local LOM = assert(require("lxp.lom"), "LuaExpat doesn't seem to be installed. feedparser kind of needs it to work...") local XMLElement = require "feedparser.XMLElement" local dateparser = require "feedparser.dateparser" local URL = require "feedparser.url" local tinsert, tremove, tconcat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs --- feedparser, similar to the Universal Feed Parser for python, but a good deal weaker. -- see http://feedparser.org for details about the Universal Feed Parser local feedparser= { _DESCRIPTION = "RSS and Atom feed parser", _VERSION = "feedparser 0.71b patched" } local blanky = XMLElement.new() --useful in a whole bunch of places local function resolve(url, base_url) return URL.absolute(base_url, url) end local function rebase(el, base_uri) local xml_base = el:getAttr('xml:base') if not xml_base then return base_uri end return resolve(xml_base, base_uri) end local function parse_entries(entries_el, format_str, base) local entries = {} for i, entry_el in ipairs(entries_el) do local entry = {enclosures={}, links={}, contributors={}} local entry_base = rebase(entry_el, base) for i, el in ipairs(entry_el:getChildren('*')) do local tag = el:getTag() local el_base = rebase(el, entry_base) --title if tag == 'title' or tag == 'dc:title' or tag =='rdf:title' then --'dc:title' doesn't occur in atom feeds, but whatever. entry.title=el:getText() --link(s) elseif format_str == 'rss' and tag=='link' then entry.link=resolve(el:getText(), el_base) tinsert(entry.links, {href=entry.link}) elseif (format_str=='atom' and tag == 'link') or (format_str == 'rss' and tag=='atom:link') then local link = {} for i, attr in ipairs{'rel','type', 'href','title'} do link[attr]= (attr=='href') and resolve(el:getAttr(attr), el_base) or el:getAttr(attr) --uri end tinsert(entry.links, link) if link.rel=='enclosure' then tinsert(entry.enclosures, { href=link.href, length=el:getAttr('length'), type=el:getAttr('type') }) end --rss enclosures elseif format_str == 'rss' and tag=='enclosure' then tinsert(entry.enclosures, { url=el:getAttr('url'), length=el:getAttr('length'), type=el:getAttr('type') }) --summary elseif (format_str=='atom' and tag=='summary') or (format_str=='rss' and(tag=='description' or tag=='dc:description' or tag=='rdf:description')) then entry.summary=el:getText() --TODO: summary_detail --content elseif (format_str=='atom' and tag=='content') or (format_str=='rss' and (tag=='body' or tag=='xhtml:body' or tag == 'fullitem' or tag=='content:encoded')) then entry.content=el:getText() if el.lom and el.lom[2] and el.lom[2][2] and el.lom[2][2][2].attr and el.lom[2][2][2].attr.src then local img = el.lom[2][2][2].attr.src if img:match ('(http.-%.jpg)') or img:match ('(http.-%.jpeg)') then tinsert(entry.enclosures, { url=img, length=0, type="image/jpeg" }) end end --TODO: content_detail --published elseif (format_str == 'atom' and (tag=='published' or tag=='issued')) or (format_str == 'rss' and (tag=='dcterms:issued' or tag=='atom:published' or tag=='atom:issued')) then entry.published = el:getText() entry.published_parsed=dateparser.parse(entry.published) --updated elseif (format_str=='atom' and (tag=='updated' or tag=='modified')) or (format_str=='rss' and (tag=='dc:date' or tag=='pubDate' or tag=='dcterms:modified')) then entry.updated=el:getText() entry.updated_parsed=dateparser.parse(entry.updated) elseif tag=='created' or tag=='atom:created' or tag=='dcterms:created' then entry.created=el:getText() entry.created_parsed=dateparser.parse(entry.created) --id elseif (format_str =='atom' and tag=='id') or (format_str=='rss' and tag=='guid') then entry.id=resolve(el:getText(), el_base) -- this is a uri, right?... --author elseif format_str=='rss' and (tag=='author' or tag=='dc:creator') then --author tag should give the author's email. should I respect this? entry.author=(el:getChild('name') or el):getText() entry.author_detail={ name=entry.author } elseif format_str=='atom' and tag=='author' then