Simple Vue hard #this #application #vue

by Anthony Fu @antfu

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Implement a simpiled version of a Vue-like typing support. By providing a function name `SimpleVue` (similar to `Vue.extend` or `defineComponent`), it should properly infer the `this` type inside computed and methods. In this challenge, we assume that SimpleVue take an Object with `data`, `computed` and `methods` fields as it's only argument, - `data` is a simple function that returns an object that exposes the context `this`, but you won't be accessible to other computed values or methods. - `computed` is an Object of functions that take the context as `this`, doing some calculation and returns the result. The computed results should be exposed to the context as the plain return values instead of functions. - `methods` is an Object of functions that take the context as `this` as well. Methods can access the fields exposed by `data`, `computed` as well as other `methods`. The different between `computed` is that `methods` exposed as functions as-is. The type of `SimpleVue`'s return value can be arbitrary. ```ts const instance = SimpleVue({ data() { return { firstname: 'Type', lastname: 'Challenges', amount: 10, } }, computed: { fullname() { return this.firstname + ' ' + this.lastname } }, methods: { hi() { alert(this.fullname.toLowerCase()) } } }) ```
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