components: securitySchemes: accountSid_authToken: scheme: basic type: http schemas: insights.v1.account_settings: type: object properties: account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. advanced_features: type: boolean nullable: true description: A boolean flag indicating whether Advanced Features for Voice Insights are enabled. voice_trace: type: boolean nullable: true description: A boolean flag indicating whether Voice Trace is enabled. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The URL of this resource. type: object properties: call_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. answered_by: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/annotation_enum_answered_by' nullable: true description: 'Specifies which entity answered the call as determined by Answering Machine Detection. Possible enumerated values, one of: `human`, `machine`. `human` indicates the call was answered by a person. `machine` indicates the call was answered by an answering machine.' connectivity_issue: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/annotation_enum_connectivity_issue' nullable: true description: Specifies if the call had any connectivity issues. One of `no_connectivity_issue`, `invalid_number`, `caller_id`, `dropped_call`, or `number_reachability`. quality_issues: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Specifies if the call had any subjective quality issues. Possible values are one or more of `no_quality_issue`, `low_volume`, `choppy_robotic`, `echo`, `dtmf`, `latency`, `owa`, or `static_noise`. spam: type: boolean nullable: true description: 'Specifies if the call was a spam call. Use this to provide feedback on whether calls placed from your account were marked as spam, or if inbound calls received by your account were unwanted spam. Is of type Boolean: true, false. Use true if the call was a spam call.' call_score: type: integer nullable: true description: 'Specifies the Call Score, if available. This is of type integer. Use a range of 1-5 to indicate the call experience score, with the following mapping as a reference for rating the call [5: Excellent, 4: Good, 3 : Fair, 2 : Poor, 1: Bad].' comment: type: string nullable: true description: Specifies any comments pertaining to the call. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in comments. incident: type: string nullable: true description: Incident or support ticket associated with this call. The `incident` property is of type string with a maximum character limit of 100. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in `incident`. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true annotation_enum_answered_by: type: string enum: - unknown_answered_by - human - machine annotation_enum_connectivity_issue: type: string enum: - unknown_connectivity_issue - no_connectivity_issue - invalid_number - caller_id - dropped_call - number_reachability annotation_enum_quality_issues: type: string enum: - unknown_quality_issue - no_quality_issue - low_volume - choppy_robotic - echo - dtmf - latency - owa - static_noise type: object properties: sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true url: type: string format: uri nullable: true links: type: object format: uri-map nullable: true insights.v1.call_summaries: type: object properties: account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. call_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. answered_by: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/call_summaries_enum_answered_by' nullable: true description: The Answered By value for the summarized call based on `Answering Machine Detection (AMD)`. One of `unknown`, `machine_start`, `machine_end_beep`, `machine_end_silence`, `machine_end_other`, `human` or `fax`. Refer to [AMD]( for more detail. call_type: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/call_summaries_enum_call_type' nullable: true description: The Call Type of the summarized Call. One of `carrier`, `sip`, `trunking` or `client`. call_state: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/call_summaries_enum_call_state' nullable: true description: The Call State of the summarized Call. One of `ringing`, `completed`, `busy`, `fail`, `noanswer`, `canceled`, `answered`, `undialed`. processing_state: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/call_summaries_enum_processing_state' nullable: true description: The Processing State of the Call Summary. The Processing State will be `partial` until the assembly of the Call Summary finishes, which occurs approximately 30 minutes after Call end. Then the Processing State changes to `complete` created_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: The time at which the Call was created, given in ISO 8601 format. Can be different from `start_time` in the event of queueing due to CPS start_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: The time at which the Call was started, given in ISO 8601 format. end_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: The time at which the Call was ended, given in ISO 8601 format. duration: type: integer nullable: true description: Duration between when the call was initiated and the call was ended connect_duration: type: integer nullable: true description: Duration between when the call was answered and when it ended from: nullable: true description: The calling party. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 to: nullable: true description: The called party. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 carrier_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a PSTN call. client_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a Client call. sdk_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the SDK sensor library for Client calls. sip_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a SIP Interface or Trunking call. tags: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Tags applied to calls by Voice Insights analysis indicating a condition that could result in subjective degradation of the call quality. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The URL of this resource. attributes: nullable: true description: Attributes capturing call-flow-specific details. properties: nullable: true description: Contains edge-agnostic call-level details. trust: nullable: true description: Contains trusted communications details including Branded Call and verified caller ID. annotation: nullable: true call_summaries_enum_answered_by: type: string enum: - unknown - machine_start - machine_end_beep - machine_end_silence - machine_end_other - human - fax call_summaries_enum_call_type: type: string enum: - carrier - sip - trunking - client call_summaries_enum_call_state: type: string enum: - ringing - completed - busy - fail - noanswer - canceled - answered - undialed call_summaries_enum_processing_state: type: string enum: - complete - partial call_summaries_enum_call_direction: type: string enum: - outbound_api - outbound_dial - inbound - trunking_originating - trunking_terminating call_summaries_enum_sort_by: type: string enum: - start_time - end_time call_summaries_enum_processing_state_request: type: string enum: - completed - started - partial - all insights.v1.conference: type: object properties: conference_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. friendly_name: type: string nullable: true description: Custom label for the conference resource, up to 64 characters. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 create_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: Conference creation date and time in ISO 8601 format. start_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: Timestamp in ISO 8601 format when the conference started. Conferences do not start until at least two participants join, at least one of whom has startConferenceOnEnter=true. end_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: Conference end date and time in ISO 8601 format. duration_seconds: type: integer nullable: true description: Conference duration in seconds. connect_duration_seconds: type: integer nullable: true description: Duration of the between conference start event and conference end event in seconds. status: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_enum_conference_status' nullable: true description: Status of this Conference; `in_progress`, `not_started`, `completed` or `summary_timeout`. if Twilio don't receive `last_participant_left` event, summary will be timeout after 24 hours max_participants: type: integer nullable: true description: Maximum number of concurrent participants as specified by the configuration. max_concurrent_participants: type: integer nullable: true description: Actual maximum number of concurrent participants in the conference. unique_participants: type: integer nullable: true description: Unique conference participants based on caller ID. end_reason: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_enum_conference_end_reason' nullable: true description: Conference end reason; e.g. last participant left, modified by API, etc. ended_by: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: Call SID of the participant whose actions ended the conference. mixer_region: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_enum_region' nullable: true description: Twilio region where the conference media was mixed. mixer_region_requested: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_enum_region' nullable: true description: Twilio region where conference mixed was specified to be mixed in configuration. recording_enabled: type: boolean nullable: true description: Boolean. Indicates whether recording was enabled at the conference mixer. detected_issues: nullable: true description: Potential issues detected by Twilio during the conference. tags: type: array items: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_enum_tag' nullable: true description: Tags for detected conference conditions and participant behaviors which may be of interest. tag_info: nullable: true description: Object. Contains details about conference tags including severity. processing_state: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_enum_processing_state' nullable: true description: Processing state for the Conference Summary resource. Will be `in_progress` while data is being aggregated, `timeout` if Twilio couldn't process the summary in 24hrs, and `complete` once aggregations and analysis has ended. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The URL of this resource. links: type: object format: uri-map nullable: true description: Contains a dictionary of URL links to nested resources of this Conference. conference_enum_conference_status: type: string enum: - in_progress - not_started - completed - summary_timeout conference_enum_conference_end_reason: type: string enum: - last_participant_left - conference_ended_via_api - participant_with_end_conference_on_exit_left - last_participant_kicked - participant_with_end_conference_on_exit_kicked conference_enum_region: type: string enum: - us1 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - de1 conference_enum_tag: type: string enum: - invalid_requested_region - duplicate_identity - start_failure - region_configuration_issues - quality_warnings - participant_behavior_issues - high_packet_loss - high_jitter - high_latency - low_mos - detected_silence conference_enum_processing_state: type: string enum: - complete - in_progress - timeout insights.v1.conference.conference_participant: type: object properties: participant_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CP[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: SID for this participant. label: type: string nullable: true description: The user-specified label of this participant. