rockspec_format = "1.0" package = "ats" version = "master-0" description = { summary = "Active Thermal Service", detailed = [[ This tool, provide support for Rockpro64, Active thermal Service( Fan Control ). ]], homepage = "", license = "See License..", maintainer = "tuxd3v <>" } source = { url = "git://", branch = "master" } dependencies = { supported_platforms = "linux", "lua >= 5.3" --[["lua-dev >= 5.3" he doesn't know what is lua5.3-dev, needed to provide "lualib.h","lauxlib.h","lua.h" headers to build shared library.. That package is provided by apt-get( Operating System Pkg Manager ), Luarocks doesn't know about, but no problem.. ]] } build = { type = "make", makefile = "Makefile", build_target = "all", build_pass = true, build_variables = {}, install_target = "install", install_pass = true, install_variables = { BINDIR="/usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/" .. package .. "/" .. version, CONFDIR="/usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/" .. package .. "/" .. version, LDIR="/usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/" .. package .. "/" .. version, SERVICEDIR="/usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/" .. package .. "/" .. version }, variables = {}, modules = { ats = "src/ats.c" } }