addItem{type='subhead', name='Videos'} one = false end d=d+1 local mact = 'selPlay' local hico = 'video' local mname = v.titletxt or v.title or v.myid or '## error ##' local vhint = nil if v.headtxt then vhint = v.headtxt end if v.infoline and v.infoline.text then if vhint then vhint = vhint .. ' - ' .. v.infoline.text else vhint = v.infoline.text end end if v.text then if vhint then vhint = vhint .. ' - ' .. v.text else vhint = v.text end end mname = xml_entities(mname) vhint = xml_entities(vhint) if mname and type(mname) == 'string' and #mname == 0 then mname = 'Video' end menu:addItem{type="forwarder" ,icon="streaming", name=mname, action=mact,hint=vhint,hint_icon=hico ,id=v.myid ,directkey=godirectkey(d)} end end menu:exec() hid = hid - 1 end function main() init() main_menu(aktivelist) os.remove(picfile) collectgarbage() end main()