#! /usr/bin/env python from subprocess import Popen,PIPE,STDOUT import collections import os import sys import time import math import os from urllib2 import urlopen SERVER_IP = urlopen('https://api.ipify.org/').read() NODE_LIST = urlopen('https://pastebin.com/raw/haX0XxCA').read() BOOTSTRAP_URL = "https://mega.nz/#!5jYHDYJJ!Az4x8AQB6sqVgrS8R3HvR8k66CvJI8k-kzFP8Ua8zts" WALLET_URL = "https://github.com/SyndicateLtd/SyndicateQt/releases/download/x2.1.0/Syndicate-2.1.0-linux64.zip" MN_DAEMON = "syndicated" MN_CLI = "syndicate-cli" MN_LFOLDER = ".syndicate" DEFAULT_COLOR = "\x1b[0m" PRIVATE_KEYS = [] def print_info(message): BLUE = '\033[94m' print(BLUE + "[*] " + str(message) + DEFAULT_COLOR) time.sleep(1) def print_warning(message): YELLOW = '\033[93m' print(YELLOW + "[*] " + str(message) + DEFAULT_COLOR) time.sleep(1) def print_error(message): RED = '\033[91m' print(RED + "[*] " + str(message) + DEFAULT_COLOR) time.sleep(0.5) def get_terminal_size(): import fcntl, termios, struct h, w, hp, wp = struct.unpack('HHHH', fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0))) return w, h def remove_lines(lines): CURSOR_UP_ONE = '\x1b[1A' ERASE_LINE = '\x1b[2K' for l in lines: sys.stdout.write(CURSOR_UP_ONE + '\r' + ERASE_LINE) sys.stdout.flush() def run_command(command): out = Popen(command, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) lines = [] while True: line = out.stdout.readline() if (line == ""): break # remove previous lines remove_lines(lines) w, h = get_terminal_size() lines.append(line.strip().encode('string_escape')[:w-3] + "\n") if(len(lines) >= 10): del lines[0] # print lines again for l in lines: sys.stdout.write('\r') sys.stdout.write(l) sys.stdout.flush() remove_lines(lines) out.wait() def print_welcome(): os.system('clear') print(" _____ _ _ _ ") print(" / ____| | (_) | | ") print(" | (___ _ _ _ __ __| |_ ___ __ _| |_ ___ ") print(" \___ \| | | | '_ \ / _` | |/ __/ _` | __/ _ \\") print(" ____) | |_| | | | | (_| | | (_| (_| | || __/") print(" |_____/ \__, |_| |_|\__,_|_|\___\__,_|\__\___|") print(" __/ | ") print(" |___/ ") print("") print_info("Syndicate masternode installer v1.3") def update_system(): print_info("Updating the system...") run_command("apt-get update") run_command("apt-get upgrade -y") def chech_root(): print_info("Check root privileges") user = os.getuid() if user != 0: print_error("This program requires root privileges. Run as root user.") sys.exit(-1) def install_wallet(): print_info("Allocating swap...") run_command("fallocate -l 3G /swapfile") run_command("chmod 600 /swapfile") run_command("mkswap /swapfile") run_command("swapon /swapfile") f = open('/etc/fstab','r+b') line = '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0 \n' lines = f.readlines() if (lines[-1] != line): f.write(line) f.close() print_info("Installing wallet build dependencies...") run_command("apt-get --assume-yes install git unzip") is_install = True if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/syndicated'): print_warning('Wallet already installed on the system') is_install = False if is_install: print_info("Downloading wallet...") run_command("wget {} -O /tmp/wallet.zip".format(WALLET_URL )) print_info("Installing wallet...") run_command("cd /tmp && unzip -u wallet.zip") run_command("find /tmp -name {} -exec cp {{}} /usr/local/bin \;".format(MN_DAEMON)) run_command("find /tmp -name {} -exec cp {{}} /usr/local/bin \;".format(MN_CLI)) run_command("chmod +x /usr/local/bin/{} /usr/local/bin/{}".format(MN_DAEMON, MN_CLI)) def