entry.author=(el:getChild('name') or el):getText() entry.author_detail = { name=entry.author, email=(el:getChild('email') or blanky):getText() } local author_url = (el:getChild('url') or blanky):getText() if author_url and author_url ~= "" then entry.author_detail.href=resolve(author_url, rebase(el:getChild('url'), el_base)) end elseif format_str =='atom' and tag=='media:group' then local el_thumb = el:getChild('media:thumbnail') if el_thumb then local img = el_thumb:getAttr('url') tinsert(entry.enclosures, { url=img, length=0, type="image/jpeg" }) end if not entry.summary then entry.summary=el:getText() end elseif format_str =='rss' and tag=='websiteUrl' then if el then local txt = el:getText() if txt then tinsert(entry.links, {websiteUrl = txt}) end end elseif tag=='category' then entry.category = (el:getChild('term') or el):getText() elseif tag=='dc:subject' then --todo elseif tag=='source' then --todo end end --wrap up rss guid if format_str == 'rss' and (not entry.id) and entry_el:getAttr('rdf:about') then entry.id=resolve(entry_el:getAttr('rdf:about'), entry_base) --uri end --wrap up entry.link for i, link in pairs(entry.links) do if link.rel=="alternate" or (not link.rel) or link.rel=="" then entry.link=link.href --already resolved. break end end if not entry.link and format_str=='rss' then entry.link=entry.id end tinsert(entries, entry) end return entries end local function atom_person_construct(person_el, base_uri) local dude ={ name= (person_el:getChild('name') or blanky):getText(), email=(person_el:getChild('email') or blanky):getText() } local url_el = person_el:getChild('url') if url_el then dude.href=resolve(url_el:getText(), rebase(url_el, base_uri)) end return dude end local function parse_atom(root, base_uri) local res = {} local feed = { links = {}, contributors={}, language = root:getAttr('lang') or root:getAttr('xml:lang') } local root_base = rebase(root, base_uri) res.feed=feed res.format='atom' local version=(root:getAttr('version') or ''):lower() if version=="1.0" or root:getAttr('xmlns')=='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' then res.version='atom10' elseif version=="0.3" then res.version='atom03' else res.version='atom' end for i, el in ipairs(root:getChildren('*')) do local tag = el:getTag() local el_base=rebase(el, root_base) if tag == 'title' or tag == 'dc:title' or tag == 'atom10:title' or tag == 'atom03:title' then feed.title=el:getText() --sanitize! --todo: feed.title_detail --link stuff elseif tag=='link' then local link = {} for i, attr in ipairs{'rel','type', 'href','title'} do link[attr]= (attr=='href') and resolve(el:getAttr(attr), el_base) or el:getAttr(attr) end tinsert(feed.links, link) --subtitle elseif tag == 'subtitle' then feed.subtitle=el:getText() --sanitize! elseif not feed.subtitle and (tag == 'tagline' or tag =='atom03:tagline' or tag=='dc:description') then feed.subtitle=el:getText() --sanitize! --rights elseif tag == 'copyright' or tag == 'rights' then feed.rights=el:getText() --sanitize! --generator elseif tag == 'generator' then feed.generator=el:getText() --sanitize! elseif tag == 'admin:generatorAgent' then feed.generator = feed.generator or el:getAttr('rdf:resource') --info elseif tag == 'info' then --whatever, nobody cared, anyway. feed.info = el:getText() --id elseif tag=='id' then feed.id=resolve(el:getText(), el_base) --this is a url, right?.,, --updated elseif tag == 'updated' or tag == 'dc:date' or tag == 'modified' or tag=='rss:pubDate' then feed.updated = el:getText() feed.updated_parsed=dateparser.parse(feed.updated) --author elseif tag=='author' or tag=='atom:author' then feed.author_detail=atom_person_construct(el, el_base) feed.author=feed.author_detail.name --contributors elseif tag=='contributor' or tag=='atom:contributor' then tinsert(feed.contributors, atom_person_construct(el, el_base)) --icon elseif tag=='icon' then feed.icon=resolve(el:getText(), el_base) --logo elseif tag=='logo' then feed.logo=resolve(el:getText(), el_base) --language