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 conference_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. call_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: Unique SID identifier of the call that generated the Participant resource. account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. call_direction: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_participant_enum_call_direction' nullable: true description: Call direction of the participant; inbound or outbound. from: type: string nullable: true description: Caller ID of the calling party. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 to: type: string nullable: true description: Called party. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 call_status: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_participant_enum_call_status' nullable: true description: Call status of the call that generated the participant. country_code: type: string nullable: true description: ISO alpha-2 country code of the participant based on caller ID or called number. is_moderator: type: boolean nullable: true description: Boolean. Indicates whether participant had startConferenceOnEnter=true or endConferenceOnExit=true. join_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: ISO 8601 timestamp of participant join event. leave_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: ISO 8601 timestamp of participant leave event. duration_seconds: type: integer nullable: true description: Participant durations in seconds. outbound_queue_length: type: integer nullable: true description: Add Participant API only. Estimated time in queue at call creation. outbound_time_in_queue: type: integer nullable: true description: Add Participant API only. Actual time in queue in seconds. jitter_buffer_size: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_participant_enum_jitter_buffer_size' nullable: true description: The Jitter Buffer Size of this Conference Participant. One of `large`, `small`, `medium` or `off`. is_coach: type: boolean nullable: true description: Boolean. Indicated whether participant was a coach. coached_participants: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Call SIDs coached by this participant. participant_region: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_participant_enum_region' nullable: true description: Twilio region where the participant media originates. conference_region: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_participant_enum_region' nullable: true description: The Conference Region of this Conference Participant. One of `us1`, `us2`, `au1`, `br1`, `ie1`, `jp1`, `sg1` or `de1`. call_type: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_participant_enum_call_type' nullable: true description: The Call Type of this Conference Participant. One of `carrier`, `client` or `sip`. processing_state: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/conference_participant_enum_processing_state' nullable: true description: Processing state of the Participant Summary. Will be `in_progress` while data is being aggregated, `timeout` if Twilio couldn't process the summary in 24hrs, and `complete` once aggregations and analysis has ended. properties: nullable: true description: Participant properties and metadata. events: nullable: true description: Object containing information of actions taken by participants. Contains a dictionary of URL links to nested resources of this Conference Participant. metrics: nullable: true description: Object. Contains participant call quality metrics. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The URL of this resource. conference_participant_enum_call_direction: type: string enum: - inbound - outbound conference_participant_enum_call_status: type: string enum: - answered - completed - busy - fail - noanswer - ringing - canceled conference_participant_enum_jitter_buffer_size: type: string enum: - large - small - medium - 'off' conference_participant_enum_region: type: string enum: - us1 - us2 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - de1 conference_participant_enum_call_type: type: string enum: - carrier - client - sip conference_participant_enum_processing_state: type: string enum: - complete - in_progress - timeout type: object properties: timestamp: type: string nullable: true description: Event time. call_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. edge: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/event_enum_twilio_edge' nullable: true description: The Edge of this Event. One of `unknown_edge`, `carrier_edge`, `sip_edge`, `sdk_edge` or `client_edge`. group: type: string nullable: true description: Event group. level: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/event_enum_level' nullable: true description: The Level of this Event. One of `UNKNOWN`, `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING` or `ERROR`. name: type: string nullable: true description: Event name. carrier_edge: nullable: true description: Represents the connection between Twilio and our immediate carrier partners. The events here describe the call lifecycle as reported by Twilio's carrier media gateways. sip_edge: nullable: true description: Represents the Twilio media gateway for SIP interface and SIP trunking calls. The events here describe the call lifecycle as reported by Twilio's public media gateways. sdk_edge: nullable: true description: Represents the Voice SDK running locally in the browser or in the Android/iOS application. The events here are emitted by the Voice SDK in response to certain call progress events, network changes, or call quality conditions. client_edge: nullable: true description: Represents the Twilio media gateway for Client calls. The events here describe the call lifecycle as reported by Twilio's Voice SDK media gateways. event_enum_twilio_edge: type: string enum: - unknown_edge - carrier_edge - sip_edge - sdk_edge - client_edge event_enum_level: type: string enum: - UNKNOWN - DEBUG - INFO - WARNING - ERROR type: object properties: timestamp: type: string nullable: true description: Timestamp of metric sample. Samples are taken every 10 seconds and contain the metrics for the previous 10 seconds. call_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. edge: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/metric_enum_twilio_edge' nullable: true description: The Twilio media edge this Metric was captured on. One of `unknown_edge`, `carrier_edge`, `sip_edge`, `sdk_edge` or `client_edge`. direction: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/metric_enum_stream_direction' nullable: true description: The Direction of the media stream from the perspective of the Twilio media edge. One of `unknown`, `inbound`, `outbound` or `both`. carrier_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a PSTN call. sip_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a SIP Interface or Trunking call. sdk_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the SDK sensor library for Client calls. client_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a Client call. metric_enum_twilio_edge: type: string enum: - unknown_edge - carrier_edge - sip_edge - sdk_edge - client_edge metric_enum_stream_direction: type: string enum: - unknown - inbound - outbound - both type: object properties: account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Account. call_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. call_type: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/summary_enum_call_type' nullable: true description: The Call Type of the summarized Call. One of `carrier`, `sip`, `trunking` or `client`. call_state: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/summary_enum_call_state' nullable: true description: The Call State of the summarized Call. One of `ringing`, `completed`, `busy`, `fail`, `noanswer`, `canceled`, `answered`, `undialed`. answered_by: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/summary_enum_answered_by' nullable: true description: The Answered By value for the summarized call based on `Answering Machine Detection (AMD)`. One of `unknown`, `machine_start`, `machine_end_beep`, `machine_end_silence`, `machine_end_other`, `human` or `fax`. Refer to [AMD]( for more detail. processing_state: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/summary_enum_processing_state' nullable: true description: The Processing State of the Call Summary. The Processing State will be `partial` until the assembly of the Call Summary finishes, which occurs approximately 30 minutes after Call end. Then the Processing State changes to `complete` created_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: The time at which the Call was created, given in ISO 8601 format. Can be different from `start_time` in the event of queueing due to CPS start_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: The time at which the Call was started, given in ISO 8601 format. end_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: The time at which the Call was ended, given in ISO 8601 format. duration: type: integer nullable: true description: Duration between when the call was initiated and the call was ended connect_duration: type: integer nullable: true description: Duration between when the call was answered and when it ended from: nullable: true description: The calling party. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 to: nullable: true description: The called party. x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 carrier_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a PSTN call. client_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a Client call. sdk_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the SDK sensor library for Client calls. sip_edge: nullable: true description: Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a SIP Interface or Trunking call. tags: type: array items: type: string nullable: true description: Tags applied to calls by Voice Insights analysis indicating a condition that could result in subjective degradation of the call quality. