include::_settings_reveal.adoc[] = Slideshow Name Author Name :encoding: utf-8 :lang: es :numbered: :imagesdir: ./images :source-highlighter: highlightjs //// GENERATE THE PRESENTATION WITH THIS COMMAND asciidoctor -T asciidoctor-reveal.js/templates/slim/ slide.adoc //// == Slide 1 (Basic) Slide content here _italic_ *bold*[Hyperlink^] image::di.png[title = "Local images are stored in `images` folder"] image::[title = "Octocat"] == Slide 2 (Lists) Unordered lists * item 1 ** item 1.2 * item 2 Ordered lists . item 1 .. item 1.1 . item 2 == Slide 3 (Code) [source] ---- /** * @author John Doe * @version 1.0 */ package com.organization.project; // <1> public class SampleClass { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello"); } } ---- <1> Use a non-default package == Slide 4 (Tables) [cols="1,2,3", options="header"] .Numbers in header set the column width |=== |First |Second |Third |Item 1 |Description 1 |Extended description 1 |Item 2 |Description 2 |Extended description 2 |=== == Slide 5 (Videos) video::2goMtz_vdtM[youtube, width=800, height=500]