elseif tag=='language' or tag=='dc:language' then feed.language=feed.language or el:getText() --licence end end --feed.link (already resolved) for i, link in pairs(feed.links) do if link.rel=='alternate' or not link.rel or link.rel=='' then feed.link=link.href break end end res.entries=parse_entries(root:getChildren('entry'),'atom', root_base) return res end local function parse_rss(root, base_uri) local channel = root:getChild({'channel', 'rdf:channel'}) local channel_base = rebase(channel, base_uri) if not channel then return nil, "can't parse that." end local feed = {links = {}, contributors={}} local res = { feed=feed, format='rss', entries={} } --this isn't quite right at all. if root:getTag():lower()=='rdf:rdf' then res.version='rss10' else res.version='rss20' end for i, el in ipairs(channel:getChildren('*')) do local el_base=rebase(el, channel_base) local tag = el:getTag() if tag=='link' then feed.link=resolve(el:getText(), el_base) tinsert(feed.links, {href=feed.link}) --title elseif tag == 'title' or tag == 'dc:title' then feed.title=el:getText() --sanitize! --subtitle elseif tag == 'description' or tag =='dc:description' or tag=='itunes:subtitle' then feed.subtitle=el:getText() --sanitize! --rights elseif tag == 'copyright' or tag == 'dc:rights' then feed.rights=el:getText() --sanitize! --generator elseif tag == 'generator' then feed.generator=el:getText() elseif tag == 'admin:generatorAgent' then feed.generator = feed.generator or el:getAttr('rdf:resource') --info (nobody cares...) elseif tag == 'feedburner:browserFriendly' then feed.info = el:getText() --updated elseif tag == 'pubDate' or tag == 'dc:date' or tag == 'dcterms:modified' then feed.updated = el:getText() feed.updated_parsed = dateparser.parse(feed.updated) --author elseif tag=='managingEditor' or tag =='dc:creator' or tag=='itunes:author' or tag =='dc:creator' or tag=='dc:author' then feed.author=tconcat(el:getChildren('text()')) feed.author_details={name=feed.author} elseif tag=='atom:author' then feed.author_details = atom_person_construct(el, el_base) feed.author = feed.author_details.name --contributors elseif tag == 'dc:contributor' then tinsert(feed.contributors, {name=el:getText()}) elseif tag == 'atom:contributor' then tinsert(feed.contributors, atom_person_construct(el, el_base)) --image elseif tag=='image' or tag=='rdf:image' then feed.image={ title=(el:getChild('title') or blanky):getText(), link=(el:getChild('link') or blanky):getText(), width=(el:getChild('width') or blanky):getText(), height=(el:getChild('height') or blanky):getText() } local url_el = el:getChild('url') if url_el then feed.image.href = resolve(url_el:getText(), rebase(url_el, el_base)) end --language elseif tag=='language' or tag=='dc:language' then feed.language=el:getText() --licence --publisher --tags end end res.entries=parse_entries(channel:getChildren('item'),'rss', channel_base) return res end --- parse feed xml -- @param xml_string feed xml, as a string -- @param base_url (optional) source url of the feed. useful when resolving relative links found in feed contents -- @return table with parsed feed info, or nil, error_message on error. -- the format of the returned table is much like that on http://feedparser.org, with the major difference that -- dates are parsed into unixtime. Most other fields are very much the same. function feedparser.parse(xml_string, base_url) local lom, err = LOM.parse(xml_string) if not lom then return nil, "couldn't parse xml. lxp says: " .. err or "nothing" end local rootElement = XMLElement.new(lom) local root_tag = rootElement:getTag():lower() if root_tag=='rdf:rdf' or root_tag=='rss' then return parse_rss(rootElement, base_url) elseif root_tag=='feed' then return parse_atom(rootElement, base_url) else return nil, "unknown feed format" end end --for the sake of backwards-compatibility, feedparser will export a global reference for lua < 5.3 if _VERSION:sub(-3) < "5.3" then _G.feedparser=feedparser end return feedparser