> Moved to https://github.com/sptndc/sublime-grunt [![No Maintenance Intended](http://unmaintained.tech/badge.svg)](http://unmaintained.tech/) sublime-grunt ============= A Grunt task runner for Sublime Text ![Screencast of sublime-grunt](screencast.gif) ## Installation sublime-grunt can be installed via [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/). In Package Control, it is called **Grunt**. Please refer to the offical Package Control documentation to learn how to install packages. Alternatively, you can also clone the [sublime-grunt repository](https://github.com/tvooo/sublime-grunt/) into your Sublime Text packages folder. ## Usage Open the command palette using Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac, respectively) and choose the "Grunt" command. The plugin expects to find a Gruntfile (`Gruntfile.js` or `Gruntfile.coffee`) in an open folder. It displays a sorted list of available Grunt tasks out of this Grunt file. If it finds more than one Gruntfile, it first provides a list for selection. As of version 0.2, there is also a command to kill running tasks, for example `watch` tasks. ## Settings The file `SublimeGrunt.sublime-settings` is used for configuration. You may override your `PATH` environment variable as follows: ``` { "exec_args": { "path": "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" } } ``` If your GruntFile is not in the base path of the project, then you can add the path(s) to check as follows: ``` { "gruntfile_paths": ["/path", "/another/path", "/one/final/path"] } ``` Alternatively this could be set per-project in your .sublime-project settings object ## Releases * 1.0 Jumping to 1.0 to support ST versioning with tags * 0.3 Grunt tasks are cached * 0.2 Rewrite; supports Grunt >= 0.4, tasks can be killed (for example the `watch` task) * 0.1 Initial release ## Thanks Thanks for some contributions go to * [VirtueMe](https://github.com/VirtueMe) * [antonellopasella](https://github.com/antonellopasella) * [structAnkit](https://github.com/structAnkit) * [lavrton](https://github.com/lavrton) * [adamcbrewer](https://github.com/adamcbrewer) * [thebjorn](https://github.com/thebjorn) * [maliayas](https://github.com/maliayas)