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: The URL of this resource. attributes: nullable: true description: Attributes capturing call-flow-specific details. properties: nullable: true description: Contains edge-agnostic call-level details. trust: nullable: true description: Contains trusted communications details including Branded Call and verified caller ID. annotation: nullable: true description: Programmatically labeled annotations for the Call. Developers can update the Call Summary records with Annotation during or after a Call. Annotations can be updated as long as the Call Summary record is addressable via the API. summary_enum_answered_by: type: string enum: - unknown - machine_start - machine_end_beep - machine_end_silence - machine_end_other - human - fax summary_enum_call_type: type: string enum: - carrier - sip - trunking - client summary_enum_call_state: type: string enum: - ringing - completed - busy - fail - noanswer - canceled - answered - undialed summary_enum_processing_state: type: string enum: - complete - partial insights.v1.video_room_summary.video_participant_summary: type: object properties: participant_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^PA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: Unique identifier for the participant. participant_identity: type: string nullable: true description: The application-defined string that uniquely identifies the participant within a Room. join_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: When the participant joined the room. leave_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: When the participant left the room. duration_sec: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true description: Amount of time in seconds the participant was in the room. account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: Account SID associated with the room. room_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^RM[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: Unique identifier for the room. status: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_participant_summary_enum_room_status' nullable: true description: Status of the room. Can be `in_progress` or `completed`. codecs: type: array items: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_participant_summary_enum_codec' nullable: true description: Codecs detected from the participant. Can be `VP8`, `H264`, or `VP9`. end_reason: type: string nullable: true description: Reason the participant left the room. See [the list of possible values here]( error_code: type: integer nullable: true description: Errors encountered by the participant. error_code_url: type: string nullable: true description: Twilio error code dictionary link. media_region: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_participant_summary_enum_twilio_realm' nullable: true description: Twilio media region the participant connected to. See [the list of possible media servers here]( properties: nullable: true description: Object containing information about the participant's data from the room. See [below]( for more information. edge_location: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_participant_summary_enum_edge_location' nullable: true description: Name of the edge location the participant connected to. See [the list of public edge locations]( for the possible values. publisher_info: nullable: true description: Object containing information about the SDK name and version. See [below]( for more information. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: URL of the participant resource. video_participant_summary_enum_room_status: type: string enum: - in_progress - completed video_participant_summary_enum_codec: type: string enum: - VP8 - H264 - VP9 video_participant_summary_enum_twilio_realm: type: string enum: - us1 - us2 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - in1 - de1 - gll video_participant_summary_enum_edge_location: type: string enum: - ashburn - dublin - frankfurt - singapore - sydney - sao_paulo - roaming - umatilla - tokyo insights.v1.video_room_summary: type: object properties: account_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: Account SID associated with this room. room_sid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^RM[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ nullable: true description: Unique identifier for the room. room_name: type: string nullable: true description: Room friendly name. create_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: Creation time of the room. end_time: type: string format: date-time nullable: true description: End time for the room. room_type: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_room_type' nullable: true description: Type of room. Can be `go`, `peer_to_peer`, `group`, or `group_small`. room_status: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_room_status' nullable: true description: Status of the room. Can be `in_progress` or `completed`. status_callback: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: Webhook provided for status callbacks. status_callback_method: type: string format: http-method enum: - GET - POST nullable: true description: HTTP method provided for status callback URL. created_method: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_created_method' nullable: true description: How the room was created. Can be `sdk`, `ad_hoc`, or `api`. end_reason: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_end_reason' nullable: true description: Reason the room ended. Can be `room_ended_via_api` or `timeout`. max_participants: type: integer nullable: true description: Max number of total participants allowed by the application settings. unique_participants: type: integer nullable: true description: Number of participants. May include duplicate identities for participants who left and rejoined. unique_participant_identities: type: integer nullable: true description: Unique number of participant identities. concurrent_participants: type: integer nullable: true description: Actual number of concurrent participants. max_concurrent_participants: type: integer nullable: true description: Maximum number of participants allowed in the room at the same time allowed by the application settings. codecs: type: array items: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_codec' nullable: true description: Codecs used by participants in the room. Can be `VP8`, `H264`, or `VP9`. media_region: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_twilio_realm' nullable: true description: Region of Twilio media servers for the room. See [the list of possible media servers here]( duration_sec: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true description: Total room duration from create time to end time. total_participant_duration_sec: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true description: Combined amount of participant time in the room. total_recording_duration_sec: type: integer format: int64 nullable: true description: Combined amount of recorded seconds for participants in the room. processing_state: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_processing_state' nullable: true description: Video Log Analyzer resource state. Will be either `in-progress` or `complete`. `in-progress` indicates that more details may be appended to the resource. `complete` indicates no further information will be added. recording_enabled: type: boolean nullable: true description: Boolean indicating if recording is enabled for the room. edge_location: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_edge_location' nullable: true description: Edge location of Twilio media servers for the room. See [the list of public edge locations]( for the possible values. url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: URL for the room resource. links: type: object format: uri-map nullable: true description: Room subresources. video_room_summary_enum_room_type: type: string enum: - go - peer_to_peer - group - group_small video_room_summary_enum_room_status: type: string enum: - in_progress - completed video_room_summary_enum_created_method: type: string enum: - sdk - ad_hoc - api video_room_summary_enum_end_reason: type: string enum: - room_ended_via_api - timeout video_room_summary_enum_codec: type: string enum: - VP8 - H264 - VP9 video_room_summary_enum_twilio_realm: type: string enum: - us1 - us2 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - in1 - de1 - gll video_room_summary_enum_processing_state: type: string enum: - complete - in_progress video_room_summary_enum_edge_location: type: string enum: - ashburn - dublin - frankfurt - singapore - sydney - sao_paulo - roaming - umatilla - tokyo info: title: Twilio - Insights description: This is the public Twilio REST API. termsOfService: contact: name: Twilio Support url: email: license: name: Apache 2.0 url: version: 1.0.0 openapi: 3.0.1 paths: /v1/Voice/Settings: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - advanced_features - voice_trace pathType: instance get: description: Get the Voice Insights Settings. tags: - InsightsV1Setting parameters: - name: SubaccountSid in: query description: The unique SID identifier of the Subaccount. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.account_settings' examples: fetch: value: account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa voice_trace: true advanced_features: true url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchAccountSettings post: description: Update a specific Voice Insights Setting. tags: - InsightsV1Setting responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.account_settings' examples: update: value: account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa voice_trace: true advanced_features: true url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: UpdateAccountSettings requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: type: object title: UpdateAccountSettingsRequest properties: AdvancedFeatures: type: boolean description: A boolean flag to enable Advanced Features for Voice Insights. VoiceTrace: type: boolean description: A boolean flag to enable Voice Trace. SubaccountSid: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ description: The unique SID identifier of the Subaccount. examples: update: value: VoiceTrace: true AdvancedFeatures: true SubaccountSid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab /v1/Voice/{CallSid}/Annotation: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - call_sid - account_sid parent: /Voice/{Sid} pathType: instance post: description: Update an Annotation for a specific Call. tags: - InsightsV1Annotation parameters: - name: CallSid in: path description: The unique string that Twilio created to identify this Call resource. It always starts with a CA. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' examples: update: value: account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa answered_by: human connectivity_issue: invalid_number quality_issues: - low_volume - choppy_robotic spam: true call_score: 2 comment: this is a call incident: url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: UpdateAnnotation requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: type: object title: UpdateAnnotationRequest properties: AnsweredBy: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/annotation_enum_answered_by' description: 'Specify which entity answered the call as determined by Answering Machine Detection. Use this to provide feedback on Answering Machine Detection accuracy. Possible enumerated values, one of: `human`, `machine`. `human` indicates the call was answered by a person. `machine` indicates the call was answered by an answering machine.' ConnectivityIssue: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/annotation_enum_connectivity_issue' description: Specify if the call had any connectivity issues. Possible enumerated values, one of `no_connectivity_issue`, `invalid_number`, `caller_id`, `dropped_call`, or `number_reachability`. QualityIssues: type: string description: Specify if the call had any subjective quality issues. Possible values, one or more of `no_quality_issue`, `low_volume`, `choppy_robotic`, `echo`, `dtmf`, `latency`, `owa`, `static_noise`. Use comma separated values to indicate multiple quality issues for the same call. Spam: type: boolean description: A boolean flag to indicate if the call was a spam call. Use this to provide feedback on whether calls placed from your account were marked as spam, or if inbound calls received by your account were unwanted spam. Use `true` if the call was a spam call. CallScore: type: integer nullable: true description: 'Specify the call score. This is of type integer. Use a range of 1-5 to indicate the call experience score, with the following mapping as a reference for rating the call [5: Excellent, 4: Good, 3 : Fair, 2 : Poor, 1: Bad].' Comment: type: string description: Specify any comments pertaining to the call. `comment` has a maximum character limit of 100. