# Find++ Find code quickly in [Sublime Text][subl]. This was built to allow quick shuffling between search directories. It is useful for projects using multiple repositories to isolate noise in search results. [subl]: http://www.sublimetext.com/ - `Find: In Current File` - Opens `Find in Files` with `Where` as the current file - `Find: In Current Folder` - Opens `Find in Files` with `Where` as the folder of the current file - `Find: In Open Files` - Opens `Find in Files` with `Where` as `` - `Find: In Project` - Opens `Find in Files` with `Where` as `,` - `Find: In...` - Shows panel to pick directory to open `Find in Files` with as its `Where` - `Find: Show Results Panel` - Reveals the `Find Results` panel ![Find in Files example](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/902488/860977/39331c12-f5c2-11e2-9de7-9769e885d111.png) ## Installation `Find++` is available via [Package Control][pkg-ctrl] and can be found as `Find++`. [pkg-ctrl]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control For manual installation, run the following script in the Sublime Text terminal (``ctrl+` ``) which utilizes `git clone`. ```python import os; path=sublime.packages_path(); (os.makedirs(path) if not os.path.exists(path) else None); window.run_command('exec', {'cmd': ['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/twolfson/FindPlusPlus', 'Find++'], 'working_dir': path}) ``` Packages can be uninstalled via `Package Control: Remove Package`, located in the Command Palette. ## Documentation All commands are accessible via the Command Palette, `Ctrl + Shift + P` on Windows/Linux, `Command + Shift + P` on Mac. ![Find Palette](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/902488/279674/a552365a-9134-11e2-8c89-603fbb89b606.png) The `Find: In...` command opens a quick panel with relevant paths and the ability to filter. ![Find in current file panel](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/902488/860987/ba97f2b4-f5c2-11e2-9b8d-c53060cd0f59.png) When you search, the normal `Find in Files` search will be executed with one modification. The `Delete` and `Backspace` key will delete an entire row rather than a single character. ![Find in files results](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/902488/279676/acdae412-9134-11e2-9c3d-10cdaaa6daff.png) ## Donating Support this project and [others by twolfson][twolfson-projects] via [donations][twolfson-support-me]. [twolfson-projects]: http://twolfson.com/projects [twolfson-support-me]: http://twolfson.com/support-me ## Inspiration As the name of this project suggests, this plugin was started to gain the same `Find` functionality of [Notepad++][npp]. [npp]: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ## License Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson Licensed under the MIT license.