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to 64 characters." }, "voice_region": { "type": "string", "nullable": true, "description": "The Inbound Processing Region used for this phone number for voice." }, "date_created": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true, "description": "The date that this phone number was assigned an Inbound Processing Region, given in ISO 8601 format." }, "date_updated": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true, "description": "The date that the Inbound Processing Region was updated for this phone number, given in ISO 8601 format." } } }, "routes.v2.sip_domain": { "type": "object", "properties": { "sip_domain": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "url": { "type": "string", "format": "uri", "nullable": true }, "sid": { "type": "string", "minLength": 34, "maxLength": 34, "pattern": "^QQ[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$", "nullable": true }, "account_sid": { "type": "string", "minLength": 34, "maxLength": 34, "pattern": "^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$", "nullable": true }, "friendly_name": 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