# Michael H's custom blocking list # Sony Android TV's with streaming services enabled # # Version 0.1.03 # Last updated 26.04.2021 1626hrs AWST # # # Purpose: # This blocklist blocks smart TV metadata and ad traffic for Sony Android TV's # # # How to use? # Add the web address of this list as a subscription within your AdBlock client, and *shazam* - your internet experience will be Murdochless. # # # Never used AdBlock rules before? # Explaination of AdBlock rules: # https://help.getadblock.com/support/solutions/articles/6000066909-introduction-to-filter-lists # # # Clients and applications that support AdBlock rules: # Plugins are available for use with most modern web browsers, on both desktop and mobile devices. # - For desktops and laptops, I personally recommend and trust AdBlock Plus: https://adblockplus.org/ # - For mobile devices (iOS, Android), AdGuard is my go-to: https://adguard.com/en/products.html # - For home networks: Pi-Hole (https://pi-hole.net/), or AdGuard Home (https://adguard.com/en/adguard-home/overview.html) to cover all devices # on your home internet connection. # # Credits: # This list is based on the work of https://github.com/d43m0nhLInt3r/socialblocklists # # ---Google Android TV nasties--- ||cert-test.sandbox.google.com^ ||googleads.g.doubleclick.net^ ||www.google-analytics.com^ # # ---Sony Bravia--- ||ssm1.internet.sony.tv^ ||api-mf1.meta.ndmdhs.com^ ||b02.black.ndmdhs.com^ ||bravia.dl.playstation.net^ ||call.me.sel.sony.com^ ||flingo.tv^ ||sonybivstatic-a.akamaihd.net^ ||bravia.dl.playstation.net^ ||call.me.sel.sony.com^ ||ssm1.internet.sony.tv^ # Note: Do not block # The following domains are needed for applications @@||applicast.ga.sony.net^ @@||portal.store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com^ # # ---Netflix--- ||ichnaea.netflix.com^ ||customerevents.netflix.com^ ||nrdp.nccp.netflix.com^ # Note: Do not block # The following domains are needed to ensure core functionality works @@||secure.netflix.com^ @@||api-global.netflix.com^ @@||appboot.netflix.com^ # # ---Spotify--- ||api-tv.spotify.com^ # # ---Hulu--- ||api.distribution.hulu.com^