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in the `comment`. Incident: type: string description: Associate this call with an incident or support ticket. The `incident` parameter is of type string with a maximum character limit of 100. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in `incident`. examples: update: value: AnsweredBy: human ConnectivityIssue: invalid_number QualityIssues: low_volume,choppy_robotic Spam: true CallScore: 2 Comment: this is a call Incident: get: description: Get the Annotation for a specific Call. tags: - InsightsV1Annotation parameters: - name: CallSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' examples: fetch: value: account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa answered_by: human connectivity_issue: invalid_number quality_issues: - low_volume spam: true call_score: 2 comment: this is a call incident: url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchAnnotation /v1/Voice/{Sid}: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: [] dependentProperties: events: mapping: call_sid: sid resource_url: /v1/Voice/{call_sid}/Events metrics: mapping: call_sid: sid resource_url: /v1/Voice/{call_sid}/Metrics summary: mapping: call_sid: sid resource_url: /v1/Voice/{call_sid}/Summary annotation: mapping: call_sid: sid resource_url: /v1/Voice/{call_sid}/Annotation mountName: calls pathType: instance get: description: '' tags: - InsightsV1Call parameters: - name: Sid in: path description: '' schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' examples: fetch: value: sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa url: links: events: metrics: summary: annotation: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchCall /v1/Voice/Summaries: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - account_sid - call_sid - create_time - start_time - end_time - duration - connect_duration - call_type - call_state mountName: call_summaries className: call_summaries pathType: list get: description: Get a list of Call Summaries. tags: - InsightsV1CallSummaries parameters: - name: From in: query description: A calling party. Could be an E.164 number, a SIP URI, or a Twilio Client registered name. schema: type: string x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 - name: To in: query description: A called party. Could be an E.164 number, a SIP URI, or a Twilio Client registered name. schema: type: string x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 - name: FromCarrier in: query description: An origination carrier. schema: type: string - name: ToCarrier in: query description: A destination carrier. schema: type: string examples: readWithCarrier: value: AT&T Wireless - name: FromCountryCode in: query description: A source country code based on phone number in From. schema: type: string - name: ToCountryCode in: query description: A destination country code. Based on phone number in To. schema: type: string - name: VerifiedCaller in: query description: A boolean flag indicating whether or not the caller was verified using SHAKEN/STIR.One of 'true' or 'false'. schema: type: boolean examples: readWithTrust: value: true - name: HasTag in: query description: A boolean flag indicating the presence of one or more [Voice Insights Call Tags]( schema: type: boolean examples: readWithSubaccount: value: true - name: StartTime in: query description: A Start time of the calls. xm (x minutes), xh (x hours), xd (x days), 1w, 30m, 3d, 4w or datetime-ISO. Defaults to 4h. schema: type: string examples: readWithCarrier: value: 4h readWithSubaccount: value: 7d readWithTrust: value: 1d readWithAbnormalSession: value: 15d - name: EndTime in: query description: An End Time of the calls. xm (x minutes), xh (x hours), xd (x days), 1w, 30m, 3d, 4w or datetime-ISO. Defaults to 0m. schema: type: string - name: CallType in: query description: A Call Type of the calls. One of `carrier`, `sip`, `trunking` or `client`. schema: type: string examples: readWithSubaccount: value: client readWithAbnormalSession: value: sip,trunking - name: CallState in: query description: A Call State of the calls. One of `ringing`, `completed`, `busy`, `fail`, `noanswer`, `canceled`, `answered`, `undialed`. schema: type: string examples: readWithAbnormalSession: value: completed - name: Direction in: query description: A Direction of the calls. One of `outbound_api`, `outbound_dial`, `inbound`, `trunking_originating`, `trunking_terminating`. schema: type: string examples: readWithTrust: value: outbound_api,outbound_dial,trunking_terminating - name: ProcessingState in: query description: A Processing State of the Call Summaries. One of `completed`, `partial` or `all`. schema: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/call_summaries_enum_processing_state_request' - name: SortBy in: query description: A Sort By criterion for the returned list of Call Summaries. One of `start_time` or `end_time`. schema: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/call_summaries_enum_sort_by' - name: Subaccount in: query description: A unique SID identifier of a Subaccount. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ examples: readWithSubaccount: value: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab - name: AbnormalSession in: query description: A boolean flag indicating an abnormal session where the last SIP response was not 200 OK. schema: type: boolean examples: readWithAbnormalSession: value: true - name: AnsweredBy in: query description: An Answered By value for the calls based on `Answering Machine Detection (AMD)`. One of `unknown`, `machine_start`, `machine_end_beep`, `machine_end_silence`, `machine_end_other`, `human` or `fax`. schema: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/call_summaries_enum_answered_by' examples: readWithCarrier: value: machine_start - name: AnsweredByAnnotation in: query description: Either machine or human. schema: type: string examples: readWithAnnotationParameters: value: human - name: ConnectivityIssueAnnotation in: query description: A Connectivity Issue with the calls. One of `no_connectivity_issue`, `invalid_number`, `caller_id`, `dropped_call`, or `number_reachability`. schema: type: string examples: readWithAnnotationParameters: value: invalid_number,dropped_call - name: QualityIssueAnnotation in: query description: A subjective Quality Issue with the calls. One of `no_quality_issue`, `low_volume`, `choppy_robotic`, `echo`, `dtmf`, `latency`, `owa`, `static_noise`. schema: type: string examples: readWithAnnotationParameters: value: choppy_robotic,echo - name: SpamAnnotation in: query description: A boolean flag indicating spam calls. schema: type: boolean examples: readWithAnnotationParameters: value: true - name: CallScoreAnnotation in: query description: 'A Call Score of the calls. Use a range of 1-5 to indicate the call experience score, with the following mapping as a reference for the rated call [5: Excellent, 4: Good, 3 : Fair, 2 : Poor, 1: Bad].' schema: type: string examples: readWithAnnotationParameters: value: 1,2 - name: BrandedEnabled in: query description: A boolean flag indicating whether or not the calls were branded using Twilio Branded Calls. One of 'true' or 'false' schema: type: boolean examples: readWithCarrier: value: true - name: VoiceIntegrityEnabled in: query description: A boolean flag indicating whether or not the phone number had voice integrity enabled.One of 'true' or 'false' schema: type: boolean examples: readWithCarrier: value: true - name: BrandedBundleSid in: query description: A unique SID identifier of the Branded Call. schema: type: string - name: VoiceIntegrityBundleSid in: query description: A unique SID identifier of the Voice Integrity Profile. schema: type: string - name: VoiceIntegrityUseCase in: query description: A Voice Integrity Use Case . Is of type enum. One of 'abandoned_cart', 'appointment_reminders', 'appointment_scheduling', 'asset_management', 'automated_support', 'call_tracking', 'click_to_call', 'contact_tracing', 'contactless_delivery', 'customer_support', 'dating/social', 'delivery_notifications', 'distance_learning', 'emergency_notifications', 'employee_notifications', 'exam_proctoring', 'field_notifications', 'first_responder', 'fraud_alerts', 'group_messaging', 'identify_&_verification', 'intelligent_routing', 'lead_alerts', 'lead_distribution', 'lead_generation', 'lead_management', 'lead_nurturing', 'marketing_events', 'mass_alerts', 'meetings/collaboration', 'order_notifications', 'outbound_dialer', 'pharmacy', 'phone_system', 'purchase_confirmation', 'remote_appointments', 'rewards_program', 'self-service', 'service_alerts', 'shift_management', 'survey/research', 'telehealth', 'telemarketing', 'therapy_(individual+group)'. schema: type: string - name: BusinessProfileIdentity in: query description: 'A Business Identity of the calls. Is of type enum. One of ''direct_customer'', ''isv_reseller_or_partner''. ' schema: type: string - name: BusinessProfileIndustry in: query description: 'A Business Industry of the calls. Is of type enum. One of ''automotive'', ''agriculture'', ''banking'', ''consumer'', ''construction'', ''education'', ''engineering'', ''energy'', ''oil_and_gas'', ''fast_moving_consumer_goods'', ''financial'', ''fintech'', ''food_and_beverage'', ''government'', ''healthcare'', ''hospitality'', ''insurance'', ''legal'', ''manufacturing'', ''media'', ''online'', ''professional_services'', ''raw_materials'', ''real_estate'', ''religion'', ''retail'', ''jewelry'', ''technology'', ''telecommunications'', ''transportation'', ''travel'', ''electronics'', ''not_for_profit'' ' schema: type: string - name: BusinessProfileBundleSid in: query description: A unique SID identifier of the Business Profile. schema: type: string - name: BusinessProfileType in: query description: A Business Profile Type of the calls. Is of type enum. One of 'primary', 'secondary'. schema: type: string - name: PageSize in: query description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 - name: Page in: query description: The page index. This value is simply for client state. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: PageToken in: query description: The page token. This is provided by the API. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: call_summaries: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.call_summaries' meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListCallSummariesResponse examples: readEmpty: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: call_summaries url: call_summaries: [] readWithCarrier: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: call_summaries url: call_summaries: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T03:40:25Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T03:40:25Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T03:40:45Z' duration: 20 connect_duration: 20 call_type: carrier call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: T-Mobile USA, Inc. connection: mobile number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 40.83885 lon: -74.04568 country_code: US to: callee: '+15555555556' carrier: AT&T Wireless connection: mobile number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 33.42767 lon: -86.886475 country_code: US processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: null client_edge: null carrier_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 edge_location: xxxxx direction: inbound metrics: inbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_received: 202 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.48209 avg: 0.483035 outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 218 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.51868 avg: 0.364434 tags: - high_packet_loss - high_jitter attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 121 disconnected_by: callee direction: inbound trust: verified_caller: verified: true branded: enabled: true display_name: Owl bank long_display_name: Owl bank Ltd bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 business_profile: bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 identity: direct_customer industry: BANKING type: corporate voice_integrity: enabled: true bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 use_case: customer_support annotation: null url: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T02:20:25Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T02:20:25Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T02:40:45Z' duration: 18 connect_duration: 18 call_type: carrier call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: T-Mobile USA, Inc. connection: mobile number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 40.83885 lon: -74.04568 country_code: US to: callee: '+15555555556' carrier: AT&T Wireless connection: mobile number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 33.42767 lon: -86.886475 country_code: US processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: null client_edge: null carrier_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 edge_location: xxxxx direction: inbound metrics: inbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_received: 100 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.48209 avg: 0.483035 outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 102 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.51868 avg: 0.364434 tags: null attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 121 disconnected_by: callee direction: inbound trust: verified_caller: verified: true branded: enabled: true display_name: Owl bank long_display_name: Owl bank Ltd bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 business_profile: bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 identity: direct_customer industry: BANKING type: corporate voice_integrity: enabled: true bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 use_case: customer_support annotation: null url: readWithSubaccount: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: call_summaries url: call_summaries: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab created_time: '2021-08-25T04:16:35Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T04:16:36Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T04:16:42Z' duration: 7 connect_duration: 6 call_type: client call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: client:+15555555555 connection: twilio_sdk to: callee: client:TBBXXXXXXXXXXXX connection: twilio_sdk processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: null client_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 twilio_media_ip: external_media_ip: edge_location: xxxxxx direction: inbound metrics: inbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_received: 252 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 5.60994 avg: 0.933334 outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 229 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.960786 avg: 0.399859 carrier_edge: null tags: - high_pdd attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 58 disconnected_by: callee direction: inbound trust: null annotation: null url: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab created_time: '2021-08-25T04:16:35Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T04:16:37Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T04:16:40Z' duration: 5 connect_duration: 3 call_type: client call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: Verizon connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 40.83885 lon: -74.04568 country_code: US to: callee: client:TBBTXXXXXX connection: twilio_sdk processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: null client_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 twilio_media_ip: external_media_ip: edge_location: xxxxx direction: outbound metrics: inbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_received: 110 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.05918 avg: 0.461966 outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 147 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.869174 avg: 0.319674 carrier_edge: null tags: null attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 35 disconnected_by: callee direction: outbound_api trust: null annotation: null url: readWithTrust: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: call_summaries url: call_summaries: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T14:31:18Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T14:31:22Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T14:32:02Z' duration: 44 connect_duration: 41 call_type: trunking call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: ACS connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 60.268353 lon: -141.13632 country_code: US to: callee: '+15555555556' carrier: Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. - HI connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 20.956036 lon: -157.23793 country_code: US processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 twilio_media_ip: twilio_signaling_ip: external_signaling_ip: sip_call_id: xxxxx@ user_agent: xxxx edge_location: xxxxx trunk_sid: xxxxxxx direction: inbound metrics: outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 1953 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.76407 avg: 0.23138 latency: max: 0.386 avg: 0.3765 client_edge: null carrier_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 edge_location: xxxx direction: outbound tags: - silence attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 1990 disconnected_by: caller direction: trunking_terminating trust: verified_caller: verified: true annotation: null url: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T14:03:31Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T14:03:32Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T14:03:38Z' duration: 7 connect_duration: 6 call_type: carrier call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: T-Mobile USA, Inc. connection: mobile number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 40.83885 lon: -74.04568 country_code: US to: callee: '+15555555556' carrier: T-Mobile USA, Inc. connection: mobile number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 34.186115 lon: -118.43555 country_code: US processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: null client_edge: null carrier_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 edge_location: xxxx direction: outbound metrics: inbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_received: 229 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.10303 avg: 0.449886 outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 273 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.410031 avg: 0.295951 tags: null attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 315 disconnected_by: callee direction: outbound_api trust: verified_caller: verified: true annotation: null url: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-24T22:28:17Z' start_time: '2021-08-24T22:28:20Z' end_time: '2021-08-24T22:28:23Z' duration: 4 connect_duration: 3 call_type: carrier call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. - HI connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 20.956036 lon: -157.23793 country_code: US to: callee: '+15555555556' connection: pstn processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: null client_edge: null carrier_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 edge_location: xxxx direction: outbound metrics: outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 103 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.596712 avg: 0.251725 tags: - silence attributes: null properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 105 disconnected_by: caller direction: outbound_dial trust: null annotation: null url: readWithAbnormalSession: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: call_summaries url: call_summaries: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T14:46:40Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T14:46:40Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T14:46:52Z' duration: 12 connect_duration: 12 call_type: sip call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: XO Communications, Inc. connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 40.83885 lon: -74.04568 country_code: US to: callee: connection: sip_interface processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 twilio_media_ip: twilio_signaling_ip: xx.xx.xx.xx external_media_ip: external_signaling_ip: sip_call_id: xxxxxxxx@ edge_location: xxxxx direction: outbound metrics: inbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_received: 525 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.554729 avg: 0.229541 outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 245 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.03548 avg: 0.344092 client_edge: null carrier_edge: null tags: null attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 255 disconnected_by: callee direction: outbound_dial trust: null annotation: null url: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T14:31:18Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T14:31:22Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T14:32:02Z' duration: 44 connect_duration: 41 call_type: trunking call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: ACS connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 60.268353 lon: -141.13632 country_code: US to: callee: '+15555555556' carrier: Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. - HI connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 20.956036 lon: -157.23793 country_code: US processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 twilio_media_ip: twilio_signaling_ip: external_signaling_ip: sip_call_id: xxxxx@ user_agent: xxxx edge_location: xxxxx trunk_sid: xxxxxxx direction: inbound metrics: outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 1953 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.76407 avg: 0.23138 latency: max: 0.386 avg: 0.3765 client_edge: null carrier_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 edge_location: xxxx direction: outbound tags: - silence attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 1990 disconnected_by: caller direction: trunking_terminating trust: verified_caller: verified: true annotation: null url: readWithAnnotationParameters: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: call_summaries url: call_summaries: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T14:46:40Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T14:46:40Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T14:46:52Z' duration: 12 connect_duration: 12 call_type: sip call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: XO Communications, Inc. connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 40.83885 lon: -74.04568 country_code: US to: callee: connection: sip_interface processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 twilio_media_ip: twilio_signaling_ip: xx.xx.xx.xx external_media_ip: external_signaling_ip: sip_call_id: xxxxxxxx@ edge_location: xxxxx direction: outbound metrics: inbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_received: 525 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 0.554729 avg: 