autostart_masternode(user): job = "@reboot /usr/local/bin/syndicated\n" p = Popen("crontab -l -u {} 2> /dev/null".format(user), stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) p.wait() lines = p.stdout.readlines() if job not in lines: print_info("Cron job doesn't exist yet, adding it to crontab") lines.append(job) p = Popen('echo "{}" | crontab -u {} -'.format(''.join(lines), user), stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) p.wait() def setup_masternode(): print_info("Setting up first masternode") run_command("useradd --create-home -G sudo mn1") print_info("Open your desktop wallet config file (%appdata%/syndicate/syndicate.conf) and copy your rpc username and password! If it is not there create one! E.g.:\n\trpcuser=[SomeUserName]\n\trpcpassword=[DifficultAndLongPassword]") global rpc_username global rpc_password rpc_username = raw_input("rpcuser: ") rpc_password = raw_input("rpcpassword: ") print_info("Open your wallet console (Help => Debug window => Console) and create a new masternode private key: masternode genkey") masternode_priv_key = raw_input("masternodeprivkey: ") PRIVATE_KEYS.append(masternode_priv_key) config = """rpcuser={} rpcpassword={} rpcallowip= rpcport=25993 port=25992 server=1 listen=1 daemon=1 logtimestamps=1 mnconflock=1 masternode=1 masternodeaddr={}:25992 masternodeprivkey={} {}""".format(rpc_username, rpc_password, SERVER_IP, masternode_priv_key, NODE_LIST) print_info("Saving config file...") run_command('su - mn1 -c "{}" '.format("mkdir -p /home/mn1/.syndicate/ && touch /home/mn1/.syndicate/syndicate.conf")) f = open('/home/mn1/.syndicate/syndicate.conf', 'w') f.write(config) f.close() print_info("Downloading bootstrap...") run_command("apt-get --assume-yes install megatools") filename = "blockchain.rar" run_command('su - mn1 -c "{}" '.format("cd && megadl '{}' --path {} 2>/dev/null".format(BOOTSTRAP_URL, filename))) print_info("Unzipping the file...") run_command("apt-get --assume-yes install unrar") run_command('su - mn1 -c "{}" '.format("cd && unrar x -o+ {} {}".format(filename, MN_LFOLDER))) #run_command('rm /home/mn1/.syndicate/peers.dat') autostart_masternode('mn1') os.system('su - mn1 -c "{}" '.format('syndicated -daemon')) print_warning("Masternode started syncing in the background...") def porologe(): mn_base_data = """ Alias: Masternode{} IP: {} Private key: {} Transaction ID: [5k desposit transaction id. 'masternode outputs'] Transaction index: [5k desposit transaction index. 'masternode outputs'] -------------------------------------------------- """ mn_data = "" for idx, val in enumerate(PRIVATE_KEYS): mn_data += mn_base_data.format(idx+1, SERVER_IP + ":" + str(25992 + idx), val) imp = """Vs lbh sbhaq gur thvqr naq guvf fpevcg hfrshy pbafvqre gb fhccbeg zr.\n\tFLAK: FAbTfY8Rw7QhLpk5i2Ll1UsKxZbMMzmRlz\n\tOGP: 33PeQClZcpjWSlZGprIZGYWLYE8mOFfaJz\n\tRGU: 0k9n794240o456O8qQ5593n7r8q7NR92s4pn4Q9Q2s\n""" print('') print_info( """Masternodes setup finished! \tWait until masternode is fully synced. To check the progress login the \tmasternode account (su mn1) and run \tthe 'syndicate-cli getblockchaininfo' to get actual block number. Go to \thttp://explorer.synx.online/ website to check the latest block number. After the \tsyncronization is done add your masternode to your desktop wallet. Data:""" + mn_data) print_warning(imp.decode('rot13').decode('unicode-escape')) def main(): print_welcome() chech_root() update_system() install_wallet() setup_masternode() porologe() if __name__ == "__main__": main()