var MangaHere = { //Name of the mirror mirrorName: "Manga Here", //True if the mirror can list all of its mangas. canListFullMangas: false, //Extension internal link to the icon of the mirror. mirrorIcon: "img/mangahere.png", //Languages of scans for the mirror languages: "en", //Return true if the url corresponds to the mirror isMe: function (url) { return (url.indexOf("") != -1); }, //Return the list of all or part of all mangas from the mirror //The search parameter is filled if canListFullMangas is false //This list must be an Array of [["manga name", "url"], ...] //This function must call callback("Mirror name", [returned list]); getMangaList: function (search, callback) { $.ajax({ url: "" + search, beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); }, success: function (objResponse) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = objResponse; var res = []; $(".result_search dl dt a:first-child", div).each(function (index) { res[res.length] = [$(this).text().trim(), this.href]; }); callback("Manga Here", res); } }); }, //Find the list of all chapters of the manga represented by the urlManga parameter //This list must be an Array of [["chapter name", "url"], ...] //This list must be sorted descending. The first element must be the most recent. //This function MUST call callback([list of chapters], obj); getListChaps: function (urlManga, mangaName, obj, callback) { $.ajax({ url: urlManga, beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); }, success: function (objResponse) { var div = document.createElement("div"); objResponse = objResponse.replace(/]*>/ig, ''); //avoid loading cover image div.innerHTML = objResponse; var res = []; $(".detail_list ul li span.left a", div).each(function (index) { url = this.href.replace("chrome-extension", "http") res[res.length] = [$(this).text().trim(), url]; }); callback(res, obj); } }); }, //This method must return (throught callback method) an object like : //{"name" : Name of current manga, // "currentChapter": Name of thee current chapter (one of the chapters returned by getListChaps), // "currentMangaURL": Url to access current manga, // "currentChapterURL": Url to access current chapter} getInformationsFromCurrentPage: function (doc, curUrl, callback) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. var name; var currentChapter; var currentMangaURL; var currentChapterURL; name = $($(".readpage_top .title a", doc)[1]).text().trim(); if (name.length >= 5 && name.substr(name.length - 5, 5) == "Manga") { name = name.substr(0, name.length - 5).trim(); } currentChapter = $($(".readpage_top .title a", doc)[0]).text(); currentChapterURL = $(".readpage_top .title a", doc)[0].href; console.log(currentChapterURL); currentMangaURL = $(".readpage_top .title a", doc)[1].href; callback({ "name": name, "currentChapter": currentChapter, "currentMangaURL": currentMangaURL, "currentChapterURL": currentChapterURL }); }, //Returns the list of the urls of the images of the full chapter //This function can return urls which are not the source of the //images. The src of the image is set by the getImageFromPageAndWrite() function. getListImages: function (doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. var res = []; $("select.wid60:first option", doc).each(function (index) { res[res.length] = $(this).val(); }); return res; }, //Remove the banners from the current page removeBanners: function (doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. $(".inner_banner", doc).remove(); $("#link_heading_banner", doc).remove(); $(".readpage_top .title", doc).next().remove(); }, //This method returns the place to write the full chapter in the document //The returned element will be totally emptied. whereDoIWriteScans: function (doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. return $(".scanAMR", doc); }, //This method returns places to write the navigation bar in the document //The returned elements won't be emptied. whereDoIWriteNavigation: function (doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. return $(".navAMR", doc); }, //Return true if the current page is a page containing scan. isCurrentPageAChapterPage: function (doc, curUrl) { return ($("#image", doc).size() > 0); }, //This method is called before displaying full chapters in the page doSomethingBeforeWritingScans: function (doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. $("#viewer", doc).empty().append($("
")); $(".go_page.clearfix", doc).empty(); $("").appendTo($(".amrcontainer", doc)); $("
").appendTo($(".amrcontainer", doc)); $("").appendTo($(".amrcontainer", doc)); }, //This method is called to fill the next button's url in the manga site navigation bar //The select containing the mangas list next to the button is passed in argument nextChapterUrl: function (select, doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. if ($(select).children("option:selected").prev().size() != 0) { return $(select).children("option:selected").prev().val(); } return null; }, //This method is called to fill the previous button's url in the manga site navigation bar //The select containing the mangas list next to the button is passed in argument previousChapterUrl: function (select, doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. if ($(select).children("option:selected").next().size() != 0) { return $(select).children("option:selected").next().val(); } return null; }, //Write the image from the the url returned by the getListImages() function. //The function getListImages can return an url which is not the source of the //image. The src of the image is set by this function. //If getListImages function returns the src of the image, just do $( image ).attr( "src", urlImg ); getImageFromPageAndWrite: function (urlImg, image, doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. $.ajax({ url: urlImg, success: function (objResponse) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = objResponse; var src = $("#image", div).attr("src"); $(image).attr("src", src); } }); }, //If it is possible to know if an image is a credit page or something which //must not be displayed as a book, just return true and the image will stand alone //img is the DOM object of the image isImageInOneCol: function (img, doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. return false; }, //This function can return a preexisting select from the page to fill the //chapter select of the navigation bar. It avoids to load the chapters getMangaSelectFromPage: function (doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. return null; }, //This function is called when the manga is full loaded. Just do what you want here... doAfterMangaLoaded: function (doc, curUrl) { //This function runs in the DOM of the current consulted page. $("body > div:empty", doc).remove(); var script = doc.createElement('script'); script.innerText = "Hotkeys.hotkeys.clear();"; doc.body.appendChild(script); $(".spanForImg").css("text-align", "left"); } }; // Call registerMangaObject to be known by includer if (typeof registerMangaObject == 'function') { registerMangaObject("Manga Here", MangaHere); }