0.229541 outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 245 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.03548 avg: 0.344092 client_edge: null carrier_edge: null tags: null attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 255 disconnected_by: callee direction: outbound_dial trust: null annotation: answered_by: human spam: true connectivity_issue: invalid_number quality_issues: - choppy_robotic call_score: 1 url: - call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa created_time: '2021-08-25T14:31:18Z' start_time: '2021-08-25T14:31:22Z' end_time: '2021-08-25T14:32:02Z' duration: 44 connect_duration: 41 call_type: trunking call_state: completed answered_by: machine_start from: caller: '+15555555555' carrier: ACS connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 60.268353 lon: -141.13632 country_code: US to: callee: '+15555555556' carrier: Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. - HI connection: landline number_prefix: '1555' location: lat: 20.956036 lon: -157.23793 country_code: US processing_state: complete sdk_edge: null sip_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 twilio_media_ip: twilio_signaling_ip: external_signaling_ip: sip_call_id: xxxxx@ user_agent: xxxx edge_location: xxxxx trunk_sid: xxxxxxx direction: inbound metrics: outbound: codec: 0 codec_name: pcmu packets_sent: 1953 packets_lost: 0 packets_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: max: 1.76407 avg: 0.23138 latency: max: 0.386 avg: 0.3765 client_edge: null carrier_edge: properties: media_region: us1 signaling_region: us1 edge_location: xxxx direction: outbound tags: - silence attributes: conference_participant: false properties: last_sip_response_num: 200 pdd_ms: 1990 disconnected_by: caller direction: trunking_terminating trust: verified_caller: verified: true annotation: answered_by: human spam: true connectivity_issue: invalid_number quality_issues: - choppy_robotic call_score: 1 url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: ListCallSummaries /v1/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - conference_sid - account_sid dependentProperties: conference_participants: mapping: conference_sid: conference_sid resource_url: /v1/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Participants pathType: instance get: description: Get a specific Conference Summary. tags: - InsightsV1Conference parameters: - name: ConferenceSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference' examples: fetch: value: conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: conference1 start_time: '2021-10-08T02:58:51Z' create_time: '2021-10-08T02:58:47Z' end_time: '2021-10-08T03:00:02Z' duration_seconds: 76 connect_duration_seconds: 72 status: completed max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 4 unique_participants: 4 end_reason: last_participant_left ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mixer_region: us1 mixer_region_requested: us1 recording_enabled: false processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 1 region_configuration: 0 participant_behavior: 3 tags: - duplicate_identity - detected_silence - participant_behavior_issues tag_info: duplicate_identity: - participant_identity: client:+10000000000 participant_sids: - CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab url: links: conference_participants: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchConference /v1/Conferences: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - conference_sid - account_sid dependentProperties: conference_participants: mapping: conference_sid: conference_sid resource_url: /v1/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Participants pathType: list get: description: Get a list of Conference Summaries. tags: - InsightsV1Conference parameters: - name: ConferenceSid in: query description: The SID of the conference. schema: type: string - name: FriendlyName in: query description: Custom label for the conference resource, up to 64 characters. schema: type: string x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 examples: readWithFriendlynameStartfailure: value: outboundConfCallTransferThrice_1 - name: Status in: query description: Conference status. schema: type: string examples: readWithRegion: value: completed readWithFriendlynameStartfailure: value: not_started - name: CreatedAfter in: query description: Conferences created after the provided timestamp specified in ISO 8601 format schema: type: string examples: readFull: value: '2021-10-09T17:20:53Z' - name: CreatedBefore in: query description: Conferences created before the provided timestamp specified in ISO 8601 format. schema: type: string examples: readFull: value: '2021-10-12T18:37:53Z' - name: MixerRegion in: query description: Twilio region where the conference media was mixed. schema: type: string examples: readWithRegion: value: au1 - name: Tags in: query description: Tags applied by Twilio for common potential configuration, quality, or performance issues. schema: type: string examples: readWithDuplicateIdentity: value: duplicate_identity - name: Subaccount in: query description: Account SID for the subaccount whose resources you wish to retrieve. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ - name: DetectedIssues in: query description: Potential configuration, behavior, or performance issues detected during the conference. schema: type: string examples: readWithDetectedIssueEndreason: value: call_quality - name: EndReason in: query description: Conference end reason; e.g. last participant left, modified by API, etc. schema: type: string examples: readWithDetectedIssueEndreason: value: participant_with_end_conference_on_exit_left - name: PageSize in: query description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 - name: Page in: query description: The page index. This value is simply for client state. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: PageToken in: query description: The page token. This is provided by the API. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: conferences: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference' meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListConferenceResponse examples: readFull: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null url: next_page_url: null key: conferences conferences: - conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: conference 1 start_time: '2021-10-12T18:11:10Z' create_time: '2021-10-12T18:11:09Z' end_time: '2021-10-12T18:11:15Z' duration_seconds: 7 connect_duration_seconds: 5 status: completed max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 2 unique_participants: 2 end_reason: last_participant_left ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mixer_region: us1 mixer_region_requested: null recording_enabled: false processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 1 region_configuration: 0 participant_behavior: 0 tags: null tag_info: null url: links: conference_participants: - conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: conference 2 start_time: null create_time: '2021-10-12T18:09:21Z' end_time: '2021-10-12T18:09:21Z' duration_seconds: 1 connect_duration_seconds: 0 status: completed max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 2 unique_participants: 3 end_reason: last_participant_left ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab mixer_region: us1 mixer_region_requested: null recording_enabled: false processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 1 region_configuration: 0 participant_behavior: 0 tags: - detected_silence - participant_behavior_issues tag_info: null url: links: conference_participants: readWithRegion: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null url: next_page_url: null key: conferences conferences: - conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: conference 1 start_time: '2021-10-12T18:19:10Z' create_time: '2021-10-12T18:19:09Z' end_time: '2021-10-12T18:20:17Z' duration_seconds: 7 connect_duration_seconds: 5 status: completed max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 2 unique_participants: 2 end_reason: participant_with_end_conference_on_exit_kicked ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mixer_region: au1 mixer_region_requested: au1 recording_enabled: true processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 0 region_configuration: 2 participant_behavior: 0 tags: - region_configuration_issues tag_info: null url: links: conference_participants: - conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: conference 2 start_time: '2021-10-12T18:16:53Z' create_time: '2021-10-12T18:16:51Z' end_time: '2021-10-12T18:17:20Z' duration_seconds: 30 connect_duration_seconds: 27 status: completed max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 2 unique_participants: 2 end_reason: last_participant_left ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab mixer_region: au1 mixer_region_requested: null recording_enabled: false processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 0 region_configuration: 2 participant_behavior: 3 tags: - detected_silence - region_configuration_issues - participant_behavior_issues tag_info: null url: links: conference_participants: readWithFriendlynameStartfailure: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null url: next_page_url: null key: conferences conferences: - conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: outboundConfCallTransferThrice_1 start_time: null create_time: '2021-11-18T00:09:09Z' end_time: '2021-11-18T00:09:52Z' duration_seconds: 7 connect_duration_seconds: 0 status: not_started max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 1 unique_participants: 1 end_reason: last_participant_left ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mixer_region: null mixer_region_requested: null recording_enabled: false processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 0 region_configuration: 0 participant_behavior: 0 tags: - participant_behavior_issues - start_failure tag_info: start_failure: reason: no_concurrent_participants url: links: conference_participants: readWithDuplicateIdentity: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null url: next_page_url: null key: conferences conferences: - conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: conference 1 start_time: '2021-11-17T16:21:45Z' create_time: '2021-11-17T16:21:40Z' end_time: '2021-11-17T16:22:11Z' duration_seconds: 32 connect_duration_seconds: 27 status: not_started max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 3 unique_participants: 4 end_reason: last_participant_left ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mixer_region: us1 mixer_region_requested: null recording_enabled: false processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 0 region_configuration: 0 participant_behavior: 0 tags: - duplicate_identity - detected_silence - participant_behavior_issues tag_info: duplicate_identity: - participant_identity: client:+10000000000 participant_sids: - CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab url: links: conference_participants: readWithDetectedIssueEndreason: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null url: next_page_url: null key: conferences conferences: - conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa friendly_name: conference 1 start_time: '2021-11-17T16:21:45Z' create_time: '2021-11-17T16:21:40Z' end_time: '2021-11-17T16:22:11Z' duration_seconds: 32 connect_duration_seconds: 27 status: not_started max_participants: 250 max_concurrent_participants: 3 unique_participants: 3 end_reason: participant_with_end_conference_on_exit_left ended_by: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mixer_region: us1 mixer_region_requested: null recording_enabled: false processing_state: complete detected_issues: call_quality: 3 region_configuration: 0 participant_behavior: 1 tags: - high_packet_loss - low_mos - participant_behavior_issues - quality_warnings - high_jitter - detected_silence tag_info: null url: links: conference_participants: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: ListConference /v1/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}/Participants/{ParticipantSid}: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid - conference_sid - call_sid - account_sid parent: /Conferences/{ConferenceSid} mountName: conference_participants pathType: instance get: description: Get a specific Conference Participant Summary for a Conference. tags: - InsightsV1ConferenceParticipant parameters: - name: ConferenceSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true - name: ParticipantSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Participant. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CP[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true - name: Events in: query description: Conference events generated by application or participant activity; e.g. `hold`, `mute`, etc. schema: type: string - name: Metrics in: query description: Object. Contains participant call quality metrics. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference.conference_participant' examples: fetch: value: participant_sid: CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa label: null conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_direction: outbound from: '+10000000000' to: '+1000000001' call_status: completed country_code: US is_moderator: true join_time: '2021-10-08T02:58:59Z' leave_time: '2021-10-08T03:00:02Z' duration_seconds: 64 outbound_queue_length: 0 outbound_time_in_queue: 965 jitter_buffer_size: null is_coach: false coached_participants: null participant_region: us1 conference_region: us1 call_type: carrier processing_state: complete properties: start_conference_on_enter: false end_conference_on_exit: false play_early_media: false enter_muted: true beep_on_enter: false beep_on_exit: false events: mute: - 1633705131000 metrics: inbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 49 packet_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: avg: 0.34 max: 0.53 latency: avg: 0.0 max: 0.0 mos: 4.4 outbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 126 packet_loss_percentage: 0 jitter: avg: 0.01 max: 0.01 latency: avg: 0 max: 0 mos: 4.4 url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchConferenceParticipant /v1/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}/Participants: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid - conference_sid - call_sid - account_sid parent: /Conferences/{ConferenceSid} mountName: conference_participants pathType: list get: description: Get a list of Conference Participants Summaries for a Conference. tags: - InsightsV1ConferenceParticipant parameters: - name: ConferenceSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true - name: ParticipantSid in: query description: The unique SID identifier of the Participant. schema: type: string - name: Label in: query description: User-specified label for a participant. schema: type: string x-twilio: pii: handling: standard deleteSla: 30 examples: readWithLabel: value: client - name: Events in: query description: Conference events generated by application or participant activity; e.g. `hold`, `mute`, etc. schema: type: string - name: PageSize in: query description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 - name: Page in: query description: The page index. This value is simply for client state. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: PageToken in: query description: The page token. This is provided by the API. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: participants: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference.conference_participant' meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListConferenceParticipantResponse examples: readFull: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null url: next_page_url: null key: participants participants: - participant_sid: CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa label: null conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_direction: outbound from: '+10000000000' to: '+10000000001' call_status: completed country_code: US is_moderator: true join_time: '2021-10-08T02:58:51Z' leave_time: '2021-10-08T02:59:55Z' duration_seconds: 65 outbound_queue_length: 0 outbound_time_in_queue: 3361 jitter_buffer_size: null is_coach: false coached_participants: null participant_region: us1 conference_region: us1 call_type: carrier processing_state: complete properties: start_conference_on_enter: true end_conference_on_exit: false play_early_media: true enter_muted: false beep_on_enter: false beep_on_exit: false metrics: inbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 70 packet_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: avg: 0.41 max: 0.84 latency: avg: 0.0 max: 0.0 mos: 4.4 outbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 126 packet_loss_percentage: 0 jitter: avg: 0.01 max: 0.01 latency: avg: 0 max: 0 mos: 4.4 events: null url: - participant_sid: CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab label: null conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_direction: outbound from: '+10000000000' to: '+10000000002' call_status: completed country_code: US is_moderator: true join_time: '2021-10-08T02:58:52Z' leave_time: '2021-10-08T02:59:54Z' duration_seconds: 63 outbound_queue_length: 0 outbound_time_in_queue: 321 jitter_buffer_size: null is_coach: false coached_participants: null participant_region: us1 conference_region: us1 call_type: carrier processing_state: complete properties: start_conference_on_enter: false end_conference_on_exit: false early_media: false enter_muted: true beep_on_enter: false beep_on_exit: false metrics: inbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 16 packet_loss_percentage: 0 jitter: avg: 0.26 max: 0.45 latency: avg: 0 max: 0 mos: 4.4 outbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 42 packet_loss_percentage: 0 jitter: avg: 0.03 max: 0.08 latency: avg: 0 max: 0 mos: 4.4 tags: - silent events: mute: - 1633705131000 url: readWithLabel: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 25 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null url: next_page_url: null key: participants participants: - participant_sid: CPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa conference_sid: CFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_direction: outbound from: '+10000000000' to: '+10000000001' call_status: completed country_code: US is_moderator: true join_time: '2021-10-08T02:58:51Z' leave_time: '2021-10-08T02:59:55Z' duration_seconds: 65 label: client outbound_queue_length: 0 outbound_time_in_queue: 3361 jitter_buffer_size: null is_coach: false coached_participants: null participant_region: us1 conference_region: us1 call_type: carrier processing_state: complete properties: start_conference_on_enter: true end_conference_on_exit: false play_early_media: true enter_muted: false beep_on_enter: false beep_on_exit: false metrics: inbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 70 packet_loss_percentage: 0.0 jitter: avg: 0.41 max: 0.84 latency: avg: 0.0 max: 0.0 mos: 4.4 outbound: total_packets_lost: 0 total_packets_received: 96 packet_loss_percentage: 0 jitter: avg: 0.01 max: 0.01 latency: avg: 0 max: 0 mos: 4.4 events: null url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: ListConferenceParticipant /v1/Voice/{CallSid}/Events: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - timestamp - call_sid - account_sid - edge - name parent: /Voice/{Sid} pathType: list get: description: Get a list of Call Insight Events for a Call. tags: - InsightsV1Event parameters: - name: CallSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true - name: Edge in: query description: The Edge of this Event. One of `unknown_edge`, `carrier_edge`, `sip_edge`, `sdk_edge` or `client_edge`. schema: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/event_enum_twilio_edge' - name: PageSize in: query description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 - name: Page in: query description: The page index. This value is simply for client state. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: PageToken in: query description: The page token. This is provided by the API. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: events: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListEventResponse examples: read: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 50 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: events url: events: - timestamp: '2019-09-19T22:15:23Z' call_sid: CA03a02b156c6faa96c86906f7e9ad0f38 account_sid: AC998c10b68cbfda9f67277f7d8f4439c9 edge: sdk_edge group: connection name: error level: ERROR sdk_edge: error: code: 31600 metadata: client_name: GTI9300323095d271b890c91568931321395 location: lat: 37.4192 lon: -122.0574 city: Mountain View country_code: US country_subdivision: California ip_address: sdk: type: twilio-voice-android version: 4.5.1 platform: android selected_region: gll os: name: android version: '4.3' device: model: GT-I9300 type: GT-I9300 vendor: samsung arch: armeabi-v7a client_edge: null carrier_edge: null sip_edge: null readDeep: value: meta: page: 10 page_size: 5 first_page_url: previous_page_url: next_page_url: null key: events url: events: - timestamp: '2019-09-19T22:15:23Z' call_sid: CA03a02b156c6faa96c86906f7e9ad0f38 account_sid: AC998c10b68cbfda9f67277f7d8f4439c9 edge: sdk_edge group: connection name: error level: ERROR sdk_edge: error: code: 31600 metadata: client_name: GTI9300323095d271b890c91568931321395 location: lat: 37.4192 lon: -122.0574 city: Mountain View country_code: US country_subdivision: California ip_address: sdk: type: twilio-voice-android version: 4.5.1 platform: android selected_region: gll os: name: android version: '4.3' device: model: GT-I9300 type: GT-I9300 vendor: samsung arch: armeabi-v7a client_edge: null carrier_edge: null sip_edge: null headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: ListEvent /v1/Voice/{CallSid}/Metrics: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - timestamp - call_sid - account_sid - edge - direction parent: /Voice/{Sid} pathType: list get: description: Get a list of Call Metrics for a Call. tags: - InsightsV1Metric parameters: - name: CallSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true - name: Edge in: query description: The Edge of this Metric. One of `unknown_edge`, `carrier_edge`, `sip_edge`, `sdk_edge` or `client_edge`. schema: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/metric_enum_twilio_edge' examples: readFull: value: sdk_edge - name: Direction in: query description: The Direction of this Metric. One of `unknown`, `inbound`, `outbound` or `both`. schema: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/metric_enum_stream_direction' examples: readFull: value: both - name: PageSize in: query description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 - name: Page in: query description: The page index. This value is simply for client state. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: PageToken in: query description: The page token. This is provided by the API. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: metrics: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListMetricResponse examples: read: value: meta: page: 0 page_size: 50 first_page_url: previous_page_url: null next_page_url: null key: metrics url: metrics: - timestamp: '2019-10-07T22:32:06Z' call_sid: CA7569efe0253644fa4a88aa97beca3310 account_sid: AC998c10b68cbfda9f67277f7d8f4439c9 edge: sdk_edge direction: both sdk_edge: interval: packets_received: 50 packets_lost: 0 audio_in: value: 81.0 audio_out: value: 5237.0 jitter: value: 9 mos: value: 4.39 rtt: value: 81 cumulative: bytes_received: 547788 bytes_sent: 329425 packets_received: 3900 packets_lost: 0 packets_sent: 3934 client_edge: null carrier_edge: null sip_edge: null readFull: value: meta: page: 10 page_size: 5 first_page_url: previous_page_url: next_page_url: null key: metrics url: metrics: - timestamp: '2019-10-07T22:32:06Z' call_sid: CA7569efe0253644fa4a88aa97beca3310 account_sid: AC998c10b68cbfda9f67277f7d8f4439c9 edge: sdk_edge direction: both sdk_edge: interval: packets_received: 50 packets_lost: 0 audio_in: value: 81.0 audio_out: value: 5237.0 jitter: value: 9 mos: value: 4.39 rtt: value: 81 cumulative: bytes_received: 547788 bytes_sent: 329425 packets_received: 3900 packets_lost: 0 packets_sent: 3934 client_edge: null carrier_edge: null sip_edge: null headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: ListMetric /v1/Voice/{CallSid}/Summary: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - call_type - call_state - processing_state - duration parent: /Voice/{Sid} className: call_summary pathType: instance get: description: Get a specific Call Summary. tags: - InsightsV1CallSummary parameters: - name: CallSid in: path description: The unique SID identifier of the Call. schema: type: string minLength: 34 maxLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ required: true - name: ProcessingState in: query description: The Processing State of this Call Summary. One of `complete`, `partial` or `all`. schema: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/summary_enum_processing_state' responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' examples: fetch: value: account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_type: carrier call_state: ringing answered_by: machine_start processing_state: complete created_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' start_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' end_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' duration: 100 connect_duration: 99 from: {} to: {} carrier_edge: {} client_edge: {} sdk_edge: {} sip_edge: {} tags: - tags attributes: {} properties: {} trust: verified_caller: verified: true branded: enabled: true display_name: Owl bank long_display_name: Owl bank Ltd bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 business_profile: bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 identity: direct_customer industry: BANKING type: corporate voice_integrity: enabled: true bundle_sid: BU5ceeea51b1424478fc541dfef0e2b167 use_case: customer_support annotation: account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa call_sid: CAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa answered_by: human connectivity_issue: invalid_number quality_issues: - low_volume spam: true call_score: 2 comment: this is a call incident: url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchSummary /v1/Video/Rooms/{RoomSid}/Participants/{ParticipantSid}: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid parent: /Video/Rooms/{RoomSid} pathType: instance get: description: Get Video Log Analyzer data for a Room Participant. tags: - InsightsV1Participant parameters: - name: RoomSid in: path description: The SID of the Room resource. schema: type: string required: true - name: ParticipantSid in: path description: The SID of the Participant resource. schema: type: string required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary.video_participant_summary' examples: fetch: value: publisher_info: {} edge_location: ashburn join_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' leave_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' end_reason: disconnected_via_api account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa error_code: 0 media_region: us1 properties: {} room_sid: RMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa error_code_url: error_code_url participant_sid: PAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa codecs: - VP8 status: in_progress duration_sec: 50000000 participant_identity: participant_identity url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchVideoParticipantSummary /v1/Video/Rooms/{RoomSid}/Participants: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid parent: /Video/Rooms/{RoomSid} pathType: list get: description: Get a list of room participants. tags: - InsightsV1Participant parameters: - name: RoomSid in: path description: The SID of the Room resource. schema: type: string required: true - name: PageSize in: query description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 - name: Page in: query description: The page index. This value is simply for client state. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: PageToken in: query description: The page token. This is provided by the API. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: participants: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary.video_participant_summary' meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListVideoParticipantSummaryResponse examples: readEmpty: value: meta: url: key: participants first_page_url: page_size: 50 next_page_url: null page: 0 previous_page_url: null participants: [] readFull: value: meta: url: key: participants first_page_url: page_size: 50 next_page_url: null page: 0 previous_page_url: null participants: - publisher_info: {} edge_location: ashburn join_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' leave_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' end_reason: disconnected_via_api account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa error_code: 53205 media_region: us1 properties: {} room_sid: RMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa error_code_url: error_code_url participant_sid: PAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa codecs: - VP8 status: in_progress duration_sec: 50000000 participant_identity: participant_identity url: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: ListVideoParticipantSummary /v1/Video/Rooms/{RoomSid}: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - room_sid - create_time dependentProperties: participants: mapping: room_sid: room_sid resource_url: /v1/Video/Rooms/{room_sid}/Participants pathType: instance get: description: Get Video Log Analyzer data for a Room. tags: - InsightsV1Room parameters: - name: RoomSid in: path description: The SID of the Room resource. schema: type: string required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary' examples: fetch: value: room_type: go unique_participant_identities: 0 codecs: - VP8 max_participants: 0 room_sid: RMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa create_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' end_reason: room_ended_via_api duration_sec: 50000000 room_status: in_progress media_region: us1 recording_enabled: false edge_location: ashburn max_concurrent_participants: 0 unique_participants: 0 room_name: room_name created_method: sdk total_participant_duration_sec: 50000000 status_callback_method: GET account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa end_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' total_recording_duration_sec: 50000000 processing_state: complete concurrent_participants: 0 status_callback: url: links: participants: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: FetchVideoRoomSummary /v1/Video/Rooms: servers: - url: description: '' x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - room_sid - create_time dependentProperties: participants: mapping: room_sid: room_sid resource_url: /v1/Video/Rooms/{room_sid}/Participants pathType: list get: description: Get a list of Programmable Video Rooms. tags: - InsightsV1Room parameters: - name: RoomType in: query description: Type of room. Can be `go`, `peer_to_peer`, `group`, or `group_small`. schema: type: array items: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_room_type' - name: Codec in: query description: Codecs used by participants in the room. Can be `VP8`, `H264`, or `VP9`. schema: type: array items: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/video_room_summary_enum_codec' - name: RoomName in: query description: Room friendly name. schema: type: string - name: CreatedAfter in: query description: Only read rooms that started on or after this ISO 8601 timestamp. schema: type: string format: date-time - name: CreatedBefore in: query description: Only read rooms that started before this ISO 8601 timestamp. schema: type: string format: date-time - name: PageSize in: query description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 - name: Page in: query description: The page index. This value is simply for client state. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: PageToken in: query description: The page token. This is provided by the API. schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: rooms: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary' meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri nullable: true type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListVideoRoomSummaryResponse examples: readEmpty: value: meta: first_page_url: url: page_size: 50 next_page_url: null key: rooms page: 0 previous_page_url: null rooms: [] readFull: value: meta: first_page_url: url: page_size: 50 next_page_url: null key: rooms page: 0 previous_page_url: null rooms: - room_type: go unique_participant_identities: 0 codecs: - VP8 max_participants: 0 room_sid: RMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa create_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' end_reason: room_ended_via_api duration_sec: 50000000 room_status: in_progress media_region: us1 recording_enabled: false edge_location: ashburn max_concurrent_participants: 0 unique_participants: 0 room_name: room_name created_method: sdk total_participant_duration_sec: 50000000 status_callback_method: GET account_sid: ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa end_time: '2015-07-30T20:00:00Z' total_recording_duration_sec: 50000000 processing_state: complete concurrent_participants: 0 status_callback: url: links: participants: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: description: Specify the origin(s) allowed to access the resource schema: type: string example: '*' Access-Control-Allow-Methods: description: Specify the HTTP methods allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: description: Specify the headers allowed when accessing the resource schema: type: string example: Content-Type, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: description: Indicates whether the browser should include credentials schema: type: boolean Access-Control-Expose-Headers: description: Headers exposed to the client schema: type: string example: X-Custom-Header1, X-Custom-Header2 description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] operationId: ListVideoRoomSummary servers: - url: tags: - name: InsightsV1Annotation - name: InsightsV1Call - name: InsightsV1CallSummaries - name: InsightsV1CallSummary - name: InsightsV1Conference - name: InsightsV1ConferenceParticipant - name: InsightsV1Event - name: InsightsV1Metric - name: InsightsV1Participant - name: InsightsV1Room - name: InsightsV1Setting security: - accountSid_authToken: []